I Need You Tonight

By Chica

Published on Jun 20, 2001



Chapter 6

Damn it, what the hell is wrong with me? I thought I was a dumb person, but tonight I just proved myself to be a freaking retard. Now I had to clean my messed up room and try to smooth out this stupid ass hair that never sticks right. It had been 30 minutes since Brian called. I had thrown (well, asked, but if felt like I did) AJ out of my room a while ago to try and make some sort of effort to look presentable. I ran around in circles, looking like a hyper dog. As I was brushing my teeth, a thought hit me; why the hell am I doing this? I shouldn't have to go to extra lengths to make sure he's comfortable. He sure didn't show me any mercy when he dumped me flat on my ass. Thinking of this, I ruffled my hair and began throwing shirts back on the floor. I turned the TV on to MTV and listened to some music. I laid on the bed, trying to calm myself down. It was really no big deal. We were just going to talk and maybe play Nintendo and maybe make up and maybe kiss...Listen to me. I sound like a school girl or something. I needed to wake up and realize that my little fantasy world has been fucked up and what remains is me, this fucked up world, and Brian who was coming over tonight. I evened my breathing, needing to be smooth when Brian came over. Just as I felt myself relaxing, a knock sounded from the door. I jumped up from the bed, my heart beginning to race. Great work there, Carter. I slowly walked toward the door, trying my best to seem aloof and calm. My hand was shaking slightly as I gripped the door handle and twisted it open to reveal...

...A hotel maid. I let the breath I didn't know I was holding out, putting a hand on my hip.

"Oh, God. Y-You're Nick C-Carter!" She said in amazement. Oh no, not another fan. I gave her my patented fake smile and raised my eyebrows in question.

"Y-You have a message from B-Brian Littrell." This girl needed some Ritalin.

"Thank you. " I pulled out a pen and scribbled an autograph on a torn piece of paper and handed it to her. I figured she deserved it, on account of that she made full sentences and didn't rape me.

"Thank y-you, Nick" She stuttered, walking away in a daze. I closed the door, remembering the message. I read the message once, then twice to see if I had read it right.

Nick, I can't come over tonight. Something's come up and I have to be somewhere else. I'll explain later.


My hand trembled only for a second until I balled up my fist, crushing the note in the tight grip. An anger and built up rage I hadn't known I had welled inside my chest, bursting from my senses. I felt my face grow red hot and my eyes bored imaginary holes in the crushed note as I threw it in the garbage. In rage, I picked up the garbage can and proceeded to hurl it against the hotel wall. It's contents spread everywhere, littering the floor. Not finding any solace in that, I picked up the desk chair and threw it where I had thrown the trash can. Rage filled inside me and soon I started throwing everything I could get my hands on; lamps, vases, suitcases, everything in the room. I didn't stop until almost everything was destroyed and the fight had left my body. I slumped awkwardly onto the bed, rubbing my eyes. Hot tears flowed down my face and I couldn't control them any longer. I sobbed loudly into the demolished room, my cries of utter despair echoing around me. I fell onto my bed, soaking the pillow within a few seconds. After my initial outburst, I heard feet run across the room and I felt arms hold me. I had forgotten that Howie and Joey were next door, but didn't care much about it, as long as they were here. Joey smoothed down my hair and Howie held me from behind, whispering for me to just let it out. I did. It took many more minutes just to get me breathing right again. Then I felt I needed some answers and fast.

"Y'all...where did Brian go to tonight?" I asked meekly. Howie hesitated in telling me. He knew. "Please tell me. I need to know." I choked out.

"He went with LeighAnne to go see `Cats' on ice." Howie said softly. My heart suddenly stopped completely. My sadness was replaced by anger. I jerked myself from their arms and started to pace the room. They looked at me, not knowing what to say to comfort me. Can't blame them. Only a complete jerk off would do this. I whirled around quickly, surprising them.

"'Cats'? Cats? He missed coming over to see cats with his bitch?! You know what? Fuck him, I didn't want him over anyways. I don't ever want to see him ever again. What the hell was I thinking letting him come over? Oh, he's going to pay for this severely. I hope he burns in hell with his stupid bitch!!" I screamed, picked up a large piece of a broken vase and crashing it against the wall. I screamed again for comfort and stormed out of the room, off to get another.

A couple of hours later I was situated in another room. I sat at a desk, going over tomorrow's schedule. I had put on some different clothes for the hell of it and I had put on my pair of reading glasses. I groaned out loud when I read that me and Brian were supposed to swoon a young girl. Who the hell makes these schedules? LeighAnne's relatives? I sighed, setting the piece of paper down. What I needed to do was just get over him, but I don't think I had the strength. So I decided to do what anyone else in my position do; keep pissing Brian & LeighAnne off and make sure what happened tonight never happened again. I needed to grow harder and more used to getting my heart broken. From now on I didn't love Brian. Only my old, naive self would do something as stupid as that. No, this was a new me. I had turned over a brand new leaf. I felt better already. I stretched in my seat and decided to put on some music. Just my luck, blasting over the speakers was Aretha Franklin's `I Will Survive'. Talk about a sign! I bobbed my head to the beat lightly, walking over to the mini bar to get a drink. I stopped, however, when I spotted three females outside of my balcony window, shivering in the night air. Just as I was about to call security, though, something about the situation, my new leaf, and that damn song made me bold. The OLD Nick would call security. The new Nick was better, riskier. He was also hornier... I followed my logic to the window, opening it. The girls blushed, obviously not expecting me to see them. I smiled at them. "Ladies, what are you doing out there? Come on in here, I'll make y'all a drink." I said, flashing my `Nick Carter' smile. They whispered excitedly to one another and walked inside. I closed the window, walked to the bathroom, and checked my spiky hair. Perfect. Now I was glad I changed into my dress pants and slightly see through shirt. I also was having fun earlier and decided to put on a collar and a little mascara. I don't like make-up, it's just that mascara brings out my eyes and gives me this sultry punk look. I don't know what had gotten into me, but I sure as hell liked it. Looking in the mirror, I suddenly kind of liked myself for once. I wasn't `Nicky' or `Frack' or `blondie'. I was Nick Carter. I AM the Nick Carter. I am charming, I am sexy, I am in control of his emotions, and I was definitely not gay and in love with Brian. No, I was Nick Carter, straight man who was fixing to get laid by three sexy women. What more could a man ask for? I finished my self-analyzing and went back to the mini bar. The three girls had taken their jackets off and their breasts were supported by wonder bras, cleavage here, there, everywhere. I really didn't find that attractive, but hell, I am Nick Carter, and these three ladies were sexy. "Y'all can have drinks, right?" I asked, my voice turning into a kind of purr. "Well, no. We're 20 and she's 19." The blonde one stated, pointing to her friends. "Well, legal is also a good thing." I said, mixing some drinks. I smiled at them sexually, and they blushed a deep crimson. Oh yeah, they're mine. "Have a drink on me. I won't tell if you won't." I handed them each a drink. I bit my lip slowly, walking toward the girls... The next morning I woke up and the three girls were wrapped up in my bed sheets. I grinned widely, feeling quite proud of myself. I was truly a changed man. I mean, what's so wrong with enjoying your fame? Few people are ever this famous, and all this time I've been cooped up on some bus playing Nintendo with my `precious' Brian. How lame that Nick was. Nick Carter didn't play Nintendo. He played with girl's hearts, as well as playing the field. I was 21, damn it, and I could drink and party my ass off. AJ wouldn't mind it. It felt so good to be me. My fun was interrupted shortly by a loud pounding on the door. The girls woke up and wrapped the sheet around them. Kevin burst through my door, stopping mid stride as he saw the three girls and me, naked as a jay bird, getting up. "Nick, what the hell is this?!" Kevin yelled, pointing at the girls. The girls, however, were eyeing Kevin. I guess they figured they could get a married man as well as a cute blonde. "What do you think it is, Kevy?" I asked him slyly. "How the hell could you do this?" Kevin said, switching from angry to bewildered. "Easy, take off your clothes, get in bed, and start fucking." I stated simply, finding a shirt I liked and slipping it on. "Did you use protection?" Kevin asked, still not believing what had happened. "Yes, I did thank-you-very-much. I'm not stupid." I defended. It's true, I did use protection. Nick Carter does not get scanky women pregnant. No whore was having my baby. "Well, I...I'm glad you at least thought that through. Well, just be at the stadium in half an hour." Kevin finished briskly, walking out the door. After I signed autographs for the girls for their silence, I arrived at the stadium, late, and hurriedly put my costume on. "So, was it two Nick?" Howie asked, walking up to me, a smile perched on his face. He winked at me discreetly. I winked back, returning his playful smile. "No, it was three. A blonde, a brunette, and a red head." I told him. I looked straight at where Brian and LeighAnne were sitting, and smirked. "You're nothing but a whore." LeighAnne shot at me. Here we go. "Better just a whore instead of a whore and a bitch." I replied. "They probably had more than two diseases apiece." She said disgustedly. "Wow, that's less than you have!" I said sarcastically. "Bastard." She said simply. "Bitch." I shrugged, passing it off. "Brian, I'm so glad you decided to stay away from him, calling you like that..." "Um, sweetie, he called me first. Oh, he didn't tell you?" By the embarrassed flash in her eyes to the cold stare she gave Brian I guess not. Now there's a bastard for you. I finished putting my costume on just when the manager called us to go perform. As I walked out, I made sure my cape swept in their faces. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Whew, Nick gets mean! Is he really a changed man or is his old self still buried deep down inside? Will Brian ever apologize? Will LeighAnne ever kiss and make up with Nick? (Will hell freeze over?) What the hell is with AJ and his sudden feelings? Will I delve into that or leave you wondering? Will Howie ever get a bigger part? Will Kevin, more importantly? Will Kevin EVER get a good part in this story? Will I ever stop asking questions? If you think you know the answers, or just want to ask some more questions, or hell, even state the ones above again, then e-mail me, baby!!

Next: Chapter 16: The Next Day 7

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