How I Subdued Duane

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jan 2, 2023


So, you can probably tell from the first two installments, that I had it bad for duane. REAL bad. A few weeks before I met duane, I had gone to a show that a friend of mine was performing. Clarissa is a cabaret singer, and she had put together a program of music called "Crazy Love." As she explained not "crazy for love," but love that is so just batshit crazy it doesn't make sense. Clarissa had no filters or limits, and at a break in her show, she talked about "the kind of love that makes you play with yourself in public places where you sure as hell SHOULDN'T be because you're thinking about... you know who."

Yeah, I had it. I wouldn't have called it love, but it sure as hell was crazy lust. Now, I've never had someone feel that way about ME (yeah, duane felt what he felt, but he wasn't over the top fucking nuts about me), and Clarissa, when I spoke with her a few weeks after I started with duane (and we had had our first fight), told me "you know, don't forget that being the object of that kind of love, or lust, isn't easy. " I guess that's what led to the first fight, but... for now, it was batshit lust crazy paradise.

When I woke up on Saturday morning, I had a hard on. I had a SERIOUS hard on. I had duane pulled in close to me, and my cock was rubbing up against his butt (incidentally, my little Victorian, as I sometimes call him, had gone to bed wearing his underwear. I took care of that, not to his pleasure), and I wanted him bad. I decided to wait though because, well, it's one of those things. I don't know how to explain it, but duane sleeps HARD. I mean, if you look at him, he hardly looks like his sleep is restful. He has an expression that moves from anger, to grief, to pain, and a few other emotions in between. And I guess between having to take early classes when he was in school, and opening the bookstore, he always felt sleep deprived, so when he didn't have to get out of bed, he stayed. I'm kinda the opposite. I open my eyes when the sun comes up, and then I HAVE to do SOMETHING. So, I gave my sweetie a kiss on his neck, and then got up to start planning the day. That included cutting various lengths of the yellow rope I had stashed in the house, and then looking at the hours certain things were open: like the big comic and manga store downtown that I wanted duane to see. I also did something on a crazy whim: working in a lab gives you incredible research skills, and it didn't take long for me to find out what the value of that property was, how old the owner was, and a few other valuable insights. See, in crazy lust the way I was, I was trying to figure out ways that I could get duane to move in with me (Kidnapping him HAD crossed my mind.

Seriously). We were going to see the ducks in Central Park too, and this was important because I knew that giving up his pond where he lived, would be hard. I didn't think the ducks of Central Park would measure up to his almost private pond, so I began thinking of what else might sway him. The carousel. DUH. I put that on the list. I just had a feeling that somewhere, duane had lost his childhood, and doing something like riding the carousel a few times, and knowing that it was right around the corner, would help. "Morning," I heard his deep, sleepy voice at the door of the dining room where I was working. "How long have you been up?" He asked me. I gave him a smart answer: "since I saw you," and he groaned. I smiled and told him. "You should've gotten me up" he said, and I laughed. "I have a feeling that someone who disturbs your sleep regrets it. "Well, there is that " he said, and that was the last thing he got to say before I kissed him and shoved my tongue down his throat. "WAIT. COME ON. I didn't even brush my teeth." "It'll wait." He had slipped into my robe, and I opened that. I was working in just sweat pants and no shirt, and I pushed him back , my hand on his ass, until he was on his back on the bed. "You're just incorrigible" he growled, before he yielded and gave me his neck. "So, get a lawyer," I answered, and then began very slowly scraping against his neck. I whispered "You can fight it, but then I have to give you a hickey." He pushed against my hands, pinning his wrists on the bed, but he made no progress. He tried to shove my chin out from where it lay on his neck, and that didn't work either. "DAMN. How did you learn so many of my... spots... so quick?" "I listen to you. You told me about how one lover would scrape you up and you hated having to wear a turtleneck to work but you kept on going back for more." "I NEVER TOLD YOU THAT" he screamed. "You're right. I made it up. But it sounds good. GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" and I went back to attacking him. GOD did I want to fuck him right then. I'm glad I waited. "You want breakfast sexy boy?" I asked, kissing him. "Hmmm. You have any cake? Any cookies?" "I said BREAKFAST handsome. " "Yeah, I know. Twinkies would be good. or Scooter Pies, or even oatmeal cookies. Brownies would be the best." He ate like a child too. My theory began to make more sense. "I THINK there's a box of Cap'n Crunch but it's probably stale. I got it for my niece when she visited and that was... oh, six months ago. I don't think there's any milk." "I never eat it with milk. " I went to get him a bowl, and he gave me a look. "Not necessary," and then he sat there and scooped out handfuls of the stuff and ate them. I kind of cringed. Breakfast is something we've never come to agree on. But duane does the shopping (I've learned to eat my big, healthy meal at lunch), so I feel grateful if there's oatmeal or whole wheat bread or.... something other than packaged cake for breakfast. "So, sweet cakes," I stepped behind him and massaged his shoulders. "I wonder if I could talk you into going to the park with me, visit the ducks, and then... sort of stalk around the park. Then later, I wanna take you downtown to a special place. "You really mean it about the ducks?" I smiled. "I told you we'd go. Of course we're going." I saw the look as he realized he had just looked enthusiastic when he didn't want to. "Sure, let's go. They won't be as good as MY ducks but... if you've got bread for them (which I did), well, they've gotta eat. I left him to his cereal and got ready. I didn't shave. He noticed that and made another groan. I looked at him and said "duanebow, my scruff is the LEAST of your worries today." "Fine. Just fine..." He gave me what I call his "snide sneer" and went off to get ready himself. Now, remember I told you about his nerd/geek outfit that drives me crazy? The blue shirt, the cardigan, the stove pipe corduroys? Three guesses what he was wearing when he came out of the bedroom. Can you say "mixed messages?" I gave him this HUGE bag of bread to carry, and then I laced my fingers through his. If he was gonna tease me with that outfit, he was going to hold my hand. Once I won the little "finger wrestling" match to get control of his hand, he didn't try to let go. His hand was warm, and soft. And every now and then, maybe I was imagining it, but I thought he squeezed it. duane's a complex guy. Some would say he's fucked up, and I wouldn't disagree, but definitely complex. Again, I saw behavior that I thought was reflective of a young child (like I REALLY know what I'm talking about..). What I mean is, when I was pretending to do something like check the trees closely, or stuff like that, I saw him smile, I heard him talk to the feathered folks, and I think at one point, he even had one of them jump up on his arm. When I came over and asked "How do you like them?" his answer was "they're ok I guess. My ducks are friendlier." "duane, these are CITY ducks" "Well, that's just it. You CITY folks, ducks, everything, just aren't friendly!" I looked at him and smiled and didn't say anything. "I WASN'T TALKING ABOUT THE SEX STUFF." He didnt' realize how his voice carried, and some queen yelled back. "THEN START BABYDOLL." I laughed. "Tell you what. Go and feed the rest of the bread to these unfriendly ducks. I'll be over in that little copse of trees. " I could hear them quacking. And I THINK I heard him laughing. But I got lost in checking for crab apples (I make a jam with them), and then I felt him behind me. I was surprised when I felt his hand on my shoulder. "They ate all the bread." I lifted up my hand, put it on his and turned around. "You wanna go get more." "Maybe. What did you have in mind?" I turned and looked around. No one was anywhere near us. "To find that out, kiss me. Right now. " "AWWWWWWWWWW. " "Sweet cakes, I'm not kidding." "Well, alright." If he didn't enjoy it, he was a good actor. And his pants were tight enough to show that he wasn't. "When was the last time you were on a merry go round? I asked. He stopped walking. "I... I can't remember." "This way pretty boy." As we got closer, he began humming with the carousel music. I went and got tickets and I handed a bunch to him. "Have at it." He looked at me. "You're not coming with me?" "You want me to?" "Well, yeah. The whole point of being on a carousel is to be with someone who...." he was about to say something else. He paused and said "SEE WHAT YOU'RE DOING TO ME? Someone who you care about." "Ok, if you want to ride together.." "I suppose you want to ride behind me," he teased. "That's up to you. I'll be riding you from behind later." "Ha ha. " He said. "We'll take turns." I think we rode the thing twelve times. "It's not far away from where you live" he said. "No, it's not. " "How often do you come here?" "This is the first time I've come since my niece." "HUH? This wonderful thing and you don't use it?" Now it was MY turn to smirk. "It's not fun unless you're with someone you... care about." duane gets this look in his eyes when he knows he lost an argument. He got it that afternoon. "So where's this special place?" "Gotta take the subway." "YOU'RE gonna ride the subway?" He teased me. "On the weekend? Good luck with taxis." He sighed. "I'd just get in my car." "Not in the city. " He grabbed my hand. "We'll have that discussion at another time."

Fifteen minutes later, we were a five minute walk from "Magic Realm" a store that was essentially comic book central for the City. I wasn't sure if duane knew about it. I DID know he had never been there. "OH MY" came out of his mouth as we walked in. "This is.. This is... OH MY. " He looked at me "How long can we stay?" "Until you're hungry enough to leave." I've learned enough about him to know duane's eye expressions. The one he gave me, sort of like a rabbit being petted, meant "thank you." We were there for two hours. I had to fight the impulse to just follow him, pick up everything he looked at, and buy it. Instead, I went over to the section where there were some "Green Lantern" comics. Older ones, newer ones. "Pick five good looking. You can pay me back in trade." He gave me a look. But he picked them. "I can't let you keep giving me things," he said. "Sure you can. This is really our first real date. Think of it as flowers." Trying to get him to bed that night, well... I almost asked if he wanted to put the comic books under his pillow. "You hungry?" I asked him and when he nodded, I decided not to leave something as complicated as picking a food group to his choice. Instead, we went for burgers. He stunned me when he had a bacon cheeseburger. I don't know why, but I thought he'd go for something simpler. "So, you like the store?" "It's ok" he said. "Oh, well then, that's good to know. I was gonna suggest we go anytime you visit the City, but if it's not your cup of tea, that's fine." "NOW NOW. That's not what I meant. " I smiled. "Tell you what? If you want to go, tell me, and we'll go. Now..." I smiled. "How about finishing your burger, Mr. Jordan (Green Lantern's alter ego: Hal Jordan), and then we'll head uptown. " "What's happening uptown? " He asked and I smiled. "Green Lantern is gonna get it." He gulped. His lower body was covered by the table top. I couldn't see if I had gotten him excited.

When we got to my apartment building, and we got into an empty elevator, I dropped my voice as low as I could. "Put your hands behind your back, Mr. Jordan. You're not getting away this time." He got right into character. "You won't get away with this Sinestro." "We shall see. We shall see." Now, because of the way I had done things, I couldn't fairly get him out of his sweater, so he still had it on when I shoved him on the bed, face down. First, I roped his wrists behind him, while he growled "Yellow rope Lantern. You're helpless." "You're a FIEND" he growled louder, and I almost laughed. I had cut different lengths of rope. I started with his ankles, and tied them together. Then his calves. Then his knees, his thighs, and I wrapped several lengths of rope around his midsection, leaving his navel area explosed. I tied that rope to his wrist bonds, and then I tied rope around the area above, and below his nipples. They pointed out. Then I rolled him over so he could see the yellow bandana I was gagging him with. "NO. NOT THAT. NOT THAT . MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" I had my superhero totally helpless, and it was difficult to know who was harder. I began playing with his earlobes. "Know what I want, Lantern? Your ass." "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMPH" he shook his head no. "Oh yeah. And I could take it right now. You know it too. But..." and now I moved my fingers to his nipples. "You're gonna beg me to take it." More groans came out of his gagged mouth and he shook his head NO. Gently I took his glasses and put them on a side table. "For now, I'm leaving the gag on, but..." I kissed his gagged mouth, as I moved my hand behind him and squeezed his ass. "mmmmmmmmph. mmmmmmmmmmmmmph." The moans were higher, and sweeter. When I pushed my knee into his crotch, I found how hard he was. "I'm gonna take the gag off. You're gonna behave, right?" He shook his head yes. "You look so pretty tied up, Lantern. I don't know why I don't leave you like this forever." He squirmed in the ropes. "You have to untie me to fuck me," he spat out. "Not completely. You want me to fuck you?" "NO. Stay away from my ass." I laughed and put my finger right in his navel. duane doesn't curse. He never curses. "Oh shit," slipped out of his mouth as I gently circled his navel. "How about a nibble of that chin.?" "NO. NO Not that. AGGGGGGGGGGGGH." THAT was his spot. As I learned, the combination of duane's navel and his chin, could get me anything I wanted. ANYTHING. But I stopped. I began rubbing my beard stubble. He heard the noice I made and he knew.. he knew I was heading for his neck. "NO. WAIT. STOP. I GIVE. I GIVE. " "Ha ha. You'd rather give me your ass than feel my stubble." "I'D RATHER YOU LET ME GO BUT... THAT'S NOT HAPPENING." "That's true," I chuckled. "Now how do you know I'm not going after your neck after I fuck you." He realized he had been outsmarted. "Just get it over with. Take what you want." "What I want, Lantern, is your surrender." "WELL THAT YOU'RE NOT GONNA GET." That's when I moved my mouth and started scruffing him. My finger in his navel kept him occupied and he couldn't squeeze me out. He began to moan. Then, very softly, that bass baritone whispered "I submit. You win Sinestro. You win. I surrender." I smiled. I was ready to go for a while, but... I'd take him now. I untied duane's ankles, and everything below his waist. He had one of those old school canvas belts to hold up his pants, so it took me a while to undo them. Then I opened his shirt buttons so I could see his glorious fur. Once I got his pants and briefs off, that ass. That skinny ass that drove me crazy: it was mine. My thumb found it first, and I thought he would jump off the bed. "How about I get you nice and wet?" I split duane's legs and dove in (And to this day, I eat him before I fuck him. Every time. Drives my boy nuts). "PLEASE SINESTRO. PUT ME OUT OF MY MISERY." he yelled. "Yeah, and you'll put me out of mine." GOD was I HARD and horny. He was nice and wet from my tongue and I slid in. "OH YEAH. " I heard him whisper. He's never been more vocal than that, but when I hear those words, I know... he's enjoying what I'm doing. I still hadn't figured out where his ass chute hot spots were, but I was enjoying probing him, seeing his face contort as my cock pushed in. I wondered how long it had been since he had been fucked before he met me. I meant to ask him, but I never did. (In one of his rare compliments, duane told me that once I started fucking him, he realized he had never really been fucked, and he hadn't liked it before me). What I learned that night was that my sweet boy liked it rough. He liked to be called "BITCH" and "WHORE" and other words like that, and he liked "threats." I learned that if I whispered "You're not getting away until I FUCK you six times you low life whore," he'd be hard for hours. But that came later. What I learned that afternoon is that, if I shoved my cock in hard and fast, I got an "OH YEAH," or "WOW" or something like that. Tender, loving, cozy sex didn't cut it for him. That afternoon, and into the early evening, he got PLENTY of what he liked. And when I was done, filling his ass with cum I had been holding all morning, I looked at him and got him even hotter by announcing "A worthless cum whore like you doesn't deserve to cum. I should leave you tied up the whole fucking night, wearing my jizz". I SWEAR. I think he cums more without me touching him than when I DO touch him. He did that afternoon. And he apologized. I left him tied up as I lay behind him and embraced him. I kissed his ears. "Don't apologize. I'm complimented." Then I paused. "But you surrendered, you know what that means?" "It means... It means I'm your slave bitch" "Damn right it does, Lantern. And that means... I'm taking away your powers." "How... how are you gonna do that?" I laughed. "You'll find out. " Then I kissed him. "You want some pasta? I'll untie you and we'll go eat." "Yes. Please. I'm starving." I wanted to make a joke about sausage, but I waited. We went to a nice Italian restaurant in the neighborhood. I tried to explain that adults don't cut their spaghetti with a knife and fork, or drink milk with spaghetti and meatballs but.... one step at a time. The next day, Mr. Hal Jordan learned about the power of "the yellow shirt." I still make him wear one at least once a week. It reminds duane: he's mine.

Next: Chapter 4

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