Hot Summer Vacation

By Kyan Michaels

Published on Jun 8, 2010


All of the standard rules apply. If you're not legally allowed to read this, then you know you shouldn't be here. This story includes male/male sex between consenting adult men. Please don't take this and post it somewhere else as your own work, or even crediting me without asking first. Kyan.

A Hot Summer Vacation: Chapter 2

If I had my way, I'd hire a lawn service. It was summer in Florida which meant that it was HOT. And unfortunately, I did not live in a town near the coast, so I had no sea breeze to ease the pain of the humidity. So, by the time I was finished mowing (and edging, and weedwacking, etc), it was noon and I was sweating like a whore in church.

I went inside to let my dad know I was done so that he could inspect the grass to make sure I had done a fair enough job by his standards. When your parents are retired, they find the strangest things to focus on. With my dad, it was the yard, the shrubs, and the pool. Apparently he was satisfied with my work because he said I was released for the day. Little did I know I was living in a prison for the summer.

I jumped in the pool in lieu of taking a shower because, frankly, I was far too hot for a steamy shower. Only after I had already dived in did I remember my coffee date with Jake. I would need to shower anyway to get the chlorine smell off of me. But in the meantime I swam a few laps, figuring I could get in a small workout while I was at it. Swimming was part of my daily routine while at school. I had neglected my pool when in high school, but after developing a huge crush on one of my TAs early on in my degree, I started frequenting the campus gym's lap pool daily to get a good look at the hottie. Ever since, swimming was one of my favorite activities, keeping me fit without too much weight-lifting which I abhorred (but did three times a week to appease my muscle head roommate, James).

I swam 50 short laps which would have equaled about 15 or so laps in the Olympic sized pool at school. It would have to do because I was starving and I wanted to go in and see what my mom had waiting for lunch. One nice thing about being home was that there was always plenty of food, and I never had to cook it. Looking back, I'm pretty sure that my mom used that as a ploy to get me to come home more often, and it worked. She also let me "grocery shop" in her large pantry which conveniently was always stocked with my favorite foods.

After a tasty lunch during which I asked my parents if I was to be slave labor every day of the week (they ensured me that I would not be.but we'll see), I jumped in the shower to wash the chlorine off of me. I certainly didn't want to smell even the slightest bit offensive when I met Jake for coffee. If I had been honest with myself, I was just being paranoid because there was no possible way that the smell of the pool would be all that noticeable from across the table in a coffee shop. But I had other needs to take care of as well.

As I was lathering up my smooth, toned body, I let my mind revisit the memory of my encounter with Jake. I pictured him with his perfectly messy hair, a deep brown with natural highlights. I imagined what it must feel like to run my fingers through his silken locks. They extended just past his ears, just long enough to dare you to touch them, but not so long that they were even the slightest bit effeminate. I ran my hands through my own medium length blond hair, wishing that they were his fingers massaging my scalp.

My fingers ghosted over my face, imagining in my mind his beautiful features: a strong jaw that exuded confidence, full lips that seemed to naturally be a deep pink, a straight nose that was neither too large nor too small, and his piercing blue eyes. Eyes so deep that they seemed to cut through me, yet the look in his eyes was soft and enticing, inviting me to become lost.

I traced my way down my chest, giving attention to each of my nipples while attempting to visualize what his body that filled out that shirt so well would look and feel like. I wanted to run my hands over his chest, strong and soft. I wanted to lick at his nipples, savoring each taste. As I imagined this, my hand moved down to my blossoming erection, standing proud at 7 inches. I wrapped my fingers around my shaft, and continued to imagine this man that surely was only a dream.

Yet as I began to run my fingers up and down my hard length, I dared not imagine them as being his. To do so seemed forbidden at this time. I simply imagined his torso and my hands running over it as I looked him in the eye. In my mind I saw him smile and lean in to press his luscious lips to mine, never breaking eye contact. At long last we closed the space between us and became locked in the heated passion of two men who wanted each other with the same desperation. And in this moment I felt myself begin to shudder as I succumbed to one of the most powerful orgasms I had ever given myself.

My release was overwhelming and I needed to steady myself against the wall of my shower stall. Once I had recovered enough I opened my eyes to the ugly reality of the yellow tiled enclosure that was my shower. For a brief moment, I had been in a personal paradise, and leaving that bliss was not something I desired. But time was passing and I knew that before long my parents would be at the door, inquiring as to what was taking me so long. So, I rinsed the evidence of my private experience away and finished washing every inch of my body. I had no expectations that I would need to be as clean as I was striving for, but I felt that Jake warranted it.

Choosing an outfit was an experience I had never had before. In the past, I never had any trouble choosing what jeans and shirt to wear and which shoes to match them with. But of course, I had never worried about how good I looked. I simply dressed and knew the boy I would be meeting would approve. But again, I was going out of my way to impress Jake. At the same time, I wanted to look as if I had simply thrown on whatever I had lying about.

The reality is that I actually ironed my jeans to make them as straight as possible, and then picked a shirt that I knew fit me just snugly enough to show that I was well defined without being so tight as to raise a giant flag that said "Gay! Look here, he's gay!!!" Somehow I knew that Jake would not choose to be seen with someone who screamed homo the minute they walked through the door.

My parents asked surprisingly few questions when I told them I was going to meet a friend at the mall. Perhaps they understood that I was truly an adult and capable of making my own decisions. That would be quite a change from the overprotective parents who were just a bit too religious. Of course, I hadn't told them that I was going to be drinking coffee because that would be against the rules. And I definitely didn't mention that I was going to meet a man about whom I had just fantasized kissing!

I drove to the mall, which was sadly the only source of entertainment in this pathetic little town. As I neared, the traffic was as awful as I expected meaning that of course everyone was here. I simply hoped that I didn't run into any family or church members. The last thing I needed was for someone to spot me making eyes at a cute boy and report back to my parents. I may have decided that my parents were finally accepting that I was a man, but I didn't doubt for a second that they had unwitting spies everywhere.

After searching for what seemed like hours for a decent parking spot and finding none, I pulled into a space in the grassy overflow parking area. By the time I walked through the doors of the bookstore, I had a light sheen of sweat and was thoroughly unhappy about that. And, I was 10 minutes late. If I was lucky, his shift might have run late and I'd be there before him.

But, as luck would have it I was wrong. There he was, sitting in the corner of the sizeable caf‚, with two cups of coffee sitting before him. I walked up to him, feeling completely self-conscious about how stupid my arms must look swinging as they were. He watched me the whole way, with a look that wasn't necessarily serious, but seemed to be sizing me up again as I walked. As I sat down, he smiled and spoke.

"Glad you came."

It was simple, yet seemed to say so much. He seemed so confident that I would definitely show up. He hadn't even asked for my number or given me his. Yet, in this statement, he made it seem like I could possibly have made any other decision than meeting him here.

"Sorry I'm late," I replied. "Traffic was a nightmare, and so was parking. I've never seen the overflow parking used except during Christmas."

"And Black Friday," he said, causing me to laugh even though it wasn't funny. "And I assumed you'd be late. You've been away for a while, and people who visit this town seem to forget what a nightmare it is traveling in a city where there's only one main road that leads everywhere."

I had no intelligent reply to that so I changed the subject.

"I see you were in need of quite a bit of coffee," I said, yet again choosing probably the dumbest thing I could possibly say.

"Oh, yeah. I got you something since the line was ridiculous. Hope you're okay with a frappuchino. I'm afraid I have a bit of a sweet tooth."

"I love sweets. You picked perfectly," I said, his childish smile infectious, making me laugh again. "So, where do you work?"

"In the clothing store right across the way," he responded, pointing over his shoulder at the high end retail shop that I could see through the large glass window. I thought about how nice a commission he must make. It probably beat the pants off the church organist job I had throughout my four years away at school. I had never told my parents that I had started going to a different church and was getting paid to do so. The shock would have killed my mom.

We talked for about an hour, and though it took a while for me to stop feeling like I was awkward, we really seemed to click right away. Apparently, he lived just a few houses down the same street as I did, and we would be going back to school at the same university which made me very happy. It occurred to me that I was already envisioning myself in a committed relationship with this guy I had only met eight hours earlier. I had to mentally tell myself to slow down on that thought process. This was only a first date.

After our coffee was long since finished, Jake suggested that we see a movie, and I hastily agreed, happy to extend the amount of time I spent with this stud. We were able to catch the 5:15 showing of the first big blockbuster of the summer season. As I settled in to my chair, he excused himself to go to the bathroom, returning with a large bag of popcorn and a huge drink.

"I thought maybe we could share a drink since the prices are so ridiculously high," he said, seeming a bit unsure for the first time. Maybe he was wary of my response to us sharing a straw so soon in our budding.relationship, friendship, whatever it was.

"Sounds thrifty to me," I said. So apparently I was going to keep vomiting up corny lines like this whenever I spoke. Luckily he seemed to find them charming, because he smiled at my answer.

We sat back and the movie started, with the typical everyman thrust into the hero role due to unhappy circumstances. To be honest, I didn't give two shits about what was happening on screen. I was too busy concentrating on every move I made, and every breath Jake took. I kept wondering if I should try to "accidentally" graze his hand when he reached for the drink, or if maybe I should wiggle my leg toward his.

Apparently, he noticed because when I returned my gaze to his face he was looking directly at me, smiling at me in a way that made me feel both goofy and giddy at the same time. I returned my attention to the screen and a few minutes later felt him press his thigh against mine. I instantly grew hard in my jeans, but dared not move lest I give it away. We sat like this for the rest of the movie, hands occasionally touching accidentally on purpose when we both reached for the popcorn or the soda.

As we left the theatre, we noticed that the weather had chosen to change completely as it tends to do in Florida. Whereas it was sunny when I arrived at the mall, it was now storming as if the first hurricane has suddenly rolled through.

"How bout I take you home in my car?" I asked him, ever the gentleman.

"That sounds far more appealing than riding my bike back in this monsoon," was his reply.

So we took off in the general direction of my car, getting soaked through and laughing about it the whole way. When we reached the doors we hopped in and took a moment to recover which was hard considering how hard we were laughing. We were completely soaked through from our run.

"This is certainly not how I envisioned a first date ending," I said.

"Yeah, you got that right," he said.

"Of course, when I woke up today, I had no idea I would even be on a first date," I laughed. "You certainly changed my plans of sitting around all afternoon suffering through old movies from the 30s, 40s, and 50s."

"I'm glad I could give you something more fun to do," he said, looking me directly in the eye.

And suddenly, I couldn't help myself.

"I really want to kiss you," I blurted.

And, that's chapter 2. I've got the barest of maps how I want the story to unfold in my head, but if you like it and let me know what you might like to see, I might be able to fit it in! Just email me with comments (good or bad), questions, and suggestions! I'd love to hear from you. Cheers, Kyan

Next: Chapter 3

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