Im Yours

Published on Dec 30, 2011


I'm Yours 9

Author's Note:

One Direction are a British boy band who was formed a year ago on the X Factor. They finished third. The band's members are Niall Horan, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, Zayn Malik and Louis Tomlinson. This is a fanfiction and I suggest you try finding out more about the guys if you don't know who they are, before reading this. Also, this is a fictional story that does not intend to say anything about the characters' sexuality and private lives in reality. Please keep in mind that English is not my first language. I wish to keep all rights on this story. If you want to reproduce any part of it, you must contact me for permission. Please, do understand that I put a lot of effort in this. For any comments and suggestions:

Thank you!


It's July 2, the UEFA football championship is rapidly nearing it's finals and we are boarding a plane to San Sebastian, Spain in less than 30 minutes. I cannot believe the amount of suitcases each of us took. I mean, it's understandable, we're staying there for three weeks, but it feels like each  of us packed his entire wardrobe. I know my closet looked depressingly empty after I was done packing. 

"Who's gonna water the plants while we're gone?" Harry asked.

"Martha said-"

"Ginna, of course." Niall interrupted.

"No." started Louis again, "Ginna has the month off, her daughter's having a baby and she wants to help out. Martha said they've found another woman to check on the house and water the plants a few times a week." 

Niall and Harry nodded thoughtfully. They were both wearing these real cute Hawaiian shirts and loose beige shorts. Niall's shirt was an ordinary dark blue one with those pretty white flowers, whereas Harry's was red and had palms all over it. He promised he'd find me, Zayn and Louis similar ones, but that was last summer and we still have not received them. Oh well, maybe Louis will get pissed soon, stop his sexual favors...

I am really looking forward to our little vacation. I have heard great things about the town we're going to, I know the beach is great and there are quite a few nice clubs around. When I talked to Harry's uncle about the villa and the region (because, I mean, I can't rely on Harry to ask him about these things), he told me there are beautiful historical sites around too. If I decide that I don't need to be in a `fuck everything' mood, I might actually take the guys on a tour around town.

Ah, there we go.

"Liam, your laptop." Niall pointed and smiled a warm smile.

Weeeeell, am I a little too excited for this?

"Right, thanks" I laughed. 

The flight is going to be more than short, but Zayn had his fluffy green blanket under his arm. I believe he had a...good night. He was starting his party time a little earlier than us, and I don't blame him - he spoke unusually much at the interviews, and come on, it's not easy to pull off these thoughtful, sexy faces at photoshoots. 

I caught up with him, Louis on his other side. 

"I see you're packed for a nice nap," I nodded towards his blanket, smiling. 

"Yup," he smiled a little smug smile.

"Quite odd, considering what a quiet night you had last night."

Louis laughed as he handed his boarding pass to the attractive gentleman behind the desk. 

"Not a sound could be heard from your flat. We thought of barging in to see if you are alive." he said and Zayn kept that smirk without saying anything, handing his boarding pass to the smiling gentleman. 

"She wasn't eve that hot, I don't know why you bothered!" I laughed, clasping a hand on his shoulder. 

"She wasn't, and she wasn't too good either, but a man has his needs." he smiled a brilliant smile. 

"Ayyy, alright! A man, okay!" Lou hooted and let Harry enter the gate before him. 

I transferred my cane to my left hand and stuffed the boarding pass into the back pocket of my dark linen shorts. I look amazing today. My outfit is nothing too special, really - dark linen shorts that barely reach my knee and a soft nice white short sleeved button up shirt, but I think I look gorgeous in it. A good start to a new approach, I hoped. And the cane adds nicely to my Bohemian style. 

Okay, I admit, I hoped Niall would appreciate my attire as well, but I noticed nothing of the kind, so can we please move on?

Yes, the cane. Well, after I left the hospital I had to stay home for the rest of the week, resting and healing, or taking lazy strolls to the park alone or with one of the lads. I had a bad limp which had cleared out almost entirely by the time we left for Spain. I didn't really need the cane, but like I said, it made me feel wise. Aaand, it is a very nice cane, a heavy one. 

We took our seats on the small plane, followed by the not so invisible security and a few other passengers. I was just looking out at the cart with the giant shiny containers that held someone's luggage when Lou elbowed me and nodded towards Zayn who was already well snuggled under his blanket despite the heat in the plane. I smirked, and then looked back to see that my boy wasn't too far behind, his head resting on Harry's shoulder.

The week of the interviews was quite busy. The boys were easy on me and helped a lot, nevertheless. We covered three radio stations and a few magazines, and did a pretty long photoshoot. What I enjoyed the most about the photoshoot was that they had us wear completely ridiculous outfits and be crazy goofy, we haven't done this in a long time. Finally, just yesterday we rocked the studio, recording the first few songs for the new album. 

I don't want to ruin the surprise for you, but there have been suggestions for a mini world tour in October. 




"It just started raining."

"What the...fuck." 

Really, God? Are you trying to drown us, is this the best time to put a start to the Apocalypse? You really couldn't wait until our vacation is over? Look, even the few photographers gave up.

We exited the airport, pulling a myriad of suitcases behind us, and stopped undertneath the hood. 

"Anyone got an umbrella?" Louis asked and earned himself a few exasperated stares.

"I got one in one of my suitcases, I think." I said, trying to figure out which one I had packed it in. 

"I have one too, we can use them both to get to the cars in groups." Jim, a guy from the security called. 

And so I trotted next to Niall as we dragged our luggage, him holding the small umbrella above our heads. 

My, my, Harry's uncle knows his job! I believe we were all stunned at the first sight of that breathtaking house..villa...hacienda. Carefully getting out of the van, stepping on the wet ground, Harry and Lou blissfully wet, our mouths hanging open. 

Now, San Sebastian (aka Donostia) is a big city, but our villa is situated right outside it, in the forests and a few meters from the beach (which was kind of private). The magnificent two story building in the most gentle peach color is completely surrounded by trees, and only a short path, starting a few meters from the small pool, parts them to grant visitors access to the beach. 
I am not an expert in architecture or history of architectural styles, but I believe the villa was a typical Spanish one. Curvy doorknobs and ornate window shutters. 

There were exactly three bedrooms in the house, plus a tiny guest room, and their distribution was settled without a word.

I set my suitcases to the far wall and slid open the glass door to the little terrace, Niall's muffled curses audible from the corridor. Oh. Perhaps I should help him carry his luggage up the stairs. But the fresh air, a mixture of the aroma of ozone and ocean, is so nice. 

"Well, you could've helped me." my baby grunted, throwing a bag on the far side of the bed. 

I spun on my heels and smiled guiltily. I wanted to say something in the lines of `I'm sorry baby, I was just thinking about all the great sex we're gonna have later', you know, because he looked quite pissed and his frown made his face the cutest thing ever, and because his hair looked so soft and amazing today. 

"Do you have any other bags downstairs?" I asked.


"Leave them to me," I smiled and got another soft grunt in return.

So, basically, when you enter through the double front door, you are faced with a nice staircase. On your right is the entrance to the living room which then goes into the kitchen and the dining room. To the left of the staircase is the door to one of the bathrooms and further along the tiny corridor the door to a bedroom, the one Harry and Lou choose for themselves. Up the flight of stairs one is faced with a brightly lit corridor (the door to the terrace at the end). There are two reasonably big bedrooms and one spacious bathroom on that floor. Me and Niall got the bigger one, the one on the left, and Zayn got the one next to the bathroom.

I left Niall's suitcases next to his bed.

"Here you go." I smiled once again, straightening my shirt, hoping I really did see his gaze dash across my wide open shirt. 

I made my way over to my belongings, contemplating whether I should start unpacking now or after a short nap. 

"Damn, I've missed rooming with you..." Niall laughed, putting his hands behind his back and shaking his head. 

I stared at him with the widest of smiles. How I wanted to scream the world's loudest AWW. 

"Well, I've missed rooming with you too. But I get half the wardrobe and no underwear or shoes in my side of the room."

He laughed and I had serious trouble ungluing my eyes from his. 

"You wanna separate the beds?" I asked, gesturing towards the joined beds. 

"No, it's okay." he said closing his eyes. "The beds are pretty big, and besides, I don't wanna..well, limit the space in the room."

"Ah, okay."

We decided to follow the Spanish siesta tradition and the house quieted despite Zayn's protests. Later, we found him sound asleep under an umbrella on the beach nevertheless. 

I left the door to the balcony slightly ajar and carefully laid down on my side of the bed. Or...on my bed. Niall was already dozing off on his side, still in his Hawaiian shirt. These boys will never that one never sleeps in the clothes he has just worn outside. See, I am in my boxers. 

I covered myself with the single sheet. Turning on my side with great care, I marveled at how quiet the house truly was. I faced my sweet leprechaun's face, I listened to his deep regular breathing. How stunningly adorable he was, his body completely relaxed, his arm under his pillow. So peaceful, so pure, so beautiful. As if not a single thing could ever trouble his soul. 
Watching the loved one sleep is a one of a kind experience. I only wished he was mine, so I could tenderly caress his cheek. He rolled on his back and I watched his chest rise and fall for a long time, until my eyes watered. 

I rolled to my back, taking a position similar to Niall's. I closed my eyes. I let every muscle of my body relax and when I thought there was nothing left strained, I sank deeper into the matress. It felt as if I was melting and the sheets were soaking me up. The breeze outside was suddenly much more audible, a soft, soothing murmur. My eyes sank deeper into their sockets. Before my closed eyes peculiar images flashed and then dissolved into the darkness. It couldn't have been long before I was just as soundly asleep as my love, the boy who wasn't mine but was lying right there next to me. 

It was late afternoon when a sleepy and very naked Harry came into our room and wrenched us away from sleep. We lazily got dressed and after going through the procedure of waking Zayn up, we headed down the beach and to the city. 

We did not wander too far from the boardwalk since not even the guys from the security that accompanied us had a map. We found a nice restaurant and had a feast. Various Spanish meals, most of which were just variations of paella, were served before us, steaming and delicious. After that a search for a good supermarket was in order and we returned to the house with at least one full of food or other necessities bag each. 

"Anyone up for a walk? I wanna check out the beach and it's a pretty warm evening." I asked, finishing my drink. 

My eyes fell on Zayn who was, yet again, sprawled on the little couch sleeping. I guess I can count him out. 

"Isn't there a game on tonight?" Louis asked.

"Yeah, I want to watch it, they should have it on TV here, right?" Harry said.

"You'll tell me what happened." I shifted my gaze to Niall who was flipping trough a magazine on the counter. "Niall?"

He stared at me with a cute uncertain expression as if in deep thought, his lips pursed a little.

"Ah well, I'll come with ya, it does seem very nice outside."

We set off, circling the small pool which looked inviting enough in the darkness. There shall be a skinny dipping night, that's for sure. You must think I was thrilled to be out with Niall on such a wonderful night. You are right, I was. But I wasn't squirming in nervous happiness, if that is what you expected. Like I said, we often take such walks, quality time for best friends, always a great pleasure for both of us. 

I left my cane inside and strolled next to Niall in the same shirt as before. The breeze felt almost as good on my body as walking next to my blond Irishman who had too changed into a loose linen shirt. We walked slowly in the opposite direction from the city, taking in our friendly surroundings in comfortable silence for quite a while. 

We passed a large, brightly lit villa, and Niall's magical blond hair glowed. How perfectly his clothes hung to his body. Hands in his pockets, veins bulging, lips begging to be kissed. I decided to speak.

"I have a good feeling about this vacation." I smiled, "Today was great, I love the city so far and the house is just amazing."

"Me too, I'm loving it so far." he waved his hand, "I hope we can get enough of a rest and party." 

We walked. A ship wink away into the immense darkness of the ocean.

"I'm gonna be nineteen next month." I observed.

The sand felt absolutely fantastic under my bare feet. Soft like ashes almost, rich in some ways and cool, very soothingly cool. 

"You are." Niall gave me his dazzling smile, "They grow up so fast, eh?"

We kept on walking, ambling, and I was happy, feeling like Michael Bolton in the video for `Jack Sparrow' by the Lonely Island. Peaceful moments like this always give me hope because every trace of angst and pain is gone. It's just me and my bestest friend, spending quiet time together, throwing around pointless lines. 

The ocean seemed to match our calm mood. The sky was clear with only a few fluffy cloudies chasing each other. 

"I'm tired." Niall said suddenly.

"You're tired?"


I laughed and bumped his shoulder with mine. I looked around at the quiet forest and the lights falling on the beach from yet another villa down the way. 

"I like this spot. Shall we sit down or would you prefer to go back, darlen?" I placed a dramatic hand on his shoulder. 

"I believe this is where we should stop."

"Well. Allow me to help you then."

"No, no, please, let me."

"Alright. I am the injured one, after all."

Don't think my hospital adventures have stopped me from taking vare of my boy's bruise. As soon as I was out, I went back to my routine of treating it three (or two) times a day. Now it is just a faint coloring of the skin. 

I leaned back on my elbows, sliding my eyes over the horizon. Niall dropped next to me and smiled. A gust of wind picked up a few lonesome hairs and they stood upright on his head, making him look even sexier. 

"I was afraid to bring it up, but..." I started, smiling hesitantly, "how are you doing? I mean...when we talked a month or so were a little down..."

While I was talking, Niall's calm, smiling eyes were glued to mine and now he looked down, keeping his smile.

"Yes. I think I am alright," he buried his finger in the sand, "It was just a...a momentary phase, you know?" he grinned and I smiled knowingly, "I get these sometimes."

I played with the sand between my legs. There were a few tiny shells here and there. I dug up a few and handed Niall one, its colors indistinguishable in the dusk. We smiled at the little thing. 

"Well...if, whenever you get these...if you feel like you need to talk about it or anything, know, I'm here." I made a small gesture with my hand, a tiny wave, something he often does as well. 

"Of course, of course. I...I always turn to you, it's natural. I guess sometimes it's just difficult to speak about these things and I forget that...I don't know, you never judge, you always understand." he smiled a warm, happy smile, and my heart was melting over and over again.

Moments of such honesty about our relationship are not a rare occurrence between us. I cherish each second of them, always. 

He handed me a small, dark stone with wonderfully smoth surface.

"Tell me about Dave. I never got to hear more about him." 

For a second I gaped at him and then very guiltily looked down at my pebble. Oh, where do I begin, how do I begin. 

"Is he the guy you mention when...when you said you weren't sure about being bi...?" he tried again with more uncertainty in his voice. 

Blood rushed to my face. I was thankful it was as dark.

"No, no. Didn't know him yet back then."

"Oh right."

I fiddled with the little stone in my hands. Is this the moment when I tell him everything? It's not like that thought hadn't circulated in the back of my mind since I left the hospital. 

"He's nice." is all I could manage, "I never thought I'd like a guy this way, but he's nice. Who knows." 

I hate when it gets uncomfortable, I just hate it, I hate it. It doesn't feel right, this is Niall, it's never uncomfortable with Niall. 

"So he's not the one who triggered the whole thing?" he asked as if making sure.

Well? What do you decide, Liam?

"Well, no."

"Is it bothering you?" he was concerned.

I was silent for a very long time, focusing my attention on so many little beautiful things around us. 

"No. It's fine now, it's in the past." I said, feeling my heart tearing apart. 

Niall didn't believe me. It's hard to believe I thought I'd fool him of all people. He might appear clueless more often than not, but in situations like this there's no one who sees things better than him. 

"Things do pass. Just give it some time. It hurts now, and I'm sorry it does, but I just know that nothing bad could ever happen in the end." he said with so much confidence in his voice that I instantly believed him and there, the decision was taken. 

He threw an arm around my shoulders. 

This is how it is supposed to be. Now it feels right. 

I slipped the pebble in my pocket, deep, making sure it doesn't fall out. My lungs filled with air and then emptied with a soft wheeze. 

I looked up at the sky and my breath froze in throat. Oh holy Mother of God! I haven't seen so many stars in years! Here, there, everywhere, blinking and winking and twinkling, brilliant as ever, multiplying, filling in the vast expanse, making me feel small and insignificant. 

"Niall," I pointed up at the sky and then shamelessly watched his astonished face. 

I let myself fall on my back. Niall followed. I placed my hands on my belly. Next to my closest person, I watched the stars and I dreamed, and I smiled, and I watched his smile, and the breeze caressed our faces, and the ocean sang a song I could not understand.

Next: Chapter 11

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