In All the Wrong Places

By Shawn Kale

Published on Mar 21, 2010


=============================================================================== DISCLAIMER: Predictably, this story at some point will contain graphic literary descriptions of sexual acts between consenting persons. Some content may not be suitable for minors. This is a work of fiction, similarity of characters to real people is purely accidental. The author 'Shawn Kale' retains the title to the work and grants 'Nifty Archive' "a non-exclusive, worldwide, royalty-free, perpetual, and non-cancellable license to display the work" Comments and suggestions can be directed to the author via email at: ===============================================================================

'In All The Wrong Places'

To look at a thing is quite different from seeing a thing and one does not see anything until one sees its beauty.

  • Oscar Wilde (excerpt from 'An Ideal Husband')

Part Five: ''Signals in the dark''

I felt my iPhone go off in my pants pocket shortly after sending the message to Jen, she didn't waste any time that one. I pulled it out again and read her reply

'WOW hav u seduced him tht easily thn tiger? fil me in l8r'

Don't worry Jen, as usual you'll get a full and detailed report of the night's proceedings... whether I like it or not, besides, I wasn't even expecting anything other than a few movies and maybe another discussion or two... Being sure he wasn't gay and not wanting to alienate him, I wasn't going to mess things up by trying on my seduction hat.

The media room was down in the 'basement' level of the house and occupied almost the entire floor space, the rough brick walls were left exposed in some parts and others were covered by vintage patterned wallpaper, old film posters were framed and hung alongside display cabinets full of memorabilia, at the far end of the room two sets of double doors led into the screening room, a gently sloping floor with casually set out armchairs and small tables provided a comfortable space to watch what I, or any of my friends wanted to. Blake, wide eyed, sat down next to me on a three seater couch

"Dude, this must have cost a fortune, what do your parents do? Sell drugs or something?" I had to laugh, both of my parents were strictly anti drugs

"Hahaha not at all, drugs is just a side earner... joking of course, My Dad is in the 'music business' and Mum is an artistic consultant"

"And they are never at home? no wonder they're raking it in"

"Well Mum is off at a conference at the moment... and Dad, well he lives overseas, they're not together anymore"

"Oh dude, sorry I shouldn't have been so casual about the whole thing"

"It's ok, its much better than them being in the same house, a lot more peaceful and it means I have an excuse to go overseas in the holidays... Anyway, what do you want to watch?" I opened up the media browser and handed him the controls "Ladies Choice"

He smirked at that and elbowed me in the side for good measure

"Have you got any good musicals on here? or anything really alternative?"

"Well have you seen 'The Producers'? that's funny I guess, or there's always 'The Rocky Horror Picture Show' but I guess you've seen that"

"Umm this probably sounds pretty dumb but... what is it?"

This shocked me more than anything and I let it show with a big melodramatic gasp and an over theatrical facial expression

"What do you mean 'what is it' IT is only the most amazing piece of musical film ever produced, IT is more than just a movie... IT is a way of life!"

"Woah dude, sorry... well are we gonna watch it or not?"

I had to right this terrible injustice, how could someone not have seen such a masterpiece 'criminal' I muttered under my breath before using the control to select the most watched film in my collection

"Prepare to be amazed" I pushed play and a familiar pair of disembodied lips began to sing the opening song as the theatre lights slowly dimmed.

By the end of the film, I could tell that Blake was suitably impressed and hopefully converted to my point of view, I had observed throughout the movie that he was engrossed by the music and started mouthing the words to some of the more catchy numbers

"I didn't know that the Time Warp was from like an old school movie, that was intense"

"So I can count you in for my next midnight audience participation screening?" this was met with a blank stare

"Well everyone has to get dressed up in costume and we sort of... get up and act out the film and sing along and things, there are all sorts of cues that trigger bits of audience participation, it's seriously a cult following, you should google it"

"Haha that sounds fun, how often do you have these sick little parties?" he was visibly amused

"Sick? no Art? yes, I try and have at least one each school term, sometimes we watch the sequel instead, but thats not as much fun"

"There's a sequel? Can we watch it now?" He actually enjoyed it, that was a surprise

"Well I'll start it but I wanna go and get something to snack on you want anything?"

"Cool, yeah thanks... um surprise me" I'd love to of course

I started 'Shock Treatment' and went back up to the kitchen, there were usually snacks in the media room but since I'd been away they hadn't been stocked up. I got some chocolate I'd brought back through duty free and a couple of bottles of (even harder to find than Dr Pepper) cherry cola from the chiller. I nuked a couple of packets of microwave popcorn, not wanting to bother with the machine downstairs and piled it into a bowl. I carried the loaded tray back down to the theatre where Blake was again immersed in the action on screen. I pulled over a coffee table and laid out my offerings in front of the sofa.

"I don't get it, is that the same Brad and Janet from the first movie?"

"Same characters... different actors though of course" I mumbled through a mouthful of popcorn "Look out for the cameos from RHPS though"

We sat in relative silence for most of the film, I burst into impromptu performances of some of the better songs much to Blake's amusement.

"I can just imagine you in that nurses outfit haha priceless"

"Ha! So you're thinking about me in a short dress and high heels huh? who's the sicko now?"

He was in fits by this point, I got up and mimed to the action on screen, singing about a 'little black dress' I collapsed back into the sofa, landing closer to him that I'd ever been, I could feel the warmth from his skin and I was more than a little turned on. Blake didn't seem phased, he even had the chance to pull a genius little move of his own, casually yawning he pulled the old stretch trick, reaching his arm around my back in a mock yawn

"Well call me a sucker for a nurse in uniform" He was silent for a moment before the built up laughter couldn't be held any longer and he cracked, his eyes seemed to flash with mischief when he laughed... mischief I wanted to be a part of.

I was nodding off by the middle of our third film, I was staying awake to keep Blake company really, he didn't seem to be tired at all. When I woke up he was looking at me, the film had finished. He quickly looked away when he realised that I was waking up.

"We don't have to watch anything else, you can go to bed if you want, I can crash in the lounge to save you driving this late at night"

"Are you kidding? there are plenty of empty bedrooms in this place, be my guest and fill one up for the night... Unless you're afraid I might take advantage of you haha" wow Calum, I thought, that was a stupid bloody thing to say when you're trying not to mess anything up

"Haha don't you just hate it when you wake up and find that you can't walk for three days and can't remember why?"

"Dude... Sick, I can't believe you even thought of that, I was joking" I hoped I hadn't frightened him too much. "Come on we'll get you sorted for a bed"

We walked together up to the second floor where the guest bedrooms were, I let him in to the biggest one, which also happened to be closest to the stairs... the stairs that led up to my bedroom on the top level.

"There are towels in the bathroom if you want a shower before I get up in the morning, My room is up those stairs if you need to find me... ok?"

"Thanks... haha does this door lock from the inside?" he winked at me

"Yeah but I have the keys to them all... no escape" I tousled his hair and made my way up to bed.

I brushed my teeth and washed my face before stripping to my boxers and climbing into my big empty bed. I couldn't sleep so I picked up the novel left unfinished on the night stand and started to read. My phone vibrated, I kept reading and felt around the stand for the familiar smooth shape... Jen again

'Hey tiger, B spending the nite n ur pervert'd sex kngdom?' one track mind, i fired her back a reply

'B sfe nd snd in the GUEST bdrm :) up l8 rnt u?' she was fast on the keypad so a reply was shortly in my inbox

'jst waitin up ncase i needed to rscue poor lil B frm ur clutches ;) nyt x' I bet, she was just waiting for the dirty details

'sry 2 dsapoint. :( ctch up 2mrw. nyt x' text language was annoying to me, but you have to communicate with the prols sometimes.

I was about to put my phone back when I saw the new message sitting there, It must have come in at the same time as one of Jen's because I hadn't heard it arrive just now. I looked at the sender name and couldn't believe what I was seeing 'Blake' I'm sure I didn't have his number

'Hey um u alseep? I think I had too mch coke lol' I quickly replied

'Nope. too mch coke here too. haha. bed nt comfortable enough?' well... what else was I gonna say? the phone went off again

'It's great but still cnt sleep. soz to dsturb u. nyt' no Blake... you of all people could never disturb me

'Ts ok... wnna cum watch tv?' hmm innocent enough I think.

Shortly there was a knock at the door, wow he was actually about to enter my bedroom... gotta act calm... gotta be cool... don't screw up

"Come in" I straightened out the white duvet cover and fluffed up the pillows quickly

"I hope you weren't trying to sleep, I usually sleep like a log but I dunno, must have been too excited about being invited to one of your parties"

I patted to a space on the bed and pulled the TV remote out of the side drawer, switching on the wall mounted set.

"So what are we gonna watch? BBC? Comedy? Movies?" I handed him the remote and he sat down on the very edge of the bed, flipping through the program guide

"You can come closer, I don't bite... often" he chuckled, but shuffled across the bed closer to where I was tucked in

"Still sitting awkwardly there buddy, honestly I don't care if you hop in and lie down, If I was gonna rape you I'd have done it by now haha" he looked a little distressed at that, whoops

"Again... I was kidding" he eased up and pulled back the covers slipping in next to me. He was wearing only my old shirt and some spare boxers.

"Do you mind if we watch Comedy? Family Guy is on"

"I love family guy, I haven't seen this season, missed most of it while I was overseas so of course I don't mind" He pressed 'ok' and turned off the mute, we sat in silence for the first episode of the weekend omnibus.

I dimmed the lights, and turned on my Dad's birthday present to me, hundreds of tiny LED's set into the ceiling mimicked the changing night sky. I loved to just lie here and watch sometimes with some Pink Floyd or Brian Eno playing. Blake lay back and watched with me.

"This is amazing, I seriously envy you" I mumbled 'mhmm' and looked back at the TV

"Umm... Are you naked?" I didn't quite hear him so I asked him to repeat himself

"Ahhh are you... ya know, Naked under there?"

"No, why would you ask that?"

"Just wondering" A few more minutes in silence then

"Would you think I was weird If I asked for a hug right now?" seriously?

"No, I hug all my friends, sometimes in more interesting situations than this... so it's not weird at all" He was still focused on the TV, the ad break arrived

"So... Can I have a hug then? I don't know why but I really need a good hug right now"

I scooted over to his side and he sat up, I put my arm around his back and he folded himself around to wrap his arms around me, he smelled good, like some exotic de-odourant, oranges I think. He broke our embrace and we lay back down, closer than ever before, my arm was still behind him so I brought it around and rested my hand over his shoulder, giving it a little squeeze.

"Calum, do you have a girlfriend?" caught me off guard a little

"Not right now, no time for that sort of thing... what about you?"

"Well, Kind of" damn, I knew it... he wasn't gay at all, thank God I hadn't said anything embarrassing

"Kind of? What does that mean?"

"Well I've been seeing her on and off, but I don't know, she's really nice but I think I just like her as a friend"

"Does she know that? How does she feel about you?"

"I don't think she gets it, she keeps telling me she loves me but I can't tell her the same, I can't lie to her but then I can't bring myself to tell her the truth. I don't want to keep leasing her on if there's nothing there you know"

"Well at least you know before things get too serious, and you're obviously more mature than any other 15 year old I've ever met, you just need to tell her how you feel because you can't let it eat you up inside man. I'll go with you if you want"

"You will? I don't wanna look like a girl or anything, you could wait in the car and call me if it takes longer than 5 minutes... If you wanted to"

"Haha you have been thinking about this haven't you, what a schemer" I grinned at him and poked his side

"Ouch! ha was it that obvious? and does that mean you'll do it?"

"I perform all manner of small kindnesses for my friends, within reason"

"So I'm your friend now am I?"

"Well... a) You just spent most of the day with me, b) You just asked me for relationship advice, last but not least c) You're currently lying next to me in bed" I faked annoyance just to get him going

"Aww I was just joking Cam, see I know your nickname... and point taken"

We watched TV again for a bit before he came out with his next question

"What are we doing tomorrow then, can we go and dump my girlfriend?" He just blurted it out "Oh shit did I just ask what WE were doing tomorrow? Ugh shoot me"

"It's ok, I can see you're attached. I'm meeting up with Jen but I'm sure you can tag along" maybe taking him with me will keep her off my back "And yes, we can go dump your girlfriend"

"I can't believe you let me get away with that, I was expecting banishment at the least... I'll go and help you dump your boyfriend too If you like"

Did he just say what I thought he said? was it a slip of the tongue? I decided to run with it as if I hadn't noticed.

"Thanks for the offer but I'm tragically single at the moment" I tried to be as casual as I could

"Aww thats kinda sad, you're such a nice guy I don't know why you haven't been snapped up" that was a bit of a camp delivery there Blake, never mind... run with it

"I guess I haven't really met anyone yet, I'm not all torn up about it mind, and there have been offers I just haven't accepted any of them"

I said goodnight and tucked myself in, Blake was texting somebody as I drifted off to sleep, I watched him and savored his face, illuminated by the glow of the cartoons.

=============================================================================== Author's Note:

any suggestions or comments can be directed to me at:

Sorry for the lack of 'usual' erotic material, believe me... it's coming cause I can hardly wait I hope new installments will satisfy all your more carnal needs as well as your other 'desires'


Next: Chapter 6

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