Hot Summer Vacation

By Kyan Michaels

Published on Jun 21, 2010


All of the standard rules apply. If you're not legally allowed to read this, then you know you shouldn't be here. This story includes male/male sex between consenting adult men. Please don't take this and post it somewhere else as your own work, or even crediting me without asking first. Kyan Michaels.

A Hot Summer Vacation: Chapter 3

So there I was, sitting in my car in the mall parking lot, soaking wet and staring at this boy, terrified. Had I really just blurted out that I wanted to kiss him? I hadn't even known him 12 hours yet and here I was trying to make a move on him. He was going to think I was a whore or something.

But as all of these thoughts ran through my head, he smiled. Was he okay with what I said? Did he want me to kiss him? Would he have suggested it if I hadn't? I decided that if I was going to be bold enough to blurt out that I wanted to kiss him, then I was going to be bold enough to actually give it a try.

I leaned in toward him, and remembering my fantasy wank earlier, I kept my eyes open. He made no move to close his, but did tilt his head to allow me access. He made me cover the entire distance to him, letting me know that this was entirely my idea and that if it sucked, it was my fault.

But when our lips met, it was anything but terrible. He accepted my kiss and kissed me gently back, pressing against me with the barest of force. After only a few seconds, he pulled back and broke the kiss. I was hungering for more, but he stopped me before I could get carried away.

He put his finger to my lips and pushed me back, saying, "Let's move slowly. Never give it all away right up front. There needs to be something worth getting or else there's no point in our continuing to date."

Well, at least it wasn't a total bust. He'd let me have my kiss, even deigning to kiss me back, minimal as it was. But he did say that he wanted to see me again, so that was something.

I drove him home and as he was about to get out of my car, I stopped him.

"Wait!" I said a bit too loudly. "What's your number?" I pulled out my phone and began to type in his name. He gave me his number and told me to text him so he'd have mine. I sent him a garbled bunch of letters and once he said he had received it, he got out of my car saying he'd see me again soon.

Two days passed and I had not seen or heard from Jacob. I was afraid maybe it had been a mistake to be so forward. But he was so forward with me. He had just ridden up to me, introduced himself, and asked me on a coffee date that turned into a movie as well. And when I dropped him off, he had seemed to have enjoyed himself. I had jacked off to the thought of him four or five times since that date and I was about to break down and text him. I just didn't want to seem needy or clingy or anything else like that. I had never been the needy one before and I sure didn't want to start now.

I was out in the yard, pulling crabgrass which was perhaps my least favorite thing in the world to do. Normally my dad waited until the weather was cold enough to kill the weed, making it easier to spot and easier to rip from the ground. But this year, he told me he wanted to get an early start because he wanted to put down sod in the areas that would be left empty once the crabgrass had been removed.

So here I was, sitting on my ass in the grass, shirtless, pulling weeds up from the soil. I had chosen to wear my bathing suit so I could just jump into the pool again once I was done. I was listening to my iPod and singing along, meaning I didn't notice when Jake pulled up on his bike wearing just his swimsuit and a backpack.

He tapped my on my right shoulder, scaring the daylights out of me and making me jerk to my right. No one was there so when I turned to my left, I saw him standing and grinning at me, proud that he'd startled me so effectively.

"You asshole," I said without any real malice. He laughed at my comment and stuck his hand out for me to grab. I took hold and let myself be pulled to my feet.

"C'mon," he said, gesturing to his bike. "Let's go to the park." I had never been on a motorcycle before, and I certainly didn't want him to smell me in my current state. My blonde hair was plastered to my forehead and my hands were covered in dirt. When I brought up this point and said that I should take a shower first, he just laughed and shook his head.

"We can just jump in the lake when we get there," he said. I had never been one to spend much time scoping out my neighborhood. I knew we had a park, and I knew there was a small lake there, but I had no idea people actually swam in it. I tried to tell him I had things to do, but in the end, none of my arguments worked so I found myself on the back of his bike, clutching to him for dear life. My still pale skin was separated from his tanned body by only a small backpack. I wondered what this stud could be carrying with him.

The park was mostly empty when we arrived except for a mother and her young son who were splashing about together in the shallow banks of the lake. At some point in the four years I'd been gone, the neighborhood committee had apparently installed a small dock that extended into the water to where it was maybe five feet deep. There was also a volleyball court set up over in what used to be just a big grassy area. They had dug the grass out a bit and put in a giant sand pit with a net. If only I had known, I would have brought a ball with me.

Jake stopped his motorcycle, let me hop off, and then shut it off. Then he dropped his bag next to it, kicked off his sandals and took off for the dock. I quickly yanked my shoes off and ran after him. He never slowed down, opting instead to jump headfirst into the water in a surprisingly well-formed dive. It wouldn't have won any medals at a competition, but I was certainly impressed. Of course, I'm sure anything this stud did would impress me.

I stopped at the end of the dock and just waited for him to resurface. The water was very clear and I could see that his suit had been pulled down a couple inches by the dive. I strained to see but the disruption in the water was blacking my view and he quickly pulled his shorts up.

"You gonna stand there all day?" he asked once he had surfaced. "C'mon! Let's see what you got!"

He was grinning and I decided that instead of showing off my diving, which was fairly nice (I did spend every day in the pool for a few years), I did a cannonball and landed right next to where he was swimming. When I came up from my trick, he gave me barely enough time to breathe and then playfully shoved my back under. After that he took off in the other direction.

Not to be outdone, I took off after him, and with my superior training, I caught him in just a few strokes, though I don't think he was trying too hard. When I reached him, I grabbed at him and we wrestled for dominance, using the shallowness of the water to try and gain advantage. Though he was taller than I was, I was quick and it took him a lot of effort to try and get me in a headlock. Only once I realized how much our half-naked bodies were touching did I freeze and he won. I was happy to let him clutch me to his muscled body. He had one hand around my neck loosely, and the other tightly around my abs.

I was happy to stay there forever with him holding me tightly. But once he had won, he released me and began swimming back toward the dock. I followed and we climbed the ladder to prepare to jump back in. This time he ran and performed an incredibly messy gainer, scaring me half to death as I saw how close his head came to the dock. I chose to go a more traditional route and did a standard dive, entering the water smoothly and without too much wake. I reappeared about 20 feet away from the dock and when I popped my head above the water, Jake had disappeared.

I soon found where he had gone when not two seconds later I felt him yank me down into the water. Once I was under the water with him, he held me and this time didn't let go as we rose to the surface. I opened my eyes once we were out of the water and looked at him. He really was perfect. His blue eyes contrasted his dark hair so beautifully that every time I looked at them, I couldn't help but stare.

He looked at me and repeated my words from the other day. "I really want to kiss you." And with that, he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. This time, he closed his eyes once our lips had met, and I let mine fall closed as well. We stood in the water, my face barely above the surface, and we kissed. He held me tight and I wrapped my arms around him, holding his head against mine.

The kiss escalated when I felt his tongue probe at my lips. I immediately parted them to allow him access. He explored my mouth and our tongues wrestled much the same as he and I had earlier in the water. He tasted of cinnamon, spicy and sweet. We continued to kiss until I felt myself begin to grow hard in my shorts. Luckily, he chose that moment to release me and we pulled apart.

"You're very good at that," I said, trying to catch my breath as I had forgotten to breathe while our lips were locked.

"So are you," he replied, looking directly into my eyes. "C'mon, let's get out of the water for a while."

We swam to the shore and walked toward his bike. He grabbed his shoes and backpack and I grabbed my shoes as well, though I didn't put them on. I was following him since he seemed to have this planned. He led me back to the dock were we sat next to each other on the wood. He began unzipping his backpack, and my interest was definitely perked. I had been wondering why he was wearing it in the first place. What he pulled out was a plastic bag with two sandwiches, and a big bottle of water.

"I thought we might have a little picnic," he said. I was doing everything in my power not to melt at this romantic little gesture. It was just too cute that this guy who seems so macho to me would do something as thoughtful as this. "I hope you like salami."

"Honestly, I wouldn't care what you made," I responded. "This is just too sweet. You just so happened to see me working and chose to stop by and kidnap me from my house."

He blushed which added to his cuteness. With a smile I accepted the sandwich from him, taking a big bite off the corner. I noticed that he ate in small bites, and was eating away the crust first. When he realized just why I was staring he laughed in a way that almost seemed like a giggle.

"What?" he asked. "I like to eat the crust first and save the best part for last." And with that he went back to eating. I had nothing to criticize about his way of eating, just thought it was cute. I smiled and went back to my sandwich. We ate in silence and then each had a large gulp from his bottle. When we had both finished, he looked at me seriously.

"I'm really glad I met you," he said, a touch of sadness to his voice.

"So am I," was my reply.

"No, I mean it," he shook his head. "It's hard to live in this town and be gay. No one here is gay and open about it, so for the last year and a half, I've had to retreat back into the closet and live a lie."

My heart broke a little at this. Here I was thinking that this summer was going to be boring without any cute boys and pretending I was straight, and he had been living a lie for a much longer time. I grabbed his hand and threaded my fingers with his.

"Well, if it helps, you're getting out of here in just a couple of months and you can be free to be out again," I said, squeezing his hand. "And besides, in this town, I'm in the closet as well. So we might as well have fun locked in that closet together," I winked.

Yay chapter 3! Again, I hope y'all are liking this. And I hope you don't think it's moving too slowly. I don't believe in meeting a guy and fucking him the same day. So, for this story to seem true, I didn't write that. Perhaps I'll write a little one-timer story just for some hot sex. Though. these boys are about ready to get to it ;) As always, I'd LOVE to hear from you, so email me!

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