Jace Switches Masters

By moc.loa@potgnipor

Published on Jun 8, 2023


Jace slept well that night. He liked the feel of a man against his back, the sense that he could be taken at any minute that a semi hard cock pressed against him gave him, but... cuddling. How long had it been? He curled into Dr. Gabe's chest and didn't move for the whole night. Gabe wasn't a late sleeper, so he was up a while before jace began to stir. He smiled at the little smile that played across jace's face while he slept. It was a smile that seemed to be saying "I won!" but which didn't want to brag. He was so damn cute! And sexy! Gabe had made up his mind that he was going to get this boy when he saw him in the bar. The fact that he was owned by another Dom didn't really concern him that much. Gabe got what he wanted. He smiled a little. Some years ago, he had formulated a theory: it wasn't enough to speak of DOMS and subs. You had to give them numerical grades: the lower the grade for a DOM, the more dominant he was: a DOM 3 took precedence over a DOM 6. He smiled some more, thinking of how he had begun writing characteristics of DOMs at each level. He had done the same thing for subs: the higher the number, the more of a sub you were. A sub 1, for example, would eventually give in, but he made you fight, hard , for everything. Gabe had had some of those, and they were fun, but... he liked his subs to be at level 6 or 7: a little bit of fight, a little bit of a challenge. jace was clearly a 9 or 10. He wondered how that had happened. Again, in his theory, DOMS and subs were born not made, but their place on his scale was something that happened as a result of their background, their training. He didn't know jace very well - yet - but he read him as starting out as a sub at 2 or 3, something like that. Along the way, he had become more and more submissive. "Probably for the wrong reasons. " he thought to himself. "Physical beatings aren't the way." For all of his absolutism as a DOM (Gabe considered himself a 1 moving to zero!), Gabe felt that smacking a guy around was fun, but it was a way to reinforce his role, not to create it. He ran his hand through jace's hair, and jace sighed in his sleep. Gabe was going to enjoy this. He'd enjoy it more if he could build jace up to a good level. Was he too late? He wasn't sure. Time would tell.

jace's eyes popped open. He wasn't someone who took a long time to wake up: it was like a light. He fell asleep and woke up as if you had turned on a lamp. It took him a few minutes to realize where he was. Dr. Gabe held him tightly. His new DOM's leg was thrown over his too, and jace's face was close enough to Gabe to smell that... DOM man smell. It was getting him: horny. "Good morning Sir. Have you been up long?" Gabe smiled. It was a question that he could answer one of two ways. "I don't really sleep late, gorgeous." He leaned over and kissed jace's forehead. When he did, his arm stretched, and jace's head fell into his pit. Gabe laughed. "Go ahead boy. Dig in. I want you riled up a little anyway." "Thank you Sir." jace took a big smell and moaned a little. He ran his nose around Dr. Gabe's pit, before he started licking. His mouth was dry, and he tried to generate some saliva, but it wasn't working. Gabe laughed some more. "Plenty of time for that. And we got a BIG day in front of us young man, but.... I'm not ready to get out of bed yet." He smiled and rolled on top of jace. Dr. Gabe had big hands, and one of them was big enough to hold jace's two wrists together, over his head. "Too much trouble to tie you up at this hour, but that'll come. I just want one free hand to do.... things like this." He reached down and fondled jace's balls and cock, causing jace to whimper. "You know these belong to me now, don't you boy?" jace twisted a little. It felt so good. "OH YEAH. YES SIR. YES. YOURS. ALL YOURS." "Know what else is mine?" He smiled big, right in jace's eyes. jace knew. He said in a low voice. "My ass sir?" "RIght again. And I'm gonna take it. Right now." "Yes sir. Do you want me to roll over?" "Not yet. We're gonna start... just the way we are. Lemme show you what you're gonna get." Dr. Gabe threw the blanket off the bed, and jace saw the magnificent hunk of meat that was his new DOM's cock. Thick. Fat. A BIG mushroom head. "If you were a newbie, I'd be worried about you taking it, but you're not a newbie." Gabe bent down and brushed some of his morning stubble over jace's right nipple. jace bucked his hips in the air from that. He let jace's wrists go. He REALLY wanted to tie him down, but he was so ready to take this boy. "You've got the most incredible, sexy, long legs, jace. If you were a woman, I'd put you in short skirts every day, to make the other men jealous of me." "Thank you Sir. I can do drag." "Not any more, boy. I shouldn't even call you boy. I don't fuck boys. I fuck sexy, hot, interesting men. Like I'm gonna do right now." He pulled jace's legs up in the air. Normally, when a man took jace's ankles, the grip would hurt a little and he'd have a bruise. Dr. Gabe's touch was the most sure, and controlling jace had ever felt. He knew right away that he wasn't going to bruise, and he knew that there was no way he was getting out of the grip. Gabe worked so precisely, jace wasn't even aware of his cock tip going into him. He began to feel it when Gabe was about 1/3 in. "OH. OH FUCK SIR YES. OH.. GOD THAT FEELS SO GOOD. GIMME IT ALL, PLEASE SIR." Gabe smiled. He knew he was a good top, but great sex took a great bottom too. He saw a little smile go across jace's face, and then he knew why: jace tightened his glutes, making it more of a challenge to get in for Gabe. "OH... It looks like I'm gonna have to break down the castle door, muffin." jace didn't say anything, he just smiled. He had done this once to Matt, and got smacked. Philip just worked so fast and so brutally, he never got the chance. Gabe was enjoying it. He pushed, persistently and firmly, and jace sighed. "You win Sir. It's all yours." Once he said that, Gabe pushed all the way in, and then GABE tightened his glutes, making jace feel even more full. "OH YES. OH GOD. GOD YOU'RE SO... SO FUCKING DOMINANT SIR." Now that he had taken jace's ass, Gabe was beginning to slide back and forth, moving slowly, then quickly, pulling his cock out, using it to circle jace's butt hole and then going back in. "Beg for it." He smiled. PLEAD for cock." "YES SIR PLEASE. LOOK AT ME. I'M SO HORNY FOR IT. I WANT IT." "NOW roll over. We're gonna continue that way. jace smiled. "YES SIR" and he did what he was told. This time, there was no subtlety. Dr. Gabe nailed him. Hard. There was no sliding back and forth, just a pushing and Gabe's authoritative baritone. "THIS. THIS IS HOW YOU TAKE A BITCH. THIS IS HOW YOU MAKE HIM YOUR SUB." "OH GOD YES SIR. THIS IS WHAT I WANT. THIS IS WHAT I NEED. OH OH SIR....." Gabe had reached underneath and had begun playing with jace's rigid cock. "We're gonna finish up face to face. Cause I wanna see your face when I release." He flipped over jace again. jace's cock was pointing out and he was making all kinds of moans, and whimpers, as Gabe picked up the pace of his pounding jace. jace began to think "had he ever been fucked this well before? He didn't think so. Certainly it was going on longer than usual. Was he gonna be sore the whole day? Could be. THAT WOULD BE GREAT" he thought. Then, the release. Gabe was loud as he released, and because jace opened up his mouth in a silent scream, Gabe put his thumb into his mouth. "LICK IT BITCH. YOU LICK MY PIT YOU CAN LICK MY FINGER." "MMMMM" jace didn't lick. He closed his mouth and sucked on Gabe's finger. GOD this was so good. Then Gabe pulled out his finger, and kissed him. He gathered jace's wrists above him again. "Now you've been a SUPERB bottom this morning jace. Sort of like our honeymoon." jace blushed. He had been thinking the same thing. "And a good bottom, deserves a real good milking, before he goes back to his cage." "OH SHIT. You're gonna milk me Sir?" "SHHHHH. Just enjoy it." jace felt Gabe's finger run along the back of his cock. "WHY HAD NO DOM EVER DONE THAT TO HIM? " Then his fingers danced over jace's cockhead. "OH SHIT. OH SHIT. " jace wanted this to last, but it had been so long, and he was so... he was so damn happy that... when Dr. Gabe grabbed his balls and squeezed, he cried out like a little girl, and he shot as if someone were squeezing a toothpaste tube too hard. He began to cry. "HEY. What happened, sweetstuff? Did I squeeze too hard? " "No sir, no. It wasn't that. It was just... " jace paused. "Sir, I know I'm being pushy but... can we hug and cuddle some?" Gabe smiled. "Not my standard, but sure." "MMMMM." the way jace held onto him, Gabe had a better idea: there was pain here. REAL pain. From where? He'd find out, just not right now, because jace was purring like a cat, and Gabe did not want to interrupt that. After a few minutes he spoke.

"So, listen up, sub. I have a full day planned for us. We're gonna wash this... morning juice... off of us. I know you're probably hungry, but we're going to the gym first. Then brunch. Then we're visiting Pierluigi, my tailor. Then we'll have a little break back here, and then.... " he smiled. "Tonight, you're gonna meet some of my friends and their subs. Full day for you." "MMMMM. Yes sir. It's a bit of a distance to the gym though."

Dr. Gabe began to laugh. "You think we're going back to your gym? That cesspool? HAHAHAHAHAHAHA . You graduated from that pit, subjace, when you wound up with me. NAH. You're coming to my gym. Welcome to the world of personalized training." He kissed jace on the forehead. "You're gonna love jay. I know it. He and his partner Rick run the place. " He reached down and squeezed jace's butt. "You can get the shower first. Don't worry about gym clothes. There are uniforms there. " "yes sir." In the shower, jace thought about what had happened since yesterday. He was actually beginning to calm down. Things were good - they were very good - but he was waiting for Dr. Gabe's legendary truly dominant streak to come out. "I'M WORKING OUT WITH DR. GABE!" he was thinking. "OH MY GOD. THIS IS ONE I DIDN'T EVEN FANTASIZE ABOUT."

"GOD YOU'RE JUST SO GODDAMN SEXY IF WE DIDN'T HAVE AN APPOINTMENT SCHEDULED..." Gabe had pulled out a pair of jace's khaki's and a maroon polo to wear. Plus a jock and socks. That was it. jace was glad that this was one of the shirts he packed: it hugged his biceps and showed them to advantage, and it fit him tight. So did the khakis. Flo used to laugh about this was his "cheat night" outfit when he was with Philip: it was what he wore when he wanted to get picked up. He always did. And he'd tease her with the stories. Inevitably, she'd say "slut." jace thought his slut days were probably over. The thought of being punished by Dr. Gabe for cheating were arousing, and scary. As he drove, Gabe talked about the gym "So, Rick and jay are a couple. They met when they were both working as trainers at another gym. Rick is about twenty years older but..." he smiled and shook his head. "He's the only trainer I ever met who can push me to my limits." "WOW. He must be good, Sir." Gabe squeezed jace's thigh. "You'll like jay I think. Yeah, your names are close, and it a lot of ways, you're alike." "How so, Sir?" "Ohhhhh, well, I'll tell you one story. When they worked together, there was: shall we say, attraction. Jay was a daddy topper. ALWAYS a top, ALWAYS an older man underneath him. After their first date, as the, ahem 'negotiations' were going on, Rick grabbed him, threw him on the bed, and gave him a chance to give up. jay fought. According to Rick, it took about a half hour but, since then.... " He smiled. "DAMN I wish I had had the same opportunity with you, sexy." "Sir, I usually don't fight when a DOM wants me." "Yeah, I know. We're gonna see about fixing that. OH, here we are." The building was nondescript, and there was a simple sign over the door: "Matthews Health Club." "That's Rick's last name and now..." he smiled. "Jay's." He waited and added. "Yup, they got married a year ago." In the gym, they met Rick- a VERY tall, lean man, with a big smile and a big pair of glasses which matched his thick white hair perfectly. Jay, shorter, bulkier, and balding, was sexy in a body builder kind of way. "OK, mr. jace. Let's go off and get started. This will be a diagnostic test. See what you can do." "Yes sir, I'll do my best." Jay laughed. "Listen jace, no secrets here. I'm a sub, you're a sub, no 'SIR' with me, I'm jay. You wanna call someone Sir, save it for my man... or yours." jace blushed. "Just my training. Sorry about that." "NO SORRIES IN THE GYM JACE. Now, let's see... Give me a full body plank. How long can you hold them?" "Well, my record is 2 minutes, but that was a while ago." "Let's start at a minute. Gabe and jace had changed in a simple locker room that held no more than six people. It was a small, private gym. Gabe had laughed. "For a while, they had training 'the natural way,' and you didn't have to dress at all. Health Department wasn't pleased. So..." "Sir..." jace had said. "I think I need a different uniform. This one is too small." His t shirt didn't quite make it down to his waist, and the shorts were very, very tight. "NOPE. That's the size I asked them to give ya. Welcome to being my sub. " jace thought about that in the middle of the plank. At 45 seconds, jay asked "How's it going? You got another minute in ya?" "Maybe, I don't know." "Well, I'm gonna do something, and I'll explain why..." Jay put a weight of 25 pounds on the small of jace's back. jace had done this before and he compensated. Then it was 35, and then at 50, he dropped. "NICE JOB! REAL NICE JOB." "Thank you jay. I like being tested." jay laughed. "Then you're with the right guy. Take a look at the other side. There's your man doing what you just did." It was. Except there were 3 25 pound weights on Gabe's back. And he showed no sign of dropping. "SHIT. " jace was frozen. "I know. amazing fitness right?" "Well, there's that too but.... I'm thinking about being underneath him." jay whispered "you're not the only one. I didn't say that." "Ok, so let's do something where I KNOW you can do better than Dr. Gabe: pull ups." jace smiled. "You think so?" "I know so. Dr. Gabe has a lot of lower musculature. Makes it hard for him to do them. Most he's ever done is 15. "Let's go. I need SOMETHING to brag about." The workout was about an hour and a half. Periodically - ok, MORE that periodially - jace would stop to watch Dr. Gabe workout. "I wish he'd take his shirt off," he thought he said to himself. Then he heard jay yell across the room. "Hey Sir. How about letting us have a treat? Shirts off all around?" It was no problem. Except for jace who, although caged again, was getting aroused. This time he DID think to himself. "He's taking ME to bed tonight. ME. Wimpy jace. The one no one would ever date. Wimpy fat boy jace. HE wanted me. A known doctor. I'm his."

After they had cleaned up and dressed, and scheduled their next session, Dr. Gabe and jace headed to the car. "Like jay stud?" I DO Sir. He likes you too." Dr. Gabe laughed. "You know, he was my first trainer, until I found out he was a sub. That's a no no. This DOM does NOT take orders from subs. " He smiled. "And watch what I do. When we go to brunch, I'm gonna show you how my 'subfinder' id's all of the subs in the room." jace grinned. The fact that he was a sub was evident, but he couldn't always tell. In his single days, he had approached some really big, buff guys, only to find out that they'd probably need a two headed dildo or they'd kick each other to death.

It was another discrete place. This one simply said "Madame Lasalle's" "There WAS a Madame Lasalle, jace, but she's long gone. Her daughters kept the place going. Their specialty is eggs. I hope you like them." "I like YOURS Sir." Gabe smiled. "Well maybe you should leave room for two of them in your mouth." When they went in, heads DID follow them. jace thought he heard one guy say 'nice ass," and he assumed it was about him. "Bon Jour Monsieur Landfeld. Who is your friend?" Gabe smiled, and wrapped his arm around jace's waist. "This is jace, Francois. I believe you'll be seeing more of him here." jace looked down. "LOOK UP JACE. Francois is chatting with us." "Oh, I will not be long. I just wanted to tell jace that he is very beautiful and I hope we do see him often. " He smiled. "Perhaps even without you, Dr. Landfeld." "Did... did he just flirt with me Sir?" "Yes, he did. " "I DIDN'T ACT INAPPROPRIATELY DID IT?" "No, not this time. " He reached over and kissed jace. "Trust me, if you're going to get punished for behaving badly, I'll give you warning. For example, at the gym today... had you been the one who told us to take off shirts... there'd be a spanking." "I almost did Sir. I wanted to see you sweating and pumping. " He blushed. "Know what I thought about when you were planking Sir?" "No. Tell me." "I wished I were underneath you." Gabe smiled. "on your back or on your belly." "Any way you wished Sir." Now Gabe let out a sigh. "Ok, now we're just getting to know each other jace. Here's how it's gonna work. I do NOT promise you're always going to get things the way you like them. MY way comes first. But I need to know what you like. So if I ask, I want an answer." "Yes sir. I understand." "So when you were underneath me, were you on your back or belly." jace smiled. "My back Sir. So I could see your face. And I could offer you my neck, or my ears." "GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR" answered Gabe. "Bathrooms here are small, otherwise." Gabe had ordered omelets with vegetables. No egg white omelets here, and Gabe didn't bother with that kind of stuff "If you eat right, you don't need those games." Francois brought them champagne, but that was all they drank besides coffee." "You get a belly full, jace bean?" jace smiled. "Yes sir. It was delicious." Again, he got a bit frisky. "It wasn't as tasty as your pit, but it was good." "Next gym visit, you get to work before the shower. Understand?" "Yes sir." "Ok, one more trip today, and then we're home.." Dr. Gabe smiled. "Afternoon delight playing with my sub, is one of my favorite things."

The next stop was Dr. Gabe's tailor. Ernest had studied in France for 3 years and then had designed women's clothes as an assistant to Stanley Rosso, whom everyone knew as a leading women's designer . Ernest did all kinds of tailoring, but he catered to men. His clothes were beautiful, subtle, and expensive. "Ernest, my boy jace needs some new shirts. In fact he needs everything. Let's see." Dr. Gabe pulled a blue buttondown shirt off of a hanger. "This is ready to wear, not interested, but should we try it on for size?" "Yes, absolutely Dr. Landfeld." Gabe turned to jace. "Gimme your shirt. Put this on. "Yes sir." As jace was pulling it on, he caught a glimpse of the price tag: $300. And this was ready to wear? He began to sweat. "Sir... I can't. I mean I..." "YOU. DON'T. HAVE . ANY. CHOICE. JACE." He had pissed off Gabe. Uh oh. "Yes sir. I'm sorry." He put it on, and then felt like a prize horse as Ernest and Gabe examined it. "Too big. I want his shirts to be cut so that he has to pull in his belly most of the time. Cut the sleeves short so that he needs to roll them. And make sure there's enough of a gap when the two buttons are opened so I can get my hand inside." jace was standing with his hands behind his back, and Gabe opened the second button. He felt Gabe's hand inside and moaned when he found a nipple. "This will do fine. Ok jace, you can slip out of that." "yes sir." jace began to put his polo on. "Did I say you could put it back on?" The clothes shopping had brought out the lust in Gabe. "No Sir, you didn't. I'm sorry. " "You stand right there. Hands behind you, legs spread. Ernest has to measure you for pants, and... something else. I'm going to go and look at fabric. jace had been measured for pants before, so that wasn't anything new. When Ernest took out three sets of calipers, jace was confused . "What are those for?" "Measuring you for a nipple ring. Gabe thinks he wants you pierced. Need the measurements." The first caliper pulled jace's right nipple out and gave one measure, then the others measured the length, horizontal and vertical, of the aureole. "He's marking me." thought jace. "HE'S MARKING ME. HE'S GONNA MAKE SURE I KNOW. AND EVERYONE KNOWS..." "Ok Ernest, I picked out eight. I may come back for more. On slacks... let me see what arrived today." He turned to jace. I got a text from Ralph. He went by Matt's and got the rest of your stuff. We'll see what we keep. " Then he smiled. "It's warm enough. Tuck the shirt into the back of your pants. The world should see your chest." "yes sir." This was again something new for jace. He was very self conscious on the street. Now, shirtless, his hands behind his back, and with Dr. Gabe's hand on the back of his neck, well.... there was no doubt in anyone's mind. "Sir... Ernest said you were planning to pierce me?" "Indeed I am. Right after we get rid of that stupid tattoo. You got a problem with that." jace bit his tongue. "No sir. Thank you for marking me as yours." "Shoulda down it today already. Soon. Ok, in the car, put on your shirt. I don't want your sweat on the seat, but when we get home...."

Ten minutes after they were in, jace was tied down to the bed, his arms spread wide and his shirt off. It was shaving time. He squirmed. He wasn't sure he wanted this. When Gabe started, he'd find out how ticklish he was and..." "Lemme see something first... I just got a feeling. I got a feeling I got a bonus in this sexy boy." Gabe ran a finger up and down jace's right pit. "AAAAAAAAAAKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. SIR STOP . I'M VERY TICKLISH." "I guess you ARE. I barely touched you. And I bet you have a ticklish spot no one knows about. Even you." "What's that Sir?" jace was smiling. "Oh, we'll do that later. But for now... you better get those giggles under control, because that pit hair is going." As a medical student, Dr. Gabe had had to learn how to shave all kinds of patients, in all kinds of places. He worked quickly, neatly, and jace struggled to keep himself under control. After 20 minutes, his pits were clean. "Saturday afternoon task. Make jace nice and smooth. And now...." Gabe smiled . "You still sore from this morning?" "Yes sir." "Well, I'm sorry to say, you're gonna be even more sore tonight." He began slipping off jace's khakis. "But this time... because you were such a good, compliant sub today..." He lifted jace's legs and, instead of feeling Gabe's cockhead, jace felt his tongue. "FUCK. " jace LOVED being eaten, but his last two had said "DOMS DON'T DO THAT DON'T ASK AGAIN," before he got punished for the question. Gabe didn't seem to agree, as he dug in, deeper, and deeper. "OH MY GOD SIR. I don't think..." "Then don't think" Gabe answered. "Just feel." He was down there with his tongue for about 20 minutes and jace thought he was going to pass out. "NOW... MMMM. I been wanting this since the gym." jace was too exhausted to do his glute tricks, and Gabe entered him like vandals at an unguarded city. He found a warm welcome. However sore he was, jace took his DOM's cock and moaned as Gabe did HIS glute tricks. He reached up and took jace's nipples, squeezing them as he fucked him. "A tit ring is gonna make these even more sensitive." An evil look went across his face. "I don't think I NEED to make these more sensitive." He ran his fingers up and down jace's ribs. jace squirmed, but he was impaled on Gabe's cock. He couldn't do much of anything. All he could do was close his eyes and... well, enjoy the whole situation. He had loved the day so far. He felt like a prince. He needed to do anything he could to make sure... Dr. Gabe kept him. jace felt the last push, and then a smaller gush of jizz go into him. "Thank you Sir. THANK YOU THANK YOU. OH GOD . OH. I NEVER HAD A LOVER AS GOOD AS YOU." Gabe smiled. "And you never will, bitch boy." He brushed jace's hair back. "We're gonna go and visit some of my friends tonight. I think we need a nap first. " "Sir, may I..." "You wanna sleep on my chest again?" "Yes sir?" jace smiled. "PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEASE SIR? I'll give you a good pit washing." "Oh, ha ha. You'll do that anyway. You'll do anything I say." "yes sir," jace answered, knowing that he would. He smiled, maybe even more broadly, than he had the night before, as he began lightly snoring on Gabe's chest.

Next: Chapter 6

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