I can prove it to you

By moc.hsuh.myn@busxela

Published on Jul 24, 2022


This series is my first submission to Nifty and is a work of fiction set in a world struggling with the question of slavery. If this offends you please stop reading now.

I can prove it to you Part 2

As we walked from the parking lot to the gym entrance, Parker put his hand on the back of my neck again and teased the hair on the back of my head with his fingers. Something about that just turned any resolve I had left to jelly. This guy knew how to push my buttons and I was eager to get into the gym.

Just before the building, Parker took hold of my bicep and stopped me.

Wait,' he said. I need to know that you're eager for me to help you work out and become better. Say it for me.' He took out his phone and started recording me.

`OK, help me become better," I said.

He came back with `no, say you want help to become better and that this is an important step. Say it with conviction and look at me when you say it.' The correction was just like that other weird moment, but I went along with it.

I want to become better, and this is an important step,' I said, staring into those grey eyes again. Now can we go in?'

`Sure, Andrew. It's good to know that you don't have any doubts.'

We walked into the lobby and the desk attendant immediately jumped to his feet. `Good evening, Master Parker,' he said with a smile. It was clear that he was a slave.

Depending on their duties, slaves are either naked or they wear regulation unlined thin nylon jogging shorts, with a slit up each side to the waistband, and body-hugging mesh sleeveless T-shirts. The shorts and t-shirts are designed to ensure that slaves don't develop a sense of modesty and the cut hadn't changed since the re-introduction of enslavement. Recently corporations had successfully lobbied to allow owners to use any solid colors on their slaves to assist in brand recognition. Before that, slaves' uniforms, top and bottom, were always bland khaki.

This slave was in white shorts and his top was blue. Fulfilling their purpose, the shorts hid nothing; the thin fabric hadn't fallen back into place and slave's penis and testicles were clearly visible.

Aside from the uniform, every slave could be easily identified in any situation by the regulation buzz cut and the titanium ear tag with a unique registration number above a scan code. Unlike an earring, the tag was punched through the cartilage of the right ear closest to the scalp and couldn't be removed.

Parker turned to me and said proudly, `this is a Number One product about halfway through a 4-year term. The skills learned here will likely lead to a more productive life on return to free citizenship.'

Turning to the slave, he said `Are you happy slave?'

`Yes, very happy Master Parker,' the slave said quickly. May I check you in and serve your guest Sir?"

`Yes, Andrew is here for the first time, and I'll be using one of my guest passes for his entrance.'

`Does he need a band Master Parker?'

Yes, purple,' Parker said as he turned back to me. Andrew, I'm going to use the executive change room but once you have your ID, just turn left and the locker room will be right ahead. See you in the gym.'

He disappeared down a hall to the right.

If you'll hold out your wrist sir,' the slave said, pulling a plain purple band from below the counter. I reached out with my left. Your right wrist Sir,' he said. I held out my right hand and the slave wrapped it around my wrist.

It looked a lot like the bands for concerts or weekend events but, instead of being plastic or paper, it was a fine metal mesh and looked like it had an electronic component running down the middle. It seemed elaborate for a gym pass, and I was just about to say something when the slave said, `Could you look up at the camera Sir?'

Just as I looked up at the camera the slave followed up with "Could you please state that you are sure Sir?'

I was anxious to see Parker again so, without giving the band another thought, I said `Yes, I am sure.'

The slave pulled out a heavy plier-like tool and snapped the band closed. Abruptly he said `Your ID is complete. You must go to your left Andrew. The locker room attendant will instruct you further."

While I never liked the idea that slaves were always required to be deeply respectful of free citizens, I knew immediately that the slave had slipped up by calling me Andrew' and not including Sir in his sentence.

I glanced up and made eye contact. What I saw wasn't a look of fear, respect, happiness or even detachment. I thought I saw a fleeting look of pity.

`Just that way,' the slave said, gesturing to the left.

The change room was empty and without addressing me the slave attendant pointed me to a locker. I changed quickly and joined Parker who was already using the free weights.

The workout was great. For a couple of hours he would interrupt his own workout to come by, help me fix my form, and encourage me to try moves that I hadn't before.

When Parker was off at other equipment members of the gym also offered instructions when they noticed my purple guest band. I lost track of how many times I heard Stand up straighter,' Pull in your gut,' Expand your chest, ' Flex your hips,' Eyes forward,' or Deepen your stance,' from different members. Even compared to the overall hyper masculine style of the gym, several seemed over aggressive when they reached up my shirt and palmed my abdomen as they barked `Tighten it.'

I built up a sweat but kept getting erections as I wondered about seeing Parker naked in the showers. Was it going to be just like a porn movie? Would we make out in the steam room? Would he let me suck his cock and then fuck me over a locker room bench?

Finally, Parker came by and said, `Great job Andrew. I'm proud of you for keeping up the pace. Looks like you're ready for the showers but, before you go, look me in the eyes again tell me that it's a hard path but worth it.'

He took out his phone again to record me.

`It was hard and worth it, but do you have to record me saying that?' I replied.

`Yes, it's good to keep a record of your progress. Any workout guide will tell you that.'

`OK it was worth it,' I said, while avoiding looking right into the lens of the phone.

No, that wasn't what I told you to say. Say it's a hard path but worth it' and hold up your wrist band to show that it's your first time here.'

`It's a hard path but worth it,' I said holding up my right arm and getting caught up again in those grey eyes.

Parker put away his phone and gave me a long hug that brought my face against his collar bone and my nose close to his pit. His sweat wasn't rank at all... in fact it was kind of sweet. I could feel his package against my abdomen. He let me go and I my dick was rock hard.

He saw it and said `Whoa there little man. I'll catch up with you in your locker room after the shower. Make it a cold one.'

Parker disappeared in the direction of the executive change room so I made my way back to the locker room, picking up a towel on the way in.

There were a few members nearby when I stripped off and threw my gear on the bench by my locker.

`Fold them,' said one blond, built guy who looked to be about 40.


`Fold your shorts, fold your shirt and place them in a neat stack,' he said and I could tell he meant it.

OK,' I said and muttered under my breath. Weird, I'm not a child.'

Another member loomed over me. `That wasn't respectful. Apologize. And put your shoes neatly together in front of your locker.'

This was feeling uncomfortable. I wasn't really a gym rat, but I had enough experience to know that most of the time men either banter in a friendly way in the locker room or ignore each other. Standing there naked I seemed to be getting a lot of attention and not the kind I wanted.

`Sorry about that,' I said to the blond man. He nodded and turned away.

The other man put his hand on my shoulder and turned me to face him. With his other hand he held up my wrist so that the purple band was right in front of my eyes. You have a lot to learn but you're here and you're going to be better.' He looked me up and down, turned me again, and said Go have your shower. Make it cold and clean every part of yourself thoroughly.'

I reached to grab my towel but he took it from me and put it back on the bench. `Purple bands don't use member towels. You'll dry fast enough.'

I had the tiled room to myself but was conscious that I didn't want to draw anymore negative attention, so I showered cold and washed myself thoroughly, making a point to run a soapy finger even up my hole a few times.

I walked back to the locker wet. I was cold. My boner was long gone and the shrinkage was significant. The towel was still on the bench, and I was tempted to grab it when Parker appeared before me.

`All clean I see Andrew'

`Parker, how am I supposed to dry myself? That big guy over there seemed pretty agitated about the idea that guys with purple bands don't use member towels.'

`Hey, don't worry about that. This is the first time I get to see all of what we're working with. I couldn't do a full assessment before today.'

And, saying that, he reached his hand around to the back of my neck and his fingers rubbed the wet hair on the back of my head.

My insides turned to jelly again as he slowly scanned my body, turning me left and right and rattled off comments:

`Hair trim...Attached lobe...Green eyes...Light facial hair...No under chin beard...10 cm nipples...Naturally smooth chest...no birthmarks...no moles...moderate freckling on shoulders...'

He lifted one of my arms

`Light pit hair...toned but not developed biceps...'

I interrupted. `Parker, what are you doing?' As much as it felt so good to have him touching me, this was getting creepy.

Almost finished, he said.' No abdomen hair...light abdominal development...small pubic patch...cut tight, average to small'

I was about to remark that I wasn't that small, but he turned me away from him.

`Proportional glutes...toned thighs and calves...good feet'

`You're a good specimen Andrew. We can do a lot together. You'll be better. You want that don't you?'

`I want to be better Parker,' I said.

`Good boy...you got it right on the first try this time, he said.'

`You're dry now. Get dressed and let's go.'

I dressed quickly and went to shove my workout shoes and gear in the bag but stopped myself. Instead, I carefully picked up the shoes, placed them neatly at the bottom of the bag and then carefully placed my folded gear on top before zipping up the bag.

I looked up and felt ridiculously proud of myself when Parker winked at me. `You're getting better already.'

--- More to come. Parker is planning the visit to Number One. Thanks for reading. Your feedback would be awesome. alexsub@nym.hush.com

Next: Chapter 3

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