Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Nov 15, 2019


As it was a lazy day, I had a hard time falling asleep and I could not get Bill out of my mind. I thought of all kind of approaches, as I would have to deal with him one way or the other. The last approach didn't work so well. I decided that since we would be transferring the money back to dad, I in reality had no control, yet I was not going to be the younger brother doting on my big brother. The one thing that was always true is that I always wanted a brother. Yet I got him. I immediately thought Michael make it work. I have no idea when but I simply fell asleep tossing and turning all night.

The alarm woke me up and since a run was out of the question, I went and made breakfast as I was starving again. I threw the dishes in the dishwasher and drove to school, in the student parking lot I saw Carrie get out of a car with some dude I had not seen before. She ran up to jumped in my arms and gave me a kiss. She said Mike, I want you to meet my new neighbor Rob, this is his first day. Damn the dude was ripped and just a little smaller than me. I shook his hand and said hi dude welcome to the zoo and he laughed. We talked as we walked to the building and he was a Junior and his dad was military, Air Force. I asked what sport he played and he said basketball. I asked how much he worked out and he said, Mike obviously not as much as you and we both laughed. He went to the office to get settled in and Carrie and I went to English. Mike, he is a good dude but in my mind not in you league, I stopped dead in my tracks, looked her right one the eye and said, Carrie just stop that shit right now there is not a jealous bone in my body. Besides I don't like to be compared to anyone. I pulled her close and said if it wasn't against the rules, I would do you right here. I got slapped across the face and she said Michael you can be a crude jerk at times. Naturally that drew attention we were told to stay after class and the teacher said, you two are out of control. There is the displays of affection all day and now what appeared to be a quarrel before class that was very public. Get a grip and slow down during the day, remember a 3 day out of school suspension is possible and Mike that would impact a lot of people, not just you and Carrie. I said thanks and I at least get it.

We were both going to be late for class so I went back in and asked for two notes and we both went our separate ways. Rob was in Spanish and after a few minutes I was wondering why, he knew more that the teacher. He said 6th and 7th grade dad was stationed in Spain and I learned a lot, this is my easy class, there are not many of them. I asked what lunch period and found we were in the same one so I said that he should sit with Alex, Jim, Ray and I. He said awesome, see you then and it was off to class. My foot was doing great, but I was pissed at Carrie and she at me, again. At lunch Rob joined us and you could notice the looks and the as the new dude sat down with the 4 of us. Introductions were made and we just chatted and I looked over at Carrie and got a nasty look as she turned away. I got up and

Jim said Mike not here not now but I kept going. I sat down beside her and said babe we need to talk after school we are going to my place, you good with that and she said absolutely, and smiled.

I went to see coach and he said damn Mike you are not even limping. Coach being home yesterday really helped, but I have a physical therapy session dealing with the ankle can I just skip practice. He said sure you weren't going to practice anyway. In History I grabbed Carrie and said, no practice as I'm hurt so meet me and we can drive to my place. BTW Rob is a good dude. The rest of the day was a breeze and in calculus I gave the extra work to the teacher and he said, Mike already? I'll look them over and see if you can deal with more and I replied I definitely can. Then I saw Rob sitting there, damn he wasn't kidding about hard classes. After class Rob came up to me and said, dude why? I said why what? It took me like 5 minutes to realize you are king shit around here, why bother with the new dude? First, you are a friend of Carrie. Second, you seem like a cool dude. Third, just because I am ring master of this circus doesn't mean I'm a jerk. Finally, I liked you from the minute I saw you. Does that help? Sure does and I was actually warned about asking you a direct question and shit you lived up to that expectation. I put my arm around him and we started to our cars, met Carrie on the way. Carrie got in with me and we went to my place. We went in and Ryan was there and we said hello and I threw my backpack on the floor, took hers and added hers to the pile, looked at Ryan and said not a word to dad and he laughed. I picked her up carried her up to my room threw her in the bed sat beside her and said babe not a word just fucking kiss me. Man we were all over each other clothes flew off I went down on her but she said not that way, just lay down and she got on top of me and started sucking my cock, she stopped and said what you waiting for get busy and we had mutual oral till I was going to bust. I stopped rolled her on her back and she reached for my nips and I slapped her hands away and said don't you dare I want this to last and I slowly penetrated her and started slowly and she said fuck Mike, harder and faster and man was it a ride. I had not cum in days and man was it a big load. I collapsed on top of her and we kissed and made out. Finally she got up on one elbow and said Mike that was long overdue. I said, babe that won't happen again. We got dressed and went downstairs and to my surprise Ryan had burgers and a salad for three. I was thinking shit what's up. We started to eat and I said Ryan, something on your mind and he said nope, I'm just glad you too had a good time, if I'm in the way I'll leave. We talked for a while about nothing and I said to Carrie I need to get you home, you will need an excuse for being late as it is. With that her and I left and on the drive to her place she said so Mike what's with Ryan. I said I don't know but I'll find out. I pulled in the driveway got a quick kiss and started home.

I went inside to a clean kitchen but no Ryan. I went to the apartment knocked on the door Ryan opened it almost immediately and said hi Mike thanks for stopping. Can I get you a beer? I replied any soft drink will do so Ryan cut the crap, what's up. Mike, actually I'm glad you and Carrie had a great time, from the noise you obviously needed that. So Ryan what about it? I need to know what would have happened if you dad had come home early. Ryan, he would have let the sex happen been polite to Carrie and when I got back from driving her home ripped me a new asshole. As for you he would have thought you were not my babysitter. So fucking relax. Dinner was great thanks. What else you need to know, because I know there is more? Well Mike will your brother be coming home? I said yes, why? Do I need to find a place to live. Ryan absolutely not but here is the deal. Bill will in all likelihood get probation, rehab will be required, dad will go to California pack is ass up and he goes straight to rehab. After that he is required to find an apartment and get accepted at Pitt and finish his degree. Right now after 3 years he is a sophomore with an undeclared major. Both dad and I want him on his own and will require grades and meetings to keep the money flowing. This is his last chance. Does that help? He replied yes it does. Ok Ryan what else? Mike can I have friends over? I said absolutely this is your place and you should feel free to do what you want. If it makes you feel better I'll have dad do a 2 year lease on the apartment. Thanks Mike, now do you want a beer? I said sure and we sat for another 30 minutes chatting about Carrie and his new life.

I left thinking shit, that was fun, I should quit the team. I went into the house and dad was eating a sandwich and drinking coffee. I poured myself a cup and sat down and inquired about his day. He said Mike I hope you have some free time, we need to discuss business. I said company business and he said yes. Dad should I switch to something stronger and he said absolutely not. I want you focused and honest. Ok, I need to shower and I have all night. Mike, I know Carrie was here after school, I hope you were smart and safe. Dad how did you know? Mike you smell of her cologne, I just laughed. He said get going there is a lot to discuss.

I went upstairs laughing and called Carrie. Hi said hi babe, dad knows you we're here as he said I smell like you and we both laughed. Then she said Mike that was an awesome afternoon and I love how much you care about me when we make love. Damn Carrie I thought it was a simple fuck and she started to say something and I said bade you know better that that. We need to do that more often and behave in school, neither of us need a suspension on our records and she agreed to both. I said good night I have things to work on with dad. I showered and went down to find dad in his office with five founders on his desk. He said Mike some of this involves you and the Trust and Tim will be here at 8:00 to meet with you. Some of this is just to inform you so you can make an informed decision on things your input is important. So let's start on the easy things; we need to appoint 3 directors and here are 4 names I would like to talk with you about. For the next 20 minutes I listened and dad reviewed the candidates. Finally I said dad, this is your call and I or the Trust will vote as you wish, but I would really like one of the three to be younger and somewhat independent. I mean the board is nice but as a privately held company you and I can totally ignore them. Dad said, Mike you are not supposed to know that and I replied yet dad I do. So please pick 2 and if I may. I would like to make Tim the third. He thought for a minute and said Tim and not Brian. I said absolutely, Brian is around as the corporate attorney and Tim represents me. Dad said done but Mike that was the easy one and I did not expect that reaction. I just said next please dad. Ok Mike, I have asked Brian to become full time legal council and if he accepts he will be leaving the law firm, I simply said fine. Then dad said Mike the company wants to purchase the property on Second Avenue for a little over one million dollars, dad how much please? 1.25 million, he replied and I said dad I like details not estimates and he shook his head. So dad has the deal closed? He said Mike you know it can't close without you and Tim. So dad what do you need or want? Mike the Trust to hold the mortgage. So dad that is a Tim and me thing? Yes, he said and the company will sign a long term lease for the property. So dad who owns the building? Well that's complicated so you Tim and Brian need to work that out, dad you forget that you need to be involved, we are all in this together, well you and me. He said Mike I was hoping you felt that way. I got up and left the room, letting dad sit there. Went to the powder room, pissed looked in the mirror ran my fingers thru my hair took several deep breathes and went back to dad and said Next please. He looked at me and said Mike you ok? I said dad please move on. Mike that was actually two folders so this last one is very personal, I am considering changing my will, so please listen. Dad sure, but it is your will and I'm all ears. The trust is done and is funded and is not part of this, I said dad, I'm grateful for the Trust and the faith you have placed in me but the responsibility is a bit taking. Mike, I am leaving you the cabin and the 50 acres that go with it, it is in upstate New York near the finger lakes. Bill is back in the will with conditions up the ass to the tune of one million. Naturally your share of things is reduced by that much and all of the company goes to you. Dad I would like to suggest a change and that Bill get 10 - 20% of the company, I would like him to be involved on some level. Dad said done. Mike that's it, Tim will be here shortly.

Dad don't ever assume again that I don't want you involved, don't even fucking ask just be involved. We are very much alike and if left to our own devices one of us will end up like mom useless and defeated. I never totally win and you never totally win and don't you dare ever give up. He leaned back lit a cigarette and said fuck Mike I get it now. You're right how did you see something that obvious that I didn't see. He said Mike I want 1% of the company back and I said dad fuck you and we both laughed. With that I went into the kitchen and made more coffee.

Right at 8:00 Tim arrived and we sat at the kitchen bar, both with coffee, and I said so Tim congratulations you are about to be appointed to the board of MJS Technologies, he looked at me and said dude you are I fucking unbelievable. Brian thinks that was a done deal. I said Tim I asked nicely, gave my reasons and did not even have to vote my shares and he laughed. Brian is going to be pissed and thanks for the heads up. Tim, I don't understand the building and property purchase at all. He said Mike there is a fight brewing and before that happens the simplest way is for the trust to buy the land and build the building and lump it into one mortgage. However, if it goes south for whatever reason the Trust could be out of money. Mike, there isn't much cash in the Trust and they are very sound and diverse investments totaling well over 6 million. Tim as I figure it the land is 1.25 and the building is what another 4 or so, is that correct. What about this? The Trust buys the land and builds the building shell and the company gets unfinished floors and the Trust leases it to the company. Mike that's a good idea but in reality you are the Trust and the Company or will be in 11 months. Tim, can we do it that way and he said yes. I said Tim hook us up with a really good commercial real estate company, explain all the details and have them draw up a lease for dad and Brian to approve. So there is no doubt I would like board approval as well. Shit Mike, Brian is going to flip. Tim, dad is going to offer him a job with the company and if he takes it he will be leaving the firm. That gets him out of your hair. He looked at me and said just who in the fuck are you? How much notice did you get on all this? I said about 90 minutes and 15 minutes alone. One more thing did they hire a construction manager? He said, I thought you knew it was the guy you recommended, apparently he is the real deal. I screamed, dad will you please come in here a minute? Dad entered what up Mike? Did you hire a construction manager, for a project that doesn't yet exist? He shook his head and said, I'm sorry Mike I forgot, that was on my list for our talk and it skipped my mind. I'm hoping the project is a go and he needed a job and he knows his shit. I said thanks dad, Tim and I are about finished. I'll be in, in a few.

Dad left and I said Tim, are you good with all this? He replied absolutely but you know there will be a vote and you and I will win, Brian will be pissed and you dad, I stopped him and said he will be what he becomes. Tim, if you agree please start the purchase of the land and get the fucking price down and have the soil tested as it is a former mill site. Again he shook his head and I said oh Tim BTW it is a great property and my office will have a great view of the river and he laughed out loud. I went in and grabbed two glasses and filled them with ice and scotch and dad said so are things good? I said dad Tim and I are good, I'm not sure how good you and Brien will be. I'm hoping there won't be a fight. If it makes you feel better we like the location, your architect and your construction manager and my office will have a great view but there are a lot of hoops to jump through for all of us. Dad I need certain things and don't want this to be a total victory or defeat. Once the proposals are finished you and I take a day and compromise no attorneys. Can we agree on that? BTW, I want this fast tracked and board approved, for legal reasons. He got up and said fuck Mike you are something and gave me a big hug. I went to his desk got the check book and the cigarettes sat down and wrote him a check for 100 K and said give it 24 hours to be good it is from the Trust that was Bill's money. He shook his head and said so does he get treated as you brother and I said younger brother and dad laughed. I had a second cigarette and a second drink and we chatted for a while. It was late and I said dad please remember I love you and we are in this together, good night.

With my mind swirling about business I thought about Brian and realized that he is not the bad guy here, he is actually doing his job and at the same time underestimating Tim, in my opinion. All in all it was a great day. The new guy Rob seems like a great dude, but I'm not adding him to the bets and that's just staying where it is right now with Alex eventually falling away. Finally I fell asleep.

Comments are encouraged as this is my first story.

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