Into the Moonless Night

By Coy Matthews

Published on Apr 30, 2009


Into The Moonless Night

Episode 2: The Angel That Fell From Heaven

Main Cast:

Gabriel Mancini

Carmine Mancini

Martino Mancini

Frankie Mancini

Scene A

I gagged as I could feel the life being slowly strangled out of me. I couldn't die. Not this way. With what little energy I had, I elbowed the guy in the face.

"Fuck," He cried out in pain as he grabbed his face. I grabbed my cell phone and rushed out of the car and towards the woods near the school. I didn't want to run inside and put anybody else in danger. I dialed Robert's number frantically in my phone and waited for it to ring. I rushed around looking for somewhere to hide out at. I saw a huge rock and crouched by it, hoping to be safe from the guy.

"Shit," I said as I hung up with no answer. I tried to dial Martino but I realized I was out of service. "Oh, I am so switching to Verizon if I survive this."

"Gabriel..." The guy called out as he walked through the woods. "Where you at man? Look, I tried to go easy on you man. I don't want to kill you...but orders are orders and it's my life...or your life. So..well, I am sure you can understand."

I closed my eyes praying that he would go in a different direction and not find me behind this rock.

"Gabe?" He called out again. His voice sounded so near and close by as if he was only feet from me.

My cell begin ringing "Halo" by Beyonce, which meant Robert was calling me back.

"Got ya," He said running towards the sound of the ringing phone. He saw the phone but no me.

"No, Got you," I said running up behind him and hitting hard over the head with a branch. I had thrown the cell away from me out of anger. I rushed over and got it. "Robert?"

"Gabe, where are you?" He asked worried. "You're car is empty and..."

"I am in the woods by..." I began but I was tackled to the ground by the guy and the phone flew out of my hand.

"Gabe!" Robert yelled out in the phone.

"Robert, help me," I screamed out but My mouth was covered by the guy. He was a lot bigger than I was and was crushing my thin frame with his body. "I tried to go easy on you but you had to resist," The guy grunted. "Now will you die a painful death." He put a gun to my head and pinned me down with his hand on my bag.

I refused to be a victim twice in the same week. My foot went up into his balls hard and he cried out in pain.

"You know..." I said kicking him hard in the face, the same spot where I had elbowed him. "That looks like it hurt." I said kicking him hard in the balls again and again, making sure he wouldn't get up easily.

Once, I realized he wasn't going to be moving for awhile, I turned and begin walking out of the woods.

"You know, if I can't kill you...I am going after your little brother," He said as he wheezed in pain. I stopped in my tracks. I turned and walked back towards him and grabbed his gun laying on the ground.

"Try doing that when you're dead," I said shooting him in his throat. "You should know that I am a lot nicer than my brothers...Until, you mess with my little brother." I pointed at his crotch and fired a shot there. He tried to scream out but couldn't because I had destroyed his voice box. "Don't ever...Threaten him again." I pointed the gun at him to fire a final shot but I couldn't outright kill him. I threw the gun down and turned to leave as I saw Robert and Joe walking towards me.

"Gabe...You alright?" Joe asked me as he looked past me to see the incapacitated attacker bleeding all over the woods.

"Make sure he doesn't die," I said walking past the two of them. "I am not a murderer."

Scene B

"GABE!" Martino yelled as he hugged me tightly. Frankie and Carmine rushed over and grabbed us into a big hug. "Man, I heard that you were attacked at school," Carmine said as we broke apart. "I heard that you did some damage to him as well."

"Damage?" Frankie asked with a nervous look. "He destroyed the guys vocal ability and dick. Remind me never to make you mad, Gabe."

"He threaten Donnie," I said softly. Frankie, Martino, and Carmine looked at each other with heated looks.

"They are going after Donnie?" Martino asked getting angry. "He's fucking 11."

"And the kid that dad shot was fucking 13," I said angrily. "They are both kids. Hell, we are kids. We shouldn't be doing this. I should have just let him kill because...Now they are going after our little brother."

"No, they aren't," My dad said as he walked out of his office with a man with gray hair.

"Dad, what the hell?" Martino asked shocked. "What the hell are you doing with Tony Capricio?"

"Saving my son's lives," Dad said motioning for us to take a seat. "The highly outspoken one is Martino. These two are Frankie and Carmine...and...Well, you know Gabriel."

I looked at the man warily with a suspicious look. He smiled warmly at me.

"Please no hard feelings, Gabriel," He said extending his hand to me for me to shake. I rolled my eyes and walked past him to take a seat beside Frankie.

"Boys, our a whole...screwed up royally," Dad began. "We attacked an innocent young bystander and by fair retaliation he went after my innocent son...Gabriel."

"I loved Tommy with all my heart," Tony Capricio said sadly, tearing up. "He was an excellent football player. He was starting high school next year."

"No offense but this nostalgic moment really isn't explaining what you are doing here," Carmine said looking at Tony with the same suspicious look as I had. "Are people going to come in here and start shooting us up or something? If so, I got my glock ready to go."

Dad shot Carmine a dark look. "While there is no price for the life of a child, I paid Tony $4 million to protect all you boys," He explained. "I have also agreed to keep out of his business ventures and he will do the same for me."

Tony got up and stood up. "Speaking of business ventures," He said with a smile. "I have a business meeting in the next twenty minutes and arrangements for my son's funeral. It was a pleasure meeting you boys and I hope next time we meet, it will be under better circumstances. Again Gabriel, no hard feelings."

"Trust me, there are hard feelings," I said as he walked past us and exited out of the club.

"Dad, you took the bitch way out," Carmine spat out. "We could've fought instead of paying him all that hush money."

"Carmine, you idiot, the Capricio is a powerful family," Frankie said annoyed. "Dad made a good move because it could cost more to have a battle than to just pay the man off."

"I don't trust him," Martino said shaking his head.

"And I don't trust you," I Said to dad. "Dad, how could you? You have people working for you, who screw up and then you put my life in danger by their fuck ups. You are a fuck up."

"Watch your mouth, Gabriel," Dad said sternly. "No matter what mistakes I make, I am still your father." "By sperm donation only," I said to him. "You are not a father. You are just a sorry excuse for one."

"Gabe, ease up man," Frankie said defending dad. "He made a few mistakes over the years. We are all entitled to them."

"A mistake is when you do or say something that you don't know is wrong," I said to my brother. "He knows all the stuff he has done forever has been wrong. That's not called a mistake. That's called not giving a fuck."

I got up and walked out of the club leaving a stunned Frankie, Martino, and Carmine sitting with dad.

"Make sure he is at the meeting tonight," Dad said annoyed as he got up and headed into his office.

Carmine looked at Frankie and Martino. "I still say, our family should so be on Jerry Springer," He said with a laugh.

Scene C

Robert sat nervously in my dad's office. He wasn't sure what was going on right about now but dad didn't sound to happy when he called earlier.

"Robert D'ambrossio," Dad said walking into his office. Robert made a move to stand, out of respect but dad placed his hand on his shoulder. "Don't bother. How are you?"

"I'm...I'm good," Robert said nervously. "I wanted to say that I am sorry about not getting to Gabriel in time..."

"Don't worry about it," Dad said with a smile. "Gabriel proved today that he is highly resourceful and is stronger than I thought. He might actually be my son after all."

Robert laughed uncomfortably as he still didn't know what this meeting was about and he hated not knowing. Dad had meetings with guys who often didn't return after the meeting.

"But it is Gabriel that I wanted to talk to you about," Dad said sitting back in his chair. "You two are pretty close."

"Um...yeah, He is a great friend," Robert said, hoping dad didn't know about our relationship. "Best friend."

"Oh, come on, Robert son," Dad said with a smile. "You know it is more than that. You two are really close."

"Like brothers," Robert said getting more uncomfortable by Dad's ice blue eyes staring him down.

"Robert, are you going to seriously insult my intelligence or will you admit to what we already know is true?" Dad asked sternly.

Robert sighed and looked at Dad with a confident look on his face. "Gabriel and I...we are a couple."

"Were," Dad corrected. "You used the wrong word. See are would mean that after you leave this office, the relationship would continue...which it won't...will it?"

"No sir," Robert said sadly. "No, it won't."

"Because if it does continue...Well, there are things worse than death," Dad said to Robert. "Robert, you have a lot of people that look up to you and respect you. A leader that is a fag...well, I cant have that."

"But it's okay for your son to be a fag as you called it?" Robert asked him.

Dad chuckled to himself. "Is it okay? No, it's not okay however my son...well, he gets a special treatment that most people who work under me don't get."

"What if I refuse to stop seeing him?" Robert asked him. "You're going to kill me?"

"Like I said, Robert...There are things worse than death," Dad said to him. "See, I put two and two together to make four...Four months you been going at this. I knew about your love interest that has been sending you notes and writing you emails...The grunts talk and say how they wish they had a girl that was devoted to you as your girl was...Only that girl wasn't a girl. It was my then 15 year old son. I would say that was illegal...but that would be kind of a double standard, huh? But in those four months...all these beautiful women here at the club..the ones you hooked up with. Tell me, does Gabriel know about them?"

"We weren't in a good place then," Robert said looking down at his feet.

"But you were together," Dad said nodding his head. "No, I am not going to kill you. If you ever...Ever go over the line with my son again...I will destroy your reputation and then...when you have nothing. You will kill yourself." Dad walked outside of the room and pulled a beautiful blonde in with him. "Here is your new love interest. She is beautiful...curvy...horny...and not my son."

Robert looked at my dad and looked at the girl. Robert had brought himself up from being dirt poor and provided for his family when his dad died. He was a highly respected General for my father and he couldn't lose that...Not for love. Love didn't make him rich. It just made him feel less lonely in a world where he didn't know who to trust...But his love.

Robert smiled at the girl. "Wanna come back to my place?" He asked her and my dad smiled warmly at him.

Scene D

Carmine climbed out of the pool with yet another one of his girls. They had been skinny dipping and having sex all around and in the pool. "Carmine, you're fucking hot," She said to him as she pinched his butt.

"Easy on the butt, hon," He said. "You got the wrong mancini who likes ass play."

Frankie walked outside and frowned at the two. "What the fuck do you think you are doing?"

"Up until, two minutes ago...Her," Carmine said. "What's your deal?"

"Donnie is fucking home from school, that's what my deal is," Frankie said folding his arms. "He fucking saw you and came in asked me why you were hurting that girl."

"Well, better he learn about sex from an experienced person like myself," Carmine said throwing the girl a title. "Dry yourself off Chelsea and get dressed."

"It's Kelsey," She said to him but blushed. "You can call me whatever you like."

Carmine smiled at his brother. "Dude, she sucked the hell out of my dick," He whispered. "Her tounge moved like a cyclone and had me coming all night long..."

Frankie pushed him. "DUDE! Next time you want to fuck one of your hoes...Do it where Donnie can't see or hear you," He said angrily.

Carmine was about to shove him back but stopped as he heard something. "Please tell me that is the school bus."

"The school bus already came, idiot," Frankie said shaking his head. "It's the trash people coming to get the garbage."

"Fuck," Carmine said running naked towards the front of the house.

Frankie looked at Kelsey who looked at him. "You look so familiar," She said to him, dumbly. "You just fucked my twin brother," He said to her.

"No, that's not it," She said shaking her head.

Carmine rushed to see the truck driving off. "FUCK! NO!"

"Dude, cover up before you give these old women around here a heart attack," Martino said throwing a towel at Carmine.

"Dad is going to have a freaking heart attack," Carmine said upset. "Remember that body we cut up the night before? The one from that hit we did on those Jap guy that owed him money."

"Yeah, what about it?" Martino asked as he snorted a line of Coke. Carmine ignored his brother's blatant drug use.

"Remember how, I was supposed to dispose of it at the grinder place on Main street?" Carmine asked and Martino stopped and looked up.

"Carmine! You fucking idiot," He said jumping up.

"Sorry...I know I screwed up," Carmine said with a sigh. "But Melanie came over and...Well, you've seen her."

"Yeah, I can't blame you there," Martino said. "But Still...Frankie is going to kill you...Then Dad will resurrect you and kill you again."

"That's why we aren't going to tell Frankie or Dad," Carmine said to his brother.

"Tell Frankie or Dad what?" Frankie asked walking around. Carmine and Martino said nothing. "Tell Frankie or Dad what?"

Carmine looked at Martino, praying that he wouldn't crack. Martino was terrible at keeping secrets from Frankie.

"Carmine, didn't get rid of the body he was suppose to get rid of last night and the garbage people picked it up and now they have it."

"Oh my fucking god," Frankie yelled. "Are you sure any of you are related to me? I have a junkie brother. A brother who fucks girls and is stupid enough to let others get a hold of a body he was suppose to get rid of. Then the other one doesn't want anything to do with what our family stands for. Carmine, you are fucking retarded."

"Okay, if the name calling is over...what are we going to do?" Carmine asked him.

"What we always do, bro," Frankie said annoyed. "Save your ass like always."

Scene E

I got out of my car and walked up the steps to Robert's house. I thought about knocking but I had a key to his place so I used it. Opening it up, I walked in and I smelled alcohol.

"Drinking before 5?" I asked myself. "Aw, my baby is depressed over me."

Walking further inside, I saw underwear and his clothes all across the floor. Then I saw a bra and panties.

"Robert?" I called out but I got no response.

I walked up the steps to his bedroom. I could hear banging and grunting.

"Robert?" I asked as I opened the door to see a Red Head on top of him, riding him.

"GABRIEL!" He said shocked and tossing her off him and onto the floor.

"Oh my god, I can't believe you," I said storming out and down the stairs. Robert ran behind me and ran in front of me blocking me from leaving.

"Please Gabe, let me explain," Robert said near crying.

"Explain why your fucking some slut in the same bed you fuck me in?" I asked him. "Move, Robert."

"Gabriel please..."

"I said move..." I said punching him across the face. He looked at me with a shocked look. "I have nothing to say to you and I don't want to look at you. Just move."

Robert moved out of the way and I opened the door. Before I walked out of the house, I turned and looked at him.

"Do you love me?" I asked him, tears streaming down my face.

"Yes, I love you," He said to me. "With all my heart."

"I figured you would say that," I said before walking out and closing the door behind me.

I climbed into my car and drove. I didn't know where I was going but I found myself at a familiar location.

This park was the same place that Robert took me for a first date, four months ago. The first place he told me who loved me. The first place I realized I fell in love. This park was a place for a lot of first. I lost my virginity here.

"Fuck this," I said putting the car and driving off.

All I could feel in my heart was pure hatred for Robert for breaking my heart. No excuses...No sorry...I was hurt.

Scene F

"We are in a garbage truck," Martino said face cringing from the trash around him. "Oh, fuck! A dead animal carcass...I touched it. Fuck."

"You can see a dead body but you can't handle a dead animal body?" Carmine asked him.

"I'm weird like that," Martino said with a shrug.

"Hey, Ren &Stimpy, cut the chit-chat and help me find this bag," Frankie said annoyed.

"Dude, finding this bag is like finding a needle in a haystack," Carmine said as they ripped open the trash bags.

"Well, think of it this way," Frankie said rifling through a bag full of shredded papers. "You better find it or Dad will kill you and us just for the hell of it."

"I got a question for you," Martino said to them. "Do you think that Gabriel has the right idea? Steering clear of this? I mean we are sifting through some trash for a dead body after bribing some garbage men."

"I mean yeah, Gabe is smart but he is dumb at the same time," Carmine said. "He can only try dad's patience so much before Dad gives up and says fuck it and writes him off. No trust fund. No protection. No nothing. To me, Gabe is a coward who rather play good than stand up and fight with his brothers."

"Or maybe we are the cowards because we are too afraid to stand up and fight with our brother against our father," Frankie said opening a bag. "Found the body."

The three of them rested against the wall of the truck.

"Gabriel is our angel," Carmine said after a moment of silence.

"An angel who has protected us and intelligence got us out of tough situations," Martino added.

Frankie sighed. "Now we are going to protect him and keep him from the meeting tonight.'

Scene G

Dad sat with all his business associates as they drank to the merriment and watched the beautiful women around them dance.

"Are you excited, Johnathan?" Uncle Giovanni asked dad as he slid money into the g-string of the dancer around him. "You're Four Quads are becoming men tonight."

Dad smiled as he thought about the importance of the evening. "Yes, they all make me proud," Dad said to them all.

Martino, Frankie, and Carmine walked over to dad and said there hellos to everyone.

"Martino, I am shocked to see you not snorting something son," Dad said to Martino who blushed slightly. "And Frankie not chastising Carmine for his treatment of women and Carmine...with no women around him. Where is Gabriel? In the bathroom I hope."

"He won't be here, Dad," Frankie said with a nervous sigh. "You corrupted and turned all three of us. Together...We are strong. We don't need Gabriel. He doesn't need nor want to be apart of this."

Dad got up and beckoned for them to follow after him. "How dare you embarrass me like that?" He asked his sons. "You all were commanded to bring Gabriel and make sure he was here."

"Like he said, Gabriel won't be joining us," Carmine said to dad. "Take us as we come or not at all."

"Guys..." Martino said noticing me walking inside the club.

"What the hell?" Frankie asked as the three of them made their way over to me.

"Gabe," Robert said as he sat at the bar drinking a drink. I walked past him and ignored him.

"Didn't you get our text about not coming?" Frankie asked me. "What are you doing here?" "I am here to take my part in our family," I said emotionless.

Carmine looked at me. He can tell I had been crying. He looked over at Robert who had a depressed look on his face.

"Gabe..." He began.

"We are officially the four brothers, finally," I said to them with a smile that I was showing emotion I definitely didn't believe in. Author's Notes:

Into The Moonless Night Episode 2 is now Completed. I hope you guys enjoy it and please send feedback to let me know if you are or not. I would love for this story to become a story that readers can get involved in. While my Halo Series, is original most of the premise of the story it self comes from everyday things we see on television and read in books. Gay teens struggling with their idenities and complexities of a gay relationship is a common thread between a lot of gay authors. It's the story lines inside Halo that I want to be able to differ from other Author's work.

With into the moonless light, you didn't hear to much about a gay teen in the mob oriented lifestyle. That is why I want this story to become a thing where my readers and myself can connect and they can offer ideas as where they want the story to go and how to make it work. Because honestly, with Halo I do map out with each episode but with these two chapters of ITMN, I honestly just type as I go and the ideas pop into my head. But I am curious to know what you guys would like to see for the story and as you can see, there are four main characters with four distinct personalities. Perhaps you have a favorite. How would you like your favorite to be portrayed and his storylines for the course of the story. My personal favorite is Carmine.

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Next: Chapter 4

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