Immortal Love

By Matthew Stachkunas

Published on Feb 9, 2011


This story is completely fictional. Names characters and incidents are a product of the author's imagination and any resemblance to real people or events is completely coincidental.

This story may contain descriptions of sexual interactions. If you are uncomfortable reading such material of are not permitted to do so legally, please leave this page now.

This story is the property of the author all comments are welcome.

Immortal Love Chapter 3

Chris could hear something. It wasn't that dam beeping sound. It was something else. Someone talking. What were they saying.

Chris tried harder to listen.

It was faint. Just a whisper.

Sounds like....."I'm here"......or something like that.

The voice is so sweet.


He can't make out all that it says, but he gets this warm feeling inside when he hears it. Like he is not alone. There is someone there.


There is that dam beeping again.

"Chris?" his dad tries. "Chris can you hear me?"

"Dad?" Chris chokes out a dry response.

"Oh.....Chris....Yes, it's dad" his father says.

"What happened dad? I hurt like you wouldn't believe." He said.

"You were hit by a car Chris." his dad says. "You have been in the hospital for some time now"

"I......I don't remember getting hurt. Am I OK?" Chris asks tentatively.

"Well, the doctors say you are doing very well. You have some bad scrapes and bruises, but there not too bad." his dad explains. "you hit your head pretty hard. The doctors are going to want to do some tests and ask you some questions, OK?"

"Ya dad, but....where's mom?" Chris asks.

"I'm right here baby, I'm right here." she answers.

Chris tries to open his eyes better. The room is bright so it is a little hard for him to focus. He can feel his parents holding his hands. One on each side.

That must have been what he was feeling. His parents holding his hands.

But when Chris looked to his left side he saw both his parents there.

His mother was sitting next to him holding his hand. His father was standing next to her closer to the head of his bed.

OK, that's weird if they are both on that side who is holding my right hand.

As Chris slowly turns, in his mind he is expecting to see Travis.

Had he come running to the hospital when Chris had been hurt.

Did he think he would never see Chris again.

Everything would be OK now.

They would talk about it and be friends again.

This all went through his mind in a the small amount of time it took him to move his head from his looking left to looking right.

What he saw confused him.

This couldn't be Travis.

There was a young looking guy there. His head was down and his eyes were closed.

He didn't know this person. He was very handsome, laying there, asleep.

He lifted his right hand a bit and felt the grip of the unknown person tighten ever so slightly.

As a reaction, he too tightened his grip.

The boy didn't wake up. He slept silently.

Chris looked at his parents questioningly.

"Chris, that is Jay. He has been with you the last few days. He is going to be looking after you for awhile." His father said.

"But why? Who is he? Do I know him?" Chris had all sorts of questions but didn't know what he wanted to know first. Funny thing though. He never asked why this guy was holding his hand.

"Honey, we will explain everything to you, I promise." his mother said. "But right now we just want you to rest and relax. There is a lot we need to discuss, but for now just rest OK?" his mother said.

"Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, may I speak with you please?" came a voice by the door.

"We are going to talk to the doctor Chris." his dad said. "We will be back soon. We love you Chris. Very much."

OK, this is serious. The last time his father said "I love you" to him was when he was 10. Something was definitely going on. But right now he was more interested in this guy next to him.

Chris' parents walked out with the doctor. Leaving Chris to stare at this guy Jay.

Who was he?

Why was he here?

He was cute. Chris could not help noticing that. He had short dirty blond hair. A round face. Strong jaw.

That was about all he could tell. Since Jay was sleeping with his head on the bed, that was all Chris could really see.

As Chris stared at Jay, the other boy began to stir.

Ever so slightly, Chris squeezed Jay's hand.

Almost instantly, Jay opened his eyes and lifted his head.

The first thing Chris noticed was Jay's beautiful deep blue eyes.

WOW. Those were some eyes. Chris just felt lost in them. Like he could see inside Jay. There was something there......something he couldn't put his finger on......just out of reach.

"Hey" Jay said.

"Hey" Chris said. "My name is Jay. I'm hear to look after you for awhile." he said.

"Ya, my parents told me something about that. I'm Chris, by the way" he said.

Jay just smiled. Staring into the other boy's hazel eyes. Ben had eyes like this is Chris Johnson. This is not Ben.

"How long have you been here?" Chris asked more to break the silence then really looking for an answer.

"Oh, not long, just a few days." said Jay.

"Oh, OK." Chris said. Not really knowing what to say.

"Hey Jay?"


"Not that I mind, cause I really don't, are you holding my hand?" Chris said blushing slightly.

"Oh, sorry I didn't realize I was......" Jay tried to explain while also trying to let go of Chris' hand.

Chris gripped Jay's hand tighter, not letting him let go. "No...please....don't." he said with pleading and tears in his eyes.

"'s OK." Jay said in a soothing voice.

Jay leaned down towards Chris' face.

Chris thought Jay was going to kiss him.

Jay whispered close to Chris' ear " I'm not going anywhere. I will be right here by your side OK? And don't worry, I like holding your hand too."

Jay could see Chris' blush. But he could also see how he relaxed. He relaxed all but his hand.

Chris still hold tightly too Jay's hand. He was afraid if he let go that Jay wouldn't want to hold his hand or touch him again.

He felt very safe with Jay. He couldn't explain why. He just didn't want Jay to leave.

With his free hand, Jay was brushing the hair from in front of Chris' eyes. He didn't know what to make of his own feelings.

He knew this wasn't Ben. But he couldn't help feeling very close to Chris. This had never happened before. Not since Ben. What was he doing. He had to keep focus on the job.

The boys were not talking. They where just holding hands looking into each others eyes.

Jay kept leaning over Chris running his free hand lightly through Chris' hair.

His other hand was held tight by Chris against his own chest.

Jay could see how tired Chris was getting.

"Chris, you have to rest." he said. " I will be right here when you wake up. I promise. I will not leave your side OK?"

"But I'm not tired" Chris said. "From what I hear, I have been sleeping for weeks. I just want to stay with you for a bit"

Chris was embarrassed by what he said. He had not said anything like that to another boy since Travis. He immediately tensed up and a look of fear came across his face.

"Hey, it's OK" Jay said. "You and I will talk real soon. Try not to worry. You need your rest so that we can get you out of this place. I'm not going to hurt you like Travis did. That's not the type of person I am. But we will talk all about that later. Right now I want you to get some rest. For me, OK?"

"OK, but if I go back to sleep and wake up to find out this has been all a dream.....I'm going to be really pissed." Chris said with a few tears running down his cheeks.

Jay leaned down close to Chris' face again, but this time he did Kiss Chris. He kissed him right on the forehead and softly said "Don't worry, it's not a dream."

Chris closed his eyes and fell asleep looking into the face of this strange new guy in his life. He felt safe and happy for the first time in a long time. As he drifted off, the picture of Jay's face, eyes, and smile stuck in his mind.

Once Chris' fell asleep, Jay sat back down in his chair. He had all kinds of thoughts running through his mind.

"What am I doing."

"I have to stop this"

"This is not Ben. This is Christoper Johnson. I can't get wrapped up in these emotions."

"This has to stop. This is an assignment, nothing more"

"That's it. When Chris gets out of this place, I will keep my distance emotionally. I will do what I came here to do and then go. This is just a coincidence that he looks like Ben. I will make sure I don't let Chris get attached to me. And I WILL NOT get attached to him.

"Ya, that's what I'm going to do....but once he is out of here. I promised to stay here and hold his hand. I can't let him down. I can't break my promise."

"But once he is home.......back to realty Jay........back to your lonely miserable life......Ya that's the plan."

Next: Chapter 4

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