Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Jun 14, 2021


The Major went to the microphone and asked everyone to find a seat and we would start in 5 minutes. Kyle went up and said " Good afternoon everyone and thanks for spending some time with us today. I am Dr. Kyle Williams, President of MJS Technologies. This event represents the culmination of a lot of hard work and is the physical representation of the vision of our Chairman Mike Simmons. I have a story I would like share with you about the first time I met Mike." I was told by Mike's dad that his son would be taking a somewhat active role in the company. One day early on, Mike called me and asked for a meeting. I went into that meeting thinking I was done and simply wasn't going to deal with a high school kid in charge. I even had a resignation letter in my pocket. When I knocked on the door, of the large broom closet that was his office, Mike stood up and I said good morning Mr. Simmons, I am Dr. Williams. I was motioned to a guest chair and Mike sat in the other guest chair and he said doctor I'm Mike, do you have a another name or is your name doctor. I laughed and said I'm Kyle. The next thing he asked me what I needed and when I told him he simply said, give me a week but consider it done. Then for the next 45 minutes we discussed his vision of the company and in no time at all I moved from Director of Technology to CEO and now President. It is my pleasure to introduce my friend and coworker, Mike Simmons.

I stood up and for the first time I looked at the group in front of me, Union workers, my football team, local elected officials a couple of congressmen and a ton of media. What blew me away was my teammates. I took a deep breath and said welcome to 1000 Phoenix View Alley. I have another new assistant, it seems that every time I find a good Executive Assistant they get promoted. The latest one looked at the building and described it as a Phoenix. That mythological bird who at the end of its existence burst into flames and from those ashes is reborn. What you see before you is a new building rising out of the ashes of an old steel mill, one owned by Andrew Carnegie. Add to that the endeavors of Pitcaren, Ford, Mellon, Scaife, Hall and others. The people who turned Western Pennsylvania, the industrial hub of the nation. We once led the world in Steel, Aluminum and Glass development and production. We stand here today proud of that ancient heritage. Respecting what came before us and determined to move in a direction that will set us apart once again. Today we, all of us, face challenges that need out immediate attention. MJS Technologies is a leader in technology, we are working of a lunar/Mars rover, have developed new and revolutionary product for NASA and have programs for business. You tell us what you need and we develop it. We do it quickly and economically. The old Phoenix represented old technology, the old way of doing things and that's why it burst into flames. This new Phoenix, on the outside, represents our heritage, inside from the polished granite lobby through the 20' high glass doors you are immediately transported into the most modern work environment possible. There are team centered work spaces, conference rooms, common areas, workout rooms. The latest, most modern furniture in the nation all manufactured in Michigan and housed it a building constructed with products made in America and assembled by union workers. This Phoenix is young and evolving and if we don't succeed in this vision to make our region the basis of technology it too will burst into flames.

Last time we gathered I challenged our elected officials to get on board with developing the region and moving forward. Today I am calling on the people of the region to say enough is enough and in every election from municipal elections, which are important and sometimes overlooked, to state and federal elections. Just then the team started to chant Mike for School Board, over and over again. I motioned for that to stop and I said, I'm not the guy to ask what the region can do for me, I'm here to ask what I can do for the region. Plans are in the works for another building and as negations are in their early stages, I'll leave it at that and the workers started with Mike, Mike. Again I motioned for things to settle down and when they did, I asked everyone to explore the inner workings of the new Phoenix. Then as there were a lot of questions being flung at me I asked that the media meet me in the "common room" inside in 45 minutes and Kyle and I will answer questions.

It was like a stamped into the building and Herman Miller had representatives all over the place to demonstrate the furniture and answer questions. I looked at Kyle and asked, were you really ready to resign he smiled and said you bet your sweet ass I was going to resign. Kyle, I bet on a lot of things but I have never bet my ass. So Mike, where is the next building and I said look west young man and went to find my teammates. I looked at Josh and said school board, really? He smiled and said yup and if necessary we will write you fucking ass in. Josh it will be necessary. Mike, we will see about that. How can you challenge the world and not run for school board? I put my arm around him and said walk with me. We started to the building and he was surprised when we went to the stairs and I took him to the 4th floor. We went right to where my new office would be and I said Josh, this is why. From right here I can do a lot of things and the school board isn't even a starting point. I can do so much more. So Mike, where is the new project? I simply pointed to the vacant land next to the building. I said in about 20 minutes everyone will ask me that question and I'll simply say, it's too early to talk about it. Then I looked at him and said dude, thanks for last night, it means a lot to me.

Back in the lobby, I left him with some teammates and went looking for dad. Dad was with a couple of local officials and I heard him say, well you will have to ask Kyle or Mike, I'm just a very well paid consultant. I just laughed and that said a lot about where I stood. I asked dad if he wanted to join the media serous and he laughed and said, Mike I'm good. In fact very good.

Kyle and the Major were waiting for me and we sat at the table and I looked around and said Patty, I'm glad your schedule permitted you to attend. She said Mike, where is the new project and when will it start? I laughed and said well firmly locked in my mind and in the near future. Everyone laughed, well except Patty. Then I added we are very early in the negotiations so I really don't want to get into it. The next question was Mike, are you running fo an open school board opening? Jack, I haven't even thought about it, well until my classmates weighed in. It's unlikely as I have a lot on my plate. There are these two project, football and my senior year. The next question was about dad and his position in the which I deflected to Kyle. All the other company questions were answered by Kyle. Finally, after 30 minutes, I said thank you and we will be seeing you soon. I thanked Kyle and thought it was fun. Then I went looking for JJ and other captains. Before that happened John Carson found me and asked if I had a day this coming week where we could have lunch. I said absolutely and I said unless coach changes things I'm free Tuesday and Wednesday. He said that Tuesday would work and said this is a business issue. I asked if I needed legal people with me or Kyle and he smiled and said not yet. Like your building the idea it exists in my head and we both laughed. Mike, I'll have my people get to your people and I found that hysterical. I said fine and went looking for the guys.

Most of the guys were already gone and I found the Captains together talking and when I got there Adam said Mike, we are going to put you on the damn school board. I said Josh, please explain things to them. Josh laughed and said, nope. I invited everyone over as there was no practice and everyone but Josh and JJ were busy and Josh said he had a date but would stop over. Back at my place we opted for the air conditioning and were in the common area, each with an iced tea and I was changing when there was a knock at the door. Yelled JJ, please get that and I'll be right there. As I entered the room, in shorts and a tee I stopped dead in my tracks as in the doorway stood Coach B. I laughed and said Coach, it's always nice to see you but some notice would be nice. He laughed and said, well that is fair. I introduced Josh and coach said, damn you hang out with these two? What positions do you play? Josh said middle backer and tight end. Then he added, I like playing linebacker and that a move from strong side defensive end. Coach asked, stats? Josh said well I am 6' 3" and about 230. Coach said nice size. So coach would you like something to drink, he said well I'll have what you guys are drinking. Once he had the drink he said, I just wanted to let you know that I will be at the scrimmage tomorrow. There is a kid on the other team we could be interested in and I wanted you and JJ aware. Then he looked and Josh and said, well I guess I'll have another kid to look at. How long have you been playing linebacker? Josh said well one week and everyone laughed. Then Coach said, well I'll see you after the scrimmage, enjoy your evening and don't be up late. Then Coach said Mike, walk me to the car? On the way he said, I'm actually here to see Wyatt but can this Josh kid play, I love his size for a Junior. Coach, he didn't play much lasts year but was elected team captain and he has filled out a lot and works out. The just moved him to middle linebacker and he has adjusted well. Not that it matters, I like him a lot. Then he said ask Josh to keep this quiet. I said absolutely and we shook hands and he left.

Back inside, I looked at Josh and said, you know that didn't happen? Josh smiled and said understood. Josh, that was both a good thing and a bad thing as he will be watching you but you will be trying too hard. Just put that out of your mind and understand he won't be the only coach here. You are a Junior and there is no hurry. Just ask if you need anything and JJ chimed in with I'm here for you as well. Josh smiled and said he had to go. That left JJ and I alone for the first time in days and we were simply talking when my phone rang and it was Mary Ann she said here and Terry were finished shopping and did JJ and I want to meet them for dinner? I said sure, where you taking us? She said I have 5:30 reservations at BJ's I like that place. Mary Ann, understand we have a curfew so it's just dinner. Mike, I understand and she hung up. When I told JJ we had reservations with the girls for 5:30 at BJ's he just started laughing so we are getting a blow job, do they also serve food. I laughed and said JJ get out of here and change clothes, I pick you up at 5.

I took a quick shower and dressed in new jeans and a Nike polo shirt and beeped the horn for JJ and we were off for god only knows what. I was starving, having had no lunch and coffee for breakfast. When we got to the restaurant JJ looked at me and asked, what are they up to, they never wait for us, there is a disturbance in the FORCE. I just laughed and gave Mary Ann a big kiss. Inside we were immediately seated and JJ ordered a large Mexican Pizza and I but together one with sausage, feda cheese, spinach and broccoli. Mary Ann had the salmon again and Terri ordered a large salad. We were having a blast talking and joking when all of a sudden a hand was feeling me up and I leaned over gave her a kiss and whispered if you can Waite till dinner is over we can go to my place as curfew isn't till 9:00. She look at me and said Mike, how about two or three times Saturday ? I smiled and said sure. Oh, babe Friday night we are going to the tavern. It will be fun and a select group, you really need to experience this. JJ laughed and said so do I but who else is getting invited? Well JJ, I was thinking Josh and his date and naturally Jim. Then I asked if Jim was dating anyone and Mary Ann just laughed. Mike you are always so out of it he is dating Wanda. Having no idea who that was I simply started on another slice of Pizza.

Once dinner was over, JJ and Terri jumped into her car and that left Mary Ann and I alone and I asked if she needed a ride home and was told nope, but that's why she needed to get home and return the car. We kissed good night and we both drove home in separate cars. I have always wanted to be alone the night before a football event but this time it was different, company would have been nice. At my place, I turned on some relaxing classical music, grabbed an iced tea and the paper and started to read. I had forgot about the TV and media coverage. I would have to wait till 11:00 for the TV news and tomorrow for the paper but with nothing till 8:00 I'll have all the time I need to read that. I was thinking about the day and decided it went well, except for that school board thing. I simply had no time for that and could never serve out that term being in Virginia. In fact I should be paying attention to New York and the grapes. Just then I heard keys in the door and the door flew open followed by two bags and a backpack and that was followed by a smiling Jace. I jumped up gave him a hug and said, I didn't expect you till tomorrow. He shook his head and said well I needed a break. Business is off the charts and I hired more workers for the store, older locals as the college kids are going back to school. He grappled his backpack, pulled out some folders, grabbed a beer and handed me two folders. He asked that I open the thinner folder and the other one was from Charlie. He added that old man is pissed at his son. David showed up the other day and Charlie threw him out and David had to get a motel room. Also, that joint your dad owns is rented all the time. I shrugged saying well good for dad. Jace asked if there was trouble there as well and I said nope, I just hate that monument, it simply doesn't fit the location.

I opened the first folder and it was the monthly financials for the Winery and I had to look at the bottom line three times before I believed what I saw. Jace are there numbers real? Absolutely and they were done by a local accounting firm. Mike, the next page isn't as good as it's inventory and it's a good thing they didn't sell shit for two years. Any chance we can get out of the jelly deal? I said not this year and Tim has sent the required notice that we were not renewing. Mike, I want to hold back a select section and do the ice wine thing. It's a risk but if it works out a giant reward. No one up there is doing it but it's very popular in other regions and in Canada. I said Jace, do what you think is best, how the fuck can I argue with those numbers. I asked about his girlfriend Judy and he said too close and that's why I'm here alone, I need to be able to breath, we are together all day and she moved in with me. I laughed and said baby steps and he said well there better not be any of those anytime soon. I laughed and we sat and talked late into the night. I was surprised as there was no curfew check and around midnight I went to my room set the alarm for 6:30 and jumped into bed thinking damn, I missed the news again.

I woke early and started the coffee and went outside and grabbed the paper. The article was front page and was continued for half of page 3. It was reasonable and contained no surprises. The sports page was all about the scrimmage and when I saw that it was a complete sell out, I simply laughed. Jace must have needed the break as when I left at 7:30 there was still no sign of him. At school it was helmets only at the stadium and we walked through plays and there were now starters and backups. That went as expected because after almost two weeks everyone knew where that stood it they were being honest with themselves. Finally Coach called us all together and said we will see you here at 5:30, please relax today and don't over exert yourselves. There will be a mob of fans and none of this needs to go to your heads. Enjoy your day. This time it was Adam that asked for us to stay back. He started by saying we have all worked hard to get to this point in the season, nothing will be given to us and and there is a giant target on our backs. Focus and pay attention to details. Mistakes happen once, never twice. Then he yelled ONE FOR ALL and we all screamed AND ALL FOR ONE. With that I sat in the top row or the bleacher and was remembering the past season, for the last time. There would be a new season and new memories. Finally, I took a shower and headed for the office.

I immediately went to Tim's office and handed him the papers for Charlie's Trust, there was a brief chat and I went to my office and Amy just looked as no one expected to see me today. I was looking at the financials when Zaid appeared and asked, what are you doing here? I said a surprise visit to check on things. Actually, I had papers to drop off for Tim to review, I'm not staying long. So Mike, will you be running for school board? I simply said nope. I asked what he thought about the event at the building? He said Mike, it was vintage you but heck it sells well. Zaid, please explain? Well Mike you say the same thing every time, change a few words or the approach and they immediately buy it, hook, line and sinker. The way you control a group of people is scary and thanks for the mention but when is my promotion? I laughed and said, hell I didn't mention the dude I fired, did I? Zaid just looked saying nothing. At this point I simply drove home and hid out at my place.

I arrived at school and was in the locker room bye 5:15 and fuck, I was ready. I needed to hit or be hit by someone in a different uniform. I was surprised to see actual uniforms at our lockers and more so as they were new. The dress for tonight was also different as it was all purple with whit letters and trim. For home games we were required to wear white jerseys. Coach gathered us together and said that they had no idea what to expect but that would change for next week as our opponents scrimmage was being scouted. Then he reminded us that ours would be as well and said we would be running mostly stuff from last year. If things go well we would meet next on Monday and it would be an intense breakdown of film and pads in the evening. We were getting our equipment on and everting needed adjusted and I was thinking what the fuck when I realized it was all new. I was amazed that everything fit until the helmet didn't. JJ laughed and asked does anyone have a pin to deflate Mike's head and everyone laughed, even me. I took my shoulder pads off and stood by the entrance to the field and just looked out, wondering what this season would bring. All of a sudden JJ was there and said MJ, I bet I score mort TD's today than you do. I simply said that's a bet. I looked at him and said I hope it's a tie and we both laughed and went inside. Once we were dress we went out individually for warmups. Jim was in a great mood and his arm seemed fine but again no long passes, which was typical. Wyatt was with the second team and seemed unfazed by the environment. After warmups we went back inside and this was feeling a lot like a game. In his talk the coach said that the other school agreed that while a scrimmage this would be a simulated game, there would be a clock but no score on the board and that there were unlimited times out. There would be full compliment of officials and they had agreed to this as well. Then he said there is no need to defend a championship, the only need is to play like champions. With the 5 captains leading the way we ran to our bench to a screaming crowd. JJ said MJ, no cheerleaders? I just shrugged and he said I like running through those bitches and I thought, I guess you can't take Texas out of the kid.

Apparently we had agreed, as hosts, to kick off as there was no coin flip. Thankful that I wasn't on any special teams I look and say a smallish kid, wearing #2 was kicking off. I was sure I hadn't seen him before and the whistle blew and whoever he was kicked a high end over end kick which hit the end zone on a fly. By rule there was no run back and suddenly I heard Mike, get your ass on the field. Chad the other outside backer and I switched sides but stood in the middle of the field with Josh. Our opponents broke the huddle and I just laughed as the double team was set on what was my side, until we switched. The ball was snapped and handed off and I almost got the hand off and it went for a 4 yard loss. We thought it funny that they only had a 50/50 chance. I saw coach, just shaking his head. JJ was back at safety and was just taking things in. On the next play it was Josh who broke through and jumped high in the air with both hands up and tipped the pass and I turned to see what the results were and I saw JJ running at full speed and I knew he was going to intercept it and I was getting in position to block for him when right in front of JJ Chad leveled a kid and it was an easy Pic-6. With Wyatt holding the kid wearing #2 nailed the extra point. The bad part was we were on defense again. Another kick off into the end zone and this time it was 4 and out and we were on offense. We had great field position on the 41 yard line and the first play was a running play with me carrying the ball. I went off right tackle for 11 yards and some idiot jumped on me late and there was a whistle and a flag and there was a 15 yard penalty. The late hit was from a linebacker and Jim called a screen pass. We snapped the ball and he blasted the kid in the face with a line drive and again there was a whistle and a flag and a penalty. Both teams were sent to their respective benches and the captains and head coaches were called to mid field. The Referee said, well that's enough. This is a damn scrimmage and if this continues we are simply going home and you can get the police to officiate this shit. Any questions?

With that, play settled down to simple hard hitting. Jim ran what was most of the first half and Wyatt was put in and the scrimmage was still close, well closer than we wanted as we were up 2 TD's and a field goal to nothing. JJ, had a TD on defense and I had one on a 20 yd run. Wyatt call his first play and it was a deep post for JJ and I would be the check. I looked at him and asked, who called that play? He gave me a look that would have stared a hole through me and said on 2. The play went off and once he pump faked to me JJ was wide open and was hit in stride. After a successful extra point Wyatt found me and said, I called that play and I would have had the entire series but I fucked up and scored on the first play. Mike, it's my huddle even for you. I smiled and said that pass didn't get you a round of golf. He smiled and said next week. I scored on a 30 yard run off tackle that should have went for 3 yards.On defense the linebacker play was exceptional and Josh was a natural at middle backer and Chat had gotten better by a lot. The only possible scoring play for our opponents was a pass that was completed and a missed tackle and JJ simply ran it down. There was a lot less pressure on me as the double teams were not always possible. JJ was like he played safety all his life. Except when permitted both QB's call the given plays. For the 4th quarter both teams played second team players and we still shut them out. Once the scrimmage was over, we were gathered together and somehow the alma mader was played on the PA system, we all stood and those of us that knew the words sang. Josh said guys, on Friday everyone know the God damn words and he yelled as loud as he could ONE FOR ALL and we all shouted ALL FOR ONE. It was fun and finally loose locker room. I got Josh and Chad and asked them to join JJ and I at the Tavern and bring your dates. We agreed to meet outside.

Once I was showered I found dad, Cole and Megan and we chatted and I thanked them for coming. Both JJ's parents were there and the Major told him he should switch defense as a d-back who could actually catch would be something else. The girls showed up and we were off to the Tavern.

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