
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Mar 21, 2022


Jaiden Chapter 159

Gregory Patrick


Jaiden – Chapter 159

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Greg Patrick

"Good evening, Ginny, Granny; I hope the boys were good for y'all today." "Peyton, I'm not going to lie; they were a handful. But, they're getting to that age where they will test us for what they can get away with."

"Is it the boys doing that, or the boys and Alaina Noelle?" "It's mostly the boys, but Alaina Noelle has her moments." "How so?"

"The boys just come out and go for the gusto and try to do what they want, but Alaina Noelle's pretty sly. She watches us very carefully and doesn't bring attention to herself when she is about to get into mischief."

"It would be interesting to know if Dale was that way as a child. I know a way to find out, so I'll check on that tonight and enlighten you tomorrow." "It'll be interesting to know since he is her biological father, and they are both relatively quiet around the house." "Ginny, you just haven't heard Dale get mad like he would in college."

"That bad, huh?" "That bad and then some; it took Jaiden and me months to get them to act civil to each other instead of getting angry and exploding. They were like a balloon and a piece of sandpaper rubbing together - eventually, the balloon bursts. Now he and Charley rarely get angry with each other. If they do, they work it out versus screaming and yelling and making everybody miserable."

"Peyton, how did you and Jaiden get them to be so calm as they are now? "Counseling – and a lot of it; two years to be exact. When they had the big fight at Wellstone, Charley caused it. I won't say what he did, but he hasn't done it again."

"Well, at least now they seem to be really in love with each other." "They are, Granny. When we all talked about starting a family, we never imagined having five children. So, when we found out that would be the case, Jaiden and I wondered if they would be able to deal with five children without pulling their hair out."

"Jaiden and I have been amazed at how much calmer they are with each other. The way they interact with the children is incredible to watch. They seem to enjoy having all ten children together at once. When we go out to eat, Dale is like a mother hen watching over her biddies to ensure they are happy and well-fed. Charley is like a rooster protecting his hen and biddies – don't even think about messing with them unless you want him to do his best to tear you apart."

"You know, Peyton, you and Jaiden are the same way." "You think so, Ginny?" "I know so, son. Jaiden has his educated way of dealing with people and you, you take and take until you can't take any more, and then you make the person wish they had never had contact with you." "I never really thought about it, Ginny, but you're right; that's pretty much the way I am, the way I operate – especially as a dad." "Peyton, all four of you young men are exemplary fathers to your children, and nobody can say otherwise."

"Thanks, Ginny. You have always been the pro with children, and Jaiden says much of how he is with the kids is how you were with him." "Pretty much, Peyton, and if he wants to stay on my good side, he knows what he needs to do."

"He sure does, Ginny. When Jaiden gets mad about something, I tell him to think before he acts; he knows you will call his mom if you have to. He hates getting a lecture from her, and he'll do anything to avoid getting one."

"Yep. Have you seen Jaiden's mom give him a lecture? His reaction is hilarious; he's sulking before she gets the first word out, and the first chance he gets, he's outta there." "That's funny; you know him well, but you raised him for fifteen years."

"Ginny, sometimes when Dale, Charley, and I take the children outside to play, Jaiden will go upstairs and sit in a chair by the window and watch the kids. When you look up and see his face, it seems like he's a million miles away, and, somehow, you know Jaiden is thinking about his dad, and how much he still misses him. It hurts me to see that in his face, and I want to do something, but the question is what."

"But, as his mother has said, he has to work things out in his own mind and way. She wants to help Jaiden as much as I do, but we both know to just back off and give him some time."

"I've always had to do the same thing, Peyton, and it kills me just like it does you. If you try to talk to him or help him, he'll draw up into his shell and stay there for a while. But, just as fast as his depression comes on, it disappears, and he is our happy Jaiden again."

"Do you know who best works with Jaiden when he gets that way, Ginny? Dale. I don't know how he does it, but he does; it isn't only with Jaiden. Dale did his thing with elementary students back in Erie and helped them get rid of self-esteem issues. When he did that with the students, their grades improved dramatically."

Granny spoke up and said her grandson, Jarrett, had confidence problems like Peyton described. So, Peyton said, "Granny, as soon as we get back to Erie and get settled, get Jarret to stay with you for a couple of weeks, and Dale can work with him on that problem. He can come to the house with you and play with the children or do whatever he wants to do around the house."

"Peyton, you have no idea how much I appreciate you offering to let Jarret do that." "Oh, I think I do, Granny. I know your son, and he is just like you; I'm sure his son is too."

"Jarret is a good boy, and he knows if he gets out of line, he'll have to deal with me." "Lecture or spanking, Granny?" "Neither, Peyton, I give him the LOOK, and that's all it takes! It's amazing what you can do with the `look' after a young boy spends a day pulling weeds in the yard, cleaning out the flower beds, and washing his own dishes and clothes. That boy hates chores more than anybody I know." "That's too funny, Granny; I'll have to remember that."

"Yeah, I suppose that's gonna come in handy for you, Jaiden, Dale, and Charley one day. Y'all's children will be a handful when they are teenagers, count on it."

"The `tude' has already hit with Nathan Robert and Charles Logan, and when they let it out, dinner will be something they don't like so well. It's like it is at my parent's house; you eat what's put on the table or stay hungry. It's amazing how turnips on a plate can change an attitude."

"I thought those boys liked greens." "They do if the greens are seasoned Southern Style with ham hocks or fatback. But if you have to spend time correcting their behavior, the greens might get cooked in saltwater – northern style. But, the truth is, we don't use food to correct their behavior, we don't go to the park, they might not get ice cream after dinner, or their time outside might be shorter than normal. Whatever happens, we explain why they didn't get what they wanted. Either they earn it, or they don't get it."

"Peyton, you and Jaiden are doing the right thing by those boys teaching them to earn what they get."

Ginny and Granny walked into the kitchen, shaking their heads as they went to finish preparing dinner before heading home.

Jaiden was outside watching the children as they played in the backyard. "NATHAN ROBERT! PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON. YOU TOO, CHARLES LOGAN."

Granny, Ginny, and Peyton heard Jaiden fussing at the children. So, they walked to the den doors to see what was happening.

When they witnessed Jaiden trying to get the boys redressed, they all about died laughing. Peyton said, "I guess that is the first independence problem we are having to tackle."

"Sure is, son, all children do that, but you boys have ten children to chase around and stop from galavanting around naked. Life sure is gonna be fun to watch around here with those babies; mmm hmmm, sure is!"

Peter got home to find Leon sitting in the den, looking as if he was a million miles away. "Good evening, sweetheart; what's up?" "Not much, Peter. I was just thinking about the past and how it affected me so severely, about how badly I missed and still miss my mom. I've tried to figure out what made my dad so miserable and mean, and what pushed him to kill my mother. It was like he was always fighting a demon he could never seem to defeat, and the only way he seemed to escape that demon was with whisky. In time, that too became one of the demons."

"Leon, sweetheart, you have done an amazing job keeping those demons at bay in your life."

"Sure, you had some times when the demons crept in trying to destroy you. There were times when those demons caused you a lot of heartaches that had to be released. But, unfortunately, some of those demons and woes came out the wrong way, forcing you to face the consequences of your behavior at the time. But what you faced at the time was the bad of your situation; what about the good?" "What about it. Peter?"

"What about the family you have now? You have three brothers and a sister who genuinely love you, who you didn't have before. You have two people who didn't know you from Adam's house cat step up and say they wanted to be your parents, help take care of you, and get the things you needed. Leon, you have been, and you are being unbelievably blessed!" "I understand that, love, but the problem I have is wondering how I can ever repay their kindnesses."

"Leon, did any of the people now in your life say they expected anything from you for what they did to help you?" "No..." "What do you think they expect of you in return for how they helped you?"

"That's the problem, Peter, I don't know!"

"Leon, everybody's said they only want to see three things from you. First, get your education. Secondly, be prosperous and self-reliant in the future. But, I think, the most crucial thing they want to see in return from you is happiness; nothing more, nothing less."

"You're right, Peter, but still, I worry that I won't do enough or say the right thing so they'll know how much I love and appreciate them and everything they have done for me."

"Babe, what do you want to say to them; what do you want them to see in you; how do you want to make them proud?" "Peter, I know the answer to all three of your questions, but how will I know they see how hard I work to be the person they want me to be, expect me to be? How will I know they are proud of me and can see I'm proud of myself for what I am accomplishing and will accomplish down the road?"

First and foremost, Leon, you will know they are proud of you because they will tell you. Your family doesn't mince words about how they feel, and they have already let us know how much they love you, respect you, and cherish you. If they didn't, they wouldn't have come to spend time with you, with us, and Seth wouldn't love you beyond measure the way he does. That young man thinks you walk on water, Leon. How great is that?"

"Leon, I guess what I am trying to tell you is to simply be yourself. It has worked up to this point, and it will work down the road in the future."

"There's a movie I'd like to watch with you entitled The Note. It's a Hallmark movie everybody should watch at least once. It wouldn't hurt anybody to watch it periodically to remember the message the show brings." "Why that movie, Peter?" "I think you can learn some things from the story."

When the movie was over, all Leon could say was wow. "Now tell me what you learned from the movie, Leon."

"I am not the only person who has had to overcome losing my mother the way I did. So that, even when someone comes bearing bad news, we have to bless Hashem and trust Him in the bad times and the good, that He will always provide what we need in His time and in His way. But, I think most importantly, I believe I have learned that what we believe is the worst we will have ever suffered, Hashem will bring us through it with untold blessings – we have to be willing to listen to and heed what Hashem says to us through His words and His deeds."

"Precisely, love. Tell me now what you believe Hashem has told you." "He loves me, Peter, and others love me, not because they have to, but because they want to. So, while I thought I never had much of a family outside of my mom, I now have a big family willing to step in and do whatever is necessary to help me. But, the incredible realization is that I may not know who that family is until I am at my worst as I was in Memphis."

Peter leaned over, kissed Leon, gave him a warm, loving hug, and said, "Leon, I am so proud of you for coming so far in the past two years. You spoke of Hashem blessing you; He has blessed me by letting you be a part of my life for as long as we live." Leon grasped Peter's hand, leaned his head back against the chair, and closed his eyes as he counted his many blessings. It was a beautiful night with spring temps and bright stars in a clear mountain sky, and Leon was with the one person who would love and accept him for who he was – faults and all.

"Leon." "Yes, Peter." "What are you thinking?" Leon didn't say a word as he squeezed and tightly held his husband's hand.

The two lovers sat on their front deck, listening to the night sounds of the mountains. Not much was said before they retired for the night. When they climbed into their bed, Leon snuggled up to Peter as closely as possible with Peter's arm wrapped around him, pulling Leon against his side.

The following morning, Peter awoke to find Leon looking out the front window of the bedroom, a cup of coffee in hand. Something happened last night, and only time would tell what that was.

"Babe, how long have you been sitting at the window?" "Maybe an hour or so. I woke up and started thinking about how much good had happened in my life; there are some notes I need to write."

"You are on spring break, Leon, so you can relax, do some advanced reading, and get those notes written." "That's what I think I'll do, Peter, but there is one other thing I'd like to do this week that I don't normally get to do." "And what is that, Leon?" "I'd like to have lunch with you this week, at least once or twice."

"If that is what you want to do, come to the emergency room and let me know you are at the hospital, and as soon as I can, I'll break away and have lunch with you. I have to get to work now, but I'd like for you to lie down and get another hour or two of rest; you deserve it, so take it while you can." With that, Peter kissed Leon and headed to the hospital.

At one o'clock, straight up and down, Leon walked into the emergency room and asked the nurses to let Peter know he was there and would be in the doctor's lounge. A nurse started to tell Leon he couldn't wait in the doctor's lounge until another nurse told her who he was. He was then shown to the lounge and given a cup of coffee to enjoy until Peter came to get him for lunch.

When they got to the physician's dining room and got seated, one of the hospitalists walked up to the table and said, "So, Peter, is this the lucky guy in your life?"

"He is, Alonzo; this is my husband, Leon." "Leon, it is nice to finally meet you after hearing so much about you." "Alonzo, it is nice to meet you as well. I'm sorry we haven't met before. Still, I have been working toward a degree in psychology so I can get a doctorate in clinical psych, and be a part of the clinic when we get to Erie."

"Leon, I also know your brother, Peyton, and your brother-in-law, Jaiden. They described you to me in ways that put you on a pedestal; you are indeed a person of real character. Now that I have finally met you, I can see what they talked about."

"I don't know what they have said about me, Alonzo, but whatever it was, I appreciate their kind words."

Alonzo ate his lunch and excused himself to go complete his rounds. Business in the ER was very slow, so Peter sat and talked with Leon for some time.

"Peter, I wonder what Peyton and Jaiden told Alonzo about me?" "It doesn't really matter, Leon; it was good, which is what counts. But, frankly, I didn't know Alonzo knew Jaiden and Peyton, much less that he had spoken with them about you."

"I have an idea that might help you become more comfortable and better understand how your life has drastically improved over the past year and a half: compare your situation with Peyton Macgruder in the movie; write down the similarities and how Peyton Macgruder's and your situations match regarding the note she found at the beach. How did that note affect Macgruder, and what was its effect on her life?"

"Then think about what you could say in a letter to your new parents and siblings; write a letter to them when you have organized your thoughts."

"I'll try that this week, Peter."

"Dear Mom and Dad, you both know I have had problems understanding and accepting the help I have received over the past year. Yesterday, Peter sat down with me and played a movie called The Note.

The story centers around a reporter covering a plane crash on the coast. She finds a piece of life vest floating in the ocean and a note inside a glad bag with cookie crumbs. Of all the names it could be, her name was Peyton, Peyton Macgruder.

Peyton set off to find the person for whom the note was intended, and every time she struck out."

"Finally, one day, a young girl knocked on her door, gave enough information, and asked the right questions for Peyton Macgruder to know the young girl was the person for whom the note was written as the plane was crashing into the ocean."

One thing led to another, and the girl was invited to the Macgruder home for Christmas – an orphan, the girl thought."

Peyton Macgruder had been married and was pregnant when her husband was killed. Peyton's father talked her into giving up the baby for adoption, and out of guilt, Peyton never tried to find her daughter."

"I guess what I am trying to say is, that because of the movie, I have finally figured out that my life had to come full circle before things could or would get better."

"There is no doubt that Jaiden was the instrument that began my change, and our Peyton was the person who made sure I stuck around to experience that change. The difference I have experienced has been an unwavering love that I could never imagine in my wildest dreams. It has been a healing, accepting love, a love without pretense, or any expectation of return."

"Thank you for wanting to be my parents and help me through everything I have had to face in the last year. I am sure that without your love, the love of Peyton and Jaiden, and especially the love I have received from Jenny and Seth, I wouldn't be where I am today."

"Each of you had a role in saving my life. I will be forever grateful for what you, Peyton, Jaiden, Richard, and especially Jenny and Seth, have done for me. I love you more than I will ever be able to express. Leon."

Leon copied his brothers and sister with a copy of the letter to their parents - each with a handwritten note saying, `Thank you, much love, Leon.' It took three days for the letters to reach their destinations, and when they did, Peyton's mom called him to ask if he had gotten a copy of the letter. Peyton told her he and Jaiden had received a copy, and had shed a few tears over Leon's sentiment.

An hour later, Richard called Peyton to say he had received a copy of Leon's letter, and how honored he felt to get it with the extra note Leon put with it.

"Peyton, let's go outside and sit on the deck. Charley and Dale have gone to bed, so we can have some alone time."

The two guys walked onto the deck, and Jaiden sat on the chaise lounge chair and said, "Hey, Babe, sit right here facing me." Peyton climbed onto Jaiden's lap, faced him, and gazed into his eyes. As he was looking at his husband, Jaiden reached out and unbuckled Peyton's belt, unsnapped his pants, and slid them and his briefs to his knees.

He didn't say a word as he grasped Peyton's penis, began lightly rolling it in his fingers, massaging it up and down, causing Peyton to have a raging erection.

Peyton's eyes were closed, so he didn't see Jaiden move in to engulf his engorged phallus. When Jaiden lowered himself onto his husband, Peyton let out a faint gasp of pleasure. He held Jaiden's head as he was pleasured beyond belief. He always enjoyed his love sessions with Jaiden. Still, when they were risqué in nature, they were always more exciting and intense.

His energy expended through his climax; Peyton was heavily breathing as Jaiden watched with a smile on his face.

When Peyton recovered his breath, he removed Jaiden's clothing from the waist down, reached in a table drawer by the lounge chair, and retrieved a bottle of lube which he used generously on himself.

Once he got himself sufficiently ready, he lowered himself onto Jaiden and made slow, purposeful gyrations until Jaiden grunted, and filled him with warm, white, boy nectar.

When Peyton pulled off of Jaiden, some of Jaiden's emotional deposits were returned to him in small amounts that fell onto his pubes.

He turned Peyton to his side and held him until they rested enough to go upstairs and shower together. Peyton got the shower started and made sure the water temperature was as Jaiden liked it. Then, they climbed into the shower and caressed each other under the warm water.

From the way Jaiden kissed Peyton, fireworks were indeed exploding through the window and lighting up the backyard; their passion was unmistakable, and their love was unquestionable. Jaiden still has what it takes to enflame Peyton.

Since it was Friday night, they held each other and talked for at least an hour before going to sleep before going to the temple the following morning.

Saturday morning, all four guys were in the best moods they had been in in a long time. Peyton, Jaiden, Dale, and Charley had lived together long enough that they didn't have to question the great mood they each were in; they knew! Breakfast was prepared with smiles on each face, and the children were woken up gleefully and dressed for temple.

Everybody ate breakfast, cleared and cleaned the table, and placed the dishes into the dishwasher. Finally, the children were loaded into the van, and off they went to the synagogue.

When they arrived for the Saturday morning services, the children were excited to get inside and take their seats. Jaiden looked at Peyton and their brothers and said, "It's incredible what a little bribery can accomplish." Dale laughed at Jaiden's comment and replied, "Yes, it is incredible, isn't it?" Jaiden knew what Dale meant because Dale had baited him in the past with a `little' bribery. Either way, the children were excited about going to temple school and learning about their rich and varied heritage.

When they were seated in the sanctuary, Jaiden reached over and grasped Peyton's hand, pulled it up to his face, and gently kissed it. Then, he leaned over and whispered into Jaiden's ear, "Babe, I love you more every day." Peyton smiled as a small tear formed in his right eye. He turned his head, laid it on Jaiden's shoulder, and said, "I love you more."

"When they were in the van, Alaina Noelle looked at Dale and asked, "Daddy, we have peetsa today." The other 9 children chimed in to show their agreement with their sister, so Jaiden turned the van toward Tony's.

When they got to Tony's, all the children except Alaina Noelle seemed excited; one could say Jaiden was concerned about Alaina not being herself; he mentioned his concern to Peyton, and they decided to call Richard and have him meet them at the hospital as soon as the children finished eating lunch.

Richard met them at the hospital and examined Alaina Noelle from head to toe. He had blood tests run, exrays completed, reviewed the results, and didn't like what he saw. He sat down with Dale and Charley, Peyton, and Jaiden and advised them he wanted to run a few more tests to rule out leukemia.

Blood was taken and tested, and the results indicated that Alaina Noelle had an infection known as cytomegalovirus.

Jaiden and Peyton knew what the treatment for the ailment would entail and that they needed to inform the Rabbi since there was a chance Alaina Noelle contracted the virus in the temple nursery – meaning every child that stayed in the nursery would need to be checked immediately.

Richard was in the process of admitting Alaina Noelle to the hospital when the lab called and said they had accidentally confused Alaina Noelle's lab results with another patient's. Richard went berserk and started screaming and cussing at the person on the phone, causing Peyton and Jaiden to be highly concerned.

"That SOB! Making a mistake like that can kill a patient; DAMN HIM!!!"

Jaiden had never seen Richard angry, much less as furious as he was at the moment, so he asked, "Richard, what's wrong?"

"Guys, Alaina Noelle doesn't have cytomegalovirus; she has the damned chickenpox. The lab screwed up!"

Richard wrote a prescription for Acyclovir suspension, 13.3 mg, q6h (meaning every 6 hours), and handed it to Jaiden and told him to go have it filled in the pharmacy and start giving it to Alaina Noelle as soon as they got home. He also mentioned to Jaiden that he wrote the prescription for a pot load of the medicine because there was no doubt the nine other children in the household would have chickenpox within a week – and that he, Peyton, Dale, and Charley were going to be miserable for several weeks.

A few minutes after Jaiden and Peyton got to the hospital pharmacy, the pharmacist called Richard to verify the prescription due to the large amount ordered. Richard explained that Drs. Jaiden and Peyton Riley-Reynolds were the parents of five boys in the same house. Their two brothers, who lived with them, have four other children in the same house; hence ten children would have chickenpox within a week – and the dads most likely would too.

The pharmacist asked Jaiden if he or the other three guys in the house had ever had chickenpox. Neither of the guys knew, so they called their parents to find out.

"Mom, this is your brilliant son, the doctor; have I ever had the chickenpox?" "No, son, you haven't; why?" "Alaina Noelle has chickenpox, and by the end of the week, all her brothers will have the same virus; we're going to have ten little ones in the house with chickenpox." "Son, make that eleven; you'll get them too! If you need help, let me know, and I'll fly down and treat all of you. Find out if Peyton, Dale, and Charlie have had the chickenpox, and let me know." "Thanks, Mom, I will."

Peyton, Dale, and Charley called their parents, and neither had the virus as a child.

Richard started laughing as he told the guys he'd call them on Sunday. If they weren't walking around scratching their sides like a monkey, they could consider themselves blessed - for the time being. Jaiden, I'll notify the administration for you and Peyton. According to protocol, you two get two weeks of vacation to get out of the infectable stage to protect the patients. Since I've had chickenpox, call me if you need my help." Peyton thanked his brother and said he would call if they needed him.

On the way home, Jaiden stopped at Walmart. Peyton ran inside and got several bottles of liquid Benedryl to help with the itching the children would have.

As soon as they got home, Alaina Noelle got a dose of medicine, went to bed, and slept until dinner time.

Jaiden called his mom and told her since Richard had chickenpox, he had offered his help if they needed him. "Jaiden, if he comes to your house, he'll take the germs home on his clothes, which could affect the fetus. So I'll check on you on Wednesday, and if you have the virus, I'll rearrange my schedule and fly down to help."

"Mom, you don't have to do that. Between Peyton and me, we can handle the children. That's true, son, but can you tolerate the children and yourselves having chickenpox simultaneously?"

"Mom, why don't you fly down on Friday evening?" "I thought so, son. I'll see y'all Friday night early."

"Guys, my mom will be here Friday night to help us. But, unfortunately, we all have to stay home for two weeks until we are over the infectious stage of chickenpox."

Charley said, "Jaiden, you know why your mom is really flying down, don't you?" "Why is that, Charley?" "She isn't going to miss the chance to boss you around for two weeks!" "Charley, don't forget she'll be bossing you around too." "Damn, Jaiden, you just had to say that, didn't you?" "Yep, I just love getting the last word in."

Next: Chapter 153

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