Invited to Formal Dinner

By moc.liamg@em4ruofgsb

Published on Dec 9, 2019



This is a story of a young man in his early 20s who is invited by an older gentleman to a dinner for mature men in their 50s and above.

It is a fantasy, and it is highly unlikely to describe a real happening, although the story is feasible if one were to stretch the imagination a little.

If indeed it does partly replicate a real situation, it is just by chance.

The story pushes the limit that one might be expected to endure in circumstances involving any form of domination without injury to the recipients, with an accent on anal pleasure and treatments.

Readers are however given a chance to translate a real life situation of their own into something of this nature in order to explore beyond their usual limits of sexuality.

I hope you enjoy this first part of my story. Please consider making a donation to Nifty! By Brett Saxton

My 20s were a time of body self-consciousness as I was straining every muscle and sinew in a Sydney gym centre to develop up from the 178 cms skinny, twinky, light brown headed soul of my teens.

I was somewhat in the mould of Roland Curtis (of Bel Ami), but a little taller and aiming to become a lean and muscular specimen that would draw an extra glance on the beach, whilst not being taken as a 'gym junky' with a physique beyond the realms of that which one would term 'natural'.

Now at 70kgs, my target weight, I was beginning to accumulate that bolder air of high self esteem, even the slight arrogance of the quintessential self-assured young man. I had also started to wander around the shower room of the gym without hiding my private parts away behind a towel, as if they were top secret assets to be seen only by myself.. or on rare occasions by a probing doctor.

It was after one of these personal 'parades' that I was approached by a man to whom I had conveyed a quick 'hey' or 'g'day' on several occasions at morning gym, a greeting we Aussies are known to use as a kind of "brand distinction".

I knew well and truly by now that I was bi-sexual and I wondered, in a wishful sort of way, if the gentleman was attracted to me in a physical sense, or perhaps he was just being congenial.

These days, I took some time to get dressed and often allowed others in the change room to have a good stare at my groin or butt, or anything else that took their fancy.

"Good morning'", the man had exclaimed from just behind me as I was stooping to pull my silky white jocks over my white butt cheeks that stood out against my light brown summer tan.

The interjector must have just positioned himself in full close up view of my shapely, although neat little rear. "I have to say that I've noticed how well you've built yourself up over the last few months, so congratulations. By the way, my name's Ted, I've been remiss not to mention it before, and yours?"

I had been slightly startled at this bold voice from behind me, as the room was empty and quiet at this point, but for the two of us.

"Hey, I'm Brett" I replied, "ya had a good workout?"

"Why yes, I have Brett", he returned, "say, can I ask you a question?"

"Sure, go ahead", I said.

"Well I'm a member of a mature age men's club that meets every fortnight to discuss current affairs and just general topics and we always like to invite a younger guest to hear his points of view, especially if he seems like a sharp sort of guy like yourself".

"So I wonder if you'd care to accept my invitation to our next dinner this Tuesday night? It will be free of charge to you and we dine at a member's big harbourside home just out of Sydney on the North Shore. Dress for guests is sportswear including coat and tie". I thought for a moment and then decided.. why not, I lived that side of town and the free meal sounded great. I was also interested in current affairs along with a whole raft of subjects.

Hey, man, that sounds pretty cool, how would I get there from where I live at Crows Nest'? I asked with a degree of anticipation.

"Easy", Ted replied, 'I'll pick you up on the corner of the Pacific Highway and Mount Street, eastern side, at 6pm, as our formalities start at 6.30 pm".

Whilst we were exchanging these invitation arrangements, I couldn't help but notice Ted's tendency to drop his eyes to my pecs which were now well formed although not of great bulk.. and did I even catch him for a moment glancing down at my groin, accentuated by my fairly close fitting jocks?

I thought little of this invitation at the time, though a small part of me was intrigued at my being the only young guest for the night in question.

Tuesday evening soon arrived and I had made sure to study the latest news to be abreast of affairs for the dinner discussions.

Our rendezvous was successful and soon we were pulling up in Ted's Benz outside this stately old three levels mansion overlooking Sydney Harbour.

I felt I'd scrubbed up pretty well with a touch of gel in the hair which sported a trendy shortish haircut of the day.

Ted and I walked to the old oak wood door and rang the bell.

Somehow during the short trip from the pickup point I noticed a slight reserve had come over Ted, as he was not his flowing and engaging self, choosing to limit his conversation to necessities such as the name of the host, Mr Henry Bolton, and the numbers that would be in attendance, being thirteen, including Ted and me.

A butler, judging by attire, answered the elaborate doorbell that chimed like a town hall clock. He immediately gave me a rather prolonged 'once over' inviting us both inside, before directing us up to the first floor via a broad wooden staircase in a deep red wood, the actual species being lost on me.

The butler escorted us into the long, almost ballroom proportioned dining room, boasting a full dose of Harbour views. Eleven well-dressed men in suits stood awaiting our entrance, seemingly with high expectations.

Mr Bolton duly rose from his position at the head of the table and offered his hand as I was introduced by Ted. It was a respectable but not overly firm handshake that came with a welcoming smile. Suddenly I felt a little more relaxed, although detecting that I was indeed the centre of attention.

Then suddenly Ted conveyed some information that was to set the ultimate scene for the evening, albeit I couldn't have known how that have might have been so at the time.

Mr Bolton had asked during the introductions how Ted had come to meet this "fine looking young man."

Ted's reply was: "Well Henry, we met at the gym and the more I saw of Brett the more I came to like him. Then last week I saw his very nice rear physique for the first time and that clinched my decision that he should be our guest for dinner very soon."

Of course I didn't know until later that all members were in fact 'scouts' of gyms and sporting facility shower rooms, where one of the main criteria for a prospective 'dinner guest' was that of a hot young ass like mine. So in fact "physique" was really a euphemism for 'ass'.

Had I heard Ted right? Had he used the word "rear" in the sense of a 'body part', or was he actually referring to my whole rear physique, which would have been an unusual form of categorisation?

In any case, what in the hell did my physique have to do with an occasion that I had taken to be intellectually based, from Ted's brief description?

"Well," said Henry, "I know you're the best of judges Ted, so let the night begin gentlemen; Ted and Brett, take a seat together half way along the table and we'll start proceedings with the "Ideals of the Club."

The Ideals were then recited and they included commitment to the causes of Australia and active interest in the affairs of the State. The final Ideal was to "appreciate the fineness of the male youth of our Country by establishing an intimate awareness". We were then invited to sit.

Who could know just what that final Ideal might imply? Again I was led to ponder, this time on the word "intimate", as I couldn't really see the context of it in the broader Ideal concerning 'appreciation'.

During these proceedings and for the remainder of dinner, the butler, whose name was Mr Willis, stationed himself right opposite me unless serving the needs of a diner. He was clearly interested in me at some level and I had a feeling it was at a physical one.. most likely a sexually physical one. Every so often he would give me a half smile, not terribly sincere though, and he would run his tongue in a suggestive way across his upper lip. If this was noticed by others, they did nothing to correct the situation and heightened the air of discomfort I suddenly was experiencing.

By the time appetisers, entrees and main course had been completed and we had reached the Loyal Toast on the agenda, some 90 minutes had expired. Nightfall had arrived and the indirect lighting now created a new mood of fine dining and, as always, enhanced everyone's features, including mine no doubt, as light and shadow did their artful work on our faces.

Many subjects, including terrorism, climate control, democracy in the modern world, the impacts of technologies and several others had been discussed and I had contributed reasonably to each. The last subject centred on male sexuality and the attractiveness of younger males to older ones and sometimes vice versa.

I certainly gave my opinions on the latter, with some degree of awkwardness, but with no connotations that I might have experienced such feelings for older males, even though in certain ways I had done so.

In this process I had detected a preoccupation with me, the special guest, almost to a point of a total unease that I couldn't explain, except that people seemed over-friendly and dropped the occasional reference to my openly acknowledged good looks.

I asked which courses were to come, as I was still hungry, each course being of French cuisine proportions that could almost be consumed in one mouthful. In addition the fine wine was tending to go to my head.

Ted advised that dessert, then cheeses, were to follow and that I would be the 'final course'.

This was the cue to the host to then elaborate on the last and, as I was to discover, the longest segment of the dinner. I was to become the star attraction in an even more pointed sense.

"Now young Brett," said Henry, "we are soon to address the final Ideal of our Club, being to enjoy an intimate awareness of you, our representative tonight of the young males of Australia."

The uneasiness that had from time to time surfaced from within me during the course of dinner came rushing to the surface in a tide of anticipation of that which was next to leave the lips of the host.

"Now Brett, your not to take offence, but although you are so beautifully presented in such smart attire tonight, we always enjoy our young guests more without their clothes."

I felt a sudden urge to want to pee as these words emerged and as there was a "hear hear" of agreement that echoed around the long table. The feeling of being trapped in a room of

mature aged males, who could ply any of their desired 'treatments' on me, was palpable.

Had I fallen to sleep and was I now in a very weird dream? I feared I had not and was not!

Henry continued: "More particularly Brett, our club is very interested in the bottoms of good looking young males, and although I'm sure you have great forms of other "equipment", shall we call it, it's your bottom on which and in which our members and I really care to indulge tonight."

Surreal was not the word, it was as if someone had cast a spell over the room and people were behaving in the most outlandish and unpredictable way.

I was now hot flushing bright red and beginning to perspire profusely on the hands and feet, they being my usual perspiring body sites when stressed in any way.

"Do I have the option to refuse, Mr Bolton?' I pleaded, as I was not made aware of this aspect of your dinners?"

"Well actually no, you don't Brett," came the fateful reply, "as the dinner is built entirely around you this evening and members are already in expectation of the extensive examinations and investigations of that which I expect to be your 'very hot' bottom, are you not gentlemen?"

A loud roar of agreement came from all present, including Ted, might I add, whom I know regarded as a traitor of my good faith. What a scumbag!

Equally, I decided quickly that it would be worse in the end for me were I to make a fuss or resist in any way. I had made my point already and now I was in the lap of the gods.

"Brett, I'm now requiring you to rise and go and stand facing Willis at the far end of the table from me, and with your back to the table."

This was the point where I was no longer being treated as a guest but as an object, or more particularly a piece of meat.

Henry then turned to the ever-attending Willis and asked that he begin proceedings by removing all my clothes.

"A pleasure, sir," was his reply, which came as no surprise as I had sensed all night that he had eyes for me, judging by his 'devouring' stares, previously described.

Willis, was a tall, thin and gaunt man in his 50s with a thin layer of slicked down reddish hair and a small, thin moustache. He possessed an unmistakable air of subservience merged with a sort of powerful, if not controlling, tenor to his personality.

"Now then young chicken, time to serve you up, isn't it?" he whispered in my ear.."Oh you're going to love the things I do to you tonight, you smart little middle class man..I'll bet you're a young private school graduate, hmm? Very soon," he added, "I'll have my extremely long tongue deep in that nice little ass of yours, how does that fit with you?" Willis gave me a private demonstration of the stretch of his tongue; I had never seen anything like it, some three inches long and something like an anteaters' that, as we know, is designed for exploring down very deep holes.

In fact I chose not to reply to this creature as my senses said that it would only make things worse for me.

Willis ordered me to remove my shoes and socks and stand looking at him, back still to the audience.

I did so and he started to undress me. He firstly removed my charcoal jacket, then cuff-links, then red and silver tie, the latter being dragged luridly from around my neck, then my ultra white linen shirt was unbuttoned slowly as my heart now thumped at a rate of 180 beats per minute, would be my guess.

"Please," I begged, "is there anything you can do to get me out of here now, or perhaps that I might do for you?" I reckoned that service for one was a better deal than a performance for all.

"No, dear boy, you're committed to your fate, I'm afraid" came the verdict, "in any case you'll be doing everything I desire for myself tonight as it is."

I wore no undershirt and so now the real embarrassment was about to commence, as Willis started to unbuckle my black leather belt that held my tightly fitting dark trousers to just below my navel.

One could hear the words 'yeah hot ass like I said' and 'yummy behind', as if my butt was really on the menu, and 'hot as hell' all leaking from the members. A highly excited member had actually confessed: "I'm as hard was a rock and he's only lost his coat so far."

I was quite clearly a total object of everyone's desire and as my trousers were unbuttoned, and the zip drawn down, they fell to the ground like a curtain rising for a show.. but in reverse.

Whilst my back was turned the table setting was cleared, and the whole table top was being raised from a hidden base beneath and duly folded.

The now unhidden base had a leather coated deep green surface and I noticed anchor points around the perimeter, as if to take a cord or rope. It also appeared to have a compartment that could perhaps be opened and that was situated several feet from my end.

"Now then young Brett, you're almost naked before us and I think we're enjoying this sight even more than we enjoyed earlier discussions with you." Henry had begun a mini speech to introduce this highlight segment of the evening.

"I believe you're the sort of young man that many older men would love to fuck, due to your obvious class and quality; look, you can even see it in his silky skin." Henry said, turning to his fellow members.

"I also have a theory that very good looking high quality young lads like yourself also carry behind them splendid bottoms that should be appreciated in their own right and in depth."

"They should be admired by eye, by fingers, by tongue and by cock. They should be exposed and opened for all to see, inside and out. This is what we are going to do to your bottom tonight, Brett. We hope you'll adjust to the shock and join in the fun, as the recipients like you should appreciate the power they have to please and thrill others."

"In fact we welcome your being very audible and even welcome resistance to a point, which will probably result in your ass being well spanked."

"At this point we're going to provide a 'safe' word for you, just in case you're unable to bear any of the treatments; that word is 'uncle'..just think of Uncle Ted to remember it. We don't expect you'll have the need to use this option but we also expect you to only use it if any aspect of your treatment becomes too hard to endure."

There was no doubt as to where things were headed and that a dozen men were each going to take full advantage of me and that my young behind was heading for public discovery and punishment of which most people would never dream.

My cock was now half erect and Willis reported this to all present. The Chairman received this news with guarded delight.

"I believe your cock is telling us that you may be entering into the spirit of things, Brett, so here is your next requirement: You may be wondering how we might approach entering into a relationship with your sexy young ass, if indeed you haven't prepared yourself for this need in the bathroom, is that right, Brett, you're not prepared?"

"Sir"," I responded, "if you're referring to my being clean where I think you mean, then no I haven't prepared because.. why would I?"

"Well Brett, we've thought of everything and so Willis is going to wheel out a machine that will totally clean out your insides. We will all watch as we need to be convinced that you've been properly prepared. The machine has two hoses, one that delivers water deep into your young bum whilst the other sucks the resultant product into a reservoir just like a liquid vacuum cleaner. In just 20 minutes you'll be ready for everything we have planned for you."

A cold shiver went through my hotly flushing body, and again I felt the urgency to pee.

"Really," I pleaded, "do you have to do this to me, can't I just perhaps do a lap dance for you, and even let the members touch me whilst I perform?"

"Just turn around now and lie face down on the green table, please," came the terse reply.

I stretched out on the table and felt all eyes on my ass which seemed to be the target of the exercise unfolding.

My Calvin Klein jocks were of a silky cream colour with a navy waistband. They were the brief kind, as I had always preferred, that cut away to very little material at the sides. Slow hand clapping then began as Willis took a pair of scissors from a drawer and cut a small hole adjacent to the point where my asshole is situated in the lower part of the subtle curvature of my bottom.

Henry turned to Ted exclaiming: "My goodness you've really excelled this time, I'm predicting that's a very classy little bottom we're now unveiling."

He could see already that I had one of those sexy asses that was not a full bubble butt, however it's round and neat, riding in perfect sympathy with the natural undulations of my back, and with a deeply diving crack that is almost hairless, as I'm not a very hairy type.

Moans started to come from around the table as Willis then inserted his fingertips into the small hole that he had designed into my new shiny jocks. Very slowly he started to tear and I felt my heart racing faster than I'd ever experienced. Slowly the crack of my behind very sexily came into sight and soon the jocks had a gaping hole in the rear revealing the centre of my creamy bum, and slowly my whole ass was revealed as the jocks were torn and cut to bits then dragged from under me, leaving my smooth almost hairless bottom fully exposed to this lecherous group of elders.

Ted was given the torn remnants of my jocks as a momento and immediately held them to his face to try to detect any male scents.

I was somehow aroused like never before, then the horrible realisation came to me that my cock was really stirring to life, as I felt a sexual wave flowing over the room, all because my curvaceous ass was now fully revealed in all its glory.

"Fuck, Ted," said Henry, that must be one of the hottest little bottoms I've ever seen, including those on the porn screens. It's perfect, but we're going to make it even more perfect, because our young man is now going to be shaved around all his private parts."

"Not so private now, Mr Bolton," replied Ted, bringing laughter from all the captivated onlookers.

"Turn over Brett and let's see your beautiful young member," came the order from Henry Bolton. I rolled over obediently and revealed with embarrassment my seven inches of circumcised boner for all to see.

"My goodness, it's excellence of structure matches that of his ass and look at this nice set of young balls, oh and look they've just been drawn up through his ball sac," confirmed the host, "he really is excited,

isn't he?"

"Willis, please start the procedure of shaving Brett's entire cock and balls," he ordered.

Willis firstly removed the majority of my light brown pubic hair with the trimming edge of an electric shaver, whilst happily manipulating and pulling at my cock and then balls as he went. He then wet my equipment with warm to hot water before layering shaving cream all over the site, continuing his self entertainment with his mauling of my parts, giving quite a painful squeeze to my balls as he finished.

Soon I was totally free of all my pubes and I noticed now that the touch of Willis' eager hands felt noticeably more sensuous. I had performed this procedure on myself in the past but having it done for me somehow added sexual excitement to the equation.

Henry then presented the mound of my removed hair to Ted, as my inviter, all nicely packed by Willis into a small plastic bag. Ted thanked him sincerely and tucked it into his shirt pocket.

"Now then Brett, we're going to have Willis attack your ass cheeks and your whole ass crack so that you will be fully ready for our various sexual adventures in the area. Please roll back onto your stomach and spread your legs as much as possible and I shall also raise your bottom up so that it's more accessible for Willis."

I rolled back over and as my ass was raised by the adjustable built into the table platform I now felt more than ever like a sex 'toy' that was going to receive full attention.

"Gentlemen, do you agree that a smooth ass and crack is a better experience for our explorations of a young man's backside?"

"Yes," came the resounding answer, someone adding that the skin of the young guest's ass was like silk and that it shouldn't be adulterated with hair.

I was turned on by the wetting of all my ass, its crack included, and then the layering of shaving cream over my hot little mounds and between them. No trimmer was needed as my ass hairs are not that long and are much finer than my pubes on the other side.

As Willis shaved my ass bare, for the first time my buns were forced open revealing my new sex hole for all eyes to feast upon.

"What a classy little asshole he has, gentlemen," exclaimed Henry. "Very edible don't you think with no imperfections around its perimeter whatsoever?"

I was now starting to realise how I was about to come under a sexual scrutiny of extreme intensity. Not one detail was going be missed. The latent exhibitionist within me was being crudely awakened with every sentence now being uttered. I, but more particularly my ass, was going to be the hero of the show to come, probably for many hours ahead.

Ted then commented that my ass meat would be so tender, especially to suck and to chew out, as that's always the case when the outer skin is of such high quality. "This young male has the skin fineness and beauty of a woman," he added.

I felt the shaver go over my bum hole and that in itself was enough to make me feel like I could cum on the spot, but I resisted this as I believed that to hold back from shooting my load would help me to endure the onslaught about to begin.

When Willis completed the shaving of my entire bottom, using three little bowls for the spoils, he went to the kitchen sink and separated the cream firstly from the bum hair in one bowl that he had harvested from my cheeks, then from the second bowl the hair that came from inside my crack and finally he retrieved the small amount that came from immediately around my asshole that he had deposited into the third bowl. He presented all three samples, labelled with my name and ass region, to Ted with this finer shorter hair in three separate little bags.

Ted reached up to my face to show me the not inconsiderable amount of produce that had come from the sections of my ass.

"I'm going to treasure these little trophies," he said, "and keep them just near my bed, along with the pics that we're going to be taking of you tonight. That will be a constant turn on for me, Brett, as I'll know that they came from a very fine young man's equally fine young bottom."

Another sexual buzz went through my cock and ass as I heard Ted's plan to gloat over the hairs from my hottest zones for some time to come and for my ass to be the subject of a pictorial.

"So now gentleman," announced the host, "we have before us a young 22 year old man, who incidentally looks even younger. He's of the hottest description and his ass is now fully shaven, and in readiness for our sexual pleasure, both on and in his fine bottom. Proceedings can now begin in ernest."

I was ordered to stretch my limbs in a star shape so that my extremities could be secured by Willis at the fixing points at the table edge.

The conversion of a young guest to a basic object of sexual pleasure for all present was now complete. Comments were flowing merrily about my ass, my hotness, what people would like to do to me and my ass, what was happening in their groins and even comparisons between my former clean-cut posture as a guest and the one now bestowed on me of a prostrate piece of hot meat for sexual digestion.

Willis was now positioning that which amounted to his enema machine at the foot of the table between my spread legs. Then came my first piece of total humiliation when he called for Ted to assist him by pulling my hot ass cheeks as far apart as possible.

I just couldn't get my mind around the fact that this was actually not a dream but a reality of the most vivid nature, one that would have a lasting effect on me for the remainder of my life.

As Ted began to separate my cheeks, he uttered to me that he had been 'waiting for this moment' to get his hands on my sweet ass, which he had admired for weeks at the gym, even when fully clothed.

"You're one hot piece of work' he exclaimed, 'and now we're going to play even hotter games with that little sex-piece of an ass of yours until we know every inch of it..inside and out."

As Ted's strong hands began to force my cheeks apart, the adjustable platform was again cranked up like a triangular cushion to feature the curvature of my lower back and the humps of my bottom even more than normal. Despite Willis and Ted being at work on me, there was a still the opportunity for one of the members to reach under my rising groin and pull my inflated cock back between my legs so that its full tumescence could be observed, as it dangled down the raised table compartment.

Someone then pointed out how much they loved the combination of an opening ass and a long cock poking out behind it. Cocks always look bigger from that vantage point as one can follow their structure right to the opening of an asshole at which point the cock plunges into the body. A remark was made that the distance from the head of my cock to its plunge point into my pelvis adjacent to my asshole had to be well over a foot and that my equipment looked like a length of firehose.

Henry asked Ted to pull my cheeks both upwards from my horizontal body and outwards as this would have the effect of actually opening my asshole, not just bringing it into view. Ted replied: "Oh Mr Bolton, that would give me the greatest of pleasure as I have been imagining this moment during all those weeks of watching this very hot young man in the gym both clothed and unclothed."

My embarrassment was now at a peak and it would stay there for hours to come. Next Willis was told to lubricate the outer rim of my now opening hole with his tongue at which point he responded "I would just love to sir, as I know he has cleaned himself very thoroughly and the shaving cream would have also done its job of cleaning some of his nervous sweat from the area.

I was beginning to feel like I was going to fart as the pressure of dinner had built in my gut in the normal way, but the nervous excitement I was experiencing was also having its effect. For some reason the idea of farting in dinner company sent a new wave of embarrassment through me. Not for long however, as my prediction was realised, my now fully stretched asshole letting out an extremely audible fart that caused amusement and some clapping and cheering around the table.

I could not have felt more degraded, yet I had a contradictory vibration of excitement going through my outstretched body, just from knowing that my most private general areas were now my most exposed and examined parts.

Sweat was pouring from me with embarrassment, from every known gland location, as I realised this debauchery was going to continue and expand into far greater pleasures for the members and far more embarrassment and discomfort for me. My compact little ass was about to get the hammering of its short life on a night that would be remembered by all present for perhaps the rest of their lives.

Willis' athletic tongue obviously did an efficient job of moistening my ass in preparation for its first insertion, and Willis in the process had moaned with obvious pleasure for a full three minutes as his tongue changed the texture of my opening from tight muscle to a softened and glistening entrance to my body.

"Insert the tubes please Willis," came an excited order from the host, "and give him a good honest flow of water up his young bottie." This was a term for 'ass' that I hadn't heard in relation to adult life, but I knew it to be one that was used in certain circles to belittle this shapely target of any sex attack.

Willis responded by starting to line up the half inch tubes with my salivered asshole and slowly they began to penetrate into my rectum. "Wow, look at that pipe go up him," came one exclamation and another was that the observer would "love to be doing the operation, and stick the tube several feet up that ass."

As the tube was being inserted right up into my bottom the platform that had raised under my pelvis started to act like a rocking horse so that for all the world it looked as though I was 'humping' the table. This motion facilitated the invasion of the tube which was now some six inches up inside me, but far short of its final destination.

"Are you at his inner asshole yet, Willis?" enquired Henry, "because once you get past that point, which is around six inches past his second asshole ring, you can go a lot further up inside his bum."

I was alarmed at hearing my most private anatomy being described as if it were in a road atlas, and I realised that these people were playing for keeps to completely empty me of all my contents, regardless of how I felt physically or mentally in the process.

I felt the tubes trying to go past this point of resistance inside my rectum and screeched at a sudden bite of pain just as Willis found his way past my inner hole and therefore processed from my rectal cavity to my large intestine.

Once his tubes were about 12 inches up inside me, he got the order to start the process of my cleanout. I actually felt him push the tubing many inches further up me before he followed that order.

The inflow during the following 15 minutes created a combination of pain, from fullness, and satisfaction for my ass as it was at the same time being relieved of its contents. For the first time I felt some relief as my ass became empty except for water and the pressure of gas had completely subsided. But I also felt like a sex toy had been made of my bottom, because suddenly its main function had been replaced by a tool for the enjoyment of others.

Ted took the opportunity of asking me if I enjoyed the prospect of having a totally clean ass that could now be used as a hot meaty toy by all the guests. I started to play the game and responded that it was better than a full ass and that I wouldn't need to head to the bathroom for quite a long time.

Slowly the water and then the tubes were extracted and the machine with its new contents was wheeled away, leaving my asshole weeping water in full view of my audience gathered around my end of the table.

"So Willis, we all know you have a very long tongue," observed Henry, "now that Brett's bottom has been totally cleaned out I wonder if you would like to extend on your previous rimming of his asshole to actually penetrating right through both outer and inner rings and into his ass cavity?"

"I feel certain my tongue could do that for you sir and I've already mentioned to our guest that it's something he should expect."

"Excellent then, please begin this procedure. I know that you'll also be pulling the soft young ass cheeks apart to facilitate this entry."

It didn't take Willis long to once more position his face into my opened crack and to place the tip of that extraordinary tongue at my quivering rear opening. Slowly an inch then two inches of the tongue discovered its way into my anal canal, with Willis moaning and slurping as he went, as if eating a juicy peach.

At one point he came up for air, but more to declare that "the taste of this hot young hole was quite differently rich, compared with others he had penetrated". As he broke through the inner anal ring and

sank his full three inches of tongue into my waiting cavity, again an uncontrollably long fart exploded past his tongue and again this thrilled the audience. This time i was not as embarrassed as I felt a rush of excitement go through me because someone else was in control of this bodily function. At the same time a small wave of ass juices must have come onto Willis' lucky tongue and he sucked them up into his mouth with a very happy moaning."Ohhh", he moaned, "his juices are really running and they taste better than honey. He's a sweet lad in every way."

Turning to Henry, Willis announced: "I can now declare, sir, that the young man's asshole is fully ready for you to explore. It is a '10' by my estimations in its appearance, functional elements, taste and flexibility. Clearly sir, our guest is demonstrating through his ass that he both welcomes and enjoys our various attentions."

"Thank you Willis, your tongue has done an outstanding job of preparation."

For the first time, Henry now laid hands on me as he put one hand on my left asscheek, inserting the long middle finger of his right hand into my hole with a roughness that caused it to break through both circles of muscle and into my cavity beyond. He quickly removed his finger and after close examination confirmed that my ass was indeed "perfectly clean and ready for the amusements to begin".

Meanwhile, a member was beginning to unpack a special little case of instruments within my line of sight that included balls ranging from golf ball size to almost tennis ball proportion, large beads of progressive size in each run, dildos, speculums that could be either held open or locked open and butt plugs of all sizes.

One didn't need to be a rocket scientist to realise that each of these items was going to be headed up into my asshole to deep and dark places. They were the night's 'amusement' tools. I was to be the centre of a prolonged sexual indulgence of 12 members and a butler, to the point that they would challenge my anal muscle to the full.

"Now young Brett," said Henry, "the next stage is to loosen your very cute and tight little asshole until it doesn't want to stay closed any more. You will experience a feeling of total ass exposure and submission as a result."

"Once we've completely opened your pretty little bottom, we'll be in the position to stimulate the secretion of ass juices inside you and then we're going to harvest them with a pipette into a glass so that we can all taste those juices that I feel sure, in coming out of a hot young man like you, will be excellent to the palate. Who knows we may even start to produce them in bulk each week and sell them at auction.. with you present of course...don't worry..just joking, lad."

I wondered if this was actually a joke as I wouldn't put anything past this group.

"Gentleman," announced Henry, "I shall now start the proceedings to make available the inside of our young guest's ass to you without the challenge of having to force him open. I'm going to provide our loyal member, Ted, with his first reward for discovering for us this young man with the highly attractive butt and, as we can see now, very hot little butthole."

"We've already noticed that the hole is beautifully shaped as if the centre of a flower, with no imperfections surrounding it whatsoever. It's a deep pink colour and I've also noticed that it is pulsating somewhat in anticipation, I guess, of what it's owner knows is coming. There's already a slight emission of fluid coming from the hole which is no longer water, but thicker. It's actually Brett's secreted ass juices that do the job of natural lubrication to assist the functions of his ass."

As you know one of those functions is now going to be the accommodation of various parts of our bodies and selected toys. Note everyone how the anal twitching is increasing as I pay more attention to Brett's little hole, which is about to grow much bigger, if may I say, Brett.

This sudden use of my name created for me a new dimension of humiliation, as it prevented me from extracting myself from the fateful situation that had befallen me. It was Brett, no one else, that was being dealt with here.

"And Brett, we also note that you have a seven inch hard-on stretching down below your hole which makes you look the picture of truly hot sexiness. Now please push your asshole out for me so that I can more easily push my finger in for a sample of your fluids."

I recall moaning slightly at this point because I had mentally succumbed and was now seeking as much sexual pleasure as were the onlookers.

I pushed my asshole out to the point that its inside lining became apparent to Henry, who let out an "Ohhh yes," as he perceived this submissive invitation to enter my bum. Juices that were constantly

flowing inside my ass also ran out between my ass lips and Henry quickly sampled some with two fingers

into his hungry mouth.

"Absolutely delicious," he yelled, "we're in for a great night of ass feasting gentlemen."

Slowly the host's first finger sank into my supple hole which already felt very moist from the earlier licking and secretions that were taking place due to the invasion of tubes and fingers. Soon the latest finger was creating its own response from the glands in my bum and Henry was gleeful at the amount of glossy juice on his digit as he withdrew.

He went to where my head rested in sweat higher up the table:

"Brett, you must have the pleasure of tasting the juicy produce of your bottom you hot and handsome lad, and then I'll share you around for the others to sample."

A generous amount of juice was on his finger and I tentatively sucked it into my clean mouth, quickly realising that the fuss over the quality of my contents was justified.

"Do you like it?" queried the host.

"I reckon I do," I replied, "it is quite rich isn't it?" This was the first time I had ever talked to anyone about anything that came out of my body. My cock was now releasing a flow of precum.

I blushed yet again as my body was being used as a sampling dispenser. Soon more fingers arrived from the hands of different members and each sucked with lust and fascination on the yields that my ass was releasing to them.

"Here, taste your own ass again", said Ted, as he pulled three fingers from my ever-widening hole, capturing a substantial amount of juice in just one dip.

"Now tell me what you think of the flavour and consistency?"

"Pretty good," I replied, I can see why you're all drooling so much."

With that flippant reply, Henry proceeded to give my bottom six very hard cracks on each cheek.

"Don't be condescending with me young man, or you'll get that treatment back each time. Now describe the taste of your ass juices please."

"Yes sir, they have a rich, slightly salty flavour and they're about as thick as the mucous from a runny nose."

"I ask again, do you like your ass juices, Brett?"

"Yes, sir, I like them quite a bit, sir."

"Excellent, then, we'll make sure you have a taste of the big sample we'll be taking from you soon." "By the way, my cock became harder when I was smacking you, perhaps we'll look at a punishment night on another occasion, but for the moment I'd like the experience of smacking you on your open asshole. Raise your bottom up please."

I lifted my bottom even higher than the platform had raised it and could feel the breeze of the cool air conditioning running into my gaping hole.

Henry then let go with five hard open-handed cracks across my wide-open hole. It hurt but with a certain undeniable pleasure that I'd never before experienced. Again I came on the spot and this time it was Henry who consumed all that raced out of my throbbing young cock.

"What a fine young performer you are Brett, I love everything about the way your body looks and functions. One day I'm hoping you'll come to stay and I'll really show you the ropes with some ass training that could make you a top porn star perhaps."

"Oh wow," he exclaimed, your bottom is really loosening up even more now, Brett, after that smacking, to the extent that your gape is pulsating a little. That means it's not listening to you but to us; you're pink and wonderful arsehole is actually out of control."

"Do you realise too that your ass juices are now running freely down to your hot little balls, so now I'm going to lick these cute little jewels clean for you."

The 'humping' machine was switched off after my cleanup but suddenly it was decided that my ass looked even sexier when on the move. I was now in fucking mode on the table, precum oozing from my cock and ass juices escaping from my hole which was gaping by nearly an inch now.

Willis was fascinated by the scene and declared that mine was the best little ass he'd seen in action like this. He asked if he could use the speculum now to actually fix my ass wide open, as he had hoped to insert his long tongue even further into my hot pink hole than he had before.

Willis was given this permission and in a twinkling had his speculum at the doorway of my bottom, then pushing in, then becoming fully swallowed as I relaxed to ease the harsh pressure.

Next I was being cranked open to a width of some three inches and all were invited to come closer to inspect right inside my bum. A sudden gurgling type of noise came from my ass which was now gaping to an extreme.

This was repeated through Willis blowing air up my hole and then inserting his tongue deep into my cavity. Suddenly the air he had blown into me came back across his tongue in a long farting noise, merged with a juiciness from my secretions. These were fundamental sounds of sex and they were coming from the hole of a former private school lad with the looks of a young porn star.

I looked around and every member had hard-ons that looked almost permanent. They were likely stimulated by the transformation of a special guest who had been active in discussions, to a sex object lying spreadeagled across an 'examination' table.

Willis was in seventh heaven as if I were a new toy, not inanimate, but writhing, hot, bouncing, juice secreting, with a model ass of a young 22 year old.

Each member now wanted to have their turn at rimming this shapely, supple young ass, with its deep pink seeping hole. As each one took his turn and emitted his rendition of moaning satisfaction, my young bottom tingled more and more with excitement. Some would just deep tongue me others would also finger me out to bring more juices to the surface as my behind writhed and wriggled before them, making it even more of a turn on, like a mouse struggling to survive a cat attack.

Henry then announced that it was time to put this hot little ass to the stretching test and start to enjoy its depths beyond the inner asshole ring. He asked each member to do his bit in stretching my hole using one or two fingers from each hand. Whilst this involved a degree of discomfort for me initially, an almost euphoric feeling started to replace the discomfort as I became conscious of supplying these older gents with one of the thrills of their lives, my ass performing better and better with this period of stretching and pulling that was taking place.

I was also turned on by the incredible sensations that I felt through my asshole ring which we all know to be a place of high nerve supply, an argument I often use when people say that it is not an intended part of the sexual function.

It was almost as if I were on a drug, my head spinning with pleasure as more and more intensive attention was applied to my butt. A bi-product of this experience was my extremely hard cock which was emerging from under my pelvis, and seeping precum as never before. One member scooped some of this seepage and savoured the flavour, comparing it with the flavour of my ass juices.

As my bottom was opened more and more with the teamwork of anal stretching that was proceeding, more and more comments came about the deep shade of pink of my glistening hole and the size of the expanding cavity beyond it.

"Now it's time to harvest a glass full of Brett's delicious ass juices', declared the host. I need each member to take his turn at applying a stirring action around the circumference of Brett's asshole as this will stimulate the secretions from his rectal glands."

As each member completed about a one minute session of stimulus in this way, a pipette was used to draw up the resultant juices and then those juices were spurted into a small glass from the pipette. Each member was able to stimulate close to a teaspoon full of thick fluid, so after some time enough had accumulated in the glass for the host to call everyone to order for the official savouring of my produce.

This commenced with the host toasting me, with the glass raised above his head, as one of the best guests that had ever attended dinner, due to my hot appearance and beautifully tapered and functioning ass. He made the point that it goes to show that an ass doesn't need to be a large one to be an extreme turn-on and to provide great 'yields'.

As he sipped his sample of me, he spoke thus: "Perfect to the palate, I feel privileged to have taken in some of this young man's richness from his most private body cavity. Tonight that cavity is not at all private to us members. Brett, thank you for your wonderful contribution of sexuality, including this prize produce from the depths of your young and most beautiful bottom'.

I then experienced something that I had never experienced before, I came with all my the might of my over-sexed groin at these verbal expressions of my host, that featured my whole realm of sexuality and more. As my cum flowed seemingly endlessly from my long seven inch hard cock, Willis, always at the ready swept in and started the job of cleaning this emission with his more than adequate tongue. He finished this licking up and around my partly opened seeping asshole to combine the tastes of the two products. In rapid succession, he then moved to where my head was positioned and raised my mouth to his lips to release a substantial amount of ass juice and cum cocktail between my open lips. I swallowed the full and sizeable quantity in one gulp, and quickly understood why my product was so well received.

The taste of that fluid, warm and viscous, was rich and creamy with a special quality that can be found in no other substance or food.

This was the taste of raw sex, I thought.I was the object of all objects, an example of extreme connection between one human being, the prey, and a group of others, the predators.

Each member followed with their respective savouring of my prized body fluids and each gave their non verbal expressions of ultimate satisfaction.

One member, in his 60s, exclaimed that he had come in his pants as this experience had made him so extremely sexually excited. He then told me that he would take me home and support me well whenever I cared to accept, as this was one of his utmost sexual experiences in his 50 years since adolescence. He claimed that, if one can be loved for the tastes one can produce, then I am the person to have proved this possible.


This ends part 1 of my story. Part 2 will find me still prostrate on the green table with a variety of tools about to be used in that which is essentially an Olympic Games on my ass and asshole. Please be sure to feed back any comments back to me on part one and any ideas that you would like me to consider building into future parts.

Next: Chapter 2

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