Inadequate Men

By Jude St. Jude

Published on Jun 8, 2022


Inadequate Men

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Chapter 21 -- Sean's New Dads

"How are you feeling?" Tom asked Jared. It was just past 8:00 on Friday night, and Sean had just texted them to say he was running a few minutes late.

Neither of them had eaten much for dinner. Tom had showered by himself, while Jared straightened up the house, then lit candles and incense. He'd also put a bottle of prosecco in an ice bucket. Both men were wearing t-shirts with drawstring pants, about as comfortable as you could start out for the evening that was planned.

"Nervous, excited," Jared said. "Maybe a little guilty." Before Tom could ask, Jared explained, "I've never done anything like this before -- definitely not with a boyfriend."

"Did you ever think about it?" Tom asked.

"Not really," Jared told him. "Most of the time, the relationships didn't last long enough to go there. And besides, I was so nervous about sex anyway that I..."

Tom offered, "Didn't want to rock the boat."

"Something like that," Jared said. "I always felt so inadequate that..." Jared trailed off again.

Without a word, Tom took Jared's hand and led him to the sofa. But instead of sitting on it, Tom sat down in front of it and Jared sat next to him. Like Jared had done the first night, Tom pulled the comforter off the couch and put it over both of them, pulling Jared close. He asked, "Does that feel better, JJ?"

Tom could feel Jared relax into him almost immediately. "Yeah, Tommy, it does."

"I'm glad," Tom said, "I like when you call me Tommy."

"I like when you call me JJ," said Jared. "I really like being your little brother. It makes me feel really safe." Once again, Jared's voice was just a little higher and softer than usual.

"I like being your big brother," said Tom, "I like keeping you safe, JJ. So, can I ask you, how are you feeling about tonight -- you know, with Sean coming over?"

"Well," said Jared, "Mostly good. Mostly real good, because I know you'll be there, so everything will be OK. Also..."

"Also what?" Tom asked.

"Well," Jared said, "Sean told me he also has a small penis like me."

Tom asked, "You mean, like both of us, right?"

"Yeah," said Jared, "But you're gets pretty long, Tommy. I wish mine got as long as yours."

Just hearing those words from Jared made Tom's heart race and his penis start to get an erection. Tom never had a boyfriend who had smaller equipment, and he was surprised at how exciting it was to hear those words.

Jared could feel Tom's breathing increase with his excitement. He didn't speak for a few seconds, and then said, "Tommy, you're my older brother, that's why yours gets so much longer than mine."

Tom hadn't realized how good hearing words like that could feel. All his life, he'd been the smaller older brother. Now, Jared was filling the role of the younger brother whose penis was smaller, in length at least.

The moment was interrupted by the doorbell. Jared started to jump up to answer it, but Tom held him back a moment and said, "I need to tell you something, JJ," and then kissed Jared gently on the cheek and whispered in his ear. "You get to be a little boy tonight if you want to. You don't have to perform like a man in front of Sean. Just let your little penis stay soft if you need to, OK?" And then he kissed Jared again on the cheek.

Jared responded by pulling Tom's body close and kissing him fully, desperately probing his tongue into Tom's mouth. The bell rang again, and both men pulled apart and stood up, each in a dizzy haze of his own.

"You go," Jared said, "I want him to meet my Big Brother first."

Tom opened the door to find a handsome dark-haired guy with both his hands in the pockets of his black peacoat. Sean smiled, looking nervous but friendly, and asked "Jared?"

Tom introduced himself, and he shook hands with Sean awkwardly in the doorway as he entered the house. Tom put his hand on Jared's shoulder as he introduced Sean to his partner, and they shook hands as well.

A moment of awkward silence followed, and then Sean said, "Wow, you guys are both really cute."

Tom smiled and said, "You, too, Sean -- you're definitely a handsome guy. Would you like a glass of wine?" Jared, glad that Tom was taking the lead, slipped into the kitchen to open a bottle.

Sean nodded a little nervously and said, "Yes, thanks. To tell the truth, I've never done anything like this."

"You mean with two guys?" Tom asked, "Neither have we."

"How long have you guys been together?" asked Sean.

"Actually," Tom said, "We just met only a couple of weeks ago."

"Wow," said Sean, "You look like you've been together ten years."

"Thanks," Tom said, "That's the plan. I mean, it's my plan if..."

Jared returned, handed a glass of prosecco to Sean, and said without missing a beat, "It's my plan, too." Then he disappeared again into the kitchen.

Hearing these words, Tom felt an unexpected surge of gratitude well up inside him. He'd spotted Jared at the gym a few months before and felt an immediate attraction. And a few times, he'd tried to cross paths with him in the locker room, or hopefully in the shower. But each time, it seemed that Jared was more interested in just getting in and out of there with a minimum amount of contact with other guys. For a time, Tom had even wondered if Jared were straight, because he seemed to get in and out of the shower with lightning speed.

He hadn't dared to hope that Jared was hiding an embarrassing secret that Tom could relate to only too well. When he finally crossed paths with Jared in the shower room, both of them wrapped in towels, he was genuinely surprised at how friendly Jared was. And their first naked encounter was the fulfillment of a fantasy that Tom had thought would never happen: Finding a man with a penis that was even shorter than his own, like the little brother of his dreams.

Since their first night together, Tom had known that he was in love with Jared. Given the chance, he would have married Jared that night, as foolish as that idea sounded even to himself. And, though he knew that Jared liked him, he wasn't quite sure that the feeling was mutual. More and more, though, Tom was feeling secure that Jared wasn't going anywhere.

He led Sean to the living room and offered to take his jacket. Sean made to take it off and then said, "Um, do you mind if I keep it on? It's a little cold in here."

"I know," said Tom, "This place is always freezing."

"Is it warmer upstairs?" asked Sean.

"Much," Tom answered, and without further discussion led Sean up the stairs. There, Sean spotted the guest bathroom at the top of the stairs and went inside, closing the door.

Jared followed up the stairs with wine glasses for himself and, seeing Sean enter the bathroom, suggested to Tom, "Maybe we should follow suit."

"Together?" Tom asked.

"Well, we know how well that tends to work out," Jared smiled.

"Pretty damn well," Tom said. "Dude, I came so hard with you this morning."

"Me, too," said Jared, "To tell the truth, I'm not sure if I'll be able to..." He stopped, and looked at Tom, and switched into his role as JJ, whispering in Tom's ear, "Tommy, I'm really nervous because my penis is really small now."

"That's OK, JJ," Tom assured him, "How old are you right now?"

"Um... like I'm only 11 years old," Jared whispered. "Tommy, is that OK?"

"You tell me, JJ," said Tom. "You don't have to do anything you don't feel comfortable with." Tom could see Jared visibly relax as he said this, and asked, "Would you be more comfortable if we asked Sean to leave?"

"No," Jared said, still in his higher-range voice, "I think he's nice, he's really cute. I'm hoping he'll want to be friends with us."

Tom smiled, "Me too."

"I'm not feeling as nervous now," Jared said. "Even if my penis doesn't get an erection, maybe it's OK."

"It's definitely OK with me, JJ," said Tom.

"Well, that's what really matters, Tommy," said Jared. "Do you need to go the bathroom first?"

"I'm actually good," Tom said. Jared went into the master bathroom and closed the door behind him.

Sean emerged from the guest bathroom carrying his wine glass, but now with his jacket off and shoes, and for the first time Tom could see what a nice, tight body he had. He was wearing a tight black tank top that showed off his naturally broad shoulders and slim waist, and revealed sculpted chest lightly dusted with hair. And for the first time, Tom noticed that the dark pants that Sean was wearing were black sweatpants. And if he wasn't mistaken, Tom thought he could make out the small but distinct outline of Sean's semi-erect penis. Just seeing it made Tom's own penis start to stiffen up in his boxer briefs.

"Cheers," Sean said, clinked his wine glass against Tom's, then chuckled and said, "I'm actually a little nervous."

"Us too," Tom assured him. "How about if we all just take our time, no pressure?" He put his arm around Sean's back in a friendly, reassuring way, saying, "Why don't we sit down?"

"That sounds great," Sean said, sitting next to Tom on the bed and for the first time noticing the relaxing ambient music playing in the background. "Um," he said, "Did Jared mention, um, anything about what we talked about on the phone?"

"Yeah, I hope that's OK," said Tom, and when he got no response, continued, "Let's just say that all three of us have got something in common."

Sean seemed to relax, saying, "OK, that's a relief. I mean..."

"We're all in the same boat," Tom finished.

"Something like that," Sean said, "So it's cool that my, um, that's it's not very big?"

"Very much," answered Tom, "Like I said, we're also small guys."

"Wow," Sean said, "That's amazing! I mean, when I'm with my friends, we're all like, If a guy isn't at least 7 inches, there's something wrong with him. Like, you could never go out with a guy like that. And I'm always thinking, if they ever found out about me, I mean... I'd never live it down."

"I know the feeling," said Tom, putting his arm around Sean again.

"Me, too," added Jared, who had just emerged from the master bathroom. "And I don't ever want to lie about it again, if I don't have to." He sat down next to Tom and put his arm around him, which Tom reciprocated. "I think we put a lot of pressure on ourselves as men," Jared went on. "Maybe we don't have to do that anymore."

"Wow," said Sean, "That sounds great. You guys are sweet together, I can tell. I hope I'm not spoiling the party."

"You are the party," Tom said, pulling Sean closer in a big hug. "At least, I hope you are. How are you doing?"

"Mmmmm, good," said Sean.

Tom had started rubbing his shoulder and neck with one hand, and as Sean started to relax into it, Tom changed his position and began giving him a proper massage with both hands. "How does that feel?" he asked.

"Amazing, thank you," said Sean. His eyes were now closed, and Jared slipped around him and, with Tom's help, lifted him up onto the bed and helped position him so that back was propped up on a pillow against the headboard. This allowed both men to take a position on either side of Sean. At one time, they both started rubbing his chest and stomach, working their way down the front of his body with their hands. "That feels so good," Sean said, wrapping his arms around both men.

"If you like," suggested Jared, cuddling in closer to Sean's ear, "Think of it as having two dads."

Sean's reaction to this idea was instantaneous as he pulled Tom and Jared both in closer, lifting up his head to kiss both at once. The result was a three-way kiss, with Jared and Tom taking turns to focus on Sean, who was moaning, "Dad... Dad..." This lasted a long time, until Sean opened his eyes and said, "Can I watch my two Dads kiss each other?"

Tom pulled Jared close and the two men kissed as passionately as they had ever done before. As they did, Sean felt Tom's erection pushing into his arm, and began rubbing the front of Tom's drawstring pants. Jared could feel the tension rising in Tom as he began to receive more stimulation directly to his sensitive penis than could manage, and started to feel himself losing control of his ability to hold back from releasing.

As quickly as he could, he pulled away Sean's hand from Tom's erection and placed it on the front of his own sweatpants, where Jared's penis was still small and limp. This wasn't something he would normally do. In fact, many times while making out with a man, he'd gone to great lengths to keep the guy from rubbing his crotch until it was unavoidable, hoping to postpone that inevitable moment when he would have to invent some reason why his penis wasn't getting hard.

This time, though, Jared had started to feel secretly turned on as Sean started rubbing Tom. He knew Tom well enough to know the first signs of struggle as he tried not to squirt too soon, and as usual they gave Jared a jolt of adrenalin as his own penis started to stiffen in his pants. As he guided Sean's hand to the front of his pants, he felt a huge sense of relief at knowing that, because Sean was also small, he wouldn't judge Jared for having a small penis.

"Oh, man, that feels good," Sean whispered to Jared. "It's such a relief that we're all the same size."

"Yeah, we think so, too," said Jared.

"When I saw you guys in the restaurant," Sean went on, "I just assumed you were both had really big ones like my Dad."

Tom asked, "Is it OK to ask how big your Dad's is?"

"He's 8 and a half inches, and really thick," said Sean. "Sometimes, it feels hard to measure up to all that."

Tom said, "I know the feeling. My younger brother is about the same size, and also thick. It can get a little embarrassing."

Jared asked, "Do you mind if your two new dads get our new son undressed?"

Sean didn't answer, but lifted his head off the pillow and allowed Tom and Jared to pull off his tank top, fully revealing his well-muscled and lightly hairy chest with a treasure trail leading down to his tight navel. Instinctively, Jared began licking Sean's nipple and got the immediate and intense reaction he was hoping for, Sean immediately moaning loudly and writhing him with delight.

Tom said, "I think you struck gold, buddy," and joined in on Sean's other nipple.

"Oh my God!" said Sean, "Oh my fucking God! This is like literally my favorite thing to do with a guy. Unnnnnhhh..."

Jared came up for air and said, "Well then, we might just have to keep doing this for a while." Then he went back to licking Sean's nipple.

Then Tom said, "Yeah, I'm definitely not gonna stop for a while," and went back to licking Sean's other nipple.

"Does this feel good, too?" asked Jared, rubbing Sean's nipple with his thumb.

"Yes... Yesssss..." said Sean. "So good..."

"Cool," said Jared, "So I can kiss my son, too..."

Sean responded by turning his face toward Jared. The two men kissed deeply and passionately, Sean still moaning from the erotic sensations running through him as Tom continued to lick his nipple and Jared stroked the other one.

Tom noticed how Sean had started lifting the lower part of his body off the bed, his small penis visibly erect in his sweat pants. He reached his hand down below Sean's crotch and began pulling on the front of his sweats, knowing that Sean would feel the stimulation in his erect penis. As he did so, he was pretty sure that Sean wasn't wearing underwear. He could already feel a little bit of precum stickiness in the front of his pants.

As Jared finished kissing Sean and started licking his nipple again, Tom started kissing him. He also brought his hand up a little higher and started rubbing Sean's balls through his sweats. He could feel Sean's passion in his kiss, and he broke contact with his lips for just a second to whisper in his ear, "How's our son feeling now?"

"Dad, I feel so good Dad," Sean moaned, and Tom continued kissing him. He also moved his hand up to rub Sean's erection for the first time. Tom slowly wrapped his hand around it lightly and gave it a bit of a squeeze, feeling how hard Sean was even through his sweatpants. As he did so, he was able to gauge the small size of Sean's penis for the first time. Tom could feel that Sean's penis was also short in length like Jared's, but not quite as thick.

But Sean's solid erection reminded Tom more of his own penis and, thinking of his own first-time experiences with guys, he hoped he wasn't giving Sean too much stimulation too soon for him to be to hold back from ejaculating. Just to slow things down a bit, Tom moved his hand up Sean's torso and began rubbing his tight, furry stomach.

As he did this, Tom could feel Sean's kiss intensifying, and his own penis start to get close to shooting again as he rubbed it against Sean's thigh. As good as it felt, Tom knew he had to pull back a little to keep from squirting before his pants were off. But Tom noticed even as he did so that he didn't feel his usual sense of embarrassment at being so close to cumming into his boxer briefs, as he probably would have felt only a few weeks before. He knew that Jared would never shame him for having a premature ejaculation, and was pretty sure that Sean would follow Jared's lead. The feeling of confidence made him instantly feel less keyed up, and Tom was surprised that his intense need to shoot also started to subside.

As for Jared, his own erection from before hadn't lasted very long. In fact, as usual when he was with a guy in bed, even as he had begun to feel more intensely aroused, Jared's penis started to shrink up more and more.

This reaction that his body tended to have had always been a source of shame and confusion to him. Just at the moment that he most desperately wanted to be intimate with a man, his penis never seemed to do what a man's penis was supposed to. How often had he heard a guy ask, "Hey, am I doing something wrong?" And how many times had Jared tried to cover his feeling of inadequacy at this dreaded moment with, "Hey, I'm sorry, I must be a little tired tonight" or "Guess I shouldn't have gotten off in the shower earlier today."

So many times, after being unable to perform in bed with a guy he really liked -- or, at best, only able to self-consciously jack himself off to orgasm with a great deal of time and patience after the other guy had already cum -- Jared felt sad as he imagined that he would be doomed to spend the rest of his life without a partner. But now that Tom was in his life, and that the two of them had openly shared so many of their most deeply guarded insecurities, he didn't feel plagued by inadequacy even as Sean was so obviously aroused. Instead, Jared just allowed himself to enjoy the sensations he was having. He understood that, even though he was a full-grown man, there was still a little boy part of him that felt overwhelmed by what was going on, and needed to be honored. And he also knew that Tom had already accepted that aspect of Jared, even if Jared sometimes had a hard time accepting it for himself.

So, spontaneously, Jared reached over toward Tom, kissing him passionately. Tom responded as he always did, pulling Jared's face closer to his own.

As they finished kissing, Jared said, "You know, Tom, if we pulled down our son's pants right now, he'd be totally naked and we'd still have our clothes on."

Tom added, "Yeah, but that might be really embarrassing for Sean to be naked in front of his two dad's like that.

Sean, playing along, said, "Oh my God, that would be so embarrassing. Please, please don't pull my pants down like that..."

But Jared had already begun to loosen the ties on the front of Sean's sweats. A moment later, he and Tom hooked their thumbs under the waist band and slowly began to pull them down to his ankles, revealing his strong and very hairy thighs and legs.

And for the first time, Sean's undersized erection was revealed to both of them. Unlike a lot of guys his age, Sean didn't appear to manscape, so even though his penis was sticking straight up hard as a rock, it looked a little shorter than it might have. Its circumcised mushroom head was fully engorged and looked to be normal size for a man, but the shaft was short and very thin.

"I wish it was bigger," said Sean, "I hope you guys aren't disappointed."

Jared couldn't tell if Sean was still playing along in his role or not, and suspected it was a little of both.

Tom just replied, "Here's me being disappointed..." and went down on Sean, taking his short penis into his mouth all the way down to the balls. He sucked Sean's penis up and down the shaft a few times, then took a quick break to say, "And by the way, if you start to get close, just go ahead and cum your brains out in my mouth." Then he went back to sucking Sean, rubbing his furry balls as he did.

This left Jared to explore the top part of his naked son. He pulled Sean's face towards him and they kissed. At the same time, Jared started rubbing Sean's chest with both hands, closing in on both nipples. Having sensitive nipples himself, Jared loved giving this particular type of pleasure to a partner who had the same sensitivity. Since Tom didn't share this trait, Jared was all the more ready to service Sean in this way.

And Jared could tell by his reaction that, if anything, Sean was even more sensitive in this way than Jared was. Sean's good-sized nipples were stretched tight across his perfectly muscled chest, in contrast to Jared's own smaller nips. He writhed with pleasure under Jared as he stroked the younger man's nipples with varying levels of pressure. And Jared could also feel Sean bucking up with his hips, thrusting his dick in and out of Tom's mouth. By the way Sean was kissing him, Jared was pretty sure that Sean wouldn't be able to last much longer before squirting.

Both Tom and Jared kept going in the same way for a while, until Sean said, "I'm sorry, I don't know what's taking so long."

"No worries, Son," said Jared, "Just lie back and enjoy."

"I love the way you call me Son," said Sean, "I'm was really close a minute ago, I just really need to cum now." He stroked the side of Tom's face and said, "Maybe I should just finish myself off, OK?"

"Sure," said Tom, rubbing his mouth and returning to his position next to Sean. He rubbed Sean's belly and kissed him on the cheek, before Sean kissed him again and started rubbing his own dick.

"You want some lube?" Jared asked him.

"Yes, that would be great," Sean said, "It shouldn't take too long."

As Jared reached for the lube, Tom said, "You can take all night, I'm not going anywhere."

"Yeah," Jared added as he squeezed a gob of lube into Sean's hand, "It usually takes me a while, too. Tom's always been pretty patient with me. We've got all night."

"Thanks," Sean said, "I was really close just a minute ago." He started rubbing his still-erect penis slowly, mostly working on the head, relaxing into a comfortable rhythm. Jared and Tom each worked on his nipples, alternatively sucking them and rubbing them as Sean kissed first one of his new dads and then the other.

Sean's rhythm began to quicken, and Jared and Tom could both feel how fast his hand was moving up and down on his lubed erection. The two men continued to rub his nipples and kiss his cheeks and neck as the tension in Sean's body increased and he lifted the top part of his body off the pillow, straining to bring himself to orgasm. The veins in his neck were sticking out, and Sean's face looked a little contorted as he worked intently for two or three minutes to get his erect penis to release its seed.

"I'm so close," he said, the frustration in his voice evident.

"Hey, no worries," Jared said, "I've been there for sure. How about if we take a break and then..."

"Yeah," said Sean, "Actually, I need to use the bathroom anyway. Maybe that's part of the problem..." He leapt up out of bed and, before Jared could offer him the master bathroom, Sean had left the room and re-entered the hall bathroom where he had changed earlier.

"Oh my God," Tom whispered to Jared, "He's such a hottie."

"Oh really?" Jared smiled, reaching down to rub the tented front of Tom's pants for a moment before backing off. "I hadn't noticed. I'll bet you're pretty ready, huh?"

"Yes," said Tom, "Very ready. And how's JJ doing with all this excitement?"

"Really good, Tommy," said Jared, kissing Tom on the cheek. "I feel really safe with you."

The two men kissed for a few minutes, getting more and more comfortable, until Tom said, "Do you think he's all right?"

"Sure," said Jared, "Why not?"

Tom got out of bed and looked into the hallway, where the bathroom light glowed softly under the door. He went to the door and knocked very softly saying, "Hey Sean, you OK in there?"

After a long silence, Tom heard Sean say through the door, "Yes. No. Um... I'm not sure."

To be continued...

Thanks for reading! If any of this story speaks to you and you've thought about writing to me about it, please do: I promise to do my best to answer, especially if you're feeling alone with no one to talk to about this stuff.

Also, if you're interested, please check out my story, Corey's Struggle, in the Nifty "College" section.

Thanks again, TJ

Next: Chapter 22

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