Hostess at Ladies Night

By Samantha Burnett

Published on Apr 22, 2019


Hostess at Ladies Night Pt. 5 By Samantha Burnett

--- This is a sequel to "Hostess at Ladies Night Pt. 4", and you should probably read that story to understand this one.

This story contains: Lesbian, Humiliation, Objectification, Reluctance, Anal, CFNF, NonConsent, Violence

Not suited for minors. Copyright by owner. Please donate to things you care about, like Nifty.

Love feedback! ---

I wanted to tell them the truth. I wanted to tell them that, okay, this was where our little game should end. I wanted to tell them that all of this wasn't real, and that I was going to leave this troubling movie now. That all of this would be over once I walked out the door of the club.

But I felt a nagging pain in my stomach as I realized that this was very real. It was a dark, complex web I had gotten myself into. Explaining my naivety wouldn't matter. Because no matter how naive I had been, I still had the threat of going to jail hanging over my head. I was still surrounded by creepy, violent gang members 'saving' me from jail, and demanding crazy things in return. Sure, they were saving me from facing eternal shame, having my life completely ruined and being sent to jail for half a year, but at the same time, I wasn't so sure of the price they wanted me to pay for that. And on top of it all, they apparently held a grudge against me for cheating on them. Cheating!

Gab disappeared, while I still sat there on T's lap, nude except for these slutty, strappy high heels, legs spread, apparently for her viewing pleasure. She just continued stroking my hair, quietly, while we listened to the loud music and chatter in the club, behind the curtain. Why me? Why not any of the other girls entertaining the visitors of the club on the other side of the curtain. T didn't say anything, she just kept glancing at my body. I felt so very awkward, and so criticized at the same time as her eyes ran over my bare, perky breasts, my flat stomach, my slim legs, and undeniably looking directly at my pussy. My white skin contrasting heavily with her dark skin, and it felt almost as if she saw me as a trophy. A white trophy.

After a short while, Gab appeared through the beaded curtain again, holding some clothes in her hands.

"Go and change now baby, I'm hungry," T said, while slightly pushing my upper arm.

I stood up finally, and took the clothes from Gab. The expression on her face had not changed at all. She handed me just two items. A small black thong, and a black dress. Or at least, something that passed for a dress. While both T and Gab were getting ready to leave, I stepped into the small, low cut black thong, and pulled it up between my cheeks. I stepped into the strappy dress, and pulled it up. It was a simple stretch dress, and I was shocked to discover how short it was. Once pulled up to get my arms through the straps, it literally just reached over my butt, wrapping it tightly. Sure, inside the club it wouldn't have been out of place, but T had clearly said she had a dinner appointment. She couldn't possibly have planned for me to go out in public dressed like this..?

I stood up straight, unsure, and realizing that I wasn't going home anytime soon. T looked my body up and down.

"You look stunning, baby," she said, then turning to Gab. "Don't she look stunning G?"

"She look like one of your girlfriends for sure," Gab answered.

"Mhm, let's go baby, you'll look good on my arm," T then stepped up to me, taking my hand in hers. And that's how we walked out of the VIP room, Gab walking out first, texting on her phone.

It was so strange to walk back into the club area, holding the hand of this dangerous gangster. For everyone to see. My life had just changed in that VIP room, while no one out here knew.

I was much taller than T, which made the whole image of us walking together seem even more unlikely. There was nowhere to hide from the gazes that followed us, and I swear T was walking slower than necessary. She wanted to show off what she had next to her. Me.

I tried not to look into people's eyes as we walked past. Women sat at their small round tables, sipping from drinks, or getting some entertainment from the girl working at the club. There were no invitations to join them this time. No harmless cat calling. Just stares.

Then suddenly, I felt a harsh, painful poke from the side, right into my ribs. I gasped quietly as I looked at T.

"Move those hips, I don't have prude girlfriends," she hissed quietly, but in a very insistent tone, not looking at me, but straight ahead.

Embarrassed, I started to move my hips more while I walked, exaggerating my moves, and I was getting worried about the how much I was starting to look like just an arm candy bimbo. Some kind of gold digger, next to a rich criminal. One foot in front of the other, I paraded through the club, next to T. In a split second, I made eye contact with Jen who was standing behind the bar, but she looked away, as did I. Did she know what was going on? Did she realize what had happened? Was she aware that I was probably not going to sign those papers tonight?

In the far corner of the club, the bachelorette party group was still there, sipping from their drinks. Once they noticed me, the bachelorette pointed in my direction, and all the others looked. I hated that they had to see me like this, that they saw me around these gangster women. I wanted them to keep thinking of me as just fun and free spirited, not as what I looked like now - some gangster slut. But there was nothing I could do, and they just stared at our little parade.

I could feel the eyes of customers in the club all the way to the exit, where my walk of shame seemed to end. Gab stood there, holding up a short, brown fur coat.

"Ma'am," she said with a slightly sarcastic smirk on her face, baring her white teeth.

I barely managed to give her a slight smile, which was mostly because I feared these two so much. She was clearly looking at me to slide into the coat. I turned for her, and it felt embarrassing to have her help me into the coat, which was barely longer than the very short, tight mini dress that was hugging my body, leaving my bare legs completely exposed.

Gab then walked to the door and opened it slightly while the bouncer was just standing there next to her. T stood next to me, her hand now running over my back, as if comforting me. After maybe ten seconds of silence, Gab gestured to us, and T took my hand again. It took a few seconds before I realized that this was probably all done to make sure there was no threat outside. I probably didn't know half of what kind of things I was now involved in.

Outside, in the drizzly night, stood an expensive looking Mercedes, black with tinted glasses. Gab walked towards the door, and opened it for me, giving me yet another bright smile, gesturing for me to get into the car.

I didn't look around while I approached the car, those ridiculous porn shoes actually touching the ground outside for the first time. I didn't want anyone to see me with these people, and by ignoring whoever was around, I pretended the outside world didn't exist.

I stepped into the car, and sat on the leather seat in the back, while T got in on the other side, next to me. In the rear view mirror, I saw a short girl with a young looking face and braided hair just like Gab's behind the wheel, looking at me with curiosity, while Gab entered the car to sit in the passenger's seat.

I looked back at her via the rear view mirror somewhat awkwardly. What would she think this was? Who would she think I was? My appearance stood out so clearly with these gangster types, with my bare legs almost completely exposed, peeking out from under the cheap looking short fur coat. Not to mention the fact that I was the only white, blonde, feminine looking girl in the group.

As soon as all doors were closed, the car started to drive, down the street, taking a turn, and there I was, away from the club, in a car with what I presumed to be three gangsters. My future had never felt so unclear.

T was apparently reading something on her phone, and everyone was quiet while hiphop was playing through the speakers at a low volume. I couldn't do much but look out of the window, where people walked down the streets, the neon signs of the shops passing by as the car increased speed. I could have been walking there, casually shopping, with nothing going on except my usual worries. If I hadn't pursued this crazy, stupid fantasy, I would have been free. I would have been able to make plans as usual. I would have had only shallow things to worry about. Now look at the dark, scary hole I had gotten myself into.

Just as I had started to do breathing exercises to deal with my rising panic, I felt T's hand softly touch my leg, high up my exposed thigh, near the hem of my dress. I looked to the side, but she was still reading something on her phone, the bright light of her phone display showing her face in the dark car. She just caressed my naked skin casually, but firmly, while her hand crawled up, towards my panties. It was clear where she wanted to go. Nervously, I parted my feet just a bit, to give her access. It was as if she waited for me to do that, because she immediately slid towards the small black thong covering my pussy, groping between my legs. I let her, while she was apparently still on her phone, groping me firmly with her one hand, almost aggressively squeezing between my legs. I kept my legs apart and just let her. I didn't want any trouble. I had been in trouble a few too many times by now. I could see the face of the girl at the wheel in the rear view mirror a few times, probably noticing what was going on, and I swear she was smirking. I looked away awkwardly.

Then, as sudden as she started touching me, she withdrew her hand. Again I looked at her, but this time I was met with her stare, her bright white, intense eyes scaring me once again, just as when she punished me for cheating. That pent up, deep anger that was probably not even about me "cheating". She said nothing, which worried me even more. She just slowly reached to my head, and I wanted to hide. I wanted to disappear.

She simply grabbed my hair, and pulled me harshly towards her. I had to support myself on the seat with my hand not to let my upper body fall onto her lap. She kept pulling, until my face was very close to hers. Her angry, no, her furious eyes, looking into mine.

"I thought we had an agreement," she then spoke. Her voice was soft, but ever so direct and intimidating. I could feel her breath on my face. "Didn't we, Princess?"

I didn't even know what agreement she was referring to exactly, but disagreeing was the last thing I thought of.


"You were going to be the best girlfriend ever. Weren't you, Princess?"


I knew the girl behind the wheel was still watching us in the rear view mirror, and maybe Gab was looking at what was going on as well. I couldn't tell. T forced me to focus only on her. On her eyes. On her voice.

"Yet there you are, refusing to give access when I clearly.." she pulled a lot harder, forcing me to look up, ".. wanted to feel your pussy.."

She pressed against the back of my head, so that I was looking into her eyes again, even closer than before. Her breath sent goosebumps down my back.

"And I have to fucking BEG you to give me some sugar from time to time, do I? Huh?"

She shook my head a few times, holding my hair tight, tugging hard a few times.

I hardly understood what she expected instead, but it made me feel so helpless, so desperate. I didn't understand what was expected of me. I wasn't able to meet expectations. And no matter how crazy this seemed, if I couldn't make this work, the alternatives were worse. Tears burned in my eyes as I desperately looked into her harsh, cold stare.

"I'm so sor-" but she cut me off, leaving me even more nervous.

"When I want to feel your pussy, you make sure your thong is gone. When I give any, any indication at all that I want to touch you, you fucking spread 'em. When I seem bored, you fucking dance."

Her voice grew louder when she continued.

"When I snap my fingers, you will fucking jump up and be at my service. When you've got nothing to do, you invent some way to please me. But above all, when you think you can act like some spoiled, privileged white bitch who is too good to give some sugar to her girlfriend from time to time.." She paused, looking at me in that severely threatening way again. ".. who makes her girlfriend BEG her for sugar. Who thinks she did nothing wrong to the Tigres family. Who doesn't take any of this shit seriously. When you think that, Princess.."

Tears rolled down my cheeks once again while I was forced to keep looking into her eyes. I was so very afraid.

She reached out with her free hand, and gripped around my jaw, causing an intense pain in the spot where she slapped me so harshly earlier. It stung like crazy, and I was about to scream.

"Still hurts, doesn't it, Princess."

"Yes.. ow.. ow.." I squirmed, half crying.

"Do you want the other side to hurt even more, little Princess?"

She just wouldn't let go of my jaw. I thought I was going crazy.

"No, please, I'm so sorry, I mean it, I'm so sorry," I begged her, crying, desperately wanting her to let go of my jaw.

She just stared into my eyes, for maybe ten, twenty seconds. Watching me cry. This woman knew no mercy.

"I'm going to give you an hour to prove that you understand, before I make you beg you had never been born."

And with that, she gave my hairs another harsh tug, and pushed me back into my place. I was trembling. I even panicked knowing I had one hour. To prove it, anyway. To prove how I was going to behave around her. Oh god, this pressure was so intense. I had to do it. I had to try. I had to stop my endless pondering. I had to be in the now and save myself from yet more unbearable pain.

I still felt the panic in my body as I sat next to her again, knowing I had to show initiative. I had to show I was willing to fix this. Show that I was willing to be whatever it was she wanted me to be. I didn't even know what that meant, to be her girlfriend. To be the girlfriend of some gang leader.

I felt worried while I was sitting down. I had to do something. I had to make sure I knew when to give T attention. But that was impossible to know, as she was on her phone most of the time while she was sitting there.

Then, out of the blue, in an awkward attempt to do things right from now on, I leaned towards T, carefully moving my head closer to hers. She barely looked into my eyes, when I then moved closer and placed my lips upon hers, and kissed her. She didn't resist, and kissed me back. My nerves calmed a bit as I then let her end the kiss, and without acknowledging anything, her eyes were focused on her phone again, and I withdrew my upper body and sat straight again. I was embarrassed about Gab and the girl behind the wheel witnessing this. Witnessing how I kissed T without any specific command, without a hint even. As if it was my own idea.

I just stared out of the window, onto the people on sidewalks, trying to avoid the smiling look of the driver girl in the rear view mirror who was very clearly looking into my direction every time her eyes weren't focused on the road. It felt awkward.

The car took a turn, and we got onto the highway. I was becoming more and more worried about when we would ever return. Would we even return to the club tonight? Would I be able to get my coat, my things, and go home? What would happen to my things if I stayed away for the night? What about tomorrow? I had things to do.

But my stream of worries ended soon enough as I then felt T's hand high up my thigh again, right at the hem of the ridiculously short, black stretchy mini dress, just like before. I felt a tremble through my legs, remembering very well that this was the reason for T's outrage some ten minutes ago. I didn't know what to do. But with her hand sliding up an inch closer towards my crotch, I no longer hesitated, and quickly reached down to lift the dress slightly, and in a strange mix of of embarrassment and panic, I peeled down the thong, and exposed myself to her. She kindly removed her hand for a second when I wanted to lower the thong towards my knees, and I obediently opened my legs. This felt so humiliating. She didn't hesitate at all, as she then casually put her hand on my now completely exposed pussy, while my legs were spread and my thong was wrapped tightly around my parted knees. She very softly stroked my pussy, almost as if she was petting it. She only looked at my parted legs for a few seconds before she returned her attention to her phone, while keeping her hand between my legs.

She casually kept petting my pussy, caressing it, even very softly tapping it. No one would ever believe this happened to me. That I ever got so objectified by a petite, black female gang leader.

She didn't stop. She started playing with my lips, caressing them, but only before trying to part them, which she succeeded at soon enough, exposing my pink pussy, and I was apparently fully on display for the girl behind the wheel to see.

"Now that's some nice white girl pussy I wanna stick my finger in!" the girl behind the wheel then remarked, way too enthusiastically.

T responded immediately.

"You got driving to do. Once we're at Akari's, you can finger Princess's pussy for a bit," she said.

For a second, I wasn't sure she actually said that. Did she just offer her to finger my pussy? That young girl behind the wheel? She was definitely not older than me, and I suspected she was even a few years younger. She was probably 18 or something. And she was promised my.. pussy?

"Yes!" she shouted, and stomped her fists on the wheel enthusiastically.

"Jesus girl, you ain't getting enough pussy back at the house or somethin'?" Gab laughed.

"Not white cheerleader pussy like that, have you fuckin' seen her!" the girl shouted.

"So your name is Princess, huh?" she looked into the rear view mirror, still smiling, showing her bright white teeth.

"Yeah.." I answered awkwardly, having no choice but to answer to my newly given name.

"Not only because of her face, but also because she thought she was all that," T immediately added, while her hand left my pussy, but kept caressing the soft skin of my bare inner thigh.

"Ain't that right, Princess," T continued, not even looking at me.

"Yes," I answered awkwardly.

The girl kept quiet, she probably knew that she wasn't supposed to ask about specifics. Or maybe she even knew. Maybe she didn't even care. But she kept smiling as she kept looking in the rear view mirror. For a moment, I even thought she'd cause an accident by not having her eyes on the road.

Then, after minutes of looking out of the window, with T's hand resting high up on my inner thigh, I literally felt something was up. I looked aside of me, and saw T's fierce eyes staring at me. Directly at me. I knew instantly what was up. Oh god. I didn't hesitate for a second, as I knew I had to fix this now. I leaned towards her immediately, my face closer to her, and immediately kissed her again.

"I'm sorry," I even whispered, scared.

With yet another furious look, she pushed against my upper arm, as a sign to sit straight again. No reprimands this time. Not immediately, anyway. The uncertainty of not knowing whether I fixed this was killing me. I told myself once more that I needed to pay attention. That I just had to do it randomly. That doing it more often was probably a better idea than not giving her attention on time.

T didn't put her hand back on my thigh after the kiss I gave her, but I kept the thong down around my knees like before. I only dared to put my legs together so the girl behind the wheel wasn't staring at my pussy the whole time.

We got off the highway eventually, and drove into a suburb I hadn't been to before. I still felt edgy. I wanted to keep T calm.

Then, without any warning, or hint, or look into my eyes, I leaned towards T again, probably only minutes after I last kissed her. She anticipated as if it was the most normal thing to do, and I kissed her yet again. She didn't always open her mouth, and I was just giving her a sensual kiss on her lips. Sensual. I didn't even dare to come off as a prude by that time.

Meanwhile, the car parked in front of an Asian restaurant. 'Akari's', the sign read. The car was barely turned off, or the girl behind the wheel already rushed to turn around in her chair to face me.

"Time for some white pussy. Hi," she said.

I couldn't answer. This was just too awkward.

"I don't think she likes you much, Alyssa," Gab grinned from the passenger's seat.

"Polite, Princess," I then heard T's voice next to me. She didn't even look up from her phone.

"Hi," I then answered her awkwardly, looking into her eyes, trying to avoid the big, amused smile on her face.

"That's alright, she don't have to like me, she just gotta gimme some pussy," Alyssa said, while reaching down, to my thong, and roughly pulled it down.

"Open up," she said, as she then roughly parted my knees, wide, and giving a very hard slap on my inner thigh.

I gasped, as I couldn't believe how straight forward and eager she was, while my thighs were spread wide in front of her, and my thong was at my ankles.

"Wider, spread 'em wider," she continued to push me.

I was trying, wanting to avoid another hard slap like that, but my thong only stretched this far.

Alyssa then reached down, and roughly helped me pull the thong over my ankles, and off the high strappy heels I was wearing.

"Can't you fucking do anything. Now fucking spread wide."

Before I knew it, T took my knee, and simply lifted my leg over her lap, causing me to sit completely spread wide in the back of the car. giving Alyssa a very clear view on my pussy.

"That's right," she only said casually, right before reaching towards my pussy without any hesitation.

She rubbed her fingers over my pussy a few times, probing against my lips, and then, just like that, she started pushing her index finger inside of me. She kept that bright smile on her face as she did, clearly enjoying what she was doing. She started to finger me rhythmically. I was being fucked on the backseat by this girl. With T's explicit approval.

Finally, T seemed to be done texting, and turned to us, while to my embarrassment, the wet sounds of Alyssa's finger probing my pussy could be heard even over the hiphop playing in the background. But instead of ending Alyssa's little game, T looked at me, and almost in a provocative way, stuck her own index finger in her mouth, actually licking it.

"Mmm, yeah.. good little sluts need it in both their holes," she then said, after she took her finger out of her mouth, and stuck it out towards me.

She reached under me, and with my legs spread this far, she had no trouble finding my asshole. Without any warning, she probed softly, but her strength increased quickly, pushing her finger in. I held my breath, blushing deeply, as I then had fingers in both my holes.

The car smelled like sex, and I was breathing heavily, while T's finger pushed deep into my ass, and Alyssa kept pumping her finger in my pussy in a steady pace. T's finger then started to fuck my ass, but slowly. I couldn't believe they used me just like that. In the back of that car. In front of a restaurant. Apparently before going in.

I felt so humiliated. With my face flushed, and not knowing where to look, while I had fingers in both my holes, filled up entirely, hardly knowing to what I should pay attention to, or where to even look.

Then finally, after minutes of being fingered in both my pussy and my ass, T withdrew her finger slowly, and finally letting it pop out of my tight hole, which sent a strange sensation through my belly that I immediately resisted.

"Alright, enough, let's go," she simply said.

Alyssa then finally pulled back her finger, and smelled it, just before she turned again.

"Damn," I could hear her say, still enthusiastic about what she experienced.

I felt used, while I saw Gab picking up the thong from near my feet, and handing it to me.

"Ma'am," her sarcastic joker face in front of me, just like she did at the club, while I took the thong from her.

I struggled a bit to get the thong over my shoes, but then pulled it back up, and realized we were actually going to get out and enter that restaurant. Together. Everyone got out, and I followed. I quickly adjusted the very short dress after stepping out of the car, my bare legs accentuated by the high strappy heels, and probably immediately drawing attention of anyone looking into the direction of the car.

There were a few visitors gathered at the door of the restaurant who were clearly able to see us. T stood next to me, but she didn't move. She just looked at me. I hurried. Another kiss. I had to actually lean down a little bit as I was taller than her, especially on these shoes. I couldn't believe I was kissing this gangster boss in public now.

She then put her hand around my lower back, and with Gab walking in front of us, T holding me around my waist, and Alyssa walking right behind us, we must have been looking like quite an interesting group of people.

Just before arriving at the door, I felt Alyssa pinching my butt playfully through the thin fabric of the dress, under the coat. It stressed me out even further. I wanted her to leave me alone. The thought of a girl like that getting to treat me like that was somehow embarrassing. Maybe especially because we were in the same age range.

Gab got in first, and we waited outside as she apparently took care of something inside. I did not feel comfortable at all standing there with them, while I could literally feel the glances of people passing by, eyeing us over, so obviously looking at my bare legs exposed by the short, fur coat and the skimpy mini dress that would really only fit in a sex club or a porn movie, and my high heels even accentuating that stereotype.

Then I saw Gab at the door again, together with a short, Asian woman who gestured for us to come further, smiling brightly. The three of us then finally walked towards the entrance, and entered the noisy, crowded restaurant. Everyone was able to see us. Everyone was able to see how I walked there in that whore outfit, together with these gangsters. Not like a fun game, not in the fantasy world of the club this all started, but out there, in public, a prostitute, surrounded by black, street wise, tough gangster women.

The tension in my body was crazy, as we maneuvered through the packed restaurant while I could see glances from couples, families and groups of friends from all sides. I hardly dared to look anywhere but in front of us.

The thought of people judging me, or even worse, someone recognizing me, drove me crazy while I walked this walk of shame. T didn't care, she just paraded me around like I was her property.

In the back of the restaurant, there was a short, five step staircase that led to a balcony with more tables, although there was only one table set, and the others were empty. Gab and the short Asian woman were already up there, while the three of us followed. Apparently this space was reserved for us, and no one else was there. It would provide some privacy, although from a few places in the restaurant, it was easy to look up to see what was happening here.

The Asian woman greeted T and Alyssa with a cheerful smile and a loud voice, shaking hands and bowing at the same time. She was clearly a bit tense.

"Welcome! Welcome! Please, take seat! So good to see you again!"

When it was my turn to greet her, T gently pushed against my lower back, as a sign to step forward to her. The woman looked at me with that same neutral big smile on her face, but my hooker outfit couldn't have gone unnoticed by her.

"This here is Princess, one of my new girlfriends. Say hi to Akari, Princess," T said, while making me feel as if I was twelve years old or something.

"Hi," I said awkwardly, while I shook her hand.

"Oh hello Princess, so nice to meet you!"

Gab and Alyssa already sat down at the table, while a younger Asian girl came over to take orders from them, politely waiting for us to sit down, but T wasn't done introducing me just yet.

"Very pretty, don't you think?" T said, while her hand caressed over my lower back, and we were looking directly at Akari, who kept her exaggerated social mask on.

"Ohh, very pretty! Very pretty girl!"

"Mhm. She's quite somethin', ain't she."

Akari just stood there as T then took my hand, and led me to the table where Gab and Alyssa were sitting down already. But she stopped me at the head of the table, where there was no chair. Then, to my embarrassment, she pushed firmly between my shoulders, clearly as a sign to bend over. I couldn't do anything but putting my hands on the table, while I stood there, with Akari and the younger waitress looking, slightly bent over. I didn't even want to know how far the dress had already crawled up.

I felt T's hand playing with the hem of the very short dress I was wearing, which apparently already crawled up a bit, exposing the lower part of my bare cheeks. The coat didn't even reach that far.

"Come have a feel, she feels real nice," she then invited Akari, who wasn't at all into this, it seemed.

"Ohh, haha, feel her, yes?"

She clearly only did this because T insisted, and it was obvious that she was slightly afraid of T, even if she did her best to hide her nerves.

Then, I suddenly felt her hands awkwardly touching my butt from behind, squeezing my ass, her warm, slightly sweaty fingers grabbing my bare flesh.

"Feels good, don't it," T continued to push her.

"Ohh very nice, such a pretty girl!"

Gab and Alyssa weren't even paying attention, while the small Asian lady was pretty much pressured into fondling me.

When she was done, after seconds, T again took my hand, pulling it a bit, as a sign to stand up straight. I couldn't believe I let someone boss me around like that.

"What would you like to drink?" the younger waitress then asked me, as if nothing happened.

"She'll have some water for now. She's been expensive enough already," T said before I could even answer, belittling me once again, right in front of the waitress.

Akari then offered to take my coat, and hung it over the back of one of the chairs, next to the chair T was sitting down on. I sat down on the appointed chair. Everyone kept their coat close to them, in contrast to the other guests in the restaurant.

While another waitress was already serving Gab and Alyssa's drinks, T simply reached to me, and held my neck, pushing me towards her. I felt nervous as she clearly wanted a kiss. Right there, with the waitresses and Akari seeing everything, we kissed.

She held my face close to hers as she ended the kiss.

"Don't matter where we are baby, or whoever is around, you gonna give T sugar, or else we gonna have a little problem. You got that, babygirl?" she said, with that same intimidating look in her eyes as before.

"Yes," I answered immediately, feeling myself get very nervous again.

"And you ain't gonna make me beg for it. You gonna bring T sugar, you gonna put some effort into it, ain't that right baby," she continued, our noses almost touching each other, feeling her breath on my face, and her talking quietly, but oh so threatening.

"Yes," I answered again, feeling her pressure once again.

"Yeah I thought so. After everything we done for you, I don't think you gonna act like some stuck up lil bitch."

She finally pushed me back, gently but surely, guiding me into position again.

T texted on her phone some more, and just when one of the waitresses came up the balcony with drinks on a tray, T reached out to me again.

"How about you sit on my lap, babygirl."

It wasn't a question. I had no choice but to get up, and I felt her hand gently guiding me as I sat down on her lap, facing into the direction of Gab and Alyssa, who didn't really pay attention while Alyssa was enthusiastically showing movies to Gab on her phone.

I could see the waitress smiling awkwardly at me while I looked at her, as she was about to serve my glass of water. She put my glass in front of T's spot, right beside me on the table, where I sat on T's lap in that skimpy dress, while I felt the humiliation of this small moment through my body.

I was able to just look over the balcony, onto the ground floor of the restaurant, seeing some faces of the guests, enjoying a regular night of dinner. Such a very sharp contrast with my unlikely predicament. I felt T's hand stroking my hair, almost petting me, while I wished I was one of the people downstairs, living life without worries as big as mine at that moment.

Gab and Alyssa were both drinking a bottle of beer, while T took a sip of her glass of sparkling water. She put her glass back on the table, and let her hand rest on my bare thigh. She seemed to be lost in thought, and so was I at that moment, once again overthinking my unbelievable, uncertain situation.

Somehow, these quiet moments were starting to feel like dangerous moments. T might suddenly burst out in rage towards me, to make me feel so small, or actually hurt me.

And even without any hint of actual danger, I felt myself panic. With my legs slightly trembling while sitting on the black woman's lap, I hunched forward a bit, my face getting closer to hers, and yet again, like in the car, out of the blue, I kissed her. She received the kiss as if she was expecting it. Sensually, our tongues briefly touching as we did, right there in the middle of the restaurant, with the waitresses and probably even a few guests being able to see us.

The white girl dressed like a slut, in a public display of affection with that older, black gangster boss. On the girl's initiative. How did it come to this.

"See, if you keep behaving like this, I might even start to like you," T said calmly, as we ended the kiss.

I wasn't able to do much but to return a slight, sheepish smile at her. It was as if I was admitting to what she wanted. As if she was starting to break my will. But she was about to go further.

"I know all about you, Samantha baby."

She made my skin crawl by using my real name. Hearing my real name from someone like her, someone so violent, so dangerous, made me feel threatened on an even deeper level.

"We get them from time to time, naive white girls who want some adventure. Knowing shit about the real world, and then getting in trouble with the cops, getting raped and abused, and all that shit, ending up in jail, or, you know, ending up with us."

I was listening while my body started to feel weak. It was as if she was seeing right through me. I had been very naive. I couldn't believe I had been this stupid. All for a little adventure, and she was right - I really didn't know the first thing about that world. This whole club thing was an innocent fairytale to me, before all this happened.

"But we got you, we'll take care of you, as long as you take care of us.. you know what I'm sayin' baby?"

I just nodded.

"'s Alright, we know girls like you," she reassured, but the double meaning behind what she was saying could be felt in every muscle I had.

"You gonna be pleasin' the family, and you gonna work for us, and in turn, you don't get fucked up either outside or in jail."

I gulped quietly at the harsh, direct threat.

"See we got a lot of family in jail too. Lot of enemies, too.."

She stared into nothingness for a few seconds.

"So if you choose jail, you know, you'll still be working for the family, you know what I'm sayin'?"

I didn't know how to respond to something like that, and I just nodded. I already knew jail wasn't an option. But this threat made being out here instead of jail feel almost like a double blessing, despite the horrendous situation I was in.

She continued as if I was hardly there. As if I didn't get to even have an opinion on all this, or questions about this. Not that I would've dared to express it.

"You gonna work at the club, too, cuz everyone in the family brings home bacon."

I felt my heart sink once again. She was going to make me into an actual prostitute. I was going to be forced to work there.

"But as long as you're my girlfriend, I don't want any dick in that pretty body of yours, so you cater to women only."

She hardly paused.

"If you got a boyfriend, I suggest you break up, cuz I don't want any boy tongue, or any dick in my girlfriend. Is that understood, babygirl."

I blushed. I didn't have a boyfriend at that moment, fortunately. But the level in which she restricted me was insane. She was going to control my life. But the alternatives were way, way worse.

"Yes," I answered quietly.

"You get to go home from time to time, don't worry. We don't need any unnecessary attention, you know what I'm saying?"

I hardly knew what she meant, but at the same time I did. I just nodded awkwardly again.

"You stay in college, you keep in touch with your friends, you go about your business just as usual. Difference is, family's gonna keep an eye on you, and you'll be ready for the family at any time."

I knew very well to which family she was referring by now. It wasn't even a question this time. And strangely enough, I even felt some relief because of the clarity she was providing. It was definitely way better than jail. But I knew that they were serious. Very serious. And that I wouldn't even be able to think nothing was going on. I didn't dare to ask for how long this situation would last. Me being her so called girlfriend was a huge blessing. I didn't even want to start to imagine being an actual, regular, forced hooker for any cock coming my way. Jail even seemed better than that, although that wasn't an option either. The whole world thinking I was actually a prostitute? No. It would kill my mom, ruin my family, ruin my life. The safest option really was to stay as close to T as possible, and making sure she'd be pleased at all times.

"The Russians are gonna be here to see if we can reach a deal," she then continued, in the same tone.

"I want you to show off whose girlfriend you are, especially when business folks are 'round. Know what I mean baby?"

"Mhm," I nodded, as if I understood completely what she meant.

"Don't make me regret taking you here."

She sounded harsh when she said it. But since I once again realized that being close to her was the only actual option I had, I was going to try. I was going to do everything in my power to make sure she wouldn't let me go down another path.

Once again, I leaned my upper body towards her, and kissed her. This time, there was less panic, and at least a bit more determination as to which path to take with this whole nasty situation. I felt some comfort in the thought that from the outside, my life would stay mostly the same. And if there was anything in my own hands right now, it was this.

She kept petting me like she did, as we just sat there, me on her lap, Gab and Alyssa still keeping themselves busy with whatever they were looking at on their phones.

Then I felt a slight, but at the same time very clear pat on my ass, through the thin fabric of the dress.

"Stand up baby, I want to look at you," T said.

I felt nervous about what she might want, as we were in a restaurant, and people might see. People who weren't counting on seeing any kind of nudity. The waitresses, they'd surely see things I didn't want them to see.

But I slid off T's lap and stood up. She was quick to guide me by my hip with her hand, turning me towards the table, my back towards her. I felt her hand pressuring my lower back slightly.

"Hands on the table, come on," and with that, she patted my ass once again.

I bent slightly as I put my hands on the table, and I knew what posture she wanted me to assume. I was still embarrassed to do it, yet there I stood, with my butt pushed out, my legs straight, and my hands on the table. I was most embarrassed about the short dress crawling up my bare thighs, and probably exposing the lower part of my cheeks now.

But without a doubt, this was the position that T wanted me to assume. Her hand then gently, casually caressed over my tightly wrapped cheeks as I stood there, looking over the lower floor of the restaurant. Again, there was this strange feeling of disconnect between me and the regular world. The world I wanted to return to.

I felt her hand run down, touching the bare skin of my cheeks under the dress with her fingertips, and very shortly after, running her hand over the inside of my upper thigh. It emphasized how skimpy my outfit was, and how it allowed for easy access. Her fingertips brushing all the way up, and whether I wanted it or not, I felt my body warm up as T's fingers reached my crotch, just barely touching the small thong I was wearing.

Then suddenly, Gab and Alyssa stood up as if stung by a bee. Gab rushed to the entrance, while Alyssa stayed right at the staircase of the balcony, completely focused on the entrance, where Gab was. Her hand was resting on something in her waistband, and I didn't want to see the black thing she was holding, which was undoubtably a gun. The playful look on her face before had turned into a very serious one. I felt myself becoming scared. What if this led to a huge shoot out?

But T kept sitting there, slowly caressing my thigh, as if she wasn't even impressed with what was going on.

I was watching the entrance, as Gab led a few people in. The Russians, apparently. I had no idea what this was going to be all about, but I was pretty sure all of this was illegal.

Gab guided three people towards the balcony, towards us. Up came the first, a woman, short, slightly chubby, with red curly hair. She was wearing jeans, boots and a red shirt. She was followed by a very tall, skinny woman with a very pale, white face and black hair, dressed in a black striped pantsuit. Then finally, a tall guy with very wide shoulders, bald and wearing a suit followed her up to our balcony.

Alyssa let them pass, and the guy walked all the way to the corner of the balcony, while Alyssa remained in her position at the entrance.

I felt a slight push in my lower back from T, while she talked in my ear quietly, so only I could hear.

"Stand real close to them when you greet them, they gotta feel your body warmth," T said.

I just nodded, and stood up straight, immediately adjusting the very short dress. T stood up as well. The short and the tall woman just stood there, with Gab, waiting for us to approach them.

T took my hand and walked me over.

"Appreciate you coming here, glad we can set some things straight and do business. This is my girl Princess," T immediately took the lead, while I felt yet another push in my lower back, this time using a bit more strength.

I understood the hint, and nervously walked forward to the two women standing there next to Gab. I didn't even consider not doing what T asked me to do. This was all way too scary.

I walked up and awkwardly stood right in front of the short woman with the red hair, who looked up as I was much taller than her, straight into my eyes. She had a somewhat grumpy expression on her face. I reached out my hand, which she took, fortunately. Then, I even took one step closer to her, our bodies almost touching.

"Hi.. I'm Princess."

It was as if I could feel the blood flow through my veins. She didn't respond, at all. I let go off her hand, and she didn't even look into my eyes anymore. She looked at T, as if I wasn't in the room.

I went on to the very tall, skinny, black haired woman, and introduced myself the same way, almost pushing my body against hers, as T demanded I would do, and once again I introduced myself as Princess. My new identity, in my new, crazy world. In contrast with the other woman, she was taller than I was, even while wearing those high club heels. She looked down on me, her eyes weirdly blue. I found her creepy. Again, not a word coming from her mouth.

I just walked back to T, and I felt so embarrassed being present here in this very skimpy, tight dress, my legs bare, and wearing those very obvious hooker heels. They probably didn't even doubt that I was some gang slut. Some prostitute. A special one at that, being in the presence of a meeting like this. T's favorite, or something like that.

Then, partly on impulse, partly because of a fear that was slowly becoming second nature for me, I leaned towards T, and gave her a kiss, while my posture caused the ridiculously short dress to crawl up even further, making me look even more like a slut. But I didn't want to take risks anymore. I grew both scared and tired of all the painful mental and physical reprimands.

T acted as if it was all very normal, and the Russians didn't seem to care at all. With an awkward feeling, I stood up straight again, and just waited next to T.

"Please," T then said, gesturing at the tables between us.

The two Russian women sat down at the other side of the table, while the big guy kept standing in one corner, and Alyssa in the other, being very alert to everything that was happening.

I sat down in between T and Gab, while Gab kept quiet. No casual looking Gab at this moment. She stared at the two Russians like a hawk.

As if instructed, the waitresses came up to the balcony, carrying plates, then bowls with delicious looking food were put on the table. Probably much more than this group of people could eat in a day.

Only the 2 Russian women and T put food on their plates, while new drinks were ordered. Gab didn't put anything on her plate, and I followed her lead. I didn't feel as if I could just take the liberty of doing so.

T just started eating, and while she must have noticed me not taking any food, she didn't mention a thing. Not a lot was said for a few minutes.

"Here, have a bite, baby," T then suddenly said.

Embarrassed about being treated like this in front of everyone, but without having much of a choice, I leaned towards T, who was holding out a fork in my direction, and wrapped my lips around it, eating some of the curried noodles she offered.

I was being fed like I was a child, and it didn't seem to impress anyone. Sure, the Russians were looking, but the expression on their faces didn't change.

I sat up straight again when T started to eat herself.

"I'd say North West district for 35 percent," T then said.

The Russians kept quiet for a bit, before answering.

"There's the Chinese problem which needs to be resolved first," the short, red haired woman then said.

T didn't respond right away, clearly thinking. I quickly realized that I was present at some major drug trade decision. Or something like that.

"We'll need to get our soldier back," T then answered.

Again the Russians paused, and slightly looked at each other. The red haired, short Russian woman who was doing all the talking then sighed.

"What can I say. She refused to cooperate."

Her Russian accent made it sound even colder. T stopped eating. I could feel the tension increase. Gab moved her hand, and when I peeked down, I trembled slightly as I could see her holding a gun. She stared at the Russians across the table with a look so furious, that I thought she'd start shooting any moment now. I was wondering if the tall, pale Russian woman at the other side of the table was doing the same.

It took about a minute before T started talking again, without any emotion at all.

"That's very unfortunate, but we do understand that this is how business works. In that case, I'd say 35 percent as is, and you deal with the Chinese problem yourself."

I couldn't believe how harsh this business apparently was. Sure, I could only guess what had happened, but I think my guess was close to reality.

The Russians kept quiet, and I wasn't sure whether that meant they had a deal or not.

"What about her?" the Russian woman then asked, nodding into my direction.

I felt goosebumps on my upper arms, as it seemed almost as if she was personally attacking me.

T smiled slightly, and leaned back on her chair.

"You mean Princess?"

I didn't like where this was going at all, but T reached out and ran her hand through my hair softly.

"Stand up babygirl, let our new friends take a look at you," she then said.

I felt so nervous as I then stood up, next to T.

"Go on baby, don't be shy," T then reached towards me, taking my hand, and pulling me to the other side, as a sign for me to walk toward the Russian lady.

I walked towards her, while growing so scared of all this. But again, I didn't dare to go against T's expectations, and I stood right next to the Russian woman, at the end of the table.

I felt her hand on my ass suddenly, and she started squeezing my cheek through the dress. Not softly, but almost as if she was inspecting me. Inspecting the meat. It felt threatening, and so very humiliating. As if she wasn't even going to treat me like a human.

"So what about 37, and her," she then suggested to T, while she kept squeezing my cheek.

I wanted to scream. I wanted to beg T to let me stay with her. T's answer took seconds but seemed like hours.

"Top quality like her goes for 60, so that would more reasonably add up to 40 percent," T then said calmly.

I trembled on my feet, on those ridiculously high hooker heels. She was actually willing to.. sell me? Because that was certainly what it sounded like!

"Hmm.." I then finally heard the voice of the Russian woman next to me, while her hand finally stopped squeezing my ass, and slid down with a slight caress over my bare inner thigh.

Then I felt a rough push in my lower back, almost making me lose my balance as I was sent back to T's side of the table.

For the first time, I felt a genuine desire to stay with T. At least we had some kind of deal. At least I knew what to expect from her. Well, to some very vague extent. I didn't even want to think of the things that could happen when I was sold to these people. Would they take me to Russia? Would they have me work as a sex slave? Would I ever see my home again, my family?

The kiss I gave T when I walked back to her was charged with hope, with attachment, rather than fear of reprimands if I didn't kiss her. I wanted her to choose my side, to not let me down. To not sell me.

No one cared.

When I finally sat down, the Russian woman spoke again.

"I should have realized that your organization is not exactly known for long term thinking."

"Now that's where you're wrong. But the more proof we got from our partners, the more we're willing to think long term."

T sounded confident, while I tried to figure out what was actually being said. What did she mean by that? What did it mean for me being sold or not?

The Russians then finally finished their dinner, and eventually both of the Russian women stood up, the short woman extending her hand to T.

"Pleasure doing business with you, and I hope we can build up a profitable future."

"Likewise," T only answered briefly.

They left as quick as they got here, the Russian man finally joining them again, passing Alyssa who still stood there at the entrance of the balcony, watching them like a hawk.

I could see them leave through the front door, and finally things seemed back to normal. As far as things were normal, anyway.

"Goddamn, I'm starving," Alyssa said as she finally came back to us.

It was apparently time for Alyssa and Gab to have dinner at last. They filled their plates, and sat together eating, while a waitress brought them new beers.

I just sat quietly next to T, who snapped her fingers at one of the waitresses. She came over in a hurry, and with an exaggerated smile on her face.

"Yes, yes, good food?"

She seemed as stressed as the owner with every interaction they had with T. When she came closer, T gently grabbed her wrist, which made her visibly even more nervous.

"Yeah, yeah, great food. Listen. You think we could use the staff restroom for a few minutes without getting interrupted?"

The girl nodded immediately, almost as exaggerated as her smile.

"Yes yes, of course, it's downstairs in the back," she answered.

"Yeah? Will you take care of that for me?" T said with such an obvious fake charm in her voice that it almost seemed like sarcasm.

She finally let go of the girl's wrist, and she nodded again, followed by a small bow this time.

"Yes yes, of course."

The girl was clearly in a hurry when she went down the stairs, but T barely seemed to notice. She reached out to my upper arm.

"Let's go baby," she said.

We both stood up, and she held my hand while we walked towards the stairs and off the stairs like the unlikely couple we apparently were, into the public area of the restaurant.

Fortunately, we took a left turn immediately while the assigned waitress waited for us downstairs. Still, we were probably seen by more than enough guests.

"Yes, you come this way," the waitress gestured.

She led us to the back, where the regular restrooms were - one for men, one for women, and one door with a 'Staff' label on it.

The waitress got a plastic card from her apron and used it to unlock the door. T took the liberty of opening the door.

"Thanks, appreciate it," she only said to the waitress, who smiled again while nodding, and walked off.

Awkwardly, I followed T into the bathroom. What plan did she have?

The bathroom, while spacious, had one toilet, and a sink. T walked ahead of me, and the door behind us clicked as it shut. We were alone in this small room.

She casually walked to the toilet, and sat down on the toilet seat. What on earth was she planning to do here?

"I need some relief baby, get on your knees."

It sounded so raunchy, so wrong. Being ordered around like that, like some back alley slut. But what could I do? And did she really mean what I thought she meant?

Seconds later, I was sitting on my knees, on the tiled floor of the Staff toilet in the Asian restaurant, right in front of T, who was looking down on me. She had a serious look in her eyes.

Almost in a pushy way, she then stuck out her left leg towards me.

"Come on, help me undress."

She seemed impatient, as she almost touched my nose with the tip of her gym shoe. I hurried to reach up, and awkwardly moved her foot down a bit so I could actually unlace her shoe. I carefully took it off, and wanted to move to the next, but T kept her foot up.

"Socks too baby, come on, what's taking you so long?" her voice seemed agitated. Not in a threatening way, but in a rush. As if she needed this immediately.

I then took her black ankle sock off, and while peeking at her bare, black foot, I finally moved on to the other foot, which she stuck out to me as well. But T didn't leave me alone while I was busy untying the laces of the other shoe. She touched my face with her other, now bare foot, in a taunting way.

"Yeah baby, I'm gonna feel that pretty tongue of yours, stick it out."

I felt more and more humiliated. But I had no choice but to stick out my tongue, and she didn't hesitate to tease my tongue with her foot. Sliding her toes over my tongue, and eventually pressing her sole against my tongue, right into my face. It all happened fast, but that didn't mean I felt anything less dirty. I wasn't even sure this was about sex or about downright humiliation.

"Take off my pants, hurry the fuck up," she said after I removed her other shoe and sock, leaving them on the floor.

She left my face alone while I then bent to her, and unbuttoned her khaki pants, with such a deeply nervous feeling. She was going to have me actually do this.

I awkwardly then unzipped the pants, and helped her out of them while she slightly lifted her hips. Apparently she was in a rush, because the black thong she appeared to be wearing was quickly removed by herself, exposing her black, smooth pussy.

She spread her legs wide, while sitting on the toilet seat, and I stared at her exposed pussy.

She then leaned over towards me, and I didn't dare to move. She simply reached around my head, and pulled my face towards her. Towards her crotch. She grabbed my hair, and guided me steadily towards her pussy.

"I'mma teach you how to show gratitude. Stick out that tongue."

I nervously stuck out my tongue, while I could even smell the sweet, very strong scent of her arousal.

Right before my eyes, I saw how she parted her pussy lips with her fingers, exposing her pink pussy.

"You start at the bottom.." she said, while she guided my face further down, and I couldn't stop as my tongue finally touched her pussy.

"And you lick all the way up.." she continued, while strongly guiding my head by my hair, as my tongue ran through her exposed pussy.

"And then when you find my clit.. find my clit, hurry the f-.. that's right," she continued while her voice got lost in a deep breath. "You take your time there."

I nervously ran my tongue over her clit, flicking it over it in a fast pace. But after seconds, she pushed my face down again.

"And you start at the bottom again.."

She guided my face in exactly the same way as she did before, teaching me exactly what to do. Controlling every little move I was making.

"And you go up slowly.. and you find.. yeah. You get the idea, don't you baby."

I didn't say a word, but for the next five minutes or so, I repeated the exact same moves she just taught me. In this bathroom, with the noise from the restaurant in the background, my bare knees on the hard floor, licking the pussy of this gangster boss, who finally had let go of my hair. She knew I would do it. She practically owned me.

T breathed heavily, sometimes holding her breath, then slowly but heavily breathing out again, clearly enjoying this.

"That's right, pretty little bitch, stick that ass out, I wanna see you."

As if my position wasn't humiliating enough, I tried my best to arch my back while I was licking her pussy, and even reached back to lift up my dress, afraid of any reprimands for not letting her actually see me.

"Panties down, I said I wanna see you," she kept pushing me.

Scared of getting some kind of harsh slap in my face at any moment, I reached to my hips immediately, and pulled the small thong down over my cheeks.

"Yeah.. hot little white bitch."

I kept licking her, from the bottom to her clit, over and over. Tasting her, feeling the warmth of her pussy which she held open for me, while I could hear her enjoying it.

Once again, in the silence of this previously unimaginable situation, I thought of the mess I was in. My face buried in between this petite, but very powerful, fierce, and dangerous gang leader's legs. Licking her pussy. As her girlfriend. Whatever else that might mean. With a future so uncertain it almost drove me into a blackout right then and there.

"Use your finger, press against my ass," she then suddenly said, clearly carried away in her own arousal.

She wanted me to what..? But this was not the place, nor even the person, to ever hesitate doing something. I moved my hand towards her, awkwardly reached under her, and found her asshole between her small, firm cheeks.

"Yeah.." she breathed. "Now use your tongue on my clit, come on," there was that pushy voice again.

I let my tongue circle around her clit, while I carefully pressed my thumb against her ass, which was clearly what drove her to an orgasm.

"Fuck.. yeah baby," she groaned.

Her thighs started to tremble, as she started to hold her breath more and more often, gasping loudly after each time she did.

"Mhh.. hnngg...." she moaned, pressing her hips forward suddenly, pushing her pussy against my face as she came hard.

I could feel the mix of her juice and my own saliva being spread over my face as she roughly grabbed my head and pressed it against her pussy, and moving it as if she wanted to completely drown my face in the smell of sex. Uncontrolled, wild tugs at my hair moving my face against her.

Then suddenly, she pulled my hair back, and harshly pushed against my cheek. My cheek that was still sore from everything that happened earlier.

"Freshen up."

Her voice suddenly sounded like before, as if nothing had happened. Calm, determined.

While I got up to my feet, pulled up my thong again and adjusted the short dress, T stayed behind and got dressed again without even looking at me.

I freshened up my face at the small sink, not wanting to look at myself in the mirror. The smell of sex was probably faintly on me still, as I felt T's hand on my hip.

"Let's get outta here, baby."

I walked to the door of the restroom, and opened it finally, immediately measured up by some woman leaving the Ladies room next to the Staff room, who looked away when she saw T coming out right behind me. I couldn't believe she made me look like such a slut in public.

Further into the open space of the restaurant, Alyssa and Gab already stood there waiting for us, Gab holding the fur coat I was wearing.

"Ma'am," Gab joked exactly like before, except I couldn't even smile about it anymore. Things had become too serious.

As we made our way to the exit, Akari walked up to us, enthusiastic (or nervous) as ever.

"Sooo good to see you again! Hope you enjoyed the dinner!"

T barely acknowledged her, and Akari turned her attention to me.

"And you, so pretty!! Pretty girl!!"

She rubbed the back of her hand against my upper arm, covered by the fur coat. I just managed to smile at her politely, desperately wanting her to stop drawing attention to me.

Finally, the four of us left the restaurant, and I just feel the eyes of the guests of the restaurant on us. On my bare legs. On the very heavy contrast of our group.

There was a car waiting right outside with the motor running, and Alyssa immediately got in, right into the passenger's seat.

"Alright baby, Gab will take you home, see you soon," T then stared at me.

And while I felt relieved in a way, I knew that stare by now. I leaned towards T and kissed her, sensually as ever. In a way, I did feel grateful to her. Grateful for not selling me to the Russians. I didn't want to think about that.

T got into the back of the car, and Gab tauntingly patted my tightly wrapped ass through the dress, right before wrapping an arm around my waist, and leading me to the car we arrived in.

I got in, sitting on the passenger's seat, right next to Gab behind the wheel. She turned on some hip hop music, and with her eyes on the road, she didn't say a thing. I didn't dare to ask a thing. I just sat there. I was so very glad I at least got to go home after this crazy, messed up night.

It took about 15 minutes before I realized that Gab apparently knew exactly where I lived. Again, I didn't dare to ask questions. She reached into her pocket, and opened the window slightly before lighting the joint she had grabbed. The strong smell of weed filled the car.

Another 15 minutes later, the car drove onto my street, and Gab started to slow down. She turned down the music, and calmly parked the car in front of the apartment building where I lived. It was a good thing the windows were blinded, and that it was already late at night.

"So here's the deal. You're gonna go on with your life as usual, no worries baby. But when we call, you gonna be ready."

She looked at me, her eyes serious, sharp, despite whatever she was smoking. I nodded slightly, not understanding entirely. But it was way better than the alternatives.

"That means, you gonna be ready and groomed, looking good all the time, every time, and you gonna stay close."

She pointed down at the floor of the car, right at my feet.

"There's your stuff, except you ain't gonna have any ID to go anywhere. Pretty sure you're smart enough to understand why."

I nodded again, nervously, peeking at the black bag at my feet, which I hadn't notice earlier. Them having my ID card sounded scary.

"No one's gotta know. You'll just have a bit less spare time." Gab grinned widely, exposing her white teeth.

"But no funny shit, no turning off your phone, no trying to disappear, no fucking excuses, no talking to the wrong people, and no fucking snitching, because it's true what they say about snitching. You know what they say about snitches, don't you?"

She looked at me. I just stared back at her. She didn't wait for an answer.

She then leaned towards me, and over me, to open the passenger's door. Her weird, or pushy way of saying I should get out.

"Aight baby, see you soon. Don't forget your shit."

I nervously grabbed the plastic bag from in front of my legs, and with an awkward look into Gab's eyes, I got out of the car.

"Bye," I tried to sound as casual as I could, but the whole situation was so charged, it couldn't have possibly sounded normal.

I rushed towards the apartment building, still in those ridiculously high heels, and my bare legs entirely exposed under the fur coat, while the car left slowly.

My heart was beating fast, as I got into the elevator. Fortunately, I didn't run into anyone before entering my apartment.

Nervously, I opened the bag. Sure enough, there were my clothes, my phone, and my wallet. I opened my wallet, and the sight of my ID being taken almost made me faint.

Restless, I finally took off the high shoes, and walked to the couch to bury my face in the cushions, and cried. My life had been turned upside down.

Next: Chapter 6

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