Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Feb 1, 2022


I was up early and out for a run. Having no idea what route or a distance I just went 20 minutes out and turned around thus approximating my route at home. The weather was good so I was reasonably sure that the launch would go off, baring technical difficulties. Back at the hotel I showered and shaved and dressed in khakis and a blazer and yes even a fucking tie. When I got downstairs I found JJ and his dad eating what passed for breakfast. I grabbed some coffee and headed for a table to be alone and was waved over. I sat down and immediately started to laugh as JJ was dressed identically except for the tie. I looked at his feet and said damn, no boots can your feet do that. JJ shook his head and said well the old man her gets too watch the launch from 50,000 feet with the Colonel. I shrugged and said well at least we get good food.

We were having a great time chatting and fooling around and were joined by dad. Things were good until dad said Mike, the Admiral wants to meet 90 minutes after liftoff. I looked right at dad, clearly pissed and asked, WHY? Dad looked at me and said this time, I have no idea and trust me that's not good. Before I could get into it Colonel Rusnic appeared and joined the party. Pretty quickly the Colonel and the Major left for their day. JJ just shook his head and said those two were at the Academy together and were and are very close. Dad got to Major first but once he joined NASA there were no promotions. They remain very close and I'm wondering what is next in their minds. There is always something. I looked at dad and asked, so you are sure you have no idea what's up this afternoon? Mike, honest I don't have a clue. Just then Liam appeared and got coffee and an English Muffin and joined us and I said dude, dad just informed me we have a meeting with the Admiral. He wants to meet for what is supposed to be An unknown reason. Liam said, well if that's actually true it won't be good news. Dad just looked but chose not to say anything. As time went on, more and more of our group arrived and once everyone was there, well except Riley. We were ready to go. Riley was at the launch site to wave to Jack. I was wondering how that was going and how pleased she was with all this. The van came and we were off to see the launch at the VIP Room.

In the van dad, Liam and I decided we would try to find out what's up with the Admiral. I thought dad had the best chance but I asked Liam to seek out lieutenant Clark tell him what's an SOB I was to work him and see what he might know and let slip out. When we got there and went inside JJ informed me he had a few connections from his dad's time in space. Then he said damn, this is tons better than where they shove the family. They hid us away in case something happened. I just shook my head and said well JJ have fun. JJ said MJ, finding out what's happening before you or Liam will be the most fun. Then he looked at me and said MJ, the astronauts will know and more that one is pissed that Jack has their ride. JJ went on his way and I started to make the rounds.

We were 90 minutes from launch according to the clock, but I knew there were built in holds. There was lots of time but all I was getting was polite conversation. None of the middle or top brass were talking about anything other than the mundane. I went outside and called the Major, he answered saying Mike make this real quick as I can't chat. Jim, do you have any idea what this upcoming meeting is about? Mike, not really but you should start with that jackass in orbit. So you mean Jack? He laughed and hung up. I just stood there wondering how I got so stupid. Jack on the flight was unusual and nothing unusual happens here. Just then JJ came out and asked, what you doing out here? I said calling your dad. He laughed and said, well I bet he said Jack. MJ, there are military brats and clergy brats and that is two of the closest net communities around. Fuck, I was lucky when in 5th grade ddad got accepted in NASA and we settled in Houston and stopped moving around. So what I found out was that Jack being put on this flight surprised and pissed off a lot of people. They put him on the flight and he agreed to do something for them. No idea what that is but I'm betting you know. I smiled and said Robotics. MJ, all us military brats do is hear things and bitch about the rents. I laughed at that and said thanks.

Inside I found Tim and the two of us went back outside. I simply asked Tim what he knew off the top of his head about the Robotics contract with NASA. Tim said well it if 5 years and we get 1.5 a year and they are responsible for providing for the health benefits and pay the salaries. So Tim, Jack works for us correct? Yes he does and as with all our people we have a non compete clause. I thought for a minute and looked at Tim and said, so they want it moved to Houston? Tim shrugged and said most likely. Well Tim, I'm not giving up the Robotics Department, long term it is too valuable. Not only that but I will lose Riley. Tim laughed and said, you are loosing her anyway as she will get pregnant on the honeymoon.

Before I could make an inappropriate comment Liam appeared, laughing. He said guys, that Clark dude is something else. Pay the fucker a bit of attention he just runs his mouth. Just a bunch of little hints but he said Jack jumped over a bunch of people as they want something and that something is Jack and to do robotics here so that he can continue his astronaut training. I just started to laugh as they had astronauts waiting in line. Then Liam said Lieutenant Clark said he is glad he will be there for you to explain this change and see what it's like to face change you don't initiate. Liam, thanks for that last comment, it might slow down his career path.

Just then we were asked to go inside and I went looking for dad. Dad was chatting with a few officers and I just let that go and found JJ with is military brats and joined in the conversation. I immediately was called Dark Knight and was given a bit of a hard time. One dude was giving me a bit more than others and I asked dude, what's your name? Oh Dark Knight, don't be offended I got tired hearing about you last night, I'm Alex Rusnic. Dad kept saying what a natural pilot you are and that you went to Mack 1.1 like you were out for a jog. I laughed and said Alex, I thought your dad was cool, I guess you live in Houston. He laughed and said I wish I was, Florida sucks until Spring Break. I found that hysterical and asked so how old are you? He said I'm 19 and a freshman at Wake Forest and I'm on a golf scholarship. I said dude, that's cool do you know Mr. Palmer? Look Dark Knight everyone there is more than aware of him. I laughed and said Alex that wasn't the question. He said, yeah I know him do you? JJ laughed and said Alex, they play golf together and are on committees at Oakmont. Alex looked and me and asked so you old man is a member at Oakmont. Alex, I'm the member but do you know my last name? Alex shrugged and said nope, should I? Well dude, my last name is Simmons, does that mean anything to you in the golf world? Alex was quiet a minute and then said yeah, a high school kid my that name wine a PGA event and almost two. Well that high school kid is my stepbrother. JJ can fill you in as I need to find my dad.

Dad was at the bar and when I went up to him he said well I got nothing and I said same here. Dad Liam and JJ found out. They want Jack here or in Houston along with Robotics and are using astronaut training as an excuse. So dad what do you think we should. Remember if we lose Jack we lose Riley. Mike, let's watch the launch and we have 90 minutes to figure something out. Ok, I'll get Liam, Kyle and Tim. Dad, where is Kyle, I haven't seen him? Mike, I'm sure he is around somewhere, we have some time so enjoy the launch. I turned to rejoin JJ and his buds and walked into Kyle. He immediately said we have an issue. Kyle does it involve Jack? Kyle said yup and from what I hear he is all in and so is Riley. I just looked and and said let's watch the launch and we can talk after he shrugged and said sure. Kyle. Stayed and talked with dad and I grabbed Liam and we joined JJ and the Brats.

The launch went off exactly on schedule and the rockets performed flawlessly. Kyle was amazed and it was awesome but I lot total interest once the solid rocket boosters separated. I was happy for Jack but this unexpected drama needed addressed. I gathered everyone together and we went into a conference room. Everybody had an opinion on what to do and it ranged for telling the Admiral to go fuck himself and pulling out to a complete cave in and giving him what he wanted. My head was spinning so i said that's enough and looked at Kyle and asked, do we need these guys? Kyle said Mike, we do not and you know that but we need to hang on to robotics and this will be very big and CMU is currently in the lead. Ok, where do we stand with the rover project. Liam answered Mike, we are very close on 3 prototypes but we are overweight on all three. Liam, how much over weight? He shrugged and said well the ridiculous amount of 3, 8 and 12 grams. Kyle started to laugh and said so the total weight we are over combined is the weight of 23 paperclips. Liam said, yup that's about right. Ok, I understand that so I looked at Kyle again and asked what about Jack. He shrugged and said he plays with his toys but I'm not sure he is much help. It's the kids from CMU that make things happen. Ok Kyle, tell me about Riley? Mike she will be missed more than Jack but understand she is so into Jack that she does whatever he wants, well for the most part but if he goes so will she. I said thanks and that my main goal here is not to lose money. Then I said, let's take a break and I asked for a minute with dad.

Once we were alone I asked dad what he thought? He said dumping the rovers a win for the Admiral, let Jack and Riley do what they want and ask for a buyout of about 7 or 8 million. Understand that there are other issues as Major Jim was starting a flying school and Jack was or is part of that. I laughed and said well dad, Major Jim has had a very productive visit and I believe he is tired of Jack and him not being involved in the school. I get the feeling that Colonel Rusnic will be the new partner. Dad shook is head and asked will you have enough planes? I said well I'm thinking with the 8 or 9 million we will get from the buyout we can buy another jet or two smaller planes. Dad, we already have 2 planes, a jet and simulator. Dad laughed and said you mean you have a jet and I see now there is no chance that I can stop that. I took a deep breath and said, well I'm glad you understand but I'm not parking a jet at VT so I can run home at a moments notice.

Just then Kyle and the gang came in saying the Admiral has arrived and he appears to be alone. We all selected seats on the long side of the table and I made sure that dad was in the middle. We were chatting and right on time the Admiral walked in with a guy who was introduced as Commander Walt Schran. Then the Admiral said Mike, why are all these people here? I said Admiral, when dad and I are in the same meeting it gets complicated please call dad Mr. Simmons and I will answer to MJ, for this meeting only. The Admiral smiled and said Mike, please reply. Dad smiled and said well MJ and I believe it was actually Liam heard that you were bringing you entire staff. The Admiral looked at Liam and asked son, who told you that? Admiral, I answer to Liam or Mt. O'Toole and it was your lieutenant Clark and he was looking forward to MJ being dealt with. The Admiral said son, thank you. I said Admiral, none of us in this room are you son unless Wally over there is. We will respect your rank and position but we expect the same in return. Then the Commander said well MJ, just who the fuck are you? I laughed and said a high school football jock with enough money that I shouldn't have to put up the likes of you. Even the Admiral laughed at that. Then I said so as project director for the Mars project when we're you in Pittsburgh last? The Admiral said ok, enough let's get on to business.

Mike, we would like the rover project moved to Houston. Dad smiled and asked why? Well things would move along at a faster pace. I laughed out loud and asked Commander, where do we stand? He said well with very rough prototypes that are way over weight. Dad looked at the Admiral and asked sir, what else do you want? The Admiral simply said Jack. Dad looked at me and whispered go gently. Tim handed me a piece of paper and it was the status report last filed by Jack a week ago. I glanced at the paper and handed it to the Admiral and said well this is where we actually are. I could tell as he read the report the Admiral was getting madder with each sentence. The Admiral put the paper down and said well obviously someone is blowing smoke up my ass. I looked right at him and said well, sir I'm betting it isn't us.

You should send Wally here up and have him collect the 3 prototypes and they are yours, I'll have them safely packed and ready for transit. As for Jack that is a hard NO WAY as he has a contract with us that includes a non-compete and we are not getting out of robotics. Besides I don't want to lose Riley. Then I said we expect you to complete the financial part of the contract which totals 4.75 million. Understand Jack will not be here doing training and as a side thing working on the rovers. The Commander said well the rover isn't a robot. Commander I am willing to let any number of courts decide if that device is a taxi or an advanced devices with camera and arms and drills operated remotely. All this because the Commander doesn't want to fly to Pittsburgh once a month or so, I simply shook my head. Then the Admiral said, everyone out. When I stood up he looked at dad and I and asked if we could stay.

Once we were alone I was in no mood to humor the Admiral so I asked, why did you fuck with Jack? MJ, he was an easy target as he has always wanted to go to space. So Admiral, he is up there for two weeks sightseeing? The Admiral shrugged and said pretty much. I imagine they will keep him occupied besides he had a key part in the ARM being fixed. Then I said Admiral, I'm actually ok with the rover thing being moved to Houston and I will even let Jack and Riley decided what they want to do but I want the money if that happens. MJ that's a big ask. Admiral it is what you would pay when the project was completed and we are damn close. The Admiral was very quiet and it is unusual for me to talk at this point but I said Admiral how about this? You take over all the projects we have with you. We are compensated 2 million and you have Cessna give us a Jet in perfect condition that can even be the previous model. Jack and yes Riley will decide on their own what they want to do. No pressure from either of us and no special rides into space. Also, I don't ever want to see Schran or Clark again. Well that part is easy enough as I have two openings at a tracking station in Australia, they will be on their way in the morning. As for the rest of it, I'll fly up with Jack and see what we can work out.

The Admiral asked if we wanted a drink and I said sure but iced tea for me as I'm flying. At the bar I saw Major Jim and Colonel Rusnic along with Alex and JJ. I asked the Major so what time is it wheels up? Mike, I was thinking about noon and I'll stop drinking after dinner and be under the 12 hour limit besides you and JJ are flying. I'm along for the ride. Fuck you two can fly fighter planes like pros, that little thing will be no problem. Oh, there is no homework as the flight plan is ready. We were talking and Alex said Mike, that Oakmont membership is your dad's isn't it? I said nope and he said Mike, I bet you are not a member at Oakmont. I shrugged and said that's a bet. JJ just started laughing and Alex asked so who thinks Mike is a member at Oakmont, put your hands up? Not a hand went up and Alex said I knew it. I laughed and said dude you asked the wrong question. The correct question is who knows Mike is an Oakmont member? When I said that every hand went up and I leaned in and whispered you owe me and I'll need you to suck my cock while JJ watches. Alex laughed and said JJ warned me about betting with you, but what the hell it won't be the first time, ask JJ. I didn't need to and said well I'm going to the hotel.

JJ, Alex and I found a shuttle and we're driven to the hotel. We had separate rooms and each went our own way. In the room I called Cole and when he answered. We talked about his day and he said that next time I had to take Megan on the trip. I laughed and said she is the best mom I have had and Cole laughed and said well that wasn't exactly a high bar to crawl over. I asked if he knew an Alex Rusnic and he said just that he is at Wake and was very highly recruited. Mike, I have a call from them and a few other schools. I asked if that surprised him and he said well Pro golf is better than studying my ass off. I laughed and said no wonder you mom is pissed. Just then there was a knock on the door I yelled, just come in, it's open. I said good night to Cole and found Alex and JJ standing there. I stood up took my shirt off and threw it on the bed and then added my undershirt to the pile which would only grow like my already hardening cock.

Not a word had been said and Alex all 6' of him with his short blond hair dress in jeans and a Wake Forest gold shirt staring at me. With my index finger I motioned him to come closer. He walked straight towards me and stopped almost touching me and our never broke the stare. I said Alex and he put his index finger on my lips indicating not to talk. His hands went right to my chest and he was rubbing his hands on my chest and my 6 pack. We never broke eye contact and those deep blue eyes were penetrating. Finally he found my belt and unfastened it and unhooked my pants. Then he knelt down but never broke eye contact as he lowered both my pants and underwear. I stepped out of them and Alex without breaking eye contact tossed them on the bed. He gently cupped my balls with his right hand and was rubbing my abs with the other hand. I was almost over the edge and hard as a fucking rock. He finally broke eye contact and was looking at my cock which was inches away from his lips and all of a sudden he started licking the underside of my cock head. Then he moved to my piss hole and his tongue played there some and he opened his mouth and slowly took my cock head in his mouth an slowly started to bob his head and with each Bob he went deeper until his nose hit my pubes. He then pulled all the way out and started over again. He then pulled back and held my cock head in his mouth and made eye contact again and smiled with my cock in his mouth and then drove balls beep and I fucking exploded and he swallowed every drop of my load.

Then he surprised me and stood up, grabbed the back of my head and pulled into a very hot and intense kiss. All of a sudden JJ, was standing there totally nude and pulled Alex into a kiss. When JJ stopped we both looked at Alex who still had clothes on and together JJ and I stripped Alex. Then JJ got on his knees and started sucking Alex and I decides why not and laid on the floor and JJ adjusted his position and I started to suck him. It was intense and as Alex exploded in JJ's mouth JJ exploded in mine. I didn't know what if anything would be next but I had two very different yet sexy dudes here and wasn't ready to stop.

We jumped onto the bed and JJ was on my right and Alex on my left and apparently they weren't finished either as the both got up on an elbow and started to lick my nips. I was instantly hard again. Alex was handed a condom by JJ and he put the cover on my cock and got up and JJ put a pillow under my head and stole up. Alex started sucking JJ as he lowered his ass on my cock and it slipped right in, I wondered about that for a second but then JJ lowered his ass over my face and while Alex was getting fucked JJ was sucking him off and I was eating JJ's ass. Once we had each cum again JJ plopped his ass beside me on the bed and Alex surprised me yet again by sucking the cum filled condom off my cock. He then went to the bathroom and flushed it and jumped into bed and he kissed me and said damn with Mom and Dad moving to Pittsburgh, my summer breaks and the Holidays are going to be a fuck fest. I laughed and when he looked at me and I stared into the blue eyes I was getting hard again.

Alex got dressed and said good night and thanks for a fun evening. As soon as we were alone I looked at JJ and said you set me up. He laughed and asked if I had fun. Then he said MJ, Alex is like us. More gay than straight and we have know each other since we were 5. Our dad were assigned together a couple of times and we even went on vacations together. Our rents are very close. Alex and I are nothing more than fuck buds and before you ask, he started the bets and I would guess it was a lot like you and Ray. I leaned over and kissed him and we were in the midst of a major make out session when my phone rang and it was JJ's dad. I showed the number to JJ and he rolled his eyes and when I answered the Major asked if I was free? I simply replied sure as I'm just hanging out with Alex and JJ, why? Mike, we need to talk. I laughed and replied Jim, I already know about Colonel Rusnic and I'm good and I have something to tell you as well. Can we talk tomorrow? The Major hesitated and I said ok, lobby bar in 10 minutes. He said thanks and I hung up and started to get dresses.

JJ and I were quickly dressed and he lit two cigarettes and we went out on the balcony. He laughed and said this might hid the sent of Cum on your breath. We smoked two cigarettes and both went to the lobby. We went to the bar and the Major asked what you two drinking? JJ laughed and said I'll have a Shirley fucking Temple as you damn well know we are both flying tomorrow and besides that your drunk. Actually dad I'm glad to see that and he smiled. The Major said guys I haven't had a drink since 8:00 so I'm good. JJ laughed and said, fine but your still drunk. Dad, just chill and we spent the evening with Alex so we know his dad is involved with the flight school. Jim smiled and asked so you are aware Jack and Riley will me moving to Houston? I smiled and asked Jim are you aware that I'm being paid 2 million and a jet and we are done with NASA all together. Jim just sat there looking at me and said, damn that's a big hit. I shrugged and said well I'm looking for a new head of robotics and we are going full force into that and I'm strengthening my ties with CMU and I'll have a million to fund the program. Jim, that is unless Jack changes his mind. Jim laughed and said Mike, you have never returned from space, when you get back here all you want is another ride. I shrugged and asked what about Riley? The Major shook his head and said if she really loves him she won't try to stop him. Trust me he will move to Houston, I just wondering if he is in over his head. I laughed and said well it will be what it becomes.

We were just chatting when Liam came in and sat down and I thought damn he is drunk as well. I simply asked did you have fun? Liam said well obviously as I've had a bit too much to drink. I was out with some young NASA guys and while I know we are out of here, so will many of them and those connections in the real world might come in handy. I was tired and it was getting late and I said wheels up tomorrow at noon so everyone here and ready to go at 11:00. I said good night and went to my room and took a very long and very hot shower and jumped into bed with what could be cleaner sheets. Laying in bed I was thinking about how sexy Alex was but nothing mattered except those damn eyes. His blond hair was shortish and perfectly cut. He was about 6' and very fit and I would bet his waste was 28 or 29 inches and his 7" cock was thicker than the average. He even trimmed his bush and his balls were smoothed and I bet shaved. His ass was also smooth and it looked like he hardly needed to shave. He was simply a stud. Then there was JJ dark and hairy and built very well with what was becoming a well defined six back. He was much taller at 6' 3" and was now about 205 or 210. A definite contrast in masculinity. My last thought before sleep was I wonder how close they were. Judging by tonight very.

Thanks for the comments, I enjoy reading and hearing what you think about the story.


Next: Chapter 308

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