His Highness Prince Vincent

By Richard McQueen

Published on Feb 17, 2022


Story: His Highness Prince Vincent

Chapter 5 Three Guys, a Girl, and a Baby

Author: Eric McQueen (mcqueen.richarderic@gmail.com)

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Mature Adult Readers, Sexual Situations, Sex

David and Vincent travel to Norway to visit Angelica. To get her understanding that David might be in the baby's life. They meet Harald!

Three Guys, a Girl, and a Baby

There was a road that went up Denmark's border that stretched up the coast of Sweden. That route would take too long even on a fast horse. Trains would be quicker, but the fastest would be by boat. The Dannebrog II would not be used this time. There were other smaller boats that could cut across the North Sea. Although only on the eastern edge of the North Sea. The body of water just off Copenhagen was called Kattegat. It wasn't strictly a bay as it was a small sea that connected the North Sea with the Baltic Sea.

When you earn enough trust, you do whatever it takes to keep your job. The palace staff had rigorous background checks to be sure they truly trustworthy. Security was tight. If you are earning way more than any domestic or janitorial staff you did whatever it took. Danish Royal Defense were very clever and could be very sneaky. A diamond ring left on a table or on a burrow for a couple days. Was it still there after a chambermaid went in? Was it returned? My favorite was a rumor spoken so it could be "overheard." Honesty was also very important. When that servant was asked, did they admit to hearing it? Saying they didn't when they did were strikes against them. The best answer was "yes," but no comment on the subject of the rumor. The staff that worked in Aunt Benedikte's house had the same thing done to them. Not for me, but for Vincent. The US Marines and US Army would be here to protect me and the Embassy. Denmark's Royal Guard was filling in a gap until the Marines and Army got here. Remember, I accepted the job at the White House and left the next day. They needed to pack and get here! Telegrams and telephone calls would be happening. A lot. Until the technology improved, letters and reports would have to work. Radio needed to improve, too. No radio wave would cross the Atlantic Ocean. A transatlantic cable was lowered in the water from Newfoundland to Ireland. America to Toronto, to Newfoundland, to Ireland to England to Norway, to Sweden and to Denmark. Vikings were wonderful seamen and wonderful explorers and they discovered Newfoundland long before Christopher Columbus was born. Amerigo Vespucci landed in America and said Columbus wasn't in the West Indies, but a whole separate group of islands and continent! However, the naming was done by Henry the VII! Use some imagination, for god's sake! New found land? It was for him, so they named it that? That would like naming a dog, "Dog." Now, if you named a dog "Kitty," that would be creative!

Speaking of dogs, the Danish Royal Family had no dogs. Or cats! Queen Maregete was British! They loved dogs! Then Vincent told me she was allergic to pet dander. Her eyes would get red and she'd get congested until the "beast" was removed. I was raised with many animals, and we had dogs on the ranch. They would warn us if someone was coming. We had cats, too. You find a better mouser! Not that we had any mice, of course.

Oh, yeah! Vincent and I didn't kiss or hold hands in front of the staff. They probably knew, but no one talked about it or asked about it.

It was unfair to show favoritism to a single country. Other embassies might be grand, but the favoritism wasn't to the American Ambassador. I was favored because I was Vincent's best friend. More. You know the "more" part. King Fredrik said I didn't have to use his Aunt Benedikte's house, but he didn't say not to. It was perfect. A tall fence all the way around, a gated entrance and too many rooms going to waste. All of the military coming would need housing. King Fredrik might have ideas. Apartments or rooming houses would be paid for by the United States. One or two could stay at Aunt Benedikte's house a day or two, but live there!? No way. I'd sooner move back into the Christiansborg Palace! I wanted a place for me...and Vincent. Other Ambassadors might get jealous, but I was welcomed by the family. They didn't have the Ring of Trust! I did.

Family dinners were different now. There was laughter and conversations going on and I was being included now...by everyone. Queen Maregete was no longer showing the side of her that was stiff, arrogant, and a superiority that said they were better! She was better for certain. Vincent was just telling his family about this heifer who was being stubborn at the ranch. She was pregnant and carried a prized bull's calf. It had poured rain for two days and was still raining! She had left the herd as her time was nearing time to give birth and she had gotten stuck in thick mud. She was looking for a place to give birth and all four of her legs had sunk deeply. The more she tried to get out, the deeper she went! Her pitiful "moo" was heartbreaking. The mud was like quicksand!

"...there I was," Vincent waving a loaded fork as he spoke grandly. "David was soaked!! I was so soaked I couldn't really see! Water was in my eyes and pouring off the brim of my hat. David had roped her and was pulling. I decided to get behind her and push as he pulled. My legs sank in the mud and I almost lost my right boot!"

It was like a one hundred and eighty turnabout. King Fredrik was laughing, Annabelle was laughing, and Queen Maregete was partly disgusted, but laughing.

"And I am not kidding," Vincent said happily. "There was this loud, wet pop! The suction had broken!" He took a breath. "What happened next was so fast...she suddenly went forward and got out of the mud and I lost my balance and fell on my face in the mud!"

Annabelle was holding her sides as she was laughing so hard! King Fredrik was, too. As I said, Queen Maregete was disgusted, but she was laughing as she shook her head.

"I was covered in mud from head to toe!" Vincent said. "I really couldn't see then!!"

Annabelle smiled at me, "You were trying to make Vincent into a cowboy?"

I grinned and nodded, "He'd make a fine one. He was a cowboy that Summer!"

"No," Vincent chuckled. "I would do it again, but David's done the cowboy stuff half his life. He can lasso anything even when it's moving."

I shrugged, "That's the nature of the job."

Vincent could tell a great story. There was drama, comedy and it was funny!

"Tell them about what happened afterward," I chuckled.

Vincent turned a bit red and said, "She went into labor and she gave birth to a male calf. They named him Vinnie."

I looked at Queen Maregete who had gotten angry when I used the name on Vincent. She didn't seem to mind there was a prize bull named after son.

"Are there girl cowboys?" Annabelle asked.

"Oh, yes," I nodded. "We didn't hire women to tend to the cattle, but on many smaller farms and ranches, daughters help tend the cattle." I laughed, "One farmer thought he was being punished when he only had five daughters. They were about two years apart in age." I shrugged, "He found out he had five of the best cowboys there is! They were cowgirls! Two could lasso better than me!"

Annabelle smiled evilly at her mother, "You've pay to have a mud bath."

"In a spa!" The Queen said simply, "In a tub and the mud was heated and smelled mint and nuts." She smiled, "It is very relaxing." She looked at Vincent, "Was yours, Dear?" She said almost innocently.

Vincent laughed and shook his head, "No, my mud bath had none of those things."

"Your Majesty..." I began with King Fredrik. "There are twenty coming from the United States."

"Really?" King Fredrik asked, but not about the number I said, "You don't have to be so formal. No one's here but us."

My smile was a little weakly, "I need to tell you all...my feelings for this family have grown." I looked at Queen Maregete. "I've come to love and respect all of you. Some just took a little longer." Queen Maregete just smiled her understanding. I continued, "I was a country boy who was thousands of miles from home and family. A gift was given to me that brought across the United States and the Atlantic. Meeting Vincent was not planned, but in a single day we became friends. He introduced me to his cousin Queen Victoria. He left Wentworth for the holidays. Instead of leaving me behind, he brought me here." I smiled at Vincent. "I became comfortable here. I am still an American, but I'm at home here. This is my home away from home. I began to think of you as extended family." I shook my head, "My father wanted me to make connections at school. This is the best one." I grinned at King Fredrik, "So, when I say I can't just call you two by your first names...you aren't friends or pals." I looked at Queen Maregete, "You are Queen," I looked King Fredrik, "You are King, but I see you now as people. The parents of my best friend. Love and respect isn't just because of your royal titles."

Maregete nodded. "As scared as I was that Vincent would reject the crown, I was very glad you were there. You earned that trust. When Vincent gave you the Ring of Trust, you will recall I never said anything about you taking it off or you didn't deserve it. You did."

She was right! She always thought I would lead Vincent down the wrong path, but Vincent extended the trust and he gave me the ring. Not the Queen or the King and neither of them questioned that.

"You ingratiated yourself in the family," King Fredrik said. "The number of people to do that is very limited and you are the only American Cowboy that has." He smiled.

Queen Maregete nodded, "You are very intelligent, honest to a fault and you love so completely. You are family."

Vincent looked at King Fredrik, "We're leaving tomorrow for Oslo. I've made arrangements." He looked at his mother and grinned, "And yes, we'll be back before the Christmas party."

His mother smiled and gave a nod, "Good."

Annabelle smiled a mischievous smile, "Could you teach me to use a lasso?"

I shrugged a nod, "Of course. I'll even show you how to do some rope tricks." My eyebrows waggled up and down quickly at her. She lightly clapped her hands in glee.

The next morning, we took a small boat to go Oslo. It wasn't a dingy and seemed to go pretty fast. We got to the city about one in the afternoon. Norway had mountains. Oslo was in a lower portion of land surrounded on three sides by mountains. Northwest of Oslo were some breathtaking peaks. Some were covered with snow all year round. In December, all of Norway was covered with snow. The northern part of Norway was inside the Artic Circle. In Norway, life went on even in snow. They had learned to adapt. Imports and exports had to come and go. They had metals they exported from many mines, but also chemicals, natural gases and made machinery.

Transportation was, now because of the thick snow, was limited to water, horseback or sleigh. I didn't really get the chance to ride in one when I lived on the ranch. As much as we were snowed in, the ranch still ran. The animals still had to eat every day. We'd walk. We learned to prepare for when we would be trapped by snow and Wyoming was farther south of the Artic Circle than Norway.

There was beauty in snow, too! The ground was covered in white making the city of Oslo into a Winter Wonderland. The ugly part of the snow was when it started to melt. The snow would turn to slush and got dirty. The pristine white would turn brown from dirt (and horse shit) kicked up by the many horses and carriages that passed. The slush would freeze again at night and cycle of snow to slush started again, but that was months away. I considered myself well-traveled, but I never had come to Norway. The closest I got was when we passed a few times coming from England to Denmark. The city cast its magic spell on me, and I saw that Winter Wonderland wherever I looked. The streets were active. Many rode in sleighs. Some of the horses pulling the sleighs made a jingling sound as jingle bells were shaken. Some people were just on horseback, but the rest were on foot. Men, women, and children.

Turning right on a street that spread wide, there was this huge building. Three stories tall and spread out in equal distance left and right. I would find out there was another "wing" in the same style that stretched from the back of the palace. The sandstone-colored brick structure was practically brand new! It was only forty years old. In the normal lifetime of castles and palaces, this was a baby.

"There it is," Vincent said waving at the palace. "That's Det Kongelig Slot." He chuckled. "Slottet for short."

It stately and elegant. It had to be. Have you heard of an ugly palace? Castles and palaces had jobs. A purpose. More than just to have a place where the royal family lives. Castles were fortresses to protect. A palace was to impress. It caused made the subjects, the people, feel proud. It made visitors feel both the desire to have the grandeur to become a part of them, or if they were an enemy to feel intimidated.

There were also Hans Majestet Kongens Garde (His Majesty's The King's Guard). The Royal Guard. Every monarchy had their own royal guard. Every government had guards to protect leaders from the crazies in the world. Queen Victoria's palace guards wore those sharp red coats and tall furry black hats. King Fredrik's wore the tall furry black hats but wore dark coats. Norway's guards wore all black. The hat looked more like a fedora with black bushy feathers out the back. Except now. They were guarding, but the outer coat was a lot furrier and so was the hat. There also were two thick, furry earflaps to keep the ears warm. Frozen ears, fingers, and toes were the worst. If someone flicked your ear, suddenly it hurt! Very, very much. Numb was only a little better.

The sleigh stopped and we went up the steps. I wasn't wearing what I would wear as Ambassador. At the moment, I wasn't. I was Vincent's friend who came with him to visit his wife. The media cover was pretty thorough. Pictures of Prince Vincent and Princess Angelica had been in newspapers. In Norway's newspapers every day starting in May! Everyone in Norway knew Vincent's face. The guards were posted in many places. Unlike some, like in London...these guards moved. There were two on either side of the double doors. The one on the left, our right, bowed his head quickly to us and opened the door. We walked in the entrance.

I looked at the marble floor that stretched before me. Our footfalls echoed. As many languages as I knew, words to describe things are so limited! Big, enormous, cavernous, elegant...it was all of those and still didn't cover how you felt when you saw it. Wide corridors and tall, very tall ceilings! Normally, large, open spaces weren't used because the need to heat, but all the windows allowed sunshine in. Nights now were getting a little longer, but with cloud covering most of the sky. Daylight was, at best, a dull gray. The number of windows just let that in. The ceiling here was...twenty feet high? There were the moldings again on the walls and ceilings. There was art! Paintings, statues, busts of people. It all spoke of elegance refined! Then at the top of a giant letter T, the ceiling went up even farther to fifty or sixty feet, and round! Like a hub on a wheel, the three wide passages stretched right, left and straight back.

"I'll say it again," I said to Vincent. "You guys don't do anything small."

Vincent chuckled as I walked, but I did a slow circle to attempt to see it all.

There were people moving around to do various jobs. Cleaning was just one job, but men discussing things to others could be heard, carrying satchels like mine (if I had it with me). This was the residence of royalty, but it was also the center for Norway's Government. Other courthouses were in Oslo, but here was all of Norway's Government. There were five regions in Norway, each with a Representative. Those regions had counties that had a Representative, but unless a county needed the King's and all Regional Representative's attention, they met in their region. King Olav was very democratic. He would listen, as would the five others, and have a vote! If it was tied, King Olav cast the deciding vote. King Fredrik did things similarly. Really, they were all the same people!! They were! Finland, Sweden, Norway and Denmark were always fight in the past! Why? Food was the bigger cause. Denmark had yield in agriculture the others wanted. Norway sided with Denmark. Sweden sided with Finland and it would shift! Unions were formed and broke apart. They were all part of the Danish Empire before, even Iceland. They were all Vikings! They were independent now.

Anyway, a man in his late thirties saw us and approached. He smiled at Vincent. He only glanced at me. Here we went again.

"Your Highness!" He greeted and bowed to Vincent. "I didn't hear that you were coming."

Vincent shrugged a nod, "It was kind of last minute." He waved at me, "This is David Richards, the new Ambassador from America for Denmark and Norway."

The man wasn't ugly, but he was not Vincent. And again, where was the blond hair and full beard? His black hair glistened from whatever he used to keep it in place. He looked like he just came out of the water! He wore a nice suit and smelled...rich. It was a cologne, and it did smell masculine and musky. His eyes widened as he looked at me.

I held my hand up, "Don't bother. Yes, I was appointed as Ambassador by President Cleveland. I was recommended by King Fredrik of Denmark and by your King Olav. I was also recommended by Queen Victoria of England. I have paperwork to show that, and my degree from Cambridge University. All of them know me personally."

Vincent chuckled and waved to the man, "This is Ditley von Linstow."

Mr. Linstow's shock was on his face, but it was lessening as he shook my hand. "Welcome to Norway, Mr. Ambassador."

"David, please," I requested. "It's the age thing, isn't it?"

"Yes," Ditley nodded. "I was surprised. I am Ditley." He chuckled, "You made quite an impression on King Olav and Queen Martha. You are a cowboy?"

I nodded, "I was born one and will die one. You'll see the boots and hat when I am being the Ambassador."

Ditley grinned and nodded, "That should be very interesting. I can hardly wait."

The fact was, yes, all of the Scandinavian languages came from the same root language. There were words that were similar with each, but after one thousand years they each changed. They fought with each other but didn't talk with each other much. Hence, the languages diversified due to isolation. Trade and relations with Great Britain made them all learn English. They now spoke English with each other. It was less confusing. Iceland! I needed someone from Iceland to learn it better. They were way more isolated. So many consonants together and pronunciations! Now that people were traveling farther and faster, hopefully the languages will evolve a lot slower. New developments and technology were adding words to each language. People were becoming more educated and reading. That should help stabilize things even more.

Vincent thumbed at me pointing, "Is there a guestroom he can use?"

Ditley nodded, "I know there is one. I'll let the palace staff know one is needed. I don't know where it will be."

It was assumed by most that Vincent was going to stay with Angelica. They were becoming parents! Annabelle was right, most adult married couples shared a room. Angelica was already pregnant, so why wouldn't he? Then again, she could throw him out because of snoring. He didn't really, but it would explain his not being in their room. Hell! He could blame her for snoring! No one would believe that. The pretty princess could never do that!

"Is King Olav here?" I asked Ditley. "We'll only be here a couple of days."

"He is," Ditley nodded. "He's in a meeting until about four or five o'clock this afternoon. Then he has a delegation from Spain." He shrugged, "But he'll be at dinner at eight tonight."

"No rush," I said. "This really a visit for Princess Angelica."

"How is she doing?" Vincent asked.

"All the reports have been very positive and promising," Ditley smiled and laughed. "She comes down for meals, but doesn't move much around the palace. She said she was getting huge and was comparing herself to a hyalross."

"A hyalross!?" Vincent blurted.

"Vinnie," I grinned. "She thinks she looks like a walrus. She is carrying an extra load. She's what? Five to six months into this pregnancy? Mom told me she would become emotional about the silliest things and cry when there was nothing to cry about! My Grandmother helped to get my mother's body back in balance. Grandmother said Mom's body was getting ready for a new life and that would throw her body out of balance."

Vincent smirked at me, "You don't know how to make it."

"It's hormones, Vincent!" I said loud. "Treatments for that have been around for a long, long time! The ancient Greeks had one and Pohogwe had them." I shrugged, "They didn't know why, but it worked. No. I don't know how to make it, but modern medicine knows how to treat a hormone imbalance."

Ditley's eyes had followed us like watching the tennis ball at a tennis match.

"Okay!" Vincent replied just as loud, "As long as that's all it is!"

Ditley saw neither of us were mad or angry and now he was laughing, "You two have known each other a while."

Vincent threw his arm around my shoulders and brought me closer and acted like he was going to strangle me, "Oh, yes. We met at Wentworth Academy in London when we were sixteen. We became friends, roommates, and best friends immediately. We've been inseparable ever since."

"Vincent found out I was from Wyoming and part Indian," I chuckled shoving Vincent slightly. "He thought he'd hit the jackpot!"

"Maybe you can cheer Princess Angelica up," Ditley pointed. "You remember where her room is."

"I do," Vincent nodded. "Let's go."

We climbed some stairs and Vincent walked to a door and knocked lightly.

"Come in," a girl's voice said.

Vincent cracked the door open, "Hi, Angelica. I brought David with me. If you don't mind, he wants to talk with you."

She was lounging on a chaise lounge and covered with a blanket and reading. She was moving like she was going to get up.

I held my hand up to her, "You don't have to do that." She was very pretty. She had the blonde hair I was looking for. "Unless you want to." I chuckled, "And you do not look like a hyalross! You're glowing!"

She was a little shocked, but then she shook her head as she smiled, "A strandet hval, perhaps?"

You try to remember animal names in a language you learn. "Absolutely not! You are not a beached whale!" I shot back grinning. "I have heard that some women glow when pregnant. You definitely are."

"Thank you," she smiled and bowed her head slightly.

I might as well just say it, "Are you in love with Vincent?"

Her eyes grew in surprise, "What!? No!! We don't even know each other!"

I nodded, "Can you see yourself falling in love with him?"

"What is this!?" Angelica shouted getting angry.

I reached out, "I don't mean to upset you, but if we don't talk plainly we won't get anywhere. Don't get upset. It will hurt the baby. Please, answer the question."


"Good, I don't want you to," I said. "I don't want either of you hurting. I do love Vincent." I confessed.

She nodded as a smiled grew, "Oh, I see." She relaxed with a sigh. "What Vincent said at the table that first night at dinner in Copenhagen was true. I had a feeling it was more between you two, but Vincent hardly said a word about you two. He was doing what his duty called for in Denmark, just like I did in Norway." She waved her hand at Vincent, "You're a very nice man, Vincent, but I too have someone I love. Harald is a guard I fell in love with at fourteen. He was eighteen. I am still in love with him." She shook her head, "He and I can never be out in the open together."

"David and I are also in love," Vincent said. "We're keeping any relationship secret. We both knew we'd have to."

"This is different than the world I grew up in," I said. "My parents and family don't really see a problem with what we are. My father was worried because of who Vincent is."

Vincent nodded, "He would question me about the dangers if we were caught."

Angelica nodded quickly, "Harald and I know about that, but Harald is just the nicest, sweetest guy!" I swear, I almost saw the little heart-shaped bubbles come from her.

"We'll agree to disagree," Vincent smiled and pointed at me. "I say, he is."

"The reason I wanted to talk to you..." I sighed, "I don't hold you responsible for any of this. No hard feelings toward you and I don't blame the baby and I won't! If the child is there with us, I would like to be in his or her life." I watched her smile and added. "If you will allow me."

She laughed, "I know you are this genius, but do you know how to change a nappy?" The British word for diaper.

"I'll learn!" I said. "The papoose Indian women carry their babies in on their backs, they wrap the baby snugly. I've seen a few." I shrugged and threw my arms out, "I graduated from Cambridge! It's square cloth. Surely, it isn't that hard.

"I had to take lessons!" Angelica narrowed an eye as she pointed, "You two will take lessons, too!"

Vincent nodded, "We don't want the baby to bleed to death when we put the pins in the nappy."

"We can start tomorrow!" Angelica said happily.

What can I say? Angelica was fine with the idea of me being her child's life. Talking to her, I found out she smart. Very smart. She was fine with the idea of Vincent and me being in love and involved with each other. It wasn't the most ideal situation, but it gave her a way out. She and Harald didn't have to breakup. What was clear to me was neither would Vincent and myself. What were we all doing that was so...horrible? Love? Vincent and I fell in love! We weren't alone because of that. We had met quite a few more like us at the Parisian Underground Club. History was filled with us. It wasn't perverse or deviant. There were people that were deviant and perverse, but we were treated like we carried the plague. However, we weren't seen as victims of a disease. This illness was punishable and frequently meant death. It was criminalized.

What was more natural for Angelica and Harald? A couple of Humans that fell in love? Because she was a princess that love was forbidden? I wanted to meet this Harald.

Lastly, what was also true was those who saw the truth were educated. I wasn't talking being book smart, but life smart. My Grandmother's people came up with an explanation. That was smart from observation.

The religions had added a sin to the love Vincent and I shared. Ignorance was the culprit.

When Angelica got up to be excused, she pulled the blanket off and I saw what she carried with her. There was a slight swell under her dress. Our first meeting she was thin. She knew it would only grow as the weeks passed she would no longer be thin. She was descended from Vikings, too, but she was not a big person. She was about five feet and five or six inches tall. When I first saw her, she was slender and had a figure a young woman were supposed to. When you don't see someone that often, changes were more noticeable. Her body was preparing to take care of her baby. Her breasts had swollen, and her hips had gotten wider. She was not fat at all.

What was happening was what I hoped for. The two of us were becoming friends.

Staff came to see if Angelica needed or wanted anything. Queen Martha came to check on her daughter and grandchild. That unspoken rule was obeyed and followed. The queen did not question why I had come.

I had been nervous about talking with Angelica, so I hadn't been that hungry. Now that it been resolved, I was getting hungry.

Dinner was to be held in a private, smaller dining room used by the royal family. Angelica was not an only child. She had four other siblings all of whom were older. She was the youngest. It was sad, but she had two sisters that had not survived being born. One was stillborn and the other died within a week of birth. There were two brothers, Bjarke was about Vincent's and my age and Eirik who was in his early twenties. Eirik was doing what Vincent and I had done and went to a University. Bjarke was married, but not in Scandinavia. He had a problem with carrying the crown just as Vincent had, but he left, never saying a word to anyone as to where he was going. You can't judge him. I couldn't. Vincent had contemplated that for his entire life, but he never did it. That course of action by Bjarke was not the one that spoke of commitment and duty. That was not a quality sought in a leader and king. He still had time to change his mind.

Angelica insisted that as long as she could, she would do as much as she could for herself. On the marble stairs, Vincent was the one that insisted on helping her down. He didn't want her to fall. She took one of his arms and I offered one of mine. Giggling, she took it. She was sandwiched between us.

King Olav was having drink before dinner. He turned as Angelica walked in with Vincent and me on each arm. Those marble stairs weren't near here, but she hadn't let go of either of us and smiling as she walked. King Olav got a delighted smile on his handsome face. He still had that close cut beard on his face and it was black, but there were gray that formed a stripe on either side of his chin. Gray was also in his temples. His was a distinguished man with the tall, erect posture of a king. Whatever he knew or thought he knew about Vincent and I, that protocol the royal families obeyed about asking no questions; he was very pleased to see all three of us getting along well. This was normal!? It was normal in Denmark and Norway.

King Olav walked over and brought his daughter to him and kissing her cheek, "My Angel!"

It was her name, but a pet name he probably used with her all her life! It was said in great affection. Granted, Angelica was the youngest and was still his little girl. King Olav and Queen Martha loved each other more than King Fredrik and Queen Maregete did. Queen Martha had five children with King Olav. Queen Maregete only had two by King Fredrik. That one daughter in Russia wasn't King Fredrik's child.

Angelica smiled, "Oh, Daddy." She dismissed coyly. It was coy! This was how Angelica got her father wrapped around her little finger. My mother had told me that it was the way women ruled the world! They influenced decisions of men all the time! Angelica knew how to do it with her father!

King Olav's smile grew, "I am telling you; you look more and more radiant every day!" He looked at Vincent and smiled, "It's good to see you, Vincent...and unexpected." He looked at me, "But you got him back!" He put his hand out to me, "Welcome to Norway."

Bowing to him, I shook his hand. "Thank you, Your Majesty. Its an honor to be here." The name thing wasn't a problem with this family. I wasn't related in any way to any of them. Except by Vincent. I knew several languages, but I didn't know a word in any of them for a man, in love with a prince who had a father-in-law. I could think of many names people would call me, but they were all profane.

Dinner was a little more formal, but that could be because I was here. I was privileged to be having a meal with them in their private dining room, so I wasn't going to complain. Then again, it could just be how they did it.

Another thing with the Scandinavian countries, their whole way of life was changed to adapt to the cold. Even what they ate was to generate warmth. Some of the dishes were in the other countries, too, but what we had at dinner was all Norway. Fårikål. It is a stew usually made with mutton or lamb. I was later told it could be any meat, but that night; it was lamb. Thick, hearty and very popular in Winter. These Vikings knew what was good and it was delicious! It did make you warm up!

If King Olav wanted the truth about why I had come to Norway, it wasn't addressed. I wasn't here as the American Ambassador, not really, but why waste a trip? I let King Olav direct the direction of the conversation. There would be an office in the palace for me and one for any staff I had. It wouldn't be an Embassy, but a Consulate. The power of the Embassy was limited to Copenhagen. Really, American Consulates could be throughout a single country. The Embassy was for political alliances, cultural ties, and trade.

We talked casually and left the table to sit in the area the used for that purpose. When Angelica said she was retiring for the night, of course, Vincent was going to escort her. I did, too. King Olav's pleased smile was on his face as we said good night. Once Angelica was in her room, she told us good night and kissed us both on the cheek. She liked Vincent. She liked me! We would be friends and that was all. She was in love with Harald! I had to meet this guy. Angelica wasn't a fool. I know, love causes us to make foolish choices. People would say Vincent's and my choices were foolish, if they knew the truth. Even without the two spirited aspect, this was a bizarre situation. Kings and Queens marry but have affairs and no one questions it. It was worse in some countries. Kings frequently had affairs and even mistresses in the palace. They also had children! Queens were to remain faithful! Yeah, right. Scandinavia was better at treating women equally as Human Beings and Norway was the best. Sorry, King Fredrick. I think Denmark's closer proximity to Western Europe was the problem.

I was given a room near Angelica. There was just one bed. It was a big bed in a big room. The ceiling wasn't as high in the bedrooms, maybe twelve feet high. There was the simpler ceiling moldings, but not as opulent. The walls were gold. Not the precious metal but covered in a textured gold wallpaper creating horizonal stripes about five or six inches wide. Dark gold, then lighter gold went all around the room. The floor was hardwood but covered almost from wall to wall except for one foot at each wall. Just like Aunt Benedikte's house had walls where the paintings fit perfectly as though the walls were molded to fit the painting, this rug fit perfectly on all sides! I could probably take a measurement and find it was exactly the same distance from each wall! The rug was art! There were patterns in the rug almost like paisley. I loathe paisley. They looked like giant amoebas to me. You know, those small critters you see in microscopes? These wouldn't move...I hoped. It was very pretty and light colored, but would not be in a house I lived in. I'd have it removed. The bed was covered with a gold cloth cover. Again, the horizonal gold stripes ran from the head of the bed to the foot of the bed, but the colors were darker. The dark gold of the walls to a much darker gold that was almost brown, but it was gold. The head of the bed had thick draperies that were gold in color. There was a theme and that was... gold! There was a burrow, side tables and chairs made of dark, polished wood, but the handles, candlesticks, lamps were gold in color. Probably they were polished brass, but I wasn't going to touch and find out.

"Wow," Was all I could say.

Vincent chuckled, "Yes. Wow. King Olav wants his guests to feel welcome. Whether you are a king or an American Cowboy from Wyoming." He looked at me, "Did it work? What are you feeling?"

"Scared!" I said quickly. "I'm scared to touch anything, walk on anything and to sleep in that bed!?"

Vincent shrugged a nod, "People before you have."

Opposite the entrance from the corridor was the wall with a slight recessed place with a small table and two chairs. Thick golden draperies were behind the sitting area. I stepped carefully on the rug and crossed the room to those draperies. They covered from ceiling to floor and were shut. I had to look for where the draperies divided in the folds. These draperies were very thick and were very heavy. I found the divide and pushed. Behind those drapes were some long glass doors that went from floor to the top. You could see Oslo. If it was daytime, you saw it better. There was the Winter Wonderland. It made sense! Damn those clever Vikings! When it was Spring and Summer and more sun shined, these doors could be opened and that bright radiance could be let in. If it was too warm in the room, you opened the doors to let cool air in. Now that it was Winter, the heavy drapes kept the cold out! Glass could transfer cold even if they weren't open. It was colder here by the glass, but the heavy drapes kept any draft at bay!

They probably did what they did in Copenhagen. They changed things like drapes and bedspreads from Summer to Winter. Lighter drapes and curtains were used.

I stepped back and pulled the drapes shut and fixed it like I found it. Living Norway, even for a few days at a time, would be interesting. Switches on the walls! For the electricity! In the house I used they added the switches and wires, but still made it...pretty. No wires could be seen here as they were in the walls. A switch had two buttons. One opened the electric current and the other closed it. On and off. Simple.

Vincent and I were used to being on constant vigil of what we did and what the world saw. We much more fortunate than others in similar situations. Vincent was a king in the future and nobody wanted to accuse him of something unless they had solid proof. Not all of the accused were guilty of anything! Accusing people was sometimes a frameup. Immorality charges were sometimes used to get someone in trouble and that was the only reason. It was the contemporary form of crying "witch." I hate to say it, but I can't recall any woman accused as men were. Oh, they were accused of affairs they never had, but often it was so the husband had justification of being granted a divorce. Especially if the man married a wealthy woman! She is disgraced and loses everything! It was the men that were executed. If they lived to be arrested and tried, that is. When governments stopped putting people to death so quickly, it sort of let up. Kind of. Some governments still do and just because you weren't killed didn't make things easier for you. In many ways, it seemed better to be hung or getting your head chopped off than to go through the torture in prisons where you were beaten, starved and often sexually abused; not just by guards, but other prisoners. I had privilege because I was a favorite of a royal family member and his family. Now I had privilege as representative of the United States Government.

Vincent and I were just what we were with others watching. The best of friends that had known each other as school chums and were still best friends! We were! If anyone were to question that closeness, there were plenty of very creditable character witnesses who could tell any court what they knew and heard for themselves. Vincent and I often had loud discussions! Never in anger or malice, but for our own amusement. It was fun! Many that didn't know us were brought to laughter like Ditley von Linstow had been. Who doesn't like being happy? On the ranch Maggie's "Aunt" Charlotte was a prime example. Something happened to her, but Aunt Charlotte would never divulge the truth. She was a bitter woman that withdrew from the pleasure and positive things of the world. She never smiled and was so selfish. The "holier than thou" stance was so sure of her place in God's eye. At least she thought so.

Each part of the world was different! I am not just talking about Geography, though Geography was in part responsible. Isolation and distance was the first thing, but religions and philosophies were the main cause for the differences. Education or lack of education was another cause. Ignorance has nothing to do with intelligence. Ignorance is because you simply don't know. Intelligence was when you applied newly gained knowledge to help you see things better and maybe...just maybe, you change your mind. It wasn't just book smarts. God knows I've a bunch of books. I remembered a lot of what I read. I've read about people who did remember everything they read even once. That wasn't me. They can tell you verbatim what they read, what book it was in and what page number it was on. I also read where most of them were socially awkward and had trouble relating to people. They couldn't apply what they've read easily. America was repressed. The cities were not as bad, but with people spreading out it was becoming more repressed. England was, too. That was clear to me at Wentworth the first few days. Their views on decency and modesty were extremely repressed. Not just about sex, but about the Human body. These were the educated ones!? Their views on the many races. They just knew they were superior. It was sad!

Scandinavia. Those countries struggled for power all the time! Now, instead fighting with guns, swords or even rocks, they fought verbally. They were civilized. So were most of the other countries, in the cities where there was education was available.

Where was I? Oh, yes. I was saying Vincent and I concentrated less on what people thought when they saw us together. They would see us punch each other in the shoulder on our arms. Not to hurt each other, that's what buddies did!! There were times when Vincent looked as if he would strangle me and put his hands on my throat, but I was never worried. I knew he wouldn't. He loved me! We had disagreements, but that was done quietly and discussed. We never fought. Ever! I was often obnoxious and annoying to him. Why? Because it was funny when he reacted. We never hurt each other because of our love. In this part of the world, the people didn't pry. Especially not in the palace.

Once it was confirmed that Angelica was pregnant medically. Often the couple stopped having sex. Why? It might hurt the baby? Indians never followed that rule. That's how they were having the baby! What we saw Angelica doing was never done. Angelica had done what she was supposed to and was having a baby. Staying off her feet, putting her feet up and resting? That was not done. If she needed to rest she rested. If her feet was swelling, put the feet up! If she felt like she could do a task, she did it. She wasn't sick. She was having a baby. She knew her limits and there were others to help her. Resting didn't hurt Angelica and she was a princess. In a way, it was her job. She was working so she wasn't taking any chances. The whole point was Vincent's bags were in our room. Did the staff know what trunk was whose? No. A trunk was a trunk. No one asked us. Wherever Vincent wanted to sleep was up to Vincent and so was the why.

Vincent smiled and came to me, "I'll lock the door."

I put on an astonished look, "No one would just barge into the room of an American Ambassador!"

Vincent grinned, "Are you willing to take that risk?"

"No," I smiled back and looked around the room. "Hopefully, this isn't the room where they put guests to spy on them."

Vincent stopped quickly as he was about to lock the door, "What!?" He frowned and this time his head shook, "Nooo." He gave an almost whining denial, but it didn't really reach his face as he thought. He then shook his head more as he reached a conclusion. "No. King Olav would never allow that with his friends! He wouldn't." It still sounded like he was convincing himself. "There are no peepholes."

I walked over next to him, "I have a solution." I reached over and locked the door. A few more inches and turned the electricity off. We plunged into darkness. It took a few seconds, but our eyes adjusted to the light in the bathroom. The door had been open slightly and made dark shadows around the room. I was not but a few inches from Vincent and I just make out his lighter outline against the shadows. I whispered, "Unless they have devised a way to see in the dark, I think we're safe."

I felt Vincent's arms come around me as he chuckled, "We know where everything is." He whispered back and kissed me.

Vincent and I have made love in pitch black darkness many times. It was more fun with the lights on, but we did know where everything was. Fingers work as good as eyes. The bed was very comfortable. The comforter and blanket were thick and heavy. We warmed it up before we went to sleep.

The drawback to thick draperies were they also blocked daylight. I woke and it was still dark in the room. The curtains covered the entire window, not a single bit of light was seen even shining on the edges. That would be great if you work late or work nights and needed to sleep. Getting up, I felt the side of the bed and made my way to where I knew the bathroom was. We had dark in Wyoming. I mean no light from any candle, stars or moon during the Winter because of the snow. I felt a sudden pain in my right little toe. I covered my mouth as the need to yelp tried to escape.

"They have lights, you know?" Vincent's voice came out of the dark. I heard the rustle and heard the click and the light on the bedside table nearly blinded me.

"I just stubbed my toe on the bedside table," I muttered sitting beside him on the bed as I nursed my foot. "I was trying to be considerate!"

Vincent shielded his eyes and chuckled, "Well, thank you for that, but don't hurt yourself doing that."

I looked at him smirking, "It's a little late to tell me that."

Vincent shrugged and pulled the covers up, "What time is it?"

This time I shoved his head back a little, "That's why I was up! I have no idea!"

He grinned, "So, find out."

I grunted my reply, "After I go to the bathroom."

Vincent's eyes widened, "Thanks a lot." He muttered. "Now, I have to go." He was starting to get up.

"Yeah?" I smiled, "Well suffer." I went in the bathroom, turned on the light, shut and locked the door.

"That is just mean!" Vincent said through the door.

"It is!" I said back, "It is supposed to be."

I took a little more time, but I wasn't going to torture him long. Unlocking the door he came in quickly as he went to the water closet. Water closet is just a fancier term for where you pissed and crapped.

Dad's watch said it was 8:12 in the morning, by the way.

We showered, shaved and was out the door by nine in the morning. We knocked gently on Angelica's door so we wouldn't wake her if she was asleep. There was a sound I couldn't really make out, but I heard the door unlock and Angelica opened the door.

She looked suddenly relieved and sighed, "Oh," she smiled. "I was afraid it was my mother."

Vincent looked concerned, "No. Are you alright?"

She nodded and opened the door wider, "I'm fine. David, I want you to meet Harald Dahl." She waved behind and off to the side.

I smiled at what I saw. Jabbing Vincent lightly I waved at a man that was tall, but thin. He was putting his uniform jacket over his shirt like he was getting ready to make a quick exit if necessary. "See!?" I said to Vincent. "That is a man descended from Vikings!" Harald was in the military in Oslo and was clean shaven with closely cut hair and it was blond!

"Hello, Harald Dahl," Vincent grinned. "My American friend thinks we all are Vikings."

Angelica laughed, but Harald looked confused. His shaved face made him look very young. I knew he was in his early twenties.

"There aren't any Vikings anymore," Harald said.

"Uh huh," I smiled walking up to him. "I'm David Richards." I put my hand out to him and we shook hands. "You might know him." I jutted my head at Vincent.

Harald was a good-looking man (all happy men are!) who was an inch or two taller than Vincent. He nodded, "Yes, I was at the wedding." He bowed to Vincent. "Your Highness."

"No," I said. "You don't row around in those little boats anymore or wear those helmets with the horns, but you are a Viking!"

Vincent rolled his eyes, "I told you! Vikings didn't wear those. That was..."

"...before Vikings," I said with Vincent as I nodded. "Yes," I said. "You said that. Everybody asks me if I'm a cowboy."

Vincent's arms came out in exasperation, "You are a cowboy!"

"And you are Vikings!"

Angelica was laughing and Harald's uncertain look faded and was replaced with crooked smile.

Angelica brought Harald closer to her, "David is the new American Ambassador to Denmark and Norway! He and Vincent are like we are," she pointed at us, "together." Harald's eyes widened.

So far, the people who knew Vincent and I were romantically connected had only the slightest problem with it. We had enough knowledge about what they were doing to prevent them from talking to anyone. The problem was that with more people knowing, the greater the chance is that others would find out. The wrong sort of people who might try to blackmail Vincent or me. We didn't know Harald, but if Angelica was to have anything to do with him in the future he needed to know.

"Is that a problem?" Vincent asked.

Harald's mind was occupying his thoughts and the question got lost a minute. He shook his head and then smiled, "Huh? Oh, no. No problem." He pointed to Angelica. "She knew there was someone, but not really who."

Vincent nodded, "I was honest when I told her there was before the wedding, but no...I didn't say who." He shrugged, "Neither did she."

"She needed to know who I was as I plan to be there when the child comes," I clarified. "I want to be included in the baby's life."

Vincent nodded, "You could be, too."

Harald was looking unprepared for what we said, "But you're the father."

"True," Vincent nodded. "And Angelica is the mother, but if you are with her; you'll be with the baby, too."

"I will be with Vincent," I said. "If the baby is with Vincent, the child will be with me, too. Can there be enough people to take care of a child? I don't think so."

Vincent laughed, "Be it a boy or a girl...my poor mother! My sister Annabelle was a tornado when she was little. As soon as she began to crawl, she ran mother ragged!"

I nodded, "I'm sure she did and still does, I bet."

"Yep," Vincent said to me. "The sweet, demur princess has the horns you say we all should have because we're Vikings. Her horns are from the Devil!"

Angelica smiled, "Oh, yes. We are both princesses, so were sent to the same school. She was a couple years behind me, but she would drive the teachers and house mothers crazy!"

I know my eyes widened, "Doing what? She wasn't mean, was she?"

Angelica shook her head, "No, nothing like that. She was always happy and loved to pull tricks and pranks on the teachers." She laughed. "No one could say who it was, but she would put frogs or a harmless snake in the desk drawer to scare them. All of the other girls liked her and when a girl was having trouble fitting in and making friends, she would step in and be that friend for the girl."

Vincent chuckled, "That's Annabelle! As soon as she learned to walk, she quickly moved to running! And," he clapped his hands together and quickly moved his right hand over his left, "off she went!"

I grinned as I nodded and looked at Vincent, "I guess you were just the calmest, well-behaved baby any mother could hope for."

Vincent took on a sheepish look and pulled on his ear as he became uncomfortable but smiled. He even began to turn a little pink as he blushed, "I can't remember."

"I bet she and your Dad remember. I'll ask them when we get back to Copenhagen," I said and then turned back to Harald and Angelica. "In other words, this baby will need a lot of caretakers. I plan to be one and I think you should, too."

"Sure!" Vincent happily said. "We'll be one big happy family!"

"A bit bizarre," Angelica laughed as Harald put his arm around her as the smile grew on Harald's face.

"Bizarre!?" I asked, "What about it is bizarre? Why? Three guys, a girl and a baby make a perfect family!!"

Next: Chapter 6

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