In All the Wrong Places

By Shawn Kale

Published on Mar 20, 2010


=============================================================================== DISCLAIMER: Predictably, this story at some point will contain graphic literary descriptions of sexual acts between consenting persons. Some content may not be suitable for minors. This is a work of fiction, similarity of characters to real people is purely accidental. The author 'Shawn Kale' retains the title to the work and grants 'Nifty Archive' "a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancellable license to display the work" Comments and suggestions can be directed to the author via email at: ===============================================================================

'In All The Wrong Places'

To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty.

  • Oscar Wilde (excerpt from 'An Ideal Husband')

Part Four: ''Hook... Line And...''

The first day of a new school year is usually full of mixed feelings, some are excited to get back into some sort of routine and others look forward to seeing all their friends again, although I was a good student with good grades, school for me was very much a social thing.

I started my secondary education at a private Catholic school in a rural area closer to my home but I transfered to the City's state run boys' College for my first year of High School and I had never looked back, the College was blessed with amazing facilities that not even the private schools in the area had, a theatre, two gymnasiums, a large turf and state of the art classrooms filled with highly capable teachers, it offered me programs of learning and co-curricular activities that I couldn't access anywhere else... Not to mention the more than adequate supply of 'visual' talent one finds at an all boys' school.

I parked in the student leader's carpark and took the short walk up to the administration block, I entered the student office through the plain automatic doors, I was greeted by my favorite school receptionist, Miss Jones

"Well hello there Calum, looking very sharp there in that blazer mister" I chuckled a little, only seniors had to wear these things, prefects had to wear the tie as well

"Is Mr. Buchanan in Jun... I mean Miss Jones?"

"Calum, please... call me June. Mr B' is in with the head prefect at the moment but he wants to see all of you before the bell rings, so just sit in the couch outside and get Ms. Cox to let him know you're waiting"

I thanked her and pushed open the second door which led through to the higher admin area. The space in here was completely different, this was where the public came if they had a meeting with the Principal or any other business with the school, it was all antique wood and lined with the heritage of the school; trophies in an immaculate cabinet, photographs of notable students and teachers, artworks donated by departing seniors and plush blue carpet with the school's coat of arms in a detailed mosaic at the front door. A Greek bronze stood in the centre, the school's 'mascot' he represented the perfection a man should strive for. I let the receptionist here know that I was waiting for the Principal and she buzzed through as I reclined in one of the luxurious armchairs outside of his office.

Tim Cross was our head boy this year, mildly attractive in a 'jockish' sort of way but not really my type, he smiled and shook my hand when he emerged from the office 'really looking forward to working with you etc etc' before walking off to no doubt flash his shiny new badge around.

"Ahh Mr O'Neil, excellent please come in" Mr Buchanan had been at this school for more than 25 years, he was an excellent leader and bought out the best in all the boys around the campus

"How was your trip? funny leaving the summer to spend time in the cold and wet isn't it? of course you missed our briefing for school leaders but no matter, you are a quick study hey"

"Sorry sir, to be honest I didn't even think about school until I got your letter last week"

"No problem, so we haven't much time before the bell, I am taking my assembly this morning as usual and I'll introduce you and the others to the students, I would like you to head one of the houses of course, I've pencilled you in for 'Rutherford' since you have been there since you started. You have a house meeting this afternoon before the last bell, here's a list of topics I'd like you to cover, you should have no trouble with that"

"Thank you sir, How many in my house this year sir?"

"Ahh lets see, roughly a quarter so we'll say 400, that should be no trouble... and before I forget, here is your badge, add it to that impressive collection of yours"

It was traditional at the College for students to receive a badge for every year they represented the school externally, I had taken to co-curricular activities like the proverbial duck so my lapels were dripping with decorations, I pinned my new shield to the top of my right lapel and straightened myself up before shaking Buchanan's hand and walking with him to the theatre.

The first assembly of the year went as usual, introductions, laying out the course of the year to the new students, ground rules and a few words of wisdom from the Head Master, The Assistant Principal stood up at the end of the session and announced the home room classes, each prefect stood beside their home room teacher as they read out the list of students, The titled prefects were last, I stood next to Mr.Church my favorite History teacher and watched my charges assemble in front of us

"Kasey Fleck, Martin Fleck, Brandon Fox, Adam Fuller, Blake Garner, Peter Kirk..."

I didn't register at first, I was watching the Fleck twins, juniors, shuffle nervously forward to our line... I glanced over at the list in Mr. Church's hand and saw that I wasn't imagining things, Oh boy... my crush is in my class. He looked at me and smiled as he took his place in line and we moved out of the theatre to the humanities block where our room was.

Mr. Church had the most interesting room, framed prints of Roman scenes lined the walls, a couple of plaster busts at the front and a well stocked bookshelf, I sat at the front as sir addressed the class, a little bit of Church humor lightened the mood, I said my piece and sat back down to assess the makeup of 'CCH24' mostly juniors, none in my year unfortunately... I'd almost forgotten that Blake was there, in the back corner with a couple of his friends, he waved and I smiled back, the bell rang and we all moved off to our classes for the day.

I had Drama second to last, my favorite way to end the day with the resident eccentric teacher and local theatre organiser Mr. Kriss, I was discussing this year's school production with him, we did one annually with our counterpart Girls' school and this year was our turn to host, choose and facilitate we hadn't made much ground before the students started arriving for my house assembly, my senior student leaders came to the front with me and I did a quick briefing before attempting to quiet the rowdy mob in the tight Drama theatre. We went through the basic house functions and rules, my sports facilitator talked about upcoming events and such and we handed out the house badges making sure we were easily recognisable around the school, Mr Kriss made a lewd joke and everybody laughed then he segued into a plug for the Drama department, more laughter and then the final bell ended the routine first day back.

I went to the prefects room for a meeting with our team, Tim had elected me deputy head and another badge joined my collection, I made my excuses and walked down the hill to the carpark to find a welcome surprise

Blake was leaning against the hood of my car, facing the other way and watching the last of the students leave for home after sports practice, I thought I'd give him a fright and so stealthinl I crept up beside him

"Oi! What do you think you're doing leaning on my hood young man?"

He was jolted from his daze and hand over heart when he realised I was joking

"Oh shit man, you gave me such a scare, I think I need to change my briefs now" mental image#1 Blake in briefs... and nothing else

"Haha sorry Blake, are you waiting for somebody?" I unlocked the car and slung my satchel into the back seat

"Actually yes... you Calum, could you umm maybe give me a ride home? otherwise I have to wait for my dad to finish work"

"You're a cheeky wee fella aren't you?" I mocked his cute English accent

"Haha 'enterprising' would be more fitting maybe, you don't have to if you don't want to just..."

"I was kidding of course... looks like you get to ride shotgun again" I stripped off my blazer and tidily put it onto the back seat as he slipped into the passenger side.

We went through a drive-thru for afternoon snack, my treat, and got stuck in rush hour traffic leaving the city, I turned on the air conditioning and loosened my tie as we crawled along the motorway, Blake undid the top few buttons of his shirt, revealing a smooth creamy chest. I turned away and concentrated on the small dog on the parcel tray of the vehicle in front of me, It gazed back with a dumb stare and licked its little black lips.

"So Calum, where exactly do you live?" the question seemed a little strange to me

"Umm do you know Branagh's Road? well it's up towards the end of that"

"Oh wow thats a way out, do you live on a farm?"

"No, It's a big section but not really good for farming with all the trees and stuff"

"Do you have a pool?"

"I have two actually, an indoor one and an outdoor one with a spa"

"Damn, I wish I could have a swim right now" I wondered if this was what I thought it was

"Are you trying to get yourself invited to my house?" He put on a look of fake injury

"Me? Ohh what do you think I am? some kind of imposing weirdo?" He was good at this

"Just ask man, If you want to you can come over and swim anytime" the traffic began to move more fluidly and I flipped off some arrogant prick who tried to push ahead 'merge like a zip you retard'

"Today? like Now? I can swim in my boxers if that's ok with your parents?"

"Well do what you like, I'm sure they don't care, a) Mum is away anyway b) Dad lives overseas and c) It's really MY pool so stuff em" he laughed at that, good progress

"Ok well screw going to my place then, Party at yours!" we both laughed

"Hey... I thought this was a swim, when did it get to be a party?" He could party at my house as long as he wanted, I was getting majorly excited about this kid

We arrived later than I'd hoped, Blake was suitably impressed by the house and couldn't believe that it was in fact mine. I pulled out some Dr. Pepper from the fridge and offered one to Blake

"Consider this an honor... I offer my precious Dr. Pepper to a chosen few" True, It was hard to get down here so I guarded it jealously, Blake tried it, impressed by its taste. I took his Dr Pepper virginity by the looks of things!

I took him through the house to the long sliding doors which opened onto the pool area we walked through the thick tropical plantings and landscaping, eventually emerging in a clearing, the rocks around the edge of the pool made it look like a tantalising lagoon, the aqua blue water was cool and refreshing. I stripped to my underwear and jumped in, sighing with relief. I turned to see Blake strip off as well, his gorgeous body slowly revealed as each new piece of uniform fell to the ground. He saw me looking and blushed slightly as he slid into the pool. I swam over to the edge closest to the house and flipped open the concealed control pad, the touchscreen gave me access to my music library, I selected a bit of U2 and swam back to where he was standing, making a current in the water with his hands.

"Come this way" I said, leading him over to the far side of the pool, a broad leafed plant helped to conceal the hidden underwater entrance to the cave. Dad had planned to throw wild pool parties here and so he'd gotten the whole works, including this place. Sculpted out of some wonderous new material, the cave was a generous hollow, dimly lit with blue LED's there was a flat screen TV set into the wall above the entrance. we sat on the underwater ridge seat that followed the edge of the grotto

"Dude, this is amazing... I didnt know that you could even get a waterproof TV, just... wow" At least I could impress him with my TVs.

"And you're all alone out here? that must get lonely rattling around in this big house"

"Yeah, I have people over sometimes for dinner and to watch movies and stuff but I don't mind... I like my peace"

"I'm not getting in your way or anything? not disturbing the peace?" I had to laugh at that, if only he knew

"No dude, I have to have someone around occasionally or I'd go insane, but tell me, I have never seen you around school before what's up with that?" He looked a little hurt at that remark

"I have been there for the past three years, I guess you don't really hang out with my sort of crowd, I have seen you though of course, I go to the production every year and you're pretty much up the front of assembly every year too"

"Did your girlfriend drag you along last year? I wouldn't have thought that 'Chicago' was your kinda thing?"

"I... Umm no, really I just like musicals, the costumes and the lights and the tunes... don't tell anyone that haha. I think you're really good... a good actor and singer I mean"

"Haha thanks, acting maybe but I don't think I can really sing, if you like them so much why don't you join up? it's a whole lot of fun"

"I dunno, my friends would kinda... nevermind, what are we... I mean you guys doing this year?"

"We haven't decided yet, I want to do something amazing and out of the ordinary but I have to convince the school that my choice is appropriate"

We chatted for hours about what we were into, his taste in music and art and my taste in film provided some common ground and a little healthy debate, when we emerged from the cave it was getting dark.

"Oh shit, sorry Blake, kinda got carried away there didn't we? when did you need to be home by?"

"Haha wow I guess we did, umm well I usually just turn up whenever"

"Well Im gonna make some dinner, do you want to stick around for that or should I drop you home? I know it's friday and all but your parents are probably worried"

He pulled his phone out of the pocket of his discarded school pants and checked for messages, sent one of his own then replaced the phone.

"Nope, I texted Mum so she knows I'm staying out for dinner, I doubt they'd even notice if I crawled home at seven tomorrow morning, they'd be back at work by then... So what's for dinner? Microwave meals?"

I had been blessed with culinarily experienced uncles who had given me the valuable gift of kitchen ability

"Believe it or not... I can actually cook, I have some chicken in the fridge so I can build it up from there... you do eat meat?"

"I love meat... I mean I'm not a vegetarian if thats what you mean" another embarrassing slip of the tongue from Blake, mental image#2 'Blake enjoying meat'

"Ok, so does mediterranean sound good? I was going to do Thai but you're probably sick of that after work?"

"Oh yeah, I wanna gag sometimes from over exposure... Wait, how did you know I worked at a Thai place?" Whoops here's where I avoid an embarrassing moment of my own

"I guess I might have seen you there or something"

By now we had made our way back to the sliding doors and into the house still dripping from the pool, I showed Blake where he could shower and went to my own room to change. On the way downstairs I left a pair of striped pyjama pants and a shirt outside the bathroom door. I was just cutting up some fresh mushrooms when Blake came into the kitchen looking strangely cute in my clothing... not that I doubted he'd look cute in a potato sack or a bin liner even mental image#3 Blake in a bin liner... and only a bin liner.

"Nice Kitchen, looks like a serious operation you've got going on down here"

"I spend a good part of my day in here, Mum can't cook and I refuse to submit to takeaways every night, there are some drinks in the fridge, help yourself, glasses are in the cupboard on the right... Pour me a Dr. Pepper please, get some ice out of the dispenser first" I drink almost everything with Ice

Blake settled into a barstool facing me at the grill and watched me work away, occasionally interrupting to ask what a certain ingredient was or why I was doing such and such, it was cute and I was fighting several urges by this point. We carried our dinner through to the dining room and sat down opposite each other to eat, he was really trying hard to mind his manners and I was more than slightly amused.

"Blake... I'm not the Queen, you can eat with the fork in your right hand if you want to I seriously don't mind" He was embarrassed that I'd noticed his discomfort so I didn't comment on it again, when we had finished we took our plates back to the dishwasher and he passed judgement.

"That was amazing thanks, My Mum doesn't cook and my sister tries to but she can't cook for shit so That was probably the best thing I've eaten in a long time... I should invite myself around more often"

"Haha you're welcome, I might tell your sister that next time I see her, and seriously... you can come over for dinner whenever you like, I might get to enjoy the ego boost"

I was going to suggest that we run him home now but I couldn't I just wanted to keep him here for as long as possible, so as long as he didn't ask to go home... I wasn't gonna offer.

"You wanna stay the night? I have a great home theatre and a stack of movies I haven't watched yet?"

"Aww afraid of spending another lonely night in the big bad house are we?... Of course dude, If your pool is anything to go by, your home theatre should be something to see"

All alone in the house with the boy I wanted more than anything... could I keep cool and avoid any major embarrassment... It's worth the gamble. I sent a quick text to Jen

'OMG Blake at my place. gonna watch a movie. shitting myself x Cam

=============================================================================== Author's Note:

Any suggestions or comments can be directed to me at:

Sorry for the lack of 'usual' erotic material, I hope new installments will satisfy all your more carnal needs as well as your other 'desires'


Next: Chapter 5

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