I Had No Idea

By BNDMaster

Published on Nov 13, 2009


"I Had No Idea" - Part 47 BY - BNDMaster13@yahoo.com

All rights reserved. Other than downloading one copy for personal enjoyment, no part of this story may be reproduced or transmitted by any means, except for reviews, without the written permission of the author. Comments on the story are appreciated and may be addressed to the author, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com. This story contains descriptions of consensual sexual contact between adult males. As such it is homoerotic, designed for the entertainment of mature adults. If you are not of legal age to read such material, or if the subject matter would create irresolvable personal moral dilemmas, please exit now.

Yes, a third one in so short a time, consider yourselves very fortunate. I am still home sick and just don't feel like working a slave over right now, but I can sit and edit Alex's journal entries and actually get a few posted. I have to tell you, I was a little disappointed. I wrote the last one myself and what did I get back? We want to hear about Alex's two weeks with Robert. Now, if I was a real jerk I would say tough shit! But as I am a nice Master I won't. I will give you what you want, Alex's journal of his time at Robert's.

I arranged for Robert to watch Alex for the two weeks Jose and I were to be gone. Hopefully you remember him. He is the Master that took Matt last year about this time. He even wrote one chapter (still trying to get him to write more) about his slave Matt. We still see them quite a bit and Alex and Matt have always gotten along well. In fact I think Alex is almost as attached to Matt as he is to Jose. Plus Alex likes Robert and I trust him to take the proper care of my slave for me. I hadn't left Alex with anyone since that time with John and I still regret that. But I knew Robert was different. He takes such good care of Matt that I knew Alex would be in good hands. So now as always let's turn this over to my Alex:

I was so disappointed! When Master Rick had told me I would be a 24/7 bondage slave again it hadn't hit me it would mean I wouldn't be able to go with him on the trip he was planning. He had talked about it for months and I really wanted to go. However, it made sense, how do you drive across country, staying in hotels, with a bound naked slave with you. Or, like he explained, what if for some reason the police stopped him with me tied up and naked in the back seat. It's hard sometimes being what I am, a slave. I am naked all the time. I am kept tied up all the time. But then, again, that is what I am, a slave. I don't want to be anything else. My life is serving my Master, nothing else matters. As long as Master Rick is happy I am happy. My biggest worry was, who he would have watch me. The last time he had left me had been when his grandmother died. He had left me with Jose's old Master, John. That had been one of the worst experiences in my entire life. All I could do was pray that Master Rick wouldn't send me back to him this time. Master Rick, knowing him as I do, knew my concern as he refused to tell me were I would be staying. He told me it was to be a surprise. In other words I was his slave and had no choice in the matter so it really didn't make any difference if I was concerned or not.

So here it was the afternoon before Master Rick and Jose were set to leave. Master Rick had told me he would be taking me to my slave sitter right after lunch. He had packed me a bag. No clothes of course just some of my personal toys. Now, finally it was time to go. As usual my hands were cuffed behind me. I was wearing my leather ankle cuffs, my collar, and of course my new locking cock and ball jewelry. Master Rick ordered me over to him and he fit a full leather hood over my head. He laced it tight up the back and locked it on. He then buckled a gag in my mouth and lastly placed a blindfold over my eyes, sealing me tight in the hood. He took me by the arm and started leading me, I assumed, toward the garage. As he did he said, "All right Alex time to get you to the sitters house. I know you want to know who, but you will just have to wait until we get there"

Master Rick moved me across the playroom. I heard a door open and knew we were in the garage by the feel of the concrete under my bare feet. I heard him put a key in a lock and then he was helping me to climb into the trunk of his car. I have travelled this way quite a few times and have gotten used to it. Master Rick actually keeps a pillow in there just for me. I laid down and adjusted myself to get comfortable as I heard the lid close, locking me in the trunk. Shortly the car started and we drove off. I have given up even trying to keep track of time when I travel in the trunk. I just lay there and listen to the road noises and let my mind drift. Trust me it is much easier than thinking about the fact that you are locked in the trunk of a car, trapped there until you are released. Eventually the car stopped and I waited expectantly for Master Rick to release me. I was expecting him right away, but slowly the minutes drug by and the trunk remained closed. Not that it mattered. I have learned that a slave waits for it's Master. That may mean minutes, it may mean hours, and it may mean days. It makes no difference. The only time that matters to a slave is the time it has with it's Master. Anything beyond that time means nothing.

Finally I heard the key in the trunk lock and the sound of it opening. Then I felt Master Rick's hand on my arm as he help lift me out of the trunk. Once again cool cement was under my feet. He guided me with his hand and soon the cement was replaced by carpet. Then as we continued, the carpet was replaced by smooth tile. He moved me a little further then ordered me into the present position. I quickly spread my legs, hips forward, shoulders pulled back, and bowed my head ready for what ever was going to happen. I had no clue who was inspecting me but I was determined to show that I was a well trained slave and make my Master proud. The first thing I felt was a hit on my left ankle. I assumed it meant my legs were not spread far enough and I quickly moved to correct that. Then a hand gripped my bound balls and squeezed hard. My initial response was to gasp in pain but, as a slave, I knew better. I resisted the impulse and stood there as my balls were mauled painfully and then my hard cock was slapped by someone I couldn't see. I still had no clue who was there as I heard Master Rick say, "Thanks for watching him for me. I really appreciate it."

As he was talking he was moving away from me. When the response to his words came they were to far away for me to hear anything but a muffled voice. I realized Master Rick had just left. I was standing bound and naked in the care of a someone and I had no clue who it was. Let me tell you, even for a slave, it was really scary. I stood totally still trying to calm my breathing. I had no intention of letting whoever was out there know just how scared I was. I was Master Rick's slave and I was going to make him proud regardless of anything else.

I felt, rather than heard, that whoever it was had returned. A hand brushing my balls as it clipped something to the ring on my the harness told me that. Then a tug on my balls dropped me to my knees. I heard the sound of a small click and then movement again as the person walked away from me. A small tug told me my balls had been leashed to the floor. I was now naked, bound, and chained by my balls. I had no clue where I was or who the hell I had been left with. I will gladly say I was scared. I knew I had no choice in the matter. I would serve and obey whoever my Master had left me with, but even so I was scared half to death. However, what scared me the most, (I have no clue why after all this time. I should be used to how my cock reacts, but I'm not!) was the fact that I was so turned on by all this. I sat there thinking that any sane, normal person would be frightened beyond belief, but not me! Oh, no, I was sitting there with my cock hard as a rock. I know, I say, I am totally a slave. I am totally addicted to pain and abuse. But realizing, that even scared half to death, as long as I was a bound slave my cock would be hard made me understand exactly what Master Rick had transformed me into. And damn, I love every single minute of it! You answer me this, what better life could I possibly have? I am the slave of the only person who really loves me. And I love him with every fiber of who and what I am, a bondage slave. God, as I am writing this I realize, I do just what Master accuses me of all the time, I drift off track! He tells me I wander all over the place when I write my journal. He is so right! But you trying living my life, horny all the time, (and I mean all the time!) tied up all the time, a slave all the time, and you see if you could do any better! Sorry! Sorry! Let me get back on track here. I am naked, chained to the floor, no idea where I was, again sorry for wandering off track.

I knelt there, hooded, no clue of the passage of time. Not a sound to even let me know there was a person near. The only thing I was sure of was that it had quite a few hours. But then time runs together a lot for me when I am tied up all alone. Finally, I heard movement near me. I felt hands at the chain on my balls and realize the were being unhooked from the floor. Next hands on my head unbuckling and removing the gag. Now that my mouth was empty I wanted so badly to ask who the person out there was. But I knew better than to talk without permission so I remained silent waiting for whatever was to come. Still not a word, just a hand on my hooded head pushing it down toward the floor. My forehead bumped into something hard and I realized it was bowl. I guessed that a water dish had been set down for me. The hand came off the back of my head and I assumed I was supposed to drink. As I was dying of thirst I greedily stuck my tongue through the opening in the hood and started lapping up the water. When I had drank my fill I returned to the kneeling position. Now the hands were back, this time helping me to my feet. Still not a word, but as he moved me across the room he was close enough that I could feel the heat of his body. Then as he continued to direct me I felt a hard cock brush my ass and realized whoever it was also naked. We must have arrived at the destination as the hands now started pushing me down into a sitting position. When my ass came in contact with a toilet seat I knew I was being allowed to use the bathroom. A hand grabbed my cock and pushed it down between my legs into the toilet bowl. I let loose with a stream of piss as the hand held my cock so it wouldn't go all over. Strange, how I have gotten use to this over the years, having someone else hold my dick so I could pee. Or having some else wipe my ass when I take a shit. Thankfully I didn't need to shit. The idea of someone wiping my ass that I had no clue who they were was, even for me, just a bit strange.

When I was finished the hands helped me off the toilet and directed me back, I assumed, to were I had been before. Again, as we moved, I felt the hard cock brushing my ass. I was pushed back onto the floor. I smelled food and then a spoon was at my mouth feeding me. Usually I just eat out of a dog dish, but I guessed whoever it was didn't want me making a mess all over the leather hood. The food was good. A nice thick beef stew and I was actually a little disappointed when I heard the click of the spoon in an empty bowl. Plus I was enjoying the companionship. I had been left alone, isolated in the hood all afternoon and even though whoever it was didn't say anything at least they were there. I heard the bowl being set on the floor then my head was being pushed down again. This time I knew I was being directed back to the bowl of water. I drank quickly and sat back up. My face was then dried with a towel and the gag was pushed back into my mouth and buckled in place. I felt hands on my shoulders then, some ones head brushing my arm. As he did this, he rubbed his face across me so I could feel a leather strap encircling his face. No wonder he hadn't said a word. He was wearing a gag just like I was. So, whoever was here with me was also a naked slave, just like me. What an incredible experience. I had no use of my hands, couldn't see, or talk and my companion couldn't say a word. It reminded me of the old expression the blind leading the blind so to speak.

My silent friend pushed me down onto the floor. I felt a pillow under my head and realized he was telling me to lay down. I stretched out on the hard tile floor as best I could. Then he was laying next to me pulling my bound body close to his. He put his arms around me and held me close. He stroked my shoulders and I could feel the heat of his body against mine. God I was getting so turned on by this! My unknown friend holding me and making me feel secure. As I snuggled in and felt the hard planes of his body against mine, I realized I knew exactly who it was. There was no doubt in my mind that it was Matt who was holding me. A year ago we had become slave brothers. I had come to care just as much for him as I did Jose. Even though Matt was owned now by Master Robert I still saw quite a bit of him and still loved him just as much. That meant Master Rick had left me at Master Robert's house! Thank god! I knew I would safe and well taken care of. Plus, I would have Matt to keep me company. Even if we couldn't talk I would still have Matt. I could feel his hands gently exploring my body. Caressing me and making me feel safe and loved. Of course as a good slave he never once attempted to touch those areas of my body that were off limits. Though I wished so badly, as we lay there, that just this once it would be ok to have him gently stroke my cock. I wished too, that I could reciprocate but with my hands locked behind me all I could do was lay there and enjoy the gentle stroking he was giving me. Amazing, I knew he loved his Master as much as I did Master Rick, but sometimes only a fellow slave can give you that special tenderness. Only someone that fully understands what it means to be a slave. That special bond that only two boys in service to their Master's can share.

Eventually I felt a blanket being placed over us. As Matt's arms still held me tight I assumed Master Robert must have done it. I felt so warm and happy as I drifted off to sleep.

Ok, this is a great place to end this. I had set that whole thing up with Robert. I thought it would be a kick to keep Alex in the dark, as it were, regarding where he was as long as possible. He had been kind of a pain about wanting to know who he was going to stay with. I figured this torment would be just what he needed to remind him that he was mine and had no choice in the matter. God, Alex should trust me by now to take care of him.

I think that what I may do with the next few posts is alternate back and forth between my trip with Jose and Alex's stay with Robert. That way I get to write a bit. I rather enjoy it and you, the reader, will just have to learn to deal with it. As always drop me a line and let me know what you think. Once in awhile I even read them to Alex, BNDMaster13@yahoo.com.

Next: Chapter 48: I Had No Idea II 1

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