Holiday Fireworks

By sonya kininski

Published on Jun 17, 2004


This is a story about lesbian sexual interactions. Do not read if you are a minor or if you object to this kind of stuff. Please email if you have any comments: I love to hear from readers. Ff, authoritarian, first time.

I've thought a lot about sharing what until now has been my most memorable sensual experience -- and I finally decided to do so. It was a milestone, a novelty, a transformation all in one, and I hope my retelling conveys these qualities to you, dear interested readers.

What I'm about to describe isn't to my mind pornographic, but exquisitely erotic. And what I participated in, what was done to me, what I succumbed to -- even though these activities might be described as perverse in the extreme, or terribly sick and depraved -- gave me something unimaginable, unpredictable and stirring. In fact, I can say that my sensual life began with that long holiday weekend not quite a year ago. And as I look at myself since then I see a richer, more passionate, more vibrant person in every dimension. Not only were my senses kindled but my intellect too. I was catalyzed into a new way of experiencing myself and the world.

I suppose I should introduce myself first. My name is Sonya (OK, this isn't my real name, but you'll understand my need for discretion on the web). I'm 29 years old, single, living alone now and not in any particular need of a partner, mainly because my work consumes most of my energies: I'm a graphic designer by day and painter by night. And I'm ambitious.

Although I love the female body I'd never experimented sexually with a girl until my fateful holiday. My relationships with guys were... OK at most. I tolerated their crudity and selfishness, but dimly knew that something was amiss. Kids were never in the equation for me: my work is too important and I know that my temperamental impatience would make me a less than ideal mother. Consequently I've never been captivated by the allure of raising a family.

Physically I'm 5'4", 125 lbs, a light-skinned lightly freckled redhead. I keep myself in shape with ballet and jogging. My body is quite firm and strong and taut. I'm not the prettiest girl in the world, but I'm told that my face is intriguing and intelligent, and though my breasts are very very small -- no bigger than a mouthful -- I feel quite sexy. I've never had problems attracting men, and I had never considered attracting or being attracted to women until last year.

I dress in an artsy chic kind of way generally. I do love to dance and my weekly ballet classes have been a lifeline for the past 3 years. Most of the women in my class are in their twenties, married, not too serious about dancing, with one notable exception, an older gal named Alex (short for Alexandra). Alex was 33, tall, blonde and voluptuous, an incredibly good dancer, very alluring in a classic Nordic way.

I'd made a few close friends through class and one of them, Jennifer, asked me about Alex several months before the episode I'm about to relate. I told her what I felt: that Alex was a great dancer, but in the personality department so serious as to seem hostile. Jennifer giggled and added, "But she sure does have an eye for you!"

I was taken aback and inquired further, but Jennifer demurred and merely advised me to open my eyes a little.

At our next class I did just that. As we stretched and preened and pirouetted at the bar I stole a few glances towards Alex and found our eyes meeting. Strangely enough I became agitated and blushed and an unbidden warmth coursed through my entire body. Jennifer winked at me as she exited and I gave her a look of mild consternation.

Weeks passed and it seemed as if I could feel the weight of Alex's gaze upon me for the entire duration of the class. I began to feel both disappointed and anxious to discover myself entertaining lesbian fantasies about her. I began to arrive very early to class and to linger long after it was over in the hopes of speaking with her. She was generally pleasant but cool, and coolly beautiful. Her body was strong and flexible and I began to ache to graze against it, even if only for a minute... She made my knees weak. Or was I imagining it all?

Jennifer teased me mercilessly and urged me to be bold, saying that if she weren't married she might be in for a discreet experiment herself. It was funny: although Jennifer herself was quite lovely, I had no sexual interest in her at all: it was all concentrated upon Alex. I fantasized about asking Alex to my studio, about having her pose for me (nude, of course!), of having her strip under my gaze, and afterwards of thanking her... by doing things I never thought I'd be capable of. In all honesty I was becoming mildly obsessed, delightfully obsessed, but certain that I would and could keep everything in my head. Until the holiday.

It was a Wednesday evening before a July 4 Friday. Most everyone I knew would be taking Thursday off and stretching the holiday into 4 days. Only 4 girls showed up to class; Alex was one. We finished early, the other 2 girls hurried out to prepare for their travels to the seashore or mountains, and Alex and I were in the dressing room together, for the first time alone with each other, and both wishing we could have danced some more. My heart beat rapidly as Alex smiled and seemingly on a whim invited me to a drink with her.

We made our way to a cozy nearby bar, fairly empty, and ordered wine. Alex was very very beautiful in the low light. Her face was refined: her nose was small and finely shaped, and her lips sensuously full. Her body was ravishing. At 5'8" she was taller than I, and she gave me reason for breast envy as I gazed at her firm full bust. But there was something more, something indefinable that made me both wet and nervous.

She looked me in the eyes and smiled. I smiled back. Awkwardly.

"You're very attractive," she said.

"Oh," I stammered, reddening, "why thank you... And you too!" I blurted out.

"Me too what?" she calmly asked. "Uh, you... you're really really beautiful, Alex," I whispered. What a fool I was! I had shown my entire hand unwittingly and in a mere moment.

"Thanks," Alex replied. "Is that why you can't take your eyes off me in class?"

Had I truly been that obvious?

"I like the way you dance," I nimbly responded.

"There's more to it than that, isn't there? Let's see, single girl, oozing sensuality, creative type, but no dates, no men, who's drinking me in at every chance... Hmmmm." She moved her face close to mine across the table.

I involuntarily leaned towards her and muttered "yes" huskily before she drew back abruptly and asked me about my holiday plans.

I sat up quickly and matter-of -factly replied that I was going to stay in town and do some painting.

"I'm going to be here too," she replied. "Perhaps you'd like to have dinner tomorrow with me?"

My throat was dry and it took a few seconds before I could assent. Alex slid her elegant left hand over to my right and grazed the back of my hand with her finger.

"Sonya, my dear, listen to me. I am lusting for your precious little body right now and I know it wouldn't take much to lure you back to my apartment and give you a taste of something different. But pure lust isn't enough for me. I want more, and I want more than your "I'll pretend I'm a lesbian for a night" routine. Do you follow?"

"No," I said honestly. "I'm not sure what you want, and I'm sure as hell not sure what I want beyond... beyond kissing you."

Alex looked at me inquiringly and said nothing for what seemed like an eternity. I waited, feeling like an utter fool, and then she leaned forward again, her hand touching mine and sending electric shocks through me.

"I have some instructions for you." I quivered when I heard this.


"Yes. Is something wrong?"

I shook my head. "No, I'm just curious, that's all."

"Good." She continued, "You should be, and I hope you get curiouser and curiouser...

I want you to arrive at my place at 930, not a minute later. I want you to dress elegantly -- tasteful heels, sexy dress, silk thong, but no bra, OK?"

I nodded, mesmerized.

She rose and bent over me and pecked me on the cheek, handing me a slip of paper with her address.

"Make sure you're shaved," she continued meaningfully, "and don't bother bringing anything else except what you wear. Thanks for the drink"

Then she was off.

My night was deliciously wretched. I barely slept as I contemplated this beckoning opportunity. The memory of Alex's hand against mine, of her lips brushing fleetingly against my cheek -- this made me so hot and wet I thought I'd burst! Yet I deliberately refrained from masturbation, wanting to savor this new-found mingling of frustrated excitement and trepidation.

I spent the next day preparing myself, slowly, in anticipation of the fulfillment of long-dormant but hazy wishes. What did I really want? What could I expect?

I bathed and scented myself, and shaved... armpits, legs, and my sweet pussy as well, which I had never done before. Then I gazed at my naked form in the mirror: I thought I looked fetching, and stepped up to it to kiss myself in a fit of silliness. I wanted so much to be touched by Alex, so much to explore her.

I chose a pair of expensive black heels, my only good pair, actually, a black lightweight linen dress that accentuated my curves, and a nearly sheer black thong. No stockings on this summer night. For effect I tied a red silken scarf about my neck. Then I spent the next two hours making myself up, using delicate liner to highlight my inquistive eyes, and a subtle shade of faint red lipstick. Finally it was dark, and time to go.

I arrived, charged with anticipation, at 9:24 and was greeted by a stunning Alex. I gasped involuntarily at her voluptuous femininity. She smiled radiantly and beckoned me into her spacious apartment overlooking the city. A table was set for 2, candles lit, soft Brazilian guitar music in the background. She was dressed -- if "dressed" is the word -- in a nearly transparent pastel green miniskirt, cut low to reveal her beautifully moulded breasts, and ending just inches below her womanhood. She had matching classy 3 inch heels. Her blonde hair hung lustrously to her shoulders, and her blue eyes were emboldened by green shadow. She was ravishing. I knew how strong her lithe body was from class, yet seeing her in such an enticing ensemble that revealed both her strength and feminine grace, made me tremble. I wanted to sink to my knees in obeisance, to give myself up wholly to this ... this goddess!

Was I going crazy? I checked myself, took a few deep breaths, and managed to behave with courteous normality. Alex's eyes smouldered as she drew me into her gaze.

She ushered me to her sofa, which gave us a vision of the city's glimmering traffic below, and offered a glass of white wine.

"So tell me about yourself," she purred.

And I did. I told her about my job, my interest in dance, my artistic aspirations, my castaway boyfriends, and my indefinable desire for something I lacked, something I thought was within my reach, something daring, forbidden, new and powerful. Alex smiled. And she told me about herself, her early mistaken marriage, the acrimonious parting of ways, her brief stint with a ballet troupe and an association with a dance instructor that changed her life, causing pain and wonder, she quizzically said. I was delighted to hear that her current job was as an assistant curator of the 19th century department of the city's main art museum.

I wanted to hear more about her dance teacher, so I asked, but Alex brushed me off. "Maybe some other time, Sonya." Then she cupped her right hand behind my neck and drew me into a long wet lascivious kiss. I responded like a lioness and we kissed and kissed and pressed our barely dressed bodies against each other for so long I lost track of time. I wanted more of her and I grew insistent and bolder with my touches until suddenly Alex jerked my head back by my hair and placed her lips on my throat.

I cried out with animal pleasure: no man had ever kissed me like that before!

"Ssshhh," she cooed, as she continued to ply her lips on my neck and around my breasts. I arched my back and she pressed her mouth against my taut stomach, all the while holding me firmly by the hair.

"Oh, yes," I cried involuntarily.

Her voice was soft but stern. "I thought I told you to be quiet."

I apologized, breathlessly. Alex rose and towered above me. I could smell her womanliness.

"Please rise," she commanded me softly. I obeyed, unable and unwilling to conceal my lust for her.

"Take off your dress for me," she directed. I paused, drunk with excitement.

"Take it off now, Sonya, like a good little bitch." She spoke quietly, but the force of the word `bitch' shocked me.

I lifted my skimpy dress over my head and let it drop to the floor. I stood before Alex, naked except for thong, heels and scarf. The nipples of my tiny breasts were large and swollen, aching to be touched, licked, stretched. My pussy lips were lubriciously and copiously moist.

Alex knelt before me and ran her hands along my flanks and thighs, lightly, and then placed the tip of her tongue in my navel. My wetness was apparent and my breathing grew so much heavier as my lust rose. I spread my legs when her hands reached my buttocks and as she squeezed them my knees buckled momentarily.

"Ooohhh," I cried out. Alex's smile disappeared as she rose to her feet. I was panting. She grasped my nipples between the fingers of both hands and pinched and again I nearly lost my balance and again I cried out. Then Alex stepped back away from me.

"Are you a disobedient little cunt?" she asked.

"No," I replied.

"No, what?" she said.

"No, Alex."

"Now, is that any way to address your Mistress?" she asked. I was confused, terribly confused, but aflame nonetheless.

"On your knees," she commanded, and I knelt.

"Arms behind your back." I complied. Alex unfastened the knot of my red scarf and bound my wrists together.

I was fascinated by her beauty and troubled by her imperious actions and excited despite my better reasoning. She caressed my cheek and as I went to kiss the palm of her hand I was shocked by a yank of my hair and a stinging slap across my mouth.

"Did I give you permission?"

"No, Al... I mean, Mistress." She circled me as if eyeing her prey. She removed from a drawer a set of long silken scarves and dangled and brushed them over my aching breasts.

"My playthings," she explained. "I love your desire for me, Sonya, I love your wish to please me.... You do want to please me, don't you?"

I nodded. "Yes, Mistress."

"I'm very happy to hear that." She bound my eyes with a scarf and ordered me to keep my back arched as I knelt. The smell from her pussy was an overpowering aphrodisiac and I grew dizzy with fear and desire as I felt again her elegant hand on my burning cheek. This time I kept my lips from roaming and concentrated instead on the course her hand traced slowly over my face, my shoulders, my spine and buttocks, my calves, and then up along my thighs and stomach and around my breasts. I could hardly contain the urge to cry out and demand to be taken, roughly, tenderly, in any way, but quickly.

"I'm taking my panties off, Sonya," whispered Alex. I swallowed.

"Are you hungry, my dear?" she asked. I nodded.

"And what do you hunger for, bitch?"

"For my Mistress," I replied.

"Now I'm on the sofa, and I've pulled up my dress and I'm now spreading my legs...for you, Sonya, for you to use your virgin lesbian lips on your Mistress's pussy."

I followed her scent, nearly delirious, and parted my lips and Alex's strong hand guided my head into her magnificently sweet cunt, into my first taste of a woman's pussy -- and what a woman! I wanted nothing more at the moment than to please her, to maximize her pleasure, to demonstrate how wonderful I could be for her, to be appreciated far above anyone else in her life. I was simply crazy with lust and love and fire and sweetness, and I worked my tongue into Alex like an expert, teasing and thrusting, even though sightless, in ways I had wanted for myself. My face was bathed in her juices. Alex held my head by the hair, tugging just enough to increase my desire by making my scalp tingle but not to direct my movements.

I found her nether hole and slathered it and thrust my tongue into it while my nose nestled into her cunt and Alex began to moan.

"Yes, you little bitch, yes, lick me, lick my sweet ass!"

I drank her in greedily, my own desire mounting with the increasing volume of her moans, and as I felt the small shudders of her thighs become rhythmic, I quickly moved my mouth to her clitoris: I sucked on it and flicked my tongue over it and Alex's thighs and moans and thrusting cunt enveloped me. She pressed my face against her pussy as she wildly came.

Finally, after she had settled, she removed my blindfold and licked my face and gave me a long deep kiss. I was livid with lust, yearning for Alex's hands and mouth, my just desserts!

But all I received in return was the cryptic phrase, "We've only just begun" as she pulled me to my feet by my hair.

End of Part I

(hopefully to be continued; feedback much appreciated)

Next: Chapter 2

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