Internet was new

By Alain Mahy

Published on Mar 13, 2020



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Internet Connection

  1. That's the year I bought my first computer. I was actually looking for a text edit program, nothing else, but couldn't find one any more. In those days, you had to purchase a complete computer and add the programs you wanted. I ended up with something, I thought, was pretty complete, but to today's standard it was less than what we have in our cellular phones! In those days, where I lived, the Internet was just coming up. A lot of people had heard about it, but very few had seen it work. In the shop where I bought mine, there was an offer that if you bought a complete computer, you received a month connection, if you had a phone landline.

The guy came to install the machine and connected it to the phone-line. I was all set-up he said, but I had not a clue as how to use this new toy I had just bought. I looked for the text-editing program but the inspiration was not coming immediately. I tried to explore what else was installed. It was not difficult to find everything, but I still had my "Documents" folder empty, there was not a lot I could do.

I tried my Internet connection and that was working fine (at those time's standards). The only search engine I was capable of finding was Altavista. It seemed to be the best one as far as I knew. You have to know I was a complete newbie with computers, but the guy who had sold it to me said I could find some literature and the "Dummies" books were already available. I purchased one and started to learn how to use my machine. It was not that hard. I found my way in the labyrinth of computer world and Internet.

About a month later, I knew how to send and receive e-mails, although very few friends had it. I had found more search engines and sites that had woken my interest. Yes, indeed, I had typed the word "gay" in the search engine and hundreds of links to sites appeared on the screen. I was flabbergasted at the quantity of available sites. The first ones were (who had guessed) porn sites. Oh no, there were not yet video clips or movies, but hundreds of pages with pictures of naked men, much of them solos, but as well some nice pictures of men sucking and fucking. I soon learned how to download those pictures, but it took a hell of a time to have them in my computer. Today, you open a picture, you click "Save as..." and in less than a second you have it. In those days, it took several minutes to download only one.

After about a year I had already changed to a faster processor, more RAM memory and a better modem and a faster connection. We were not speaking of broadband yet!

I also started to discover the chat rooms. I have to admit it was a complete new world that opened to me. I have always been quite a loner, and although I had some good friends, most of the evenings I spent at home, watching television or reading a good book. With the chat rooms, I spoke with hundreds of people and even made some friends. Then I discovered the gay chat rooms and yes, I also discovered cyber sex. What some people wrote was just getting my horniness to sky-high levels. As I had no boyfriend, I jerked off several times a day. There were even days I got up really early (around 5 am) because I had better connection and could download more pictures and chat with guys that were far away.

When I was in those chat rooms I read things that I couldn't believe. Men who were typing "I love you" although they had not even met in real life. There were romances getting on and off every day. I could not understand it. How in heaven could they say they loved each other without ever having met? I thought I was realistic enough to not let that happen to me. Ok, ok, I had had wonderful conversations with a number of guys and used sentences as "I appreciate you" or even "I like you" but using the word "love" was totally incomprehensible. Till ...

One day I chatted with a guy that was about three thousand miles away. The conversation was pleasant and we ended up having cyber sex. That guy, Scott, knew his vocabulary and used the right words to make me feel good. We soon chatted on a daily basis. After about a month, he asked me for my telephone number and I gave it to him. He called me immediately and his voice was, at least over the phone, appealing to me. So, from that day on, we chatted over the Internet and called from time to time. I don't have to explain to you what it did to my telephone bill to have long conversations, internationally! I will never forget that first invoice I received which was far more than what I had thought, but the evidence was there. I was thinking that at that rate it would easily be cheaper to buy a plane ticket and go to see him in person. I went to a travel shop and informed about the fares. I was surprised to see that the first telephone bill was higher than the airplane ticket!

So, I mentioned it to Scott. We were both thrilled at the idea of meeting each other. We decided then to send some pictures of ourselves. I asked a friend of mine to take some pictures, as I had none of myself. Digital cameras were not in yet. I had to take the film to be developed and printed. I bought myself a scanner and soon had them in digital format. I sent Scott an e-mail with4 of the best ones. I remember his words when he called me: "You are one hot guy!". I had to laugh at that because I didn't consider myself hot, but if he thought I was, then it was ok for me. He sent me just one picture in return. Just his face. I couldn't say he was handsome or cute. He was not ugly either. His round face told me that he was probably overweight. When I asked him he said he was using jeans with a 34 waist. I was using 33 myself and thought that was ok.

I took some time off at my work and was on a plane before I knew. The transatlantic flight was long and boring. Arriving in Toronto, my luggage was missing. As I was going to stay with Scott, I gave them his address on the claim form. I got through customs and passport control almost two hours after landing. At that time I had no cellular phone yet and couldn't warn Scott who was probably waiting at the other side. When I finally came through I couldn't spot anyone who looked close to him. I went to the information desk and asked if they could make a call over the PA system. It seemed impossible, but when I turned around I saw a guy with flowers in his hands. I had to look twice at his face to recognize Scott. I looked him over and even if I am no clothes specialist, it was clear he was not wearing a 34 waist jeans! It had to be a 38 or even more. I have nothing against overweight people, but they don't do it for me.

Here I was, looking at that guy that had clearly lied to me about his physical appearance. I immediately got suspicious. I had had some experiences in the past and knew if a guy could tell one lie, he could tell hundreds. I tried not to show my disappointment and followed him to his car. He still had the flowers in his hand and handed them to me only once we were seated.

He took me to his place. It didn't match at all to what he had told me. If you took his description of his place literally, you could probably have found some similarities, but what he described as a villa, was nothing more than an upgraded mobile home. During our six months conversation over the Internet and phone, he had told me he was an amateur chef. The only thing I can tell you after our first homemade meal was that he would always be an amateur and nothing else. He pretended he had prepared it all by himself, but to me it seemed more like a warmed-up frozen meal.

That first night in his bed, I pretended to have serious trouble with jet lag and I went to sleep as soon as my head hit the pillow. When I woke up the following morning I was alone in bed. I got up to go to the bathroom and when I opened the door I saw him. He had not a towel around his waist, but around his breasts. A matching towel was covering his head as if he was a female Hollywood star. Once again, I have nothing against men showing their feminine side, but it doesn't do anything to me. The deception and disillusion were getting bigger by the minute. He told me to wait outside the bathroom and that he would be out in a minute. I didn't say anything.

Once he was out I emptied my bladder, took a shower, shaved and brushed my teeth. I dressed and once I was ready he said we were going to his sister's place for breakfast. His sister was a wonderful woman and made me feel at home instantly. She was very talkative and the more she talked, the more Scott turned pale. She was actually giving me information about her brother, but that information did not coincide with what he had told me over the months chatting. More and more lies came to the surface. I was just wondering how much more lies he had told me. I was getting really upset and angry. What were his thoughts? Did he really think he could get away with the lies? I confronted him and asked quite straight forward.

  • How many lies more do I have to discover Scott?

  • What do you mean? He asked.

His sister was suddenly quiet and looked at her brother in disbelief. I started to mention all the lies I had found out since my arrival. He didn't even deny them. He admitted he had "blatantly" lied to me so I would come and then he would have the time to tell me the truth.

  • And how do you expect me to believe the second version of who you are and what you did? I asked him.

I apologized for my behavior to his sister. She said I didn't have to, that her brother had to apologize. Scott kept silent. Not one word of apology, not even one word to justify his behavior. I asked him to drive me back to his place so I could wait for my luggage to arrive from the airport. He didn't say a thing. We went back and just as we arrived a taxi arrived and the guy took my luggage from the back seat. I told the taxi driver not to bother and to wait a few moments.

I turned to Scott and told him there was no way we could build a relationship based on six months of lies. I wished him neither good nor bad. I wished him what he deserved and got into the taxi. To the driver I said to take me to a hotel downtown where I knew (from the Internet) that there was a gay district. As I didn't know any name of a hotel, I instructed him to leave me at a good but not overly expensive hotel. He did just that.

So, what I had thought would be the beginning of a new life, ended before it actually started. I was in Toronto for less than twenty-four hours, had met what I thought would be my dream man and left him. I was wondering what I would do. My return ticket was for three weeks further in time. I unpacked my luggage in a nice room with a view on the street. It was sober but nicely decorated. It had an en-suite bathroom, two chairs next to the window and a nice confortable king-size bed. My stomach was growling. I was hungry. I went down to the lobby and a nice looking man was at the reception desk. I asked him if he could recommend an affordable place to have a meal. His name-tag said he was called Stewart. Stewart was of great help by asking what I liked and what I didn't, what I could afford and what not, and so on. He gave me the impression that he wanted our conversation to last a bit longer. He was nice and even more nice-looking. It was difficult to have a good look at him because he was standing behind the reception desk and, sincerely, the uniform he was wearing was not doing him any justice. But his blue eyes and enticing smile made up for all that. I was thinking I wanted to see him out of this uniform and in jeans and T-shirt. Ok, I admit it, I was also wondering what he would look like out of any clothes. We were in a gay district and the rainbow flag was at the entrance of the hotel, so I presumed he was gay, too. After my disastrous adventure with Scott, I was more than decided to not spoil the rest of my stay in Toronto and asked him at what time he finished.

  • As a matter of fact, he said, my colleague is a little late. I was off duty about fifteen minutes ago and I guess my replacement will be here any minute. Why do you ask?

  • Well Stewart, I had a rough day so far and I could use some company. You seem like an ok guy and I was wondering if you would like to join me for my meal. My treat of course!

He was hesitating for a moment, but had a smile on his face nonetheless. He looked even a bit shy with me being so bold and that made him even more attractive in my eyes. Just at that time his colleague stormed through the door and apologized profusely for his delay. As Stewart had no reason to stay any longer, he knew he had to make up his mind fast concerning the invitation.

  • Ok ... just give me some time to get out of this uniform. I have to get out by the service entrance, which is at the back of the hotel. Go out and go to the right. The first little alley on your right again is where I will get out.

I agreed and went out to the right and waited on the corner of the street with the alley. It didn't take Stewart more than five minutes to come out, dressed in jeans and T-shirt, sneakers and a rucksack on his shoulder.

  • I hope I didn't alter any plans you had, I said.

  • The only plan I had, was to go home, being bored to death watching some television. I am sure I won't be bored in your company!

  • Ok, that sounds perfect to me. Show me the way as it is the first time I am in this town and don't have a clue as where to find anything at all. If the taxi hadn't left me in front of the hotel, I wouldn't know how to find it.

Stewart showed me the way. While walking to god knows where, he showed me some things of interest. He told me a bit of the history of the district and how it became first gay-friendly and after that gay a hundred percent. He was easy to listen to and the way he explained things was pleasant. I could have walked through the whole city with him as a guide. It was clear he loved his town and was even proud of it. I asked him if he ever thought of leaving it but he said he would miss it even before leaving it.

  • I was born and raised here, he continued, and there is nothing or no one that could make me leave it. I have a simple life with simple ambitions. I don't want to get rich to millions and even if the Caribbean sounds like heaven on earth, I prefer it here.

We reached a little restaurant in one of the back streets. If you didn't know it was there, there was no way you could find it. Once inside we were seated near a fireplace where a few logs were consuming slowly. The general atmosphere was inviting and I couldn't have chosen something better. The menu had an international offer, but Stewart said to forget it.

  • Is there anything you say you won't eat at all? Stewart asked.

  • Not that I know off, I answered, but I am not to keen on lambs meat, that's all.

When the waiter came Stewart just said that we wanted a meal for two, no lambs meat and no coriander. The waiter nodded and left. The house wine was on the table and Stewart opened it and served us each a glass.

  • This restaurant is called Carte Blanche, meaning that you leave it up to the chef to prepare whatever he wants or whatever he found fresh at the market this morning. When you order this, you never know what you are going to eat, but I can assure you I have never been deceived. It has always been tasty and of high quality. But tell me, this is your first day here and you said you had a rough day. I don't want to intrude in your life, but ... what happened?

  • Actually it is my second day here. I arrived yesterday. About six months ago ...

And I told Stewart my adventure.

Only the waiter bringing the first course interrupted us. It smelled absolutely delicious. There was clearly some garlic in it, but as Stewart and I both had it, it would be no problem in the eventuality that we kissed. I had to admit the thought went through my mind various times.

  • ... and that's how I ended up at the hotel where you work.

  • Wow, Stewart said, that's quite a story. You fly half around the world to discover the guy is a fraud? I wouldn't like to be in your shoes. But anyway, it his loss and neither yours nor mine. If he had not been like he is, I would never have met you!

I didn't know what to think about his last remark. It flattered my ego, of course, but was he flirting or just being polite? We went on talking about each other's lives and Stewart genuinely seemed a good guy. I tried discreetly to ask a few more personal questions and Stewart each time smiled, saying that I could ask whatever I wanted to know. He was an open book for those who wanted to read. So, I got more direct with my questions and he always answered with the same directness. We learned quite a lot about each other. Time flew by and before we even realized it, it was dark outside. We had been talking for several hours and we didn't even notice it. When the waiter brought the coffee I asked him if he wanted some liquor but he said he knew a better place for that. I left it up to him to show me that other place. I paid the bill and we left.

Outside it was neither warm nor cold. We walked and walked and Stewart showed me some more things of interest. We stopped in front of a little bar. The complete fronts were gliding doors so that when it was open, there was no separation between the inside and the outside. Soft music was coming out of it and quite some men were sitting outside with the clement temperature. It gave the impression of a very relaxed atmosphere and Stewart invited me to sit down and have some brandy. I noticed that a lot of the men were greeting him and I assumed he was a regular customer.

When he came back from the bar with our brandies, he said:

  • By the way, tomorrow there is the big parade of the Gay Pride. You are interested in seeing it?

  • Hey, why not, I have never assisted at a gay parade. People told me it is a joyful event, quite colorful and with an overall happy feeling.

  • Indeed it is. We can come here if you want. The parade passes just in this street. It will allow us to see it and have a drink at the same time.

  • Ok, but you will have to give me the exact address so I can give it to the taxi driver, because we walked quite a lot and I don't think I could find my way back here.

  • We'll see about that, he said with a smile on his face.

Another of Stewart's friends joined us at the table. Pedro seemed to be quite a close friend of Stewart and gave him two kisses on his cheeks when he arrived. Stewart introduced us and the evening went on in a very pleasant way. When Pedro heard my story with Scott, he was offended. He couldn't understand that someone would lie so blatantly in the hope of getting things straight afterwards. He couldn't understand that way of thinking and even less the way of acting.

  • I hope it won't give you a bad image of the Canadians! They are marvelous people. I have never felt so welcome as I feel here. I hope you won't generalize and think everybody is like that here. I am sure you already have experienced with Stewart that the people here are welcoming and inviting. All the cold they have in winter, they compensate with the warmth of their hearts.

  • You are not objective, Stewart said, you are in love with a Canadian! And the one who is generalizing, it's you.

  • Yes, you are right. He loves me so much and I love him even more. That's why we got married. But at the same time I had the opportunity to see much more people from here and I have had not one negative experience.

Pedro gave me the impression he wanted to apologize for Scott's behavior and make me see that not all the people were deceiving. He didn't have to do that. I was mature enough to know that one black sheep didn't make them all bad.

But all the events of the day, as well as the meal and the liquor, made that I started to feel tired and wanted to sleep. I asked Stewart where I cold grab a cab and go back to the hotel.

  • You don't seem to realize Fred (that's my name), he said, but we walked in circles and the hotel is just around the corner!

We agreed to meet on this same terrace the next day around two o'clock in the afternoon as the parade started at three. I thanked Stewart for the company and walked around the corner to, indeed, find the hotel. I slept soundly and woke with the sunshine seeping through the half closed curtains. It was still early, but with the jet lag I was a bit out of step. I went to the bathroom for my morning routine and then went down to the restaurant of the hotel to have some breakfast. Once finished, I decided to have a walk and I was stunned when I came out of the hotel, as there were hundreds of rainbow flags. The sky was blue without a cloud and the bright sunshine highlighted the colors of the flags. I could see them everywhere, at shops and bars, but also at balconies or entrance doors. There were already a lot of guys in the street, wearing bright colored clothes, trying to imitate the rainbow flag. Whoever I crossed path with, was smiling and in a joyful mood. It was contagious, as I felt joyful as well and smiled a lot. I responded to every greeting I got.

Around noon I had a burger and then went to the bar Stewart and I had agreed on, although it was too early. Despite that, Stewart was there, with another man, who he was kissing passionately. I felt as an intruder, but then again, we were on the street and just behind the hotel I was staying at. I approached the table and he must have seen me in the corner of his eye, as he broke off the kiss and looked towards me. He had a big smile on his face and he introduced me to Troy as his lifetime companion. They were not married yet, but they planned to do so. Troy was a very nice and attractive man and my first thought was that they formed a really nice couple. Physically, they were the perfect match I would say. During the conversation that followed, I realized Stewart and Troy had agreed with some more friends to meet at the bar. Each time one of them arrived, they introduced us.

That little group was a bunch of happy guys. There was a lot of laughing and joking and typical gay comments. The street was filling up with people who wanted to see the parade. The Gay Pride was omnipresent. Some of the men were provocative but it was all in good mood. My eyes caught a man on the other side of the street. I had not seen such a beautiful specimen of human kind. That man was my height and probably my weight. It was difficult to put an age on him. He had wavy dark brown hair and piercing blue eyes. His square chin wore a five o'clock stubble. He wore a nice white button up shirt that was hiding broad shoulders and a narrow waist. His hips were hidden in close fitting jeans. He moved with agility and elegance. He crossed the street and came straight towards our group.

  • Ahhhh ..., Stewart said, Richie, our eternal bachelor. Glad you could make it. Please, meet Fred here. He is a foreigner that heard so much about our fantastic city that he wanted to see it with his own eyes.

Richie turned to me and shook my hand. That shake was firm and lasted a little longer than just for polite purposes. I had the feeling his eyes were going through me and reading my thoughts and my soul. That look lasted as well a little longer than expected. The other ones were calling him and it seemed Richie reluctantly broke off the contact and went to greet them. I still could feel his hand in mine. He was my fantasy man in flesh and blood.

The first coaches were arriving, beautifully decorated and very animated with loud music and young guys, almost naked, dancing and waving at the people. Smiles and happiness were the main features on the coaches, but also with all the people watching the coaches driving by. Nobody or nothing could alter the joyful ambiance. Suddenly I felt someone standing behind me and wrapping his arms around me, joining his hands on my stomach. I instinctively covered his hands with mine, although I still didn't know who it was. I guessed it was Stewart, but when I saw the hair on the arms, I knew it was not him. I looked back hoping it was Richie, and was awarded with a bright smile. It was him indeed. I leaned back and let my back rest against his chest. It was strange how I immediately felt safe and secure in his arms. We didn't speak, we just assumed we were at the right place at the right moment with the right person.

I didn't know anything about Richie and he didn't know anything about me, but even if I speak for both of us, I knew we wanted to learn more about each other. It was neither the time nor the place to start meaningful and deep conversations but somehow I knew we would have time for that. For the moment, we were satisfied and content to be in each other's arms. The parade went on and on. Richie didn't leave my side and his arms were wrapped around me all the time. I was confortable in this position and I could feel his heartbeat from the chest against my back. The others seemed surprised but didn't make any comment. It was just the look on their faces that said so. At one point I felt like we were alone, surrounded by hundreds of people. Even the sounds seemed to fade away. I heard only Richie's breath and felt his heart. At that moment I turned around. Richie kept his arms in place. I looked in his eyes and was taken away by the softness and the care I saw in them. The feelings I saw were so intense! We didn't have to say anything. Our faces got closer and closer till our lips met in a feathery touch that sent little sparkles of electricity through my body. Richie closed his eyes and leaned in again. This time our lips met with some more force. I pushed my tongue against his closed lips, asking permission to enter. His lips parted slightly and my tongue slipped in, finding his to dance with. Our tongues were not dueling, not fighting. They just got acquainted the only way they could, by rubbing each other together, mixing our saliva to one homogenous liquid. Our lips were sealed together and we breathed through our noses. Richie squeezed me in his arms and I wrapped mine around his neck, holding on to him as if my life depended on it.

After what seemed an eternity, we broke the kiss and looked in each other's eyes. Richie had the most beautiful smile on his face, showing slightly his perfect white teeth. I was breathing in when he was breathing out. It was as if we sucked the air out of the other's lungs. We breathed in unison and when I pressed my hand on his chest, I knew our hearts were beating in unison as well. We didn't let go of the other. Our bodies were pressed together. Nobody looked at us. The parade went on and we were totally oblivious of it. I was completely focused on this man who was holding me in his arms and he had eyes only for me. It almost scared me because this was to good to be true. I banned the idea from my mind. I only wanted to enjoy the moment.

The parade was over. Richie and I had not moved from our original place since he wrapped his arms around me. People were leaving. Richie and I were in a trance, in a world of our own. It was Stewart that snapped us back to reality.

  • We are all going to a new restaurant Pedro found. You want to join us? Or would you prefer to be on your own?

Richie answered for both of us saying that we would prefer some intimacy because we had a lot of talking to do. He was right. We had been embracing and kissing each other, but we had said almost nothing. We bid goodbye to the others. Richie took me by the hand leading me god knows where. We didn't go far. He took me to a small restaurant and we were soon seated in front of each other. He took my hand over the table and held it while looking at me.

  • So, he said, how did you arrive here and where do you come from?

I related my story again. Richie's eyes got bigger and bigger while I told my tale. When I was finished, he had a big smile on his face.

  • I am so glad that guy acted the way he did, otherwise I would not have met you!

He squeezed my hand while saying that. He then asked me:

  • Do you believe in love at first sight?

  • If you can believe that someone falls in love over an Internet connection, you believe everything! If you had asked me a few days or weeks ago, I would have said no. Today I am hesitating about that no answer. I have to admit I feel very confortable with you Richie. I even guess I wouldn't need a lot to use the four-letter word. Do you believe in love at the first sight?

  • Yes! He almost shouted. I do believe in love at first sight, I believe in love point final. It doesn't matter how much time two people need to recognize their feelings. I know that with you I would be more than happy to lose my nickname of "Eternal Bachelor". I feel strongly attracted to you. I know I want to know you a lot better, being it physically, mentally or spiritually. I want to dedicate my time to see you, feel you and talking with you. I know I will probably scare you to death, but ... I love you Fred.

I was flabbergasted. This incredible guy, handsome and gorgeous, was clearly not afraid of his feelings and expressing them. Yes, I wanted all the same things as he did. I hesitate a split second but realized I was feeling a lot more for him than I would admit to myself.

  • I love you, too. I said, but indeed I am a little scared. First of all because I thought I was in love for six months and all was over in less than twenty-four hours. Secondly, I have a life about three thousand miles away. I am in a foreign country and lose my way once I am more than five minutes away from my hotel. I don't know anything about this country and its laws. I don't even have a visa as I was supposed to be here only three weeks to start with. I don't want to be far away from you... even this table is separating us too much in my opinion.

  • All the things you mentioned are true but not insuperable. The legal part of it all is something I can take care of. You see, I am a lawyer. So don't worry for that. What you went through upon arrival was a necessary step to bring us together. I believe in fate. The only thing I don't know about is the life you have some three thousand miles away. The only way I can tell you my opinion about it, is that you tell me what your life is in that far away place.

I started to tell him that I worked as a graphic designer, on a self-employed basis, and working from home. I had not met most of my clients personally as everything went over the Internet. I had no family as my parents had died a few years earlier and I was an only child. I told him quite a lot of things and Richie listened patiently and absorbed all the information I was giving him, from my tastes in movies and books, to my passion for my job and cooking.

Richie and I had quite some common points, as he commented the things I was telling him. The further we got in our conversation, the more I realized we had the necessary elements to make a relationship work. I was even thinking about how I could go back, sell what had to be sold and bringing over what I wanted to keep. I thought I was getting crazy to think that way, as I knew Richie only a few hours. Yes, indeed, I had to admit that love on the first sight was something that existed and Richie was the living proof of it. He let go of my hand only to eat properly, but as soon as he finished his plate, he took my hand in his again.

  • Listen Fred, he said, tomorrow I'll check my agenda and see what I have to do or not. I can take a few days off. Your return ticket is for within three weeks. We will have the time to learn to know each other a lot more and spend time together. I know everything will go well and we will decide what to do in due time. Carpe Diem! But for now, I have a question for you. Will you spend the night with me? I want you.

That was the most direct question and statement I had heard in a long time. I wanted to shout YES, but I am not the shouting type. Richie still held my hand and squeezing it lightly.

  • Yes, I said, I will spend the night with you because I want you, too. But let's not hurry things Richie. The night is still young and you have heard a lot about me, but I haven't heard a lot about you.

  • What do you want to hear before you'll accept to go with me and make love?

  • Everything, I answered.

  • I guess we won't make love before a very long time, he said with a smile.

He was right. If I asked him to tell everything, it would certainly take some time. Of course, I had a million questions for him, and as usual, I didn't know where to start. As we were only six months away from the change of century, I asked the dumbest question ever:

  • Is your computer to crash down on 31st December?

He laughed at the silliness of the question and said he was sure that his computer problems were not the most important part of his life I wanted to know.

  • Ok, ok ... I said, how is it that your friends call you the "Eternal Bachelor"? Are you still a virgin?

  • Well, he said, I guess you are not a newbie in the gay community, wherever it is you live. It is absolute common knowledge that gays tend to hit the sack and if the fucking is ok, they'll try to find more common points and see if the first fuck will lead to something more. I am not like that, although the appearances are against me as I asked you to share my bed tonight and that we don't even know each other more than a few hours. Nonetheless, I have had some encounters with hot guys and as I said no to have a one-night-stand, they just left. Our group of friends, that you met this afternoon, has never seen me leave with someone. They haven't even seen me, till this afternoon, kiss someone. They are convinced I am a virgin, but I am not. I like to know who I am in bed with. I know of people who are having sex and don't even know the other's person name. I can't do that. There must be a kind of connection with my partner, otherwise my dick doesn't even stands up to attention. I can assure you, I tried it and I didn't even get a hard-on.

He paused a moment and sipped at his coffee.

  • With you, it is so totally different. When I saw you from across the street, I thought I wanted to know you. There was a very strong attraction. When I had the chance to look in your eyes and shake your hand, all my suspicions were confirmed. What I saw in your eyes was something kind and caring. The shake of hands confirmed to me you are a good person. I have to admit I asked a few questions to Stewart to know a bit more about you. As you know, he couldn't tell me that much, but when he told me you had travelled over three thousand miles to see someone you had met on the Internet, I knew you were someone different to most people I know. Of course, most encounters over the Internet are about people searching to just hook-up and have a good time. You were searching for more, and I liked that. I thought that maybe you would consider something more meaningful. I told you I believe in fate, or Destiny, or whatever you want to call it. I had an intuition about you and knew I had very little time to act upon it. That's why I came to stand behind you and wrap my arms around you. You looked at me, smiled and relaxed completely in my embrace. That's when I knew I was right about you and that I was going to throw all caution in the wind and go for you. Not for one night, but for as long as we live.

The whole time he had been talking, he had looked straight into my eyes and holding my hand. That guy was as sincere as I could possibly find. I could see he meant every single word he was telling me. I thought, and I am still thinking, that meeting someone that honest was the best thing that happened in my life. Being forty-three at that time, I had met my share of liars and game players. I had seen and felt the tearing pain when you discover that someone is not who he pretends to be. I remembered so well my Mum telling me that every lie, how small or how big it was, always came out. She was very intelligent and had quite some life experience.

We paid the bill and went out again. The temperature was absolutely divine and it was so pleasant to be outside. The streets were still very animated with the Gay Pride activities. Richie and I walked with our arms wrapped around each other. A young guy stopped us and asked if he could take a picture of us. He said we were happiness incarnated. He asked an address where he could send a copy. Richie gave him his e-mail. We walked on and even if I felt Richie's urge to take me to his place, he didn't insist too much.

We passed a lot of places where the music came out of the door. At one of these place, we heard a waltz playing. Richie turned to me:

  • Please, please tell me you can dance a waltz!

  • As a matter of fact, the waltz and the tango are my favorite dances, but unfortunately, there are not a lot of places where they play that kind of music.

And there, in the middle of the street, he took me in his arms and we danced that Blue Danube's Waltz by Strauss. The whole time we were dancing we looked in each other's eyes. Just like that afternoon, we were totally oblivious of the people surrounding us. We danced in perfect harmony, as Richie was leading in a very professional way. If he had told me he was a dance teacher, I would have believed him without the shadow of a doubt. When the music came to an end, he kissed me passionately and we heard some people applaud. That's when we realized several people had stopped to watch us dancing.

  • You dance beautifully, Richie said.

  • Only when I have the appropriate leading partner!

  • We will have to do that some more! There is a place where they play all kinds of ballroom music and they have a huge wooden dance floor that is so inviting. You will love the place.

  • I am sure looking forward to it!

I was indeed hoping to see that place, and even more with a dance partner like Richie was. I felt incredibly well. I even felt light after that swinging dance on the street. Richie put his arms on my shoulder and I automatically wrapped my arm around his waist. We walked like that during what seemed an eternity, although it was probably not more then an hour. Suddenly Richie stopped and turned to look me in the eyes.

  • Ok, here we are Fred. My decision is made. I want to know what your decision is. You come up with me as we are in front of my place. We make love all night and tomorrow we start to talk about how we can spend the rest of our lives together. Or ... you think it is too risky and then you go back to your hotel and we will remember this day as one of the nicest we ever had. It is up to you.

  • I hope you live on the top floor. That will allow us to be closer to heaven!

Richie took the keys out of his pocket and opened the door. We got in the elevator and he pushed the top button, smiling with a wicked grin. Fourteen floors up, but as the building was old although renovated, the elevator took its time to reach the desired floor. As we got out, there was a small hall with only one double door. I guessed he had the whole floor to himself. As we entered Richie pushed some buttons on an electronic panel and as soon after we heard three small beeps, a red light turned to green and the whole place got illuminated. The place was magnificent. First a hall with several doors to the right and to the left and one big double door just in front of us. When he opened the double door we entered a huge living room, very nicely decorated with warm colors and apparently expensive furniture. The leather sofas were placed in such a way that you could look through the immense window and see the city. But at the same time you could look into the fireplace and the huge flat screen television. On the right hand side there was a dinning table where ten people could easily sit at. A door led to the kitchen with all the most modern appliances. To the left there was a door that led us to the bedroom and a en-suite bathroom. At the far end of the bedroom there was yet another door, hiding the walk-in dress-room. Everything was huge and giving a lot of space to its users. Richie explained that at the start there were three apartments that he converted in one. The entry hall gave access to two guest-rooms and his office. When doing the refurbishment of the place he installed all the commodities you could imagine and everything could be controlled from the electronic panel in the entry or the similar one that was laying on the big wooden coffee table between the sofa's and the fireplace. Even if all the places were huge, they were all inviting and cozy.

We sat down. Richie pushed a few more buttons on his control panel and soon the lights dimmed, the fireplace lit and some soft background music played.

  • Unfortunately, I don't have an automatic system that serves drinks, Richie laughed. What do you want to drink?

We both went for a Rum and Coke. I made a mental note that we had one more thing in common, but the list got so long that it was difficult to keep track of it.

  • Please, Richie said, don't think I want to impress you with my place. I inherited the three apartments from my grandmother who died a few years ago. She rented them out, but I preferred to transform the apartments in one big place for myself. You see, I need space. The money she left me on top of the three apartments paid the total works. It took the constructor almost a year to achieve what you see.

I could believe it. There were so many little details that made this place unique. The most unique in this place was of course its owner. He told me about his grandmother and it was obvious he loved her very much and missed her like crazy. He showed me a picture of the lady and you could see where he had gotten his good looks from.

As we were sitting next to each other in that big sofa, it was almost inevitable to have our hands touching and caressing each other's thighs. Richie became a little bolder and from time to time let his hand glide over my crotch. It was so subtle that the first time I felt it, I was not sure if it was really the first time. Richie was so full of tender loving care and I sensed that he only had my pleasure in mind. When he leaned in for a kiss, I was ready. I felt the feathery touch of his lips on mine and I already had my tongue out to enter his mouth. He understood my urge and responded with a feverish passion that I had never experienced before. Richie was agile and lean. He mastered his muscles and his entire body. He moved like a panther and I liked it. He was so subtle and quick that I didn't know how he had managed to get on top of me, pressing his chest on mine and kissing me as if we were already long time lovers, knowing what to do to arouse the other. Even if he pretended not being a virgin anymore, but not have been with that many guys, he sure knew how to find the places to touch to get me going. It was not the first time today that he gave me his energy and made my cock swell to the point of almost hurting me. I longed to be out of my clothes and having Richie as naked as I would be, but suddenly he stopped kissing me and moving. The expression on his face was indescribable. When I realized what had happened it was of course too late. He had climaxed in his pants. He collapsed on me and apologized profusely.

  • I am sorry Fred, I didn't want to come so fast. I don't know what it is with you, but you get me so worked up. I haven't even touched myself and made a total mess of my underwear and pants.

I chuckled at this as I knew I was on the verge of coming myself if he did the slightest move. I wrapped myself around him and used all the strength in my body to keep him pressed to me so he would not be able to move. When I sensed my orgasm was subsiding I loosened my grip and he pushed himself up on to his hands, looking me in my face and smiling like a kid that had just received a cookie.

  • I guess we'd better get up and have a shower. I'll dump those pants and my underwear in the washer.

He took his remote control and pushed several buttons. The lights started to dim very slowly and he took my hand to lead me to the bathroom. When he opened the bathroom door I could hear the shower was already running. I just wondered what it was that he could not do with his remote control. The lights were on in bed and bathroom. We got out of our clothes and for the first time I saw Richie naked. I had found him very well built when I first saw him clothed, but naked he was even more spectacular. I knew he had broad shoulders and a narrow waist, but out of his clothes it was even more delectable to look at and probably even more to have my hands on. His chest was covered with very fine hairs that looked as if they were combed all in the same pattern. His treasure trail was a pure straight line as an arrow indicating where to go. His pubes were trimmed and I noticed that he, just like me, shaved his scrotum. His legs showed strength and were also covered by the same fine hairs as his chest was. And his buttocks ... oh my dear! I couldn't wait to have my hands on those. Just like his legs and chest, those fine hairs covered them and it all looked so masculine but nonetheless nice and elegant. I wondered why he had gone to study to be a lawyer when his physics would have given him a huge success in modeling. I wondered even more what he saw in me. I imagined I was about ten years older than him and I could not be a model. But what is handsome? It is all in the eyes of the beholder. If he found me attractive, I was not going to complain.

We were standing in front of each other, naked. He looked me over and over again.

  • God, you are so beautiful and masculine! Richie said.

  • Nothing compared to you, I answered.

  • Ok, ok ... we are in the mutual admiration society here!

Richie laughed that warm and contagious laugh he had. He took my hand and pulled me into the shower where six people would fit easily. The water had the perfect temperature. The soap and shampoo dispensers were built in! He had thought about every little detail! I would have enjoyed the shower even if Richie were not with me. But, he was! And as soon as we were both wet he took some soap and started to rub it all over my body. Even though I had noticed that Richie was having magic in him, it was nothing compared to his hand roaming and gliding over my naked skin. It was so sensual and every bit of skin he touched woke up the nerve endings below it. The mix of his hands on my body and the cascading water over us, made it all so erotic. The water stopped pouring down on us automatically and Richie told me we had exactly one minute to soap up real well before the water would come back. Our hands roamed and rubbed in frenzy. We were covered in foam in no time. Our hands glided with ease and for the first time I felt Richie's hands on my nether regions. From the start my cock stood to attention, but when he touched it I gasped for air. My heartbeat increased in speed in a split second. With his right hand he continued stroking me so softly and with his left hand he reached my ass-cheeks and crept in forcefully. The contrast of both actions was sending me to the verge of coming. Just as I thought I would spurt my load, the water came back on, almost in surprise. It had the effect of making my climax fade away for a few seconds. The white foam disappeared bit by bit under the rinsing effect of the water.

Our lips met once again and the fever of Richie's kisses became familiar to me. I answered with the same passion and force. The water stopped once again and an over-head fan started to blow warm air on us. I had never seen that before. Richie broke our kiss and looked at me, shaking his head to get the water out of his hair. The giant fan blew with force and I could feel my skin dry. I was sure that the use of towels would not be necessary. As the fan stopped, Richie opened the door of the shower and took me by the hand to lead me to his gigantic bed.

We fell on the fresh and soft sheets.

What we did then was far from fucking! No, it was pure lovemaking, expressing in a physical way what our hearts and souls were feeling. It was sensual and erotic. He made me feel like I had never felt before. We knew each other for less than twelve hours and yet, I knew I was falling for this guy big time. I knew there and then that I would not be able to live without him. The feelings of happiness were overwhelming me. I started to cry silent tears, but nonetheless he sensed it and stopped immediately what he was doing and looked at me asking me if he had done anything wrong.

  • No, you haven't. On the contrary! My tears are of pure joy and happiness. I have never felt like this before Richie. You are considered and respectful. You make me feel special. You make it feel as this was all bound to happen and now that you have it, you could happily die tomorrow if needed. I feel like the happiest guy in the world, being in your arms.

  • If you feel special, it is good, because you are, at least for me. I have the sensation that I have been waiting for you my whole life, and now that I found you, I can tell you right now that I won't leave you or let you go, whatever the price is to pay. I will give up everything that I have if you ask me. I will follow you to the other side of the world if that is what you want. I silently hoped you would feel that and now I know you do. Despite the fact we don't even know each other for twenty-four hours, I know deep inside of me, that I love you Fred. Please, don't walk out on me.

I understood what he was saying because I felt exactly the same. He leaned in for yet another kiss. In that simple kiss I could actually feel he was giving himself to me. It was a kiss of a pact, a lifetime pact. I knew that the possible problems for me moving to his place, or he moving to mine, were details. The most important part of it all was that we loved each other, deeply and unconditionally. There was not a shadow of a doubt that we were starting something new, together and forever.

When I woke up the next morning I was a little disconcerted, as I didn't know immediately where I was. When I felt that strong arm over my chest and that strong body spooned up to me, the memories of the day before came flooding back. I unconsciously smiled. It felt good to know I had not been dreaming and that all this was reality. I woke up because my bladder was screaming for attention. I slipped out of bed with caution as to not wake up Richie. I went to the bathroom and took care of my morning urges. I wanted to take a shower but had not the slightest idea how to make it work. All that sophisticated and modern technology surpassed me. Even if I found the remote control, I would have been totally unable to have it work. Richie was going to have to explain it to me as I had decided to stay with him and checkout of the hotel.

I wandered towards the kitchen and hoped that the coffee maker would not have its controls on that magic pad Richie seemed to carry around all the time. Fortunately, it was a good old-fashioned coffee maker and I managed to prepare two mugs of coffee. I had no idea how he was taking his, with or without milk and or sugar. I trusted my intuition and prepared the two mugs the same way. I carried them over to the bedroom. I put one down on the nightstand and brought the other as close as possible to his nose. That was something that always woke me up and I hoped it would have the same effect on him. It did for he moaned softly, opened his eyes and when he saw me, he smiled.

  • Thank you for being a reality. I was afraid that yesterday had been a dream. I surely could get used to be wakening like that every morning!

I leaned in, taking care to not spill the coffee, and kissed him on his lips. We drank our coffee and then I told him I wanted to take a shower but had no idea how it was functioning. Richie apologized for it. I told him he didn't have to apologize. He just had to explain me how that pad of him was working, It was actually very simple as it was a touch screen. You only had to touch and follow the indications the pad was giving you.

  • So, you see? If you want to take a shower, you touch bathroom, then lights, then shower. If you want the same shower as we had last night, you touch "Personalized" and within thirty seconds, the water will start to flow. When you wake up and want to start your day, you see here in the corner the options of day and night. For the moment the night icon is highlighted, so you push the day button and look.

The lights started to dim till they were completely out while the curtains opened automatically. The alarm in the entry hall disconnected. The whole place was bathed in sunlight and the views, which were already amazing at night with all the city lights, was even more breathtaking in the daylight. We finished our coffee and I took the pad in my hands and pushed bathroom, lights, shower and personalized. Indeed, within thirty seconds I heard the water of the shower. I took Richie's hand and pulled him with me to the bathroom. We stepped under the flowing water, but instead of taking soap in his hands, he took my buttocks and pressed himself against me. He was already hard. His morning kiss was even more feverish than the one of last night. The kissing and the grabbing and the rubbing indicated he was someone who loved making love in the morning. Another point we had in common.

We did all imaginable things under the water and we both came two times, but we didn't penetrate each other. Richie explained to me that he wanted to go to the clinic to be tested so I would know he was disease free. I had done the test just before traveling because I wanted to show it to Scott. I never had the opportunity, but now I was glad I had because it would show Richie I was clean. The paper was in my bags at the hotel and I told him so.

  • Are you going to checkout of the hotel? Richie asked.

  • Are you inviting me to stay her? I answered.

  • For as long as you want to stay, he said, and if that means forever, it is ok with me.

  • You know what? I said, I could take your word for it!

  • Please do, you would make me the happiest man in the world.

  • Ok!

  • What? Ok?

  • I'll stay here with you for as long as you want me.

  • You mean that? Don't you?

  • Yes, I mean that if you mean it as well!

Despite that the tears were falling down on his cheeks, Richie had the brightest smile on his face. He grabbed me and lifted me and we spun around and around. We kissed as if our lives depended on it. We made love once again before we got dressed.

After a hearty breakfast we went to my hotel so I could checkout. This time we took his car, as I didn't want to have to carry my luggage all the way. Stewart was on duty and smiled when he saw me come in. His smile turned to an expression of total surprise when he saw Richie following me right behind me.

  • Well, well, well ... that comes as a surprise. Does the Eternal Bachelor lose his title?

Richie smiled and answered that indeed the Bachelor was dead. We had some small talk and I asked Stewart to make my bill as I was checking out and moving in with Richie.

  • I hate you guys! You just made me loose ten dollars. Troy and I had a bet and he said you two would end together in bed and even possibly in life. He was right and I lost ten dollars!

But he smiled when he said that.

  • But I am happy for you. If you two can find it together, I am happy I lost my ten. But tell me, you move in with him till you have to go back, right?

  • I move in with him, point final! I answered.

  • You can't mean that. You don't even know each other twenty-four hours!

  • Ever heard of love at first sight? Richie asked.

Stewart was speechless. He looked at Richie and then to me. He had trouble believing his own eyes and ears. He took his phone and dialed a number.

  • Troy? It's me. Put some bottles of champagne in the fridge. I am bringing over some friends for celebration.

  • ...

  • You'll see when we get there after my shift.

  • ...

  • Ok, see you then. Love you.

Then he turned to us.

  • I finish at 4 o'clock. Meet me here and we go home and celebrate such a joyful event. And I don't take no for an answer!

After that he made my bill. I went up to my room and put my clothes in my luggage. After checking that I had not forgotten anything, I went down again to find Richie and Stewart having some small talk. I paid my bill and Richie took my luggage to the car. We agreed to be back at four.

Richie said we would have a light lunch. He also mentioned that on Sunday's he had lunch with someone and always at the same place. He insisted that I would certainly love that person and when I asked who it was he just said "My Mum".

I felt suddenly extremely nervous. Richie was surprised but understood it was all maybe too much in less then twenty-four hours.

  • You will love her and I am sure she will love you as well. Don't be nervous, it won't help you. She doesn't shout, she doesn't bite and she waited with me to find my Mr. Right. She will be delighted.

We reached a tavern that was as well bar as restaurant. It was a cozy place. We entered and I followed Richie to the far end where a very elegant woman was seated. She was the spitting image of the picture of Richie's grandmother. Richie kissed her on her cheek and just said:

  • Mum ... it's Him!

She turned her head towards me and observed me, looked me over, scrutinizing me from head to toe. It seemed an unbelievable long time before she got up, smiled and hugged me.

  • Welcome to the family, my dear.

We all sat down and she started a tirade of questions, almost without leaving Richie time to answer. He tried though, but it was not easy. It was funny to see them interact. Richie was getting it on his nerves that she didn't let him finish what he had to say and she got nervous because she didn't receive her answers. I had to smile at their behavior. It reminded me of the days when my Mum was alive and that she was doing exactly the same.

I had long given up to try to follow their conversation and observed Mum and son. They were so alike. Richie had been right. I already liked that woman.

The waiter came to take our orders. As soon as he had asked what we wanted, mother and son answered exactly the same thing at the same time.

  • The same as usual and for him as well.

I burst out laughing. That brought a sudden stop to their conversation. They looked at me wondering what made me laugh and I explained that their interaction, but even more the way they were identical was too funny.

  • He has a sense of humor. He is a keeper my son.

  • I have every intention of doing just that, Mum: keep him.

And with that he grabbed my hand over the table and kissed my fingers.

The things I had shipped, arrived. Richie was a little worried about the amount of boxes but I told him not to worry as most of it was for my office. The remaining were clothes and a few items I was really fond of as well as a few paintings. I did my very best to store everything in its place while Richie was working, so he would not be bothered by it. I was happy that the company that packed all my stuff had done it so well and that there was nothing broken during the transport.

The only thing I would really miss was my car. I had it for a few years and had worked my ass off for it. It was a BMW convertible and I had really enjoyed it a lot. With all the costs for the moving and the all the rest, I knew I couldn't afford to buy a new one right then. I knew I would have to work hard to save the necessary to get the same one again. Richie said I could use his car whenever I needed.

One night I was talking about my sold car with nostalgia. Richie immediately suggested we'd go to buy a new one. I couldn't take it.

  • Listen Richie. You have already spent a huge amount of money on me with the office and all the equipment. I have always been self-sufficient. I appreciate what you have done for me so far, but I can't accept that you spend more money on me and certainly not on a BMW.

He heard I was upset.

  • I understand what you are telling me Fred, but listen carefully to what I am going to say to you. First of all I love you like it never happened to me before. There is no way we will ever have our own children. My parents are wealthy enough so I don't have to care for them financially. So, I am working and have a very good income. The apartment is paid for and I have no further debts. I won't say I am wealthy, but I can certainly afford a lot more than most people. When I want to give you a present, it would be nice of you to accept it. Refusing a present is upsetting the person that wants to give. Try to imagine you want to give me a present and that I refuse it. What would you think? How would you react? The important part of a present is not its price, it is the intention with which you give it. You can give a present with the hope of getting something back and that is not a good intention. You can give a present with all of your heart because you know the person who will receive it will appreciate it. For me, giving things is more important than receiving them. Receiving is nice, but giving is even nicer. Now, if I know you will deny me the pleasure of giving you things, then I will not do it anymore.

He stood up and left the room. He had given me something to think about! His way of thinking was that of a good man. The most beautiful present he had ever given to me was himself. I couldn't be happier. All the other things he had given me were more material things and I started to believe that he could easily afford them, but on top of that he loved giving me things. I would do everything I could for him, but he was right: if I would deny him the pleasure of giving, then we had a serious problem. Denying the pleasure ... When you came to think about those three words, it was horrible. It was selfish on my part to deny him his pleasure. That was not what love was all about, on the contrary! Love was giving whatever it was that your partner would like to have, being it materialistic or emotionally, all according to your possibilities. There was actually no difference: it was a question of giving and receiving.

I understood I had hurt his feelings. On the other hand I really didn't want him to constantly buy things for me as soon as I mentioned them. I had my pride as well.

It seemed I had upset him more than I thought, as he didn't come back to the living room. I went to look for him and found him in his office, looking over some papers. I went over to him, pushing his chair away from his desk and sat on his lap. Before I said anything I kissed him deeply.

  • I understand what you are telling me Richie and I am sorry if I hurt your feelings. You are right about the giving and receiving part. At the same time, I would like you to understand that, just like you, I have a past and an upbringing that both made who I am today. I have my pride, justified or not, and have always been self-sufficient and taking care for the things I needed or wanted. It would be a curse for me if each time I mention something, you would go running out and buy it. I would be afraid to mention something and that means that I would not be able to be completely open and honest with you. That is something I don't want. We must be able to talk about anything. Presents are fine, but on special occasions, not every day. Small attentions every day are well, but with small attentions I don't include a new BMW! Do we understand each other?

Richie thought deeply about what I had just told him. It was the first time we actually had an argument or a disagreement. That was bound to happen. After all, we knew each other a very short time and we were both adults with different pasts and probably more than one different point of view on some things.

  • Ok, he said, we have different opinions about a few things. We will have to talk this over and over till we find a kind of agreement. I don't want us to be upset for any reason at all.

  • That's good, because I don't want us to be upset with each other either. Just try to understand that even if I am financially secure, but not as much as you, I don't want the money to drive us apart. You can afford to buy me a BMW, but I can't. I want us to be on an equal level. We are companions in the first place. I would like you to consider something: when you want to buy me a present, ask yourself if I could afford the same present to you. If you think I can't, please don't buy it. Is that suitable for you?

  • I guess it is as long as you do the same. You know, with the work you are doing, I can easily imagine that one day we will be on an equal level financially. So, it's a deal!

We kissed to seal the deal. That kiss was worth a lot more than any signature on a paper.

The conversation we had made me think about the situation. I had upset him because I had not all the data in my hands. We needed to communicate even more than what we were already doing. I had always heard that communication between two people was the most important part and the key to the success of a couple. Withholding things was bad for any relationship and everything needed to be talked over, keeping in mind that Feelings, Trust and Respect were the basic pillars for that relationship.

Richie and I talked easily with each other. In my mind we didn't have any secrets for each other and we respected the other's opinions. That was one of the strongest points in our relationship. I was confidant enough that we could overcome any situation by expressing our opinions and thoughts. It was a fact that Richie had, as a good lawyer, a wicked mind and a way to express himself that he could convince anyone of anything. He was a very eloquent guy and knew the meaning of each word he was using. At times I thought he had learned the dictionary by heart. He amazed me more than once with his knowledge of the language and his vocabulary.

Life went on and with time we learned to know each other better and better. I had the advantage that every Sunday, when we had lunch with his Mum, I heard a new story of Richie's youth. His Mum had a mischievous pleasure of telling me things he had done in the past. She never told anything to do him any harm, but when the time came to embarrass her own son, she was a cheeky woman.

We were fast reaching the date that I would be illegally in Canada. The bureaucratic machine was slow as usual. All the necessary papers were in hands of the "qualified" people, but nothing happened. I suggested once again to Richie that we could get married and get over all the administration in almost a split second.

  • We don't have the time to organize a complete wedding before the expiry date! Richie said.

  • No, you are right, but we can get married and organize a wedding party at another date.

And that's what we did. On a normal weekday we went both to town hall and got married. It was nothing emotional. It was just to get the necessary paper for me to be able to stay with him. There were neither family nor friends. Just a bureaucratic act that took about three minutes and five signatures. The only thing we did, copying a traditional wedding, was the exchange of rings. We had chosen the Trinity rings from Cartier, as we both loved them. They were also a symbol of the three pillars of our relationship: Love, Trust and Respect.

When we reached the apartment after that, we would be standing in front of the door and trying to decide who would carry whom over the threshold. As it was Richie's apartment we decided he would carry me, but we were laughing so much, it took us about fifteen minutes to achieve the process. Once inside we fell to the floor and Richie closed the door with his foot. He was kissing me with his usual passion and fever. Before long, all we were wearing were our new wedding rings. Richie took me there and filled my insides, but as I had not climaxed, I took the opportunity to fill him as well. It was only when we were finished that we found that the tiles in the entrance were hard and cold. On my mental note I could scratch the entrance from my list.

It got to be a habit for us to walk around the apartment naked. None of us would have described himself as a nudist, but inside we surely were. As unannounced visitors had caught us more than once, we kept shorts and T-shirts at hand for in case. As summer was arriving, and Richie owned the complete top floor, we had no neighbors and could sunbath naked on the terrace. But we had not much time for that. As well Richie as I, had a steady flow of clients. We were disciplined enough to do often more than an eight hour daily job. We worked with closed doors so we would not disturb the other with the telephone calls. As we were both sitting at our desk big part of the day, it seemed we were losing a bit of our shape. There was a gym in the basement of the building, and as it was for residents only, most of the time it was empty. Richie and I included the gym in our morning routine and went down every day of the week to work out at least an hour. It took us time, but we regained our six-pack abdomens and lost those love handles around our waist. I had never been a gym rat, but working out with Richie was pleasant.

As the summer kicked in full force, the work diminished a little. Richie didn't have to go to court every day and as we had a bit more time to ourselves, we started to plan a real wedding ceremony and party. We included his Mum in the organization of it. She had great ideas and apparently knew the right persons in the right places. Soon enough, we sent out the invitations. I sent an e-mail to Jon asking him to gather all the friends to come over as we had discussed it during my last meal over there. He did a great job, as the following week he had a list of the people who agreed to accept our invitation. They were about fifteen coming over and I called Stewart to see if he could all have them in the hotel he was working at. He told me there was no problem and casually mentioned there was a convention room in the hotel where they had weddings before. They could set-up the tables and a dance-floor and could host over two-hundred people.

I mentioned it to Richie and his Mum. Richie recalled the room and said it was not a bad idea and would make it easy for everyone to get to the place. We decided to check it out on the following Sunday after our weekly lunch.

Stewart was on duty that Sunday. It was nice to see him and he was his joyful self as usual. He showed us the convention room and we were all awestruck. It was absolutely beautiful with on the end ceiling to floor windows giving way to a nice garden, at least for a hotel in downtown Toronto. It was quite modern but with a fine and elegant touch. There was a set-up for an upcoming wedding and we had to admit that the details were unbelievable. Very nice tablecloths with matching napkins, sober plates and fine crystal glasses and sober cutlery made it all so inviting. A huge dance floor was set-up as well and Richie and I insisted that we have the same. The flower arrangements were absolutely exquisite. We all three looked at each other and had the same expression on our faces: this was perfect. We discussed the prices and the catering and Richie's Mum signed the offer immediately. The date was set for the end of June so that we would be able to enjoy the garden as well. I went over the prices with Stewart concerning the accommodation of the people coming over. He had, just as for the rest, obtained a very good price from his boss and I couldn't be happier when I saw the total amount. It was less than what I had thought in the first place. I followed Richie's Mum example and signed the offer as well. Looking at it, we had had a lot less things to organize as the hotel was doing most of it and at a very good price.

I mentioned to Stewart that in fact we were already married but that we would need a kind of Master of ceremony to repeat what had happened at town hall. He said he could arrange that as well. He had an older friend who could really pass for a real major and who would lead the ceremony perfectly. Stewart was at the end a complete events organizer and we couldn't thank him enough for his precious help.

The only thing we still had to do on our own was to go and have some suits tailored for the occasion. Richie told me he had the perfect tailor who was probably one of the lasts in the city. Together we decided we would go for pewter grey suits, white shirts with golden cufflinks and pink ties. We couldn't go together to the tailor as Richie had to go to court and we didn't know how much time we would be there before he finished. Richie went first on a Monday morning at nine am. I would go around eleven.

I had a bit of trouble finding the tailor's shop but finally got there only five minutes late. The tailor was a man of about forty to mid-forties, clearly of Italian origin. His accent was undeniable. He didn't even greet me in English but with a warm "Buongiorno". His shop was small, but you could sense the quality and the luxury of what he was making. He showed me the material Richie had indicated as his favorite and I could only agree. He also showed me the shirts and the ties and once again I had to admit Richie's choice was perfect. Then he ushered me to the back store where there was a platform surrounded by mirrors. Roberto, the tailor, asked me to stand on it with nothing on but my trousers and my shirt. He took some measurements and noted all down on a paper pad. He then handed me a jacket to try on. I did and he got to work with pins and a white chalk, consulting his pad from time to time. When all was satisfactory to him, he asked me to take off the jacket. He went to work on the measurements for the trousers. To do so, he asked me to take off my jeans. I didn't see why I had to do that, but obeyed nonetheless. I was standing there on this little platform, naked, except for my briefs and my socks.

  • Ah... Roberto said. I see you wear to the left just as your friend does.

I had no idea what he was talking about and asked for some explanation.

  • You see, my friend, if you wear to the left and I make trousers for wearing to the right, you will not be comfortable! Some people wear to the left, others to the right and a few wear it downwards.

I still had not a clue what he was talking about as I had never had a tailor made suit. Roberto saw my confusion and to show me what he meant, he grabbed my cock through the fabric of my briefs and showed me.

  • To the left ... to the right ... and downward.

While he was manipulating my cock in the different directions, I couldn't help have a rapid and serious swelling of my organ. Roberto's hands on my genitals made me all horny and as my cock had a mind of its own, it kept swelling till I had a full hard-on.

  • Now, now, now ... I can't go on measuring you like that! Roberto said. You are just like your friend Richard. I had to take care of him as well.

And with that, without asking for any permission, he pulled my briefs down and my cock was in his mouth before I could even protest. He was an expert cocksucker. I wanted to say stop but then I recalled what he had said: "I had to take care of him as well". I was standing there, with my cock in Roberto's mouth and feeling a climax coming up real soon. He had an expertise in cock sucking and his tongue twirled around my cock-head, causing quite a pleasant and exciting sensation. I felt my knees going weak and I was afraid to lose my balance. I hold on to Roberto's shoulders and he went on sucking and sucking, all the while playing with my balls with one hand and a finger up my ass that was massaging my prostate. With this kind of treatment, I knew I was going to fill his mouth with a huge load. I felt my balls retracting in my lower belly and the skin of my scrotum shrink to an almost non-existing state. Roberto kept on sucking and bobbing up and down. I rewarded him with my load that spurted out in a quick succession of various little loads, filling his mouth. He swallowed eagerly and when I stopped spurting, he licked my cock clean. Very matter-of-factly he said:

  • Now I'll be able to take proper measurements!

He put my cock back in my briefs and went on taking measurements as if nothing had happened. I was still catching my breath and trying to relax enough to have my heartbeat coming back to normal. Roberto gave me some pants to try on and went to work again with his pins and white chalk. When he was finished he told me I could dress again and join him in the front part of his little shop.

He handed me a ticket and said I could come back for the next try-on in about two weeks.

  • I will always be delighted to serve you and your friend.

He shook my hand and I was back on the street before realizing what really had happened. I felt guilty that I had allowed a sexual contact with someone else than Richie, although, if I had to believe Roberto, Richie had allowed the same. I just wondered if Richie knew beforehand what was going to happen as he had had several suits already made by Roberto.

When I reached home, Richie immediately asked what I thought about the fabric he had chosen, as well as the shirts and the tie. I told him I agreed wholeheartedly with his choice.

  • And did Roberto ask you if you were wearing left, right or downward?

He had a wicked smile on his face when asking that.

  • Yes, he did. I just wonder why he had to ask you, seeing that you already have several suits made by him.

Richie laughed out loud this time.

  • He asks me every single time I need a suit. Every single time he takes my measurements although he has them in his files. I could probably order a suit over the phone and have the perfect fit without even trying it on. Roberto is a cheeky bugger and keeps it all very professionally. It is his little secret as he is married and has six kids. His Italian origin, and probably religious upbringing, doesn't allow him to live his orientation to the fullest, but he sure likes to suck cock. Allowing him to suck me doesn't mean I have any emotional relationship with him, and it provided me with very good suits in the past. I am sure our wedding suits will be absolutely perfect.

  • Does that mean that if you have a sexual act being performed and it is without any emotional attachment, you think it is all right?

  • No, I don't think so. Roberto is my tailor for as long as I have been wearing suits. Since the absolute first suit, and that was many years ago, he has been sucking my cock. We have never met outside his little shop and we have never had any sexual encounter except when I needed a suit. This has begun far before I met you and is part of my life. I guess it will go on till he stops working. I had to tell him you were coming over. When he asked me if you were a good friend of mine I told him you were my husband. That made him probably think that he could suck you off, too. It is not a big deal ... I think. Are you upset?

I wasn't. It was just that I was confused. I would have expected Richie to tell me what had happened in the past and what I could experience during my visit at the tailor's. I had been feeling guilty about what happened and the only thing Richie told me was that it was not a big deal. We had discussed this over and over in the beginning of our relationship. We said we wanted both a monogamous relationship and that the physical intercourse was something that was reserved just between the two of us. We didn't want an open relationship because we knew the dangers of it. We had been tested and we never used condoms when making love. That was just because we said we would not allow a third or a fourth party in our games.

I expressed my thoughts to Richie. He admitted that from my point of view, I was totally right. He agreed that we had a pact to maintain a monogamous relationship. He apologized for what had happened and not have warned me before I went to see Roberto.

  • If you want, I'll make it clear to Roberto that he doesn't have to take my measurements in the future. He will understand. I don't want you to be upset for a two-minute blowjob. I don't want to jeopardize our relationship and our marriage with Roberto's extra skills.

I could see the sincerity in his eyes. He was truly sorry and his promise was coming from the bottom of his heart. I decided to not push the subject any further.

Jon wrote me an e-mail telling me he had succeeded in having all fifteen of my friends and himself on the same flight. I arranged for a bus to pick them up at the airport and drop them off at the hotel. Another v-check on my list of to do things. When I asked Richie about the transportation for us, from the apartment to the hotel and back, he said everything was arranged as well as the transportation for his Mum and some other members of his family. I v-checked that as well on my list. It seems everything was under control.

The day before the wedding I went with the hired bus to the airport to pick-up my friends. That was quite a show we gave at the airport, with a lot of hugs and kisses. A few of them had had some drinks on the plane and were really happy without being drunk. Once we were all in the bus there was a lot of laughing and some raunchy jokes, but all in good faith. Stewart had arranged the allocation of the rooms following my instructions and before long everybody was checked-in. We had foreseen a meal for all those who were coming from out of town, but most of my friends were suffering from jet lag and fell asleep before they had to come down for the supper. I asked Stewart to be sure they all had a wake-up call so that they would have time to prepare themselves for the ceremony.

I couldn't sleep that night. I was nervous as hell although there was no reason: we were already married. I guessed it was the fact that we would be the center of attention for a whole day and I wanted everything to go smoothly and without incidents. I ran over my to do list in my head to be sure I had not forgotten anything. Roberto had delivered the suits, shirts and ties and true to his word, Richie told him that there would be no use in taking measurements any more. Roberto understood and was probably a little disappointed, but accepted the fact that we wanted a monogamous marriage.

D-day had arrived. First thing I did when I woke up was opening the curtains of the bedroom and I was rewarded with a fantastic blue sky and a bright sun. It was still early but the thermometer indicated already a very pleasant temperature. It was perfect. I went to make some coffee and then slowly wake-up my husband. I had learned over time that Richie didn't like any sudden wake-up call. He needed the friendly approach if I wanted him to have a smile on his face all day. As he, as usual, had a fantastic morning wood, I decided to wake him up servicing his manhood, as he deserved. I pulled the sheets away from his body and still marveled at his exquisite body. I was still wondering what I had done to deserve him. I crept between his legs and softly caressed his legs and hips. I took his dick in my mouth and softly started to suck on it, swirling my tongue over his cock-head. It didn't take him long to start softly moaning, but the noises he made soon increased in volume and intensity. He was clearly waking up and squirming under my ministrations. I could feel his cock harden even more and swell to enormous proportions before he shot his load in my mouth. I swallowed his juice and then went up to kiss him. He wrapped his arms around me and held me tight.

  • Come on my dear husband, we have a busy day ahead! I said.

I pulled him out of bed and straight to the bathroom. We had a shower with a lot of kissing and grabbing and hands roaming over each other's bodies. Once we were dry, we shaved extra carefully as we wanted to be presentable for our wedding ceremony. We had breakfast naked, as we didn't want to spill any coffee or other things on our new shirts and suits. We dressed just about fifteen minutes before we had to leave, as to be perfect. It was the first time we saw each other dressed completely equal. We looked at ourselves in the mirror and, even if I say so myself, we were the perfect match! We went down as Richie said that our transport had arrived. Coming out of the elevator I immediately spotted a white car in front of the building door. It was a brand new BMW convertible! I looked at Richie.

  • You said the presents would be only on special occasions. I guess that our marriage is special enough. You also said it had to be something we could both afford and our accountant told me that you could perfectly afford it today. So baby... this is your new toy!

I didn't know how he had managed to keep this entire secret till today. He had done a perfect job. The car was stunning and, as I discovered later, had all the extras you could hope for. As the day was beautiful, the roof was down. Two white ribbons went from the nose of the car to each corner of the front window. There was no chauffeur to be seen. Richie told me to drive, but he didn't even have to give me a key: it had that new system where you have a card in your wallet that detects your presence.

Suddenly I didn't want to go to the wedding ceremony. I just wanted to take this beauty for a drive. Going to the hotel was really too short drive for me at the wheel of this absolutely fantastic car. I knew I couldn't, but it was very tempting.

When we arrived at the hotel, everybody was standing out side and on the sidewalk across the street. They all cheered and waved. I stopped just in front of the entrance. I found it very emotional as I saw only happy faces and big smiles. Richie handed the card of the car to Stewart so he could go and park it in the hotel parking. We went inside, followed by all our guests. In the garden they had installed a kind of altar with flower arrangements and two big white candles. As it was daylight you couldn't actually see the candles burning, but they were. Behind the altar stood a man of about sixty years of age, very well groomed and dressed. He made a sign to us to approach and we instinctively knew he was the master of Ceremony Stewart had talked about. He asked for everybody's attention and started the ceremony. As soon as he started to speak with his baritone voice, I was under his spell. He didn't use any of the traditional phrases or expressions. He had apparently informed about the people who were getting married, us, and adapted his speech that was loaded with feelings and emotions. Nobody said a word and you could only hear his voice and a few emotional sniffs. Richie's Mum had the proverbial handkerchief in her hands and wiped away a few tears at the appropriate moments. We said our "I do" and exchanged the rings that we had placed again in their original red box. When all was over he declared us husband and husband and Richie kissed me with his usual fever and passion. All our friends and family cheered at this kiss.

The rest of the day went by in a blur. Lots of congratulations, hugs and kisses. Champagne was been poured without stopping. The only person who was not really into the festivities was Stewart. He was a pure professional and had an eye on everything, making sure our expectations were met. He just took about five minutes off to talk with us and have one glass of Champagne, but mid-sentence he left us as he had seen something that was not to his liking. We didn't see anything but learned afterwards that one of the waiters was not behaving as he should. He was sent off the premises at the same moment.

We sat down for the meal and it was absolutely succulent, eight courses of small dishes, but fine and exquisite. The wines were all according to what was served. After the desert the best men had their word. I feared the worst, but shouldn't have. Once those speeches were over, Richie stood up and stretched out his hand that I took. He led me to the center of the dance floor and through the loudspeakers we heard the first notes of the Blue Danube by Strauss. That was the first waltz we had ever danced together and Richie swept me off my feet. We never lost eye contact during that dance. We had been to the Ballroom several times and were now perfectly coordinated when dancing. We ended in a swirl as the last note was heard. All our guests got on their feet to applaud what they called the performance of the year. The next dance Richie went for his mother and I for one of my best friends. It didn't take long to have the dance floor packed with dancing couples. I even got Stewart to have a dance with me because, after all, he had introduced me to Richie.

Stewart looked me in the eyes and asked:

  • Do you have any idea what date it is today?

I looked at him quizzically and he said that while we were dancing, the Gay Pride was going full blast and the parade was passing almost in front of the hotel at that precise moment..

  • That means that you and Richie are now just one year together! It is not only your wedding day, but also your anniversary of the day you met.

I ran over to Richie and whispered the information in his ear. He looked at me and then went over to the DJ, asked for the microphone and announced to all our guests that the celebration was a double one as we had our meeting anniversary. More Champagne was served for the occasion.

When the waiters wheeled in the wedding cake, we could see an inscription on it that just said "One Year". Stewart had really thought about everything.

Around ten pm Stewart announced that our car was in front of the hotel door. He handed me the card that would allow me to drive it. We bid our goodbyes to our guests who accompanied us to the door and once outside started to throw rice. I guessed we would find rice in the car for the six months to come. I drove away, making quite some noise with the tins and other things Stewart had attached to the car together with a huge sign that said "Just Married".

I couldn't, with the best of wills, drive directly home. I did quite a tour in the city just to enjoy the car and as well to show people I was with my husband. I was on cloud nine!

We had purposely postponed our honeymoon. I wanted to have some time with the friends that had come over and that were staying for a week in Toronto. Stewart, he once again, had organized a few excursions so that my friends could visit the most important places. Useless to say that Richie and I went with them. Most of the evenings we gathered at one or the other nice restaurant and it was clear that everybody had a good time. When the week was over, we took them all to the airport and waved them goodbye. As usual in those occasions, there were a lot of hugs and kisses and a few tears were shed. I was sad to see them go, but happy I would have my time with my husband.

We still had a few days before returning to the routine of every day. It will not come as a surprise that we drove around quite a lot. We went to see places that even Richie had not seen. The GPS in the car was very useful and gave us even indications as where to go and what to see. If I had loved my car that I sold, I knew this one would certainly make up for it. We were happy and that made that everything we did was even more beautiful.

We also got really close to Stewart and Troy. Friendship and friends, as words, are often misused. Friendship is a pure and uninterested feeling that is reciprocal and that was what we had with Stewart and Troy. We often went for a meal or a movie. Theatre and concerts were also on the agenda on a regular basis. We even had plans for a holiday together to the Niagara Falls. They were all three pure Canadians and had never seen the Niagara Falls! I couldn't believe it.

When we met at our, or their place we would often have a few drinks, maybe even a meal and sometimes playing some Trivial Pursuit or any other board game. It was always pleasant and fun. Richie had told me that Stewart and Troy indulged a third and sometimes a fourth person in their sexual game, but I was too much in love with my husband to allow that. I asked Richie if he had been part of a three-way with them and he admitted he had in the past, before knowing me.

  • Is it something you would like to repeat? I asked him.

  • We have a monogamous marriage Fred, and I want to keep it that way. A threesome with them is totally out of the question because it implies that you wouldn't be there. I've done threesomes, foursomes and even orgies in the past, but now I have a husband who satisfies me to the highest level and I don't need more. If you reach a point where you want to be involved with other people sexually, we will talk about it but I don't see it happening in a near future.

His answer made me happy. I had to admit that my curiosity was piqued. I had had my share of men sexually before meeting Richie, but was never in a threesome or more. I had discovered very soon that one-night-stands were satisfying on a very temporary basis, meaning that the excitement of the moment was ok but as soon as it was over it left a sense of emptiness. I had soon switched over to masturbation instead, having the same result of sexual satisfaction in the literally sense of the word. Ok, I had had anonymous sex as well and that was when I needed to feel other hands than mine on my body. As said before, it gave me a temporary satisfaction, but nothing else.

I had even gone to a gay bathhouse. At first it was not with a sexual purpose. I just loved the warmth of the Finnish sauna and just adored the steam room. When I got out of the steam room I felt like my skin was a lot cleaner than before I entered. Sweating profusely without having to do any muscle exercise was something that renewed my energies. When I noticed that most of the guys came there for a pure sexual adventure, the gay bathhouse lost a bit of its interest. I tried some straight bathhouses, but saw that the sexual purpose was even more present than in the gay ones, only that the people trying to have sex with me were women and not so many men, although there were a few.

I thought I was getting old before my age. Most young guys considered the bathhouses as their second home. There was a huge display of muscular studs. I had to admit that some of them were very nice-looking but most of them had that much muscles on them that it lost my interest. It was not natural anymore.

I had told my experiences to Richie in the very beginning of our relationship and we both agreed on the subject. Richie on top of that insisted that sex in the heat of the moment, was often practiced without any protection and that in our time, the risk was too high to catch any STD. He told me of a very nice spa in town, servicing both men and women but at different times. He had gone there and enjoyed the total spa circuit, with after that a nice session in the steam room and finishing it all off with a very professional massage. He had enjoyed it immensely at the time. There were no sexual activities in that spa and he even suggested we could go when we felt like it.

As both our jobs meant we were sitting a great deal of the day, our morning workouts were heavenly sent. Most of the time I only used the treadmill where Richie used more the weights. But all in all, it made us sweat off the hours we were just sitting at our desks.

I came to notice that Richie was often frustrated in his work. His fees were quite high and he had a very selected clientele. Quite some cases he defended were futile as he said himself. He started to have some good fame with divorce cases, but he actually didn't like it. It was easy money though. If people were arguing about (most of the time) huge amounts of money, he didn't care to increase his fees. But he felt useless at one point.

  • You see, he said, there are a lot of people who really need a lawyer, but who can't afford one. People who are the victims of injustice and are about to lose everything they have because one guy has been smarter than they were and took advantage of it. I was thinking, and I would like your input Fred, to open an office in a less fortunate part of town and exercise my profession at totally different fees, and even for free when I see there is no other way. I think it would be far more satisfying of working the law efficiently for those who need it most.

Once again I realized why I loved this guy. He had such a big heart and genuinely wanted to help people who needed it. My brain was working at the speed of light with what he had just told me.

  • Let me create a website for you, explaining your purposes and what you can do. We could even include your fees so the people would know they can afford it.

  • That's a brilliant idea Fred! Let me work out what information should appear. I would also like to speak to some judges about the project and see what they can come up with. I even think that the name of the website is obvious: "Affordable Justice". I would keep the two parts of my profession completely separated and make big money with the rich ones and just covering the costs with the other ones. I guess it would even be tax deductible.

Richie was suddenly in a very creative mood. He took some paper and a pen and started to write down whatever the project was including. He was that much concentrated on what he was doing that he didn't even hear me when I was talking to him. It didn't make me mad, on the contrary, it made me proud to have a husband who got into things with such a passion and fever, just like when we were making love.

It took him several days and almost weeks to write down what he wanted. When he thought the project was efficient and viable, he showed me what he had written down. I had to admit I didn't understand all of it and told him so.

  • Please Richie, try to write down things, not in your professional terminology, but in a language even a six year old would understand like Denzel Washington says in the movie "Philadelphia". People who will visit your website, have to understand every single word that appears on the screen. Don't use your lawyer's language or the court language. Use the street language that will put your clients at ease. You can even mention some cases you've won so that the website visitor will know you are not a student that just graduated from university, but that you are a full time lawyer who knows what he is talking about.

He kissed me and disappeared in his office again. I had almost to drag him out of it to come to eat, but as soon as he finished his plate he was gone again. For my part I had started a design of his website, using soothing colors, readable fonts and user-friendly buttons and links. I used all my skills and knowledge to make it attractive without being too pedantic. I asked Richie the names of his competitors and went on a search to see if any of them had a website. I found a few and I was sure the less fortunate people would never contact them. Everything was written in lawyer's slang and most of them were on the verge to tell they were the lawyers of the President of the United States himself. I wouldn't have been surprised if any of those had asked a fee just to enter their website! I observed their websites scrupulously and made my notes about what I had to avoid in Richie's.

It took Richie almost three month before he had everything in its place. He had rented a modest office on top of a grocery store and furnished it accordingly to the neighborhood and the possible clients he would have. Although he had talked about changing his car for a newer one, he didn't do it. He kept his ten-year-old Honda that was a lot more discreet than the BMW 5 series he had in mind. He made an attentive choice of his clothing when he went up to that office, always elegant but not screaming out it was a tailor made suit. All the details were covered, even his nameplate next to the door was simple and efficient: his name, his business and the hours he would be available.

It took only two days before he had the first inquiry by e-mail. It was a case of a person renting a place and the landlord refused to do very urgent and necessary works to keep the place livable. The people asking for his help were older people with very little income and no money to do the works themselves. Richie immediately called them and made an appointment to meet them.

I realized that with helping less fortunate people, I would see him less and less. I didn't care, as I knew he was doing a tremendous job helping those who were in need. It was like that in a very short time because with people who can't afford a lawyer, he had to spend more time and adapt his speeches so that they would understand him without ambiguities. Every time he came back from that office, he was tired and worn-out, but happy. His face and his eyes were telling me that. The change in him since he started his project was noticeable. He still had his rich clients that provided most of his income, but the fact of feeling useful, he got it from his downtown office. I was proud of him. Nevertheless, I had to convince him to open his new office only five days a week as it took so much energy from him.

What he noticed in this new project was also the fact that for a lot of people there was no need to go to court. Amiable agreements were often found when the other party realized there was a real and serious lawyer defending the less fortunate. There were also a lot of cases where the court was not necessary as the answers to the client's question were obvious and just common sense. When Richie mentioned that to me, I suggested to add a page on his website with FAQ's. That page would probably need a daily update with the questions he received at his office.

Six months after the opening of the office, Richie was obliged to consider having some help. He couldn't do all the work he had. He needed a secretary or a law student that wanted to have some practice. His clients didn't pay a lot and that was the problem of hiring someone. He tried to convince some of his fellow lawyers, but most of them were not so keen to work for almost free, till he met Jerome. Jerome was a confirmed lawyer and had had the same problem as Richie: not finding a satisfactory professional life although his incomes were great. They had been talking about the project that Richie was developing and Richie invited him over to our apartment to discuss things further.

When I first met Jerome, I have to admit I thought he was hot, burning hot. He was tall, slender, muscled, blond and with sparkling blue eyes. He radiated confidence and self-esteem, but was humble at the same time. He had a dazzling smile and was very well mannered. When they came in, Richie introduced me as his husband and Jerome didn't flinch at all. We sat down and had a drink and they resumed their conversation where they left it before. Jerome seemed genuinely interested, as this supplementary job would allow him, just as Richie, to deduct it from his taxes, but most of all giving him a professional fulfillment. He admitted with a laugh that sometimes his fees were far above the amount of work they represented, but just as Richie, his clients were quite wealthy and could more than afford it.

Richie showed him the website. Jerome was impressed. They went over all what was mentioned in the website and we could see that he was more and more interested in joining the enterprise. They then started to talk about more private subjects and life in general. We so learned we all had more in common than what we saw at first sight. Our sexual orientation was never mentioned and that gave me the intuition that Jerome was probably as gay as us. He didn't mention any boyfriend though, but he didn't mention any wife or girlfriend either. His parents were part of the high-society of Toronto and he had had a happy childhood. Richie and he had been to the same university and even had had some of the same professors. As the hours went by, we invited him to share our evening meal and he gladly accepted after a polite "I don't want to bother you..." All in all, the evening was nice and pleasant and at the moment of leaving Jerome said he wanted a few days to think it all over and that he would call to give his answer.

Once he was gone, Richie and I looked at each other and at the same time we both said: "He's gay". We burst out laughing, but Richie said that his sexual orientation was not an issue. What he was looking for was someone with professional skills and who wanted to genuinely help people in need.

  • Are you convinced he will be the man you want at your office? I asked.

  • I am more than convinced. He has a very good record and the cases he won were not the easiest ones. He knows his profession and from our conversation I can say he would be a very good asset. He is in the same state I was in a few months ago. He could be of great help and as you know, I have already too much on my hands.

  • If you think so, than go for it ... if he accepts.

  • I am pretty convinced he will accept.

Indeed, two days later Jerome called and asked to meet. They met at the office to discuss the details of the collaboration and soon agreed on all the conditions from both parts. As they both were lawyers, they drew up a contract that they both signed and shook hands that sealed the deal.

Richie started to get home earlier, something I was not angry about. In the last six month I had gone to bed often before he came home. He always slipped in bed as carefully as possible, but I was always awake anyway. He always kissed me goodnight saying he was sorry to arrive so late. He was also always so tired that our sex life started to suffer under the pressure he had at his office. Running two offices at the same time was not easy and he most certainly tried to dedicate the necessary time to any of his clients, being it the rich ones or the less fortunate ones.

Bit-by-bit our sexual life was reduced to the weekends. I had insisted from the very first day that the weekends would be work free, just as the official holidays. I had convinced Richie that the kind of work he did didn't need him to work seven days a week, as he was working late almost every day. It was not that he needed the work for an income. We had enough money to be able to pay all of our bills and we didn't have that much time to spend the rest. We had since short a housekeeper who was doing the cleaning and running our errands. We tried, as much as we could, to maintain our morning routine and workout to keep in shape. From time to time we went to the spa to relax a hundred percent. At one of our visits to the spa we were surprised to meet Jerome. As he had only a towel wrapped around his waist, I could see my suspicion of a magnificent body were right. He had to workout as well to keep in such a good shape. We had a fruit juice at the little bar and then went for the steam room. Before we got in I just stated that anyone speaking about work would have to pay a fee of five dollars. They both laughed at it, but agreed.

  • And what is it you want to talk about then? Jerome asked, the size of our dicks?

But as we sat in the steam room he removed his towel and that subject was not necessary anymore. We all three had about the same endowment with trimmed pubes and shaved balls. Although none of us talked about it openly, we could see we were all very similar but with Jerome in a slightly better shape. Nudity didn't seem to bother Jerome at all. We told him that we were mostly nudists at home and even tried to find any kind of resort to have a long weekend or some other holidays in the nude as well. Jerome confirmed he was a nudist as well and would give us some addresses of resorts that were clothing optional. He told us about a few he had visited and one in particular that was for him the very best. Once again he didn't give us any clue as to his sexual orientation.

When our circuit was over and we had received our massages, we left the spa to go home and it was almost obvious Jerome would join us for yet another meal. The only difference this time was that, as we had all admitted to be nudists, we took of our clothes when reaching the apartment. It was a little awkward at first but we soon were at ease being naked around each other. There were no sexual innuendos and none of us got hard. The only thing that changed was that when Jerome left, Richie was hornier than usual. I wasn't complaining!

When I started to notice that Richie was looking at Jerome with a little twinkle in his eyes, I talked to him before things were going in a direction that could possibly put our marriage in danger. So, one weekend I confronted Richie with what I had seen. He didn't deny it and I was glad for it. We had always been honest to each other and had never left a subject unspoken when it rose.

  • Yes, he said, Jerome is a very attractive guy and when we are here, all naked, there is a kind of lust coming up. I know we have not made love as much as in the past Fred because the huge amount of hours I am working. Very often I am far too exhausted to indulge in my matrimonial duties. It is not that I am getting tired of you, be assured. Of course, during the week-ends we are a little more relaxed and if Jerome comes by I can't avoid thinking about what it would be to have a threesome with him.

  • Have you ever had anything sexual with him while at the office? I asked.

  • No, we never have and we will never do something like that at the office. When we are working we do our jobs to the best of our abilities and I can tell you I don't regret one moment the fact I have accepted him as my associate. At the office it is pure professionalism and nothing else.

Richie was very calm when saying that and he looked me straight in the eyes at the same time. I knew he was telling me the truth and I had no problems believing him. So I continued:

  • If I understand you correctly, you wouldn't mind having a threesome with Jerome. Right?

  • We had this discussion some months ago, you remember? If you ask me from a pure sexual almost bestial point of view, I have to answer yes. If we speak about an emotional involvement, I definitely say no. I love you and I am married to you Fred and I don't want that to change in any way. You know that we, men, are born hunters and it is not the fact of killing an animal that has us going, it is the hunting on itself, tracking down the animal, following it, find it. Once it is killed, for whatever purpose it is, the game is over. It is the same, I think, when it comes to get what we want, as long as the emotions are not concerned. Look at us. We are both hunters and had it the easy way, as we both wanted the other. If you now look at Jerome, I don't know if he is interested in me or in us and that makes it exciting. If we haven't acted on it, it is just because I first of all don't want to lose him as a friend and secondly I don't want to lose him as a partner in the business.

  • I understand what you are telling me.

  • Would you be interested in a threesome with him? Richie asked.

  • Well, as you perfectly stated, Jerome is an attractive guy and from the "hunter's" point of view, speaking about lust and almost bestiality, I would have to say yes as well. Emotionally, just like you, I would definitely say no. There is maybe one point I have to add to what you said, and please don't take it as a blame, as I have not the love making as often as I would like to, my libido is increasing with the day. Just know that I would rather masturbate than cheat on you. What we have together is far too important to me than any sexual satisfaction I could eventually find somewhere else. The most important thing here is that we are honest about the subject and with each other. I will not accept that you cheat on me and I would never do it to you. If we both think that a threesome could spice up our sexual life, I would probably accept. But I would have problems accepting it if it was for any different reason. Our sex life has been very satisfactory up till now and when we make love I am the happiest man on earth. I would have problems with it if we had a threesome and that the rest of the week you wouldn't even touch me. Do you understand what I mean?

  • I understand you very clearly my dear husband, and I do agree with you wholeheartedly.

We agreed to not plan a threesome, but that if the circumstances were right, we would allow it to happen. Richie had understood my point of view completely. As Jerome was taking quite some cases for himself, Richie got earlier home most of the week days and was less exhausted. Our lovemaking got back to an almost daily activity. I was so glad we had been able to talk it over in complete honesty. A big burden had been taken off my shoulders, as I tend to see the worst instead of the best, but my husband was my best friend! We could talk over everything that happened in our lives, without getting angry or upset when there was a difference in opinions. I felt more than blessed to have found that man and be married to him.

Winter had been blowing full force. Richie's car had run its last miles when one day it stopped completely. As it was well over ten years old, the costs to repair it were not worth it anymore. Richie had enjoyed driving my car so much that he decided to go for a new BMW as well. As he had often clients (the richer ones) to take with him, he went for the 5 series as it had 4 doors and was more spacious than my convertible. The day it was delivered, I drove him to the dealership and before driving home we drove around although the snow was covering most of the roads. Nonetheless, the car went flawlessly through the white stuff. Richie was like a kid on Christmas day with his new toy.

The following Saturday we went to the spa and Jerome was there as usual. He had not seen Richie's new car and when we got out he whistled his appreciation. We went for a drive and suddenly Jerome started to give instructions to Richie who followed them scrupulously. Jerome said he wanted to show us something. We drove out of town and into the country and soon reached an almost deserted place. When Jerome said to stop we were in front of a cottage that was completely snowed in, but that looked very inviting nonetheless. He said he had just bought it. It still needed quite some work before he could move in, but he explained and showed the potential of the house. It was indeed very cozy and we could see why he had bought it. He explained what kind of renovations he wanted to do. Our imagination was fertile enough to see what it would become. He even wanted to have his own little spa with sauna and steam room. The main feature of the living room was a huge fireplace and it was really easy to imagine the place nicely furnished. We were happy for him. As we still didn't know his sexual orientation we kept discreet about the fact if he would share that house with someone or not.

We drove back to town. We invited Jerome to share our meal and he accepted. Once in the apartment, it had become quite normal for us to get out of our clothes and Jerome followed our example each time. It was nice to enjoy nudity, as through the window we could see the snow covered city. After our meal we sat in the living room in front of the fireplace and were still talking about the complete make over of Jerome's house. I was sitting next to Jerome and Richie in an easy chair in front of us.

Suddenly, without any warning, I heard Jerome saying: "Shit" and he leaned down and took my cock in his mouth and started sucking on it with frenzy. Of course, it didn't take more than three seconds to have me as hard as rock. Richie looked bewildered at what was happening just in front of his eyes. In the heat of the moment and with Jerome sucking like a vacuum, I shot my load very quickly. Jerome came up for air and was beat red.

  • I am sorry, he said I ... I don't know what overcomes to me! ... I am sorry ... I should not have done that!

He babbled and apologized profusely, not knowing where to turn to. He stood up and was about to leave. Richie got up quickly and took him by the arm, turning him to look at him. Jerome had tears in his eyes and was apparently quite ashamed of what he had done.

  • Don't worry Jerome, Richie said. You don't have to be ashamed of anything. I know my husband is a very attractive man and that you wanted to do this.

  • I wanted to do this for months now Richie, he answered, but I always could refrain my impulsions. But today, I really don't know what happened, I ...

  • Shht ... don't say anything anymore. Please come back in and sit down.

Jerome hesitantly sat down between Richie and me. I was glad we had discussed this before the actual happening of it. Jerome was totally upset and didn't know how to act. Richie tried to calm him down, but as it didn't work with words, he just French kissed Jerome with passion. When he came up for air, he nodded to me as if to say it was my turn. I obliged and kissed Jerome with the same passion Richie had shown. When I came up for air, Richie took my face in both his hands and kissed me feverishly.

  • If we are going to do this, Riche said, let's do it properly and move to the bedroom.

He took Jerome's hand in his and I took the other one. We fell on the bed and the kissing resumed. It was an incredible feeling. Six hands were roaming over three bodies. Jerome was a very good kisser, but I still preferred my man to kiss me. Our cocks were hard before we even fell on the bed and were pressed in between of us. Even though I had shot my load in Jerome's mouth only a few minutes before, I got all worked up with the newness of the situation. We suddenly had one more body to give pleasure to. We had to learn which buttons we had to push to unleash the fire Jerome had inside.

It was not difficult. Jerome was so excited that the slightest touch made him squirm. My hand met Richie's on Jerome's swollen organ. We played with his cock and balls and as he gasped for air, he shot his juice. I guessed that his feelings were in total overload. I grasped Richie's cock and sucked a few moments, as I knew he would climax real fast as well. His creamy juice filled my mouth in seconds. I didn't swallow though. I wanted to share it with them. I kissed Richie and Jerome joined us, all three enjoying the flavor of Richie's semen. As we had climaxed we knew that we could go for a more relaxed round two.

Jerome's cock stayed hard and he stayed in an active sexual mood. It was clear he couldn't get enough of it. He jumped up and kneeled between Richie's legs. He leaned forward and engulfed Richie's cock till his nose was buried in his pubes. He sucked avidly as if he wanted to be sure there was nothing left inside. I watched him suck my husband and although I was excited by this little show, I had confused feelings. It was a good friend who had my husband's cock in his mouth! The only place that cock was really home was in one of my openings and not someone else's. Although I had accepted it even before it took place, I had a quiver of jealousy going through my mind and my body. I had never before in my life been jealous. I watched them going at it and felt that my cock stayed flaccid. The scene was hot but the excitement was gone for me. I got off the bed and sat down in the chair closest to the bed, watching them. Jerome flipped over and presented his cock to the open lips of Richie who swallowed it. He sucked on it like he always sucked: with fever and passion. These two magnificent specimens of men, in a hot sixty-nine position, were giving each other as much pleasure as was possible. They were clearly oblivious of me not being in bed with them anymore. After a while Richie got on his knees and turned Jerome on his stomach, lifting his hips and pushing a pillow under his stomach. Richie pointed his cock-head directly on Jerome's exposed rosebud. It seemed Richie was letting himself fall down on Jerome and penetrated him in one thrust up to the hilt.

Jerome couldn't even shout his surprise as the sudden invasion in his ass had cut off his breathing. Richie didn't even let him getting used to the invasion as he started to pump in and out of Jerome's hole. Jerome didn't say anything. He just lifted his hips a bit higher as if he wanted Richie to go even deeper. Richie obliged and was pumping furiously between Jerome's ass-cheeks. Richie's breath was heavy and he started to sweat all over his body. When he threw back his head I knew that he was only a few thrusts away from filling Jerome's insides. With a last powerful thrust he shouted his climax out, unloading in his associate's ass. Then he collapsed on Jerome's back and tried to catch his breath. As they came down from a post-orgasmic height, Richie left Jerome's hole with a plop.

Richie looked at me with a quizzical look. I didn't do anything to give him even a silent answer. I just took the pad and started the shower. The other two joined me and although we still grabbed and caressed, the urge of the moment was gone. Contrary to his normal way of doing, Jerome was soon gone and Richie and I were alone again.

  • You didn't like it or am I mistaken? Richie asked.

  • First of all I was flabbergasted at Jerome's actions. I had not expected it in any way. What happened next is that something snapped in my head. Seeing you interact with him caused a feeling of jealousy I had never felt before. Yes, it was hot to look at but when he sucked you I was thinking that it was my mouth that ought to be on your cock. When you fucked him I thought it was my hole your cock had to be in. It was very confusing as I have never been jealous in my life. It was not that I didn't want you to have your pleasure. I love you so much and after this experience of a threesome, if you don't mind, I'd rather have we don't repeat it.

  • I understand, said Richie, and I will respect your desire. It is true that Jerome has a hot body and it was kind of fun, but knowing you are not confortable with it, I can assure you it won't happen again. We have enough with just the two of us. I'll just explain to Jerome that the next time he comes we will stay clothed as to avoid the incident we had today. I am sure he will understand and accept it.

Richie got up and came over to me. He kissed me with his usual passion and before long we were in bed again, not fucking, but making love.

The evening of our first day of work after the weekend, I was anxiously waiting for Richie to come home and tell me Jerome's reaction. Strangely enough, Richie got in late. I guessed that he had waited to talk to Jerome till their office was empty, but when Richie came in he had a strange look on his face.

  • Jerome has not come to the office today. He didn't leave a note or anything and when I tried to call him, he didn't answer. This is so not like him! I have sent him an e-mail but haven't received an answer up till now.

Richie was really concerned and worried. He tried several more times to call Jerome, but never had an answer.

As days went by, Richie was on the verge of calling police and hospitals, but he heard from some colleagues at the courthouse that they had seen Jerome the day before or had him on the phone. That proved that Jerome was alive and not hurt in any way.

It took three weeks for Jerome to give any news. He called Richie during the office hours, apologizing profusely about his silence and saying it was all too hard for him to see us as a happy couple and he being the fifth wheel of the carriage. Being in Richie's presence all day and with me on top of it on weekends, was too much for him. He couldn't stand it. The threesome he provoked was nagging at him. He could n't forgive himself he had initiated it. He felt like an intrusion in our relationship and he didn't want that. He even thought we had allowed the threesome out of pity for him. Well, just to make a long story short, he preferred to stay away from us although Richie tried to convince him of our friendship and so on. Jerome insisted he needed time to sort things out. If that was what he wanted, we would give it to him!

Richie had to find someone else to help him at the office, but he swore to god it would have to be a woman!

Our Saturday routine of going to the spa changed when the spa announced they would have nudist sessions. Instead of going to the spa on Saturday mornings we now had to go on Friday nights. Quite some people apparently shared the benefits of the spa in the nude, as it was more crowded on Friday nights than on Saturday mornings. We were not obliged to go on Fridays, but we loved it. It was that sensation of freedom that appealed to us. There was no "looking-over" or "check-out" of any kind. It was just people who were naked and feeling comfortable with it. The fruit-bar next to the main swimming pool was always attended by quite a lot of people and we made some new friends there. The fact we were a gay couple was not even mentioned. A few people noticed we arrived and left together, but that was it. No labels were put on people. It was all natural and in a friendly atmosphere. We never saw Jerome again at those gatherings.

Richie was once again getting home late, as he was alone in his office. He had put a few adds in specialized papers and had had a few interviews, but without any positive result. I suggested publishing it on the web site and as soon as it was published he got a lot of resumes to go through. Not all the people who were asking for a job were qualified or with a law background, but in some of the applications you could feel the will and the need to work hard. One girl in particular, Jessica, was just out of school with a secretary degree. Richie interviewed her and was impressed by her. She seemed quite organized and knew her way around an office. She was hired almost on the spot. I could quickly notice the effect of Jessica in the office as Richie came home earlier again. He was over the moon with her because of her skills. He was wondering how she had that much knowledge about law but soon learned she was taking Internet courses. As time got by, he raised her salary and included her in his work for the richer clients as well.

For my part, I was thinking of hiring someone as well as the queries for graphic design were increasing by the day. I still had a few clients from before I moved to Toronto, but the increasing demands from local firms and particulars made my days longer and longer. Everybody wanted everything immediately. I had to make a precise schedule of deadlines to be sure to not disappoint anybody. I did what I had done for Richie: publishing an add on my website. Once again there was a flood of resumes coming in, but before I could interview any of them, I had to look at what they had done and published. It was important to have someone as creative as I was, but also in the same kind of line I was following. It took me more time than Richie to find the appropriate person. Jason was my final choice as he was a self-employed man and I had been able to appreciate his work. He just wanted some extra work, as he needed the extra money. I wouldn't have to give-up space in my office as he was working from his place. He was married and had two lovely kids and the third one was on its way. When we met we immediately clicked! I was sure he would be a good asset. Richie prepared a contract so there wouldn't be any discussion on copyright and so on. Jason and I went over it and signed it.

Time flew by so quickly. We settled in a routine of quite a lot of work, but keeping the weekends for us. The weekends always started with a visit to the spa on Friday night and on Sundays we still had our weekly lunch with Richie's Mum. I started to realize our life was almost nothing else but routine. As everybody knows, routine is the killer of love. Oh, I don't mean the lovemaking, but the feeling of love. When all days are the same or repeat themselves on a regular basis, it is almost impossible to avoid taking everything for granted. We talked it over one night that Richie and I had finished work a little earlier than normal. Richie directly got worried. He thought I was not happy.

  • I am happy, Richie, it is just that I am worried that the routine will kill the feelings. How long is it since we did something completely unforeseen? How long is it since we surprised each other? It is not a criticism; it is just a question. Since when haven't we had guests for dinner? When was the last time we had a weekend away?

All these questions overwhelmed Richie, but he had to admit I was right. The strange thing was that when he asked what I wanted to do, I had not a clue. We were both so absorbed by our jobs and facing so many deadlines, that we couldn't think of anything exciting to do together. We needed something new to look forward to. Richie suggested having a subscription to theatre or something like that, but I pointed out that if we went once a week to the theatre, it would become a routine as well. We were suddenly both deep in thoughts about things to do that were not connected to our work and that would give us both satisfaction.

I was thinking of surprising Richie with something, but even that was difficult. We had almost everything we ever wanted. The apartment was so well equipped that I couldn't possibly surprise him with something for our living space. What I had to find, was something for us to do that was not in the line of what we were already doing. I thought about going away for a week or maybe two, but with the workload we both had, it was near to impossible. Although ... Now that I had Jason, and he was doing a wonderful job, I could probably leave for a week or maybe two without too much trouble. What I didn't know was if Richie could. As I knew he was in court most of the mornings, I tried to call Jessica. She was managing his agenda after all.

I called her the next morning and asked if she could arrange the things in such a way that Richie could leave for a week or two. She said she would have to look into it as the dates for court was something she had not in her hands. She called me about two hours later telling me that she could arrange his appointments and court appearances so that he would have 10 days off during the next month. I told her it was going to be a surprise for Richie and not to mention it to him. She giggled and agreed.

I had the dates. Now I had to think of something to surprise my man accordingly to those dates I had. I had to work by elimination. A long trip was not to consider as we had only ten days. We could take the car and discover some places we had not seen yet. A possibility. We could go on a cruise in the Caribbean. Not a bad idea. We could go skiing. I always wanted to learn how to ski, but had no clue as what Richie would want to do. Discarded. I took some time to surf the Web. There were a lot of offers for traveling. Fortunately I didn't have to look at the prices as we had both saved quite some money with a lot of work and we had not spent a lot. There was an offer for a gastronomic route, but we both sure would put on weight. Discarded.

I finally opted for a cruise. Seven days in the Caribbean, with a visit to the Bahamas and Jamaica. Seven days on the boat and one day to travel to Miami and another one to come back. Perfect. I looked at the availability and the only thing that was available was a superior cabin. I booked it. I called Jessica to say that the ten days she had mentioned, Richie would not be there as I had booked the cruise. Absolute silence was a must! Then I called Jason and told him I would be away for ten days and that he would probably have to finish the last touches on the project I was working on. He accepted without a problem. I called Richie's Mum and told her about the surprise I was preparing. She found it a fabulous idea. I once again had to be sure she would keep the secret. Then I went into Richie's home office and found his passport. It was still valid. I went through our closets and saw we had most of the things we would need for that mini vacation. I called Taxi-Port, a company that provides long-term parking at the airport and while you are away, they clean up your car inside out. My car was in need of it. Now, the only thing I had to do was keeping the secret from Richie for two weeks! That would probably be the hardest task at all.

That night, when Richie came home, I was excited with all the preparations and he knew me far too well. He asked me what I was up to. Of course I told him "Nothing!" but the suspicion got to him. I kept silent nonetheless. Those two weeks before our departure were the longest one I had ever lived. I had prepared everything very consciously and as our flight would be in the late afternoon, I would have the whole morning to pack our things in two suitcases.

The day had finally arrived. Richie went to work as normal. Jessica had arranged things in such a way that she could push Richie out of the office by two am. That meant he would be home around two thirty. Just in time to make him change of clothes and drive to the airport. Our flight was at four and we had to be in the harbor at seven. The ship sailed off at eight. As soon as Richie was out of the door, I started packing our things and took both our suitcases to my car. At one forty-five Jessica called me to tell me Richie refused to leave the office. I told her to switch me through to him.

  • Hi honey, I said, there is a special delivery here for you. The guy doesn't accept me to sign for it. Can you please come home?

Richie got unnerved about it and argued about the quality of the delivery company, but finally accepted to come home. I had problems to keep serious over the phone.

At two o'clock sharp Jessica called to say he was on his way. My calculations were right as he came through the door at half past two. I had to find a plausible explanation about the absence of the deliveryman and just said he couldn't wait any longer and would drop by the following day again.

  • Why don't you take off that suit and dress with something more casual? I asked. I take you out and have a surprise for you!

  • What surprise?

  • If I tell you, it won't be a surprise anymore! So please, go change your clothes. We'll be on our way immediately.

He didn't argue and went in for a shower and dress. When he was ready, we went down to the basement where our cars were parked. We got in mine and were soon on our way.

  • You should clean your car Fred! I haven't seen it so dirty since you have it.

  • That's exactly what we are going to do Richie! Get the car cleaned.

  • Is that the surprise?

  • That is part of the surprise. You'll see.

When we reached Taxi-Port and I got the luggage out of the car, he started to understand what kind of surprise I had for him. He had his usual grin on his face, the same grin he had when something good was on its way. Once we were in the departure hall, and after thousand questions about where we were going, I finally told him we were flying to Miami to catch a cruise ship that sailed in the Caribbean. He looked flabbergasted.

  • But, I don't have my passport with me, he said.

  • I have it for you!

  • And I am not dressed for a cruise, he exclaimed.

  • Everything you need is in your suitcase.

  • But Mum will expect us on Sunday for our weekly lunch, he said.

  • No, she won't. I called her to say I take her son on a cruise.

  • Jessica will be lost if I don't show up!

  • No, she won't as she actually helped me organize this trip and has rescheduled all you appointments.

  • You actually thought about everything, haven't you?

-Yes, I guess I did.

He took me in his arms and kissed me passionately as we reached the check-in. I put the flight-tickets on the counter and we received our boarding passes. The flight was uneventful and we were welcomed in Miami by a very pleasant climate and temperature. Everything went smooth and well and we were in the harbor around six forty-five. As we had a superior cabin, we were treated like VIP's and didn't have to stand in the cue or anything. When a steward opened the door to our cabin, I thought there was a mistake as this was not a superior cabin, but a superior suite! But the steward insisted it was exactly what I had booked after checking his list over and over again. We shrugged our shoulders and accepted this luxurious place as our home for seven days. It was a nice suite! There was a nice size living room, a separate bedroom, a huge bathroom with Jacuzzi and a terrace to die for. On the living room table there was a bottle of Champagne chilling in a silver bucket with ice. The steward was very helpful explaining everything there was. He insisted we would be at the security drill and matter-of-factly mentioned that we were invited to the captain's table. Tuxedo was required.

I opened the bottle of Champagne and filled the two glasses. There was a crystal bowl with strawberries on the same silver plate. We enjoyed both of them. We had still some time before the security drill and decided to discover the immediate surroundings of our cabin. We soon discovered quite a lot of the amenities of the ship and it was impressive. I hadn't checked them on-line at the moment of the booking. This was like a little town with all imaginable shops, pubs, restaurants and other activities. The horn blasted its typical sound over the harbor, announcing we were leaving. We followed the security drill and were impressed with the organization of things aboard. As we were expected at the captain's table at nine, we went back to our cabin to dress in our tuxedos.

When we reached the main restaurant, which was absolutely huge, we were led to the captain's table. The captain was exactly as you can imagine one. He was about sixty years of age, white hair and white beard and dressed in an impeccable uniform. He introduced himself and so did we. He then introduced us to his other guests and offered us yet another glass of Champagne. I thought that Richie would be more than horny when we would get back to our suite. The dinner was absolutely exquisite and I couldn't imagine the work of the personnel, as well in the kitchen as the waiters, to manage to serve warm meals to such an amount of people in such a short time. Despite all the luxury and the fine dinning, a woman that sat just across the table was apparently displeased. She looked disgusted with something but we hadn't the slightest idea about what as everything was perfect. The captain noticed it as well and at one point he couldn't avoid to ask her if anything was wrong.

  • Yes, she said with a pitched voice, I can't understand how a captain of you class can invite faggots to your table.

She had said "faggots" with a strong venom and expected the captain to ask us to leave his table. The captain surprised us all when he went on with a peaceful voice and looking directly at that woman.

  • I can understand it must be disgusting for you to sit at the same table as ... how did you call them?

  • Faggots, she almost screamed out.

  • Yes... faggots. My dear Madam, first of all I think that the correct word is gay and not faggots. If you are so disgusted to be at a table with gay people, I can only suggest you leave this table. The gentlemen you hatefully called faggots, are my guests and if you can not respect my guests, I would really appreciate you to go and sit somewhere else.

With that said, he called the maître d and asked him to replace those people as urgently as possible. Then he turned to us and said with a smile on his face:

  • I do apologize for such behavior at my table. It won't occur again, I can promise you that.

The rest of the dinner was uneventful and very pleasant. After the dinner the captain invited us for a nightcap at the bar. He apologized once more for the woman's behavior.

  • You see, he explained, I can't stand people who can't behave. When I have guests at my table I expect them to be respectful. That woman wasn't. She will never again, no matter what kind of money she spends with the company, be invited again at a captain's table. As for me, one of my sons is gay as well and he and his boyfriend are the best people I have ever met, even if I say so myself.

We could sense he was proud of his son. Just there and then we knew we had made a friend aboard. We bid our goodnights to the captain and went to our suite. Yet another bottle of Champagne was on the table with a little card saying "With the compliments of the Captain".

  • Do you fancy to open it now, or do we keep it for another day? Richie asked.

  • What do you wish?

  • Well ... I was thinking about opening something else, he said.

And joining the deed to the word, he started to undo my tie and taking of my tuxedo jacket. He leaned in and kissed me softly on the lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him a little more forceful to me, pushing my tongue into his mouth. That was the trigger and the invitation Richie was waiting for. He stopped undressing me and took my face in both his hands and kissed me passionately. He just broke the kiss to look in my eyes and saying:

  • Thank you for this wonderful surprise. I just love it!

He then resumed his kissing and his hands got really active, as it was clear he wanted me naked as the day I was born. But he was not in a hurry. He teasingly opened each and every button of my shirt and patiently removed my cufflinks. He made my shirt glide from my shoulders. He then kneeled in front of me and removed my shoes and my socks. Caressing my thighs he came back up, opened my trousers and unzipped it and it fell to the ground by pure gravity. My briefs were already tenting obscenely as I was hard as steel. I had to keep my balance by grabbing his shoulders for support. He surprised me by taking the waistband of my briefs between his teeth and pulling them down without using his hands at all. I stepped out of them and stood there naked in front of my husband.

Richie stood up and undressed at the speed of light. Once he was naked he lifted me up and laid me down on the bed, covering my body with his. I wrapped my arms once again around his neck and we kissed. It was not the usual kiss. It was a kiss filled with feelings and gratitude. He was devouring my mouth with his and our tongues were dancing, imitating the waltz we had danced on our wedding. It was so emotional that my head was spinning. I was overflown by emotions and love. I could have stayed like that for hours, but Richie's nether regions were moving over my cock and made all the hormones in my body gather. If he went on like that I knew I would climax far too soon. I wanted him in me and whispered it in his ear.

  • Please, make me yours once again and forever.

  • We are not in a hurry Baby, we have all night long and I will fill you with my seed before you get to sleep. It's a promise!

But before he proceeded to fill me he covered my body with kisses. His lips had an electrifying effect on my skin. I squirmed beneath his touch, being it his hands or his tongue. He was wakening all the nerve endings I had and they all bundled up from the root of my hair to my curling toes. I grabbed the sheets of the bed, avoiding the spasms in my body to throw him off me. In the years we had been together, he had learned to push the right buttons at the right time to have me moaning and groaning like mad. He had also learned to push certain parts of my body to avoid me to shoot my load to early.

He lavished my genitals with his spit. Engulfing my rod to the base, he pulled on my scrotum to increase the feelings he gave with his tongue on my cock-head. He pulled enough on my ball sack as to have one finger reaching my rosebud. I could feel him probing my puckered hole and introduce his finger to the first knuckle. I was panting. It had been a long time since we had the time to make love like that. I tried to push my ass on his finger, but holding my scrotum it was impossible. Richie sensed my need to feel him inside of me and let go of my balls and his finger disappeared completely in me. He immediately found my prostate and knew how to work it. I was oozing pre-cum by the bucket. But Richie had his own whims. With his usual agility, he flipped around and we found ourselves in our favorite sixty-nine position. I swallowed his cock as soon as it was in my reach, but Richie went further. I knew he wanted to French kiss my hole and I wrapped my legs around his torso to give him better access. We always loved it to eat each other out like that. I liked it even more because I knew he was preparing me for his penetration. Two of his fingers and his tongue were already deep inside of me, but I wanted more. I pushed his cock out of my mouth with my tongue and tried to make him understand I wanted him in me, now! He was my husband long enough to understand my needs.

He once again flipped over, put my legs on his shoulders and pointed his manhood right on target. His penetration was slow but decided. He had rimmed me enough and worked my hole in such a way that I didn't feel any pain when his pubes tickled my ass-cheeks. He was in me up to the hilt. Although he pushed my legs to my chest in almost uncomfortable position, his lips reached mine and we kissed while he slowly started his in-and-out movement. With each thrust he stimulated my prostate. My heartbeat was going wild. I grabbed his buttocks and pulled him even deeper into me. I was in heaven when he increased his speed of thrusting. I could feel his cock getting harder and even bigger if it was possible. Knowing he was going to unload in my bowels got me even more excited and my juice was boiling in my balls. It took us very little time to climax. We both threw our heads backwards at the same time our first spurts shot their load. I coated both our stomachs and chests while he painted my insides. Once we were spent, I let my legs come down from his shoulders and Richie collapsed on top of me. We stayed like that for some time till I suggested to shower if we didn't want to stick together with dried cum.

I saw Richie looking around, apparently searching for something. He then burst out laughing and when I asked him what was funny he just said he was looking for the pad to control the shower. On that ship there was no pad, but the shower was ample enough for the both of us and the water was the perfect temperature. After our shower Richie decided to open the bottle of Champagne after all. We sat in bed with our glasses filled and were having some small talk. That as well was a long time since the last time we had a proper conversation not related to work or daily routine.

The excitement of the day, the flight and the dinner at the captain's table had worn us out as much as the lovemaking we just had. Our eyelids got heavy and we switched off the lights. We were soon sleeping in each other's arms.

The next morning we woke up to a lovely sunshine coming through the terrace windows. We wanted some breakfast and found out we could have it served in the room. Richie called and ten minutes later a cart was wheeled in. The steward set-up everything and disappeared as silently as he had arrived. The presentation of the breakfast was absolutely fabulous. There was no way we could eat everything that was served. However, we had never started the day with Champagne at breakfast. It seemed to be it is a healthy habit to have a glass of Champagne on an empty stomach. He had some toasts with smoked salmon, freshly scrambled eggs with warm tomatoes, some sausages and a few rolls and croissants with strawberry marmalade. To top it all off, we had a nice cup of coffee. We just wondered when we last had such an elaborated breakfast.

After a shower and putting on some shorts, T-shirt and flip-flops, we went to discover the rest of the ship we hadn't seen yet. When we got on the main deck we were greeted by the tropical sun and a sky so blue, you could only see it that way in the Caribbean. The bluest sea surrounded the ship. We discovered various swimming pools and even a wave-maker for those who wanted to have a try with a surfboard. There was even a climbing wall. Personnel of the ship watched all the amenities. Everything was made sure to be safe and secure. There was even a two-lane running track on the upper deck and a gym that would make any amateur jealous. If we didn't find anything to do, it would be our own fault. But as this was supposed to be a holiday and a time to rest from hard work, we laid down by the main pool on some deckchairs and soaking up some sun. We skipped lunch as we had had a very good breakfast. At the hottest moment of the day, some waiters came around offering various types of fruit, nicely cut and in bowls. It was welcome and healthy refreshment.

During the cruise we had the opportunity to visit various places. If we had had to book all these places to visit them by ourselves, it would have cost us a fortune. Here, we had the opportunity to have a first sight and discover if we liked the place enough to have a holiday at that place. When we were at sea, we benefited of all the amenities during the day. We used the gym on a daily basis, but as well the sauna and steam room. We had several massages given by Thai guys and girls. In the evenings we had supper at the various restaurants on board. After our meals we would enjoy the shows in the magnificent theatre. We even tried our luck in the casino, but soon abandoned the place. We had to work too hard for our money to lose it in such a hazardous way. We even did some shopping in the high quality shops.

One night, as it was so warm, we got out of our cabin around 2 am and had a walk on the upper deck as we couldn't sleep. We were dressed in just shorts and open shirts. It was still warm although we were at open sea. A light breeze was nonetheless refreshing the atmosphere. We walked hand in hand and were surprised to be the only ones walking around. We went to the bow of the boat and could slightly hear the ship cleaving the waves. Richie stood behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist. We felt so at peace and happy. We knew it was a moment we would always remember. I turned around and kissed that beautiful man who was my husband. As we were alone on this spot of the ship and that our horniness got the better part of us, we made love to the sound of the ship slicing the waves and under a full moon in a cloudless sky. When we had climaxed and coming back from our post-orgasmic height, we dressed and Richie mentioned that he hoped their were no surveillance cameras.

  • Even if there are, the ones watching the monitors can only have a good time, I replied.

We went back to our suite and slept like babies.

The last evening onboard was a blast. We were once again invited to the captain's table and very nice people surrounded us. The last dinner onboard was a dancing one, meaning that there was an open space for dancing all through dinner. A band was playing all kind of music. When an Argentinian tango was played, Richie leaned towards the captain and asked his permission to dance with me in public. We were not surprised that he said yes.

We got up and went to the center of the empty dance floor. Richie took me in his arms and we started dancing the tango like we had learned at the Ballroom. We had had the chance to have a true Argentinian teacher and after several weeks we could dance it perfectly. We knew we would give a show, but we didn't care, as we danced for our own pleasure. The guitarist of the band was doing a wonderful job and we thoroughly enjoyed our dance. When the music came to an end, Richie was holding me almost laying flat on my back on his knee. He leaned in and gave me a kiss on the lips. When we heard the applause, we didn't know if it was for the band or for us. We went back to the captain's table and the captain, as well as the guests, were standing up and applauding. We were beaming.

  • That was absolutely beautiful, said the captain. We could clearly see you both enjoyed that. I would almost be tempted to offer you a contract to give us such a show on each cruise.

Richie and I were blushing at such a compliment, but had no time to recover as the band played "our" song: the Blue Danube by Strauss. We went back to the dance floor and danced away, oblivious of the people watching us. Although being gay is a lot more accepted our days, people are still a little uncomfortable when faced as directly to it as they were on the ship's dance floor. I was sure the lady of the first night had already left the dinning room! But as I said, we didn't care what people thought or said. We truthfully enjoyed ourselves and that was the only thing that mattered for us.

Just as we were bidding our goodnights, the captain shook our hands and gave us his card.

  • If you ever decide to take another cruise, be sure to call me. I would love to see you dancing again. I am sure my son and his boyfriend would love to see it, too. They would probably ask you to give them dance lessons! It was a delightful pleasure to have you onboard gentlemen. Have a safe trip home tomorrow!

We thanked him profusely for the nice cruise and assured him we would keep in touch.

  • Oh, and by the way, he said winking at us, the camera on the bow of the ship is switched off tonight!

Richie and I were beat red in a second. That night we made love indeed, but in the privacy of our terrace. We ordered breakfast for quite early in the morning, as we would anchor in Miami very early as well. We got up and showered, dressed appropriately to travel back to Toronto. Our suitcases seemed to be smaller than when we boarded, but it was just because we had bought quite a few items. Going to the exit to disembark, we received smiles and goodbyes from quite a lot of people, being it passengers or personnel. Our dances of last night had not gone unremarked. Our steward was at the exit and we left him a nice tip. He had been perfect after all. The last one to greet us was the captain and we repeated our promise to keep in touch.

Before we even realized it, the plane was descending towards Toronto airport. We took the shuttle to Taxi-Port and were at awe when they drove my car to the exit. It had been washed and waxed and was shining just like the first day I laid my eyes on it. The inside was absolutely immaculate. I took the roof down and we drove home.

Entering our apartment, we could see the housekeeper had done a wonderful job as well. We were very pleased. Our cruise had been the best way to re-charge our batteries and we were ready to face the daily work again. Just before we shut our eyes that night, Richie thanked me again and said he owed me one. I was looking forward to what he would find to surprise me!

We were back at work again. Jessica had done a marvelous job while we were away and Richie gave her a bonus, something she appreciated immensely. Jason had finished up the project I was on before our departure for the cruise and I found an e-mail from the client thanking us profusely and congratulating us with the great job. I followed Richie's example and gave a bonus to Jason. He as well was very grateful.

Weeks and months flew by. I was a bit scared that the routine would kick in again, but it wasn't. It was not necessary to go on a cruise every month! Richie surprised me with some evenings out, being it just to go to a restaurant or going to a concert or a theatre performance. There wasn't a week that went by without one of us surprising the other with something. We were happy and we liked to share our happiness with friends. Stewart and Troy were always on the top of our list. Over the years we had learned to know each other quite well and it wasn't difficult to find ways to please them or them pleasing us. When they invited us for weekend of waterskiing we accepted gladly although neither of us had ever done it. It was a challenge as well for Richie as for me. We were in good shape thanks to our daily workout in the basement gym.

The day arrived and we picked Stewart and Troy up for the two-hour drive to a cabin Troy had inherited from his parents when they died. I punched the location in the GPS of the car and we traveled pleasantly towards the cabin and the lake. As it was a bright summer day, the roof was down and we enjoyed the warm feeling of the sun on our skins. It had taken us less than fifteen minutes to take off our T-shirts and let the sun tan our chests and faces. We had only forgotten that our seatbelts would leave a tan-line across our torsos. When we reached the cabin and got out of the car we were all four sporting a white line on our chests! We laughed heartedly when we discovered it.

The following day Troy did what he had to do to get the boat ready and to get us prepared for our first water-skiing lesson. When you see people doing it, it all seems so easy and simple, but when you have to do it yourself it is a total different matter. Fortunately as well Troy as Stewart were very patient with us and before the end of the day Richie and I managed to stay on our skis at a decent speed. Richie liked it but not as much as I did. The second day he learned to pilot the boat and that was more to his liking than the actual skiing. Troy showed him how he had to speed up the boat the right way and Richie was actually very soon doing it better than Troy himself. He was that good at it that soon he could manage the boat alone and Stewart, Troy and I were on our skis while Richie increased the speed. As we were skiing bear chested, the tan line of the car seatbelts quickly disappeared. As usual I got redder than tanned, but with the appropriate sun cream it was not too bad. As it was just a weekend, we were already preparing to drive back to the city, when Richie's cell phone caught his attention. He picked it up although it was an unknown number to him.

While he was on the phone we continued packing our stuff and loading the car. When he was finished, he came to us and had a very strange look on his face, as if he had just seen a ghost. I asked him immediately what was going on.

  • You won't believe me, he said, it was the general hospital of Montreal. They asked me if I knew Peter Summer.

  • Who the hell is Peter Summer, I asked.

  • Peter Summer is my father. He left my mother when she was pregnant of me and that's why I have my mother's surname. It seems he is quite ill and won't survive too long. It seems he asked for me.

Richie had never talked about his father and I didn't want to be nosy, so I never asked about him either. We had weekly lunch with his Mum, but she didn't talk about him either. I had always guessed there was a story about him, but being discreet, I never walked that path.

The first thing Richie did was calling his Mum. They were in a serious conversation while we waited by the car to start our drive back to town. The joyful mood had clearly disappeared, as we understood it was a dilemma for Richie. Going to Montreal or not. The turmoil he was in after talking to his Mum was evident. His Mum had never talked about his father in the past. The only information she had given him was that his father left when she was pregnant. She never volunteered to give more details about the man, except that his name was Peter Summer, and Englishman.

It seemed the Englishman had stayed in Canada after leaving the woman he had made pregnant. Richie had never had the desire to know his real father. He had been brought up by his Mum and had had a very good childhood. His Mum had cared for him and seen to all his necessities. She had been wonderful all these years. Now, on the phone, she had left him the choice to go or not. She said he was an adult and that he made his own decisions since quite some years. He didn't need her to tell him whether to go to Montreal or not. She didn't say yes or no. She left it completely up to him and didn't want to interfere. Richie had silently hoped she would be more categorical or giving him an advice.

During the two-hour drive back to the city, Richie didn't say a word. I knew him well enough to leave him alone when he was that deep in thoughts. When he was ready he would speak and express his feelings and thoughts.

The nurse had not told him a lot. She had just checked if he was indeed the Richard she was looking for and then switched the call through to the doctor, who was an oncologist. Richie had not to ask what was going on with his father when he heard the doctor was specialized in cancer. The doctor had just told him that his father had not a long time left and had asked to see him.

We reached the apartment after dropping off Stewart and Troy. I promised them to keep them updated. Richie let himself fall into the chair and looked devastated. I could understand his confusion. After all, his father was a total stranger to him. He hadn't even seen him once in his entire life. He couldn't think of one reason why his father, who was about to leave this world, wanted to see him now. I served us two strong drinks and handed one to Richie. He emptied half the glass in one gulp. He cleared his throat and started to express what was going on in his head and in his heart. He wasn't afraid to tell he was confused and didn't know what to do. He feared that if he didn't go to Montreal he would regret it the rest of his life. On the other hand he wondered why he should go and see a man he didn't even know.

I looked at my watch and saw it was two pm. If we left right now we would be there around seven and, depending on the events, being back around midnight, one o'clock at the latest. I guessed there wouldn't be a lot to say, as they were both strangers to each other. I felt Richie wanted to go although he was not sure of the out-come. I used my strongest voice and said to Richie to gather his things. We were going. In less than five minutes we were in his car, but I did the driving. I didn't want him to have to drive when his mind was not on it at all.

The five-hour drive was uneventful. I followed the instructions of the GPS and we reached the general hospital without the slightest problem. Once the car was parked I asked Richie if he wanted to go alone, but he insisted I go with him. We followed the signs and reached the floor where his father was supposed to be. We got to the nurse station and showed our ID's to prove whom we were. She indicated the door of his father's room and said she would warn the doctor of our arrival. Standing in front of that closed door, Richie hesitated for a moment. I put my finger under his chin and made him look at me. I told him everything was going to be all right and gave him a little kiss on his lips.

He knocked on the door and went in without waiting for an answer.

There was only one bed in the room. The man lying in the bed was his father; there was not a single doubt about it. They actually looked alike except that his father had a very tired expression on his face. But the form of the head, the eyes, the nose, everything was so alike. They had the same eyes but the sparkle in Richie's eyes was absent in his father's. It was understandable as the doctors said he would not live long anymore. Next to the bed stood another man, about the same age, holding his father's hand. That man looked devastated but showed a smile nonetheless. It was that man who spoke first.

  • You must be Richard. There is no doubt about that. Your father has been waiting for you. I'll leave you alone for a few minutes.

And then he walked out.

Richie approached the bed and looked at that stranger who said he was his father, but he had no doubt about it as he could almost see himself in the mirror but in an older version. The monitor next to the bed beeped slowly. When Richie touched his father's hand, as he didn't know what else to do, his father opened his eyes and weakly smiled at him.

  • At last, he said.

And he closed his eyes again. He squeezed Richie's hand and we could hear the beep of the monitor slow down even more, till we looked at the screen and there was only a flat line and a continuous beep. The grip on his son's hand went completely away. His father was gone.

A nurse came in almost immediately, checked a few things and then, switched of the monitor. The sudden silent was deafening. She looked at her watch and made a few notes on a chart. The man who had been holding Richie's father's hand came back in and presented his condolences.

The doctor came in and shook our hands.

  • I am glad for him that it is all over. He was in a lot of pain and suffered far more than any human being should. He is in peace now.

The doctor left the room. The other man came over. He was crying. Despite of his tears he tried to have the best composure possible.

  • Peter was waiting for you. He has talked about you so many times, but he was too stubborn to contact you. He has followed your life during all these years, but didn't want to disturb your life. He was so proud of you when you graduated law school. I told him to let you know how proud he was, but he refused. But I forget my good manners. Let me introduce myself: I am Mark, Mark Tudor. I was your father's life partner. We've been together over twenty years.

Richie was flabbergasted with that small amount of news. First, he met his father who died the minute he met him. Then he learned his father had been following his life and on top of that he received the news his father was gay. Quite a lot of news in a few minutes time.

Mark went into his inside pocket and got an envelope out of it. He handed it to Richie.

  • Your father wrote you a letter not later than last week. It is my handwriting as he was to weak to write it himself, but I can assure you I wrote the words he told me. He said that f you came you had to receive it the day he died. There is a second one, which is addressed to your mother.

And he handed Richie a second letter.

  • Are you driving back to Toronto tonight? Or would you prefer to stay at our house till the funeral? You are most welcome to stay. After the funeral there will the reading of his will. I don't know what it contains as he made his will several months ago and deposited at the notary, but he mentioned that you were included.

I looked at Richie to know if he wanted to stay or not, but his eyes were pleading to take him away from that hospital bed first. He just kissed his father's forehead and we left the room. He put the letter for his mother in his pocket but kept his in his hands, holding on to it as if it was the most precious thing he owned in his life.

We exchanged phone numbers with Mark and told him we would be back for the funeral. We thanked him for the invitation to stay at their place, but we preferred to go back to Toronto immediately. We would sure want to see the place he had lived for over twenty years with Mark, but it would have to wait for another time. Richie's emotions were already confused enough for the moment.

The whole way back to Toronto, Richie held on to the letter. I knew he wanted to read it right then, but he was also a little apprehensive about the contents. I didn't pressure him. He would need his time to open that envelope and read what was inside.

It was only when we were back home that he sat in front of the fireplace and opened the envelope.

Dear Richard,

I don't know how to start this, except by saying I am sorry. Sorry for abandoning you even before you were born. As you read this letter it means you have met Mark. He has been the love of my life and has supported me all these years. He always insisted that I meet you, even before I got sick. I was too stubborn to accept he was right and I missed you all my life.

When your mother announced that she was pregnant, I was scared. Scared to death, as I knew I was gay and couldn't see myself in the married life. I would have made your mother unhappy and automatically you would have been unhappy, too. But that is not an excuse. It is just an explanation. I was a coward and left. Once again, sorry for that!

Despite my leaving, I followed your life very closely. More than once I was looking at you while you played at school. More than once I followed you when you were going out with friends. I was even hidden away, but present, at your graduation at law school. You can't imagine how proud I was of you, and still am. I can only blame myself for all the mistakes I made. I can't even ask for your forgiveness as leaving you was totally unforgivable. I only hope you will not hold it all against me.

When I discovered you were gay, I selfishly thought you had at least one of my genes. I was a bit worried though, as you didn't seem to find the person to share your life with, till the arrival of Fred. Yes, I know about him, too. I peeked in at your wedding and saw you dance with him. I would have loved to be there and be able to dance with you as well. That is probably another of my genes you have. Ask Mark. He will confirm it to you.

The show you gave on the cruise was fabulous. You probably wonder how I know about that. It's easy: Mark is the captain's son. You can't believe how much the captain admired you and appreciated you. He is really looking forward to have you on one of his cruises again.

But now, my son, I am gone. The illness took all of my strength away. I just hope I will see you before I give my last breath. Once again, sorry for my mistakes.

Be happy with Fred. If you need anything at all, contact Mark. He's the best man someone can have in his life.

I love you,


When Richie had read the letter three of four times, the tears were flowing freely. He received a letter from someone he had never met in his life and despite of that, his heart was hurting and bleeding. He started to blame himself for not trying to find and contact his Dad. Why on earth had he never tried to know who his father was? Why had he not felt the interest of finding him? He had lived at only five hundred miles all these years. They could have been more than father and son. They could have been friends. But now it was too late. The only thing he could do to learn a bit more about his father was to stay in contact with Mark and make him talk about him.

The following days Richie was not himself. The grieve he felt was getting to him. He met with his Mum and gave her the letter that was addressed to her. Impulsively, she tried to tear it to pieces without even reading it, but he convinced her no to do so. He told her about the letter he had received and urged her to read hers as well. It was a message from the beyond as Peter was dead now. She agreed and tried to keep indifferent to what was written on the white paper. Richie had read his letter and if the letter his mother was holding in her hands was in the same style of his, she would not be indifferent a very long time. Indeed, after what seemed only a few seconds, or a few sentences, her eyes got moist. Before she ended reading, the tears were flowing just as freely as Richie's had. When she finished reading, she carefully folded the letter and put it in her purse

  • I am sorry Richie. I have not been what you could expect of me. I should have given you more information and insisted you met him. He was a good man, but just like him I was too stubborn to admit that I, as well, had made a mistake. I knew he was gay before I went to bed with him. I hoped I could change him, but that was asking too much. I was angry with him when he left and, in fact, I should have been angry with myself. I am so sorry Richie.

Mother and son fell into each other's arms. They hugged and cried. If Peter had been there they would have been three people hugging and crying.

The funeral was a simple and humble ceremony, although the place was packed with people. It seemed Peter had a lot of friends. After the cremation, Mark invited us to their house. It was a beautiful house filled with art and music instruments. It seemed Peter was a very good musician and had even written a complete musical about two gays in love. It had never been performed. While we were having coffee in the living room, Mark brought in a box saying it was Richie's.

  • Here you have all the pictures Peter took of you, the letters he wrote to you but never sent. You will also find all the birthday cards and Christmas greetings he never sent. There are also some gifts he bought for you, but never gave to you. He made me promise you would get it all.

Richie looked at the box and just like the letter he had received, he couldn't open it immediately. He knew he would be confronted with things of the past that related him to his father he had never known, not even talked to. He said he would look at it later, when he was ready for it. He immediately took it to the car and put it in the boot. Mark announced we had to be at the notary an hour later, but due to traffic we'd better get on our way. We all got into what was Peter's car and Mark drove us to the notary's office.

We were introduced and sat down in front of a large wooden desk covered with files and papers. The reading of the will was simple and quite clear. Mark inherited the house and all its belongings as well as the cars and their joined bank account. Richie's Mum received a nice amount of money as an "apology" for having to face all the burdens of life by herself. Richie inherited Peter's company and I was to be to co-owner of that as well. Mark was happy with the settlement as well as Richie's Mum. The only ones who didn't really know the extend of what they got, were Richie and I as we had no idea what his father's business was. We were asked to sign a bunch of papers and after Richie, as a good lawyer, had checked out everything he nodded as if to say it was all right to sign.

We had not been in more than an hour. When we came out we asked Mark to give us at least some information about Peter's business. He sighed.

  • Your father's business is one of the biggest distribution companies of this country. Our direct competitors are UPS and DHL. There are about twenty-five thousand employees all over the world. The fleet of trucks is enormous. There are several planes and even some boats that operate from the main office. The company is worth over two billion dollars. I made it clear to Peter I had absolutely no intention of running it as I have not the skills he had. He said you, Richard, would have the knowledge to do so and if you were not interested, the competition would be more than glad to buy it so they could expand. It will be up to you two to decide, as you are now official co-owners.

Richie's color in his face disappeared completely and he was as white as a ghost. I was probably as pale as he was. Although we had worked with very rich people, two billion seemed too much for us to assimilate. Neither Richie nor I had the skills or the knowledge to run such a huge company. We would have to think very seriously about it all. For my part, I would gladly sell it to the highest offer of the competitors, but I had to wait to see what Richie thought about it. We decided to go back home and let it all rest for a while.

On the way back to Toronto, we were all three quite in the car. We were deep in thoughts. I knew Richie was quite pragmatic and would soon come up with what he thought was the best solution. I would, of course, support him in whatever decision he made, but knew straight away I would not want to be one of the CEO's of the company. I was happy with what I was doing as a job. I am a very good graphic designer but probably would suck as a CEO.

The following day Richie contacted the person Mark had said was the person in charge since Peter's illness, Mr. Levi. He had a long talk over the phone with Mr. Levi who seemed to know exactly what to do in that company. Richie told me everything that had been said over the phone and that as co-owners we had to back to Montreal to meet the board of directors.

  • There are actually only two possibilities for us Fred: or we sell the company or we keep it and leave Mr. Levi as CEO. I don't want to run that company myself and I doubt very much you want to do it either.

  • You're right, I said, I am not interested and have not the capability of running it.

  • Ok, we reached a first common point on that one. So, what do you think about the possibilities I pointed out?

  • I think that we could approach Mr. Levi and ask if he is personally interested in buying the company as he runs it now for almost a year and a half. If he is, I guess we would have to work a financial plan as I doubt he can come up with two billions just like that. If he isn't interested, or can't afford it, we can approach the two or three biggest competitors and see with what kind of offer they come to us. Keeping the company and leave it in the good hands of Mr. Levi is not a bad idea, but I don't think it is the best, as we would continually worry about how things are going.

  • Let me call him on his private line and see what his reaction is.

Less than five minutes later, Richie came back and told me Mr. Levi's opinion.

  • He would, of course, prefer us to keep the company and let him run it. He said immediately that he had not the necessary funds to buy it on his own, but could probably find the necessary investors to do so. He wants us to wait another week before making any decision in that sense. He also mentioned that there were already contacts made by two competitors who just wanted to know what the future of the company holds in. He said he made an appointment with both of them, but would postpone them till after the final decision we take.

That week seemed to never end. We drove once again to Montreal and stayed at Mark's house. We exposed the situation to him and he agreed that Mr. Levi was certainly the person in the best position to help us out. He offered to go with us to meet that gentleman and help with the negotiations. We gladly accepted his generous offer.

Before we met the board of directors we had a meeting with Mr. Levi. He was a man of about sixty years of age but in an incredible good shape and very energetic. We could easily understand why Peter had put his trust in him. We were soon on first name basis as he asked us to call him Jonathan.

  • I won't go around the bush, he said. I can't come up with two billion dollars just like that. I have found a few investors, but even with their help we don't reach the necessary funds to buy it over from you guys. But, as I guess, you will want to invest part of the money with the sale of this company, I would suggest you think about this: what would you think about being shareholders of this company? I can come up with seventy-five percent of the money. You would keep twenty-five percent of it and, if you want, you can be silent partners. Every year you would receive twenty-five percent of the benefits the company makes. I would understand if you prefer to sell it completely and then we would have to see the offers of the competitors. However, there is a chance they won't offer the two billion. They will probably offer less. All depends on you.

Richie and I looked at each other and without even having to say a word we agreed on Jonathan's offer to invest twenty-five percent and sell the other seventy-five percent to Jonathan. We didn't have to think about it. We knew from all the figures we had received that the company was making good money and that each year the benefits were higher and higher.

We went into the boardroom and faced the important people of the company. Up till now there was only one owner. Today we were two but it was already decided that Jonathan would become the new owner together with his financial partners, us included. When the directors heard the decision that had been made, they applauded it with enthusiasm. It would take several weeks and even month to have all the papers ready and signed, but the board elected with unanimity the presidency of Jonathan at the head of the company. It was most likely the shortest board meeting they had ever had.

Two months later we were once again in Montreal. Richie had had quite a lot of work to come up with the perfect contract, but he had. The boardroom was this time filled with Jonathan and us, but also the financial partners of Jonathan. The signature of the contract was over within five minutes after its reading. The very next day, Richie's and my bank account s had increased with each seven hundred and fifty million dollars and we still each owned shares of the company for each hundred and twenty five million dollars. We could clearly state we were financially secured.

It was a very strange sensation to have all that money. We had never to complain in the past as we both had good incomes with our jobs, but this was different. From one day to the other we could live without doing anything if it pleased us. We could travel the world without being concerned of the work that was pending. All this, thanks to a man we had never known.

Here I was. I was going to turn forty and Richie forty-two. We were both in quite good shape thanks to the daily workout we had in the basement gym. We were married for five years now and we were as happy as the first day we met. We had a small difficult moment when we feared routine was going to kill our feelings, but that all changed as we talked about it and acted on what we had discussed. We were more than wealthy financially. Our apartment was fantastic and we both drove a car we had dreamed about. Our lovemaking was very satisfactory. What else could we ask for? Right: nothing!

And that was what was worrying me! For just a moment I was scared that we would have no more goals to achieve. How wrong I was! Richie had a vivid imagination and I was always ready to follow his ideas even if they sometimes seemed crazy. After all, he was the pragmatic one in our relationship.

Richie had continued his office to help the less fortunate ones. Of course, now that he had the means, he hired even more help as Jessica was overloaded with work. The office he had was soon cramped and far too small. He bought a building in the poor neighborhood and refurbished it completely. On the ground floor there were the offices and on the three floor above he had made several apartments, completely equipped, as to help people who were really in need. He had hired three more lawyers, fresh out of university. They received their more than generous wages as long as they helped people out with conviction. Jessica had now three more women helping her with all the administrative work that was bound to all the cases.

As for me, I sold my business to Jason. Of course, the price was ridiculous but he wouldn't accept it as a gift. I forwarded all e-mails with inquiries and requests to him. He was soon submerged with work and more than happy with it. I didn't know yet what I would do with my time. I didn't have to hurry and explored all my possibilities. A ready-to-go package was not available, but I knew I could give sense to me new life and my new financial possibilities. I wanted to do something useful. Strangely enough, I was never bored. I always had something to do and sometimes I even thought that a day with twenty-four hours was not enough.

Richie and I could always count on Stewart and Troy to do things in common. Troy had some misfortune with his cabin and his boat and we anonymously helped him out. Stewart and Troy knew we had inherited something, but didn't know the extend of it. Actually, nobody knew what we had inherited. We kept really discreet on it. When Stewart told us he was about to lose his job because the hotel owners didn't want to invest any more money to have it up-to-date with security and fire-department requirements, I bought the hotel and had the necessary works done. I put Stewart as the general manager and let him run the place like he thought it should be done. I never regretted my decision as the benefits raised far beyond my expectations.

Richie went less and less to the office. He let Jessica run the administrative part of it and the three lawyers were also doing a fantastic job. But that didn't mean Richie had less to do. He looked very closely in any investment we made. If he wasn't the good lawyer he was, he could certainly be a very good financial advisor. He had an incredible gift: everything he touched turned to gold, just like King Midas. When he invested into something, it was almost certain the benefits would be good. I let him manage his and mine money with closed eyes. My trust in him was always rewarded.

We started to travel extensively. Of course, we went back on a cruise and contacted the captain. This time we reserved the ultimate cabin. It was just huge and we had constantly a butler attending to our very needs. It was wonderful and once again we asked the permission to the captain to dance together in the big dinning room. He gave us his ok with a big smile.

We went to Europe and Asia. We did a photograph safari in Africa. We went sailing in the Seychelles and had a romantic holiday in the French Polynesia. We did a lot of crazy things and even went skydiving. What an experience! Richie did one jump and loved the thrill of it, but I was more than enthusiastic! I did various jumps and knew I had found a new passion. The sensation of total freedom during the free fall, but also under open canopy was something I couldn't describe. It gave me shots of adrenaline that I felt in my whole body.

The hotel Stewart was running was almost constantly full-booked. He organized events and the convention room was busy at least once a week, sometimes two. One day he called me and asked to see me. We met at the bar of the hotel and he mentioned that with the benefits the hotel was making, it was maybe time to invest it in redecorating the whole place. The costs would be important, but he thought it was necessary in most of the rooms and would give a fresh outlook to the place. He had already contacted various companies and had their offers ready for me to look at. He also showed me some sketches of what it would all look like after the works. It looked great. The hotel on itself would cover part of the works, but part of the works was actually the responsibility of the owner of the building. That was why he had asked me to come by to know if I could afford the refurbishment. We went over the figures on the different offers and, of course, I could more than afford it, but didn't want to make it obvious. I gave him the ok and he was thrilled. He also said that the hotel would have to be closed for at least two months, but as they were in low season, he thought it was not a big deal.

I told him to go ahead. We discussed a few more details of the offers. The very next week, the hotel closed and the few reservations we had were forwarded to colleagues of Stewart in the neighborhood. Stewart was even more present in the hotel during the works. They discovered a few defects in the general constructions of the building, but those were repaired on the spot, causing the general budget to rise slightly over what was foreseen. The whole building was stripped of everything that had to be changed. The look of the stripped hotel was somehow a bit sad. I had the feeling that part of its history was disappearing.

I joined Stewart and his decorator on the shopping trip for furniture. It was fun and interesting. I was flabbergasted at the amount of materials were necessary for curtains! Actually I was stunned with the quantities of everything! But it was a hotel after all, and the twenty-five rooms had to look stunning. Stewart, just as if he had to organize an event, had thought about everything. I threw in some extra money to have the kitchen renewed. Only the best appliances were chosen and whoever would work in this kitchen would have all the necessary at his disposal.

The decorator looked familiar to me and when I asked Stewart about him, he smiled.

  • It is Troy's brother! I have seen some of the things he's done and always have been impressed with the results. He has a very good taste. Of course, it is the first time he has such a huge project on his hands, but I trust him completely.

I could understand Stewart's trust in the man and even more when he showed us some samples of colors he had chosen for different areas. I could only imagine the finished work, but if it was going to be close to the sketches, it was going to be beautiful. The two months of work turned out to be three. Stewart started to be concerned with the existing bookings, but the clients seemed to understand. All the people who could not enter in the hotel according to their reservations received a substantial discount for a next stay.

Finally, the grand re-opening of the hotel came. The results were worth being featured in a decoration magazine. We knew it was impossible to satisfy everybody's tastes, but the opinions were unanimous. It was almost impossible to find something that was not right. The combinations of colors, furniture and general decoration were exquisite. The technology applied was the ultimate one and quite a few features were based on what Richie had in his apartment. The same engineer had done a tremendous effort to have all the features built in. A general control panel of the complete hotel was installed in the new security quarter.

The same day of the opening Stewart met the guy who decided how many stars the hotels get, according to the amenities and the general quality of service. After his visit Stewart called me all excited telling me that the hotel had one star more than before the remodeling. Nonetheless, he didn't want to increase the prices as he had too many regular customers. He wanted them to be able to enjoy the new hotel without having to pay more. His strategy would turn out to be a huge benefit as the hotel started to have waiting lists and customers had to book months, if not years, in advance to be sure to have a room at their requested dates.

One of the new things in the hotel was the nuptial suite which was always offer for free for those who rented the convention room for their wedding. This causes to have yet more events booked. Stewart had organized a nice cocktail for clients and press. Stewart had hired a new chef. The old one had expressed the desire to retire. All the small bites and canapés for the cocktail were as beautiful for the eyes as they were delicious in taste. The Champagne flowed freely and we could see only happy faces. All the personnel of the hotel were dressed in their new uniforms: dark blue trousers, pink shirt and dark red tie. The women had the choice to wear trousers as well or a skirt.

The cocktail was a huge success and the next morning paper were living proof of it. It was impossible to ignore the opening of the hotel in the gay district! Only one little black cloud, for me, on this evening was to see one of the guests I'd rather not see: Scott. He was on his own but seemed he had stayed at the hotel several times and had automatically received an invitation. I mentioned his arrival to Richie and pointed Scott out to him. It was impossible not to notice him as he was dressed in a flamboyant and shiny out fit, probably quite expensive but void of any god taste. Richie was in a very good mood and decided to let out his sarcastic side. He picked a rose out of a vase and went directly to Scott. He graciously offered him the rose.

  • I have to thank you for who you are and your way of life. If you hadn't been the little shit you are, I would never have met my husband! Thank you!

Scott didn't understand what was happening till he saw me. His eyes almost bulged out of their sockets. Richie was really enjoying himself.

  • I guess you know Fred, the owner of this hotel and my husband?

Scott was visibly nervous and uncomfortable and Richie was really amused. He whispered something in Scott's ear and after e few moments Scott got beat red and left the place in a hurry.

  • What did you tell him? I asked.

  • Oh, nothing new: just that you are a fantastic lover and that he couldn't even begin to realize what he missed. Then I thanked him once again.

Richie laughed at his own remarks and told me he had wanted to do that since I told him the adventure. The rest of the night Richie was in a super good and romantic mood. I knew we wouldn't be asleep directly after arriving home. His good mood, added with the Champagne, would make him horny as hell. I was not going to complain.

We were about the last ones to leave. We took Stewart apart to bid our goodnights and to congratulate him for the upgrade of the hotel. I had prepared an envelope earlier in the afternoon with a nice bonus that would allow him and Troy to make a nice trip or whatever they wanted to. Stewart had put the envelope in his inside pocket without opening it.

Richie and I went home and just as I thought he was horny as hell. From the parking in the basement, where I was fully clothed, we rode up to the apartment and I left the elevator naked, carrying my clothes and shoes in my arms. We entered the apartment and as soon as the door was closed, he was all over me, kissing me and licking my skin as far as he could reach. I thought of pulling him to the bedroom, but Richie had other ideas. The marble tiles felt cold on my skin, but the heat Richie was irradiating made up for it. He soon had me on my back with my legs high in the air, rimming me and using a lot of spit. I was squirming like never before and when he put his cock-head on target, I relaxed and he slipped in. Thanks to the Champagne he reached his climax really soon and sucked me off to completion. When we caught our breath and our heartbeats had come back to normal, we gathered our clothes and went to the bedroom. After a nice shower we slipped between the sheets and slept with the angels.

We were woken by the sound of my cell phone. It was Stewart.

  • Hey Fred, good morning! Do I wake you up?

  • No, I said with sarcasm in my voice, I was up to pick-up the phone!

  • First of all, you didn't have to do it! The envelope I mean. You already pay me generously and that bonus is far too much! But thank you any way!

  • It is my pleasure Stewart. You did a wonderful job and you deserve every dollar that is in that envelope!

  • Thanks Boss, he replied. I sent the bellboy to your place with this morning's newspapers. You won't believe your eyes. With such reports we will be fully booked for several months!

  • I am glad to hear that! I answered. Are you and Troy available for lunch? There is something I want to talk about with you.

  • I'll have to call Troy, but I think we can manage around one if that is ok with you. Come to the hotel, as the chef wants me to try a few dishes he is thinking about.

We agreed on that. Soon after we hung up, the doorbell rang. I recognized the bellboy from the hotel and he had indeed several newspapers under his arm. I pushed the button on the buzzer to let him in. Once I had the newspapers in my hands he left. I went to the kitchen to prepare some breakfast and the smell of coffee had Richie soon out of bed and with me. We went over the various articles and all were really positive! There was not the slightest negative note in any of the papers. I was proud of Stewart and the efforts he had made to have everything "close to perfect" as he didn't believe perfection existed.

After breakfast I talked with Richie about a project I had. I just wanted to build a second hotel and told him the details I had gathered up till then, which was not really much. Richie found the idea splendid. I told him we would have lunch with Stewart and Troy and that I was throwing the idea on them to see the reaction I would receive.

We were at the hotel at one o'clock sharp. I had brought my laptop to show them a few things I had found. Stewart and Troy were at the reception desk when we arrived and we were soon having a drink at the bar. The chef was not ready a hundred percent yet and we would have to wait about fifteen minutes.

  • So Boss, said Stewart, what is it you want to talk about?

  • What would you guys think of moving?

  • Where to? Asked Stewart frowning his brows.

  • The Bahamas!

There was an awkward silence. Neither Stewart nor Troy had a clue what I was talking about, so I explained.

  • There is a huge piece of land for sale in the Bahamas. I was thinking of buying it and build a hotel on it. To do so, I need people I can trust one hundred percent and who can lead the project to a good end. It is a long-term project and that is why I ask you if you would be ready to move. All moving expenses will be paid for, of course.

  • I guess that is the main idea in a nutshell, Stewart observed. Can you give us more details?

The piece of land I had found was huge, and when I say huge I was talking about several hundreds of acres. It included a beach of several miles and, as to the laws in the Bahamas, if I bought that land, the beach would be private. I was thinking of building a hotel, once again with no more than twenty-five rooms, but to the highest standards. All the possible amenities would be present, even an eighteen-hole golf course. All the rooms would bee very spacious to the point we would better talk about apartments than rooms. Every single apartment would be fully equipped and have its private butler. The resort would be advertised as gay-friendly.

"Wow" was the only reaction Stewart gave with the first exposition of the project. What he said next came as no surprise to me. He asked for a few days before giving me his decision. I sent all the information I had so far to his e-mail so he would have all the answers to the questions he may have had. But he had some questions and I was the only one to who could answer him.

  • What about here?

I knew this question was going to come sooner or later as Stewart, with all the work and efforts he had thrown in, considered the hotel as his "baby".

  • If I saw things correctly, you have a very good right hand here in the person of Adrian. He seems to love the hotel as much as you do. From your various reports, I could read that he is a very capable man and if you agree, I would promote him manager if you accept the Bahamas' project. Before we can start the whole project, we have to buy the land and I guess it will take some time to reach completion of the deed. Meanwhile I would appreciate it if you could give him all the possible information to ascend to manager. Now, if you think he is not the best person for the job, tell me right now and we will hire a person from outside.

  • You are serious about all this, aren't you? Stewart asked but didn't wait for an answer. Adrian is indeed ready to be manager. He is very conscious and follows the rules very closely. He can run the place without a problem and I trust him with my life. But let me ask you Fred, how about the financial part of all this?

I had considered the possibility of Stewart asking the question and agreed with Richie that I would be honest about it if it came up.

  • You don't have to worry about that Stewart, I said. As you know we had the heritage of Richie's father. What you don't know is ...

And I told him the complete story. His eyes, and Troy's, got as big as saucers and even more when we threw the figures at them.

  • Oh my... said Stewart, you mean you are both multi-millionaires?

  • I'm afraid we indeed are, Richie answered to his question. But please, keep this information to yourselves. We don't want the news to be spread around. We are discreet about it and want to keep it that way.

  • It sure answers a lot of questions I had and never asked you. While re-doing the hotel here, you never had a problem about budget. I wondered how that was possible. But be both assured, your secret is safe with us. Knowing that there will be no financial burden to the project, my mind is already made up. The only thing we have to discuss, Troy and me, is if we are ready to move away from here.

For the first time Troy gave his point of view immediately.

  • If we don't accept this project now, there is a lot of chance that we will feel too old to do it in the future. If you ask me my opinion about the whole project, I have only one question. When do we leave?

  • What about your job Troy, Stewart asked.

  • Do you really think my job would prevent me from moving to the Bahamas? You have to be crazy if you think that. I know there are sometimes hurricanes there, but if everything is built and properly constructed, it shouldn't keep we away from there. Apart from that, I guess, my skills as a computer engineer can be put to a proper use.

I guessed they would still have to talk about a lot of things, but was convinced I had the adequate manager for the resort. I was happy about that.

Meanwhile we had been served several dishes the chef wanted our opinion about. Some of those dishes were difficult to identify. If the waiter had not said what we were going to eat, we would have been totally incapable of saying what was on the plate. Nonetheless, it was all very nice and tasted exquisitely. I asked where Stewart had found this fantastic chef and he told me that he had contacted the cook school and asked for the best. I made a mental note to copy the idea once the resort would be almost operative.

Stewart and Troy took almost a week before giving us their answer. Of course, they accepted the offer and that same afternoon I contacted the real estate agent that had the piece of land for sale. We made an appointment for the following week when Richie and I would fly down to Nassau. That first flight to Nassau was a real nightmare. There was a considerable delay, the plane seemed to be old and worn-out, our luggage was lost and we arrived really exhausted after the bumpy flight. I made a stupid remark about buying our own plane.

Nevertheless, we met the real estate agent the following day and he drove us to the land. Even though he had the exclusivity for selling that piece of land, he had some difficulty to show us exactly the limits of the property. He was a salesman, not a geometer. Despite of that, he was a very pleasant man and knew exactly what could be done and what not with this property. The views were spectacular and both Richie and I were falling in love with it. Strangely enough, the negotiations went really smooth. All the papers were in order and Richie went over them very carefully. He had taken some information before we flew out and it seemed that, legally, there was no problem to buy the land and to build the hotel. The price was not announced on the website where I had found the property and when the salesman announced the price we didn't even flinch, as it was approximately what we expected. The salesman had probably not expected us to agree so quickly because when we asked to sign the sales contract, it was not ready. He was a little embarrassed but ran out of his office and gave orders to have the contract ready ASAP! Once it was done and signed, he gave us their bank details so that we could transfer the agreed amount. I opened my laptop and did the transaction on the spot. I printed off a copy of it to give him. He admitted he had never thought it would be that easy. Neither had we!

We had a few more appointments with different constructors and several architects. The most difficult part was with the architects as we had a very clear idea of what we wanted, but they had their own. It was just a question of making clear who was paying! Finally we opted for a young architect, who was probably still in his early twenties. He listened very carefully to what we were telling him and made a lot of notes. He then took a piece of paper and started sketching according to his notes. It was a very rough sketch but what we had in mind soon appeared on the paper. He had understood the essence of it all in the first meeting. He said he would need a bit less than a month to draw it out properly. We agreed and he was pragmatic enough to ask for a deposit. I once again took out my laptop and made a money transfer to his account.

When we showed him the different constructors we had already seen, he pointed one out.

  • I have been working with them on my previous project and I have to say they are very serious and respected everything in the agreement we made. I can show you the house they built if you want, as it is my parent's house.

We visited it the next morning and were warmly welcomed by his parents. They showed their house with a lot of pride and they had all the reasons in the world to be proud about their son's work and his choice of constructor. We noticed quite a lot of small details that made the house close to perfect. It confirmed we had made a good choice.

The airline that had lost our luggage arrived with it the day before we had to fly back. We had been shopping the same day of arrival, as we didn't know how long it would take before we had our things. We had now double of all the things we needed! When we flew back to Toronto, we had almost the same nightmare as when we flew in. Delays seemed to be common and the plane was once again an old one. I mentioned it once again to Richie because we knew we would have to fly down here more than once during the whole process of the building of the hotel and to help Stewart with the opening. Strangely enough he didn't make any comments about it all.

Exactly a month later we received a call from Charlie, the architect. He said that all was ready for us to approve. We had to fly down to Nassau once again and Richie made the necessary reservations. He suggested we take Stewart and Troy with us, so they would know where they were going to live and in what kind of hotel they would be working. On top of that, we needed Troy to overlook the complete automation of the place. We had asked him to contact the engineer that did the apartment and the hotel in Toronto. We would soon learn Troy had learned his lesson well.

When the day arrived to take our flight, we went to pick-up Stewart and Troy. Richie was driving and if I hadn't paid attention to where he was driving, I would never have noticed he wasn't going to the departure hall. Instead he drove to a more remote place of the airport and we soon parked in front of a hangar. I had the intuition of what was going on, but was not sure a hundred percent. When I asked him if he had rented a private jet, he just said "Something like that". When he opened the door to the hangar we were in presence of one beauty of a plane. A Flacon 2000LXS was standing there, completely white with a fine blue and red line on its flanks. At the bottom of the stairs stood the crew composed by two pilots and a flight attendant. We went in and I was flabbergasted by the luxury of the cabin. I turned to Richie and asked:

  • You rented this for us to fly to The Bahamas?

  • No, he said, I bought it.

  • You what???

  • I bought it. I contacted Jonathan and asked if he could help. He was of great help as normally seen they couldn't deliver a plane that quickly. They only had this plane that was cancelled by the buyer and asked if it would suit us. I just said yes.

To say we enjoyed our first flight in this new plane would be an understatement. It was just fantastic. The seats were ample and comfortable. The flight attendant was nice to look at and very serviceable. The pilots knew how to take this beauty up in the air smoothly and there was no comparison with the last bumpy flight we had been on. Upon arrival the landing was as smooth as the takeoff. Our rent-a-car was waiting for us at the precise spot where the plane stopped. Money has its advantages after all!

As the appointment with Charlie was only the following day, we took Stewart and Troy to our land. Just as we had been, they were falling in love with the place. We even went to our private beach and had a swim in the sea. As our suitcases were at the hotel, we had to go in the water naked, but that was not a problem as we were on our private beach. I made a mental note to foresee a part of the beach to be cloths optional. It was clear that Stewart and Troy were in love like the first day they met. They were constantly touching each other and kissing, something we had never seen before, but then again, we had almost always seen them on a professional basis, except when they came over to our place for a meal or something like that. Here they seemed a lot freer. Knowing it was a private beach probably helped a lot.

At one point they fell on the sand and kissed passionately. They seemed at ease enough as to not having to hide to express their feelings. Troy was lying on his back and Stewart on top of him. From where Richie and I were, we couldn't see all the details, but it was clear to us they both had hard-ons. It became even more obvious when Stewart glided down over Troy's body and buried his face in his crotch. We could see his head was going up and down and it was clear to us he was sucking Troy off, but it was erotic, nothing vulgar. It was not just sex, it was lovemaking. Richie looked intensely at what they were doing and, as we were still naked, I could notice his growing manhood between his legs. I didn't doubt a moment and soon had his shaft in my mouth. As I was buried in his groin, I couldn't see what the other two were doing, but Richie described it. He told me that Stewart was lifting Troy's legs in the air and was eating out his ass. With that Richie fell down on his back and spread his legs wide in the air. It was an open invitation to rim him and I dove in with gusto. I knew we had no lube with us and so I used as much spit as my mouth could provide. When Richie was slippery enough I pointed my erect member on his rosebud and entered him easily. I pushed myself up on my hands and pumped in and out of my husband. When I looked aside, I saw Stewart was doing exactly the same. We were both trying to give as much pleasure to our partner as possible. I felt my juice boil in my balls and knew I was about to fill Richie's insides. I heard a cry and guessed, correctly, that Stewart was emptying his balls in Troy's bowels. That sent me over the edge and I climaxed. Richie, as he had in the past, climaxed without even touching himself. I collapsed on top of him and once we came down from our sexual height, we went into the sea to wash away the remains of our lovemaking. Stewart and Troy soon joined us. We let the sun dry our bodies and didn't mention what had happened.

The following day we had our appointment with Charlie and we were amazed at the work he had done. He was a fantastic architect and would certainly have a lot of success in his future. We were more than satisfied with what we saw. Troy just had to add a few wirings for the automations. Two hours later we agreed on the totality of the project, just in time when the constructor arrived. Charlie showed him the supplementary things Troy had added. The constructor just nodded and made some notes on his laptop. He then printed out the price offer. He said he would send the complete workbook to our e-mail. I didn't know why, but I trusted him like I trusted Charlie. The necessary signatures were apposed but the handshakes were even more important and sealing the deal. The constructor said he could start the work in just one month. We agreed.

The next day we flew back home in our plane. Stewart and Troy had about a month to move to The Bahamas. They would first stay in the same hotel we had stayed at, till the private house on the hotel's land was finished. On the plane they were starting to plan their move. Richie and I were cuddled up together and took a nap. Wow, only two months ago we had no idea we would start such an important project, but we felt happy with it.

Back in Toronto we knew we had a lot of things to organize. All was good to have an important project, but we had to bring it to a good end, otherwise there was no need to start it in the first place. We had reached a point of no return as the land was bought, the architect and the constructor hired and paid partly. We knew, from the constructor that the total project would take about a year for what his part was concerned. We would still have the gardens to landscape, install the necessary equipment through the hotel and hire personnel. Stewart suggested hiring Troy's brother once more, as he had done such a wonderful job in the Toronto hotel. There was no doubt for me to accept, but wanted to have as much as local providers involved. We made copies of the plans Charlie had sent us and gave it to Donald, Troy's brother, so he could start on a few designs and calculating what he would need.

The private house for Stewart and Troy was the first thing that had to be built. They wanted to be on site to overlook the constructions and see that everything was done to the standards we had asked for. The house would be an example for our needs. Terence, the constructor, had to import quite some stuff and that would delay the totality of the project a little, but not too much. Nonetheless, he could start with the foundations as well for the hotel as the house. His company had a very good name on the island and when he put an ad to hire more people to achieve the construction in time, he had no problems finding the right craftsmen, being it carpenters, electricians, plumbers and general builders.

Just as Terence had promised we received the complete project with all the details in our e-mail. Once printed out it represented quite a workbook! A complete schedule of the works was impressive, with very specific dates according to the arrival of the containers with building materials. He suggested as well a meeting every fortnight to point out the evolution of the works, the problems that could eventually rise and the solutions that had been found. We would receive an update from Stewart every week, but as time went by, we received an e-mail almost daily.

After the promised two months, the house was finished. All standards had been met and the house automation that Troy had designed almost surpassed the one we had at our apartment. We flew over, taking Jessica with us as she had done most of the administrative work of the project. It was a house-warming party that Stewart and Troy organized. If that party was an idea of how the opening of the hotel would be, it was sure going to be a huge success.

The house was simple but practical. It was a three bedroom house with all the possible equipment you could dream of. A spacious living room with adjacent dinning room opened to a nice terrace with stunning views. Each bedroom had a private bathroom and the kitchen was every chef's dream coming true. Richie and I shared a bedroom and Jessica got the third one. Donald seemed to have found a special friendship with Charlie and the rumors spread around that they would probably be permanent lovers, even when the works were over.

After the Champagne bottles were opened and we had a nice talk on the terrace, supper was served. I knew Stewart and Troy were both quite good in the kitchen, but as they sat with us at the big dinning table, I guessed there was someone else in the kitchen. I asked Stewart.

  • Well, he said, I have been looking around for a good chef. At the cook school in Toronto I found a few, but when mentioning that they would have to move, there was no one left. I started to look here, but didn't find anybody that lived up to my expectations. It is Terence that advised me to go and see a local caterer. When I arrived I found a whole family in tears. It seemed they had to close down the business, as there was not enough demand for catering services. I suggested that the main chef, Louis, would do some trial work here at the house, with the possibility, if he were good enough, to obtain a contract once the hotel would be finished. He came over and prepared us three meals: breakfast, lunch and dinner. Fred, the only thing I can say, we were so pleasantly surprised with his skills that we hired him on the spot. Louis knows his way around a kitchen and is very creative with the presentations of the plates. He will be working for us till the hotel opens and then become the official chef. You can see by yourself what his presentation are like and you can taste the quality of his work. I don't think we will be disappointed. His wife and his sister are his helping hands, but I will hire them only when the hotel opens.

  • That's very good! I replied. I can see you are your usual self and very practical. I support your decisions without arguing.

  • There is another thing with Louis. His parents run a small family cleaning company. Louis' father wants to retire, but his wife, who is about twelve years younger, doesn't want to stay home yet, doing nothing. She offered to take charge of the cleaning department of the hotel. I guess it would be a good idea. As you can see, the house here is spotless and Maria was here only two hours.

  • My God Stewart, you already have everything under control I see. I can't be happier that you accepted the job of general manager of the hotel.

  • Thank you Boss. By the way, have you begun to draw up a website for the hotel? Because I think it would be good to advertise already now, even if the construction is still busy. It would be nice to show our potential clients how the evolution goes, with a weekly update of pictures about the place. It would be nice as well to give them information about everything there is to do on this island. Some pictures of the private beach would certainly have the reservations coming in already.

  • I hadn't thought about that, but it is a good idea. As soon as I am back in Toronto, I'll start that. The only problem is that we still don't have a name for the hotel. Let me know if you think about something.

  • Ok, I'll send you some ideas.

The next day of the house warming party we went to see the evolution of the works. Terrence and Charlie were both there with a big smile on their face. The foundations and the basic structure of the building were already completed. We received an extended tour of the work with Terrence explaining what had been done, what they were doing right then and of course what still had to be done. I couldn't believe they worked so fast but Charlie said they were right on schedule. Of course, with just the walls and the roof, the place looked huge.

As walls and roof were in place, it was then the turn of electricians and plumbers to do their work. When they were finished, the carpenters would come in and then, finally the painters and decorators. In the garden there was already a big hole for the swimming pool, but the gardeners were already landscaping the places where no trucks or machinery had to be. A lot of the plants were just green, but Charlie assured me that by the time the hotel would open, all the flowers would blossom and give a very nice touch of color all around the gardens.

Richie and I couldn't be more satisfied with how things were going. Back at Stewart and Troy's house, we sat down at the table with the schedule of the works and started our own schedule. Jessica was very useful as she noted down everything on her iPad. If the construction followed its schedule, the opening could be foreseen for the end of June. I wondered if they had a Gay Pride in The Bahamas as well because it would be the ideal moment for the opening. But at the time of opening the hotel there was not yet a Gay Pride. Nonetheless, a grand opening at the end of June was a good idea, certainly regarding the climate.

We flew back after the long weekend we had enjoyed in The Bahamas. It was a stupid thought I had, but I wondered how we had managed so many trips with commercial flights. Our plane was so comfortable and we could fly when it pleased us. Having the money we had definitely made our life easier. Jessica was spoiled as she had never flown before and her very first flight was on a private jet! To say she loved it wouldn't describe how thrilled she was.

In the six months towards completion of the hotel we flew almost every two weeks to The Bahamas. As the land we had bought was big enough, I asked Stewart to get the necessary information to have a private runway. It would certainly be easy for us, but also for the upscale clients we intended to reach. The regulations were so complicated and strict that we almost discarded the idea, but after a lot of negotiations and quite some money, we obtained what we wanted. The hotel had its private runway for planes and even a heliport.

The website I had created got quite a lot of response. The pictures of the evolution of the works were a great success and soon enough the first reservations came in. We were thrilled with them. At one month before opening, we were fully booked for almost 5 weeks. We had restrained our publicity to the gay community and were happy to see the responses were more than positive. We had kept about seven rooms for guests of us that we wanted to see at the opening, but all the others were booked by people we didn't know... yet!

As we had given carte blanche to Stewart and Donald, we didn't fly down during the month previous to the opening. Richie and I wanted to be surprised with the final result. As all the invoices were sent directly to us, we could make a balance of what was foreseen and what was really spent. We went a little over the budget, but then again, a lot of unforeseen things had been added, the runway and the heliport taking the most part of blame to go over the budget.

Then, finally, the weekend of the opening arrived. On Friday night we would have the pre-opening for providers, press and officials like the mayor, captain of the fire department and chief of police. Only burning torches lighted the alley from the entrance of the property till the reception area. There were beautiful flower pieces everywhere. The magnificent Oriental rug gave a sensation of luxury and peace. On the terrace next to the pool there was a Champagne fountain, built up by Champagne glasses in the form of a pyramid. Filling the top glass, the Champagne was flowing into the lower level of glasses and so on. The lights in the swimming pool changed of color depending on the water temperature. Well-hidden lights in the plants in the garden gave a mysterious but pleasant glow to the place. A band was playing soft background music.

The people from the specialized press were awestruck. God knows that those people had seen new hotels all over the globe, but from their first comments we could deduct they just loved the place. The same guy that had added a star to the Toronto hotel was there as well and I heard him whisper to one of the reporters that the hotel would get its four star luxury as there were not enough rooms to give it the desired five stars. The mayor, of course, held a speech and Stewart answered the speech as general manager of the place. He called me over to the microphone to say a few words, as owner of the hotel and its land. I hate to speak in public, but I knew I couldn't avoid it. I just lifted my glass of Champagne to the success of "The Rainbow Mirage" as that was the name that had been finally chosen. I also pointed out Charlie as the architect and Terrence as the constructor, without forgetting Donald as the decorator of the place. They sure received a standing ovation from the crowd!

The next morning we were flabbergasted by the comments in the local and international newspapers. We would have to wait for what the specialized magazines would publish, but if it was as near as what was written in the papers, it would be a huge publicity. After our breakfast we joined Stewart at the reception desk, as the first clients would arrive for the official opening the same night. I recognized a few of them, as I had seen them at our Toronto hotel. Among the guests was John who had flown over especially for the occasion. Of course, I had to tell him our story of Richie's father but I left out the real amount of the heritage.

I had sent our plane back to Toronto to pick-up Richie's Mum, Jessica and Adrian. When they arrived their eyes got as big as saucers with all they saw. Richie's Mum congratulated us and announced she would probably start to spend winters over here. With the money Peter had left her, she could afford it effortless. Jessica asked if there was any job opportunity in the hotel but Richie told her she was far to valuable in the lawyer's office. Adrian was silent the whole time and when I asked him what was going on, he admitted he wouldn't mind being manager of the place. I told him he was doing a great job in Toronto, but that I would keep it in mind if I decided to go all the way in the hotel business.

For the official opening, all the guests were asked to wait outside the reception area. A red ribbon had been placed in front of the main doors. It had to be cut and we chose Richie's Mum as godmother of the hotel. After a few short speeches, she was presented some scissors on a red velvet cushion. She was dressed up for the occasion and was beaming with proud. She cut the ribbon under a loud round of applause. We then went all to the terrace next to the swimming pool where the Champagne fountain had been set up once again. The cocktail was served and the Chef had surpassed himself with beautiful canapés that were almost to nice looking to eat. The band was once again playing nice music and a few people even started to dance, which was not foreseen in the program but was a welcome entertainment. Mark and his father, the Captain, were there as well and truly enjoyed themselves. In the corner of my eyes I saw the Captain going over to the band and talking to its director. It didn't take long before Richie and I heard our song, The Blue Danube by Strauss, and we couldn't resist the pleasure to waltz in front of everybody. It was a gay-friendly resort after all. We were joined by an older couple of gay men and we could see we had some serious competition as they danced in perfect unison.

Stewart had reserved the grand suite for us, as he thought it would be good for the owner to know what was on offer in The Rainbow Mirage. Around midnight, when the party was slowing down, Richie and I went to the suite. When we opened the door we thought this was equal, if not better, to our grand suite on our last cruise.

As soon as the door of the suite was closed, Richie took me in his arms and kissed me softly on the lips.

  • You have done it Fred. Your ideas were fantastic on paper but the final result is even better. This hotel will be a huge success. I knew it when you asked for advice for the investment. I am so proud of you!

I blushed and looked at my feet, but Richie put his finger under my chin and forced me to look in his eyes. I could see the proud shinning in them and felt an irresistible urge to kiss him and so I did. The soft brushing of our lips woke all of our senses and the kiss turned to a passionate one. We had had no much time to make love in the last six months, as we were constantly busy with all the things that had to be done for the hotel. Now that it was officially opened, we could relax and leave it all in Stewart's capable hands. There was a huge weight that fell off our shoulders and we could finally relax. We felt this relaxation and both our hormones woke to the sensation. I slowly started to undress my husband and he did the same to me. There was a trail of clothes from the entrance of the suite to the bed, where we fell down naked with legs and arms intertwined. We had learned over the years that our favorite action was kissing and we became masters of the kissing techniques. Our lips found their natural place together and, just as we had been waltzing near the pool, our tongues danced together in our mouths. We were no teenagers anymore and our cocks took a little bit more time to swell to full masts. But I liked it so much to take Richie's manhood in my mouth and feel it grow bigger and harder. I loved it the way it filled my mouth slowly to the point that I could feel the swelling veins on my tongue. It was a sensation that woke up my horniness in an undeniable way. I also knew that using my tongue on Richie's cock-head was going to increase his heartbeat and make him gasping for air. This time again, the action caused the desired effect and I knew he was enjoying it. Richie hadn't lost any of his agility and turned around so we were in a sixty-nine position, giving each other as much pleasure as possible. We both loved the sixty-nine as it allowed us to feel each other's cocks in our mouth, but it also gave us the freedom of movements with our hands. It was not a routine, but we had our hands firmly on the other's ass-cheeks, caressing them and kneading them as if we were preparing bread to go in the oven.

Most of the times, I knew what Richie would like. If his fingers probed my rosebud before I did his, he wanted to top me. Otherwise he would like for me to top him. Fortunately we were both versatile and enjoyed it equally giving or receiving. That night Richie's fingers were in my ass, searching for my prostate, before I spread his cheeks. Knowing what was coming, I spread my legs and lifted them in the air so that he could have a better access to my puckered hole. He pushed his way to my rosebud and I could feel his tongue licking and French kissing my hole. He was so skilled that I soon was gasping for air. I had to let go of his cock to breath. He took the opportunity to turn around once more and was soon kneeling between my spread legs and diving in for another rim job. I enjoyed his ministrations to the highest point and even started to feel that familiar sensation in my nether regions, announcing an upcoming climax. But Richie knew my body and its reactions all to well. He came up to my face and kissed me again, knowing it would make my climax fade away for the moment.

But my legs were still spread and his cock-head found its way to my rosebud. Without breaking the kiss he took the tube of lube and prepared me for the penetration. That was a sign for me to relax and open up to receive him inside of me. Once I was lubed-up, he pressed his hips onto mine and thanks to years of lovemaking, he didn't have to search for my entry. He pushed softly and his cock-head passed my sphincter muscle without causing pain. He then pushed forward even more and I could feel his manhood penetrating me with an excruciating slowness. Nonetheless I was fully aware of him entering me till his trimmed pubes tickled my ass-cheeks. He was deeply in me, being it his tongue in my throat as his cock filling my bowels. He started pumping into me. First with long slow strokes and increasing his speed bit-by-bit. That night he took his time to rub my prostate with his cock and I was oozing pre-cum by the faucet. We were sweating profusely and that made the rubbing of our bodies even more pleasurable. Richie pumped faster and faster and was reaching places that, even after all these years, I had not known existed. I wrapped my arms around his neck and held on to him as if my life depended on it. Our mouths were glued together and his hands were cupping my buttocks. He didn't stop pumping in me and as our chests were pressed together, we could feel each other's heartbeats. I could actually feel his cock getting even harder and knew he was about to come. I concentrated on the feelings he was causing and felt my balls retract into my lower abdomen. When Richie pushed his final and forceful thrust in me, I started to unload between our stomachs. That made my ass-muscles contract in a spasm and Richie unloaded in me. Five, six spurts filled my insides while my own spurts lubricated the friction of my cock trapped between our bellies.

When Richie emptied his last spurt of semen into me, he collapsed on top of me and we kissed passionately till we came down from our sexual height. Richie then let his cock plop out of me and let himself off of me, lying down next to me and resting his head on my chest. That's the way we fell into a restful sleep.

The following morning, as agreed, we met most of our gusts and friends in the big dinning room after that we had taken a wonderful shower. I was at awe at the breakfast buffet that was set-up. I had to compliment Louis for his fantastic work and Stewart on his good choice for a chef. I was only half surprised to see that Charlie and Donald were sitting next to each other and looked like two lovebirds. I guessed they were already an item as I had seen them always very close to each other during the construction of the hotel. I just smiled because I love to see people getting together and being happy.

So, I was at peace. Stewart had, once again, everything under control. The kitchen was certainly a winner in this resort. The place was absolutely spotless and I supposed it was due to Maria, the housekeeper. The gardens were magnificent. The swimming pool was shinning in the sunlight and the personnel were dressed in their uniforms, according to the department they were working for.

I couldn't ask for more. I was financially secure, I had a fantastic husband that I loved and who loved me. Very good friends and professional people for our businesses surrounded us. This was heaven on earth and many dreams come true. Life was beautiful.

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