Ill Be

Published on Jul 15, 2023


I'll Be: Chapter 6 by Skyler (

Leagalease: Ah, what the heck... If you're here, its probably okay, so read on and enjoy!

NOTE: Friends, I sincerely apologize for the absurd amount of time that has lapsed between the last chapter and this one.

As usual, life is never-endingly busy and I am finding very little time to get any writing done. Plus, due to some very bizarre living arrangements at the moment, my personal computer is in storage. Thus, the rotten "Notepad" chapter instead of the usual .html based look. Sorry about that. I hope to remedy this soon enough, but in the meantime, please enjoy this and all future installments that follow.

Your feedback is GREATLY appreciated, so feel free to write me at ( with any suggestions, ideas or general thoughts you have about my writing. Peace and love! -Skyler

Wow, is he gorgeous! I love the way his eyes flutter when he laughs, it is so cute! God, that laugh makes my heart flutter, too! His eyes, such a brilliant shade of green, I could stare into them forever... I wonder if he sees me staring at him... My God, am I staring?!? He's got to know how hot he is. I know how hot he is. That smile of his has got to be a real heartbreaker. I wonder if he'd break my heart...

I love the way his lips purse so tightly just before he bursts into a fit of uncontrolled laughter; but the perfectly matched set of dimples that outline his pearly white teeth and make his cheeks more full when he is laughing are, arguably, no less attractive, either. Not to mention how his whole face lights up like the fireworks on the 4th of July in mid-giggle or how the slight pink flush of his cheeks provides an interesting contrast to his almost almond-colored hair when you can tell he is embarressed by something.

My God, that hair. Always kept short and neat, in a simple style that will probably never go out of fashion. It seems to always shine above his face like a halo, drawing all eyes to him, even in the thickest of crowds; although I'd bet my allowance that he has never used gel... It glows so bright and yet appears so soft, as if the finest silk in all the world was woven to perfection and placed atop him like a crown, for all the world to see and adore. I'd just love to run my hands through that hair... I bet my fingers would flow through it as smoothly as a sailboat floats across the calmest of still waters. His laughter resonates lightly, clear as a summer breeze, wafting gently through the air. The flesh around his mouth looks smooth and unblemished, I wonder if he has to shave yet... He probably doesn't worry about acne, either.

Must be nice...

Seems like I've been watching him for so long that I know more about his body than he does. I'd like to know more about his body...

Yet he probably has no idea that I even exist.

The nape of his neck connects his head to his torso with elegant precision. And what a torso it is! His chest, clinging to his shirt on this hot and sticky day, appears to have just the slightest hint of developing musculature. He's not exactly what you might call muscle-bound, nor is he skinny by any means. Well-defined legs carry him forward. Slightly tanned from sun exposure, they have a very fine dusting of brown hairs which are almost invisible to the naked eye, unless he is standing close enough to you. With legs like that, his being an athlete is a dead giveaway.

Speaking of naked, I wonder...

He's got to have the cutest behind ever, too! It can almost be hypnotic, how those firm, well, you know, sway back-and-forth so rythmically. And boy, what a package! Well, actually, I don't know for sure, seeing as how I've never really seen it "in the flesh", but I do believe a spy a somewhat noticeable bulge in his Tommy shorts at the present moment. Again, were he standing further away, I probably wouldn't have ever observed that development. At the moment, though, I can't seem to tear my eyes away. It is as if he were standing right in front of me, merely inches away, almost as though I could physically reach out and touch him. What I wouldn't give...

"Excuse me... Hello?" A voice abruptly pulls me back into the hum-drum reality that is the high school cafeteria. A familiar voice, yet I still cannot help but keep my eyes firmly locked on their present target.

"Yes?" I reply, only half-interested and rather annoyed by whomever has decided to so rudely interrupt my daydream.

"Um, I was wondering if this seat was taken?" The curious voice asks, somewhat hopefully from the intelligence my ears are currently gathering.


"Cool, thanks. By the way, dude, it might help to not salivate while you stare at something. That tends to make it a little bit obvious, ya know?"

HUH?!? I jerk my head up in panic, realizing I've probably just been busted and hoping that this guy hasn't figured out exactly what I was staring at. I am suddenely staring at two perfectly matched dimples and a pair of brilliant green eyes that seem to hold a smile all their own.

Oh, shit...

"Dear Diary,

Today I met an interesting little dude. Really, I've known him a couple years, but have barely said much tim him in all

that time. His name is Skyler. Skyler Scott Pritchard, actually. Yeah, okay, so you think I'm weird for knowing his full

name already. See, his older brother Jake is in my grade. He plays football and basketball with me, so I already do know

a lot about Skyler. So there! Who are you to be all nosey about my life, anyway? Sure, you know all about me, but you're

just the same goffy little journal I've been keeping since our english class was assigned to have one in 9th grade. Yeah,

its been two years and you're still around, but only because you now know all my dirty little secrets... Who else could

I dare tell that I'm still a virgin? Certainly not Cameron. After all, he thinks I'm some sort of high school sex-god.

Hell, I might be if it weren't so... Anyway, so he's really cool. Skyler, I mean. And he's pretty cute, too, not that I'm

paying any attention, because I'm not! Okay, maybe I was, but just a little. After all, I think he was checking me out

first, so that's okay, right? Like we were sort of comparing notes, just not in an interest kind of way or anything. I

don't think it was an interest way, because both times I whacked today all I could think about was Cameron. Definately in

an interest way, but I'm not so sure what to think of that yet. God, if mom or anyone ever finds you, I am so fucked...

If Cam ever finds you, I'll be double-fucked. Not in a good way, either. I wonder if there is a good way for that? I know,

I'm such a perv... Seems like my mind is almost always in the gutter. Hey, I'm sixteen! Gimmie a break, geez! Hell, if

I'm not hard then I am probably sleeping. I might even be hard while I sleep, who knows? I sure am when I wake up...

What am I telling you all this for? This isn't any of your business... So, anyway, back to meeting Skyler, the little

dude... It was at lunchtime, in the cafeteria at school..."

"Dude, you are, like, so there!" Kyle Chambers said.

"Absolutely starting grade material, bud!"

"Face it, Ty, you were just awesome yesterday! There's no way you won't start varsity this year!"

"Tyler? Yo, Ty, are you there, dude?"

"Hello! Earth to Ty-man!"

ouch! Somebody just slapped me in the head!

"Damn! What?" I ask, slightly confused and only partially aware of what my friends have been saying. Maybe I can just throw on a goofy smile and play dumb. That usually works.

"Some hot chiquita got your 'head', pal?" Cam asks sarcastically, as the other guys bust out laughing at my expense. I swear, if these smart asses weren't my closest friends, they'd probably all constantly get on my nerves.

What they have been chatting about so enthusiastically are the basketball tryouts, which took place yesterday after school. Coach is supposed to announce the results this coming Friday and these four goofballs, Kyle Chambers, Evan Mason, Ricky Ileopolis and, of course, Cameron, were all present at the workout. Their "professional" analysis has apparently concluded that I am destined to be this season's starting center for the Evanston Crusaders varisty squad. While I do feel like my performance was pretty good, hearing them yak endlessly about it might make someone think I was about to be named the number one pick in this year's NBA draft! What a bunch of weirdos! These guys can be so ridiculous sometimes!

Their comments about my 'head' aside, having Cam catch me staring is kinda embarressing. I'll just do what I always do, smile wide, tune them out and go right back to staring. For safety's sake, I'd better pick an alternate "target", in case Cam decides to put me through a grueling interrogation later. I don't get him sometimes. For a gay guy, he seems to take an overly large interest in my so-called love life. I wonder... There. Jenny Larson, senior cheerleader and all-around lust-muffin extraordinaire! She'll be the perfect "fall girl". Now, back to my original eye candy. I sure hope he doesn't notice me watching, that would be too weird. Well, it might be, if he weren't so obviously looking me over, too. Damn! At least I'm pretty sure that's what he is doing. Maybe someday I'll actually grow a set and go ask him that very question. THAT would truly be weird. I like his ears. They're so little and delicate. They just look so, I don't know, nibbleable. NIBBLEABLE? Where did that come from? Is that even a word? Oh my God, did I actually just think that? Its getting kinda hot in here.

"What's the matter, Tyler, pussy got your nuts?"

"Huh? What the fuck are you guys talking about?"

"Dude," Evan stammers, as all of them laugh, "Your cheeks just flushed! You are, like, so busted! Speaking of busted, did you just cream your pants or something?"

"Yeah," Cam giggles madly, "Tyler Jacobs, captain of the Evanston Crusaders and undisputed King of the mental orgasm!"

Oh, boy...

"Maybe will just start calling you Captain Orgasmic!" Kyle chimes in.

"Or maybe we could call you the 'Dick' tator of self-satisfaction!" Ricky smarts off, howling madly and apparently oblivious to the fact that nobody else found that comment to have any comedic value whatsoever. Personally, I think that, even for Ricky, that was a really weak attempt.

"Dude, Ileo, that was sooooo gay! You suck, dude!" Cameron quips, causing more laughter to occur, myself included, around our lunch table.

"Cam, dude," Ricky responds, clearly agitated that he's become the new target, "YOU are so gay, dude!"

WOW! Instant silence! And nobody is laughing, either. Cameron doesn't appear to be embarressed, just royally pissed off. No one other than me knows his secret, and I don't intend to change that now. The silence is really heavy. I think I'm going to leave. Cameron is a big boy, so he can handle this one on his own. Right now it looks like he is either going to fiercely berate Ileo further with his mouth or just straight-up lunge across the table and clock him square in the face. I personally couldn't blame him for executing either option. Anyway, I'm definately leaving. These guys aren't much fun at the moment. Maybe I will go sit by him. That could be interesting. Hell, if he stared at me any more intently, his eyes might probably bore a hole right through me...

Okay, friends, my brain just went to mush... I'll hopefully have more for this very soon... In the meantime, feel free to write me ( with any comments, suggestions or thoughts you may have. Peace and love. -Skyler

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