Island of the Siren

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on May 22, 2016




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


Demetrious stood at the prow of the fishing boat and surveyed the wide open seas. Looked back at his partner Meleander who was busy with the sails. "We'll be sure to find some good fishing out this way!" He crowed. "With a full hold of fresh fish to sell, we can pay our yearly tax to the Elders of Corinth and still have enough left over for a wonderful week on land!" Only a bare score of years of age, his youthful body was muscled and well-tanned by the unending sun that he endured while out on the seas, turning his already-brown body a deep golden brown in which his black hair and snow-white, even teeth shone with equal brilliance. The sun and shadow on his body outlined each muscle on his chest, his stomach, his legs and his arms, for he wore only a loin wrap for his clothing here on the waves, which covered little more of his body than a Speedo-type swimsuit would cover on a modern-day man.

"If we find a full hold worth of fresh fish." grumbled Meleander. Older than Demetrious by a score of years, he was both more earthy and less energetic than his partner. On him, the muscles had begun to lose their youthful luster and were forming cords from the endless hard labor they endured to bring in the fishy harvest endlessly needed if he and his family were to survive.

"We will." predicted Demetrious. "No other fishing vessels ever come this way."

"And you'll remember the reason why."

Demetrious frowned. "You don't believe the stories about the islands of the sirens, now do you? I thought you agreed that was only an old tale told by the superstitious."

"I said I didn't believe in the sirens." Meleander agreed. "I didn't say I didn't believe there wasn't a reason behind the old tales."

"You think monsters lie in the islands ahead?" Demetrious gestured at the dark shapes on the horizon.

"I think it could be a hidden reef, or a number of other things." Melander said darkly. "I know that they all agree that ships that come in this direction often don't come back. And those that do come back with crewmen missing and empty holds. It might be the Athenians, or pirates, or any number of reasons that have nothing to do with sirens, but do require us to stay well away from those islands."

"We'll be careful." Demetrious said carelessly as he peered ahead. These islands were new to him. To go and to see! Why couldn't Meleander see that this was the real reason to go to sea! There was an entire world out there and the tales told of faraway land that frightened so many only stirred up the fire in his loins that no visit to a pornai (the hetaera were too expensive for him, he had to settle for the slave women forced into prostitution by their owners to sate his lusts) could assuage. This fire was different, anyhow. He wanted stories of his own to tell, and not just about the fish he'd caught or the ones he'd lost due to a hole in the net! He wanted...he wanted to LIVE!

At the rate the wind blew their craft toward the islands, it took them over an hour to turn those black lines on the horizon into low bumps, into larger black blobs, into the multiple colors of an island which bore some life upon its surface. Birds of course, but more, there were trees, and...was that a temple of some kind? Or a house? Yes, and another over on the other islands over there, and over there and....

It was then that he heard it. From the figures that were standing before the houses and their voices were not drowned out by the surf that crashed upon the rocky beaches of their islands, rather, it was enhanced by the sound. Beautiful, beautiful music! Rapturous! Intoxicating! Enchanting!

Enslaving! Demetrious found his body no longer obeying his own commands, he found himself diving over the side of the ship and away, toward the island on his left. He would have looked and seen where Melander was, had he seen what was happening, was he similarly ensnared by this music, by this marvelous, marvelous music?

For himself, he was swimming with strong, sure strokes, eager to get closer to this exquisite musician, there to pledge his eternal love, his eternal devotion, his eternal soul, even, to the singer. He no longer cared if he never saw his home town or family again! He was fanatically, slavishly in love with the music that had poured itself into his brain and taken it over utterly!

The rocks made getting to the shore a task that would have daunted any but the most fit and youngest of males, and Demetrious wondered with the particle of himself that wasn't working toward getting him to the musician if Meleander was going to end up dashed on the rocks if he couldn't climb ashore! But he still found himself unable to do anything but climb the rocks, though they cut him mercilessly in a dozen diverse but thankfully small places, and then he was out of the water and struggling among the dry rocks to get to the land above and beyond them.

His wet body shone in the sun with a thousand diamond-points of white light, as if he were decorated with many gems, a present for a god! The musician was standing before the door and he saw now it was only human in form but no more. The face...the face was both old, hideous and disgusting, with only a single eye in the center of the face, a nose shrunken into two small nose-holes below that, and a mouth that was both wide and filled with sharp teeth. Demetrious walked toward it and the siren (he now had no doubt that was what this being was) grinned at him. "Another fine Man for my stable." she purred (female if you counted those horribly deflated flaps of skin on her chest as breasts, everything below that was thankfully covered by a moldy and stained woven garment held by a clasp over one shriveled shoulder). "I shall feed off of you for many, many years, I shall."

He could not even raise a single sound in protest. Only obey as she pointed to where he was to go. Into the captivity he walked as if he were willing and content, when he was anything but.

Captivity consisted of a large room inside the house he had seen, and the floor of the room was covered with sleeping mats, with a large bowl in the center of the room, and the mats were covered with men, some thirty or forty of them, of all ages from Demetrious' own young body up to as old as Meleander but not often much older. None of them had as much clothing on as Demetrious now wore. They were lying on their mats or sitting idle and hopeless, save for two who were at the bowl, both young and fair men of Greece, one of them was wanking the other's virility and as Demetrious watched, the man being pleasured reached his climax and with a soft, low moan, squirted his seed and his male essence into the bowl. This bowl had a tapered bottom, though some four feet in diameter at the top, it sat on a pedestal of its own substance which made the center of the bowl a mere dimple. The seed this man squirted it would all coalesce there, and Demetrious realized that this was what the bowl was for, that the men could void their seed into the bowl for the siren's purpose, whatever that was.

The power the siren had held over him had abated somewhat. He was to stay in this room, but beyond that, he was allowed to do and say and look where he wanted. He looked about at the men and one he recognized. "Thelontes!" he called out. Thelontes was from a nearby house to his own family and they had grown up together, Thelontes had vanished last year while on his own fishing boat.

Thelontes came to him and they embraced in greeting. "I greet you, though not in happiness, old friend." he said to Demetrious.

"Tell me how life is here." Demetrious asked. "I was captured as was you. When I saw myself the captive of the siren, I feared I would be immediately eaten."

"Would that our fate was that fast and that clean." Thelontes told him. "No, we live in this room and we have but one duty from here on, to produce as much as we can to feed the siren."

"So we will be eaten by her?"

"Nay, not us, but our seed, she feeds upon it and it gives her both her long life, for she is immortal, and the power to entice more men to come to her. When we can no longer produce enough to satisfy her, she uses her power to send us out into the sea, to swim toward shore as best we can. If we can make it, we can live, and some must have lived to spread her legend, but I misdoubt most of us will die in the waters."

Demetrious realized then why none of the men present were gray-haired, for a man's virility languishes on him as he ages. "What if we refuse to give her our seed?" he asked.

"You think yourself a free man within these walls." Thelontes told him. "That is only a seeming. As soon as your body is ready for release, you will needs must release it and when you reach your height, you will be drawn to the bowl without choice. I am forced into the service of the siren four times a day, and though I would give my soul to be free of the compulsion, I must do it, and my next time is nearly upon me yet again." And Thelontes gestured at his cock which was stiffening yet again. "Once we release, we are free briefly to leave the room, long enough to fish and tend the gardens and harvest vegetables, free to cleanse ourselves and converse. But never free to leave, save when she sends us away. And that is your fate, as well, now that you are here." Thelontes groaned and his hand went to his organ and grasped it and began to manipulate it, without joy and without hope. "I would give anything I have to be free of this place, even if I had to swim as the older ones must. I think I could swim a hundred leagues if it meant I could be free of this torment!"

Demetrious looked upon Thelontes and remembered many joyous days in his youth when he and Thelontes shared their bed and their bodies. "I cannot free you from this place." He said. "But I can at least let you turn this torment into happiness, with me." And he knelt down and took Thelontes' prong in his hand and stroked it for his long lost and now found friend. Thelontes moaned and his hand now free of its duty reached up and fumbled at Demetrious' crotch.

Demetrious grinned down at Thelontes and grasped his loin wrap and pulled it at the correct place and it came away, exposing his body to his friend, and Thelontes' hand captured Demetrious' prong and began to pleasure him in his turn. Demetrious groaned, he had half-forgotten the pleasure of sharing your body with a good friend. The pornai were eager only to get him to finish with them and leave them again, their hands upon him were plied with a frantic and inexpert style that wrung passion from him rather than causing it to rise on its own. But Thelontes' hand was as loving as only a good friend's hand can be, and Demetrious was loving it!

Demetrious groaned again and lowered his head to take Thelontes' dick in his mouth, he knew nothing of this save that the pornai would do it to speed up his climax or to substitute when they'd been sent to him but were in their menses.

Thelontes had a few years on him and when he caught Demetrious' prick in his mouth in turn and began to suck on him, his talent was better by far than Demetrious' own. Demetrious felt the magnificent glory of pleasure expressed with lips and tongue that knew just how to please a man, and gained thereby an education that let him please Thelontes the better. Head to crotch they lay side by side and their bodies moved in a synchronous delight that only young, athletic, sexually excited men can ply upon each other, and in their shared joy Demetrious found his delight growing and growing.

As he did, he felt the siren's power weigh in upon him again and he groaned in his frustration. He would not get to complete himself with Thelontes, he felt the call, he must go to the bowl and spray his sperm into the container for the siren's use.

Thelontes felt his distress and broke off. "Come, my friend." he said. "My own time is far enough away that I can spare you the solitary expulsion from your body this time at least."

Demetrious was beyond words at this point, he was about to explode and the demands of the siren's power was forcing him to hurry. He got to his feet and went to the bowl, and Thelontes was with him and, like the two men Demetrious had seen when he'd first entered, Thelontes began to pump at Demetrious' prod, jerking him vigorously, and Demetrious moaned and ejaculated heavily, a massive load that poured into the concavity in the middle, Demetrious saw that there was already a significant puddle of male jizz there and he watched as his own male essence ran down the inner sides of the bowl and joined in the white globs already there.

Tired, he grasped the edges of the bowl and Thelontes murmured in his ear. "And now it must be my time, for I find the sight of your ejaculation to be stimulating me. Make me spray my spunk into the bowl and let it join with you in that way at least, I pray."

Demetrious caught himself and looked at his best friend and with sudden determination, and the virility that only the very young can command, pushed his friend toward the bowl and instead of using his hand on Thelontes, he stepped behind and pressed his still-erect dong at Thelontes' ass. Thelontes was so worked up that his buttock presented no barrier, he groaned and his ass sucked at Demetrious' cock and Demetrious drove it in to the hilt and began to thrust rapidly at his buddy's ass.

Thelontes moaned and laid his head and shoulders back against Demetrious' strong body and cried out loudly, and his cock sprayed out into the bowl in a flood fully the size of Demetrious' own.

Demetrious had to hold his friend upright as he vented his sexual frustration in a liquid white geyser that seemed unending.

When at last Thelontes was done, his last dregs of his jism dripping from his dong, he sighed and nuzzled Demetrious' neck and said, "As horrible as this place it, it will be sweeter now that you are here with me."

"And I will find my captivity lighter as I can share it with you, my longtime friend." Demetrious agreed.

Twice more that day, he and Thelontes brought each other to the edge of their climax and Demetrious let Thelontes pleasure himself by fucking him until they had to break for their trip to the bowl. Their sperm loads were larger than any of the others, and their fellow captives marveled at their sexual prowess. There was an attempt by the other captives to find mates such as Demetrious and Thelontes had, and some of the pairings seemed successful.

The siren was pleased at the quantity of the spunk when she came at nightfall to collect their loads. Her mouth extruded a long tongue and licked up the male spunk with the rapidity of a kitten lapping up cream. Done, she seemed faint and staggered off. The others told Demetrious that this was unusual, she usually was invigorated by her feeding.

Over the next week, the siren became more and more feeble. "I cannot understand it." she complained to her captives. "It is as though the power of your seed has been spent before it reaches the bowl. I cannot see how this could be, for the seed contains the essence of Eros within it." And murmuring her confusion, she staggered weakly out the door.

Two days later, she did not come for her feeding. The captives wondered and the following day when she did not appear again, one of them braved a visit to her quarters and came back with the news. The siren was dead.

"The power of Eros was what she fed upon." one of the older men explained to the now-freed captives while building a boat to escape the island. "By loving each other as we did, we drained that power before we went to the bowl, as all our love was sent out before we rose to go to it. Without the power of Eros to feed the siren, she lost her power and her immortality and she died."

"So what can we do about the other sirens on these islands?" another man asked.

"Some of us must voluntarily go to these other islands and tell the captives there how to free themselves."

In addition to the boat, therefore, the men built four rafts to let the volunteers travel to the other four islands. Their exact fate is unknown to history, but they must have prevailed, for the sirens now are only legends, told of a time and place long ago and far away.


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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