
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Jun 1, 2020


Gregory Patrick gp932260@gmail.com Jaiden – Chapter 31 05-30-20

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G. A. Patrick

Everyone got up, got dressed, had breakfast, and headed to the synagogue. Before entering the temple, Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley fixed their kippahs on their heads. Dad Riley beamed as he saw `his' boys do that. He. Too, donned his kippah and entered the temple with his boys, Phyllis and Peggy.

They were escorted to seats that had been reserved for them. As they sat down, the Kravitz kids descended upon them with hugs and kisses on the cheek. Everyone who was in the temple chuckled as they enjoyed seeing the boys so excited over seeing Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley. It was like the young boys were seeing their grandparents after a long absence.

Rabbis Kravitz and Belson entered the pulpit of the synagogue to begin the services. They said the opening prayers, sang with the Cantor who also led opening prayers and led the congregation in the readings for the day. When all had been done, Rabbi Kravitz began his sermon about the responsibility to commit mitzvahs to honor Hashem, to honor one's family, and to honor the citizens of the town in which one lives. As he delivered those words, he began describing four boys in Erie who had done everything he had preached about and he told the congregation that those four boys were in the temple and he spoke.

Every congregant had an expression of awe on their faces. They had already heard their Rabbis speak about those four young men and the congregation voted to honor those young men when they attended their first service at the synagogue.

As Rabbi Kravitz concluded his sermon, he asked the President of the Temple, the President of Hadassah, and the Chairman of the Teen Council to come to the lectern. When they all had taken their places on the stage, Rabbi Kravitz began speaking to the congregation and said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, and boy and girls, I would now like for you all to meet the four young men whom you have heard so much about in the temple, in the local newspapers, and on local television."

"Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley, would you please stand." As the boys stood, thunderous applause filled the Temple. "And now, would Jaiden's mother, Dr. Peggy Reynolds, and Peyton's parents, Dr. and Mrs. Jim Riley, please stand." Again, loud applause filled the temple. "Will you each come to the stage and parents would you please stand behind your sons."

The boys climbed the steps to the stage with their parents following closely behind. When they had taken their places, Rabbi Kravitz then turned the service over to the temple President, Dr. Andrew Schrader.

Dr. Schrader spoke directly to the boys about all they had accomplished over the past four years, how proud everyone in the congregation was that they would be attending medical school and Engineering school in Erie; and how they had honored the congregation by choosing Temple Anshe Hesed as their synagogue. He looked at the young men and said, "Based on what we have heard and seen about each of you, the entire congregation has voted unanimously to grant each of you membership in Temple Anshe Hesed and to waive membership fees for the next ten years as you each complete your education and begin your careers." There is one more award we would like to present to Jaiden and Peyton.

"Jaiden and Peyton, as you heard me be introduced as Dr. Andrew Shrader at the beginning of the blessings which you each have received, you did not hear what kind of doctor I am. I was made aware of the tremendous gift of life offered to you by Jenny and Jennifer. I am a fertility specialist and I would like to offer you my services at no cost to either of you or Jenifer and Jenny if you will accept." Jaiden and Peyton just stared in disbelief and replied they would accept with the most humble of hearts. Dr. Schrader hugged each boy and all three shared mutual tears. The young men's parents were sobbing and Jenny was beside herself with joy. There was a young lady in the rear of the synagogue who was crying her heart out. Jennifer has surprised everyone by unexpectedly being at the temple service.

As much as they were crying, Jaiden and Peyton joined hands with everybody on the stage, raised their hands to the Heavens once again reciting the entire Shema from their hearts. When they completed the Shema, everyone in the synagogue was crying. The had never heard the Shema recited so beautifully and from the heart at that.

As the boys and their families were preparing to leave the synagogue, they were stopped by several congregants and told they would be dining with them at the Erie Country Club. They headed to the club and, like in Abingdon, when the boys entered the club, they noticed that the dining room was filled with every member from Temple Anshe Hesed all of whom stood and gave the boys another rousing round of applause.

Peyton and Jaiden found Jennifer and they hugged and cried together. When they finally released their embrace, the President of Hadassah got everyone's attention for yet another surprise. "Jaiden and Peyton, in honor of everything that has occurred today, the Youth Tikkum from the temple in concert with the ladies of Hadassah understand that you will need to be buying baby furniture soon and we would like to present you with this gift of $10,000 to help you buy the very best of everything for your coming children. More tears came from Jaiden, Peyton, their parents and Jenny, and Jennifer." Yet another round of applause for Jaiden and Peyton. Charley and Dale stood, walked over to their `brothers', embraced them, and then shared tears with them. What made the day more emotional was Ginny and Gampy sitting toward the back of the synagogue where they caught the boys as they were exiting the temple. She said she would meet them at the house.

It has been the most emotional day the young men and their families have ever experienced and one they would never forget. Though Charley and Dale have not begun, much less completed, conversion classes, they were now full members of Temple Anshe Hesed. Talk about an honor!

Everyone finished their lunch and temple member after member took the time to speak to the four young men and their parents to express their great joy that the boys had made Anshe Hesed their spiritual home. Many laughs were shared when many members learned the young men and the Rabbi were neighbors and told Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley, "Hmm, living next to the Rabbi and his family. You young men are going to have your hands full with those three Kravitz boys loving you as much as they do. We will daven for you!"

When everyone left the club and returned home, Ginny was there and had baked a chocolate cake Jaiden loves and had coffee ready for everyone. Everyone sat in the den and talked while eating the awesome cake Ginny had cooked. The boys made sure she and Gampy were a part of everything that occurred at the house. After all, she could handle the three Kravitz boys better than anyone around. Those three little boys love Ginny just as much as Jaiden and Peyton do. And Ginny just ate that up loving those little boys back.

Every day that Ginny came over to the house, those three little boys ran over for a Ginny hug and kiss and then ran back to their mother. Ginny smiled all day after that.

When Peyton's parents and sister left to fly home, the four boys flew back to Abingdon with Dr. Mom. They would spend three weeks with her before they would have to drive the 480 miles to Erie to get ready for the beginning of school.

When they got back to Abingdon, they discussed the night they would have and began getting ready almost every hour on the hour after dinner that Peyton and Dale had cooked for everybody. Dr. Mom commented that the two could cook as good as any chef at the country club, and she cautioned Jaiden and Peyton about getting too fat. The laughed at the comment and promised they would not be putting on any more weight, they hoped.

After dinner, they all took a long walk on the mountain roads around the house. Since they had been seeing a number of bears, Dr. Mom was packing her 45 caliber pistol just in case, and she knew how and was not afraid to use it. Thankfully, the didn't encounter any bears while taking their walk. In the back yard of the house, that was a different story every evening.

It was getting dark so everybody spent an hour or so in the den talking about the weekend's events before Dr. Mom excused herself to go to her office to catch up on reading her many medical journals.

The boys prepared themselves once again for when they would go to bed. They watched a movie on Cinemax and then retired for the evening in the lightest sense of the word.

Around 10 p.m., the boys retired to their bedrooms and climbed into bed. Tonight, both Jaiden and Peyton would be making love to each other. While they wouldn't do it often, the two had well prepared themselves for the evening.

Peyton reached over and got the warming lube our of the nightstand a applied some to Jaiden and lubed his penis. He climbed on top of Jaiden and started kissing him ever so gently as the placed his penis at the intended point and slowly entered his husband.

They had not made love without a condom before, so this was a new and exciting feeling for them. Peyton took his time and was gentle with Jaiden since he was usually the one pitching rather than catching. Jaiden had his eyes closed and seemed to be experiencing ecstasy. Peyton was experiencing a similar state of being when his body suddenly tensed and he began emptying himself into Jaiden.

Jaiden told Peyton that was the most special feeling he had ever had and then he kissed Peyton on the tip of his nose. They cuddled with each other for an hour or so when Jaiden got up and walked to Peyton's side of the bed.

Jaiden pulled Peyton to the edge of the bed, pushed Peyton's knees to his chest placing Peyton's right arm under his right thigh and his life arm over his left thigh and had Peyton maintain that position. Jaiden then took the lube and applied some to Peyton and then to himself after which he slowly entered Peyton from a new position.

Jaiden proceeded very slowly to make the feelings last as long as possible. After 15 minutes, Jaiden began to release his pent up tension into Peyton who then grabbed Jaiden with his arms and legs and held Jaiden in position until he naturally slid our of Peyton. Jaiden took their condoms and flushed them. He then turned on the shower and went and led Peyton to the bathroom.

Jaiden stepped into the shower and pulled Peyton in with him. As they stood under the warm water they gave each other's legs a golden shower as they made sure to keep themselves as clean as possible. They bathed and dried each other and then climbed back in bed with Jaiden spooning Peyton. And that is the way they woke up the next morning.

When they finally awoke, Dr. Mom had already left to make hospital rounds before seeing patients in the clinic. None of the boys bothered to get dressed as they went upstairs and fixed their breakfast. When they had finished eating and cleaned up, they retired to the den to listen to some soft jazz as they sat on the couch, Peyton sitting on Jaiden's lap and Charley sitting on Dale's lap.

Before either couple realized it, they had massaged the nether regions of their spouses and caused the rivers to flood in massive amounts. They cleaned up, got dressed, and headed to the mall to get some clothing items they would need when they got to Erie. When they had finished their shopping, there was about an hour and a half before lunchtime would arrive.

As the four of them were headed to the car, Dale said, "it is only an hour to Tony's, so why don't they go down for a pizza. Everybody agreed and an hour later they walked into Tony's, got their usual table in the back corner of the dining room. They ordered their salads, a large all meat pizza with tea to drink. When the waiter turned in the order, he walked into the office and told Tony he thought some friends of his were in the dining room.

Tony left his office and walked into the dining room to find Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley sitting at their usual table. He walked over to them and the stood up to shake Tony's hand. They got a group hug instead.

Tony told then that anytime they came in the pizzeria, whoever was working would get him out of the office if he wasn't already, and if he was not at the restaurant they would call him and he would be there in ten minutes.

Then he pointed to a very large picture of the boys on the wall that they had missed seeing and told them all his new employees were trained to get him if they saw the boys enter the restaurant. That made the boy smile from ear to ear.

Tony ordered another large all meat pizza and a tea for himself and the boys and what they didn't eat, the boys could take home. They talked for over an hour about good times and the offer made to the Jaiden and Dale from Peyton's sister and her sister-in-law. Tony shed some tears at that news. Jaiden spoke up and said if the first child was a boy that perhaps they would name Jaiden Anthony or Peyton Anthony after Tony. Tony couldn't talk for several minutes after hearing Jaiden say that.

When the boys had finished the meal, Tony had the leftovers boxed up, hugged the boys who then headed over to the college to see the counselor and to stop by the President's Office. When they spoke to the counselor, she told them she was in Jaiden's home temple for the ceremony there and snuck out so she wouldn't interrupt family time afterward. They asked her not to let the President know they were there that they were going over to surprise him.

They walked into the President's office and the secretary immediately noticed who they were and got up from her desk and hugged each of them. She said the President was in a meeting with the Deans but that she was going into the conference room and hand him a note.

No sooner had she stepped in the conference that the President and Peyton's uncle Joe, the Dean of Men came to the foyer and grabbed and hugged all four boys. The President asked them to come into the conference room where he introduced them to every Dean at Wellstone. They were all swapping happy stories when Peyton's aunt Mary entered the conference room and hugged the four boys. The Deans didn't resume their meeting for another hour.

After meeting with the President, Uncle Joe, Aunt Mary, and the Deans, the four Amigos went over to their old dorm where they discovered a plaque on the door naming their room the "Jaiden, Peyton, Dale, and Charley Suite. That got a smile out of the boys. Just then, a student entered the hallway and started to enter the room when he turned to the Amigos and asked if he could help them since they were standing at the door to his room.

Jaiden pointed to the door and said, "see the names on the plaque on the door, well, I am Jaiden, this is Peyton, the bean pole is Dale and the ginger head is Charley. The student got excited and said he had heard so much about them that is was truly an honor to meet them. He then took out his phone and called his other roomies and told them who was at their dorm apartment.

Within 10 minutes, all the roomies were at the dorm and were excitedly introducing themselves. They invited the Amigos in to see their old rooms. They found it interesting that the beds were joined together as the Amigos had done when they occupied the room.

The students then identified themselves as specific couples and said they hoped they could build love the way the Amigos had and accomplish what they had accomplished. Dale spoke up and said, "Good luck! We are now at 10 first-ever events. The students said, `You have got to be kidding us, 10?" Dale replied, "As of this past Saturday, 10." The students were blown away. They had to get back to classes so they and the Amigos left the room promising to meet again.

Next: Chapter 30

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