Im Camdens

By Steven Chidress

Published on Jul 19, 2012


Disclaimer: The characters in this story are fictional.

"One more thing...I need to give you something that will serve as a reminder of our conversation until we meet again at 4:30."

I watched as he took his pointer finger from each hand, fed them up through his shirt to his clearly wet pits. He rubbed his fingers around, then slid his hands slowly down his chest and abs into those tight shorts. I could see the outline of his fingers running down the side of his cock, over his ballsack, and into his taint area. He pulled both hands out and waved them under my nose. My cock throbbed as I got a whiff of his man scent. The mix of sweat and horny teen phermones drove me wild. He pressed one finger into each of my nostrils and spread his pit and cock/ball sweat around in my nose. Finally, he slid his salty fingers into my mouth.


I sucked his fingers for about 30 seconds before he used them to pull my mouth open, leaned down, and spit directly on my tounge.


I could feel his slime slide down my tounge and I had to work hard to swallow it.

"Get the fuck back to class... teech."

I stood up, in a daze, and began to walk back toward the gymnasium. With each breath, I could smell Camden's manhood.. smell his power over me. I could taste his salty pit and nut sweat. I didn't want the taste to ever go away.

I was too drunk on Camden to realize that what I looked like as I walked back into the gymnasium. My cock was raging, leaving a large wet pre-cum spot on my khaki pants. I mindlessly walked into the gymnasium and stood watching the clock as the end of the day approached.

I'm Camden's.

Day 3- Continued (Note: This part is the final part before Steven truly becomes Camden's sex toy. This chapter, however, shares the humiliation Steven is forced to go through in order to earn an opportunity to worship Camden's sexy jock body.)

It was 4:10. I couldn't wait any longer and I started walking toward the parking lot. Camden hadn't given me any instructions other than to meet him at the 3rd light post at 4:30, so I left everything but my cell phone, wallet, and school keys in the office. My heart began to beat faster as I walked out the front doors of the school. The bright afternoon sun did little to calm me. As I felt my chest heaving up and down in quick, short breaths, I knew that never before had I felt this strange mix of arousal, nervousness, excitement, and fear. The parking lot was sporadically filled with cars- mostly belonging to athletes who were staying late to workout or troublemakers who were still in detention.

As I approached the 3rd light post, I noticed a duffel bag with an attached envelope sitting next to the post.

I picked up the small white envelope labeled only with "Teech" and opened it. Inside was an index card that read "Change into these clothing here and then wait for the phone to ring." I opened the bag and saw a cheap disposable cell phone on top. I checked out the phone to make sure the ringer was on and sat it to the side. Then, I anxiously pulled out the clothing to see what was inside.

Fuck. Inside was the exact same tight outfit that Camden wore into gym class today. Same tight, short t-shirt. Same black spandex shorts. I noticed there were no shoes or underwear in the bag. Shit. What do I do? Do I keep my "bitch boi" boxerbriefs on? Do I wear my shoes? He didn't say. And, how the fuck am I going to change here in the middle of the student parking lot? I looked around and saw a few kids heading to their cars about 50 yards away. One recognized me and waved. I gave a nervous smile and waved back as I waited for them to drive away. As soon as they left, a few more kids came casually walking out of the school. I looked at my watch and saw it was 4:28. I was conflicted again. Do I wait until no one is around? What if 4:30 comes and I'm not dressed yet? I then began to worry about how Camden would punish me for disobeying him. Would he really call the police? The thought of it terrifed me and I decided I had to act fast.

I grabbed the duffel bag and walked about 10 feet past the post to find a tiny sliverof privacy behind a large truck. I quickly pulled my button-down shirt over my head and slipped the tight t-shirt on. Even though I am fit, the shirt seemed to fit me even tighter than it did Camden. It also seemed shorter-The bottom of the shirt sat just above my navel. After another glance around, I took off my belt, unbutton and unzipped my now-stained khakis and slid them down. I made the decision to keep my "bitch boi" boxerbriefs on and slid the spandex shorts over top. I threw my clothing, along with my wallet, cell phone, keys and shoes into the bag and waited for Camden's call. As I waited, I caught a glimpse of myself in the reflection of the truck's window. Damn, I hope no one sees me. I looked like the bitch that I was becoming. I waited for what felt like an hour but in reality was only 3 or 4 minutes and then the phone rang.

"You fucking pussy. You were told to change where you were, not behind some fucking truck. Change of plans, bitch. I was going to pick you up but since you're an ignorant little fag, you can come to me. I'm at the gas station two blocks over. You have 5 minutes to meet me there. Leave your shoes in the bag."

I heard the line go dead as he hung up.

5 minutes? That's hardly enough time to get off campus. I was so distracted by this new challenge, I didn't have time to notice the group of students heading toward me, laughing and pointing as they caught a view of my outfit. I took off running toward the main road. As I ran, I started to think about what I must look like to cars passing by. I was humiliated and refused to make eye contact with anyone. The white shirt began to become translucent as sweat started pouring off of me. I rounded the last corner and waited for the traffic to break so I could cross the road. I looked down at the ground as I waited. I felt me cheeks burning red with embarassment. Finally, there was a break and I ran across the road. I looked around the parking lot as I tried to catch my breath. There he was. Seated on the rear bumper of a blue pick up truck, iPhone in hand, recording his new bitch as I jogged across the parking lot to him. I immediatly forgot that I was in public dressed like a 2-cent whore when I saw my teenage obsession standing there. His mesh shorts clung to his cock and the sunlight shining from behind him allowed me to almost see his ballsack handing between those mesh layers. His gorgeous tanned arms were glistening in the sun as his swim team muscle shirt barely covered his chest. My dick began oozing just thinking of the possibillity of tasting that sexy body soon.

"6 minutes, bitch. That's two strikes so far." He hopped off the truck, took my duffel bag, and crawled into the drivers seat. I started to open the passenger door when his suddenly angry voice stopped me by surprise.

"Don't you even fucking get in my new truck with that that sweaty, nasty clothing. Close the door,bitch, and get the get the fuck out of those clothes. Then, ask for permission to ride in my truck."

My hands shook slightly again as I looked around at the busy gas station. I decided to move quickly to try to limit my humiliation. I slipped off the shirt first. Then, slid down the spandex pants as Camden held his phone against the window, recording my every move. For the first time, Camden saw the hot pink boxerbriefs I had put on to help him win his bet. Turns out, his bet was won long before he had a chance to see them.

"Loose them, slut."

I looked around one last time at the dozens of people. Fortunately, almost everyone was busy with their own business. I took a small amount of comfort in that fact as I slid off the boxers. For the first time in my life, I was standing completely naked in public. Some kind of internal instinctual mechanism took over and I reached for the handle to try to open the door. I quickly pulled on it. Nothing. My teen master had locked the door. He leaned over to the passenger side, rolled down the window, put the still-recording phone in my face and said "tell me, teech, how long have you wanted to smoke my dick?"

I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes as I could now feel eyes burning through me from all directions. I looked at Camden and pleaded quietly "please let me in, sir."

"Answer my question, bitch."

I looked into the camera, gave in, and meekly said "since the first moment I saw you when you walked into detention late."

"What have you wanted to do since you first saw me?"

Looking straight into the camera now, hoping against hope that no one was watching or listening to me, I spoke.

"I've wanted to suck your dick since the moment I first saw you."

"good boi. get in."

He flicked off his phone, unlocked the door, and fired up the truck.

I was barely in the truck and had closed my door when he peeled out of the parking lot, a primal scream of sorts declaring his power over me while drawing the attention of everyone in the area.

I began to reach back over my shoulder for my seat belt when he reached over with his left hand a grabbed a full fist of my hair.

"You won't be needing that."

I felt my heart start pounding and my now naked cock got rock hard as he pulled my head into his lap. After enduring all of this humiliation, I was finally going to get my reward. Still holding my hair, he pushed my head down past the steering wheel. My lips and nose were about an inch from the now-obvious tent in his pants when he stopped pushing. He leaned down and talked very calmly into my ear, as if he were just chatting with his best friend.

"Aww, teech. I can see from your hard little cock that you thought it was time to get a taste of my awesome teen jizz. You haven't even come close to earning the right to worship my superior dick yet. Imma let go of your head in a second. You will keep your head, lips, nose as close to my bulge as possible without touching it. I want you to study it, stare at it, smell it, get to know it but don't even fuckin think about touching it. If you understand, let me hear you blow some kisses to your new best friend."

I puckered my lips and made a loud kissing sound toward what I could tell was the tip of his cock.

He let go of my head, turned on the radio, and put his hands on the wheel.

We drove. And drove. And drove for what seemed like an hour. My body started to ache from the akward way I had twisted myself and more than once my face almost bounced into his crotch, but I had managed to keep my lips off of him as instructed. I was enthralled with the strong, pugnant smell of his teen funk. A mix of sweat and teen cock filled my nose as we drove. His mesh shorts did little to hide the distinct smell of sex coming from his crotch.

Finally, I felt the truck slow down and turn. A few seconds later, we came to stop and Camden rolled the window down. When I realized where we were, I felt my face turn bright red again. Surely someone would see me.

"Hello, May I take your order" came the sound through the crackly speaker.

"We'll take a number two meal with coke, and a kids hotdog meal for this little girl." he said has he ran his fingers through my hair.

As we pulled up to the window, Camden talked to me for the first time in an hour.

"Don't move your head until I'm done paying. When they start to hand us the food, sit up and get the bags from them. Look them in the face and smile as they hand you our shit."

I felt tears in my eyes again. I was not expecting this humilation but knew I had no choice but to do everything he said. Who knows whose face I would see when I finally looked up. I heard felt Camden reach across to the duffel bag and pull out my wallet. He took all of the cash out, then put my empty wallet back in my bag.

My heart was racing again as he finished paying and I heard the unmistakable sound of a fast food bag being crinkled in the window. I did my best to plaster on a smile, lifted my head, and reached out the window. My smile faded away when I realized I was face to face with Eric, Camden's twink friend from the shower.

Camden smiled, winked, and simply said "You Lose" to the stunned Eric who was frozen with his mouth agap.

Once again, Camden peeled out of the parking lot drawing the attenion of everyone who was nearby.

As we got onto the highway, Camden grabbed me by the hair and pulled my head up until I was in sitting position. I could see the sun was beginning to set and recognized that we were not too far from where we started.

Camden reached into the food bag and pulled out his burger. He took a big bite of the delicious looking sandwhich, then asked, with his mouth full, "You hungry, teech?"

I nodded as he started to hand me the small hotdog on a bun. As I unwrapped the dog, he grapped the actual hot dog and threw it on the floor, leaving only the bun in my hand.

"Sit your little fag-dick in the bun like it's a hot dog, boi."

Again humilated, I did what I was told as he pulled MY phone out of the duffel bag and took pictures while he laughed at me.

"Start jerking with that bun. Get that little dick of yours nice and hard."

My cock was now rock hard. I had been on edge all day so it wasn't long before I was drooling long strands of pre-jizz onto the bun. My breath became more shallow as I worked my dick faster and faster with the bun.

"that's it, bitch. you better fucking enjoy this because this will be the last time you jerk that little dick for a long, LONG time."

I soon felt myself at the edge. Camden recognized that i was almost there and shouted at me "shoot your disgusting jizz all over that fucking bun.. NOW"

That was all I needed to hear. I jerked violently as I felt my nuts pull up against my body. I held the bun out in front of my piss slit as my whole body tensed up. My legs pushed against the floor as I arched my back, almost standing up in the trunk as three big volleys of my jizz coated the inside of the hotdog bun. Camden continued clicking away with my phone as I came down from my euphoric orgasm.

As I layed back in my seat, breathing heavily as I recovered, Camden spoke in his calm, friendly voice once more.

"pick up that hot dog off the floor and put it in the bun. It's time for my bitchboi's dinner. It's the only thing you're eating tonight, so enjoy every bite of it."

Disgusted, I leaned down to pick the hot dog off of the floor mat. I placed it on my cum soaked bun and took a bite. Was there anything that I wouldn't do for my hot teen stud?

I swallowed the last bite of my meal when we I suddenly recognized where we were. Camden pulled up to the gate of the high school football field, put his car in park, and said "It's finally time for you to worship this body. Unlock this gate, bitch, and meet me on the 50 yard line."

As I grabbed my keys and jumped out of the truck (still naked, of course), little did I know that Camden was using my phone to text out pictures from the hot-dog episode to both his phone, and a few of his buddies. To be continued...

This is my first attempt at writing. I would love to hear any of your ideas for where this story should go. Feedback can be sent to

Next: Chapter 5

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