Jack and the Giant

Published on Mar 24, 2022



Jack and the Giant

Jack and the Giant

Please send feedback. Authors live for feedback from their readers. I try to respond to all feedback within 24 hours.

I use an anonymous name and an alternate email because some of the themes and situations in some of my stories could easily be misconstrued if the reader didn't understand that this is a fantasy. I welcome suggestions from readers, but I am a few chapters ahead of what's been published.

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You can contact me at pseudonominius@gmail.com.

What This Story Is About

This stand-alone story came about because of a line I'd written in My Roommate the Alchemist about the lack of good role models in traditional stories for gay youths. And I decided to try my hand at writing one. This is a retelling of the story of Jack and the Beanstalk with LGBT themes. It does contain sex scenes, but it lacks the superheated descriptions I usually include in my writing, so I could give it more of a naughty fairy tale feeling.

Author's Notes (for all my works)

·         I publish a story 1-2 times a week, sometimes more often if I've been truly prolific.

·         All the College Magic stories are now in one folder and the stories are in preferred reading order.

·         My darker story Elf Master has started. If you aren't into heavier BDSM, you may want to skip that story. Other than sharing some background characters, that story does not intertwine with My Roomate the Alchemist and Wishcraft_._

·         The Pack storyline has begun appearing. This storyline involved the werewolves on campus.

·         The Small Town Slave Boy story is only tangentially connected to College Magic because the narrator of the story is Kieran's cousin Dylan Morgan. There are no supernatural elements in that story so far, it is listed only in the gay/authoritarian subcategory. It's not in the College Magic folder.

Jack and the Giant

Once upon a time there was a small kingdom that lived in prosperity. Its fields were fertile, its hives overflowed with honey and its cattle gave milk as rich as cream. It was ruled over by a just and wise queen. But all good things come to an end. One day a giant came to the land in a magic flying castle and demanded tribute. The queen's son led a band of heroes against the giant to drive him forth from the land, but he and his men were never heard from again. The giant stole the secret of the kingdom's success, a magical goose that not only laid golden eggs, but whose honking presence brought fertility and prosperity throughout the realm. (This story is not about the goose, but I will note that this goose was one of the immortal geese who once guarded the Temple of Juno Moneta, the goddess who protected the wealthy of ancient Rome.)

The land fell into famine and despair as the fields turned to dust, the bee colonies failed due to lack of wildflowers and the udders of the cattle dried up. The queen fell into a deep despair and eventually wasted away and died. Her funeral was a sad affair with no visitors from other lands. All the people of the village showed up to pay their respects, but the only bright spot in the entire affair was the funeral songs of the young prince, the queen's grandson whose voice was as beautiful as the song of birds. But the giant couldn't leave the people even this consolation. Overnight, a great beanstalk grew from the courtyard of the palace and stretched into the sky, all the way to the giant's castle in the sky. He came down by night and stole the prince. Then he climbed back up the beanstalk. Several brave men climbed the beanstalk and were never heard from again. The people despaired and cut down the beanstalk.

Five Years Later

Six years after the coming of the giant and five years after the theft of the prince, a farm boy named Jack lay in the barren apple orchard with his neighbor Thomas. Jack would turn turned 18 in a week. He was a handsome young man, with golden hair, blue eyes, and fair skin. He was stood six feet tall and weighed 180 pounds. He was generally acclaimed as the handsomest youth in all the kingdom, but he was also poor. His father had followed the prince into the giant's castle six years ago and had never returned. His mother had tried to keep the farm going, but the land produced barely enough food for the two of them. Thomas was the owner of the farm next door. He had no more prosperity than Jack and his mother, but they had always been friendly. He was 25 years old, with long brown hair and a well-trimmed beard. His eyes were dark brown, and he was generally acknowledged as the second most attractive man in the kingdom. Jack and Thomas had been lovers for six years.

Thomas used his finger to push more oil inside Jack's hole. He was more than ready to fuck Jack; his rampant erection was aching for release. "Come on Jack my lad, open up for me now," he said. "I need to get inside you quickly before the sight of your lovely little pucker has me spilling my seed here on the ground."

"I'm not quite there, Thomas," Jack said with a grimace. "Couldn't you use your tongue a little on me, like you used to do?"

Thomas pursed his lips and said, "We'll get you there lad. This sunflower oil will work in time."

The older man didn't give in. The truth was that he had begun to lose interest in Jack now that he was showing signs of a wispy beard and moustache. The magic was gone. He'd been fucking him since he was twelve. At first, he'd been head over heels in love with the boy, but now he was just convenient.

Thomas worked more oil into Jack's hole. Any objective observer would note that Jack still had a very attractive hole, pink in color and still tight after six years of intermittent fucking. If there was fault in their relationship, it lay with Thomas. Maybe he had just become jaded.

Once Jack was loosened up, Thomas aligned his attractive and respectably average penis up and thrust it inside Jack's tight hole. The younger man grimaced in pain. Thomas hardly bothered to make sure it felt good for him anymore. But he still liked the feeling of a hard cock in his ass. He pushed back with his butt with each thrust.

"You feel good inside me, Thomas," Jack said. It was true. Once the fucking began, the feeling of cock thrusting in and out past his prostate made him feel good. He was beginning to get a tingly feeling in his groin.

"Are you going to stoke my cock for me Thomas," Jack asked. Since Thomas was on his back, it was the least he could do. Unknown to Jack however, Thomas had lost any desire to touch the younger man's dick once it had grown larger than is own. Young Jack's cock was about 8 inches long, two inches longer than Thomas's. The older man didn't even like to see it now that it was bigger than his own.

Thomas's orgasm was approaching fast. Despite his flaws, Jack's butt really knew how to milk a cock. "Go ahead and stroke yourself," he said. "Bring yourself off Jackie."

Jack sighed and moved one hand to his own cock and started stroking. It felt good and soon he was shooting on the ground. Thomas enjoyed the sensation of Jack's butt grasping his cock. Soon he was spilling his seed deep inside his younger lover.

When both came, they lay back in the shade of the trees and sighed. "That was great, Thomas," Jack said.

"It was really good Jackie," Thomas said. "I wanted it to be good because it'll have to be our last time. I proposed to the widow Katrina, and she said yes. She's a fine-looking woman and we'll be able to merge our farms and maybe make more than a subsistence living."

"You're getting married," Jack said in disbelief, sitting up, "to a woman?"

"Well Jack, she is a handsome woman and she's only four years older than me," Thomas said. "I can always picture you when you were younger when I close my eyes."

Jack punched Thomas in the shoulder, not too lightly either. "Will it be me or your new 13-year-old stepson, Adric you'll be thinking of?"

Thomas smiled and said, "Maybe I'll tradeoff between the two images. Of course, it won't hurt that I've already had the boy and he's looking forward to me being his new daddy."

Jack got up and started putting his clothes back on. "Fuck you, Thomas," he yelled. "You're don't care about widow Katherine at all! You're just trading me in for a younger guy!"

"Don't get bitchy with me, Jack," Thomas said. "We had a good run, but I need someone younger and less ... hairy. You're just too old for me, Jackie."

Thomas got up and left. Jack spent some time sitting on the ground. This village was done for, and Jack's family farm wasn't doing any better. The apple orchard he was sitting had produced almost no fruit this year, and many of the branches had no buds. The fields had yielded very little grain or vegetables and the last cow they owned was skinny and produced no milk. Even the scrawny chickens laid few eggs.

What hope was there?

Jack finished getting dressed and walked back to the farmhouse. It too had become run down. Jack saw his mother. She was thirty-seven years old and managed to keep her looks despite the hard life they'd lived since Jack's father had disappeared into the giant's castle. He saw that she was fussing with the cow. When she saw Jack walking back toward the house, she called him over.

"Jack, we've reached the point where we need to sell this old cow and hope we can get enough for it to get us some fresh seed," she said. "I can't stress enough, Jackie, that we may not make it through the year without it. Last winter, we ate most of our seed corn, and planting time is right around the corner."

"Sure thing, mom," Jack said. "She's skinnier than anything, but I'll see what I can do."

"You're a good boy, Jackie," she said as she kissed him on the cheek. "Make me proud, boy."

Jack took the makeshift reins his mother had made from a rope and led the cow to market. It took an hour or so of walking to get to the village. It was prospering no better than Jack's family farm. There were very few goods available in the market. Above the town, Jack could see the abandoned castle. Only a small skeleton staff kept it running against the day that a proper heir to the throne could be found.

Jack went from one stall to another, trying to find someone who would buy his old broken down cow. Finally, he was approached by an old woman, leaning on a walking stick.

"You seem a little frustrated, young man," she said. "Aren't finding what you want here in the market?"

The old woman disturbed Jack for some reason he couldn't quite put his finger on, but he had been raised to always be a polite young man, so he said, "No ma'am, I'm not. The truth be told, I'm at my wits end. My mother and I have been struggling just to survive on our farm. When I was younger, before the giant came, we had acres of fields and orchards and dozens of cattle. Over the years, we've had to let the farm hands go. The orchards and fields have produced less each year. And the last harvest was so poor that we had no choice but to eat much of our seed corn over the winter. And now, if I can't get enough for this cow, our last cow, to purchase new seed corn, I fear that we will starve."

"Aye, `tis the same here in the village and on every farm in our small land," she said. "And to speak bluntly, your cow isn't worth hill of beans, let alone enough seed corn to make a difference. But I may be able to help you out, young man. What you need, indeed what this whole tiny kingdom needs, is hope. I think you may be the youth to bring that hope. You've always been a clever lad and you're special in just the right ways. I can't offer you a hill of beans for your cow, but I can offer you these few beans. They're magic beans, Jack, and great hope can sprout from a few small beans."

Jack knew that he shouldn't accept such a small bag of beans in exchange for their last cow, skinny and dried up as he was. But there was something about the strange old woman that was mightily compelling. He found himself, almost against his own will, reaching out to take the beans and to hand over the rope.

"Aye, `tis a good deal you've made this day, Jack. Keep your wits about you; you'll find hope and all the prosperity you could hope for. And when you're done, come seek me at the castle."

With those words Jack awoke as if from a dream. The strange old woman and the cow were gone, and Jack stood, mouth agape, in the street. Around him, the people were conducting their business in the market as if the old woman, and Jack's cow, had never been there in the first place.

When Jack returned home, his mother was eagerly awaiting him. "Jack, my good lad," she said, "show me what you got in exchange for our last cow!"

He held the small bag to his mother. Before opening it, she exclaimed, "No seed corn in this small bag! Must be coin enough to buy what we need."

"Inside the bag lie the seeds of hope for us all," Jack said, the words coming unbidden to his lips.

But when his mother peered inside the bag, she saw only a handful of beans. Disappointment clouded her features and she exclaimed, "Jack! You've ruined us both with this poor exchange. Now we won't survive until winter, let alone through its long, cold embrace."

Jack was quick to defend his actions, even though he didn't really understand them. "Dearest mother," he said, "these are magic beans!"

Before he could continue, his mother's face fell. In sadness and disappointment more than in anger, she threw the beans into the field and said, "There's not even enough to make a small stew, my boy. But it's not really your fault. Even butchered, the cow would have provided little sustenance as skinny as she was. Now we will starve sooner rather than later."

The two of them shared a meager supper of dried apples and sour cheese, then they went to bed with the sun.

That night, Jack slept well despite his mother's disappointment in him. He fell into a dream. In the dream, there was a ballroom, and it was filled with the most beautiful music Jack had ever heard, as beautiful as the voice of the young prince who'd been taken five years before. Shadowy figures danced around him, but his eyes were drawn to the only person whose features weren't obscured. A young man with raven black hair, skin like freshly drawn cream, and eyes of bluish gray, like the goddess Minerva. The young man was beautiful, everything Jack could ever imagine in a lover.

Then they were dancing on the floor, their lips locked in passion as their tongues gently caressed one another. Jack slid his hands down his partner's sides and felt his firm butt beneath his fancy hose. Their erections were pressing against one another through the cod pieces. No one noticed as they undid the straps on those cod pieces and allowed their erections freedom. Jack kissed the beautiful young man on the neck and grasped both their cocks in his hand. The dark-haired youth moaned in pleasure.

"I've never done this before, Jack. I've touched another or been touched like this before."

"You're in my hands now, my love," Jack whispered. "And I'll never let you go."

Just as they were about to cum, the dark-haired youth was whisked away backward, disappearing into the shadows, calling out, "Save me, Jack. Don't leave me alone and untouched, unable to touch!"

Jack searched frantically, but he couldn't find the raven-haired youth. He ran through the palace until he came to a garden with lush lilacs and lavender. Before a fountain there stood a beautiful woman with shimmering wings of scintillating color.

"Have you seen the boy, the raven-haired youth?" he asked.

"He's not here, my lad, but you can find him," she said.

"Where can I find him? How can I save him?" Jack cried.

"You've always been a clever lad, Jackie," the woman said.

Then she was gone, and the garden was overgrown with weeds. He was alone in the castle. Even the other dancers and the musicians were nowhere to be found.

Jack awoke in a cold sweat. The morning light was obscured by something large. Jack rushed to window and saw that a giant beanstalk had grown in the field next to their house. He was still looking up at it when his mother came out of the house and saw him.

"Jackie, move away from that beanstalk," she exclaimed. She knew the story about the stolen prince as well as anyone. "I've already lost your father to that giant, and I'll not be losing you as well!"

Jack looked back at her and said, "I think it's my destiny, mother. I must climb this beanstalk. I think this is what the witch who gave me the beans meant about hope sprouting from small seeds."

Jack's mother would have done anything to keep her son safe, but as she looked at him she realized that he was no longer a boy. He'd become a man, and he had to pursue his own destiny. "If that's your destiny boy, then I wish you luck, and I'll be praying night and day to Juno, the White Armed Goddess, to keep you safe, just as she kept Jason safe on his quest for the golden fleece."

Jack hugged his mother and then put one foot on the beanstalk and began to climb. It took hours to climb to the top where the beanstalk clung to the wall of an enormous castle. Jack stepped off the stalk and crept into the courtyard. Everything in the castle seemed sized for someone twice Jack's height. The courtyard was full of fat chickens and geese that looked tiny compared to the walls and doors around them.

Jack crept through the outbuildings, spying out the lay of the castle before entering it. There were rooms full of food, several filled floor to ceiling with grain, others with barrels full of wine and oil, and still others with smoked meat hanging from hooks in the ceiling. It was almost too much for Jack since he'd never seen so much food together in one place at one time, at least not since he was a boy. Jack snuck into the back courtyard and was approaching the kitchen doors when he was spotted by one of the trio of gargoyles that guarded the castle. They looked like stone unless they moved, so Jack was caught by surprise when one of them turned its ugly face in his direction and swooped down on him, grabbing him in its claws.

The gargoyle carried the terrified Jack to the top of one of the castles tall towers and dropped him onto the roof. It landed next to him and stared down its beaky nose and sniffed. The creature was nearly seven feet tall, with large tusks, a bald head and gray skin that was smooth but had the appearance of stone.

"What have we here?" It asked. "A thief?"

"No sir," Jack exclaimed. "I am a farm boy from the land at the bottom of the magic beanstalk. I climbed the beanstalk to talk to the giant and to plead with him to share some of his bounty with us, for we are starving, and all the fertility is gone from our land."

"So, you haven't yet found the giant?" the gargoyle asked.

"No sir, I haven't," Jack replied, hoping to be allowed on his way. He had no weapons, nor any other way of fighting off a creature seemingly made of stone.

"I thought not," the gargoyle said. "You don't yet have his smell upon you. That's good because now I can't be accused of taking what's his."

The gargoyle reached out with its claws and sliced Jack's tunic to shreds, leaving him standing in just his trousers and boots. "I'm one of the guardians of the castle, boy, and it's my job to catch thieves and to throw them from the walls down to the ground below," he snarled. "I should do this to you, but I am moved by your tale of woe. Convince me that I should let you live."

Jack thought for a moment and determined that clever words would not move the gargoyle. Seeing the bulge at the gargoyle's pelvis, Jack reached out one hand and stroked that area. A crack appeared and large stony cock came out. "I can see that you work hard, great guardian of the castle, and that you have little time for relief," he said, stroking the hard cock gently. "If you spare my life, I could help to relieve the stress of your job and to bring a smile to your lips."

The gargoyle stretched back, and its stony cock throbbed in Jack's hand. It was bigger than Jack's but not by as much as you would expect. Then the gargoyle lashed out with its claws again and ripped Jack's trousers to shreds.

"Do you promise to give me what I can take at my leisure, even in the air before hurling you to your doom?" he growled, with the sound of rock grating on rock.

Jack was perplexed. He didn't know what to do. He had no money, and nothing left to barter save his body. He knew that his body elicited murmurs of approval from both women and men, but he wasn't sure if a stone monster would be as appreciative. But he looked into the gargoyles eyes and saw desire, mixed with sadness, like there was something that he wanted, something he couldn't ask for. Jack decided to be daring. He pulled the gargoyle close with the hand he held wrapped around it, then reached his other hand around and felt the smooth, cool globes of its firm ass.

"There is one thing I could give you," he said, allowing his finger to slide along the crack between those stony globes, "if it's the sort of thing you would desire."

He let his finger slide between those cheeks as the gargoyle opened for him. Jack saw tears in the creature's eyes. He kissed them away and then kissed him on his cold, stone lips.

"For a great big creature of stone, you're just a soft-hearted creature inside, aren't you?" Jack whispered. "But you're too tall for me if we do this standing up."

The gargoyle knelt on hands and legs and pressed its stony backside up towards Jack. And Jack looked down and saw that between those stony cheeks there was a perfectly formed sphincter. He knelt behind the creature and places a kiss right on the ring, then used his tongue to tease it into opening.

"You surely have a lovely stone pucker back here, Sir Gargoyle," Jack said. Then he worked his tongue deeper, making the great stone creature shudder and sigh with delight. Jack continued to work that hole, alternating between his tongue and his fingers until he determined it felt loose enough. Pulling back slightly, he said, "Sir Gargoyle, I am hard and aching to make love to you, and I am trusting you to be gentle with me because I fear that you could rip my own cock off at the root if you were to clench these mighty buttocks while I'm inside you."

"Don't worry little man," the creature responded. "You have made me happier than I have been since I came into the giant's service."

Jack eased his seven inches through the stony ring into the surprisingly warm and velvety interior. He began to thrust forward and pull back, and he allowed one hand to slide down and grasp the creature's stony cock. The gargoyle's ass was like a glove, stroking Jack's cock while he stroked the gargoyle's stony member. Despite the strangeness and the danger of fucking the gargoyle, Jack enjoyed it more than the last dozen or so unenthusiastic tumbles he'd had with Thomas. His orgasm was approaching quickly, so Jack stroked the gargoyle faster. The two of them came together. For Jack, this was his first time topping in a sexual encounter, and he discovered that he liked it very much.

As their orgasm's faded, even before Jack could withdraw his cock from the gargoyle's firm ass, the stony skin became rough and dry, then it blew away as if in a gentle breeze. Jack saw two beautiful olive toned buttocks before him. He turned his partner around to see a handsome young man, with deep olive skin, brown curly hair, and eyes like honey. From his back sprung two wings of brown and red feathers.

"Thank you, Jack," the beautiful young man said. "My name is Kalliston, and I am one of the venti, spirits of the wind, serving Favonius, the west wind. My two brothers and I were investigating the evil giant who rules this castle when we were captured and cursed, weighed down within a stony shell, unable to be free until a human would care enough to make love to us. Now you have cured me, and I beg you to free my brothers as well."

Jack sighed. The ventus was a beautiful youth and presumably so were his brothers, but Jack himself was a mere mortal man. "I am not a god to be so potent that I can perform this duty for you three times in succession, no matter how pleasurable it may be," he admitted.

Kalliston smiled at Jack, and it was like a warm summer breeze blowing across his naked skin. "If you will promise to free my brothers Ariston and Kalyteron, then I will give you a gift that few mortals have enjoyed since the golden age," he said.

Jack agreed to try his best and Kalliston left him alone on the roof. He looked around and saw the grounds of the castle and the endless cloudscape beyond. He waited for nearly an hour before Kalliston appeared with two hulking gargoyles, as ugly as he was beautiful. Kalliston landed gently on the roof and handed a small bottle of purple liquor to him.

"This vial contains juice from the sacred pomegranates of Venus," he said. "If you taste this liquor, it will bring you potency like the gods."

Jack took the vial and drank down the sweet pomegranate juice. It was the most delicious drink he had ever had, and it felt like fire running throughout his entire body, although it focused most intently on his cock, perineum, and anus. He was erect again without even touching himself. With a smile, he gestured for the gargoyles to kneel before him on hand and knees. He made gentle love first to Ariston and then to Kalyteron, each time seeing their stony prison turn to dust and blow away. The two brothers were as beautiful as Kalliston, and they were difficult to tell apart, save that Ariston had hair like beaten copper and Kalyteron had hair like spun gold.

"We thank you," the triplets said. "You've freed us from the curse and now we owe you favor."

Kalliston said, "I will speak to Favonius himself so that gentle winds bring rain to nourish the crops in all the lands you hold in suzerainty."

Then Ariston stepped forth and said, "And I will speak to our uncle the north wind so that he will blow and all the animals on the lands where you hold suzerainty will be fertile and multiply."

Last Kalyteron stepped forward and said, "And I will speak to our uncle the south wind so that the weather in all lands you hold in suzerainty may be blessed with pleasant weather."

As the three flew off, they pointed to a trap door in the roof of the tower and said, "That door leads to stair that will take you down to the kitchens. Speak to the giant's wife. She can help you in your quest."

Jack shouted his thanks and opened the trap door. Then he followed the spiral staircase down several floors, past doors that led into the castle, but Jack didn't stop until he came to door that led to the kitchen, he could tell because the door was ajar, and the sounds of pots clanging came from within. Expecting a crowd of servants from the sound, Jack was surprised when he peeked inside and saw only a single woman tending to a giant size stove. She had pushed a bench in front of it so she could reach the pots. A whole pig was roasting on a spit over the fire in the giant hearth as well. It smelled as if the woman were making mulled wine.

The woman herself looked a bit older than thirty, with muscles on her bare arms. She was a handsome woman, not that Jack noticed because he was a youth completely oblivious to the charms of women. She was intent on her cooking, so she didn't notice Jack slip into the room and walk towards the door into the great hall. In that room, he saw the giant sitting on a chair at the table drinking ale from a comically large goblet. He was seated, so it was hard to tell, but the giant stood just a tad over twelve feet tall. At 800 pounds, he was solidly built, but not fat. His hair was long and reddish brown, and his beard was full and bushy. He wasn't hideous, but he wasn't handsome either.

On the sideboard, there was a magic harp playing beautiful music. Jack wanted to take a closer look, but he was afraid to get much closer to the giant. He bent low and scurried along the wall until he came to a padded bench. He crawled under it to watch the giant and plan his next move. He was hoping to see the giant's wife, since he'd been promised that she would help him.

Suddenly the giant slammed down his tankard, sloshing ale all over the table, and shouted at the top of his lungs.

Fee, Fie, Foe, Fum!
I've caught the scent of a twinkie bum.
Be he ginger, brunette or blond,
Anon I'll impale him on my knob!

Jack quailed in fear and tried to crawl back further under the bench. The woman from the kitchen came out waving a cleaver and shouted, "There's no one here, you great clumsy lout! You're drunk in your cups again!"

The giant shouted back, "Don't you argue with me, Wife! I known the scent of a sexed-up twink when I smell it!"

"Bah!" the woman yelled. "Go ahead and wear yourself out shouting! I've got a roast pig to watch!"

The giant started pulling furniture away from the walls to look behind it. He pulled the sideboard away so quickly that the magic harp nearly fell onto the floor. The woman threw the heavy cleaver and it slammed into the sideboard next to the giant's hand.

"Watch that harp, you lumbering oaf!" she threatened. "If that harp is damaged, our deal is off!"

The giant carefully picked up the harp and set it gently in the middle of the table. "Are you happy now," he yelled, "you nagging harpy!"

She stomped off back into the kitchen and the giant continued looking. Jack peered out and from under the bench and looked at the harp. It stood somewhere between five and six feet tall. The soundbox was carved to resemble a naked youth with black hair and fair skin. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw the woman in the doorway gesturing to get his attention. When he looked her in the eye, she motioned for him to wait.

"What's that?" she screamed, pointing toward the large staircase at the far end of the room. "I saw something run up the stairs!"

The giant jumped and ran toward the stairs. "I'll get your little ass, you little twink!"

Once he had disappeared up the stairs, the woman motioned for Jack to join her in the kitchen. The young man ran to join her. She looked him up and down and demanded, "Who are you? Where did you come from? How did you get here? And why are you creeping through the giant's house with a raging erection, naked except for your boots?"

Jack was taken aback. He had almost forgotten his nakedness and he'd been erect since drinking that juice. "My name is Jack, ma'am," he explained. "I climbed a beanstalk that grew in the field next to my house. I'm naked because a gargoyle ripped the clothes off me before I fucked him and broke his curse. It turns out he was a beautiful ventus who been imprisoned in a stone shell. Then he gave me some magic pomegranate juice, so I'd be hard enough to cure his brothers as well. And I've been raging hard ever since. Sorry about my indecency ma'am."

"You are a polite one, aren't you Jack?" she asked, but then she went on without waiting for an answer. "Tell me true, boy, did you cure all three gargoyles and release the venti?"

"Yes ma'am," Jack replied, moving his hand in a futile attempt to cover his seven inch erection.

"That will make things easier," she said. "Without them to harass us on the way, we can climb down the beanstalk."

She glanced at his ill-hidden hardon and laughed, "Don't worry none to much about that. It's nothing I haven't see before, and it don't titillate me none. Never seen a willie that does anything for me, no matter how big it may be."

"The giant called you his wife," Jack said. "And yet he's sniffing around for boy butt."

"Ah, the giant thinks a wife is someone to wait on him hand and foot and to cook his meals," she said. "He prefers boys."

Jack seemed a little incensed. "And he called me a twink," he said. "I think at six feet and 180 pounds, I'm more manly than a twink, even if I'm not yet fully a man."

"Don't worry your pretty head about it boy," she chuckled. "You're half his height and an eighth his weight. Of course, he thinks of you as a twink. It's what he always calls human men."

She saw Jack was still trying to cover his cock, so she threw him an apron. "That'll protect your modesty, boy. Now we need a plan to escape. We're going to have to wait until the giant gets all his magical treasures together in one place."

"His magical treasures ma'am?" Jack asked.

"Yes my boy," she explained. If he brings the goose that lays the golden eggs out into the hall and has the harp with him, we can get him drunk and take off down that beanstalk. This may require some sacrifice on your part, Jack."

"What sacrifice ma'am," he asked. "I'll do anything to stop this giant."

"Well," she said, "he's not going to feel much like partying until he finds his "twink". Keep in mind that he has a good nose, and he will find you sooner or later."

Jack felt a twinge in his hole as the probable size of the giant came to mind, but he wanted to stop the giant anyway he could. He just hoped that he would be able to find a way to end him once the giant had followed him down the beanstalk.

"I'll do it ma'am," Jack said. He didn't really have a choice.

The woman told him to tie the apron around himself and follow her lead. He did and then she grabbed him by the ear and dragged him into the great hall. "Husband!" she yelled. "I found your twink for you!"

The giant came running down the stairs, bolting at full speed, crashing into the wall in his haste. He brushed himself off and came into the room. Then he grabbed Jack and lifted him up do he could look him in the eye. "You aren't such a bad wife, after all, you hag!" he boomed. "You caught him for me. Oh, he's a pretty one, this boy is. I won't have to turn him around backwards like I did those knights who came here five years ago. I probably won't get bored with this one so quick either and have to kill him."

He threw Jack over his shoulder and carried him to the chair.

"Don't get too cozy over there," the woman yelled. "It's almost sundown and you know the goose won't lay in that closet. She gets nervous if she can't hear the harp and then she doesn't lay."

"All right, you hideous beast!" he bellowed. "You'd think the gold was yours, the way you prattle on!"

The giant put a leather collar around Jason's neck and attached it by a chain to his waist. "Come along, sexy twink," he said, giving the leash a tug. He set off for a closet, forcing Jack to trot to keep up with him. Then he used his finger to trace a magic rune on the door and it opened. Inside there were sacks filled with the cracked remains of golden eggs. In a cage, in the middle of the room there was a large goose with feathers the color of gold. The giant picked it up and brought it out to sit on the table.

The woman came up to the table as well, holding an enormous clay pot with a clay lid that looked like the head of a penis. "Here's your lube, husband," she said. "You'll be needing this if you don't want to kill the lad."

The giant took the pot and said, "Aw, forget every mean thing I ever said about you, you screeching cow!"

The woman waved him off and went back into the kitchen, as the giant was sitting down. He opened his trousers in the front and revealed a cock that was just under a foot long. Jack had been expecting something worse. He had a largish cock for a human, and the giant's dick was only about four inches longer than his, but significantly thicker.

"Play something sexy, Harp," the giant commanded. Then he bent Jack over the table and started to poke at his butthole. "This is a tight one. I must be lucky enough to have a bagged a virgin! What's wrong with the men down there? Have they no appreciation for a pretty, pink pucker?"

Jack decided not to disillusion him and tell him about the more than a hundred times Thomas had been inside him over the last six years. But then again, Thomas was so small compared to the giant that Jack may as well have been a virgin.

The harp was playing a sensual tune, and then it began to sing. It was the most beautiful voice Jack had ever heard. It was like the song he's heard in his dream. He was caught up in the beautiful harp and its equally beautiful song. The carven front of the soundbox was exquisitely detailed. Jack could see the long, shapely legs, the slender and tight torso and the delicately carved penis that nestled between those milky white thighs. If that harp were a real person, then Jack could have fallen in love.

All his sexy thoughts, however, were interrupted by the giant's inexpert poking of his ass with his greasy finger. He felt the tip of the finger force its way inside the ring of his anus. It was slippery enough, but it had no finesse. Jack yelped in pain.

"Do you like this, twink boy?" the giant demanded.

Jack knew it was a good idea not to anger the giant, so he lied. "It feels really good, sir. It's so big and it's hitting all the right spots. You must be an expert at this!"

The giant roared with delight and said, "That's no lie. I always leave them satisfied in their end." He laughed at his own feeble pun then sank a second finger inside Jack's hole. Jack was grunting from pain, but he managed to convince the giant that he was in pleasure.

Jack gave a forced moan, "Oh sir, your cock is making my ass tingle with excitement!"

The giant laughed again and said, "That's just two of my fingers, boy. Imagine how good it will feel when I put my fuck stick inside you!" Then he shoved a third finger inside him.

Jack thought the giant's sexy talk was worse than his foreplay, but he continued to play along. The giant continued to play in Jack's ass with three fingers until it became uncomfortable, then he pulled them and slammed Jack down on his cock. The pain of an eleven-inch cock that was nearly four inches in width slamming inside him in one painful thrust caused even Jack's magically enhanced erection to wilt.

The giant grabbed for Jack's cock and bellowed, "If you're enjoying it so much, why aren't you hard! If your little cock doesn't work properly, I'll just have to cut it off!"

The giant starting lifting Jack up and letting him fall back onto his cock. Jack wasn't sure he could get excited at this rough and unwelcome fucking, but he had to try. At first he closed his eyes and thought of Thomas, but his neighbor hadn't really satisfied him in months. Then he heard that beautiful song and thought of the carved image of a youth. He opened his eyes and stared at the image, taking in every gorgeous detail. He imagined that the raven-haired youth was fucking him instead, but there was no way that the handsome youth would give him such a terrible fucking. Instead, he stared at those legs and imagined that they were wrapped around his waist and the youth had opened his beautiful flower for him. He became hard again.

The giant felt Jack's hardon and seemed happy. "Now I believe that you're enjoying it," he said. "I won't cut your cock off – this time!" He laughed at what he probably thought was a funny joke. Jack ignored the giant's voice and lost himself in his fantasy encounter with the youth on the harp.

"Take my cum, you little runt!" the giant roared.

Jack grabbed his own cock and stroked it to orgasm, fearing what the giant would do if he wasn't satisfied that Jack had enjoyed the encounter. "Oh master!" Jack cried out. "You've fucked the cum right out of my balls. No one can fuck like you, sir."

The giant was laughing now. "You've got that right, tiny boy," he said. "And I'll fuck you twice a day until I get tired of you and kill you!"

At that point the woman came into the room pushing a giant size trolley. On it was the roasted pig, a loaf of bread and a giant chalice of mulled wine. The giant helped her to put it on the table without getting up from his chair or allowing Jack off his cock. He began to eat in earnest. Occasionally, he remembered to give a bite to the youth still impaled on his cock. Jason could smell the alcohol in the mulled wine. It must have contained more brandy than wine.

The woman kept bringing food and refilling the chalice with mulled wine and brandy, until the sated giant passed out drunk. Jack lifted himself off the giant's cock and climbed down from the chair. He reached up and removed the collar from around his neck. The woman came back into the room.

"Be careful now, Jack," she said. "He's asleep from the drink, but he could wake up if we do aught to arouse him. Get his key and unlock the goose from her cage. I'll get changed into clothing more appropriate and find some rope."

"Didn't the giant use his magic to seal the lock on the cage like he did the door?" Jack asked.

"Don't be silly, boy," she answered. "That goose is one of the immortal geese sacred to Great Juno. Magic wouldn't hold her, but simple iron should do the trick."

When the woman left, Jack lifted the ring from the giant's belt and found the key to open the lock. He pulled out the goose. Although she was fatter of body than other geese, Jack noticed nothing strange about her.

"Now you be quiet, goose," Jack said. "If you start up honking, you'll wake that giant right away!"

The goose gave Jack a look that said she understood him very well. When he turned to climb back on the table, she goosed him hard on his bare butt and gave him a sidelong glance as if to say, what do you expect? I am a goose.

Jack climbed up and examined the harp. He wanted to find a safe way to lower it to the floor so they could take it with them. It was almost as tall as Jack and very heavy. As he looked at the harp, it played a soft and plaintive tune. Jack couldn't resist himself; he kissed the lips of the youth on the soundbox. The carven image was so handsome that Jack was halfway in love with it. He left his hands slide down the torso until they came to rest on the youth's hard cock.

"Wait a minute," Jack said, speaking to himself since only the goose and the sleeping giant were present. "I've been staring at this image for some time, and I know that this cock wasn't hard a moment ago. He stroked the wooden cock, and the harp played a moaning melody.

"Well, if that isn't something," Jack said. He knelt before the image, low enough to take the wooden cock in his mouth. He sucked on it as if it were the real thing. He let his tongue play with the underside and to massage the head. To be sure, the cock was no longer than Thomas's and somewhat thinner around. He swallowed it the root, pressing his face against the carved pubic hair. He thoroughly forgot that the wood he was sucking wasn't metaphorical but truly made of wood. That's why he was surprised when the wooden phallus erupted, sending warm and delicious cum into his mouth. It tasted much better than had Thomas's or his own. He continued to suck until the cock in his mouth had no more to give him.

That's when he noticed that the cock was no longer made of wood. It was warm, soft, and smooth flesh. Jack looked up into eyes the color of the sky before a storm, gray with just a hint of blue. Long raven-black hair framed the fair skinned face with the delicate features that were more pretty than handsome.

Jack let the cock slip from his mouth, stood up and embraced the youth. "You're the boy of my dreams!" he exclaimed.

"And you are the answer to all my prayers," he said, "and a right handsome answer at that."

The two kissed deeply and passionately. Their tongues didn't rightly duel in their mouth, more like they danced, sliding along one another to a passionate waltz that no one could hear. Both their cocks had become hard again, and Jack was busy stroking the two of them with one hand while the raven-haired youth arched his back and moaned in pleasure. In moments, the youths were spewing their intermingled seed together.

And this is how the woman found them when she returned. She was now dressed in tunic and trousers, over which she wore a hauberk of brigandine. Her arms were protected by thick leather bracers, and she had a broad sword strapped across her back.

"Prince Valerian!" she exclaimed. "It's a miracle that you've regained your true form. It's what I've been waiting for, to see you in the flesh and to hear your voice speaking instead of limited to repeating the lyrics of song."

Jack and the Prince climbed down from the table, both naked except for the fact that Jack was wearing boots. The prince ran up and embraced the woman. "Maximia!" he cried, wrapping her in his arms. "You have been my most loyal guard and the best friend a boy could hope for, to stand by and to take the giant's abuse every day."

"It was all in the hope of seeing you restored one day, my prince," she said, taking a knee.

Jack didn't know what to say. He was overwhelmed at the fact that he was standing in the presence of royalty, his own prince to whom he owed allegiance, the prince with the beautiful voice who sang at his grandmother's funeral and then was taken by the giant. He fell to his knees before the prince.

"Arise Dame Maximia," the prince said. "When we return, you shall be named the Knight Protector of my realm and you will always have my ear and my favor."

Then the prince put a hand on Jack's head and said, "And dearest Jack, my savior, I would never have you kneel before in submission again. You and I shall take turns kneeling before the other from this day forward. If you will consent to become my prince consort, then you shall share in my throne and hold equal suzerainty to mine until the last of our days. Will you, Jack? Will you be my prince consort?"

Jack was overwhelmed with it all, but he knew from the moment he looked into those eyes that he would never love another so much as this prince. He rose and said, "I will, my prince, with all my heart."

The prince grabbed the golden goose and held her in his arms. She pressed her head against his neck and gave an almost silent honk of approval. Prince Valerian, soon-to-be prince consort Jack and Dame Maximia made for the door so they could escape this castle.

"How will we stop the giant when he comes after us?" Jack called.

Dame Maximia replied, "We'll figure something out when we get there! You're a clever lad, Jack, you'll think of something."

As they were leaving the great hall, the golden goose let out a loud series of honks that caused the giant to awaken from his drunken stupor. "The goose had betrayed us!" yelled Dame Maximia and Jack in unison.

Prince Valerian stroked the goose and said, "She would never do that. She's been the protector of my family for generations."

They ran to the beanstalk. Dame Maximia tied a rope to her waist and to Jack's so they could keep each other from falling. The prince climbed onto Jack's back because he needed one hand to hold onto the goose. Jack and the prince climbed down first, followed by Dame Maximia.

The giant was drunkenly following their trail. He stumbled through the courtyard, the geese milling around his feet and tripping him up and slowing him down. Jack and his companions were able to get on the beanstalk and start climbing down before the giant could catch them.

The giant placed one hand on the beanstalk and began to levitate downward. Immediately, he was assaulted by venti, not just the three that Jack had saved from their curse, but dozens of them. The giant was forced to cling to the beanstalk and descend slowly by climbing. Despite the giant's greater arm span he was slower than Jack and Dame Maximia because he had to struggle with the venti as he descended.

When Jack reached the bottom of the beanstalk, he saw that the giant was only halfway down. He also noted that the giant couldn't fly because of the venti. He had to hold on to the beanstalk, which made him slow and vulnerable. When Dame Maximia arrived at the bottom he said, "Please ma'am, can I borrow your sword?"

She handed the sword to Jack and he began hacking into the base of the beanstalk. The giant was three quarters of the way down when the beanstalk gave way, but he was still more than a hundred feet in the air. He tried to fly but was unable to concentrate due to the savage attacks by the venti. He plummeted to earth and crashed into the ground. Jack, Dame Maximia and Prince Valerian rushed to his body. He had broken his fall with his neck, and he was quite dead. The three stared at the body in disbelief for a moment, unable to believe that the giant who had terrorized them for the last six years was finally gone.

Jack's mother ran into the field, drawn from her prayers by the sound of the crash. "Jack!" she yelled. "Why are you standing naked in the field? And why is that boy naked with you? And who is this woman?"

When she drew nearer, she recognized the prince by his familiar features which he shared with his long dead father. She went to curtsey and fell flat on her face. Dame Maximia ran to help her to her feet. Their eyes met and a spark flew between them. Dame Maximia smiled for the first time since Jack had seen her, and Jack's mother blushed. Then she curtseyed and said, "Your highness."

Prince Valerian told her, "Rise good woman."

When Jack's mother rose to her feet, the naked prince knelt before her and said, "I beg permission good woman to take your son Jack as my prince-consort to share not only my love, but my throne and my crown."

"Yes, of course, your highness," she said.

Jack and the prince got dressed in some of Jack's clothes, although they were exceedingly baggy on the prince. Then all five of them went into town to visit the castle. The garden of the castle had come alive. The flowers were in bloom and the trees were full of fresh new leaves. The old woman who had traded the beans to Jack in return for his broken-down cow was here, stooped in her shawl and leaning on her walking stick. The goose leapt out the prince's arms and ran to the old woman and nuzzled her with its neck.

"You did well, Jack," she said. "The giant is dead; you've rescued the prince and you've brought fertility back to the land." Her hand gently stroked the goose's neck when she said those last words.

"If I am not mistaken, and I seldom am, we will have a wedding and a double coronation in the days to come."

Then the woman changed before them. No longer was she an old woman. She was revealed as Juno, the great mother goddess. "And behold the venti," she said, gesturing towards the wind spirits, all of whom appeared as handsome young men with wings. Each was carrying sacks of grain, new seed corn for the entire kingdom drawn from the larders of the giant. Outside, hundreds of venti had arrived. Soon the castle larders were full. They also brought all the gold from the broken shells of the golden goose, enough gold to refill the coffers of the castle.

Within the week, Princes Valerian and Jack were wed. In attendance were the venti and the goddess herself, who blessed their union. Prosperity returned to the kingdom.

On their wedding night, the Princes Jack and Valerian left the party once the feasting was done to find time alone in their chambers. They were both dressed in rich robes of state. Neither of them could undress themself, but they could just barely manage undress one another. Jack stood four inches taller than Valerian and was handsome in a masculine way, with a square jaw and well-muscled physique. Prince Valerian was slighter of frame and more delicate of feature.

Once naked, they fell onto the soft bed and let their hands and lips explore one another. Jack had some experience with sex, having been his neighbor's lover since he was twelve, but Valerian had no experience at all, since he'd spent his adolescent and young teen years locked into a form of a wooden relief sculpture, but he was eager to learn.

Jack let his hands roam all over the smooth body of his prince. His lips moved softly over Valerian's neck and chest. Then he teased his nipples with his tongue and bit them gently with his teeth. Valerian moaned and grabbed hold of Jack's hair. He'd never felt sensations like this before and he felt alive in a way that he never had in his life.

Jack moved slowly down his prince's abdomen to his erect penis. It was small compared to Jack's, five inches to Jack's seven, but Jack thought it was a very pretty penis indeed. He kissed the head gently, then slid the foreskin back to reveal the lovely shape of the head. He licked it gently, causing Valerian to moan and groan with pleasure, and to grab hold of Jack's hair with his slender fingers.

"Oh Jack," he cried, "it feels so good that I don't think I can take it much longer. Your mouth is warm and wet, and the things your tongue are doing to me!"

Jack slid the entire length of his lover's cock into his mouth and sucked, using his tongue and his cheeks to massage him until he exploded, and Jack's mouth was filled with his lover's seed. The second time around, he still thought that it was the most delicious thing he'd ever tasted. He didn't swallow. He moved back up to his lover's head and the two of them kissed, sharing the load between them.

That night he introduced his lover to many forms of sexual intimacy. He taught the eager Valerian to suck his cock, and to share that load in turn. He taught him the joys of a long, sensual frottage beneath the sheets. He taught him the joys involved in tasting his lover's ass and having his own tasted in turn, and he taught him how to fuck and to be fucked in turn.

Of the two, Jack was the more aggressive and sexually dominant. He'd been enhanced by the sacred Pomegranates of Venus, so he more often played top, but both youths enjoyed intimacy in all the variations available to them. And so, they lived happily ever after.

A few weeks after the royal marriage and dual coronation, Dame Maximia and Jack's mother Alma made their own vows. The story of their wedding night would be found in a different tale (and a different place in these archives) if it were to be written down, but they were much more private people than the princes and they shared details with no one. Alma managed the farm and oversaw the many workers who were needed once fertility had returned to their lands and Dame Maximia did indeed become Knight Protector of the land. The farmhouse was but an hour's walk from the outskirts of town, and but thirty minutes by a leisurely carriage, so the two women were seldom parted in the evening.

Thomas had the joy of his new wife but was disappointed at the fact that his new stepson Adric was given a position in the court as a royal page, where he quickly found love with a young knight closer to his own age who served there. Jack had nothing to do with this decision, for he wasn't a spiteful ruler, but Valerian had heard the tale of Thomas's schemes during pillow talk and had decided to spare young Adric the same experience Jack had endured.

And there was peace and prosperity throughout the land, and they all lived happily ever after.

If you enjoyed this story and don't mind a little authoritarian mixing in your fantasy erotica, check out my College Magic Cycle stories (https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/authoritarian/college-magic-cycle/).

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