
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Aug 2, 2021


Jaiden Chapter 121

Gregory A. Patrick


Jaiden – Chapter 120

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Greg Patrick

"Hank, Rebecca, welcome! Come in. We'll go through the door to your right into the den."

"Dale, Charley, this is Dr. Hank Stankovitz, his wife Rebecca, their son, Richard, and their daughter, Elizabeth. Hank, Rebecca, these two gentlemen are our brothers, Dale and Charley."

"The ten babies about to tackle you are our children: Benjamin Dale, Jason Alexander, Ethan Robert, Abraham Dovid, Mark Alexander, Elijah James, Alaina Noelle, Charles Logan, whom we call Chuck after Charley's dad, Philip Mikel, and John Peter."

"The first five boys named belong to Peyton and me, and the other four boys named belong to Dale and Charley. So that leaves the boss and controller of the nine boys, Alaina Noelle, the toughest of all the children."

"You mean to tell me that little girl can control nine boys?" "When you hear her yell, watch the boys."

A few minutes later, Hank and Rebecca heard Alaina Noelle yell `no' and got tickled as all nine boys quickly sat together in the middle of the den. "Jaiden, how'd she learn to do that?"

"Trial and error, Hank. The boys tried to smother Alaina Noelle with their protection, and that was their error. Alaina Noelle popped Nathan Robert in the mouth, and ever since, the boys have made sure to not make her mad."

"Hilarious," Rebecca said. "I have never seen such a young child control siblings like that."

"Neither have we, Rebecca. Alaina Noelle is definitely Dale's daughter, but she is so much like my mom and Charley's dad that we have sometimes wondered. Can you imagine her growing up, getting a boyfriend, and him trying something he shouldn't? She's going to hurt him in a way he'll never forget. If she doesn't, her dad or her Uncle Peyton will."

"I can understand Dale going after the boy, by why Peyton?" "Hank, if someone messes with any of these children, they will answer to Peyton, and I promise you, they don't want to do that." "Why, Jaiden." "Peyton is a world-renowned karate and Ju-Jitsu champion; he has competed in five European countries and won every event."

"One guy in Erie tried to rob four pregnant women and us with a knife and a pistol. Peyton took both weapons and made the guy wish he had killed him. However, because of the thug's previous crimes, he is now serving life without parole in the Pennsylvania Prison System. Peyton's sister recorded the entire event."

"When the video was played for the judge in court, the entire courtroom erupted in laughter – including the judge. The guy was seething as he was carried, handcuffed and shackled, back to the jail. The judge repeated what Peyton had said on the video during the assault: "the next time you try to rob four gay guys and four pregnant women, you better remember that one of the gay guys may very well stomp your butt; damn, that is hilarious. Of course, Peyton didn't say butt on the tape, but you get the message."

"Peyton, you really did that?" "I did, Hank, and if anybody messes with these children or the women who gave birth to them for us, I'll do it again. I don't like people who hurt children or women. I don't care who they are; if they hurt a child or a woman, especially a pregnant woman or a woman with a child, they will get hurt."

"Peyton, looking at you, you aren't a huge man and, yet, you can do that!" "Hank, C4 comes in small and disguised packages." "Damn, I hope I don't ever see you explode." "Don't be around if someone abuses a child or a woman, and you won't see me explode."

"Coffee and hot knishes, everyone!" "Dale, the knishes smell heavenly." "Rebecca, wait until you taste one and have a sip of coffee with it. Cream, sugar, and Stevia are on the tray for y'all."

"Jaiden, you weren't kidding. I have never had coffee this good." Rebecca seconded what Hank said. Then, when she tasted the knishes, she said, "Dale, how did you make these? I make knishes the way my mother and mother-in-law do, but I can't get them to taste like this."

Dale replied, "Rebecca, I don't measure anything, so you would have to watch me make them and learn what I do that way. Mrs. Irene is going to talk to Hadassah at the next meeting and try to get a date when I can show the ladies how my knishes are made."

"That's great, Dale. I'm the President of Hadassah, so as soon as that date is set, I will know. And I get to tell the ladies how delicious your knishes are. I can hardly wait until the exhibition date is set."

"Peyton, are the children playing outside?" "They are, Rebecca. Dale is out there watching them, making sure they are OK. Knowing him, he has Richard and Elizabeth juggling golf balls. Let me see. Yep, just as I suspected. Hank, you and Rebecca, come over here and watch this."

When they got to the door and watched the children, Rebecca said, "Hank, that is unreal. How did Dale teach them to do that so fast?"

"Rebecca, he teaches the children a little bit of Trigonometry without them knowing it to get their timing down to a science. Then he stresses a positive attitude for each child, and the result is what you see. He does that in Erie for children having self-concept doubts and math problems. After he works with the children, those problems seem to go away and not return."

"Robert has had self-esteem issues this past school year, and Elizabeth hated math. I can't wait to see how the school year starts shaping up this week." "Rebecca, let us know how the children do. Dale and Charley are whizzes when it comes to any kind of math, and Dale has a way of getting rid of self-esteem issues. I love to watch him working with children; he's a natural at it, and he loves doing it."

The children finally got tired and started coming inside. The babies were cute as they sat on the steps and scooted up the stairs on their little butts until they got onto the deck and could walk inside with Dale.

When Richard and Elizabeth came in, they were excited as they asked their parents to watch them do what Dale had taught them outside. First, they juggled three golf balls like they had been doing it for years. Then Dale gave them a fourth golf ball that they had not tried outside. Their parents were amazed that Richard and Elizabeth juggled all four golf balls perfectly the first time they tried to.

Hank looked at Dale and asked him how he had taught the children to do that so quickly. Dale explained how juggling involved math, timing, and confidence.

Having the trust in themselves to juggle the balls was the most essential concept. Dale told Hank and Rebecca that, more likely than not, Richard and Elizabeth would tackle and succeed at whatever they tried from that point on. When school started, that statement would prove to be true.

The next day at St. Jude's, Hank told Jaiden and Peyton that both his children had gone home the night before and worked through issues in math and science that had been stumping them all summer. He told Peyton and Jaiden how his children doing that had made him incredibly proud. "Jaiden, Peyton, I don't know what Dale did or how he did it, please tell him, Rebecca, and I said thank you.

"Hank, they will be having lunch with Peyton and me at noon; why don't you join us and tell them yourself." "You know, Jaiden, I will do that. I enjoyed talking with Dale and Charley last night, and Rebecca and I would enjoy getting to know all of you better." "Likewise, Hank. Charley said the same thing last night."

At lunch, Peyton, Richard, Jaiden, and Hank were sitting in the Doctors private cafeteria when Charley and Dale joined them. Charley took one look at Jaiden and said, "Jaiden, you look like you are on top of the world."

"I am, Charley. I have two patients whose MRIs came back showing their cancer was in remission, and their lab results couldn't be better. So they get to go home on Friday." "Jaiden, that is incredible. Those children are blessed to have you as their doctor."

However, the next day would prove difficult for Jaiden. He would be performing his first surgery to remove a malignant tumor from a twelve-year-old girl.

Peyton would be assisting Jaiden in the surgery. They walked to the hospital since it was so close to home, getting there at seven that morning. They poured over the MRI scans and revisited the plans Jaiden had for the surgery. He visited with the girl and her parents in pre-op and ordered a mild sedative to take the edge off the girl's fear.

Once he had the girl calmed down, he joined Peyton to scrub up for the surgery that would start twenty minutes later. The surgical nurse told Jaiden and Peyton everybody was in place and ready to begin the surgery. They silently said a prayer before entering the operating room and asked Hashem to guide their hands.

When he made the incision to reach the tumor, his heart sank as he saw that the girl's cancer had metastasized and was in every major organ in her body. "Folks, we have to close the incision; there is nothing more we can do."

Peyton carefully closed the incision with the utmost skill as Jaiden walked to a chair, sat down, and completely lost it. The anesthesiologist, a much older doctor, walked over and sat in front of Jaiden. He took Jaiden's hands and said, "Son, this is the first of many you will see. You do your best, and sometimes it isn't enough because God has other plans."

"There is something they don't teach you in medical school that I would like to tell you: there are two types of healing. First, there is the physical healing that God helps doctors to bring about. Secondly, there is the ultimate healing where God brings the patient home to be with Him. Then, when the children get to Heaven, the cancer is gone forever; the pain is over, and the children can play to their heart's content in beautiful green fields in Spring-like weather. You did the best you could; now it's time to let God do His best!"

Jaiden smiled the best he could and didn't say anything. But, the worst part of his day was about to happen: he has to tell the girls' parents nothing else can be humanly done.

He went to the surgical waiting room, where the young girl's parents were anxiously awaiting word on their daughter's condition. It took every ounce of strength to walk into that room to speak with the parents. Finally, he took them aside, took their hands in his, and said, "I am so sorry. When we got inside, we found cancer had invaded nearly every organ in Alicia's body. There is nothing else we can do. We have tried everything, and it didn't work. I suggest you take her home and make her comfortable for whatever time she has left. We will contact hospice to meet with you and administer pain medications that should help."

"The parents were shell-shocked and couldn't grasp what they had just been told. Alicia would be in recovery for an hour or so before being awake enough to go back to her room. Meanwhile, her parents would wait for her in her hospital room.

Jaiden finished his day rather quietly. Since he got out of surgery, he didn't utter two words all day. What was done was on the computer for those who needed to see it. When six o'clock rolled around, He met Peyton, and they began their walk home, their arms around each other's waist. Peyton was worried about his husband; he had never seen Jaiden in such a state.

When they got home and walked through the garage door, Ginny and Granny welcomed the two home, but Jaiden didn't return their greeting as he usually would. Instead, he walked past them without saying a word, walked into his bedroom, and shut the door. Then, he laid across the bed, buried his face in his pillow, and lost it.

He was crying so loudly and so hard that Ginny and Granny became worried. Peyton was leaning against the door jam leading into the kitchen with tears streaming down his face. Ginny asked him what was wrong, and Peyton told her about Alicia. Like Peyton, Ginny and Ginny also teared up.

The ladies didn't say a word as they walked onto the deck, raised their hands toward Heaven, and asked God to place His hand on Jaiden and calm his heart. Their prayer was powerful and focused, their words deliberate. God said where two or more are gathered in His name that whatever they asked would be granted. Ginny and Granny didn't hold back in asking God to honor his word.

They walked back into the house and could still hear Jaiden sobbing. Ginny called Jaiden's mom and had Peyton explain to her what had happened at the hospital. Dr. Reynolds asked Peyton if they had to work tomorrow, and Peyton told her they were off rotation for the day.

Peyton, get the tablets I left at the house and dissolve two in a cup of coffee, so Jaiden won't know he is taking them. Then, make him drink all of the coffee and stay in bed. If you have to stay in bed with him to keep him there, do it. If you need help, get Gampy and the Reverend to walk over to the house. I'll call you back in two hours to see how Jaiden is doing. "OK, Mom, thank you."

Two hours later, Peyton's phone rang, and it was Jaiden's mom checking on him. Peyton got him to drink the spiked coffee, and fifteen minutes later, he was sound asleep. Peyton told his mother-in-law that he got the medication into Jaiden the way she told him to and that Jaiden was sleeping soundly. She told Peyton that Jaiden should sleep through noon the next day and that when he woke up to call her. After that, if he was not doing any better, she would rearrange her patient schedule and fly to Memphis.

Thankfully, when Jaiden awoke the next day, he was much calmer. "Jaiden, your mom wants you to call her. Ginny is getting your lunch ready, and she and Granny should have it on the table for you when you finish talking to your mom.

"Peyton, who called mom?" "Sweetheart, that doesn't matter; just call your mom and let her know you are OK." "Alright, I'll call her right now."

"High, Mom." "Jaiden, are you OK?" "I am OK, mom. When I made the incision on my patient and looked into the body cavity, her cancer had metastasized everywhere. I had to tell her parents she was terminal and had three months at best to live. That was the single, most brutal thing I have ever had to do, and it tore me apart."

"I know it won't be the last time that will happen, but it was the first, and I will always remember that moment." "Jaiden, the same thing happened with your dad on his first surgery, and his reaction was exactly the same. Telling a parent their child was terminal and had only a short time to live was never easy for your dad. Still, he did get to where he could deliver the sad news to his patient's parents and help them get through the trauma of hearing that news. You will get to that point, too, son, but it's going to take time, perhaps a long time, but you will get to the point where you can deliver such news as calmly as possible."

"If you need me to, I will rearrange my schedule and stretch out appointments so I can fly to Memphis." "No, mom, don't do that. I will be OK with time; it just crushed me to tell the parents nothing could be done to help their daughter and that she had very little time left with them. When I thought of my boys, I wondered if I could take news like that."

"Jaiden, those are normal feelings, and it shows you are a kind young man and doctor who loves and cares for his patients. Eat some lunch, and then go for a long walk through your neighborhood with Peyton. The walk will do you both good, and Peyton will relax knowing you will be OK." "Thanks, Mom. I'll do that right now. I love you." "I love you too, son."

"Ginny, Granny, I am sorry I walked past you without speaking when I got home yesterday. It was such a difficult, sad day for me. Having to tell someone their child is going to die..." Jaiden broke down, and Ginny held him until he calmed down.

"Ginny, I'm sorry I got so upset." "Jaiden, don't get apologize for becoming emotional after telling a parent what you had to say today. Getting emotional shows you are a man who cares, has empathy and sympathy, understands life's sorrows, and wants to help people through their sad times. Don't apologize for being that kind of man."

"I understand, Ginny, but what I had to do yesterday was so painful to me that I actually hurt inside. The anesthesiologist on the case was a much older man who talked to me and explained two kinds of healing: healing and ultimate healing. Healing involves a disease or sickness going into remission but having the chance to reoccur at any time. The ultimate healing is when God calls you home, and the disease or illness is gone for all eternity with no chance of coming back. That idea gives me more peace than anything."

"Jaiden, I have never heard it put that way, but it makes a lot of sense because it is true. The scriptures of my faith say that tears will never stain the streets of Heaven, and pain will be no more. Therefore, whatever infirmities a person suffered during their time on earth will be banished forever. How could a person ever be more blessed than that?"

"Ginny, would you mind if I give your name and number to the girl's parents and suggest that they call you so you can sit down with them and explain to them what you have just told me? I think you, Granny, Gampy, and the Reverend could be a powerful ministry to that family right now."

"Jaiden, when are you working tomorrow?" We are on mornings all week. Next week, I rotate to the 8 pm to 8 am shift, and Peyton will work the 8 am to 8 pm shift. Long, stressful hours will be a part of our learning process, and there isn't anything we can do about that."

"Give them my cell number and have them call me. I'll talk to Gampy, and Geraldine can speak with Taylor, and we'll make arrangements to sit down with the parents tomorrow night. We can discuss what you and I have talked about, and we can share scripture and pray with them." "Ginny, you're the greatest! Thank you." "Son, you are more than welcome. Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to minister to someone."

"Good morning, Mr. and Mrs. Pennington. I hope you got a little rest the last couple of nights." "Dr. Jaiden, we tried, but you have children and understand how difficult that was for us." "I do. Having to give you that news crushed me; it was the first time I had to tell a patient's parents that information.

The lady who raised me and is helping raise my children telephoned my mother, a doctor."

"Mom told Dr. Peyton to give me some medication she had left at the house for those times when we are totally stressed out. She and my dad were doctors here at St. Jude's until my dad was killed in a plane crash in Africa when I was three years old."

"If you look into my dad's history here, you will understand why I am the way I am and the person I try to be." "Dr. Jaiden, we didn't know you and your family had such a history here at St. Judes." Mrs. Pennington, we have a rich history with this hospital. Several magazines in the library speak about my dad if you would like to get one and read it. I am a junior, so his name won't be too hard to remember."

"You said your mom was a doctor here at one time. Where is she now?"

"Mom owns a large medical practice in Abington, Virginia. She moved us there to get away from bad memories when dad died. She hired Mrs. Martha Stuart to help care for and raise me after dad died. As I call Mrs. Stuart, Ginny is married to Mr. Ezra Stuart, who stepped in and was the most awesome father figure a boy could have."

"Speaking of them, here is a note with their names and telephone numbers on it. Ginny said she would be honored to talk with you and Mr. Pennington if you would like to do that. I personally think it is a good idea. I told Ginny about the situation, but I couldn't mention any names, so you will have to identify yourself to her."

"Dr. Jaiden, do you think she could talk with me now so we can work out a time to talk?" "Hold on a second."

"Ginny, this is Jaiden. Do you have a few minutes to talk to the lady I told you about yesterday?" "I do, Jaiden, and I would be glad to speak with her."

Jaiden handed Mrs. Pennington the cell phone and let her talk to Ginny for some time. While they were talking, Jaiden called the nurse's station and had them bring a morphine pump to Alicia's room. The nurse got everything set up and attached to Alicia's IV line. When that was done, the nurse explained how the pump worked and how it would give Alicia a small dose every fifteen minutes if she needed it.

Mrs. Pennington completed her conversation with Ginny and told Jaiden that Ginny, Granny, and their husbands would visit with the Penningtons that night. They talked at length about faith and God's promises.

As they were completing their conversation with the Pennington's, the Reverend McDonald anointed Alicia with oils of Frankincense and Myrrh. Then, all prayed the scriptures in 1st Peter 2:24 and Isaiah 53:5 over Alicia and asked God to heal her from her cancer. It was close to nine that evening.

Mrs, Pennington was saying how she wished she could speak to Jaiden at the moment, so Ginny called him on the sly and told him Mrs. Pennington would like to talk to him. Ginny handed Mrs. Pennington her phone and said, "Talk to this person for a minute or two."

"Hello." "Mrs. Pennington, this is Dr. Jaiden. Ginny said you wanted to talk to me." "I did; I mean I do, Dr. Jaiden, but I didn't want you to be disturbed at home."

"Mrs. Penington, you aren't disturbing me, so don't worry about calling." "Dr. Jaiden, I want to tell you that Mrs. Stuart and Mrs. McDonald and their husbands were here and spoke with my and my husband. The Reverend anointed Alicia, and they laid hands on her and prayed for her healing. As soon as they did that, Alicia started sleeping very peacefully."

"I'm glad to hear that. Ginny, Granny, and their husbands are parents to my family and me, and I don't know any more loving people than them. My family is Jewish, and we go to church and worship with them. When there is something special involving my family at the synagogue, they go to our services. The ladies teach our children about their faith, and we take them to the temple and teach them about Judaism. So we're family - in every aspect of life."

"Dr. Jaiden, I won't keep you; I just wanted you to know they came and stayed a long while, and their visit made a huge difference." "I'm happy for your family that their visit made such a difference for you. I'll check on Alicia in the morning, and we'll talk more then. Now try to get some rest." "Thank you, Dr. Jaiden. I don't think getting rest is going to be a problem tonight."

Jaiden walked into the hospital and went straight to Alicia's room. When he walked in her door, he got a major surprise: Alicia was disconnected from the morphine pump and sitting up in a chair in her room.

The nurse working with Jaiden advised him that Alicia had been walking in the hallway before his arrival. She further informed him that the charts indicated that Alicia had not received any morphine all night and seemed to have no overnight pain.

"We can't explain it, Dr. Jaiden. She woke up and got up. She slept easily last night and slept a full eight hours without waking up." Jaiden stared at Alicia and her parents in disbelief. "Sandra, this is God's doing, plain and simple. It has nothing to do with anything we did." "Dr. Jaiden, take a look at last night's lab results."

"UNBELIEVABLE! These lab results are perfect. They don't indicate problems anywhere. WOW! Alicia, you'll be released to go home Friday morning. I'm going out on a limb and say we want to see you back here in six months for a recheck. I want you to stay positive and carry on with your life like nothing is wrong. Don't go into crowds where you might be exposed to viruses or other illnesses."

"I'll send your local doctor a report and ask her to see you regularly for a year. I have a feeling that your visit last night with the Reverend and his wife and with Ginny and Gampy was miraculous. Time will tell."

When Jaiden left Alisha's room, he jumped into the air and clicked his heels together. Nothing could have prepared him for what he witnessed this particular morning, and nothing could have made him happier.

Jaiden heard a very familiar voice say, "Dr. Jaiden, what has you in such a chipper mood this morning?" He turned around to find Peyton right behind him. "My love, when I got here this morning, I went to Alicia's room, and she had been walking up and down this corridor. She was sitting up in the chair in her room and was smiling. She'd had no morphine since Granny and Ginny's visit last night. When I checked her lab results this morning, they indicated everything was perfect. Nothing that would indicate any illness showed up in her labs."

"Jaiden, are you kidding me?" "No, I'm not. I have been on cloud nine since I checked her this morning. I am discharging her Friday morning and scheduling a recheck here in six months. Richard will do a work-up Thursday morning, and we'll have a staffing Thursday afternoon. From what I witnessed this morning, I don't think that girl is going to have a problem after last night."

Richard did Alicia's work-up Thursday morning and had new lab results for the staffing before her release to go home on Thursday morning. The doctors attending the staffing were incredulous over what they were seeing and spoke of how they had never seen such results on a patient who had been so sick. However, they agreed with Jaiden on sending her home and bringing her back to St. Jude's for a recheck in six months.

Jaiden and Peyton went to Alicia's room to deliver the good news. When the Pennington's received the information, Mrs. Pennington slumped down in the chair and wept. Mr. Penningon couldn't say a word as he looked out the window, his eyes red and misty.

Peyton and Jaiden got home at the same time as Dale and Charley. Dale went to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Jaiden walked through the door in the best mood he had experienced in a long time.

"Ginny, Granny, can you call Gampy and the Reverend and ask them to come over for a little while?" "We'll do it right now, Jaiden." "Thanks."

"High, Gampy, Reverend. Y'all grab you a cup of coffee and let's sit down in the dining room to talk. Sweetener and cream are on the table."

"When Jaiden and Peyton, along with Charley and Dale, sat down at the table, the Reverend asked Jaiden what was up. "First, I got the Pennington's permission to talk to you about this."

"After the four of you went to see Alicia in the hospital Wednesday night, anointed her with oil, laid hands on her, and prayed for her healing, something profound happened."

"When I made rounds this morning to see how the patients had faired overnight, the nurse told me Alicia had been walking up and down the hospital's corridor. When I walked into her room, she was sitting up in the big chair smiling. She did not need any pain killer all night, and when I looked at her lab results, the results were as if nothing was wrong with her. We repeated all of the blood tests and got the same results."

"We had a staffing on her case after lunch, and everybody agreed that she should go home and resume a normal life. She'll return to St. Jude's in six months for a recheck. When the four of you prayed for her, we believe that something happened, and we are all banking on the fact that God healed her in honor of your prayers. The Pennington's wanted you to know that."

"Gampy, Reverend, the Penningtons have one request they would like to ask of you. They would appreciate you being at the hospital Friday morning to pray with them before they head home." The Reverend spoke up and said, "Jaiden, we'll honor that request and be at the hospital first thing in the morning."

The following morning, Jaiden arose in the best mood he'd experienced in a long time. When he got to the hospital, the Penningtons were packed and ready to go home. Alicia was dressed and walking around feeling entirely well.

Shortly after Jaiden arrived at Alicia's room, Gampy and the Reverend knocked on the door and went inside. They were met by loving hugs from the Penningtons. They talked for a few minutes before the Reverend offered the most eloquent prayer he'd ever prayed. After he prayed, the nurse came to the room with a wheelchair to take Alicia to her parent's car.

When the Penningtons drove off, everybody was waving so long as tears fell from their eyes. It would be a glorious day, and Jaiden and Peyton would celebrate that night with their entire family - and alone!

Next: Chapter 115

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