How I Became a Fag

By Chuck

Published on Sep 8, 2003


How-I-Became-A-Fag-Again, Part 1 By

Standard disclaimers apply. Based on characters by If you shouldn't be reading this where you are at, don't! Feedback is welcome. Flames are ignored. All of the characters and situations herein are fictional.

Author's note: Well, here we go again! After a lot of happy e-mails asking for more, I've decided to do another spin off of 'the curse.' I love hearing from you guys, so let me know what you think - what works, what didn't, and if the story did the trick! LOL! It inspires me to keep going. -ODB

Jeff Sumpter sat in the computer room at his university desperately trying to find a topic to write a paper on for his Humanities class. It was his own fault - he should have done his homework sooner and not put it off until the last minute. He had been so busy with work that he hadn't had the chance to even dredge up a subject.

He had to do a 1,500-word paper on a repressed people in history. He wasn't looking forward to it. Bor-ing. He briefly considered doing the usual papers on African-Americans, Native Americans and so on, but the professor had cautioned that he had wanted them to go beyond what they may already know.

That's when Jeff thought about the gypsies. He shifted his six-foot-tall frame in the chair forward when it first occurred to him. Hadn't the gypsies been repressed? He had always loved medeival history and literature - in fact, he was all about Camelot and Merlin. Suddenly, the idea took on new life.

He searched through various internet sites and read them voraciously. Pretty interesting stuff. He never knew how various governments persecuted them throughout the ages. He even started to read about how gypsies developed curses and spells as a way to keep people from messing with them.

What a great paper, he thought. Bet no one else will pick this.

That's when he saw the webpage that would change his life.

It was in a list of about 200 other pages on gypsies. It said simply, "Gypsy curses." He clicked on it, and began to read. Fascinated, but almost absent-minded, he scanned each one, trying to write down notes on each one to retype into his laptop later. Without speaking, he began to read out loud to himself - the way that most people do when they are copying information that they don't think they'll need to remember.

He only raised half-an-eyebrow at the curse that turned men gay. After all, the other ones sounded far worse. Really crazy shit that would leave you an empty husk and so forth. No wonder people never messed with the gypsies after hearing about this. His logical, ever-open mind didn't believe in magic however.

So when he started to repeat the gypsy words out loud while writing them down, he had no idea he was invoking the curse.

"Absoulum, Carnum, Interatum, Shilum," he muttered to himself. He looked back the screen from his writing. There was a blank spot that said "Insert name." He muttered to himself questioningly, "What, like Jeff?" He shook his head and continued on.

After an hour of scanning other material, he was satisfied that he had gotten enough and stood up. He signed out of the computer lab, and started to walk out of the library.

"Hey, dude, what's up?"

He had run into Brian Foster, his best bud and dorm mate. Brian was a tall guy, dark brown hair that was spiked upward and back. He looked like a model from one of those Abercrombie catalogs his sister Pamela was always drooling over. The 20 year old ran up to him and slapped him on the back.

"Not much," he replied. "Just finishing up my term paper research. Got some really interesting shit."

"Cool. Hey man, I've got some beer snuck into the dorm. You and I can hit it hard tonight if you want."

"Sounds great."

"Alright then, I'll catch you later."

For some reason, as the two walked in different directions, Jeff felt a sudden urge to glance back at his friend. He felt something stirring inside, but didn't know what it was.

"Weird," he thought to himself. But the thought evaporated as soon as he had begun to turn and walk away.

He had a paper to write.

The two hunky guys sat in their dorm room later that night, going over their papers to turn in on Monday. Jeff had read Brian's on Austrailia's Native Culture and the conflict on that continent. It had been quite good - he would have never thought of it himself. He was bound to get points on creativity.

"Great paper, man," he laughed.

"Thanks, man," Brian said as he looked up from reading Jeff's paper, and then smiled. A compliment from Jeff was almost a guaranteed "A" as he had very exacting standards. "Yours too."


"But I don't believe in this magic bullshit and the gypsies."

"Well, I don't either. But I can see why people who are superstitious would. It would scare the fuck out of me to be turned inside out, like some of those other curses."

Brian laughed. "What about this one that turns guys into a fag? How weird is that!"

"Oh, I know. Right? Like that's even possible. Please." He snorted.

"So, did it tell you how to do these curses?"

Jeff nodded. "Yeah. It was all written in Latin, so I could read some of it."

There was a knock at the door. Their friend Matt Bingham had come over to hang out and party with them. Before he opened the door though, he said, "Just a minute, man," through the door.

"What are you doing?" Brian asked.

Jeff started to laugh. Hard.

"I've got a fucking idea. It's so damn funny."

"What?" Brian smirked, starting to laugh himself.

"Let's play a fucking huge prank on Matt."

"What kind of prank?"

Jeff smiled and picked up his paper and pointed to it. "Let's make him believe in magic!"

The sudden look of realization dawned on Brian's face. He rolled back and started to laugh just as hard.

"We're gonna make him think this fucking gay curse works!" Jeff said, wiping away tears of laughter.

"Oh I get it, man, then we bust him for being so fucking stupid!" Brian said between hysterical fits.

"Okay, man, follow my lead," Jeff said, suddenly mock-serious. Brian quickly got it under control and let their friend in.

He opened the door, and Matt walked in. Matt was a laid back kind of guy who was one of the stars of the college track team. He was always in gym clothes, as he was always going to work out. Matt had an extremely homophobic side to him, as both Jeff and Brian knew. The running star of the team had been hit on a few times and was never amused.

Busting his chops is gonna be so fucking hysterical, Jeff thought.

"Hey man, what's up?"

"Not much, Matt, come on in."

"Hey man," Brian nodded as his other friend came in and sat down next to him on the floor. Matt nodded back.

They had began to drink over the next hour, with both Jeff and Brian waiting for the right time to pull their prank. It had too much potential to be wasted on a poorly-timed execution. Besides, they had to set it up well so that they would be believable. It was going to have to be a convincing performance.

But they were good at pulling pranks. They had been, ever since they had become best buds back in high school. Now, they were gonna fuck with Matt's mind, but good.

They were all starting to really feel the effects of the beer when Brian winked at him. Matt was swaying a little bit back and forth at this point, as they were watching the game on t.v. Their team was winning, so Brian passed more beers around.

"Man," he said to Matt, "You should read Jeff's paper."

Jeff handed him the short list of curses that he had made for his research notes. Matt didn't need to read the whole thing - he would be intrigued enough by just what was on that paper. After all, their track team star was totally superstitious.

"Fuck, this is messed UP," Matt breathed softly. He really didn't like to read anything on magic as it scared the shit out of him. A lot of people didn't believe in that stuff, but he always had an element of doubt. He just never had wanted to tempt fate.

And what was this shit? Suck a dick and you want to be gay? Fuck an ass and you become gay and can pass it on? Fuck! That was just too weird.

That was when they tackled him. Brian had grabbed him by the wrists and held him tight, putting his knees on Matt's elbows. He wasn't gonna get up that way.

Jeff had grabbed him by the legs and likewise pinned him down that way. He had grabbed Matt's gym shorts and pulled them down halfway to his knees to help keep him immobile. He had grabbed his rubber workout cords and tied them around Matt's ankles to make sure of it.

"WHAT THE FUCK, MAN!" Matt yelled.

"We're under the spell of the curse!" Brian intoned, trying to sound serious. "We read it out loud earlier, and now, we can't help ourselves!"

"Yeah, man, sorry about this, but we've been taken over," Jeff said, trying to keep a straight face. He moved up and leaned across Matt's body with his back to Mark and Brian. He looked into Brian's eyes and fought the urge to laugh. Matt obviously was in sheer terror. He believed their little performance.

Brian wanted to die laughing. It was so funny. Jeff truly deserved an Oscar. He truly looked like a college guy under a spell getting ready to convert his friend into a fag. If they hadn't planned this earlier, he would have almost been a little nervous himself. But as it was, he pulled down his shorts while continuing to hold Matt down. He wanted to do his part to make it look good. He took everything off. After all, that would freak little Matt out even more.

Jeff's plan - if you could call it that - was to make it look like he was going to suck Matt's dick. Matt wouldn't be able to see him from his position (and for that matter, neither would Brian). He would make a few mock sucking motions - maybe even just feel him up once or twice to make it feel real - and then he and Brian would have their big laugh at Matt's expense.

Despite his struggling, it was a simple matter for Jeff to pull Mark's dick out of his boxers. It was a good size cock. It had to be 8 or 9 inches easily. And it was thick.

Showtime, he thought to himself.

"Time to make you a fag, Matt."

"No!!!!" Matt yelled. His compact-yet-muscled chest heaved as he struggled to get up.

But it was too late.

Jeff started to stroke Matt's cock. After all, he thought to himself, he had to make it look good. But after a few seconds, it occurred to him that it probably wasn't going to get hard. After all, Matt WAS straight. So he decided to make it a little more realistic.

He stuck the dick inside of his mouth.

Matt would be pissed, he thought, when he discovered the joke. In fact, he realized, they had probably crossed the line, but oh well. What was done was done. He would just say that they wanted to freak him out and the beer took it a little too far.

Suddenly, the dick began to grow in his mouth as he sucked on it. Brian was laughing out loud at this point. He must have thought that he was putting on a great performance. The huge cock inflated all the way, and was rock hard within a few seconds.

Jeff's eyes snapped open with sudden terror and realization.

He couldn't stop sucking Matt's cock.

He swallowed it to the root, over and over. He tried to stop his arm from jacking his jock friend, but couldn't. It was like he was under some kind of spell.

A sudden flash of memory hit him. He had read the curse out loud in the library. Oh, god, he thought.

It was for real.

"Ha! Ha! Great one, Jeff!" Brian laughed. Brian sat back on his haunches without letting Matt up. After all, he was gonna be pissed when he found out it was a joke. They were gonna need time to get away. He snickered to himself.

But Jeff wasn't stopping his sucking motions. Hadn't he heard him? The joke was over. Wasn't it? I mean, how far was he gonna take this?

Matt groaned underneath him. He looked down and saw the fear and the sheer terror that was there. "Don't make me a fag," he pleaded.

Brian sighed. This had obviously gone on far enough.

"Okay, man, that's enough. We got him good," he laughed.

Underneath him, Matt was a flood of emotion. Jeff was sucking his dick and Brian was holding him down with his dick right in his face. It had to have been that fucking curse!

Slowly, he began to feel a warmth spread outward from his loins. It traveled through his legs down to his feet, and then back up through his chest. Everywhere the feeling went, it made him feel fantastic.

He fought the feeling, but it was too late.

He wanted to cum.

Matt began to thrust his hips upward to meet Jeff's sucking mouth. He needed to shoot a load. And he was going to.

Jeff's eyes bugged out as he realized he was the only person in the room who knew what was going to happen. But he was powerless to stop it. Brian was helping him unwittingly at this point - and he had no idea what was going on. Matt had started to thrust his hips upward to meet his sucking motions.

He was sucking his friend's cock with the help of another friend who didn't know he was really doing it. He couldn't stop. He didn't WANT to stop. All he could do was suck the rod that was in his mouth over and over.

"Hey man," Brian said, starting to become a little unsure. "what are you doing?" He leaned a little forward again to get a better angle, and moved off of Matt's arms. What was Jeff doing?

Matt gasped. He had stopped thrashing his head back and forth, and opened his eyes. He saw the still-limp, but very hot cock of his friend Brian in front of him. The warm feeling had finally reached his head. He could tell it wasn't going to be long until he came down his friend's throat.

Almost without thinking, his tongue snaked outward and found the tip of Brian's cock. After it made contact, he instantly moved his head up and sucked the entire thing down.

Brian started. What the fuck was on his cock? It may have been a stupid thought, considering the situation. But then again, he had never actually planned to go through with anything. As quickly as the thought came, the realization hit him. Matt was sucking his cock!

He stood up abruptly, very pissed. Had they planned this in advance? Was he really the butt of the joke?

But as he walked around to the other side of Jeff, he could see that this was no laughing matter.

Jeff was sucking Matt's cock all of the way down. To the root. A pause and then all the way back up the shaft again. Another pause. Then all of the way back down. The throbbing manmeat shimmered with sweat and saliva in front of him.

Matt was looking at him, with a wild look in his eyes. He was gasping, panting. Jeff was really doing him!

He kneeled down on the other side of him, upset. "Jeff! What the fuck are you doing!? We were just supposed to be busting on him! That's all!"

Jeff flicked his eyes at him. He nodded over to the bed where his paper was laying. The paper about the gypsy curse.

"Oh no," Brian breathed. It was real. It was fucking real!

And Matt had sucked his dick.

He started to panic, and tried to get Jeff off of Matt. He ran around and pulled at him, in vain. His friend was just too strong. The hot college student was going to make his friend come.

Jeff felt the hot pulsing cock in his mouth and it felt so good. It smelled hot and sensual. And the taste was fantastic. He hadn't known how good anything like this could be. Instinct took over, and he jacked his friend hard.

Matt felt the dramatic change on his dick and his friend sucked him while his other friend tried to pull him off. The whole thing was suddenly too hot for words. He stared at the lightly-smattered hair on Brian's chest and the two dark dime-sized nipples on either side. He remembered suddenly what it was like to take his friend's dick in his mouth. He wanted it back in there, so he could make Brian cum.

"Oh god, yeah," Matt breathed. Brian looked up at him. "I'm gonna eat your cock til you shoot too, man."

That did it.

Matt unleashed a torrent of cum down Jeff's hot throat. Squirt, squirt, squirt. It seemed like it would never end.

"AHHHHHHH! Oh god! Oh god! Oh god! AHHHHHH! AHHHHH! UNNNNGHHH!" he cried.

Jeff felt the warm cream spray in the back of his throat. It was delicious. He knew that he shouldn't really like it. It was another man's cum! But it tasted so good! He grunted while he tried to swallow every drop of Matt's young jock cream.

Brian stopped trying to pull Jeff away, and leaned backward. What had they done?

"Fuck this," he said, standing up. "I'm getting the fuck out of here." Obviously Jeff and Matt were fags who were trying to get him to have sex with them. That had to be it. He didn't believe in any fucking curse. That was stupid. He started to put his clothes back on.

That's when Jeff stood up. Matt still laid on the floor, clearly exhausted, but stared up at the both of them.

Something had changed. He could feel it.

"Wait, Brian," Jeff said.

"What the fuck for."

"The curse is real."


"If it's bullshit, then it doesn't matter."

Brian pulled his shirt back over his head.

"There is NO FUCKING CURSE," he yelled. His face was full of fury.

Jeff started. He hadn't been prepared for Brian to yell at him that way. But he continued nonetheless.

"I just sucked his cock! And I'm fucking straight!"

"Oh yeah," Brian mocked. "Real straight!"

Matt looked at Brian in confusion, "What are you guys talking about? First you guys tell me you are under a curse, and then you suck me off, and now Jeff says that there is a curse and you say that there's not a curse?"

"It was just supposed to be a joke, man," Brian explained. He was exasperated at this point. "We were busting on you." He looked up at Jeff. "But someone took it too far."

"Okay, that's fucking enough!" Jeff yelled. He was angry and hurt. It was bad enough he had just sucked off another man for the first time in his life. He didn't need Brian to treat him this way. It wasn't his fault!

He moved within an inch of Brian.

"I think you fucking believe it."

"No fucking way, man. You guys have set me up."

"Okay, Mr. Straight-Guy. I tell you what. Here's two-hundred dollars," he grabbed his wallet from his shorts and slapped two big ones on the desk next to him. "Let Matt suck your cock for exactly one minute, and if you don't think that there is a curse, you can tell everybody about us."

"Gross! No way!"

"You fucking held him down, mother fucker. If you don't do it, I'll tell the R.A. everything. You'll be out along with the two of us."

Brian got back in Jeff's face, but he saw that he didn't have a choice. For some reason, he felt a little odd. He shouldn't have even considered it, but Jeff was right. He could get kicked out easily. His folks would be furious. He could even be disowned.

"Fuck it. I'll put it in there - but only for sixty seconds. Then, I'm leaving and never talking to either one of you again."

Jeff smirked. "Deal."

"Asshole," Brian murmured. He stripped off his pants and boxers again and laid on the bed. He looked at his watch. He was going to time this ordeal. He could handle anything for a minute.

Almost in a daze, Matt crawled up and began to work on his tool. Surprisingly, it started to get hard.

Fuck it, Brian thought. Any guy is gonna get hard when someone is cranking his joint.

That's when Matt took his dick all of the way down his throat. Down to the base. Brian gasped.

Ten seconds, he thought.

Up and down, up and down, his former friend was sucking him hard.

Twenty seconds, he thought. It seemed longer each time. He started to get hot. Each second on his watch ticked by like an eternity. The pleasure he started to feel was incredible.

At thirty seconds, Jeff walked around the other side of the bed and moved between his legs. What was he doing?

That question was answered when Matt moved slightly and Jeff began to suck on his furry balls.

Despite himself, he moaned.

"Oh god," he breathed. Why was he letting them do this?

It was actually 45 seconds when he said something he never thought he would say.

"Yeah, suck it, you fucking cocksuckers."

He hadn't been blown in awhile by Stacey. He was naturally horny. And fuck - he had known guys who had let fags suck them off. But he still didn't believe in any curse.

At least, until he passed the sixty second mark.

Jeff put his hand on Matt's back and said, "Stop."

Matt complied, and looked at both of them.

"So Brian," Jeff breathed with lust. "Do you want the money? Or do you want us to finish you off?" He continued to slowly jack his best bud.

Brian panted. He looked over at the money, then back at the two of them.

Oh god, he thought.

He wanted them - not the money.

The curse was real.

Jeff read the expression on his face. He laughed.

"Yeah, you're a fag now - just like us."

"Oh god," Brian whispered.

Without taking his eyes off of him, Jeff lowered himself back down on Brian's cock.

The warm feeling melted through his crotch and spread outward.

As Matt crouched and began to tongue his balls lightly, he knew he was close.

"You're gonna make me cum if you guys keep doing that," he said. He had no idea how many times in history that exact particular phrase had been used. But he was about to find out.

Matt's tongue traveled south and found his asshole.

He pushed his tongue all the way in.

That did it.

Brian Foster, Mr. Popularity on campus, college jock and all-around-boy-next-door, came willingly into his friend's mouth. Over and over, he shot his hot load down Jeff's throat.

"Oh god! Unnhhh! Unnnnh! AGHHH! AGHHHHHHHH! Oh yeah!"

Stream after hot stream went into Jeff's mouth. Matt, for his part, felt Brian's hole tighten around his tongue as he kept it in there. He didn't stop eating his ass even after he had finished. Jeff finished sucking Brian's load, and finished pounding his own meat. He hot jism creamed all over Brian's hot asshole, with some of it landing on Matt's invading tongue.

That caused Matt to stand up and pound his hard meat. He wanted to cum all over Brian's chest. He wanted to make him his fag boy forever. Somehow, he knew that would do it. He felt the hot abs under his right hand as he wanked his cock hard. His eyes traveled up the well-muscled jock's body. When he saw the heaving, panting chest beneath him, that did it.

With a groan of hot passion and desire - and a lust that had survived for centuries - Matt came all over him.

Afterwards, the three newly-converted queers stood up and looked at each other. It didn't matter that they had just cum. They were still horny.

"You know, we need to fuck if we're gonna stay this way," Jeff mentioned.

"Why the fuck didn't you say that earlier?" Brian said softly. There was no trace of anger or hurt in his voice.

"Because," Jeff smiled, "I wanted to fuck your ass."

Brian stared at him.

"What?" Matt asked. "I don't get it. What are you saying?"

A look of shock came over Brian. "He's saying that he's been hot for my ass this whole time."

Jeff nodded slowly. "Yeah. I wanted to fuck both of you all of this time. So when I ran across the curse, hell, I didn't believe it. It sounded too good to be true."

Matt's face crinkled with understanding. "So you were gay this whole time, and just wanted to make us queer too!"

Jeff smirked. "I thought that at least bringing up the curse would at least get something going with all of the beer and some of the sex talk. But when I actually got you guys into position, and the curse actually took me over, it was still a surprise." He paused. "But for me, it was a welcome one."

Despite this understanding, he walked up to each of them and pushed them back down on the bed.

"And now, both of you are going to be mine."

Though angry, Brian couldn't help himself. The curse was too strong. He lifted his legs, and spread them apart. Jeff put his huge dick up against his hole. He paused only for a second to spit on the head and smear it all over. He pushed inside.

Brian and Matt looked at each other.

It was too late.

Jeff was really a queer, and he had made them fags too.

That was the last heterosexual thought they thought, before they both gave in and let him fuck their asses. Jeff had pushed his huge prick all the way up both of them. They knew once he was all of the way in, they would never be able to go back the way they were before.

Jeff had turned them out. Made them cocksuckers. And pussy boys.

And most of all - he made them love it.

As they both came over and over that night, they both knew that MidWestern University was in trouble. Big trouble.

The gypsy curse had been unleashed and they were powerless to stop it.

Across the country, somewhere on the eastern seaboard, a blonde-haired, blue-eyed young man sat in his chair trying to study at his home. He looked up from his book suddenly, and a strange look came across his face.

"Oh god, no," he breathed. He closed his eyes.

He felt a stirring inside of him again. He knew there was somewhere he had to go. He didn't want to. His parents would never understand. His school wouldn't understand either.

He open his eyes again and walked over to his window to face the sunset.

He had to go.

If he didn't - it could be the end of everything.

He started to cry, but it didn't matter. It didn't change anything.

He packed his suitcase quietly, and left in the middle of the night. He left a note for his family and sent his school an email. If he was lucky, he would see them again soon.

But the curse was back - and he was the only one who could do anything about it.

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