
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Oct 22, 2020


Gregory A. Patrick 10/20/2020

Jaiden - Chapter 69

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Greg Patrick

Jaiden woke up to kisses on his chest, tender kisses on his lips, and Peyton running his fingers through his husband's hair. His eyes were shut as he enjoyed the attention he was getting. Neither Peyton nor Jaiden said a word during their romantic time. It was hard to have private time together, getting five children up in the morning, getting their diapers changed, bathing them off, and getting them fed before Ginny and Granny got to the house. Ginny and Granny have told all four of their boys that they will get the children taken care of, but they feel that is quality time they can spend with their children. They are dedicated to their babies so their children won't grow up regretting not having had their parents active in their lives.

Classe started back up, so the brothers will be off at the clinic and hospital and have more time for their studies and playing with Alaina Noelle and the boys. The brothers' quality time with their children is evident in the children's reactions to their Dads.

When Peyton and Jaiden got to class, Doc smiled and waved when they walked into the lecture hall. Something extraordinary was going to happen today, something the young men knew nothing about.

When all the students were in class, and the professorial assistant took roll, Dr. Andy addressed the class saying he had become aware of a situation involving some students and wanted to address it.

He told his students he had received written permission and a liability release form allowing him to show them a digital film he was about to show them. Andy then began teaching on the sociological and psychological aspects of patient care and recovery. When he completed his lesson, he told his students that the story they were about to be shown was to pay homage to the medical providers they would see in the film. He related the movie was made and edited without the knowledge of the health care providers who had made a tremendous impact on their patient's life.

As the story began, the students gasped as they saw a young boy with injuries so severe that he was unrecognizable compared to his photograph. There were scenes taken during the boy's surgery of the health care providers assisting the doctor who performed the surgery.

There were interactions between the boy and his health care providers in the boy's hospital room, and pictures of a walk on the beach set up by one of the providers to observe the boy walking to ensure he was not having difficulties that didn't show up in the hospital while the boy was confined to his bed. There is one argument one of the providers shut down, showing the arrest of the patient's mother screaming vehemently. Then there was the dinner at the two provider's home that captured the boy's reaction to being served food he had never been allowed to have before.

As the film reached its conclusion, a doctor appeared on-screen speaking about how the students had just seen the perfect example of a proper bedside manner, showing empathy, concern, and reaction. While that segment of the film was being shown, the students sitting beside Peyton and Jaiden got out of their seats and stood in the aisle as several people began descending the stairs.

The first person to reach the professor's lectern was Dr. Brannen. He told the students in the auditorium that he was incredibly proud of the young men they had seen in the film and he was privileged to help them become physician's assistants while they were still in med school; that they have done things that have never before been done by second-year medical students. He described the two young men as brilliant.

As Dr. Brannen concluded his remarks, Dr Jefferson from Wellstone University stepped from behind a screen on the stage. He said, "I will keep my remarks almost as short as a commencement address that consisted of one word: "DITTO." "It is now 24 first-evers for four graduates from Wellstone.

Two gorgeous ladies approached the lectern with one big, strapping man. They introduced themselves as the parents of the two health care providers seen in the film, said how proud they were of their sons.

The man told of having a jackass he named after his son so he would have a being to talk to when his son left home to start his own life, of how much he was loved and missed by his family. When he finished, there wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Dr. Mom stepped to the lectern, introduced herself, and told Jaiden's story. For the first time ever, she admitted she knew of his struggles to get over his father's death even though his Dad died very early in his life. She looked at Jaiden and said she had wanted to try to take away his hurt but didn't because she knew his strengths lay in his ability to handle things his way. She cried as she admitted how much that hurt her over the years, and now that she had finally admitted it, she and Jaiden could begin to heal. She told how the boy's foster parents had called her and told her how wonderful Jaiden and Peyton had been to them and how grateful and blessed they felt to have the two and their brothers in Erie. Jaiden was sobbing as he was being comforted by Peyton and their classmates.

Suddenly everything got eerily quiet, and the classmates began to move away from Jaiden and Peyton. When they had moved, there was a tap on Jaiden's and Peyton's shoulders that startled them.

When they turned around, a young teen was standing there with alligator tears flowing from his eyes as he simply said, "Thank you. I love you."

Jaiden and Peyton jumped over their seats to embrace Jeremy as Don and Jay stood in the aisle. That is the point where everybody in the lecture hall began sobbing.

When emotions had calmed, the CEO of the hospital stepped to the lectern and asked Jaiden, Peyton, and Jeremy to come to the stage.

When they got there and stood with Jeremy and their parents, the President said, "Ladies and Gentlemen, never in the history of the Erie Medical Center has what I am about to acknowledge ever occurred. Jaiden, Peyton, every year, we allow our employees to vote on who they want to recognize as employee of the year. This year, the vote was unanimous without one employee voting otherwise. On behalf of the administration and Erie Medical Center staff, I would like to present to each of you a plaque naming you two as Co-Employees of the Year. Congratulations on your accomplishments and the remarkably high esteem you have among your fellow employees and doctors who practice at Erie Medical Center.

The people in the Auditorium went wild with their applause and shouts. They all loved Jaiden and Peyton, especially their classmates. When the crowd quietened, Jaiden and Peyton stepped to the microphone. They pulled a wooden box between them so Jeremy could stand with them, and so they could look each other in the eye.

"Jeremy, do you remember what Dale told you about people who love you because you deserve to be loved?" "Yes, sir, Uncle Jaiden." "All the applause you just heard and saw is because all of the people in this big room love you, and they have your back, just like me, Peyton, Don, and Jay."

"Look behind us. We had no idea these people were in town to honor you, Peyton, and myself. See the dark-haired lady that is my Mom, Dr. Peggy Reynolds. The big man and lady standing next to my Mom is Peyton's parents, Dr. Jim and Mrs. Phyllis Riley. They are here because they love and support you and have wanted very badly to meet you. I am sure my Mom will want you to call her Grandma, and Peyton's Dad wants you to call him Grandpa, and Peyton's Mom will want you to call her Granny like the rest of her grandchildren do."

"Don and Jay talked to them about what happened to you, so now it is time for you to go and introduce yourself to your new grandparents."

As Jaiden said that, Dale and Charley stepped from behind the stage screen with their parents.

Dad and Mom Anderson approached Jeremy and introduced themselves, as did Dad and Mom Jacobs. Dad and Mom Anderson hugged Jeremy and told him they wanted him to call them Grandpa Dale and Grandma Allison. Charley's Mom and Dad introduced themselves and told Jeremy to call them Grandpa Chuck and Grandma Lindsey.

Grandpa Riley pulled up one of the chairs on the stage, took Jeremy's hands in his, and said, "Jeremy, what happened to you breaks my heart; it should never have happened. I know you have felt lonely, but we want you to understand we love you because you deserve it to be loved. You also need to understand that you never did anything wrong, and it upsets all of us that someone made you feel like you did. You didn't!"

When Jaiden's Mom walked to and hugged Jeremy, they cried together. Dr. Mom told Jeremy she would always make sure he knows he is loved and that she and all his new grandparents would make sure he always has what he needs, it doesn't matter what it is.

What surprised everybody was Tony walking through the door. He walked to Peyton, Jaiden, Dale, and Charley and called for Jeremy to join them for a `Tony Huddle-Hug.' When they had done that, Tony told them he was adding Jeremy to the new mural and that he, like the brothers, would have a lifetime pass to Tony's to eat what he wanted when he wanted it. Jeremy was shocked at the attention and the love he was feeling.

When Tony had done that, he told the entire group that Tony's was catering their lunch in the dining hall, to go eat and enjoy all they could eat.

His fellow students waited until Jaiden, Peyton, and Jeremy got their food before they got in line behind the parents. When Jaiden sat down with Peyton on one side and Jeremy on the other. Jeremy looked at Jaiden and said, "Uncle Jaiden, this is good. I've never had food like this before." Jaiden dropped his elbow on the table and put his forehead in his hand for a moment and then looked at Jeremy and asked, "Jeremy, you have never had Italian food before?" "No, sir. Mom didn't do a lot of cooking. If it wasn't in a microwave bag, we didn't have it."

Jaiden stood up and headed for the door. Peyton knew he was distraught and followed him with Jaiden's Mom and his Dad in tow. When they got into the hallway, Jaiden had his face in his hands and was visibly shaken. His Mom said, "Jaiden, talk to me."

Jaiden looked at her and told his Mom that there is no telling what Jeremy has lived without, how much he has missed out on that should have been a natural part of growing up. He told his Mom and Peyton's Dad that the poor boy had never had steak before eating at their home, and he just told Jaiden that he had never eaten Italian food.

"Jaiden, we have done what we can right now. The rest of what needs to be done is going to take time. We can help him explore foods and places, love, but he is going to have to explore time for himself; all we can do is help as much as we can." Jaiden grabbed Peyton and planted his head in Peyton's shoulder and let his emotions go. When he got himself composed, the four went back inside to eat their meals.

When everyone finished eating, Jeremy asked Jaiden if his Mom might ride home with him in his new car and let him drive. Jaiden said, "Probably, ask her."

Jeremy walked up to Dr. Mom and asked, "Grandma, would you like to see my new car and ride home with me?" "Jeremy, I would love to see your car and ride home with you. Are you going to Jaiden's and Peyton's house?" "Yes, mam, everybody always goes over there and has a cup of coffee." "Jeremy, let's go!"

Jeremy grabbed Dr. Mom's hand and walked to the car. When he got to the car, he remembered he'd forgotten to ask Jay if it was OK, so he looked at Dr. Mom and said, "I'll be right back, I forgot to ask my new Dad if it was OK." He ran back to the dining room, found Jay, and asked if it was OK for him to drive Dr. Mom to Jaiden's. Jay said, "It's fine, Jeremy, be careful." "I will, Dad, thanks!" He ran back to the car and showed it to 'Grandma' before driving her to Jaiden's. When they arrived at the house, Jeremy hugged Dr. Mom and told her thank you for loving him and for getting him the car. "Jeremy, you are welcome. I am glad I could do that for you."

When they got to the house, Granny, Ginny, Gampy, and the Reverend were at the house. He walked in with Dr. Mom, and Ginny said, "Hello, young man, who would you be?" He said, "I'm Jeremy, and this is my new Grandma."

When he told Ginny who he was, she grabbed him and pulled him into a bear hug, carefully of course, and when she let go of Jeremy, Granny hugged him too. Ginny turned her head as tears fell from her eyes as she told Dr. Mom that he was still bruised from the beating he took, but that he looked so much better, and she was proud her boys helped Jeremy get as far as he has come in his recovery.

A few minutes later, everyone else started arriving. When Jaiden walked through the door, Ginny and Granny grabbed and hugged him. They turned and looked at Jeremy as they told Jaiden and Peyton how proud they were of them. Ginny watched Jeremy for the longest, wondering how in the world he could be so happy acting after all he had endured. She mused that to Dr. Mom, who said Jaiden and Peyton had done an incredible job in getting him well, and she, too, was so proud of her boys that it was hard for her to put into words. A tear fell from Dr. Mom's eye as she said, "If only Abe was here to see what Jaiden and Peyton have done, he would be so proud of his boys." "Granny and Ginny said almost in unison, "he sure would."

When Mom and Dad Riley entered the house, Jeremy ran over to them and gave them the biggest hug ever and told them thank you for what Peyton and Jaiden had done for him, that Peyton had told him his Dad had taught him everything he knew. Dad Riley got a laugh out of Jeremy's enthusiasm.

When Jaiden, Peyton, Jay, and Don walked into the house, Jeremy ran over and hugged them and said, "Uncle Jaiden, I got to drive Grandma home, and we had a good time in the car." Jay asked Jeremy if he had thanked Grandma for giving him the car, and Dr. Mom said, "Jay, he surely did, and I got the best hug ever."

That made Jeremy smile from ear to ear. Jaiden, Peyton, and their Moms went upstairs, picked up the babies, and wrinkled their noses. Dr. Mom laughed as Jaiden said a couple of the babies needed major diaper changes. Before he could get fresh diapers, Dr. Mom and Mom Riley had the babies changed. Jaiden headed downstairs, shaking his head in amazement.

Dr. Mom was on cloud nine holding little Nathan, and Mom Riley was sitting next to her on the cloud, holding Elijah James. Jaiden and Peyton brought up the flanks holding Abe, Jason, and David.

Dad Riley walked over to Peyton and Jaiden and said, "OK, guys, gimme my grandsons!" Jaiden and Peyton laughed as they handed Dad Riley Jason and David. Jaiden kept Abe in his arms. All of the children were in fantastic moods and were smiling and giggling at their grandparent's antics.

Jeremy was in the back yard playing with Jason and David as Pete looked on in amazement. It was a miracle to him that Jeremy has come so far physically and mentally after what happened to him at the hands of his bio-dad. Pete looked at Jaiden and Peyton and said, "I am going to get that SOB for what he did to Jeremy. We may never get a dime out of him, but I will hound him for every dime we can get out of whatever he earns if he is released from prison. That man is not going to get away with what he did to that child." Jaiden got Peyton to look at Pete's face that was as red as a can of red paint. Pete was furious as he watched Jeremy.

As they were standing there, Dale yelled out for everybody, "Thanks to our Rabbi and Pete lending us extra coffee makers, I have three pots of coffee ready. He was almost trampled by everyone rushing to get a cup of his famous coffee. Jaiden had bought some folding beach chairs for the deck, so everyone went outside to drink coffee and furnish the gossip line with new information. About an hour later, the boys had been given their bottles, had their diapers changed by their grandparents, and were put to bed for their afternoon naps.

Jaiden and Peyton headed to the airport with their parents so they could make their flights home. Two and a half hours later, the parents called to let them know they had safely arrived at home.

Since Andy was still at the house, they decided to pull a fast one on Peyton's Dad.

"Hey Jim, this is Andy. Did you and Phyllis get home OK?" "We did, Andy; what's up." "Not much. I was wondering if you got enough of Dale's coffee while you were here." "Andy, you know I did, and it was so good." "Yep, I know what you mean, Jim. I am still at Jaiden's and Peyton's house, sitting on their deck with a cup of Dale's coffee in my hand. Damn, it's good. I sure do wish you were here to sit on the deck drinking Dale's coffee with me, and shooting the bull."

"Andy, so help me, I am gonna get you for this!" "I am sure you will, Jim, but it will be down the road a while before you get back to Erie. In the meanwhile, I'll be sitting here drinking a cup of the best, most smooth coffee ever made, and I will think about you while I am drinking ii. Have a good night, Jim. Bye!"

"Peyton, your Dad is sufficiently irked right now, and I am sure he is plotting how to get back at me. I think I'll call him in the morning and tell him I stayed so late I took one of the rooms downstairs, and now I am sitting on the deck this morning enjoying a cup of Dale's famous coffee. That will get him." Peyton was laughing so hard he almost peed himself. Jaiden looked at Peyton and said, "Sweetie, you know your Dad is the king of getting even. If I were you, I would start wondering what he was planning to get you back. It isn't a question of if; it is a question of when."

Jaiden called his Mom and told her what they had done, and she started clapping her hands and laughing. "Jaiden, I think I will call Jim and tell him my flight was canceled at the last minute due to a problem with the plane, and I had to stay over at your home sitting on the deck drinking a cup of Dale's coffee with Andy. That should really get him going and craving Dale's coffee. Let me call Jim, and I will call you back tonight; by the way, is Ginny and Granny there to help watch the boys?" "Yes, Mam, they are." "Good, Kiss Peyton for me." When Jaiden's Mom said that, he could hear her laughing before she hung up the phone.

Jaiden walked over to Peyton, took his head in his hands, and said, "Mom said to give you this." Then he kissed Peyton very tenderly.

Peyton took Jaiden's hand, ran to the bedroom, put the DND sign on the door, and shut and locked it. Bright flashes were coming from under the door and across the back yard from the bedroom windows. There was a creaking sound like the lovebirds were swinging from a chandelier. They were having a romp in the sack like they did when alone at Wellstone.

When they finally came out of their room, they were freshly showered and smartly dressed. Shortly after they emerged from their room, Dr. Mom called and said she called Jim and rubbed it in about a rescheduled flight and enjoying Dale's coffee on the deck. Apparently, the ploy worked, and Jim was jealous.

As the guys were heading into the weekend, Peyton had rounds at the hospital Friday night, and Jaiden would work morning rounds on Saturday and then work in the emergency room until six Saturday night. Peyton would have evening rounds and work in the emergency room until midnight.

When Jaiden got home, he noticed Jeremy's car in the driveway. When he went into the house, Jeremy was rocking Jason in the rocking chair, and the other babies were playing with Dale and Charley and having a great time. Jeremy had turned 16 during the week and passed his driver's license test and road test. Jaiden, Peyton, and the brothers would be taking Jeremy to the Country Club for lunch Sunday to celebrate his birthday.

Dale told Jaiden his dinner was in the oven, and the coffee in the pot was fresh. Jaiden sat at the breakfast nook table and took his time eating dinner and relishing his coffee. When he finished his dinner and put his dishes in the dishwasher, he told Dale and Charley he would have a shower before playing with his boys, so he didn't spread any germs to them.

He was so tired when he got in the warm shower that he didn't want to get out, but the boys needed their bottles, and he loved watching his children enjoy their feeding time. They were now down to three bottles during the day and a bottle of water at bedtime.

"Good evening, welcome to WJJN Evening News. We are starting off tonight's news with a story about Anthony Bronowski. He was recently convicted in the Superior Court of Erie County on three offenses of Aggravated Battery of a Child, Felony Child Abuse, and Felony Neglect of a Child. Pennsylvania Prison Officials issued a press release this morning stating that Bronowski was found dead in his prison cell this morning. Prison officials said Bronowski had been beaten to death by fellow inmates who were angry about the offenses for which Bronowski was in prison. He had been sentenced to 75 years to serve. Bronowski's wife, Gerry, remains incarcerated at SCI in Muncie."

"Jay, this is Jaiden. Did you see tonight's local news?" "No, Jaiden, I didn't; what's up." "Jay, Jeremy's Dad was beaten to death this morning by fellow inmates. I was wondering if anybody had called you or Don in advance of the newscast." "Oh, no! Jaiden, nobody called us, and as far as I know, Jeremy has no idea. Let me talk to Don, and I will call you back shortly. Thanks for letting me know about this development."

"Don, Jaiden just called. They reported on tonight's news that Jeremy's Dad was beaten to death this morning by fellow inmates, and nobody notified us in advance of the story released by the prison system."

"Damn it. That boy has been through enough, and now this! Watch this, I am going to take care of this in less than five minutes."

"Pennsylvania Department of Corrections, how may I direct your call?" "This is Judge Don Stanislauski in Erie County; I would like to speak with the Commissioner NOW!" "Yes, sir, Judge, please hold for a second."

"This is Commissioner Califori; how may I help you, Judge?"

"Commissioner, are you aware of Pennsylvania's victim's laws requiring your office to notify victims of any news releases before that news is released to the public?" "Yes, sir, I am." "Then why the hell did your office release news regarding Anthony Bronowski's murder without someone from your office notifying the foster parents of his son before that news release was made?"

"Judge, I'm not sure; I did not know that had happened." "Well, Commissioner, it did. You are to find out who was responsible for that release, and you both better be in my Court at 9:00 am Monday morning, or I promise you'll regret that mistake being made. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, Sir, I will find out who made that egregious error, and we will be in your Court Monday morning as directed." Don said, "GOOD!" and then hung up.

"Jaiden, this is Don. Can you be here at the house shortly in case we need you when we tell Jeremy what happened?" "Don, Peyton is at the hospital. Let me call him and tell him what is going on, get Dale and Charley to watch the boys, and I will be there in 15 minutes."

"Dale, Charley, can you two watch the boys for me so I can go to Don's and Jay's house to be there when they tell Jeremy his Dad was killed this morning?" Charley looked at Jaiden and said, "Jaiden, are you kidding me?" "Charley, I wish I was, but I'm not. I am going to call Peyton and fill him in on this and then head to Don's place."

"Erie Medical Center, how may I direct your call" "This is Jaiden Riley-Reynolds. Will you please page Peyton Riley-Riley Reynolds and tell him to call me immediately, and tell him it is urgent." "Yes, sir, I'll do that immediately." "Thank you much." "You are welcome, and by the way, congratulations on the honor." "Thank you, I appreciate that."

"Peyton, 224 STAT, Peyton, 224 STAT!"

"Hello, this is Peyton." "Peyton, Jaiden requested that you call him immediately, that it was urgent." "Thank you." "Yes, sir."

"Hey, Love, what's up?" "Peyton, are you in a patient's room?" "No, sir, I have just gotten back to the dictation lounge." "Good. I just watched the news, and Jeremy's Dad was beaten to death by some inmates this morning. I called Jay, and nobody called to let them know before it hit the news, and Don is livid. He asked me to be there when he and Jay tell Jeremy, so I am on my way." Jaiden, please call me after y'all tell Jeremy and let me know how he is doing. Take the medication in the drawer, and make him take one of the pills as soon as he is told about his Dad." "Thanks for the idea, sweetheart; I'll call you as soon as I get back home. I love you." "I love you, too, Jaiden."

"Peyton, you are as white as a sheet, are you OK." "Pam, do you remember Jeremy, who spent a month with us after his Dad tried to kill him when he came out to his parents as gay?" "I do; why?" "Inmates killed his Dad this morning, and the prison sent out a news release without anybody notifying Don and Jay so they could tell Jeremy. Don is furious!"

"Peyton, please tell me that didn't happen. Jeremy is already depressed enough over what happened to him." "Pam, it happened, and Jaiden is on the way to their house to be there when they tell Jeremy. He has some medication to give Jeremy if he needs it after Jay and Don tell him what happened."

The news shook Pam and the other nurses to their core, and they were visibly upset. Peyton called the switchboard operator and told her to page him and transfer Jaiden's call as soon as he called back.

"Hey, Uncle Jaiden, why are you here?" "Jeremy, Don, Jay, and I need to talk to you about something." "Is it about what happened to my mother's husband this morning? "It is, Jeremy; why did you phrase your answer the way you did?"

"Uncle Jaiden, when he tried to kill me for being gay, and after I met all the wonderful family members I now have, he stopped being my Dad to me. I have two new Dads I love very much, and I have you, Uncle Peyton, Uncle Dale, and Uncle Charley, and I have my cousins. When you got home yesterday, that is why I was at your house rocking David. I wanted to be with my new family. The inmates killing my mother's husband did me a huge favor because I never have to worry about him getting out of prison and hurting me anymore."

Jaiden grabbed Jeremy, hugged him, and kissed him on top of his head, and told him, "Jeremy, I am so proud of you. I never expected you to react this way. I thought you would be more upset." "I was a little bit at first until I realized I don't have to be scared of him finding me anymore." "Jeremy, you are one in a million; let's go talk to your Dads."

Jeremy took Jaiden inside and let his Dads know he was there. They came into the living room, and everyone sat down so they could talk to Jeremy.

Jaiden looked at Jeremy and told him to tell his Dads what he just said outside.

"Dad, I already heard some people murdered my mother's husband in the prison where he was. I was a little bit upset initially until I realized I no longer have to be afraid he will somehow get out of prison and try to find and hurt me."

"You are my Dads, and I love you more than anything in this world, and I appreciate what the two of you have done to try and help me. I have a big family now that I never had before, and I know all of you love me. You don't have to, but you do, and that makes me feel good."

"Uncle Jaiden, while you are here, I want to ask y'all if something I want to happen could happen." "What is that, Jeremy?" "Uncle Jaiden, is it possible for my Dad's to adopt me?" All three men looked like deer stunned by headlights.

Don spoke up and said, "Jeremy, is that what you want to happen?" "Yes, sir, it is. I want your and Dad's name to be mine, and I want to tell people who my Dad's are."

"Jeremy, come here." When Jeremy walked to Don, Don hugged him as lovingly as anybody could, and so did Jay. "Jeremy, if that is what you want to happen, we would be proud to adopt you and be your Dads."

"Jaiden, will you get Pete on the phone for me, please?" "Proud to do it for you, Don."

"Pete, this is Don Stanislauski. I hope I am not disturbing you; I need your help. Jaiden watched the news tonight, and they reported that Jeremy's bio-dad was murdered by some inmates this morning because of what he had done to Jeremy. We were supposed to be notified ahead of time so we could talk to Jeremy. Needless to say, we weren't. I just spoke with the Commissioner of Corrections, and he and the person who put out the news release are to be in my courtroom Monday at 9 am. I fully intend to ream them a new asshole."

"I'm sorry, I got off on a tangent. Jeremy has a request to make. Would you mind speaking with him a moment?" "I'll be glad to, Don."

"Mr. Pete, this is Jeremy. I heard this morning that some men killed my mother's husband at the prison. At first, I was a little upset until I realized I don't have to worry anymore that he will somehow get out of prison and find me and hurt me again. I asked my Dads if they would adopt me so I could have their last name and be able to tell people they are my Dads without being untruthful. Would you please help me make that happen?"

"Jeremy, I'd be more than happy to do that for you, and I'll get started on it first thing Monday morning before I do anything else." Thank you, Mr. Pete. I love you." "I love you, too, Jeremy. Let me speak to your Dad for a moment."

"Don, I will get the adoption paperwork drawn up first thing Monday morning and get it to you so you and Jay can sign it. When the paperwork has been signed, I will file it with the clerk to have it assigned to a judge, and then we will get it done as quickly as possible, no charge."

"Pete, this is something I want to pay for, and I will pay your usual and customary fee. This means more to me than getting a favor. I hope you understand what I mean." "I do, Don, and I just gained more respect for you than I had before, so thank you for making my day. I'll bill you for the cost of doing this and no more, and I'm not going to argue about it."

"Thanks, Pete." "You bet, Don, anytime."

"OK, young man, the paperwork for Don and me to adopt you will be filed with the Clerk of Court Monday morning, and Pete is going to try to make it official as quickly as possible. Jeremy grabbed Jay and Don in a huddle-hug and was smiling ear-to-ear. Jay, Don, and Jaiden had tears rolling across their cheeks. They couldn't be happier after such tragic situations in Jeremy's life.

Jaiden got home and called Peyton to tell him the reaction. He reiterated everything Jeremy said at Don's and Jay's home, and Peyton said, "Jaiden, that is so awesome." Jaiden could tell Peyton was tearing up and told him he would pick him up at the hospital when he got off and go get something to eat so they could sit and talk for a while.

Peyton turned and said, "Pam, you are not going to believe this. When Jaiden got to Don's and Jay's house, Jeremy was outside and asked him why he was there. Jaiden told him Don, Jay, and he needed to talk to him about something. Jeremy looked at him and asked, "Uncle Jaiden is it about my mother's husband getting killed at the prison this morning." He didn't say is it about my Dad; he said is it about my mother's husband. Can you believe that boys resolve?"

"On top of that, he asked Jaiden if his new Dads could adopt him. Don looked at Jaiden and asked him to call Pete Gray. Pete is going to draw up the adoption papers and get them filed Monday morning."

"Peyton, that is so awesome! I am so glad Jay and Don love and want to take care of Jeremy." "Pam, that is not all. A local business owner will pay for him to go to med school if he wants to do that after he graduates from Wellstone."

"Wellstone University, Peyton?" "Yes, Pam. Jaiden made a few phone calls and got Jeremy a full-ride scholarship. Jeremy starts Wellstone at the beginning of next semester, and his college credits will count toward his high school graduation.

"So he can get around while he is there, Jaiden's Mom bought Jeremy a 2017 certified Ford Fusion with 30,000 miles on it. It is a beautiful car, and Jeremy has really enjoyed it."

"When Jaiden got home the day before yesterday, Jeremy was at the house with Dale and Charley and was rocking David. Jaiden said it was the cutest thing to see, that Jeremy was smiling ear-to-ear."

"We'll have a party one weekend so you and the other ladies can come over and see how happy Jeremy is now and how good he is looking. He is an awesome, smart young man. What happened to him is turning into a real blessing. We fed him prime ribs and discovered that as a fifteen-year-old, he had never had steak, and at a party at LECOM, he ate Italian food for the first time."

"Jaiden mused at LECOM that there is no telling what that boy has missed that should have been part of a normal life."

Next: Chapter 67

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