Im Yours

Published on Nov 11, 2011


I'm Yours 1

Author's Note:

One Direction are a British boy band who was formed a year ago on the X Factor. They finished third. The band's members are Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson. This is a fanfiction and I suggest you try finding out more about the guys if you don't know who they are, before reading this. Also, this is a fictional story that does not intend to say anything about the characters' sexuality and private lives in reality. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language. For any comments and suggestions:

Thank you!


"Nialler, come on, bro..." I called out, "You're gonna be fine, let's go!"

I straightened my shirt one last time and started for the door. The moment my hand touched the doorknob, the little blond bastard came running from the bathroom, shoved me aside and fled from the room laughing. I couldn't help but grin to myself too, of course. That's how he is -- one minute he'd be fussing over his hair being too short, next he's giggling about something like this. Gotta love him.

I have to admit though, I do like it better when his hair is shorter, that way his sweet face, beautiful eyes, his general pale complexion stand out more, you know?

That night it was the only the two of us, since the rest of the guys decided to crash early. We filmed a new video today. Who would've known that LA would be so great. Well, okay, technically we are in Malibu. But that's irrelevant, it's still LA in a way, as far as I understand Geography. The plot of the vid was pretty depressing, we got up really early, to catch the sunrise and then we had to run around a lot. Naturally, we were all pretty beat up. I don't really know why, but I was feeling quite energetic after the nap I took, so I wanted to go out and do something, you know? All of the guys turned me down, of course, and it took some serious begging to get Niall to join me. He loves amusement parks, I love him, roller coasters make him happy, him being happy makes me happy. You know how weird gay crushes on your best friend work, right?

The previous day, after we arrived in LA (in Malibu, fine), we'd had some time to walk around. We had a little walk on the beach, checked out the boardwalk, and, what's most important, found the amusement park. Ah. Niall was somewhat in an awe when we were walking around the rides (we didn't have time to get on anything). Same expression of slightly opened mouth today, happiness radiating from his eyes, wild smiles all over the place. 

I unglued my eyes from his beautiful face with a smile of my own. 

"What are we riding first?" I asked looking around. Yes, my wording was intentional. 

Niall scratched his cheek absent mindedly and sighed. 

"I got no idea. Maybe we should start on the ferris wheel and move on to the more extreme stuff afterwards?" I opened my mouth to say something, but that wasn't really a question, "Or maybe start with that big ass roller coaster and finish the night with the ferris wheel and maybe throw balls at that fat guy over there?"

I patiently waited till he finished his rambling and used the moment to slide my gaze over his kissable lips, up to his sexily ruffled hair, and down again, past the earlobe I so often want to nibble on, to his collar bone, to the definition on his arms, to his unusually tight pants, showing off his nice bulge. I look away just in time, smiling to myself.


"Well, I know there are so many super extreme rides around here, with so many free falls and shit, but..." he picks up on my sarcasm and lightly slaps my arm, "I think that, yeah, it will be best to start with them and finish off with something as entertaining as sending a fat guy who takes everyone's money into a pool filled with water."

I am the king of matter-of-fact speeches, although this one failed a bit. 

Niall smilled, nodded and headed in the direction of the only roller coaster (in the actual meaning of the word) in the park. 

We had a lot of fun, that's for sure. We didn't get to ride on that many of the attraction in the park since after the fourth one both our stomachs started calling out, but we definitely had a blast. Being around the guys so much, I had learned how to let loose every once in a while, and just, you know, be silly, be myself. There weren't as many people there that night, and that we were both grateful that we had to stop for autographs only once. And then, it was easy for me not to let my weird crush I still haven't quite figured out affect our friendship or the time we have together, never. It's always there and I do act upon it at times, but only when it's appropriate, only when it wouldn't be weird, only because I know if I try to suppress it, it will only come out stronger. 

I don't know if I mentioned it before, but we had lots of fun. The whole world brightens up and starts sparkling in a weirdly picturesque way when you are around Niall and his laughter, which you hear after pretty much every other sentence. You know? 

We did a tour of all the little tents selling different things or offering games and stuff. At the place where you throw balls at stacks of cups, Niall got really excited about trying to win this stuffed dwarfy guy in a green outfit and a beard. He insisted it was a leprechaun and that was the reason he wanted to win it so bad, he said he couldn't believe he's find a trace of hom this far away from Ireland. Now, if you ask me, it was just a dwarf because there were no shamrocks or whatever anywhere on his costume, and I did voice my opinion.

"Oh shut up, let me enjoy this one, I've been a little homesick these days anyways." Yeah, right, your dismissive tone is great proof.

He did his thing, threw a bunch of balls...The first shot got the first stack, but that was his only good throw. I kept mocking him about his lame shots, but at the same time I had to bit hard on my lower lip every time his muscles flexed under the thin fabric of his button up shirt. Mezmerizing. 

"Let me show you how it's done, shortie..." I gently pushed him aside with a playfull, although condenscending smile on my lips, to which he shook his hand. 

I threw the last ball at the final stack of cups and they all fell. I am awesome. I was grinning ear to ear, feeling genuinely proud of myself, while Niall laughed next to me. 

"Choose your prize, pal." 

I looked over at Niall who was trying not to ask me to get the little `leprechaun' for him and grinned mischievously. He tried a smile, but he was definitely disappointed (over a stuffed toy, I know, dumb right?). Come on, beautiful, do you really think I will let you be upset?

"I'll take that stuffed leprechaun right behind you, please."

"Huh, it's just a dwarf if you ask me, but I can see why you'd think it's a leprechaun." the man said while unhooking the toy from the wall of toys behind him.

I turned to my cute blonde smugly. He was just shaking his head, smiling widely. I handed him the stuffed toy. He stared at it for a minute, then grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug at which point I was going `IloveyouIloveyouIloveyou' in my head.

"Thanks, mate!"

"Wanna go eat now? This was pretty exhausting..." I wiggled my eyebrows. 

"You're really asking me this?" 

Good point.

"I suppose they don't have Nando's around here.."

"I think I saw Subway down the boardwalk.." he walked a few steps to the entrance of the park and I followed.

The first few tents near the entrance had already closed for the night, and it was kind of dark around there, the only brighter light coming from the big projector on the last one. Niall stopped there and turned to see whther I was following. The light hit him in a perfect way. My eyes watered a little, my stomach exploded with butterflies. In his dark cotton button up shirt and light pants, with his sparkling eyes, hair looking as if it was shining, and that little smile, he was a heavenly sight. It is impossible to describe the faint eerie, the soft masculinity he emitted. 

I swallowed, and smiled. It is getting harder to be around him as much. I will manage, I have to. 

We walked to the Subway shop, talking and laughing. Every now and then he'd notice something he thought was cool, point it out to me and give me his excited mini speech about it. There is no way one could resist the happiness spreading over him when around the Irish kid, we all knew it. 

We were sitting at table, quietly eating (I've learned there is no point in trying to start a conversation with Niall when eating), when this annoying couple walked in. The girl was the Sydney Dalton type, so, naturally, we turned away from then, praying she wasn't a 1D fan or if she was, that she wouldn't notice us. They were too much into each other to notice anything else though. The chick kept laughing loudly in that high pitched manner, and they wouldn't stop sucking on their faces. I're in a goddamn restaurant, stop it and eat your fucking food. 

I grunted and turned my back to them, shaking my head. I was just about to seek Niall's support on how irritating they are, when I noticed he was actually a way. He was pretending that he's just eating his sandwish, but he'd glance over ever so often, his face serious all of a sudden. Now, I can usually read Niall ike an open book, but this expression I hadn't seen ever since his break up with that bitch Janette who dumped him back in December. I didn't say anything though. I was hoping it would blow over. 

"Hey, wanna go down to the beach for a bit after we're done?" I was a bit startled when he spoke, a bitter seriousness in his voice. 

I looked up at him, trying to read him once again, but to no avail. Maybe he just wanted to clear his mind of whatever was bothering him.

"Yea, sure."

A little while later we were leisurely walking down the beach in the direction of our hotel. Niall offered to sit down, and I agreed. We settled on the cool sand, watching over the unusually calm ocean. 

"It's beautiful out here." he said, part of his usual cheerfulness back in his voice, and I really wanted to say that it woudln't be nearly as beautiful if he wasn't there.

"Yeah. And look at the sky..."

Niall looked up at the billion stars winking at us, and a smile slowly spread on his lips. I lied on my back and put my hands behind my head. The gentle breeze stroked my face and ruffled my sweet boy's hair a bit. With the soft murmur of the waves and the soft silence enveloping us, tiredness caught up with me. How wonderful it would be to be in bed right now, the feeling of cool sheets on my boxers clad body, Niall's deep breathing from the other bed. 

I was just drifting off, when Niall spoke.

"It's difficult..." it took me a moment to realize what he'd said.

"What's difficult?"

He was silent. 

"I mean, it's not difficult, but it kind of hurts. Louis' got a girl, Harry's got a girl, know how Zayn is, and it's a miracle you are single right now. And me?" he looked back at me for a second, "I can only get a squeaky bitch that dumps me because `can't deal with the fans and that shit' " he threw the little stone he was holding forcefully towards the water.

I could hear how hurt he was in his voice. And it just broke my heart to a million pieces. I hate, hate, hate seeing my little blonde hurt. I sat up and threw my arm around his back. I know how much it takes him to talk about his feelings, so I didn't expect him to say anything more, but he surprised me again.

"It gets damn lonely..." he mumbled almost inaudibly, but I heard him, I always hear him. 

I struggled to find the right words.

"Bro, there is someone out there who's just right for you...and the fact that it's taking you so long to find that someone only means that it will be so much better when you two finally meet..." I swallowed and forced myself to say what I said next, "And she will love you, and you will love her..."

He was playing with the sand.

"You don't think it's you, do you?"

He remained silent.

"Niall!" I looked at him surprised.

"I just lose faith in myself sometimes..." he looked away. 

"You are damn awesome, bro, and you know it! Anyone would be so lucky to have you!" I paused, looking for words again, "I-we all love you so much, okay? Please, believe me, this is stupid."

He smiled lightly. I kissed his temple. Surely, he wouldn't think anything of it. 

"Everything would suck without your guys.." he was smiling more now, and a warm feeling fluttered inside my chest. He was smiling! 

We sat there for a bit longer. Niall shivered, and I pulled him closer. He laid his head on my shoulder. I bit my lip, butterflies once again going crazy in my stomach. 

I never wanted our moment together to end, even though I knew to me it meant much more than it did to Niall. A minute or an hour later, he shifted.

"Let's go." he smiled at me.


The story is originally published on my blog:

Next: Chapter 2

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