I Need You Tonight

By Chica

Published on Jun 23, 2000


DISCLAIMER: Don't if you're below 18, just remember this is fiction. If you are offended by m/m/f sex, leave. I don't know the sexuality of Nick or Brian from the Backstreet boys.

SUPPORT: O.K., I am pissed. After doing some late night reading recently, I realized that alot of writers totally diss A.J. I know what they write is fiction, but come on! Just because A.J. looks rough and mean doesn't mean he's a sweet guy. So for this chapter, it's time for A.J. to shine!

MORE SUPPORT: Now on another Backstreet boy. What is up with people saying Nick is so bad? My favorite stories are the ones where Nick is the sweet heart he is. Why hate Nick? In fact, all the Backstreet boys are sweet and I like to write about their strong friendship. KTBSPA!!

Chapter 8

I woke up the next morning, alone. Like always. Depression seeped into my heart. Why me? Why did I do all those things to Amanda? I felt low. I felt dirty. Everything was tearing me apart. From Nick spacing himself earlier, to Howie's problems with Joey, to my bisexuality. Little did Amanda know that I was bisexual. No one knew. It's not that I didn't think they'd accept it, it's just hard. My head pounded as I pulled my aching body to the bathroom. I hated myself. No one cared for me. Why live? I miserably pulled a bottle of sleeping pills out of the bathroom mirror. I stared straight into the mirror. I hated looking at myself everyday. Last night I had slept with a male whore. Not the first, not the last. I was disgusted with myself. I felt dirty. All over. I popped open the bottle and started shoving pills down my throat. I was only a few pills away from ending my misery. Then I felt a hand snatch the pills from me and throw them to the ground. I looked to see who did this. Joey stood, staring at me with pleading eyes. I fainted.

A few minutes later, I awoke to the feeling of a cold rag on my hot forehead. I stared at Joey. She smiled lightly, kissing my forehead. Why was I being so stupid? Now I had upset Joey. Just great.

"Joey, I'm sor..." "You don't have to apologize, A.J." Joey told me softly. I sank into my bed. After about half an hour, I decided it was time for us to talk.

"Why A.J. What made you do it?" Joey asked quietly. I sighed, shifting myself into a comfortable position. This was going to take a while.

"It all has to start from the beginning. Well, when the group first started, I wasn't sure of joining the band. I wanted to be famous, yeah, but at first all the guys were so....dorky. To me. Anywho, as we started our tour of schools, I got used to all of them. You see, at first, it was always me and D, Brian and Kev. Nick was the odd man out. I didn't like him at first because he was young, stupid to me, and he didn't fit right. Turns out, Nick had never been away from home before, and to top all that off, he had never had a best friend. Well, one night, Brian offered his hand of friendship, and they took off. As you know, the Backstreet boys hit it big. Touring, fame, money, management, loneliness, all of it descended upon all of us in the first months of '98. Well, on September 12, Howie's sister died of Lupus. Howie was crushed. Caroline was the only one who knew of his homosexuality. A month later, Howie decided to tell us. Instead of supporting him in his time of need, we yelled at him. All of us were too worried of our precious little lives to care if we hurt him. Brian took Howie's side, Kev didn't. They fought. I didn't want to accept it, so I turned my back on my best friend. That's one thing I still can't get over. I was such an ass! Nick didn't accept Howie, so him and Brian fought. Now, those two have never fought. I guess years of bottling up their feelings was released. Nick and Brian knew the words to say to each other to make the other mad, and they said them. We split apart. No one spoke to each other. You remember. You met D when this all took place." I stopped, chosing my words wisely.

"Well, after a month, it looked like it was over. Then we all found out Brian was to have open heart surgery. Within a day of hearing it, all of us ended up in the hospital's waiting room. It was then we realized that all the popularity, the fame, money, sex, everything was not worth having if we weren't happy. We all got slapped in the face. I still think Brian's heart problem reoccuring was us. Nick was so upset that he would cry constantly. I had never seen him cry so much. Nick grew up in just a few hours. When we heard Brian was O.K., all of us went on a little vacation to Dallas, yes here, to help our friendship. That's when I met Amanda. I cheated on her on several occasions. I thought I didn't love her. I played it off. After she finally told me never again recently, I realized how I felt. Now I can't find a reason to move on. Worst of all, I'm bisexual. I've been with men. But I love Amanda. It's so confusing and frustrating! I hate myself. Others perceive me as a cold, calculating asshole. None of them want to see the real me. No one." I coldly finished. I felt her arms wrap around me.

"A.J., I love you. So does Amanda, deep inside. You are a beautiful, wonderful guy. Just a little crazy at times. I never knew it was like that between you guys. But things will get better." Joey told me, sniffling a little. I realized what she has gone through. Stupid me. Here I am, bitching and moaning about how bad I have it when Joey needs help.

"Why did you chose Howie over your family?" I asked slowly.

"Simple. My family should love me no matter who I chose to marry. I can't live without Howie, let alone deal with my family looking down to me. So I chose him." She explained. Boy, they were in love! Who knew?

"I think Nick loves Amanda." I blurted out. Joey looked at me with a sad expression.

"I think he does too." Joey sadly replied.

"Why are you so sad?" A.J. asked.

"It's just that I know someone who loves Nick, but it probably won't happen." She explained vaguely. Who?

"Who?" I asked.

"I can't tell you. But what I can tell you is that someone is fixing to pee in their pants." Joey said seriously.

"Who?" i asked, perplexed.

"You!" She yelled, pouncing on me and tickling my stomach. I laughed loudly and marveled at how we could never talk serious for more than 5 minutes.

"Uncle! Uncle!" I finally yelled, feeling my bladder get weak. Joey rolled off, still laughing. I stared at the ceiling and a strange thought popped into my mind.

"You know who would make the cutest couple?" A.J. asked.

"You and Howie?" She asked jokingly.

"Oh yeah, baby. I want that winking thang. No, Nick and Brian." I told her seriously. She raised an eyebrow.

"Any more fantasy pairings up in that head of yours?" Joey asked misteviously. "Well, I've always wanted a threesome with you and D. You on bottom, with Howie screwing me while I screw you." I managed to say while keeping a straight face.

"Well...that could be arranged." Joey winked. Just then Joey's cell phone rang. She rolled her eyes, expecting it to be her mother.

"Joey, we need to talk." I could hear Brian's stressed voice over her shoulder. Wierd, I thought. They never talk very much.

"Brian says we need to talk. Do you think it's important or is he gonna break up with me?" She asked.

"He wants to ride the pony. Don't be fooled." I joked.

"Damn. Couldn't get one man while I was single. Now I've got Friar Bri and balding ghetto troll on my ass." She looked at me when she mentioned the balding ghetto troll, her amusing nick name for me.

She stood up and gave me one last reassuring hug.

"Take care of yourself, J. We need you. Everyone has a purpose in life. You just need a little while to find your shining star." She whispered in my ear.

She left. What was I thinking? I stared out my balcony window, satisfied.

I sat around the rest of the day, just enjoying being alive. I would have to try to get Amanda's love tomorrow. Night fell through all of Dallas, and I wondered what the other guys were doing right now.

It was almost time for the threesome. I excitedly waited for Nick and Brian to return from the store. The three of us had planned exactly what we were gonna do. They told me all I had to do was say, 'ouch' and they would stop. I was scared as much as I was excited. My excitement grew as I could hear the unlocking of Brian's door, which had to be Brian. I laid on the bed, pretending to be asleep. Brian yanked my hair, forcing my head to his ear.

"Wake up bitch." He growled, making me feel a tingle between my legs. He pulled my hair harder, pulling me to my knees. Twisting his body around, he forcefully kissed me, reaching down to grab her ass. Pulling away, his mouth reached my ear.

"You remember what to do if you want us to stop?" Brian whispered gently.

"Yes..." I answered, half moaning. His hand moved from my ass to the collar of my shirt, only thing I was wearing. In a second, Brian ripped the shirt clean from my body. In the distance, I could hear Nick undressing himself, almost feeling him approach me. Still on my knees, I could feel Nick get on the bed. Nick grabbed my arms roughly, wrenching them behind my back. He kissed my neck while one of his hands traveled down the small of my back to my ass, then I groaned as Nick's two forefingers entered me from behind.

"Spread your legs, whore." Nick snarled, pushing one harshly to the side. Brian had zoned out in front of me as Nick continued to breather heavy insults in my ear. Brian grabbed my breasts and pushed them up to my shoulders.

"You pick them so well." Brian said to Nick, inserting two fingers into my wet hole.

"Stop, please!" I begged, acting the victim.

"Shut up bitch." Brian said, inserting a third finger. My arms suddenly reached out and grabbed Brian's head. Brian lifted, looking at me with false anger, and licking my juices off his fingers.

"Don't touch unless you're told to, slut." Brian commanded, grabbing my hand and placing it on his hard on.

"Make me harder." He commanded, a nearly impossible task at it's current state. As I pumped his large member, Brian suddenly leaned forward, grabbing the back of Nick's head and kissing him deeply. I felt Nick's fingers leave me and felt his member against my ass. Brian pulled away from Nick, and forced my hand off is penis. Both Brian and Nick entered me, causing me to let out a moan that was muffled by Nick's large hand.

My hands moved away from Tracy's, toward her bottom. I grabbed onto her hips. She wiggled instinctually. It was getting hard for me to climax. I just wasn't attracted to Tracy. Brian had kissed me. I caught Brian's gaze, I bet he could tell I was having a hard time. Brian's hand reached up to caress my face as I pumped into Tracy. Brian's hand moved over my body. I shuddered at his touch, wonding what the hell he was doing. Then I felt a wierd sensation as Brian's two forefingers entered me. I moaned loudly, squeezing Tracy's hips.

The feeling of Brian inside of me drove me near to the point of maddness, taking Tracy harder, afraid that I'd hurt her. So far she had not done what she was to do if she wanted them to stop. Brian, inside of two people, began to take Tracy harder, seeing her helpless. He sneered visably as testosterone took over his body. I savored the feeling of Brian's large cock rubbing against mine, withonly a small layer of skin separating them, and our balls rubbing together. Tracy soon reached orgasm, shaking slightly. I felt an all too familiar sensation as I came, screaming loudly. I don't think I'd ever come that much in my life. Tracy fell tired on the bed, about to sleep. Brian, I noticed, was still hard. For some crazy reason, I decided to take care of that.

************* I felt confused and slightly hurt as I was still hard and now extremely horney. I laid on the bed, fixing to jack myself off, when I felt a hand pull my hand away and then felt a hot mouth licking the head of my dick. I stared downward, expecting to see Tracy. Nick?! There was the man of my dreams, my best friend, my frack, giving me such pleasure. I moaned loudly, grabbing the back of his head, running my trembling fingers. God he had one hot mouth. The man was a natural. I stared fascinated as his head bobbed up and down on my pulsating cock. My hips thrust to meet his sucks, and together we found a perfect pace. After a couple of tries to contain my orgasm, wanting it to last longer, I couldn't help but climax.

"Nick....I'm close....." I warned him. Nick kept sucking vigorously on my cock. I couldn't hold it one more second.

"OH GOD!!! NIIIICCKKK AAAAHH..." I moaned, involuntarily thrusting my hips as I cummed in Nick's mouth. Nick still sucked until I grew limp. When I opened my tired eyes, Nick was gone. I saw him pull a robe over his naked and sweaty body. He slammed the door.

"Shit" I muttered, wishing I had the strength to go after him. But after that powerful orgasm, I succumbed to sleep.

WHEN WILL NICK AND BRIAN REALIZE THEY ARE IN LOVE WITH EACH OTHER?! Well, maybe we'll find out next chapter. Or maybe not. He he he. ::grins evilly:: KTBSPA!!

Next: Chapter 9: I Need You Tonight 9 10

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