
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Mar 7, 2022


Jaiden Chapter 158

Gregory Patrick


Jaiden – Chapter 158

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Greg Patrick

"Dear Leon,

I'm not sure how to begin this letter other than to outright say some things I have wanted to say but haven't, over the past year.

First, thank you for coming into the lives of Peyton and me and our children. Not only have you had a profound effect upon us, but you have also had that same effect on Dale and Charley and their children."

"We had been somewhat lonely in Memphis, not having the chances or abilities we had in Erie to affect the lives of others. You lifted all of us out of our grand funk by coming into our lives."

"You became an uncle to our children as soon as you met them, not because Peyton's family adopted you. You loved the kids and didn't get upset when they got rowdy and wanted to play, and you didn't. You made time for the babies when they asked for your attention, and they are much richer for the attention you – and Peter – gave and are still giving them."

As for Seth, you have more than had a profound effect on his life that has helped to further send his mood affect through the roof. He shows his pictures to his friends and proudly tells them he got them at his brother's home in the North Carolina mountains. I think that boy loves you more than anybody outside of Jenny, and we all know how special she is."

"Saying we are proud of you for doing so well at Wellstone would be a gross understatement. You have shown your naysayers how wrong they have been and how wrong many may still be."

"It used to be that when we heard someone mention your name, their comments were typically connected to some misstep you had made."

"Now, whenever we hear your name mentioned in the community, it most always is connected to how proud the person is of the accomplishments you have made and are making. We had no idea so many people in our area knew who you are – much less how incredibly proud of you they have become."

"Leon, I don't think the way we met was a mistake. I believe Hashem has a great plan for your life, and He is using Peyton's family and Charlie, Dale, Peyton, and me to work that plan into a reality."

"I believe the efficacy of Hashem's plan for you has been proven by the work you have done and are doing to change your life's circumstances; I am, we are, incredibly proud of you."

"Thank you for agreeing to become a part of Peyton's, Richard's, and Seth's family and for becoming the best brother-in-law a man could ever dream of having.

"We all love you more than you will ever know,


"Jaiden, this is Leon; thank you so much for the letter you wrote to me; I just received it in the mail."

"I don't know that I have had the effect you described on anybody's life, but if I have, I'm grateful I did."

"It's funny to say this, but I am grateful for the ass-whipping I took in the park that day; it was indeed a blessing in disguise."

"Had Peyton not kicked my butt, I wouldn't be able to say I'm as happy and blessed as I am today; I'm finally part of a loving family who loves and accepts me for who and what I am."

"What are you, Leon?"

"Jaiden, I'm a lost redneck who doesn't know how to find my way out of the woods!"

"Wrong! You were a redneck who didn't know how to find your way out of the woods. Not only did you find your way out of the woods, Leon, but you also stepped out of those woods straight into Utopia."

"What your life is now, compared to what it was, is beyond all comprehension. You went from being a foul-mouthed, fist-clenching, foot-kicking, arm-swinging, always fighting redneck to becoming a true gentleman."

"You are an amazing brother to Richard, Seth, and Peyton. You're the best brother-in-law I could ever ask for, and you are a genuinely awesome uncle to our boys and Charley's and Dale's children. All the children love you beyond belief. Simply put, Leon, you're an awfully good person who deserves the best out of life, and we, your family, intend to see you get it." "I appreciate that I do, But I think you and Peyton have more than done enough to help me escape the life I had."

"Leon, you're family; get used to it! We're a family of constant motion, not a family of getting it while you can. If we see a need we know how to and can fill, we will do that, and we're not going to stop. You are part of our family, and helping where we can...being part of the family only makes helping that much more important to us."

Leon was sitting at the kitchen table when Peter got home, having a cup of coffee, and reading Jaiden's letter as alligator tears – as Peyton calls big tears – were coursing down his face.

If there is one thing that angers Peter to no end, it's someone who or something that brings Leon to tears; he says Leon has suffered enough in life.

"Leon, my sweetheart, it infuriates me when someone does or says anything and makes you cry. Here I come home, and you are sitting at the table with tears streaming down your face; what is going on?"

Leon handed Peter the letter from Jaiden and asked him to sit down and read it. After Peter had read the letter, he looked up at Leon with huge misty eyes and couldn't say a word for a few minutes. Then, when he had composed himself enough to speak to Leon, he asked, "Leon, when did you get this letter." "It was in the mail when I got home."

"Peter, I know they love me, or they wouldn't have tried to help me the way they have. But that letter tells me they love me way more than I realized, and it's because they want to, chose to, not because they had to or just felt they should; they genuinely love me!"

"Leon, we discussed that. We talked about how blessed you are with everything that has happened in the past year and a half."

"I know, Peter. It's one thing for you and me to discuss their love; it's a whole different matter to have Peyton and Jaiden pen how they feel in a letter to me." "I understand, Leon; they and their families are special people." "Yeah, Peter, tell me about it."

The following day in Psych class, the professor asked his students if they had experiences related to what he had taught the day before. Leon said he did. The professor asked if he would mind sharing those experiences, and Leon said he didn't mind, and then walked to the podium in the front of the class.

"All of you met my brothers and my brother-in-law two weeks ago when they stopped by the class. You met my 9 nephews and my beautiful little niece. What you don't know is the story of how I came to be a part of their family."

"Almost two years ago, they had been to lunch at a popular blues restaurant in Memphis."

"When they left the restaurant, they decided to take the children to the park and let them fart off the broccoli salad and cabbage they had eaten at lunch. And believe me, it is necessary to do that when those children eat cruciferous vegetables."

"I was at the park with my then-girlfriend, and we were in the midst of a very heated argument; exactly why, I still don't know."

"Jaiden, my now brother-in-law, didn't like the way I was talking to my girlfriend, but he didn't say anything until Charley asked him what was wrong with me. Jaiden's answer to Charley was that I had a one-inch tongue and a half-inch dick and no idea how to use either one." The class and the professor roared when Leon said that.

"I didn't at all like what Jaiden said, and I confronted him and said I was going to whip his ass. Charley looked at me and said he didn't think I should try that; I tried anyway, and Peyton stopped my fist and proceeded to kick my butt all over the park."

"When the police arrived, I was still lying on the ground moaning like a wuss. I was handcuffed, put in the squad car, and taken to jail."

"The next day, when I went to court, Jaiden, Peyton, and my girlfriend at the time were in the courtroom. I figured I was going to prison for a few years, but I didn't."

Instead, after I assaulted Jaiden, got my ass kicked by Peyton, and ruined my relationship with my girlfriend, Jaiden and Peyton stood up in court for me. They had gotten together with Dale and Charley and prepared a treatment plan to deal with my drug and alcohol use, and the psychological problems that led to my addictions."

"The judge accepted their recommendation, deferred my sentencing, and I went to the treatment program Jaiden and Peyton had arranged and paid for."

"I was shocked when they started participating in my treatment during the individual counseling sessions. Here they are, two doctors in a vast children's cancer hospital, arranging their schedule so they could try to help me after I wanted to hurt them. To this day, I don't know why they were there for me. Maybe it was because of the love for people that's in their hearts."

"We were in a session with my counselor, and they found out I was living in a tent among a group of drug addicts and other derelicts. Jaiden had a major fit about that and said that would end on the spot – and it did."

"That night, he threw all of my clothes into the trash and told me I deserved better.

Then, he took me to a men's clothing store and bought new clothes for me: dress and casual pants, the best shirts and underclothes money could buy, socks, and shoes – several kinds of shoes."

Next, the true miracle of miracles occurred: he went to the tent village where I had been living and destroyed my tent so I couldn't use it anymore."

After that, he moved me into his home with his brothers and their ten children. That night, he gave me a key to the house and showed me how to operate the burglar alarm."

"Neither of the guys really knew who I was, but after going to counseling with me, they made the decision to trust me without reservation."

"That was something I had never before experienced in my life, and I didn't know how to deal with it."

"So, to help me, Jaiden and Peyton sat down with me in the dining room and went over a few simple rules: no cussing or fighting each other in the house or elsewhere; treat everybody with the utmost respect, clean behind yourself, let them love me and tell them if there was anything I needed. They said if I needed something and didn't tell them, they would be upset when they found out. They didn't say if they found out; they said when they found out."

The next night, we talked again, and they told me an allowance account had been set up. Peyton's parents and Jaiden's mom would make sure there was enough money in the bank to meet my monthly obligations. But, as Peyton and Jaiden had said, their parents said if I needed anything, I better let them know. If you know Jaiden's mother and Peyton's dad, now my dad too, you know better than to mess with mother nature."

"Jaiden and Peyton were taking me to the counseling center every day. It didn't matter when counseling ended during the day; one of them would pick me up, take me home, and tell me to take a nap and relax."

"You would think I could get away without doing that, but I couldn't. Two extraordinary, loving ladies, one of whom raised Jaiden from birth to high school, keep the ten children every day and manage the house for them. Ginny, the lady who raised Jaiden, enforced his rule without exception."

"I noticed that I began to feel much better with the daily naps and after the talks I would have with Ginny and Granny."

"But what I really loved about my new situation was the two husbands of the ladies stepping in to be surrogate dads for me. Their counsel was, is, and probably always will be very loving and applicable."

"I was loving my new life, beginning to love myself, and becoming calmer than I had ever been before. I looked forward to Jaiden or Peyton taking me to the counseling center every morning."

"One day, though, that arrangement ended, and I thought my world was about to come crashing down around me. Jaiden told me one morning that he and Peyton were no longer going to take me to my counseling appointments or pick me up afterward and bring me home."

"I was in a panic when Jaiden said, "Come outside with me for a minute." "We went into the garage, and he opened the garage doors and handed me a set of keys. He pointed to a new Ford Escape in the driveway and said, "We all chipped in and bought that new car for you. That's when Jaiden panicked because he forgot to ask me if I had a driver's license – I didn't; I didn't have anyone to help get me one."

"Jaiden took me to the driver's examiner that day, and I got a learner's license. He and Charley, mostly Charley, taught me how to drive. I took the driver's exam and the road test and passed both a month later."

"The car I drive to Wellstone from home every day is the car the guys bought for me."

"I would like to mention one last thing my new family and Jaiden's mother did for me and for my husband, a doctor whom I met through Jaiden and Peyton."

With that said, Leon flashed a picture of the home he and Peter share on the computer screen at the front of the class. Guys, my new family, Jaiden, my three new brothers, and Jaiden's mom purchased and gave the house you see to Peter and me to have a place to live when I started school here at Wellstone and Peter began his new job. So now you all know the rest of the story."

"There is one other thing I should probably mention: The judge I stood before, and Jaiden and Peyton worked with to get me the help I needed, that judge reversed and sealed my entire criminal record."

He said what I had been going through should have been presented to the court to consider extenuating circumstances. But it wasn't, and the judge ruled I had been sentenced unfairly, and he cleared my criminal record."

"I just remembered something excruciating I experienced that you maybe should be aware of with the rest of my story. When I was twelve years old, my mother disappeared and never contacted me again."

"My biological dad said she left him and me and that she didn't love me and didn't want me around her." Tears started streaming down Leon's face when he told the story about his mom.

"I missed my mom horribly, still do, and one day I was talking to Peyton and wondering why she moved away and never contacted me again. He asked me if I wanted him to try to find her, that he knew an attorney in Erie who had an investigator who might be able to find my mother.""

Peyton called his attorney friend and gave him all the information about my mom. The attorney turned the case over to his investigator."

"Two days later, I was called out of my group therapy session and into my counselor's office. When I got to her office, Peyton and Jaiden were sitting in the office with tears in their eyes."

"My counselor told me to have a seat, that Peyton and Jaiden had something to say to me. I was shellshocked because of the looks on their faces. So, I sat down, and Peyton looked at me and said, "Leon, the investigator found your mom, and the news isn't good."

"My heart sank into my shoes, and I lost it when Peyton told me my mother had been murdered in northeast Tennessee in Hamblen County."

"The sheriff had a description of the man who killed my mother and asked if I had a picture of my dad, I could send to him. I had a crumpled photo of my dad in my wallet, and Jaiden made a copy of it and sent it by email to the sheriff. Ten minutes later, we received a call from the sheriff advising us the picture was a perfect match for the person who killed my mother."

Jaiden called the judge in Memphis who had helped us and told him what was going on. The judge called the chief of police in Memphis and told him to call the Sheriff in Hamblen County and get the murderer, living in Memphis, arrested and jailed."

"The murderer was arrested, put on a private jet, and flown to Hamblen County Tennessee within an hour."

"The murderer was taken before a Superior Court judge, as soon as he arrived in Hamblen County, who charged my dad with the first-degree murder of my mother."

"That son-of-a bitch is in prison for life without any chance of parole after he pled guilty to murdering my mother."

At his sentencing, with my new family at my side, I told my sperm donor how he had made me feel and that I forgave him. He would never again control me in any way."

"I told him I hoped he thinks about that fact every day he is in prison until the day he dies, because his control over me was, and is over."

"Everybody in court got to have their say. My new dad told him if he ever got out of prison to start running and never stop, that he would be right behind him all the way in case he did stop."

"Peyton told my bio-donor he wished he could have five minutes with him in the visitation yard. When Peyton said what he had to say and turned to sit down, my sperm donor called him a pussy and said he wished he could stomp his ass."

"The judge knew Peyton's reputation in martial arts because the judge from Memphis, who had helped me, was in the courtroom and had spoken with the Hamblen County judge."

The judge presiding over the sentencing told the deputies to take my bio-dad outside to spar with Peyton for five minutes. The District Attorney objected until he had a side-bar discussion with the Judge."

My bio-dad was taken to the jail's exercise yard, where his handcuffs were removed. Afterward, he made the mistake of charging Peyton."

"When Peyton got through with my birth-dad, the man had a dislocated shoulder, a jaw broken in three places, a hyper-extended elbow and knee, and a split in his head."

"The Sheriff and the Judge were calling for an ambulance to take the bastard to the hospital to be treated when Peyton's and my brother, Richard, unexpectedly walked through the courtroom doors and said he would put my birth dad's shoulder back in place at no charge to Hamblen County."

"The Judge and the Sheriff gave Richard permission to do that for the sob, so Richard did. He and my new dad knew it would hurt like hell when he put it back in place. The pain was excruciating by the scream that pansy-ass of a man let out; you could hear him scream a mile away. That scream and Richard's satisfaction of what had occurred, evidenced by his smile that stretched from ear to ear, was immensely satisfying to me. My new brother stood up for me the best way he knew how."

"One thing, and one thing only, bothered me in the courtroom: my youngest brother worrying about being in trouble for what he said to my biofather as he walked away after staring him down."

A classmate asked Leon what Seth had said. Leon told the class that as Seth walked away from his sperm donor, he called the man a "sorry piece of shit," causing the judge to throw his head back as he laughed hysterically.

"Leon, did Seth get in trouble for saying that?" "No, our dad told everybody to keep their mouths shut about the comment, that he totally agreed with Seth, and that Seth needed to get his feelings out after what he had gone through."

"Can you tell the class what Seth went through that was so bad that your dad said he needed to get his feelings off his chest?"

"All I will tell the class is that Seth's bio father didn't know he was gay when he was caught kissing his boyfriend in his bedroom."

"His bio dad got so angry that he assaulted Seth with a mop handle, rupturing his intestines in two places, his spleen, and one kidney. He also broke Seth's right femur in two places and his left arm in one. It took six and a half hours of surgery to repair Seth's injuries, after which he spent a month and a half in the hospital. Jaiden and Peyton assisted with his surgery."

"Damn, Leon, your new family must have nerves and the resolve of steel to be able and willing to help you, Seth, and Richard with what y'all have suffered through!" "Barry, you just don't know how amazing they all are, how loving and accepting they are."

"Peyton's and my dad is a huge man, and if he could have gotten to my or Seth's bio dad, he would have torn them apart limb by limb; he was that angry about what we went through."

The psych professor thanked Leon for his strength in telling the class the story of his and Seth's adoption. He stated further that what Leon and Seth endured was amazing. It was a case in point the class would discuss the next day.

"OK, Babe, what has you so shaken looking?" "I told the story in class today. So, it's out in the open and can't be hidden anymore." "And that is a good thing, Leon?"

"I think so, Peter. I have thought that most people didn't give a crap about those living around them. But I'm finding out that isn't true at all." "That's what I, Peyton, and Jaiden have been telling you. The people in this world are, for the most part, good people. But, sure, people make mistakes and do wrong things, things that are so distasteful to some people that they shy away from the one person who needs them the most. So, why do you think Peyton, Jaiden, Richard, and I became doctors? To a degree, it was to make a good living; in reality, it was to help desperate people, people like the children at St. Jude's, their parents, even. I think I am a good person; we both know Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard are good people."

"Look at Richard in particular. Richard has the right to be as bitter as you have been. What your dad did was unspeakably horrid, but so was what Richard's bio dad did to Seth; as was what Seth's bio mom allowed to happen to him. Those two people who should have been loving parents, and weren't, must spend a virtual lifetime in prison; Seth's dad got life plus, and his mom has to serve a minimum of 45 years to get out of prison."

"Leon, it all but killed me the day we went to court in Tennessee. I couldn't stand to see the pain in your face, the emptiness that has been so evident in your life. I know you miss your mom, but I look at your situation differently: your mom is not on this earth anymore, but where she is, she can watch out for you as your angel. She lives in a place where she can never be hurt again, where there are no more tears to stain the streets. The streets on which she walks are made of pure gold, and instead of living in a small, somewhat rundown house, she now lives in a mansion full of beauty and splendor. I believe this with all my heart, and I hope that someday you will be able to envision the beauty of your mom's new life the way I do. I hope you find your perfect peace when you get to that point. Still, until you do, I will love you like your mother would love you because I can, and not because I have to, cherish you until the day I die - which I hope is a long, long way away. Sweetheart, you are the best thing that ever happened to or for me, and nothing will ever change that."

"Peter." "Yes, love." "Can we go sit in the buff on the back deck and hold each other?" "I would love to, babe."

Leon and Peter went to the back deck, removed their clothes, and laid on the chaise lounge chair, skin to skin with a light quilt spread over them. The crickets singing and the frogs croaking soon put the two lovers asleep. They awoke the following morning, holding each other the way they were when they fell asleep.

"Damn!" "What's wrong, Leon?" "I've got to pee, and I am so comfortable lying here with you." "Babe, if it's any consolation, I have a raging desire to pee myself." "I guess we need to go inside and take care of business, Peter."

"Go inside? The heck you say. We have the whole side of the mountain to take a leak on. Let's take a wizz, shake it off, and lay back down on the lounge chair together." "I'm game, Peter."

The guys watered a few wild plants in the backyard, shook off the excess, and got back under the blanket together on the chaise lounger.

"Leon, is that your flashlight I'm feeling?" "No, Peter, but it's horny enough right now to make you see flashes of light." "Are you saying you're interested in having a little bit of love-fun?" "Peter, I'm not saying anything, babe; I'm flat out stating it!"

"Get all the way up on your knees, Leon." Leon did what Peter asked him to do, and Peter slunk down on the chair until Leon's wee little willy was right in front of his face. He took Leon in and sensually worked his lover until he began to spasm.

When Leon had spent all his `money,' Peter said, I've already had my cream, now I need some coffee and a bite to eat. Wanna get dressed and go get some breakfast somewhere?" "Sure, if that's what you want to do, Peter."

"Where would you like to go?" "This is gonna sound strange to you, but you know that little restaurant in Maggie Valley where Popcorn Sutton used to eat?" "Yes, it's just past the steakhouse on the same side of the street, but I can't think of the name of the place right now." "Neither can I. I know it's about an hour from here. I read about the Livermush Festival and how the people north of here love the stuff. They have it at that restaurant, and I would like to try it; I may not like it, but I want to try it."

"Peter, don't they have all you can eat for around $15.00?" "Yes, and as long as you eat what they bring out and not waste it, they'll keep bringing out whatever you want." "Let's head that way."

They got to the restaurant, ate breakfast, and Leon ate three orders of livermush and raved over it. He tried it with the two traditional toppings of mustard and grape jelly and said he liked it best with mustard on it.

Peter looked at Leon and said, "Babe, I don't see how you ate that stuff; it stunk to me." "It smelled good to me, Peter; sort of like when my bio-dad used to cook for himself."

"Well, I'm glad you liked it and enjoyed it, sweetheart. What would you like to do now?" "Let's ride up to Cataloochee and watch the elk and see the McCormick house and the old buggy and horse barn. Then, if the good Lord's willing and the crick don't rise, perhaps we can see the inside of the old church.

Next: Chapter 152

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