
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Dec 6, 2024


Gregory Patrick 12/05/2024 Jaiden -- Chapter 209

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Greg Patrick

"Chuck, what is that?"

"Nathan, it's something called itching powder. I got it from Craig at school today. I saw him put some down Tims back and Tim started itching like crazy. It was funny, but I couldn't laugh because I didn't want the teacher to think I did it." "How does it work?" I don't know, but it does and you can take a shower and wash it off real easy."

"What are you going to do with it?" "I thought I would put some in Jason's underwear and watch him squirm a little bit." "Isn't that a little mean to do that to your brother?" "Yeah, but it's just for fun. He soaped the floor in the shower and didn't tell anybody and I busted my butt the other night. I know he did it because he was laughing like crazy. I went after him but had to stop because I got a boner in the shower." "Yeah, I remember that; it was so funny!" "It wasn't funny to me, it hurt when I fell on my butt and slid all the way across the shower. Dad thought slip and slide in the shower, but I didn't say anything to get Jason in trouble. Besides, this will be more fun getting back at him for pranking me."

Nathan and Chuck went upstairs to Chuck and Jason's bedroom, closed the door, went into the drawer where Jason's underwear was and sprinkled some of the itching powder in two pairs of Jason's underwear, folded it back like it was in the drawer, and quietly went back downstairs and outside.

That night when the boys took their showers, they pulled underwear out of their drawers and put it on to get ready for bed. The went downstairs to watch television in the dark, something they did to get sleepy easier. The dads were in the den with their children and watched as Jason started to start scratching his private area -- a lot! It got to the point that he was digging in his crotch. Jaiden looked at his nephew and asked what was wrong. "Uncle Jaiden, I took a shower, but after I put my underwear on, I started itching really bad, and I don't know why. This hasn't happened before, and I don't like it." Jaiden and Dale took Jason upstairs to his bedroom and had him strip down, provoking a reactive erection in the boy. Dale had not seen his son that way before and said under his breath, "Damn, that boy has a package I'm Jealous of!" Jaiden heard that off-handed comment, laughed and agreed with Dale that somebody was going to be lucky when the boys were grown and sowing their oats.

They looked around the bedroom and in the boys drawers and found the itching powder in Chuck underwear drawer under his briefs. "Ah, Ha, Jaiden! My son caused this itching, and he is about to get paid back. Dale sprinkled a little bit of the powder in a pair of Chuck's underwear and neatly placed it back into his drawer. Neither Dale nor Jaiden said anything about what they did in front of the children.

The next morning when the children awoke, and changed in to fresh underwear for the day, they went down to breakfast. All of the dads discussed what Dale and Jaiden had done after the children went to bed -- after Jadon had to take another bath and Dale gave him some antibiotic cream with lidocaine to help stop the itching so Jason could sleep. They all had their eyes on Chuck, who, in the middle of breakfast, started to squirm in his seat. He was agitated and obviously uncomfortable, but nobody said a word. Payback for him was a bitch and the dads were enjoying watching him squirm.

"What's wrong, Chuck? Why are you looking so uncomfortable," Dale asked. "Daddy, I am itching really bad and I don't know why." "Chuck, could you have gotten some of the itching powder that you put in Jason's underwear in your own?" "I don't think so, Daddy." There was an awkward silence for a minute after Chuck realized his Dad knew exactly what he and Nathan Robert had done to Jason, and that he had just told on himself." "Jaiden knew Nathan Robert had a hand in the prank by the look on his face and the way he was avoiding looking at anyone.

Jaiden excused himself from the table for a minute to go upstairs to use the bathroom or so he said. He got the itching powder out of Chuck's drawer, went the Nathan Robert's underwear and doctored a pair of his son's underwear. He returned to the breakfast table and didn't say a word about what he had done. Dale could tell by the look on Jaiden's face and the way he looked at Dale what had happened. He fought laughing as hard as he could, and said, "Jaiden, you did, didn't you?" "Yep, I sure did. Tit for tat." Peyton almost spit a mouthful of waffle all over the table. Evening time was going to be interesting!

Chuck was excused from the table and went upstairs followed by Dale and Jaiden. Chuck, let your Uncle Jaiden check your privates to see if you have a rash he needs to give you some medicine to put on them. Chuck shucked his underwear and looked like a red, prickly pear. He had a worse reaction that Jason did; apparently being more allergic to the itching powder than his brother. Jaiden gave Chuck some ointment with lidocaine in it and told him to take a good shower and then slather the ointment really well in his private areas. His penis, scrotum, and his butt were as red as an apple, and Chuck was in obvious distress.

When he had a showder and doctored himself, he went back down stairs to the den, hugged Jason, told him what he had done to his brother, and apologized. Alaina Noelle heard Chuck's apology to Jason and became furious at her brother. She knew Chuck had gotten the itching powder from Craig, and she was going to make Craig pay for what her favorite brother his endured.

Monday morning, at school, Alaina walked by Craig and, as she did, she turned and cold-cocked him before the teacher entered the room. Then she told Craig he better not ever do anything else to cause her brothers problems or he was going to answer to her.

When Mrs. Anderson entered her classroom, she noticed that Craig's lip was red and swollen and asked him what had happened. Craig told her he wasn't looking where he was going and ran into the door. The boys in the room started laughing and said that was a lie, that he had some itching powder that made its way in to Jason's clothing, and that Alaina had kicked his butt and told him he better not do that to her brother again or he was going to answer to her. Mrs. Anderson looked at Alaina and said, "Alaina?" "Yes, Mam, I did, and if he puts itching powder in my brother's clothes again, I'm gonna get him again."

Dale got a call from the principal about the incident and assured Mr. Sims that he would take care of everything that evening. And he did! Heand Charlie were having lunch at the hospital with the crew from the Riley-Reynolds Pediatrics group. He told them what happened at the school and they howled -- as did all the other doctors in their cafeteria. One of the doctors who knew Dale and Charlie asked if Alaina really do that. Dale assured him she did, And the doctor said, "that little shit is my son, and he just told me he got hit at school, he didn't tell me a girl kicked his ass. I am going to have so much fun with this tonight. Why don't we have dinner at Tony's and I'll ask him about a girl kicking his butt while Alaina is sitting there." The date was set, and all would be at Tony's at seven that night.

When he walked into the house as he got home from work, he walked up to Alaina Noelle and asked, "Baby girl, did you cold-cock Craig for the itching powder that got into Jason's underwear?" "Yes, Sir, I did, and if he hurts Jason lile that again, I'm gonna put Craig on his butt." Dale explained to his daughter why she couldn't hit somebody that way at school without getting into trouble with the teacher and the principal and without the two calling him to squeal on her. Then he looked at Alaina Noelle and said, "High-five, baby gorl, Daddy isn't mad at you. Good for you for taking up for your brother."

That night, the Riley-Reynolds, Anderson-Leonard clams were at the restaurant when Rodney, Angels, Peter, and Craig walked in. As soon as Craig saw Alaina Noelle, he went white as a sheet. He knew something was up, but he didn't know what. Food was ordered and as the crowd waited for it to be brought to the table, the conversation somehow shifted to Craig's fat lip, which Peyton asked about -- with a smirk. Craig told Peyton that a boy had hit him at school. Alaina Noelle spoke up and said that was a lie, that she had cold-cocked him for putting itching powder in Jason's underwear. That is when Dale told Alaina that Craig had given the itching powder to Chuck who had put it in Jason's underwear. Chuck fearing everybody's wrath said, "Well, Nathan Robert helped me." Alaina shot both of the boys one of her looks to let them know that she was going to get them for that. Dale looked at his daughter and said, "Let it go, Alaina, everything is OK now and no harm was done." "In a rather disgusted, defiant tone, Alaina replied, "Yes, Sir, Daddy," as she turned and glared at Chuck and Nathan Robert. She had no intention of letting it go. They hurt her favorite brother, and by George, they were going to pay!" How they would pay was yet to be determined.

The next night at dinner, Dale prepared calves' liver with gravy, mashed potatoes, and baby English peas. If was far from Nathan Robert's and Chuck's favorite meal, it fact they hated the stuff with a passion and usually had a hamburger when the rest of the family ate liver. Dale told the children that dinner would be ready as soon as he cooked Chuck and Nathan a hamburger. Alaina spoke up and said, "That's OK, Daddy, Nathan and Chuck are going to eat liver with us tonight."

The thought of `Oh, Hell,' went through Dale's mind because he knew there was usually no way come hell or high water that Chuck bir Nathan would eat calves' liver. It just wasn't gonna happen.

When everyone was being seated at the dinner table, Alaina sat between Chucn and Nathan, and she made sure the largest pieces of liver made it to their plates with plenty of sauteed onions, and she would make sure, by golly, that the two boys would eat every morsal of food on their plates. By the time dinner was over, Nathan and Chuck were green in the face, and Alaina was sure that neither would ever prank her favorite brother again, that is until Nathan and Chuck got themselves another piece of liver and scarfed it down defeating their sister's intent on revenge.

"Oh well!" Dale thought. The boys actually pulled one over on Alaina Noelle, and she was mad.

After dinner, the boys went to their rooms to get ready for their shower. When they got into the shower and the steam had built up, Chuck cut a big one and stunk the place up something fierce, making his brothers run for cover. The dads went upstairs to see what all the commotion was all about, took one whiff and began to gag as if they had run into a surfeit of skunks. Dale could have sworn the color was running off the tiles in the bathroom.

Peyton went to the kitchen and mixed some antacid with some water and told Dale to make Chuck drink it. "What if he won't drink it, Peyton?" "Open his mouth and pour it down his throat, or we'll be smelling that stench in our rooms all night!" Jaiden and Dale slid down the wall laughing their butts off. How in the world could a little statured boy with a small butt make such a big stink was anybody's guess; the just didn't want it to happen again.

The next day at school, Chuck and Nathan were having the time of their lives: the teacher's face was green, and their classmate's gag reflexes were working overtime. The boys thought it was hilarious, but nobody else did. Little did Alaina know it, but she had introduced her brothers to a new weapon for their arsenal.

The school nurse called Dale's and Charlie's office and talked to Charlie to let him know what was going on. Charlie and Dale weren't sure what to do about the gaseous problem, so Charlie called and spoke with Jaiden. Jaiden's reply was, "REALLY!" to which Charley replied, "really," and said the teacher was getting sick on her stomach. Jaiden said he had the perfect fix for that, and Charlie asked, "What is that, Jaiden?" "Charlie, it is a very small dose of Phenergan. I'll go by the school real quick and give them a shot in their butts and tell then what it is for. It's gpmma sting like hell for a few minutes, but it should get them to control that little problem they are having fun with." "Jaiden, that's devious as hell!" "Yeah, Charlie, it is, isn't it!"

Jaiden drew up two small doses of Phenergan, put it in his medical bag and went to the school. He took both boys behind the teacher's desk, in front of the class one might add, slipped their shorts slightly down one side and stuck the needle in their butts. "Boys, this should help control your problem with the bad gas you both have."

Jaiden told the teacher that the boys were probably going to get a bit drowsy, lay their heads on their desk, and take a nap, that it was a normal reaction to the shot, albeit the shot was a much less dose than usual, and not to worry about it. I can assure you that if they think they will get another shot of Phenergan to stop their smelly problem, they'll control it on their own," -- and they did.

Jaiden lost it walking down the hall heading back to his office when he thought about how the teacher said, "Bless you Dr, Riley-Reynolds, BLESS YOU!"

That night, after the children went to bed, Jaiden recounted to the dads what had happened in the classroom. Charlie was laughing so hard he fell off the couch onto the floor. Dale and Peyton were laughing so hard they were coughing. Jaiden had the most smug look ever on his face -- until the guys went up to go to bed and realized Chuck and gone into each of their rooms and farted like he never had before. There would be no way the dads could sleep in their rooms that night, the smell simply wasn't dissipating -- at all!

"I guess we will be sleeping down stairs tonight if we want to get any sleep," Charlie said.

Dale and Charlie were snuggling in for the night when Chuck walked into their room and asked for something to drink for his stomach. As he was walking out of the room, he cut a long, loud, heavy piece of cheese, grinned and walked into the kitchen. That earned him a dose of paregoric.

Charlie walked into Peyton's and Jaiden's room and said, "Move the hell over, guys, Dale and I are joining you." Peyton Charlie they were naked and he said he didn't give a damn, that Chuck had walked into their rook and farted and there was no way they could sleep in there.

"But we're naked, Charlie!" "I don't give a damn if your flag poles are standing erect, we/ve gotta have some sleep. Jaiden was howling. He and Peyton weren't naked, Peyton was just messing with Charley and Dale. "He told Peyton, "Move over, babe, and let the guys in. Charlie, before you two get into bed with us, lock that damned door!" "Already done, Jaiden, al;ready done -- and dead-bolted."

The next morning, to be compassionate to the teacher and the boy's classmates, Dale told Granny Chuck would be staying home for the day. "What's wrong with the boy that he needs to stay home today?" "Ginny, Granny, go up and check the smell in the boy's room." Charlie lost it when both ladies returned to the kitched gren faced and gagging.

"Dale, I told that boy that if he got out of bed and walked downstairs, I was going to tear his tale out of the frame. Has he been doing that all night?" All day yesterday and all night, Ginny, Granny!" He doesn't like liver and apparently liver likes him even less. Alaina Noelle made him eat it for putting itching powder in Jason's underwear. That when Ginny lost it and slid down the wall laughing. "We'll take care of it, Dale; we know what to do."

Granny got the keys and got the Dulcolax and the MiraLAX out of the cabinet and gave it to Chuck with some Gatorade. That boy spent the rest of the day running back and forth from his bedroom to his bathroom. If the Phenergan Jaiden gave him didn't stop the problem, what Ginny and Granny did would. By that evening, Chucks problem was gone and he was allowed to go outside -- in the fresh air!

Dale went by the house at lunch to check on Chuck, and Ginny and Granny told him the gas problem was almost totally gone. "Granny, what did you and Ginny do to stop the problem? MiraLAX and a dose of Dulcolax. It works wonders for cleaning out the body!" Dale kissed both ladies and went by the florist and got them each a dozen red roses he'd give to them when he got home.

Jaiden called to check on Chuck, and Granny told him what she and Ginny had done to alleviate Chuck's gas problem, and Jaiden commented that he is a doctor and should have thought of that. "Jaiden, that is only something that a desperate momma would think of, and after smelling that boy gassing up the house, we were desperate."

"What's Chuck doing now?" "He is outside in the backyard. The Rebbetzin called to see if there was a sewage keak over here, and we apologized and told her what was going on. She said, `good idea to pit Chick outside/' We told her we totally agreed. Funny thing is, Jaiden, there isn't a squirrel in sight."

Next: Chapter 203

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