I Love You Series

By J J

Published on Feb 17, 2011


This story is completely fictional, any resemblance of real people or events are completely coincidental. This story contains gay sex between young males, if you are underage (18 in most areas) then please leave the story. This story may also contain some offensive language if it offends you then free free to stop reading any further. This story belongs to j_stories91@yahoo.com don't copyright it and all the usual copyrights and legal stuff applies. Feel free to send comments, suggestions, and even criticism to me. And of course enjoy the story.

****************** I Love You Chapter 1 ******************

I love you... one of the easiest sentences out there but is the hardest sentence to say, and can be the most painful sentence ever....

Hey, my name is Trevor, I'm 16. I'm 6 ft tall and weigh 180 pounds. I have dark brown hair that is almost black, and dark brown eyes like you can barely tell were my pupil is. I used to think I was straight but I never really thought about it much, now that I think about I guess I always noticed hot guys but I never thought anything about it. I liked girls I had a few girlfriends but nothing that was real love, that's what I wanted someone I could grow old with and still have that spark between us.

I'm an only child, but I don't get along with my parents. They always wanted me to be perfect, get all A's in school, be the best at sports and any other activity I did. If I wasn't the best they would get mad at me and push me to be the best. Well it's not that easy for me to do because I was always just average, after a while they realized I would never be the best that I was just average, when they realized that they decided to push me even harder then before, and I snapped and had a HUGE argument with them, so now we hardly talk to each other, just small talk every now and then. But that was alright as long I had my best friend, Carter.

Carter is also 16. He is 5ft 11 and weighs 175 pounds. He has blonde hair that had natural curls in it, and the bluest eyes I've seen. I always thought he was straight, I never noticed anything that would suggest he wasn't. He is also an only child but his parents were cool. We are neighbors so I spend a lot of time at his house. His parents were always so kind to me it seemed that they loved me more then my own parents. Carter and I were friends since we can remember. He is my only true friend I have; don't get me wrong I have other friends but none that I can just talk about my problems and they always be there for me. Most of them probably will forget about me when we graduate. With Carter we were always there for each other and could tell each other anything, or so I thought...

It all started on a hot July day I was at work finishing my shift when he came in and asked if I wanted to head out to the spot, I said yes so he helped me finish washing the dishes so I could get out sooner. Once we finished we jumped in our cars and took off to the spot. The spot is a small lake about fifteen minutes away from our homes. It's usually empty so we could always go there to swim and just talk and be away from everything else. When we got there no one was there so I got out and got my swimming shorts out of my car and just stripped down to nothing right there and put my shorts on in front of Carter, when I looked up I saw Carter looking at me but I didn't think anything of it. We swam for a while then we just sat on the beach and watched the sun set. Carter wasn't acting himself the whole time like he had something on his mind.

"What's wrong with you today? You've been out of it all day." I asked

"...Ummm nothing much...just stuff, you know..."

"You know you can tell me anything."

"I know, but really its nothing."

We sat there in silence for a few more minutes until he finally said something...

"Trev... I love you"

"I love you too man"

Then Carter turned to me and said, "No, I mean I'm in love you."

Then I said the worst thing I could have said...


Before I could say anything else he took off to his car and speed away as fast as he could. I just stayed in the same spot for an hour still trying to process everything. WHAT!?!?!? Is this a joke? How can he love me we've been best friends our whole life, I've never noticed anything before. God I'm so confused now!! How could he love me like that? I don't understand I've never noticed anything out of the ordinary that he did that would make me think he loved me. God, how can he be gay? We are just alike, does that make me gay? I guess I never really thought about it...I mean I notice attractive guys but does that mean I'm gay? God I'm so confused right now and I just pissed off the only person I can talk to... I have to go there and at least try to apologize to him... God how could I be so mean to him he's always been there for me and help me get through my issues and I fucking yell at him, god I'm so stupid. I have to find him and apologize right now before he hates me forever.

I got in my car and hurried to his house, but his car wasn't there. I knocked on the door but no one answered, so I sat there for a while but he never showed up so I went home. I walked in and my parents were waiting for me.

"Trevor we need to talk to you right now!" My mom said, God I don't need this right now, I thought while walking past them.

"Trevor!" my dad shouted. I turned around.

"Where have you been you had us so worried..." my mom said, great now they are trying to be parents... whatever I'm going to my room... I started to turn away "...Carter was in an accident on his way home."

"WHAT!!!" I shouted

"He was driving to fast and lost control of his car and hit a tree, he wasn't wearing a seat belt and went through the windshield..." my mom said.

Before she could finish I ran out and got in my car and took off to the hospital. When I got there I saw Carter's parents in the waiting room. I gave them a hug and asked how carter was; they said they haven't heard anything else yet, so I sat with them and waited for the doctor to come out. When he came out he said that Carter had some cuts on his head and body that they stitched up, he had no broken bones but some bruised ribs, and that he was is a coma. I waited with his parents the rest of the night until they told me to go home and get some rest, and they would call me if he wakes up.

I went home and tried to fall asleep but couldn't because I was too worried about Carter to go to sleep. I sat in my bed until the morning waiting for the phone to ring. When it was 8:30 am I decided I would head to the hospital to see how he's doing. When I got there Carter's parents were talking with the doctor so I waited. When they were done talking they came over and told me that Carter was still in a coma and the doctor said they were not sure when he would wake up. I stayed there for the rest of day with them and came everyday for a week, but with no signs of him waking up the visits became less and less and then stopped.

That was four weeks ago now I'm in a deep depression. I have no one to talk to anymore, my parents don't talk to me, and I yelled at the one person who was always there for me and probably killed him because of that, I deserve to die...

**************** To Be Continued... **************** Author's Note:

I know this chapter was really short but I just wanted to get the background done with before I got into the story. This is my first time writing a story so if you have any suggestions I would really appreciate that, also all comments and criticism is welcomed just e-mail me at j_stories91@yahoo.com

Thanks, Jay (not real name)

Next: Chapter 2: I Love You 2

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