Holiday Fireworks

By sonya kininski

Published on Jun 24, 2004


Holiday Fireworks: Part 5 (conclusion)


Sonya (

Disclaimer: If you are under 18 and/or offended by descriptions of lesbian sex, domination and submission, then please don't read. The action gets pretty intense. Otherwise feel free to comment via email: I enjoy hearing from readers, especially since this is my first time writing erotica. Thanks to Jen for encouraging me to get it all out there. And to Alex, wherever you are.

Part 5

My head was swimming. I had been completely taken, captivated, degraded, filled, toyed with not only by my Mistress but by a girl who wasn't even old enough to drink legally! I sorely wished Mia could have stayed the night. Her enticing parting words rang in my ears and I conjured the image of her on her knees and pleasuring my pussy as I had pleasured her just now. I walked the few steps to Alex's bedroom with trepidation because I thought she would be angry with me for falling over Mia; but I kind of relished the idea of getting her back, remembering how furious I became when I was bound and gagged watching her fuck and be fucked by that little gorgeous bitch. So we were even. I wasn't such a total pushover after all. Maybe there was a bit of a domme lurking inside me too.

But I was also simply exhausted. Three nights in a row of new experiences, unbearable tension and orgasmic release, three days of little appetite... It all caught up to me. I barely made it to the bathroom, and then crawled into bed. Alex was already asleep, or so I thought: she turned to me and commented, "So I guess you answered my question about Mia earlier tonight." I couldn't tell if she were smiling or not. I softly exhaled and kissed her shoulder and fell dead asleep.

It was past 11 when I awoke. For the first time in days I was aware of hunger. Alex was moving about in the other room and as I stretched and slowly made my way into consciousness I reflected with incredulity on my explosive simultaneous introduction to lesbianism and submission. Alex's feminine beauty rendered me helpless. I worshipped it and her, and strangely enough, now even myself. I've long believed that the feminine form is peerless in Nature, is Nature's most remarkable and beautiful handiwork, but I had inexplicably held myself back from true and total dedication to it. The unexpected invitation to give myself over to this knowledge in the person of Alex was heaven-sent.

I had found liberation in my captivity to her and redemption in prostrating myself at the altar of her beauty and elegance and art. Art -- she was a curator, I a designer and painter -- an immensely strong connection between us. Alex artfully introduced me to a realm that had been beyond my grasp. Somehow I'm sure she sensed the ennui, the unknowing dissatisfaction in me, and she unlocked a reservoir of new energy.

Yet today was Sunday, the end of the holiday, and I was pensive on two counts. First, I didn't want to leave, and second, I wondered about Alex's reaction to my farewell ravishing of Mia. How easy it was for me to pursue that tender young cunt, to switch Mistresses... I was confused until I figured out that it was simply a question of my helplessness when faced with commanding feminine beauty.

Alex burst into the bedroom. "No time for a shower, honey, we'll be late for brunch," she said cheerily. I was raunchy from the way I had been used, my face coated with pussy-cum. I thought of my degraded cleaning of the cocks that had fucked my ass and cunt, and how I would willingly go to my knees now to lick Alex's ass if she asked.

"I'll get your clothes while you take care of yourself in the loo," she continued, "but hurry up." I peed quickly and washed my face and hands and when I entered the living room Alex had my outfit ready and waiting: a very short white linen halter top, denim mini-skirt, white cotton panties, white anklets and her heeled maryjanes. She herself was dressed in a black silk blouse, cutoffs and running shoes. God, she looked wonderful!

I hurried into my clothes, blushing when I thought of being seen like this outside. But Alex's soothing hand on my cheek quieted my misgivings, and I then felt a surge of excitement at being on display as Alex's possession. She asked me to sit so she could make me up and when she was finished I looked like a wanton schoolgirl slut, a pure tart: very alluring, in fact, the kind that would attract me now! My eyes were heavily lined and shadowed and my lips colored a seductive reddish-orange. I was also conscious of my dear indispensable collar.

"I've gotta get a pic of this," said Alex, reaching for her digital camera. I grew instantly afraid and started to question and Alex gingerly set the camera down and examining me with sternness, commanded "Please get on your fucking knees, you cunt," hissing her words very softly.

I dropped immediately. "Take my fingers in your mouth." I did, sucking on them and wetting them copiously, and she removed her hand and slapped me hard across the left cheek. She offered me her fingertips to kiss, which I did, and then slapped me again, harder. My cheek stung but my body was melting at the pleasure of being in her command.

"You're an impertinent little bitch. I'll take whatever pictures I want of you, where I want, and when I want, do you understand?"

"Yes, Mistress," I meekly replied.

"And I'll do whatever I want with them," she continued. "I can put them on the web, I can send them to your boss, I can bring them to dance class... You've no control whatsoever, do you understand?"

For the first time her voice was louder than usual. Was this the anger about Mia and me?

"Now, lift your top and show me those small breasts of yours." I did as told.

"Good, that'll do for starters," she sweetly commented as she snapped a shot. "Let's get going."

We headed for a small trendy restaurant not too far from the lingerie shop. Needless to say we attracted a great deal of attention from any and everyone, two lovely and provocatively dressed girls sauntering along the streets of the city on a warm summer day.

At the restaurant we placed our orders and I felt the weight of about a hundred eyeballs on me as Alex made it very clear by her gestures that I was her lover, her "possession." At this point I didn't care if I'd run into someone from work: what would it matter in comparison to this glorious new state?

"What time do you have to be at work tomorrow?" she asked, almost reading my mind.

"Oh, 830 or so, it's flexible. But should I call in sick? I can't bear the thought of leaving you so soon," I blurted out. Alex smiled radiantly. "No, you'll be at work on time, which makes the hours we have left all the more precious." Then she added, mischievously, "So much to teach, so little time."

Our food came and we ate robustly, then added a dessert to share. I felt like a teenager in puppy-love as I spooned chocolate mousse cake from the center of the table with Alex. It was at that point that my desire, that feeling beginning in my cunt but spreading into my innards and along my limbs, began to grow, to revisit me again. My whole skin started to tingle at the nebulous idea of what might be in store.

My pussy drenched my panties, so much so that I could smell my heat. Alex grew serious.

"Now, my little slut, I want to tell you about what we're going to do when we get home. Listen and don't interrupt. First, pictures. You're going to pose lewdly for me in your slutty schoolgirl outfit, showing the camera your sweet shaven pussy and nice puckered ass and your firm big-nippled breasts, but you're going to make sure you keep your hands way from the hot spots: no touching without my permission!"

"Second," she continued, "as we finish with the pics you'll strip down to nothing but your shoes, socks and collar. There's a plant hanging from the ceiling in my bedroom, it's near the bar and the mirrored wall. I'll give you a footstool to take it down and then to thread a length of rope through the eyebolt it hung from. Then you'll retrieve my scarves and I will bind your hands together with them, and then one end of the rope around them. I'll secure the other end, and pull your arms up as high as I can, and you'll be able to see all of this in the mirror as I prepare to test your mettle."

I listened breathlessly.

"Now, reach down and give me your sopping panties. Now!"

I tried to be as nonchalant as I could and I slipped them off slowly, as surreptitiously as I could in the crowded eating-place. My actions weren't unnoticed. I handed the panties to Alex, wet and pungent, with a trembling hand over the table. She stretched them quite demonstratively, and brought them to her mouth and nose and inhaled. I watched in a kind of shock at her openness.

"Mmmm, my little cunt, you smell divine, and you're wet beyond belief! I like that in a bitch." She even had the audacity to leave the moist garment on the table with our tip, and a dozen heads turned our way as we left. We took a slow walk home, full of anticipation, and I was immediately put to use upon our return.

Alex snapped at least a dozen shots of me in various obscene poses, bent over, legs spread, pussy lips parted, breasts exposed. I stripped down to my heels and socks and then went into the bedroom to lower the plant and thread into the eyebolt a length of clothesline rope. I brought her the scarves from her dresser, those familiar playthings of hers, and she bound my wrists and attached the dangling rope to them. She tugged on the rope after positioning me under the eyebolt, assuring me it could hold several hundred pounds of force, and raised my arms high over my head, high and higher, until I was standing on the tips of my toes with my legs together. She anchored the other end of the rope to a bedpost. It felt both exhilarating and tiring to be stretched out like that.

If I spread my legs I would be completely off the ground. As it was, I struggled just to stay on my toes.

Alex approached me and stroked my hair and told me how beautiful I was.

"Look at yourself, my little slave girl, did you ever imagine spending a 4th of July weekend like this?"

"No, Mistress," I weakly replied.

"How far -- or how low -- have you come? A degraded helpless powerless cunt who will beg to be even more degraded, who will plead to be humiliated and abused by her Mistress."

She reached around and lightly touched my nipples and I sighed involuntarily. She pinched and rolled them a bit and then she began to pull my nipples as far out as possible before releasing them suddenly.

"Ooohh," I cried, "that feels so good, so good Mistress!"

She then began to slap my breasts, at first lightly and then with greater force, by stretching out a nipple to its utmost with one hand and smacking the flesh of the breast with the other. This drove me wild with lust, sending jolts to my cunt with each blow.

"Yes, they've been neglected, haven't they?" Alex noted. "We'll, we can correct that."

She affixed the nipple clamps she had used last night on me, alligator clips, which hurt a great deal, more when Alex played with the connecting chain to pull and stretch my poor little breasts. But I grew accustomed to the pain, which itself acted like an aphrodisiac with a direct line to my pussy, and I reveled in Alex's attention. I could see myself dangling helplessly in the mirror directly before me. And I looked and felt so tremendously sexy! I would do anything for my cruel-tender Alex.

"Now, to complete this part of your subjugation," said Alex, "I want to make sure you're quiet." She used another scarf to gag me, tying it very tight. She then ran her hands slowly up my sides and across my stomach and then onto my buttocks and the backs of my thighs and calves.

"OK, bitch, take a good look at the lovely cunt you are. I'm going to give you some time to think about the consequences of betraying your Mistress." Alex left the room unceremoniously.

Several hours passed. I began to wonder whether she'd ever return. My muscles ached. If I moved my feet just slightly apart my arms would be overtaxed. In a stupid fit of anger I thrashed out and then swung from side to side painfully. My nipples were burning-numb.

I quietly cried at times. And I also had the fantasy of being fucked, of Alex and Mia quietly entering and penetrating my ass and cunt roughly again.

I finally heard the door open and Alex drew near. She was wearing a sheer black bustless and crotchless teddy and black leather pumps, which made her look menacing and also incredibly sexy. I was weak with relief: surely she had punished me enough and would let me down. I had learned my lesson.

But I saw in the mirror that Alex carried in her hand the thin leather belt from her cutoff jeans she wore earlier.

The first blow burned across my right buttock causing me to jerk involuntarily. My scream was muffled by the gag. It stung terribly. I lost my footing and swung a bit and strained my arms.

"Please keep still," Alex said with her characteristic softness of voice.

I tried to nod my head but the second blow came quickly and made me shiver with pain as it landed on my back. Then the third, and fourth... And I lost count as the pain became so intense.

"You unreliable fucking whore," whispered Alex. Thwat!

"You ungrateful slut." Swat!

She lashed my back, my buttocks, the undersides of my thighs, and I moaned. In the mirror my entire feeble self was clearly at her mercy, completely in her thrall.

Then suddenly the lashing stopped and I felt her soft tender hand slide across the lips of my cunt. I broke down in sobs of gratitude as she lightly kissed my neck while caressing my pussy.

Then just as suddenly the lashing resumed, this time on the front of my thighs and under my arms and across my stomach. I lurched as the tip of the belt snapped near my clamped nipples.

But Alex came near again and delicately fondled my pussy, sliding her finger along its lips and gently pressing into its folds, and sweet gratitude overwhelmed me as she removed my gag and kissed me on the lips.

"Do you like what you see?" she inquired. I didn't know whether she meant me, or her, or both, but I silently assented.

And then -- and then she stepped back and began to snap the leather tool over my pubis. I spread my legs instantly to avoid the blows and this only exposed my cunt all the more and hurt my arms.

"You're a disobedient fucking bitch," Alex calmly exclaimed. "I thought I told you to stay still?"

"I'm sorry, Mistress!" I cried.

"I hate disobedience," she answered. She lashed me several times across my ass and I was aflame, burning, hurting, fighting off tears. But when her elegant hand came again to my cunt I wept. I wept and grew wet and as Alex sensed my burgeoning arousal she warned, "Don't you dare cum without your Mistress's permission."

She continued to caress my pussy, to slide her elegant fingers along its lips, and my tension was building and I wanted to cum so desperately so as to wash away the pain and perversity and the loneliness, to make everything between us right again.

"Oh yes, Mistress, thank you, thank you, please don't stop, please get me off, please, make me cum, PLEASE!"

I was shouting.

Alex simply left the room.

I'm not sure when she returned. I was desolate, I'd lost all track of time. I collapsed onto her and clung to her as she led me to the bathroom to relieve myself and then ushered me to her bed.

The cool sheets were soothing to my burning ass and back as she spread me out. She crossed my arms behind my head and attached my right arm to the left bedpost by a scarf, and vice versa. She lifted my legs up and pulled them apart and back and tied them behind on the posts so that my cunt and ass were even more accessible and vulnerable.

"The more helpless you are the prettier you look," said Alex as she kissed the insides of my thighs. She kissed my lips and then proceeded to blindfold me. I was truly desperate for release: a day's worth of sexual tension had built up, with nowhere to go! But in light of Alex's savagery, I was truly afraid, afraid but willing to sacrifice my fear to please her.

"How is that sweet cunt of yours doing?" she asked.

"Oh Mistress, it craves your touch, it wants you, I want you, I want you, I love you, my Mistress." I was frenzied, and being blindfolded accentuated every sound and taste and touch. I felt something spongy but rough rest on my cunt. What was it? It was removed, then it was there again, pressing my pussy lips and burning clit. I instinctively tried to move into it but it disappeared.

Then a sudden blow squarely on my cunt and I recoiled but seeped with wetness. I couldn't take this torture, this teasing, this bringing me to the edge and back, edge and back! But I figured out what Alex was using: the loofah-brush, the backscrubber I had showered myself with.

Alex tortured me mercilessly with it: pressing and rubbing it against my mons, then suddenly lifting it; smacking my cunt hard with it, then soft. Brushing my clamped nipple tips with it unawares, or pulling on the chain that connected the clamps, all unpredictably, all exquisitely timed to surprise and excite and frustrate. She tapped my cunt with the loofah ten times in a row and then, on the verge of cumming, she stopped. How did she know me so well?

"What are you?" she asked. "A slut," I replied. Whack! "What else?" "A cunt, a bitch, a slave." Whack! "Whom do you serve?" "You." Whack! "Whom?" "You." Whack! "Again!" "You, you, you!." Whack! Whack! Whack! "Shall I call Mia to fuck you?" I hesitated. Whack! Whack! Whack! "No, Mistress, no!" "I didn't hear you." "NO!" Whack! "NO!" Whack! "NO NO NO NO NO!" Whack! Whack! Whack!

She relented for a moment; my cunt was tingling, at the tipping point.

"And do you want to cum?" "Yes, Mistress, yes, more than anything I want to cum!" I cried. "How much?" "Totally, so much, much..." I was babbling. "Please, Mistress, I beg of you, please make me cum, I BEG OF YOU!"

She rested the loofah on my pussy and moved it slowly up and down to create a magnificently delicious friction and I was now, finally, on the road to heaven, except --- she stopped!

"You don't dare to cum, not yet" she said inexplicably. I was panting and sweating as she left the room.

"Fuck!" I shouted. "Fuck, fuck, fuck you, you bitch, I hate you, I hate you, but I love you, please Mistress, I love you and want to cum for you, please!"

The door opened again and her footsteps drew nearer and her warm soft mouth and tongue engulfed my desperately aching pussy, and I exploded instantly, drenching her face, quivering with delight as I heard her lick and lap my juices.

She unbound me and cradled me in her arms and stroked my hair and I instinctively went to my knees to minister to her magnificent cunt. Alex too had been practicing self-restraint, so when she came she came thunderously.

I wore my collar to work that Monday, proudly. Tuesday I received a letter from Alex informing me that she would be moving overseas imminently to take up a curatorial promotion. She thanked me and enclosed the collar's key. When I inquired for Mia at the lingerie shop I learned that she had left for Europe with her sister.

The End

(Since this encounter I have had a few spankings at best; my gf is great but not adventurous. Every so many months I'm seized by the urge to find a real-life domme...but so far to no avail. Thanks to all the readers who've emailed encouragement. Any further comments via email would be really appreciated.)

Next: Chapter 6: Fireworks Continue 1

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