Introduction to S and M

By n2 sm

Published on Aug 18, 2001


I met him online, as I had been searching for someone to help me learn more about being submissive and enjoying BDSM sessions. I get these urges every once in a while to let someone else have control of my body, my sensations of enjoyment and pain. This was the first time I'd ever found someone willing to introduce me to the scene while I was having these urges.

We had talked for quite a while online, him asking what I wanted to try, what my limitations were. He had seen my personal ad, and decided he was interested. I was asked about my physical appearance, 5'11", 155 lbs, brown hair and eyes, slightly defined muscles, 5.5" cut cock with nice balls, hairy legs, ass, arms, chest, and crotch. The only information I got from him was that he only indulged in S&M every once in a while, so perhaps we might both learn from this meeting.

We made arrangements to meet at a local motel the following weekend. I was to come in a tight t-shirt, briefs two sizes too small, and shorts I wouldn't mind being destroyed. I was to bring no shoes or socks, and have a dog collar in hand.

The day before, I went to a pet shop to obtain a leash, black nylon. I also headed over to the Wal- Mart boys section to buy a shirt and some underwear. I picked up some cheap shorts just so I wouldn't lose any of the pairs I had. The night before, I could barely sleep, I kept thinking of what this man would do with my (somewhat) willing body.

I woke up as I went to bed, with an erection. It turns out that would be with me until we met. We were to meet at 3 PM, so we could have all afternoon and night with which to play. As the time neared, I became more nervous. I was shaking as I struggled to get on my briefs and shirt. I looked in the mirror, there was almost nothing left to the imagination. I realized this was probably part of the humiliation I had asked for. I put on my shorts, and proceeded to cut small slits on the edge of all that I was wearing, as I had been asked. Easier for him to rip them off that way, I assumed.

I grabbed the dog collar and proceeded to walk towards the motel, and the room in which I would have my first real-life submissive experience. I knocked on the door, and found it open slightly. I wasn't sure whether to walk in or not, so I asked if anyone was inside. Receiving no answer, I opened the door more and walked in. As I passed the threshold, my arms were grabbed and tied behind me. I gave a small yell in surprise, only to find a bandana stuffed into my mouth. I was pushed down until I laid on the floor. My ankles were tied together, then I was pulled up. After this happened, the lights came on and I had my first look at the person I was giving myself to.

He stood about six feet tall, a slightly muscular body. He was quite handsome, I couldn't believe my luck that this man would be the one to have control over me for the next 16 hours. He walked around me, looking me over, running his hands over me. He reached at my crotch and nodded knowingly, of course I was aroused. He continued to feel up my body from head to toe as I stood still, not knowing what to do.

After a few minutes of him inventorying my body, he took my dog collar and snapped it on around my neck. I felt a leash go on, and then a padlock securing it all around my neck. The only way it would come off before I left would be if he wanted it to. He then secured the leash to a nearby table leg and came back to me. I was still left wondering what would happen, sure I'd told him what I wanted to do, but would he do all of it, or would he want to go further?

I felt his hand from behind me ripping of each article of clothing, one by one. First the shirt, as he felt my chest and abs, then the shorts. After a couple seconds, during which I assume he was looking at the noticeable bulge in my briefs, they were gone too. He went into the bathroom, which was in the adjacent room with the closet. He closed the door, leaving me there naked and nervous.

I pondered what to do. Should I try to sit down, or just remain standing as he had left me. My gut told me that it would probably be in my best interest to stay standing. I heard water running, and then the door opened. I stayed as I was until he grabbed the leash and pulled me, hopping, into the bathroom. He lifted me into the bathtub, I realized what was going to happen. He stuck a tube in my ass, and shortly thereafter I felt the water coming. He sat me on the toilet to release after a few minutes, and repeated the process twice: he was satisfied with the cleanliness. I was told to stand, and he bent me over. I felt his fingers lubing me up, and then a fairly large butt plug being inserted. That wasn't going anywhere unless he decided to take it out.

He laid me down face up on the cold tile and blindfolded me. We'd decided there would only be blindfolding if I didn't use the safe word. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and decided against trying to say anything. Might as well fully immerse myself in the atmosphere, right? I heard the familiar sound of shaving cream being squirted from the can, and instantly felt the foam on my pubic hair. It took him only a couple minutes to completely do away with my bush before I felt more foam on my legs. I hadn't said anything about being shaved there, but I figured winter was coming and I wouldn't have a hard time hiding the smoothness.

He proceeded to take away my armpit hair, and the small amount on my chest before rolling me over. He repeated the entire process on my back side, I only had hair on my head and arms now. I felt him lift me up and stand me up in the tub to wash away the remnants of hair and foam with the shower head. I was dried off and taken into the bedroom, where I was laid on the bed. He untied my arms and legs, only to tie them again, this time spread eagle, me face up on the bed. He had easy access to almost any part of my body I could think he'd want to get to, and I could do nothing about it, not even know what, if anything, was coming.

I felt a pinch on my right, then left nipple. I hadn't used clothespins there in a long time, so I grimaced in pain. He flicked them about just to increase the feeling. As he did this, I began to smell a permanent marker. A second later, I felt something being drawn or written across my chest and abs, then forehead. I was going to have to get used to not knowing what was going on. I felt more pinching, along my sides and abdomen. He must have quite a supply of clothespins, I thought. Even with the pain, my cock remained rock hard.

As if he could read my thoughts, I felt his hands around my cock. I pushed up to try to get some more contact because it felt so good, having not cum in days. That reminds me, next time I decide to do something like this, I'll definitely remember to relieve myself right before.

I felt rope being put around my scrotum, and being pulled tight. He had me by my balls, and I was powerless to stop him. I felt him continue pulling until he must have tied the rope onto something else. My balls were stretched almost to their limit.

I felt his hands on my cock again, apparently with some lube. He rubbed this all over my cock and balls, bringing me very close to orgasm. I heard him leave through the bathroom door, and it was then I realized the error of my assumption. As my cock and balls began to burn, I realized that the point of this meeting wouldn't have been to make me feel good, he must have had bengay, not lube! I wriggled on the bed, trying futilely to do something to get the stuff off, but it was no use.

I heard footsteps approaching, so I quit wiggling. I could hear him laughing at my attempt to stop the burning while he untied my arms and legs. The rope stayed around my balls, but at least they were no longer being pulled. I assumed that any attempt to use my free hands to take off the bengay would lead to something worse, so I decided against trying to relieve the burning. He led me from the bed over to a table and tied me so my upper body was laying across the table, with my ass sticking out. To my relief, he took out the butt plug. I felt his fingers at my ass again, and realized that he had decided to slip some ice cubes into my ass. It was cold, but nice to have a change from the stretching of the plug.

Without warning, I felt the sudden impact of a paddle on my ass. I hadn't even thought that I was in the perfect position for him to start spanking me. He was spanking with more force than I'd ever felt as a kid, and not letting up. This continued for what seemed like forever, but in reality was probably only a few minutes. I was on the verge of tears, and my ass was burning and red before he stopped. Amazingly, my erection refused to go down, even through all of that.

By this time, it was getting dark outside, the blindfold blocked out most of my vision, but I could still make out some light around the edges. I was beginning to wonder if I would make it through the night, I'd figured he'd take a couple breaks, let us get to know each other.

As if he could read my thoughts about the darkness, I saw the faint light of one, then two, then maybe as many as a dozen candles throughout the room. It was just enough to be able to see by, and not quite enough to give the room a sense of normalcy. He came back over to me and lifted me further up onto the table so only my arms and legs were sticking off the table. Only seconds afterward, I felt him duct taping my midsection flat to the table. I was completely immobilized, and thankful only for the fact that the tape would come off much easier now that I had no hair on my body.

I felt what was becoming a more familiar sensation to me, his foreign hands playing with my asshole. I felt him sticking something up there, and assumed he thought I'd been without the butt plug for long enough. I was blindfolded once again, and shortly thereafter heard the door to the room open and close. I was terrified that he'd left me here alone, and would probably not be coming back. As I was pondering my situation, I felt a burning sensation on my ass. About a minute later, I felt it again. Great, I thought, I'm alone and tied down in a hotel room, and it can only get better when I begin to feel sporadic burning sensations on my ass.

As my ass continued to burn, and my arms and legs started to fall asleep from hanging below me, I began to feel more intense heat near my ass. There was no telling how long I'd been in this position, but I was finally figuring it out. He hadn't put a butt plug in my ass, it was a lit candle! I quickly tried to figure out how much longer I'd have until the flame reached my ass, but it was no use, I couldn't see how much length was left. My erection began to subside, the only time it would do so that night, as fear overcame me. I tried desperately to wiggle my ass to blow out the flame, but it was no use, the duct tape was holding me all too still.

I began sweating as I felt the flame coming closer to my ass. I could only hope that this was a joke, and he'd never really left. Surely he wouldn't just leave me to get burned, would he? We had talked about limits, and I'm pretty sure that this is covered by what I told him I wouldn't do.

I now had quite a collection of wax between my ass cheeks and down to my balls. It had to be close to burning out, but that would mean that it was almost at my skin. I started trying to break free of the duct tape as I heard a key being inserted into the door. Of course he wouldn't have left me to get burned, he came back!

I heard laughing as the footsteps came closer to me. It didn't sound like the laughing I'd heard earlier, but then again, in all that I'd gone through, maybe I wasn't remembering too well. I heard an intake of breath, and then smelled the smoke of a blown out candle a few seconds later. It's amazing that faint smell of smoke did more to relieve me than almost anything else could have right then.

I felt myself being untied, but I couldn't move my arms and legs as they were still asleep. I was picked up and set on the floor, face down. While he had the advantage of me not being able to resist, I was hogtied and carried into the bathroom. I felt myself being put down into what felt like the bathtub. There was the sound of a zipper and then I felt a warm stream hit my back. I didn't know whether to be disgusted or what, I'd never been pissed on before. I decided that if not for the smell, the experience wouldn't have been too bad.

After another few seconds, I was completely drenched in his piss and then the stream stopped. I laid there in the remaining puddles as it was quickly becoming cooler. I hoped for him to dry me off or wash me off so I could get warm. Besides, he couldn't take me out of the bathroom dripping piss, he'd paid for this room.

About this time, I was really stretching the limits of my bladder. I decided to just let go, I mean, I had his urine all over me, mine couldn't be any worse. I finished and then heard the shower come on, nice warm water was washing away the foul-smelling liquid. After a few seconds, I was feeling much cleaner. He turned the shower off, lifted me onto a towel, then cut my arms and legs free. I was rolled onto my back and my arms were tied out to my sides so I couldn't take off the blindfold.

I felt clothespins being applied to my nipples, abdomen, scrotum, and the underside of my cock. The pain quickly became very intense, and I was wishing for it to end. At least most of the bengay had been washed off in the shower. The burning was beginning to subside, and he must have somehow noticed as well. I heard movement, and was anticipating the burning of bengay when I was shocked by an ice pack placed over my cock and balls. My balls immediately shriveled and my erection shrunk slightly. I laid there enduring the pain and cold for at least ten minutes.

I was beginning to wonder if I was ever going to get a break, it must have been near midnight by this time. A tape clicked on, and I heard a voice ask if I was still enjoying myself. Partly because I was, and partly because I was afraid what would happen if I said no, I told him yes. The tape asked if I would consider meeting him again the following weekend. I was curious as to see what could happen at a next meeting, so I responded in the affirmative again. The voice on the tape told me I would receive an email detailing the next meeting and instructions for preparing for it. I nodded my head in acknowledgement, I assumed he was watching me still.

The clothespins were removed, as well as the ice pack. My ankles were once again tied, and my hand brought together behind my back and tied. I was covered with a towel and carried out of the bathroom. I assumed he'd stop walking, but he continued out the door of the room. He placed me in the back seat of a car and started the engine to drive off. My apprehension came back, wondering if I was going to be abducted, or taken somewhere and be left to die or be killed.

After a few minutes driving, the car stopped. I was pulled out and set on the ground, where he proceeded to untie me. He told me, through the tape once again, that he was going to leave, and that I was to leave the blindfold on for at least five minutes. Afraid not to follow his orders, I nodded, and then heard him drive off. I counted the seconds until I figured I was safe, and removed the blindfold.

I found myself on the soccer field near my apartment, and I noticed it was beginning to get lighter. I quickly decided to run home so that I would arrive before anyone saw me naked and hairless. I got home just as the sun was peeking over the horizon, and went into the bathroom. I saw that the padlock on my collar was gone, so I took it and the leash off. At this time, I looked in the mirror and saw what had been written on my face and chest.

Across my forehead was the word "FAG," and on my chest was "COCKSUCKER." I tried my best to wash it off, but it was still fairly visible, so I gave up and went to my computer. I saw an email from his address and instantly became hard, I couldn't wait to see what he could come up with for next weekend.

To be continued... (If someone wants it.)

Next: Chapter 2

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