Hot Summer Vacation

By Kyan Michaels

Published on Jun 7, 2010


Hey guys. This is my first attempt at a story for Nifty. So, please tell me what you think, and whether you might like to read more. This story will eventually involve male/male sexual acts of consenting adult males. All the legal stuff applies. So without further ado:

"A Hot Summer Vacation"

It was late. Much later than my parents would consider decent for anyone to be awake. But I couldn't help it; I was hooked on the trashy romance novel I finally broke down and bought. It took all my courage and a serious blow to my pride to go to the used bookstore, walk over to the Romance section, and choose a book from the single shelf entitled "Same Sex Stories". Even worse was going to the checkout counter and having to suffer the awkward silence between the store clerk and myself. It's not every day that you are forced to come out to your graduating class's valedictorian. Her smirk said everything that was running through my mind. Luckily I was able to counteract the embarrassment with the knowledge that while she had done nothing after college, I was preparing to enter into my Master's degree.

It was torture being home for the summer. I had moved away to college when I was almost eighteen, fresh out of high school - and I had never looked back. It was hard on my parents seeing me leave and choose not to come back after my first year like every other normal college student. But home was hell. Well, that's an unfair description. Being back home after getting that taste of freedom felt like hell. My parents have always been incredibly conservative, Mormon in fact. While I loved the people at church with whom I grew up, I was different. You can't be gay and be Mormon. Actually, that's untrue. You can be gay, you just can't "practice". But as I learned in my years of piano lessons, practice makes perfect, and unbeknownst to my parents and church family, I had been `practicing' long before I was out of high school.

So here I was, awake at 3:30 in the morning about two weeks into my summer break between my undergrad and grad schools, reading a poorly written yet enthralling novel. At my apartment, I had had the internet to read all the trashy gay romance and sex stories I wanted. But my dad had set up the wireless here and forgotten the password leaving the only way of accessing the internet on his 3 year old dell. So, to keep the secret of my "alternative lifestyle" as my parents would refer to it, I had to find other means of fulfilling my desires.

I was maybe 45 pages from knowing whether Emmanuel's lover, Jonas, would survive his horrific accident when I heard a knock on my door.

"Kyan?" I heard my mom's voice say softly.

`Shit,' I thought before stashing the book and pulling out a physics textbook from my bag. "Yes, ma'am?" I replied.

"Hun," she said, opening the door slowly. "What are you doing awake so late?"

I gestured to my text book which I had opened to a random page. "Just doing a bit of reviewing. Couldn't sleep so I figured I'd study to keep my mind sharp." Okay, so it was lame, but my parents trusted my completely and I knew she would buy it.

"Okay hunny, but you know you have to get up early tomorrow to help your father with the lawn. You're an adult and you have to earn your keep these days," she said.

"I know," I said, using the sweet and innocent voice that had kept me in good graces for 22 years. "But at school I'm used to staying up late most nights trying to get homework done. It wasn't easy pulling off that 3.9 GPA, and I s'pose my body's used to it."

She smiled, meaning I'd gotten away with it this time. "Okay dear. Just remember," she said as she began to close the door. "We keep decent hours in this house." And the door was closed.

`Oy,' I thought to myself. This summer was shaping up to suck.big time. But for the time being I went back to my book, hoping that Jonas would be alright (though inside, the intellectual side was rolling its eyes because of course the main character was going to live in a romance novel).

7am was far too early in the morning for me. I had kept my schedule so that I never had a class before 10 during the semesters at school and in the summers that I didn't take classes, I got up whenever the hell I felt like it. But my parents were early to bed, early to rise-type people so I guess I was going to have to deal with three hours of sleep.

I wasn't a huge fan of yard work. Sure, I worked out to keep in decent shape, but manual labor was not my strong suit. Luckily, my dad had finally invested in a riding lawn mower which meant the job would be a little easier. I had been picking up large limbs and sticks, edging, weedwacking, and was finally mowing by about 9:00 when I saw someone without a helmet ride buy on a crotch rocket in my periphery. I turned to look at this unexpected sight, but he was already down the road and even with my excellent eyesight I couldn't make out any features.

I went about my morning duties, forgetting about this unusual scene in such an old-fashioned neighborhood when the same rider flew past again, going in the same direction. I wondered where he lived, and more importantly what he was doing riding around the block this early on a Saturday. If I were him, I'd stay in bed until noon before going out for a joy ride.

On his third trip `round, he slowed as he passed my house. This time I could see his face because he was staring directly at me and my shirtless self. He was strikingly gorgeous with brown hair that was just short enough to whip out behind him in the wind, bright blue eyes that I could see at least thirty feet away, and dark eyebrows that made him look serious. As he passed, I smiled sort of goofily at him, surely looking like an idiot. I had never seen someone this attractive in my hometown.

After he passed, I wished that he had stopped so that I could keep drinking in the sight of him. Even back at school, where I had had plenty of one-nighters and legit boyfriends, no one had made such a strong impression on me so quickly. I was almost recovered enough to get on with my mowing when I heard the whine of his bike's engine getting close again. I stopped the motor on the tractor and hopped out of the seat, pretending that I had to move something from my path in order to continue. As he neared he slowed again, this time stopping fully next to my mailbox.

I wasn't sure if I was expected to just go to him from where I was, but he didn't call me over. He simply looked at me, taken in the view of my sweaty torso that was paler than I'd have wished him to see. At least I had decent muscle definition, because this stud was definitely in shape and he was judging me every second he stood there watching me. Finally I awkwardly walked over to him and he spoke.

"Jacob," he said extending his hand.

"Kyan," I replied, wiping the grime from my hand onto my shorts as best as I could before I shook his.

"I've never seen you around before, Kyan," he said.

"That's probably because I haven't been around, Jacob," I replied lamely, instantly kicking myself for feeling so nervous and intimidated in front of this stranger. In my experience, I was usually the assertive one. But in his presence I felt like the dorky kid of 5'6" that I was in high school instead of the much taller 5'8" that I was now. He wasn't too tall, maybe two inches or so taller than me. But I felt like a little kid again.

"Call me Jake," he said, causing me to wonder why he didn't just introduce himself as such in the first place. "So, why have you so suddenly appeared, Ky?"

Few people were allowed to call me Ky, Mainly my roommates and best friends, Meghan and James. But when he said it, it didn't bother me in the slightest.

"I'm home for the summer before going back to college in September," I said, finally forcing some confidence into my voice. I was, after all, one of the smartest people I knew. And humble, too.

"Cool man," he replied. "I'm just about to go back to school myself. Had to take a year off to work after my scholarship ran out."

"Well that sucks. But at least you're actually going back. Most people never do once they've taken a `break'." Dear god, I even did air quotes. After 4 years of living free of my inner awkward nerd, he had managed to bring it back simply by existing. He laughed though, putting to ease all of the dorky feelings that were rising within me. His laugh was deep and friendly, offsetting his intense appearance. I was hooked in an instant.

"Well, Ky," he said through his smile. "I've got to get to work. I just wanted to stop and say hi before I got on my way. I get off at 4. Wanna meet me for coffee or something around then?"

Wow. He was so forward I simply nodded and tried to keep my mouth from hanging open.

"Okay then," he said with a perceptive smile. "I work at the mall. There's a great coffee shop there in the bookstore. I'll see you around 4."

"Sounds awesome," I managed to say without sounding too lame.

"Oh, and by the way," he said after he had kick started his engine. "I'm totally crazy about your blond hair."

And with that he was off, leaving me standing there staring at his retreating form.

`Holy shit!' I thought as I resumed my work in the yard. I hadn't expected today to bring such a welcome surprise. In a town that had voted 98% republican in the last presidential election, I hardly expected to be approached by a hot guy my age that would also be gay. Maybe this summer wouldn't suck so hard.

So there it is. My first chapter. Do you like it? If yes.or no, let me know! Email me at (yes, that is a pseudonym and yes, I stole it from my own

Next: Chapter 2

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