Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Jan 10, 2020


Monday morning and the biggest week of my life started to fantastic weather and a run, coffee and a ride to school. I saw Carrie and Rob in the parking lot and we went together to the school office. Just outside the door we ran into Coach Weston and he said ok you two let's get this over with. I said coach relax this isn't a wedding, well yet. He shook his head and we went in to talk with Dr. Johnson. We all sat down and he said Mike and Carrie I understand you have an interesting request? I said, well Dr.Johnson I had the opportunity to talk with a freshman and he mentioned his difficulty in dealing with peer pressure and drugs and sex. Neither Carrie and I have our heads in the sand about any of that. Everyone in the room knows it goes on in every class and effects more students in this building than we would like to admit.

Well Mike, that's sad but true and your solution? I'm not sure I or anyone has a solution but Carrie and especially me have a unique story to tell and the young people in this building who look up to both of us could be influenced by that. So we would like to share our story with them and see if it helps. Mike please share some of that with me. Well, because I worked so hard and was in such good shape I was singled out and drug tested by a coach, my doctor and my dad. There were the parties thrown by Jeff. What happened to him and other students at that party and Carrie's and my part in that. Then we could answer questions. Mike and Carrie you two are the top students in your class, well you two have the highest QPA in the building. I was thinking about this over the weekend, I would like both of you to meet with the entire freshman class. So two presentations one boy's and one girl's but both of you there. Also, I will attend with the understanding I can ask you not to answer a question if it crosses a line. He smiled and said I also know you two are somewhat less than angles and I recognize you collective roles as ring masters of what you call the circus. I know you two drink and Mike you smoke, how will you deal with that? Well I do that at home with dad and never at a party and I never drive and drink and it is a parental choice. He said Mike, if all your answers are that good this will be great. Let me run this by the Superintendent and we can set this up late next week. We got up, thanked the principal and went to classes.

The rest of the school day went smooth and I went to the field house to work out and ran I to Jim and Sam. I watched Sam and told him how proud I was that he was working out and yet Jim and I had our usual intense workout. We finished and showered and I noticed Sam looking at me, I just smiled and said dude, would you like a ride home? He said damn, dad is picking me up and I said well I'll see you soon and drove home. Once home I called Carrie and we talked a bit and I told her I ran into Sam and the was working out. She laughed and said good for him. I told her that the rest of my night was business and that I will call here later.

Downstairs I almost jumped for joy when Ryan had dinner and it was that fantastic lemon chicken and rice. I made up a plate and put it in the wave and poured a glass of iced tea. I grabbed the paper and started to eat. I was glad to see that the noise over the business deal had eased up and turned to the sports and noticed the media just discovered the coaching change. This time they got it right and said that our school continues to adjust the coaching staff to adjust to an exceptional junior class. I thought damn we are a pain in the ass. Just then dad came in and asked if I was ready and I said no, my clothes are not ready and he said Mike, please go to the car, there are packages there for you. I found a new suit, shirt and shoes and a tie. I threw them on the sofa and hugged him and sat down while he ate. I got up, lit a cigarette and said dad we need to talk. He said Mike we don't, I overheard most of you fight with Sally and while you were a little blunt you managed to but her in her place. It was made clear to her today that she needed to work this out. I told her that there was one woman between you and me and there would never be another. I suspect she will want to chat with you very soon. I asked her not to bother you till at lease Thursday. I said dad, I'm sorry but I'll work it out.

Dad asked when I wanted to go to the office, I said dad you tell me. Well Mike the board meeting is not till 4:00 but I thought I could pick you up and get you there around 1:00. Dad actually I would like to be there all day, if I would not be in the way. Dad smiled and said that's perfect, we can leave right after your run. I went upstairs and read the lease for a final time and looked at the bios one last time. I then grabbed a warm jacket went downstairs grabbed a beer and a cigarette and went outside and sat down looking at the stars. I don't know how long I was there but the cigarette and the beer were long gone and dad was standing behind me with his hands on my shoulders. He said Mike, you were really gone, I was here 5 minutes and you had no idea, I smiled and said dad the weather was great in NC. I got up and we went inside. I said dad, I'm ready, really ready. Dad said Mike I know and I can't wait to see you in action. I hugged him and went upstairs, I called Carrie and we had a quick chat. I showered and tried on my new clothes and damn they were a perfect fit. I looked at the tie and just shook my head. It was red with grey squares that matched my grey suit.

It was another great sunny morning and an enjoyable run. I showered dressed and went downstairs and made coffee and dad joined me a few minutes later. Dad drove and we got to the building, I got out of the car, looked around, took deep breath and we went upstairs. There were a lot of people around and we got to the executive area and I asked dad, where I should hang out as I did not want to be in his hair. He said oh, Mike we have a meeting so let's go to the conference room. I thought shit a meeting and no idea about what. In the conference room there were three guys two not a whole lot older than me and a guy dad's age. Dad introduced me a Mike Simmons and I added junior. We sat down and I was ready to listen and dad said guys, I have another meeting I'll check in later.

Dad left and they all looked at me and I shrugged and said ok, why are we all here? They all laughed and said well we were told you could answer any questions we might have about the new building. I said ok, so ask a question and let's get to it. The questions started with easy questions and after the 4th easy question, I got up got a cup of coffee sat down and said guys, what the fuck, how about some questions that actually matter and gets something accomplished. I said, look I'm a spoiled rich dude who is, in the opinion of a lot of people, an elite athlete and very smart and driven. I own two plots of land and am building a 20 million dollar building to house your sorry asses. The design are done. the bid documents are almost finished. So if I told you the building would be built using the materials developed by Carnegie, Ford, Pitcairn and Hall. What materials are being used? They looked at me and someone said Steel. I said that's one, what else? Another guy said glass, I asked what guy did that and he just looked at me and I said Pitcairn the others is aluminum. I know what I am doing so let's get serious. Damn, everyone relaxed and all their questions were answered in a very calm professional manner. Dad came in and my jacket was on the back of my chair and my sleeve were rolled up and I said Mr. Simmons we will be done in a few and I'll find you. Dad left and the older guy said Mike, Brian told me not to fuck with you, damn he was spot on. I thanked the guys for a productive meeting after a rough start. I unrolled my sleeves put my coat on and went looking for dad.

I found dad in his office when he saw me he said so how was the practice run? I Laughed and said thanks. I spent the rest of the morning walking around the building, chatting with people and shaking my head at the condition of the building. The growth appeared rapid and there were wires and tables all over the place. Just before lunch I called Jodie and said that her and

Logan needed to get down here and look at the place. She agreed and I said to call the main number and ask for dad and that Margaret would set it up, I thanked her and went looking for Brian.

Brian was in his office and I asked if he was free for lunch, that I was starving. He said sure and it was off to a place near by. He asked if I was ready and I said absolutely and dad had set up a practice meeting that started very slowly and ended great. He laughed and said go figure. Then he looked at me and said Mike, this board meeting will be so much harder. We finished lunch and I went to dads office and said dad, I can't do this. Please get me out of it. He turned white and said Mike, what the fuck and I burst out laughing and said got you. He got up tasseled my hair and said dude find a comb. I said fuck you and the comb, let's go it's show time. Brian gave me a bunch of folders, my bio, the miniature building drawings, the lease, the NASA information and the financial report. I glared at him and said, so who is doing the financial shit and he said make that item one and the CFO will deal with it. He will be sitting against the wall to your right. I said fuck that he sits besides dad and he stays the entire meeting. Brian was not happy and said sure kid that no problem. I shot him a look that simply froze him in his tracks.

I asked for him and dad to come back for the start of the meeting and I sat down and looked at the financials. They made little sense to me but the bottom line looked good and damn it needed to be. Eventually a board member showed up and got out of my chair and said good afternoon Dr. Cashman, I'm Mike Simmons, how is your wife Judy? He looked at me and I said didn't she have surgery a while back. He was shocked out of his shoes and managed a she is doing great and I handed him my Bio and said here is some pre meeting very light reading. He said thanks and sat down. It went like that with every board member except Mr. Carr, who was greeted politely by name but no personal interaction. Dad and Brian came in sat down and I looked at a clock and said gentlemen, let's get started. Tony, would you please review the financials for the board. He finished about 15 minutes later and I asked for questions. There were none and I said Mr. Simmons please review for the board the NASA contract. I noticed Mr. Carr chatting with another board member and I said, Mr. Simmons please hold that thought. I looked at the two board members and said, Mr. Carr you were board or at least not paying attention during the financial review and now a comment when I asked Mr. Simmons to talk about NASA. Do you have an issue? He said Junior, not at this time. I said well I have an issue. Today I introduced my self to each of you as Mike Simmons and not junior. The gentleman to my right shares my name so to make it easier on everyone, I am Mike and he is Mr. Simmons. Mr. Carr you can think of me however you wish, but if you ever refer to me publicly as junior, you will be dismissed from this board. Mr. Simmons please continue.

Dad went into detail for about another 15 minutes and asked for questions. Mr. Carr asked so Mike, how soon and where these people going to be housed. I said we have 9 months to gear up for phase one of this project and you question is actually a great lead into the next agenda item. Then he said so Mike, who is paying for all the equipment necessary for this program. Well, I answered according to what Mr. Simmons said a few minutes ago that is being covered by NASA and in addition we will have access to the GSA purchasing program. Please pay attention. Any other questions for me or Mr. Simmons. Mr. Carr was at it again and I sensed some anxiety in the room. I said ok, Mr. Carr, what else? Well Mike, you did not answer my question about where they would be housed? I said Alex, you did not give me a chance, we are looking at two sites both in the strip district, the price is right and there is plenty of parking. He said so Mike, you are a real estate expert as well? Well, Mr. Carr if you bothered to read my bio that was given to you when you arrived you would notice that I am a lot of things. So far in dealing with real estate people I have found them to be grossly insufficient to my needs and in the 30 minutes or so that I have known you that perception has not changed. I nodded to Brian and he passed around the drawings of the building.

It was now my turn. I said gentlemen you might not be aware but I am President and CEO of MJS Enterprises and thru the trust that Mr. Simmons set up I not only sit here today but I thru the Trust own 2 plots of land on Second Avenue on the site of the former steel mill. I am constructing the building you see before you. It is made of steel, aluminum and primarily glass. The actual building plans are complete and the bid documents are nearly complete. The project will go to bid in early January. As you can see the building is 4 stories and except for a third of the top floor, MJS Enterprises is hoping to lease it to MJS Technologies. Any questions? There were a bunch and I answered all with out pause. Then as I was ignoring him I asked Mr. Carr what he wanted. He said Mike is all this entanglement with this company, your company and the Trust legal? I said Mr. Conn absolutely as I am all of those. Then I turned to Brian and asked him to explain the situation in layman's terms so Mr. Carr could understand them. I could tell Brian was pisses and he took all of three minutes.

I then moved to the lease, saying you were all sent a copy of the lease by messenger yesterday, I am anticipating you have questions. I was able to answer most of them and Brian helped with those and went into detail on some of my answers. Then after an hour of discussion I simply called for a role call vote and it was 18 to 3 in favor. Mr. Conn and the guys on either side of him were the no votes. I got up took off my jacket and put it on the back of my chair and loosened my tie. I thanked everyone for a great meeting and asked each board member by name if they had anything they wanted or needed to discuss. There were a few congratulations on the football championship and after the second one I asked that we move past that. Then the question came about the building and why the steel, aluminum and glass. I looked at Brian and he mouthed be careful.

I looked at Dr. Alexander and said as a professor at the University of Pittsburgh and a life long Pittsburgher you must certainly be aware of our past history. The building in an understated way is designed to reflect that history and yet to point the next great thing this region is poised to lead, the technology revolution. We at MJS Technologies will, I hope lead the way. Then Mr. Carr said son you are a real piece of work, you are so far in over your head you don't even know it. You don't listen you just plow ahead. I said Alex, I asked you to call me Mike, thankfully I am not your son. You have been demeaning and inattentive all meeting, my question to you is do you want to continue on this board? Before he would say anything I said we all have one of three choices to make, one can lead, follow or get out of the way. Based on your attitude and performance today I hope you chose to get out of the way. However, please let Brian know by noon tomorrow your choice. If you chose to lead the opposition I'm more than ready for you. Understand, I will never remove anyone from this board for disagreeing with me, but they need to do that in a respectful way. Anyone else have anything to ask or say? Then I simply got up went to dads office and relaxed.

Dad, Brian and Tim came in and I got a big hug from dad, Tim shook my hand and Brian came up to me saying son that was a top notch performance, I smiled and said asshole I'm Mike and everyone laughed. Then Brian got serious and said Mike at some point you will be removing Alex Conn from the board. I smiled and said no, but as legal council you will. I looked at Tim and said get the fucking construction loan approved. Then dad said where we going for dinner and Tim said, I don't know where you guys are going but I have plans for the newest and youngest chairman of the board in the city. Mike, grab your coat.

Comments are encouraged as this is my first story.

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