Cast of characters - it was always about the bets

By Mike Simmons

Published on Feb 14, 2020


I walked into the house as the furniture truck was arriving and I was so excited. I talked with the delivery people and they agreed to move the furniture to the apartment and I helped. The desk, and chairs were fantastic and the unfinished file cabinet all polished was indeed different but more than acceptable. When we were finished, I tipped the guys, wrote a check for the invoice and called the frame shop and the other furniture store. The picture was ready to be picked up and I blew a gasket with the furniture company as the bed and nightstand was not in yet. They said that they would deliver the floor model tomorrow and give me a discount and replace it if I was unhappy. I set it up for 4:30 the next day and went to get the picture.

At the frame shop there was a short wait and when the guy came out and unwrapped it I was totally blown away. I asked if he could duplicate it and he said sure. I said please order the materials and I'll get the other picture and metal. He laughed and said I was wondering why not a matching one. I called Jim and said dude, get your ass the picture and your metal over my house right now, I need to show you something. Back at home I grabbed my first beer since the ski trip and went to my room and hung the picture above the new desk. I was in the kitchen finishing the beer and Jim came in and said, ok what the fuck is so important? I said my room, and I'll be up in a few. He shook his head and went upstairs. I waited until I heard him scream FUCK THATS AWESOME. I went up and was given a big hug and he threw his ass in a new leather chair and said how much was that? I said a lot but get the picture and metal to the frame shop in the mall and there is one on order for you, all paid for.

Then he looked around the room and said no new and bigger bed? I said, dude it comes tomorrow and yes it is bigger. He stood up and sat in the desk chair and said, fuck this is different yet comfortable. I laughed and said how was the leather chair? He said shit, I was blown away by the picture that I didn't think about it. Mike, this is fancy stuff for a bedroom. Jim, the desk gets made bigger and it all goes to my office at Enterprises. The bedroom furniture will eventually become my son's. So Mike, your son going to sleep in the bed he was conceived in? We both burst out laughing. I said just get the picture and the metal to the frame shop.

Downstairs we both had a beer and were chatting when I noticed another bite mark on his neck. I just started laughing and said, Jim can't she bite you in a less obvious place? He said Mike, she did that because her tits are sore from me sucking on them. I laughed and said well you need to get that shit cleared up for the VT trip. Mike, will this trip be all about you and I will be second team with them. I looked at him and said wingman, you got a bad deal with Jeff and in reality VT thinks they robbed the bank with you, they want you. Your job is to demand a price for that. Just bring your QB attitude with you. You know when you call plays and audibles. Give them what they really want. I mean shit we are the two highest profile athletes in Western Pennsylvania and beyond. Fucking act like it. He took a deep breath and said Mike, it's hard because I am not as sure as you are about the place. Jim, when you know let's talk, set aside some wingman time. Jim, next year this time your image will be a total match to mine.

Jim, while we are wingmen, we are not and never have been a packaged deal and they know that, at least I have told them that numerous times. What do you think about this headline: PA SCHOOLS LOSE OUT AS TWO TOP LOCAL JUNIORS VERBALLY COMMIT TO VT. The story goes on to mention that I am currently the 6th rated linebacker and you are the 8th ranked QB and that we are the highest ranked juniors. He laughed and said dude, quarterbacks always come first. I punched him in the arm and laughed. Jim, got up put his jacket on and we fist bumped and he left for home.

I found dad in his office and sat down and he said, Mike that's awesome furniture but that damn picture blew me away. I laughed and said I ordered a matching one for Jim and there is room for a metal of the same color. Dad said that the bid documents were out and there is more than enough interest to get a good price. I told him, that will be a fight when I negotiate with the Mayors choice. I won't over pay and right before we leave tor VT I'll send that message and I can fight with him while you drive and dad just laughed.

We talked about things in general and I apologized for being a jerk and stressed my disaffection with Brian. Dad, he tires me out and on the deepest level, we are not on the same page and he doesn't trust me. Dad took a deep breath and said Michael you have that wrong. In reality, you intimidate him. You are always a half step ahead of him and that makes him uncomfortable. Dad, not to bring up a bad, closed subject but who is paying for the buildout? Mike over time it will be the company via the lease. Dad, that's not correct, the lease was less as Technologies was doing the buildout. Seems to me like the Trust is paying for it. He said, Mike I missed that, I'll talk to Brian. I smiled and said foul ball and dad laughed.

The week was uneventful, I ran every morning and worked out every day and got more tense as the week and the trip to VT approached. Carrie and I had a couple of skirmishes. The bedroom furniture was delivered and I loved the room. I ate dinner with Rob and Alex at the Tavern with everyone telling me to relax. I was outside sitting in my special spot way too much. It was even suggested that I simply get shit faced drunk. I must have packed 5 times to get the outfits just right and there were numerous trips to the mall for clothes.

Wednesday after dinner I called Jim and we finalized plans and said we would meet up for lunch in Princeton, WV, if that worked. Then it was a very long talk with Carrie and she said, Michael you owe me a night in your new room and I laughed and said babe, I do but I'm a wreck. Carrie laughed and said no shit, try to get some sleep and drive safe, or have your dad drive safe.

I actually slept well and was up before the alarm. I dressed in comfortable preppy clothes and put coffee on and loaded the car. Dad came down and we read the paper and had coffee and a very light breakfast. Dad looked at me, shook his head and said, it's a damn good thing football isn't all that important to you, get in the car. It was Route 19 to I 79, back to Route 19. As we got to Somerville, I reminded dad about the speed limit and damn there were 3 cars pulled over for tickets. I called Jim and they were about 10 minutes behind us and we made plans for lunch. We ate a very nervous lunch and made the left turn and got to campus and it was about 1:30. I grabbed Jim and we walked around checking the place out and at 3:00 we met up with our dads and went to the stadium. At the athletic office, Jim introduced himself and asked for coach Conn, I said I'm Mike and I'm along for the ride. Dad tapped me on the shoulder and whispered, welcome back. Coach came out and looked at Jim and said I see you have been working out and added with that asshole who's accompany you and we all laughed. Then he said seriously, Mike you look great and bigger, has it effected you speed? I smiled and said, not a bit, but please add a nutritionist to my agenda.

We went into the conference room and there was a package for each of us, with an agenda and contact information for a bunch of people. There was a stadium tour and a look at the weight room and then dinner at a local restaurant/bar. The conversation was casual and Jim's dad was actually relaxed. As we were chatting two guys came up pulled up a chair and sat down. coach introduced everyone and the guys were Bill and AJ. Bill was the starting QB and AJ was a starting linebacker. AJ said ok guys let the old folks enjoy the evening and let's get out of here. I looked at him and he said, Bill and I will get you back to the hotel and we know you have a busy Friday and Mike, you get a break your class isn't till 9:00. Jim you have an 8:00 class. Outside I said ok, AJ where we going and what are the fucking rules. He laughed and said to a team party and tonight there are no rules and I won't tell tails out of school tonight. The rest of the weekend is different. Coach did not know we would take you under our wings, so to speak tonight. I laughed and looked at Jim and said, dude I'm betting that's bs. AJ Laughed and said Mike how about letting the QB's do their thing and we can hook up in about an hour. I smiled and said deal.

Jim and Bill went their way and AJ said ok dude let's find out about the real Mike Simmons. We walked to the parking lot and we approached a car and he said dude, get in and I just burst out laughing. He looked at me and I said I have the same car, it's identical. He said damn, get in. We drove to an apartment complex and then to his apartment. He offered me a beer and I asked, what you drinking and he said water. I said I'll have that or iced tea and I got water. I looked at him and asked, so dude do you actually have beer and he laughed. I took a big breath and said AJ can we cut the crap, please. I hate games and silly tests. I know you have a job to do and I respect that. I know you are a senior and have had a great career here and I respect that. I am a very good athlete and work my ass off off. Can you please help me see what this place is really like? He stood up came up to me and said Mike, coach had nothing to do with tonight, that's all me and you pass. He went to the refrigerator grabbed two beers and said let's talk. Much like you and Jim, Bill and I are tight and just then Will and Jim came in.

Turned out Jim passed the test Bill had given. AJ said so Jim, I understand Mike here is good to verbally commit what's holding you up? Jim said, look this is awful fast for me, fuck I didn't even start the season as QB1 and here I sit with 7 offers. I have limited my choices to this place and Michigan and while Mike is sold on this place I'm not quite there yet. Bill said, Jim I have actually watched films on you and here is the deal. You are ripped, have a cannon for an arm, are football smart and have the balls to call more than one audible and not get benched. As a high school junior, I would not have done any of that and I could not throw the ball 60 yards let alone on target. I don't know who your first high school coach was, that had you second team but he had marbles for brains or the other kid had nude pictures of him with a cheerleader. Our coaches feel that if they get you here they have robbed the fucking bank. True they found you by looking at that asshole over there but fuck, dude it seems like you were born to play the game. Here or wherever you are QB1 material. AJ and I didn't come here as friends but we share this apartment and it meant a lot in the tough time and was more fun in the good times. He tossed Jim a beer and said dude I am wearing #7 and after next year it's yours. Your buddy over there has it better as I bet he starts, AJ graduates, well is out of eligibility, and the depth chart sucks at LB. Jim and I just looked at each other and I said, I bet there isn't a party, correct? Will looked at me and said dude don't lose a bet around here and I'm guessing you weren't going to a party in any event. We spent the rest of the evening talking and relaxing. Around midnight Jim and I were dropped off at the hotel. We were told that we would be picked up an hour before our classes and that we would be staying with them Friday night.

At the hotel we found our dads at the bar, drinking and having a relaxing time. They finished their drinks and we went to our collective rooms. Dad and I Talked for a while and finally I said that I was setting my alarm for 7 and needed to be ready to go at 8. That it was a class and then a meeting with the coaches. I said that things were good between me and AJ. Dad said Mike the coach was pissed that those two pulled that off and I laughed and said goodnight.

I was up well before the alarm and decided to go for a run. Back at the hotel it was a quick shower and shave and jeans and a hoodie and to the lobby to wait for AJ. I was drinking coffee when he came in and he said so Mike, you have an interesting class to observe. I looked at him and said, I thought it was a basic Comp. Sci. class. He laughed and said yes it is, basic to the field but difficult as shit. I said so what is it? He replied differential equations, the dude's call it diffie que. I said well I'm just sitting in the back, it can't be that hard for me and we went off on foot. He pointed to the building and said room 208 and I'll see you in 90 minutes right here.

I went into the room found a seat in the back and there were about 18 people there. The professor entered, looked at me and said so Mr. Simmons it is a pleasure to have you sitting in. Dr. Chang from CMU said you would find this interesting, come up front and join us. I moved to the front thinking shit. About half way through the class as everyone was working on an equation Dr. Akins, the professor said so Mike what do you think? I said sir, I don't know enough to have a thought. He looked at the paper I was playing with and said, son you have more than a thought, you have the damn equation. I smiled and said, please don't tell anyone. He smiled and said that's a deal, please hang around after class, I'll end it a little early as I am aware of your schedule. After class he said Mike, you sure you don't want to go to CMU? I said absolutely, I want to play football and be 5 or 6 hours away from home, by car. He laughed and said well we have a great program and I am sure you will do well here, just watch the football drama here. I said thanks and found AJ. When I saw him I said, dude I thought that class was hard? He laughed and said so you are one of those dudes that walks in here with a semester of credits in your pocket? I laughed and said yup, what's next?

It turned out we just walked around campus and I watch the cadets march around the large field which separates the dorms from the academic buildings and all the buildings, well 90% of them were build in hokie stone and even the new ones looked old. I noticed we were working our way to the stadium and I said, so AJ which coach am I meeting with and he said all of them, I'm guessing you will find that fun. I asked about Jim and he said he would call Bill and check but he did not know their schedule. He handed me a piece of paper and said call me when that shit show is over. I went inside and said who I was and the receptionist said Mike, have a seat and I'll let them know you are here and right on time, they will appreciate it.

Coach Conn came out and said so Mike, did you have an interesting evening? I said rather informative but definitely not exciting. We spent the night with Bill and AJ in their apartment. I thought you were unaware of that? They are cool dudes. We ended up in a film room with very comfortable seats and every defensive coach was there. Introductions were made and questions were fired at me from all directions and on every topic. I asked a lot of questions as well and we took a break after about 90 minutes in. Back in the room there was a play about to start. I was asked if I was playing right outside backer, what would I do? I said I need a lot more information. A coach replied Mike you know what AJ knew. I said coach, I don't know the defense, blitz, zone, man to man and a bunch more. They all laughed and said perfect answer. Then they laid out a defense and said ok, same question and I said, run coverage and again I was told correct. Then I added but I'm responsible for passes in that flat, so don't over commit. There was dead silence and finally Coach Conn said Mike, how many of our games have you watched or seen film on? Coach honestly, none. Mike, how did you know that? Coach, basically I am new to defense until this year year I was a running back and played some of that this year, basically I studied a lot and react well and watch a shit load of film. That's the best I can offer. We looked at a few more plays and I got most right, in their minds. Then the head coach came in and said Mike, I'm thinking you have had enough how about we chat? I said sir that would be great.

Inside his office we sat in the guest chairs and he said Mike, you have been very busy with a lot of business stuff. Coach, as you most likely have been reading, yes I have been very busy. We are at a time when things are moving very fast and will settle down once construction starts. Mike with you here at Tech how will you manage all that being 6 hours away? Well coach there is always a helicopter and I laughed and he didn't. Seriously, there is a good very young team in place and there is my dad and most of it can be dealt with by phone. In addition Enterprises will be up and running and I am looking to being a collage football player. You are interested in a very difficult field of studies as well. Coach I have thought about it and with my AP classes and most likely 8 credits from CMU I will start with more than a semester in the bank.

Coach looked at me and said CMU? I said yes I am taking an individual course from the Dean for credit now. There will be other courses this year and next. Mike, how are you doing all that and I said Coach, please ask Dr. Akins, I sat in on his class earlier today. He then asked. If I would please step outside while I talk with Dr. Akins? I smiled and said sure coach. About 5 minuted later he opened the door and said Mike, please come back in.

I sat back down and was asked so Mike where are you with our program? I said coach, actually I'm confused and I would like to know where you guys are with me? He laughed and said not confused. Mike, why are you confused? Well the guy escorting me around this weekend is a nice guy but he is playing a lot of games and I'm sure you guys are behind all this. Then there is the easy equation in class this morning and a big deal about that. Finally this grilling by the coaches and now this awkward meeting with you? So I would like to know what this is that all about? In fact I would like to know if I still have an offer from you guys? Just then there was a knock on the door and the Coach said Coach Conn please come in. I took a deep breath as Coach Conn sat down? Then Coach said Mike we are not confused but you are so damn different. I did not call Dr. Akins, I called Coach Conn. We have checked you out nine ways of Sunday and ran you through the mill so far this weekend. We are amazed as there are no red flags anywhere and that has never happened before. You are a great football player, an outstanding athlete, a very intelligent student, run in the circles with your Mayor, a number elected local representatives, astronauts, have a very serious girl friend, who has applied here, and you best friend could be our starting QB as a red shirt freshman. Then there was the noise about West Point. So Mike why us?

I took a deep breath, trying to keep my cool, took another deep breath and said, Coaches, you guy are the only school to push back, your comp. sci. program is very well respected, I like the campus and the rest is none of your fucking business. Now do I still have an offer here or not? Coach Conn said so the buttoned down kid finally reveals his true self. We pushed you all day to get you explode and we got a polite, toned down kid, we ran games and still got a buttoned down kid. We were wondering what lines we could cross with you and what lines we couldn't. You could have avoided this last night by exploding on AJ and yet you played along. Thanks for finally revealing some of your self and a tough nosed kid who might me tough enough to replace AJ's replacement. I took another deep breath and said, there well never be a public display, ever. You will always hear it directly in person and in very direct terms. I am who I am, just deal with it and every Saturday you will see a very tough nosed, smart well conditioned athlete, so now what? Mike, one more question? I said ok, shoot. You relationship with the girlfriend tell us about that, please? Coach, it is a package deal, the rest is none of your business and will remain that way. I promise that the relationship will not cause any PR issues for you. Please refer to her a Carrie and not girlfriend and I am amazed that her application was not immediately accepted. Mike, we don't accept second semester juniors as a student a year and a half away.

Coach, that brings me to another question, I have. Any thought about us attending here in January next year. Mike, we are aware that both of you can graduate early, just don't do that, enjoy that last semester in high school. I said thank you so again and for the last time, where are we? Mike, Monday morning at 11:00 there can be a press conference here in the football facility for you to make a verbal commitment to VT. Please call Coach Conn sometime tomorrow and advise him of your decision. In the meantime please enjoy your time with AJ and I assure all the games are over, we would love to have you here at Tech. I said thank you but what about Moses and his diapers, Coach Conn laughed and said Mike get out of here and be nice to AJ, he was doing what we wanted and by the way ask him for his number. With that I got up and left and saw Jim waiting in the reception room and I shrugged and went outside.

Outside I saw AJ pacing and I went up to him put my arm around his shoulder and said ok cock sucker the games are over now what? He laughed and said, so Mike you are not pissed? AJ not at all, I got to tell Coach B that a number of things were none of his fucking business. He stoped and asked you used the words none of your fucking business to Coach B and you are still here? I said yup and they are willing to schedule a press conference Monday, if I'm willing to commit. He laughed and said fuck that has gotten kids thrown off the team. I looked at him and said AJ that kid was not Michael James Simmons and I'm betting the Moses in diapers story will never be used again. Mike I told you last night be careful around here about bets, especially with teammates. Ok AJ why? The bets end with unique tasks? I laughed and said dude, Jim and I are more than aware about the bets and the resulting tasks. He just looked at me and we got in the car and drove to the apartment. I asked if he had heard anything from Bill about Jim and how he was doing? He said, Mike ask your wingman. I laughed and just sat there. Back at the apartment Bill was just leaving and said he would be right back he needed to rescue Jim. AJ tossed me a beer and he lit a cigarette, I opened the beer and ask for a cigarette and he got up handed me the pack and a lighter. We sat chatting and he said Mike, so you drink, smoke and fuck? I said yes and I enjoyed sex of different flavors and he laughed and ask what flavors? I said AJ that is always determined by the bets. He laughed and said, fuck, I knew you would fit in around here. I asked about plans tonight and he said, Mike, Bill and I don't party much but we can do that if you and Jim want. I asked, so no significant other or are they on hold as you amuse me? He laughed and said yes and no. I started to ask and he said Mike, you don't have that figured out and don't ask. Just then Bill and Jim came in with Jim looking totally beat. I thought shit, he got the same treatment and I excused my self and went outside.

Comments are encouraged as this is my first story.

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