I Need You Tonight

By Chica

Published on Jul 3, 2001


DISCLAIMER: I do not know the Backstreet boys or anyone around them. I'm only a poor white girl from Texas, so trust me, I don't know their sexualities.

Chapter 7

A few hours later it was morning and we were at another hotel. I walked into the empty hotel room, tossing my bags on the floor, not bothering to unpack. I am lonely, I will admit that now. I was tired of entering empty hotel rooms with no one to be with me. Never, in the all the time I've been a Backstreet boy, have I ever had a hotel room to myself. At first, we had to bunk up with each other because we were on a tight budget. Then when we did get more money, I always shared my hotel room with Brian. Now that he wasn't here, I was alone. I swallowed my sadness, though, and focused on trying to find something to do. I decided against Nintendo, figuring it was fruitless activity. I finally managed to make it to the telephone, dialing Amanda's room number. Perhaps she wasn't too busy. I heard someone pick up, and Amanda greeting me.

"Hey Manda." I said, smiling the first time all day.

"Hey Nickers!" She greeted happily.

"Bored?" I asked bluntly.

"You have no idea. I'm experimenting with gel on my hair and I swear that I look like a shark right now."

"You're crazy."

"It comes naturally. Hey, do you wanna go clubbing tonight with all of us?"

"I don't know. I guess anywhere that a pop celebrity can go so he wouldn't be recognized easily will do."

"Already found a place. I'll meet you in your room in an hour. Dress preferably in black, look sexy in a punk way, and none of that boring ass hair of yours."

"Whoa...where are we going, to an 80s bar?"


"You wanted me to look punk."

"Not exactly punk, well, grunge I guess."

"Whatever. I'll do my best. Bye."

"Bye." I hung up. Grunge? I sighed, making my way to my bags. I riffled through my packed clothes and searched in vain for black. I finally hit the jackpot and located a pair of sleek black pants and a silk black shirt. I threw on the pants and the shirt, admiring myself in the mirror. I turned to look at my butt, and gasped when I saw that it clung to my butt a little too much.

"Ass clinchers." I muttered to myself, fixing to take them off. Wait a second; the old Nick wouldn't like showing off his body. Nick Carter didn't mind a bit. I kept them on. I glanced at my hair, running a hand through it. I looked so...boring. I shrugged, trying to find some acceptable shoes. Sneakers, sandals, pair of brown dress shoes...No dice. I frowned, feeling stuck. I went to my jewelry, putting on a gold chain necklace. There, that's something. This wasn't working at all. I'm going to look like a wanna be drug addict. It was then a stroke of inspiration hit me. Who in this world could help me? Someone who was hip, had long-lasting experience with hair, and basically can put together a kick-ass style in the matter of seconds? Only AJ.

I didn't bother to call, I went straight to his room. After explaining my situation, he decided to help. First thing he did was fix my shirt. He unbuttoned the first two buttons, letting some skin show. Then he critically evaluated my hair, stroking his sculpted goatee thoughtfully. Then he set to work. He practically molded my hair into some style that was beyond my limited knowledge. My thick locks were gelled and stuck out perfectly from my head in some kind of twisted maze. I liked it. Next he brought out something I didn't expect, makeup. I argued I wasn't a girl, but all he used was some mascara, eye liner, and some other choice powders. I looked like a glamorous rock star. Now that was amazing. He even found a pair of boots that fit the whole look and I definitely looked like different. Just as AJ was painting my nails jet black, Amanda walked in and stood in the doorway with her mouth open. AJ smirked, admiring his work.

"Turn around for her, Nick." AJ said, pushing me to my feet. I awkwardly turned a full circle. Amanda gasped.

"Your ass must be begging for air!" Amanda stated. I burst out laughing, feeling myself swell with pride. This was great. I was going to have a great time for once.

"Every girl..."

"and guy!" Amanda piped up.

"Yes, guy, will want to get into those pants." AJ stated, laughing a bit.

"Nick, um there's something I have to tell you. Well, Brian and LeighAnne..."

"That's just fine they`re coming. Let's go meet them." I stated dryly, going into the hallway.

"Wait Nick! I didn't finish telling you!" I heard Amanda yell behind me, but it was too late. Have you ever had something so terrible and ironic happen to you that you really think that it's all just a dream? Now was one of those times. Down the hall were Brian and LeighAnne, but what they had with them was the cause of my horror. It was none other than my ex-girlfriend Mandy. At first it didn't register why she was there, then I remembered that her and LeighAnne had met at an awards show some time ago and bonded. Talk about double bitch attack. Instead of being childish about it, I swelled up and walked toward them. They looked at me strangely, and I realized that I looked really different now. I quickly scanned their faces, looking for positive or (most likely) negative reactions. LeighAnne was eyeing me critically, Mandy was licking her lips (typical for a slut) and Brian was staring at the floor. Bet the floor is really interesting, huh lover? I made a quick mental note to use that line and walked quicker toward them.

"Why, hello Mandy."

"It's Willa, Nickolas." She snidely stated, smirking her retarded smirk she learned from me.

"Whatever. I see you've bonded with...LeighAnne."

"And Brian too. Leigh thought it would be great if I stayed with everyone for awhile. Brian looks so cute in that shirt." Mandy...or Willa, cooed, feeling on Brian's shirt a bit. I would bet all the money I own that LeighAnne told Mandy about me and Brian's relationships. Otherwise she wouldn't bother with him. Instead of getting angry, I forced a convincing smile and nodded.

"So cute." I said sarcastically, pushing past the three. Amanda came up from behind me, smiling sympathetically. I smiled back, wrapping an arm around her shoulders.

"Are you OK?" She asked, leaning toward me.

"Yeah, I just need to get some fresh club air. Perhaps all I need is some fun." I said, pushing the button for the elevator.

"Well, just don't get recognized and stay away from you know who."

"Honey, if I could I would."

We arrived at the club minutes later. Amanda was right; this club was different. Everyone was dressed darkly, many with tattoos and many with older kinds of styles. The music pulsated differently from the usual dance clubs, this beat more intense, almost as if the club was literally on fire. People there were hip, trendy, and rhythmically danced to the beat like they were in a trance. What a place! I made my way over to the bar, ordering a drink. I scanned the room, trying to pick out the others. Joey and Howie were situated in a booth, holding each other. In another, AJ, Amanda, and Kevin were chatting with AJ prowling around with his eyes. Out of the corner of my eye, I spotted the two bitches sitting down at a corner booth. Guess they finally let Brian off of his leash. I smirked, turning back to the bar. I didn't expect Brian to be sitting next to me, staring at me. I swallowed the shot I had in my mouth hard, staring back at him like a dumb ass. Finally, he spoke. "I'm sorry about the other night." He said quietly. The words were spoken so softly, so simply, that at first I couldn't respond. Then I found some kind of speech, saying the first thing on my mind. "It's OK." I flinched, chastising myself for that answer. Wasn't I mad? Wasn't he the one who didn't apologize...Then I realized that he WAS apologizing. I breathed in and out, not trusting myself to speak another word. "I was going to come, but Cats was only in town for one night and Leigh wanted to see it real bad...I tried to say sorry earlier, but you were angry then, and I didn't have the nerve..." Was he really saying this? I shook my head, staring at the table. Through all my ranting and my constant hatred of him, I had forgotten how sincere and how caring he was deep inside. I also felt something inside me. It was a deep feeling of love for this man, and I felt like a million butterflies were flapping around in my stomach. But just as suddenly as I felt that old feeling, the new feeling of pain and remorse overtook me. The realization that nothing would be the same again and he was married now. Memories of lies and promises that kept me going zigzagged around in my head, weighing me down. Honestly, it felt better when he WASN'T talking to me. "...so, I um, just wanted to clear that up, and,...well, the girls are going to town tomorrow, and I figured we could hang out then, but I won't make a promise just in case something else comes up..." He was stuttering? I couldn't believe my eyes or ears as the love of my life babbled like an idiot in front of me. "That's, OK." I said simply. I could have sworn I have used those already... "I'm gonna go...see you." He said kinda sadly, walking away. I felt myself shake considerably, and I needed a bathroom. I stood up and found the men's room, locking myself into the third stall. I pulled my legs up to my chest, laying my head on the side of the cramped stall. I sighed, hoping that I wasn't going to cry. I had on makeup, that wouldn't look too good smudged. I felt a chill on the back of my neck, and I turned to look at the wall, what would seem to be a fruitless endeavor. Turns out it definitely wasn't. Chiseled out of the wall was a peephole, into the woman's restroom. I could tell from my viewpoint that I was by the sinks, and I noticed two very familiar females. They were talking and I listened intently to their conversation. "That Nick...he's such a bastard." LeighAnne stated, dabbing face powder on her face. Typical comment from her. "A bastard, but an incredibly sexy bastard." Did I mention Mandy was a slut? "A sexy bastard with a hot ass." LeighAnne said, smirking. Did she just say that? I laughed lightly. So, the shrew herself wanted me sexually. I could use that to my advantage. I listened more. "Tomorrow is going to be so much fun. Brian will never find out." LeighAnne said, flipping her hair back. What? "I got to hand it to you Leigh, Brian is so trusting. It's a really good trait for having an afternoon with Alfando." Alfando? What was that, some kind of cheese? "He's even sexier than Nick. I'll be having a great time. He has an incredibly huge penis and fucks ten times better than Brian ever could." LeighAnne stated, walking toward the door. "Well, you`ll just have to see, won`t you?" Mandy said happily, walking out the door behind LeighAnne. I slunk down, my face pale. LeighAnne was cheating on Brian? How could she take advantage of his kindness and trust? I wasn't just jealous of LeighAnne now, I downright hated her. I had to tell Brian, and quickly. I burst out the bathroom, searching vainly across the dance floor for Brian. I finally spotted him, sitting next to Kevin. I rushed over there as fast as I could. I reached the table, placing both my hands on it's edge, staring at Brian. "Brian, we need to talk." I said bluntly. Kevin, AJ, and Amanda all looked at me like I had just gone crazy. Brian, thankfully, didn't argue but stood up and followed me. I led him outside, away from the music and chaos. I paced a little while, trying to calm my shaking nerves. How do you tell someone their wife is cheating on them? "Look, this isn't easy for me. A few minutes ago, I was in the bathroom and I saw there was some peephole there. I looked in and LeighAnne and Mandy were in there, and they were talking about...about..." I stopped, looking at Brian's sweet face. This was so hard. I knew I had to do it, but it was like telling a little kid that there was no Santa Claus. I swallowed, deciding to just spill it. "She was talking about cheating on you with a guy named Alfando, tomorrow when she leaves." I said in one sentence. Brian's face didn't flicker at all. Oh no, he was really upset. "I'm sorry I had to be the one to tell you..." "You're lying." He said simply, his eyes on fire. "Do what?" I asked. "You're lying! She would never cheat on me!" He said loudly. "Uh, yeah she would. You don't believe me?" I asked incredulously. Brian slid a hand through his short hair, staring at the ground again. He did that a lot around me. "No." He said simply. "I heard it plain and clear. Just follow her, I promise she'll be cheati..." "I will not follow my wife like I don't trust her because some jealous guy tells me she's cheating. It's just not happening." "Jealous guy?" I asked, my anger building up quickly. "You fight with her constantly because you're too immature to accept that me and her are together and that me and you are over." He said simply. Whoa, now that was below the belt. I slowly walked up to him, intimidating his small frame by my immense height, glaring down at him like he was a bug. "You wanna talk about immature? How about assholes who leave without a reason or apology and don't have the fucking balls to talk to me until now when his wife isn't breathing down his neck? I fight with LeighAnne because I hate her selfish, bitchy, cheating ass. You can try to tell yourself night and day that you have the perfect marriage, but she's fucking around behind your back and you're too naïve to realize it. Yeah, we are over. We're over in a relationship, in friendship, in everything. When you realize your mistake, you'll realize how good of a friend I truly am and that picking her over me was the worst decision you've ever made." I said, leaving right after I said the last word. He didn't follow, so I figured he wasn't too angry. It was only a matter of time before I had total revenge. Instead of going home, though, I found a nice looking girl by the entrance who recognized me as a Backstreet boy. Now, I knew that it was only because I was upset, but I took her home and had sex with her. Nothing wrong with a little casual sex, is there?

Whew! Now things are heating up! What could possibly happen next? Will Brian believe Nick, or will he have to see it for his own eyes? Where's everyone else in this? Do we care? Hell no!

Next: Chapter 17: The Next Day 8

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