Im Camdens

By Steven Chidress

Published on Jun 27, 2012


Disclaimer: The characters in this story are fictional.

Camden ran back to the showers and shared his victory with the guys. As I caught another glimpse of his sexy ass run by the window, I took a deep breath in and held my moan as I shot load after load of my jizz over the locker room wall. I cleaned up quickly and snuck out before the boys noticed I was there.

I did not sleep that night.

Day 3-

I finally gave up trying to sleep at 4:00am. I got up and jumped in the shower. As I let the hot water run over my well-defined body, my mind raced about what the day had in store. The water dripped off my cock as it began to thicken, throb and stand out from my body. I played out scenario after scenario about how this cocky high school jock was going to prove to his friends that I was in fact a cock-worshiping bitch who was his the moment he stepped into the detention hall two days earlier. As I stood under the spray, head tossed back and my eyes closed, I pictured his dimpled ass flashing by my field of view through that locker room window. My hand worked its way down my abs toward my throbbing cock. Somehow, I willed myself to stop.. if today went the way I expected it to, I wanted to be on edge as much as possible.

After toweling off, I went to my dresser and dug deep for a pair of boxer briefs that had been hiding for a while. There they were. These had been a gift from a friend in college and I hadn't worn them that often, but I figured these would do the trick in helping Camden win his little bet with his friends. I held them up to reveal the hot pink boxer briefs with the black band and trim. The front was sewn perfectly to show just the right amount of bulge and the boxer briefs were just a tad too small- making them extremely tight. Wrapping around the waist band was the kicker- bright white letters that read "BITCH BOI." I slipped them on and got dressed in my black pants, white shirt and tie. It was still dark out when I left for school and I found myself the first person in the parking lot. My hands began to tremble with excitement when I picked up my assignment from the main office desk- Mr. Chidress (Phys Ed).

The day was as uneventful as the previous few with the exception of my focus on every guy who walked into the gym. Maybe it was the lack of sleep or the fact that I had been writhing with sexual tension for the last 24 hours, but I couldn't tear my eyes away from jock crotch. My eyes traced the outline of every bulge in every pair of mesh shorts I saw. Up until now, I had refused the urge to sneak a peak of any guy's shorts for fear of being caught, but my incredible obsession with Camden had led me to throw away all caution today. By the end of 5th period, I could feel that my underwear were damp with my cock drool as I counted down the hours until the last period.

Finally, the last period of the day arrived and I watched each student stroll into class. In came Camden's hairy chested friend from the shower (I later found out his name was Eric) followed by his twink friend Nate. Following his usual pattern, Cam was not there when I began to take attendance. Five minutes into class, he was still not there. My heart began to sink as I considered the possiblity he was not here today. Ten minutes into class, the boys locker room door flew open.

I struggled to keep my composure as he strutted through the door... this kid was good. My lustful eyes first locked onto his tight-ass spandex shorts. This stud apparently didn't care who saw his junk because every inch of what appeared to be a large cock was visible. His shorts were so tight, I could even make out the curves of his mushroom shaped cock head,laying off to the right and pointing up toward his hip. His white t-shirt was clearly too small and about an inch of his abs flashed an appearance with each step he took. Why the fuck was he dressed like that? I could have stared at him all day but KNEW I had to take action. Clearly, he was in violation of the dress code and if I did nothing, my cover would surely be blown. As he made his way up to me, I made sure to speak before he did so I didn't risk losing control again.

"Camden, I'm not sure what you are doing, but you know you are in violation of the dress code. You need to go back to the locker room to change."

"What's wrong Mr. Chidress" he said in a hushed tone, "Don't you like my shorts?"

I felt my face getting red again but tried to maintain composure.

"Camden, I need you to go back to the locker room, change, and then come back out here. You're already 10 minutes late."

He flashed me that dimpled grin again, shrugged his shoulders, and said "Whatevs" as he turned around and walked toward the locker room. I struggled not to stare at his tight, spandex covered ass. My cock started to grow harder as I watched those perfect ass muscles flex with each step.

15 minutes later, he had not returned and I started to wonder what was taking so long. Another 5 minutes passed and I decided that I needed to check on him. I looked around the gym and saw that every student was engaged in physical activity so I figured it would be safe for me to take a quick look in the locker room to see what was going on.

At first glance, it apperead that the locker room was empty. Great.. where did he go? I was just ready to go back to the gymnasium when I saw the cockly little bastard in the teacher's office seated at the desk. Still wearing his hot fucking shorts and shirt, he was sitting in my chair with his legs proped on the desk, his hands folded by his head, and his face flashing that killer grin. As I started to walk toward the office to ask what he was doing, I noticed my personal bag was open and its contents dumped out on the desk. What the fuck was he doing in my stuff?

"What the hell is wrong with you? That's my personal stuff?" I said, feeling a mixture of anger and arousal.

He just contined to smile as he pulled one hand from behind his head, reached down to the desk and picked up MY iPHone.

"Mr. Chidress... I was so shocked to get those dirty texts from you a few minutes ago. Is it legal for you to tell me you want to tie me up and fuck me? I was even more surpised to get the sext message. I'm pretty sure you could go to jail for first taking a picture of my dick and then texting it to me and bragging about the fact that you have it."

It was then that I realized I was had. How clever for him to have used MY own phone to text HIMSELF making ME look like a pervet.

"Camden, give me my phone you little asshole."

He stood up and smiled bigger "wait a minute, STEVE, I think you should try that again but a little nicer this time."

"Give me the fucking phone.. NOW."

"That's it.. i'm outta here, Steve. Heading to the police station to show them what kind of pedophile pervert you are."

My heart began to race as fear welled up inside of me. This is not how I had envisioned this going down. I was frozen in place as he headed to the door.. not sure what to do.

As his hand touched the door.. I was able to meekly say "wait."

He turned around and looked at me, still sporting his winning grin.

"Camden, please give me my phone. I'm sorry I yelled at you."

I took a step back, not sure what was coming, when he began to walk quickly toward me. He shoved me backward and I fell into my chair. He grabbed me by the hair, forced my head back so I was looking up at him, brought his face about a foot from mine, put his pointer finger in my face and said through gritted teeth "Don't you ever call me Camden again, faggot. In fact, you never talk to me again unless given permission. Nod if you understand me, bitch." He slapped my face as I began to nod. I felt tears welling up in my eyes at the same time as I felt my dick growing rock hard. Where did this agressive side come from? I knew he was devious, but this is another surprise.

He then used his other hand to grab my hair and forcefully shoved my face into that beautiful, spandex covered cock of his. I felt it's warm, pulsing veins against my cheeks and lips as he smeared my face around. Panic overtook me as I realized I needed to return to the other students before they noticed I was gone. Part of me felt I needed to get back to class, but mostly, I wanted to stay nestled in his crotch forever.

Without thinking, I said "Stop. I need to get back to class."

He slapped me for a second time- "What the fuck did I tell you about talking to me, boi?"

I started to apologize when he continued..

"I know you need to get to class. I can't have administrators poking around here. Meet me in the student parking lot at 4:30 today. Wait by the third light post and I'll pick your faggot ass up. Remember, you have no choice in this. You do everything.. EVERY-FUCKING-THING that I tell you to do."

He let go of my head and stood back. As I started to stand up, he pushed me back into my seat once again.

"One more thing...I need to give you something that will serve as a reminder of our conversation until we meet again at 4:30."

I watched as he took his pointer finger from each hand, fed them up through his shirt to his clearly wet pits. He rubbed his fingers around, then slid his hands slowly down his chest and abs into those tight shorts. I could see the outline of his fingers running down the side of his cock, over his ballsack, and into his taint area. He pulled both hands out and waved them under my nose. My cock throbbed as I got a whiff of his man scent. The mix of sweat and horny teen phermones drove me wild. He pressed one finger into each of my nostrils and spread his pit and cock/ball sweat around in my nose. Finally, he slid his salty fingers into my mouth.


I sucked his fingers for about 30 seconds before he used them to pull my mouth open, leaned down, and spit directly on my tounge.


I could feel his slime slide down my tounge and I had to work hard to swallow it.

"Get the fuck back to class... teech."

I stood up, in a daze, and began to walk back toward the gymnasium. With each breath, I could smell Camden's manhood.. smell his power over me. I could taste his salty pit and nut sweat. I didn't want the taste to ever go away.

I was too drunk on Camden to realize that what I looked like as I walked back into the gymnasium. My cock was raging, leaving a large wet pre-cum spot on my khaki pants. I mindlessly walked into the gymnasium and stood watching the clock as the end of the day approached.

I'm Camden's.

To Be Continued

This is my first attempt at writing. I would love to hear any of your ideas for where this story should go. Feedback can be sent to

P.S. Sorry for the long delay. An unexpected family emergency has consumed the last few months of my life.

Next: Chapter 4

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