How I Found My True Self

By Gay Faggot

Published on Oct 6, 2018


As with many other sissies like me I had no idea that I was a sissy

This is alot of both fact and fiction about my life, Names have been changed to protect the not so innocent.

A little about me before I found my true self.

I have always been on my own, In high school I had one girlfriend. She was my everything. I mean she was in my every waking thought My every other word was Her name.

I guess she got smart when we graduated and she moved on. I stayed behind. I never herd from Her again.

Heart broken I stay with my parent, got a job at the local grocery store. Thats where I met my second girlfriend, Kristen.

we dated for about a year. She broke up with me saying sex just wasn't any good with, Like I wasn't into it, She was right.

I never really enjoyed sex with a woman. But that's what I as a man was supposed to do right?

Shortly after that breakup, My parents where killed in a really bad car accident.

My life went from bad to worse real fast.

The bank took my paents house, As a stockboy I couldn't afford the payments.

I decided to move to Phoneix AZ. I herd it was much more afforable to live there, and lots a job to be had.

When I got to AZ I found a small cheap apartment and got right to work finding a job.

I barly got out of high school never mind a coledge degree, But I am good with a computer, very good.

I got a job with a fake bachelor's degree at a bank, My job: keeping an eye in credit card usage for fraud and alerting customers to it.

you'd be amazed how many people do this, Its such a boring job the bak pays us very well.

I sit in a cubicale, alone, I don't think anyone there would even notice if a I didn't show up. As long as the work get done.

The job itself is fine, when some one has a birthday we have cake, everyone seems to get along. once in while there are the typical rummers of an office affair.

The only person I talk is a woman named Mary, She is sweet, pretty outgoing, knows everyone, and Everyone loves her.

Enough about that part of life. For now.

My boss came to me the other day andf told me I had to take some Vacation, I had accured over 4 weeks and hadn't taken a Vaca in a few years.

So I decided to take 2 weeks off.

Now I could spend time on my most favoite hobby, watching porn.

I loved it, couldnt't get enough.

That friday, after work I got home and stripped down and got ready for a porn marathon.

while watching youporn I clicked on a video called sissy getting fucked hard, It wasn't what I thought. It statred witha closeup of a big thick black monster cock sliding on and out of a very noice smooth ass. As the camera pulled back it show the ass getting fucked belonged to a little white sissy boy, the look on the sissy boys face was that of pure happyness. The Big cock started banging harder and harder, then he pulled out and showered the sissy with is hot lava flow of cum.

I was so hard, I came so hard while watching that. But why did that turn me on so much? Im confused, Im not gay, right?

I decided to take a nap, this was gonna be a fun long weekend.

I awoke Saturday morning, day 2 or my Vaca, Eat a quick breakfast then went to my computer. I had left it on the sissy video.

You know how on those sites they have suggested similar videos at the bottom of the page, I clicked on one.

It was a CD sucking a big black cock, Again I got very excited, I didn't even notice I started stroking my little cock.

I came 30 seconds into the video, But I couldn't stop watching it, I found myself wondering what that cock would teaste like That thought stopped me. Did I just think that for real. Yes I did. WOW.

That was the first really gay thought I remember having, do you remember yours?

I had only been up for about 2 hour and ready for a nap. I crawled back into bed and fell asleep. I woke up with a raging hard on.

I started strokeing it and my thoughts went away on me.

I started dreaming of that big black cock, how it would teast in my mouth, what his cum would teaste like, how it would feel to have him behind me raming the big beatiful cock in my tight little ass. I strated stroking faster at the thought of being fucked By a large black cock, I never came so hard. For the first time I took some of my cum and teasted it, It was gross, I had never teasted anything like it. the texture was wierd. yuck.

I fell back asleep.

When I woke up I ha the teaste of cum in my mouth, I went to bruch my teeth to get rid of it, But it came back,And I wanted it.

But I didnt want mine, I wanted to try it form someone else.

How do I go about this? This was a new feeling for me, I was scared.

I decided to get cleaned up and head over to a local adult lingerie shop in scottsdale, I had never been in there but have passed by it a hundred times.

As I walked into the store the first thing that hit was the smell. It was like stale ciggerette smoke and old beer. how does anyone work in this all day?

This is where I met Dave.

Dave works at the store behind the counter, he is in his early 60's or late 50's. I have never asked his age.

Stands about 6-1 maybe about 190lbs, almost looks like he belongs on a beach in California holding a surfboard.

I walked to the isle where all the dildo are, I had no idea there are so many to choose from. I was over whelmed to say the least.

Afer standing there staring for about 10min, Dave came up and asked if he could help me. I just nodded yes.

Is this your first toy? He asked.

I again nodded yes.

You should start small then, Dave started, the work your way up to the bigger ones. if you start to big it will hurt you and and you'll miss out one of life greatest pleasures.

He puick picked out a yoy that was 6inches and not too thick, put it in my hand.

You will need some lube too, He added. He also said you should use this, Taking something called Jungle Juice Platnum out of a fridge.

This will help your ass muscles relax and also you will want it more than anything ever. he chuckled I already do, I said quietly.

he looked at me and smiled.

At the register I could stop looking at some panties on the other side of the store. Dave noticed what I was looking, You have a good eye, those are on sale, 3 for 10 bucks, Ill give you 4, cause I think your cute.

I walked over to the panties, shaking, not sure what I was doing. Dave came up behind me, and said hold out your arms.

what I said, I want to measure you, make sure you get the right size.

I did as he asked and he measured my waist. 32in.

Not bad, your a skinny lil one huh, said Dave. as he piched my ass. I got hard and excided. A hot flash swam accross me.

I pick out 4 pairs of panties, one black, one read one pink and one purple. all g strings. I couldnt wait to get home and put them on.

I paid for everthing cash. As I was paying, Dave said to me, I would love it if you came back and told me how it all gos.

and you should wear one of these panties. I bet it would be your first time wearing these in public. Im here till 2AM, you can come late so no one will see you. Have a fun day. I know you will.

I left the store not saying another word, Kinda embaressed, and very horny.

I hurried home, The door to my apartment wasn't even closed and I was stripping off my clothes, I had left a trail of cloths through the apartment.

The first thing I did was open the dildo, it was soft, and nice, I softly kissed it. I lil cock got hard.

the next thing I did was put on the purple panties. They felt so nice, The string going up my crack felt so sexy to me.

I loved it. My heart was racing.

Next I tried the Jungle juice (poppers I later found out they are called). I got crazing headache and dizzy. My hip started movin back and fourth I couldnt stop them. I wanted cock inside me.

I grabbed the lube and new toy and layed down on the floor. I put some of the gun oil lube on my hole and started to finger myself. Then two fingers.

thats what I read you should do the first time.

I couldn't get my fingers in me deep enough. I wanted more. Then the poppers started to ware off. I took another hit. As big as I could inhale.

I put lube all over the dildo. the tip of it felt amazing aganst my hole. I started to puch it in, I wanted it all.

it was starting to hurt, Just like the web site said it would. I pushed like I was taking a poop. and it popped in.

The pain was unreal. But I didnt take it out, Instead I took another hit of the poppers, that helped alot. I started to push it in and out of me, slowly at first then faster and faster with the panties still on. I went as long as I could, I didn't cum at all but felt very satisfied.

Not bad for my first full day of vacation so far.

I pranced around all day going from one pair of panties to another, lovng the feeling of them and how they looked on me, But I didn't like all the hair on my body, it look right or feel right anymore.

at about 4pm I was resting on the sofa watching TV, when I saw an add for a woman razor, Yep I doing that tonight I thought.

I went to the nearest walgreens and bought some pink razors and skin sofening cream.

By 7pm from the neck down I had no more hair and I loved it. I was feeling happy for the first time in many years. I was feeling complete.

Dave said he would be at the store till 2AM, I wanted to go see him again. Talk to him, maybe he could tell me where I was heading with all this.

I eat some dinner and headed for to the lingerie store.

to my delight Dave was still there helping another customer. I walk in past them both, Over hearing Dave say to the other customer, here is the number, dont be late.

When the other Customer left walk up to me, I was looking at some bras, OMG, I love them all.

I didnt think you be back so quick, said dave.

Are you wearing the panties, He asked as he pulled my pants back to look, Good for you he said, as he saw I was wearing the pink Gstring.

do you want a bigger toy? he asked.

No I said, I want to know what I am?

what do you? mean he asked

I told hiom about the Videos I was watching and how all I can think about is cock and getting fucked and wearing pretty things.

Dave told me stright out, Your what we call a sissy, your in the first stage of transistion.

Whats the next stage? I asked

OK Dave said lets see how serious you are about this. Strip down to you panties right now.

Here in the store, I asked, kinda surprised, this wasn't what im was excpecting.

A good sissy will never question an order, Now strip or leave and never come back.

I stripped down, I was neverous and excited.

As I stripped Daved walked away and came came with a mini skirt and t shirt that said cum slut on it.

Put these on he said, I did.

You will work here tonight till we close at the register. dressed like this. he next step is for you to show the world your a sissy slut after about 30 min Dave said your missing something, he got me some 4in heels to wear.

the skirt barly coverd my ass, most of my ass was totale visable. I had a difficult time walking in the heels, I could hear Dave and other customers laughing at me when I was showing another person some adult movie selections.

by the end of the night I was toaly comforable walking in the heels, but my calfs were killing me. At least 75 to 100 people came to the store and saw me. I was giggling, having fun and never felt so whole in my life. I felt like I belonged here.

It was time to go home, I went to fo find my clothes, Dave just laughed, you have to go home in your work outfit. I threw you other boring clothes away, And Im gonna call you Jacki for now on, Faggot Jacki, be here tomorrow at 6pm dressed as you are, ready to work. A good sissy will always respond Yes Sir.

Yes Sir I said, without hesitation.

he gave me a purse that had my key and all my stuff in it.

I went out to start my car, You guess it, it was dead. Dave came out behind me, It a nice walk for a night huh? He just walk off and left me there laughing.

i lived about 2 miles away. OMG, Im doing this.

I started walking home, In heels, with my ass out and looking like a street whore. And yes My shirt still said cum slut on it.

After about 15 min of walking a car stopped next to me, Jon, is that you? said a female voice.

Oh shit what now.

I looked, it was Mary form work. Could this get any worse?

Get in honny she said, you need to tell me what is going on, She had a very weird look in her eyes. She was wasted.

Maybe I should drive I said.

OK she agreed, Honny if you gonna walk in heels you need heels made for it, Ill take you shopping later she giggled. Its about time you came out, I have known you are gay for years. But not this gay. WOW so do you have fem name, Its Jacki I said, I was just given that name tonight, By a man named Dave.

Dave from the Store over there she said,

Yes, you know him?

I do, she said, he sells me all my toys. he will take good care of you.

we got yo my place, she came in, My dildo and panties and poppers were still out. she went stright to the dildo.

I love this modle she said, its so soft.

I like it to I said Sheeply.

Hey Jacki, bend over. I want to see that pert ass of yours.

I did, she came and spanked me very hard. Ouch that hurt,

Oh im just strating you little stupid bitch, Dave called me, said you would be walking home and needed some training.

what?! I said.

Shut up bitch she yelled at me as she shoved the dildo up my ass.

Now stand up straight and walk, when you go to work tomorrow you will walk talk and act like a propper sissy..

For the next 4 hours I was spanked slapped and punched.

I was so tired it didnt take long for her to beat me down and break me.

I was only answering to the name Faggot Jacki. and still do.

We both fianlly fell asleep. I woke up at 2pm, Mary was gone, But she left a bag labled tonights work outfit. and note saying your car is outside for you, don't be late for work faggot.

The skirt in the bag was smaller then the one I wore last night, if that was even possible, a pair of nylons, and a t shirt with I love cock on it.

it was 5:30, dressed as I was told, and ran out to my car as fast as I could hoping no one would see me. I got in my car and drove over to the store without incident, thankfully.

I went inside and Dave was there, I was 10min early.

Eager to work I see, said dave,

Yes Sir I replied, I really didn't want to hit anymore.

get behind the register Jacki, and be a good sissy.

Yes Sir I replied.

After a the next customer left it was just Dave and me in the store. he came up behind and started caressing my ass, I let out a small moan. I loved it.

One of his fingers found my home, it was still wet from playing with my dildo before I came to work.

then I herd dave unzipp his pants. I got a hot flash, and very excited.

You want my hard cock inside you dont you sissy.

Yes I said.

he pulled my panites aside, I pushed back. he put a fresh bottle of jungle juice under my nose, I instinctively took a big hit. I started moving my hips like a real slut.

The tip of his cock entered was heaven having real cock in me for the first time. he then thrust it all the way in.

I let out a lilltle sceem, Take it bitch, he said with anger in his voice.

right then a new customer walked in, saw us ands starting filming us with his camera. I didnt care. I just wated Dave hot cun inside me. Dave strated going faster and faster.

His rock hard 7inch cock going all the way balls deep inside. he reached aropund and started pinching my nipple under my shirt. I couldnt get enough. I felt dave start to tense up. loosing his rythem.

He came, he exploded. the guy taking the video started clapping, Can I be next he asked, Yes I said back, If that ok with you Dave? Yes it is Faggot Jacki.

the guy pulled out his already hard cock about the same size of Daves, I took another hit oif the poppers.

His cock slid right in, No pain at all, he didnt waste anytime, he just started raming me aganst the counter. I loved it, The feeling of being used and abused, He started cuming, way more thyen Dave had done.

The cum started dripping down my freshly shaved leggs, It felt so good. I wanted more.

He pulled out and he came alittle more.

Lick it up faggot! Said Dave.

I dropped to my knees. and strated licking up all the cum, it teasted so good. I loved it all.

Another customer walked in as I was cleaning, Dave walk over to help them, the guy that just fucked me left.

Get over her faggot, yelled dave.

I went over to him.

I need you to modle this dress for these people. It was two men.

do it now.

I stripped down with out a thought, cum still dripping down my leggs, and put on the dress. A very small mini dress both men put thier hands all over me pretending to check out the dress.I could tell they were bopth very hard. So could Dave.

Do you like it or would you like to see another one?

this one is fine, one of then said, we will take it.

Take off the dress and meet them at the register faggot.

I did as i was told.

A few hours later Mary came in, she kissed Dave, and Ask, how is this Faggot doing.

She is doing very well, She almost ready for her first night on the street, replied Dave.

She should go tonight, Said Mary.

I want her to work the back alley tonight said Dave.

Thats a great Idea, Mary said, Hey Faggot Jacki, your to go to the Alley. there will be many men coming back there. you will let everyone of the do what they will with you. I own you now faggot, Did I forget to tell you I own this store, there fore I own you, Now go out back and make my some money faggot.

Some customers in the store started laughing at me. I almost started to cry as dave led me to the alley.

there was a old mattress there and two men already waiting.

by the end of the night some twenty men made suck thier cocks, they fucked me slapped me around. And Loved every minute of it.

Mary called me inside. saw I was smileing,

You love it dont you faggot.

Yes I said.

you look tired thou, whore, are you.

I am very tired, I said, I could used a nap.

Faggots likje dont get naps. come with me.

she took me to the back room, put down a line of coke.

do it faggot. take it all.

She gave me a small straw. I leaned over and sniffed it all up.

almost right away I got a huge head rush, and I wanted more sex. any sex

I was out of control for cock.

this was my new life and has been for a few years now.

I love my life

Next: Chapter 2

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