
By moc.liamg@062239pg

Published on Jan 12, 2021


Jaiden Chapter 96

Gregory A. Patrick

Jaiden Chapter 96


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Greg Patrick

It is time for basketball season to begin in Erie, and Peyton talked to Jaiden about the preseason physicals the players were supposed to have. The two spoke with the hospital's chief physician to get permission to assist with the preseason exams of the children who wanted to play ball, and he approved the move.

Peyton and Jaiden notified the Superintendent of the school system they have permission to help give the pre-seasonal physical exams to students wishing to play basketball at school. The Superintendent said they would receive compensation for their work. He was surprised when Jaiden said they didn't want any payment and preferred that money go into the sports fund to provide the players with the equipment and uniforms they needed.

The Superintendent told Jaiden and Peyton that the system had never had anyone volunteer medical services like that, and Peyton looked at him and said, "Well, you have now. We don't want a child playing sports unless they are medically fit to do so." Both guys explained that it was senseless for a child to play school sports and have a fatal heart attack or other injuries because they had conditions about which they knew nothing. The Superintendent thanked the guys profusely and told them how much money would be saved by their kind offer to do the physicals pro-bono.

What truly got to the Superintendent was when Jaiden said he and Peyton would match those funds to help buy uniforms for the players. They would ask only one thing of the school system: any child trying out to play basketball would be allowed to play even if it was on a lesser level of play. Allowing the lessor talented players to play at a more secondary level would accomplish two things: it would boost the child's sense of self -worth, and, it would give the child a personal sense of accomplishment.

The Superintendent told the two that there was a medical clinic at the high school where they could perform the physicals. They set an appointment schedule for students to make their appointments to have their physicals. The exams would begin Monday night, and Richard would be assisting in the program as well. The children would be scheduled for a physical every 15 minutes. They guys had an ulterior reason for wanting to be part of the medical team helping perform the physicals. That motive would be to discover possible signs of abuse in the children presenting for exams.

Jaiden called Roger Betterman to see if he and Bobby Standridge could be at the high school clinic on Monday night to provide security and assistance if Jaiden, Peyton, or Richard saw possible signs of abuse in the children they examined. Roger said he would call Bobby and talk to him about helping and get back with him.

Roger talked to Bobby, and he agreed to help. Roger called Jaiden to let him know they would be at the high school to help. Jaiden thanked Roger for his and Bobby's assistance and said he would see them Monday night at seven.

Monday is generally a slow night at the emergency room, so Jaiden and Peyton have Monday nights off. The exams would include a comprehensive physical exam that includes a check for hernias. This exam was sure to embarrass most boys trying out for the sports program. If the guys find abnormalities during the child's exam, the child's parent(s) will receive a completed assessment form to see the child's physician before being cleared to play sports.

Monday night rolled around, and twenty-two boys showed up for an exam. Jaiden, Peyton, and Richard found heart murmurs in several of the children and numerous swollen glands in five boys. Tuesday night, Jaiden got a call from the Superintendent saying two of the boys in which the guys found heart murmurs have severe medical conditions that will require heart surgery. Three of the boys who had swollen glands got referred to an oncologist for treatment of leukemia. The Superintendent thanked Jaiden for the work Peyton, Richard, and he did. Jaiden said he would relay his sentiments to Peyton and Richard and let them know about the boys.

When Richard and Jaiden got home after doing rounds at the hospital, Jaiden told them about the two boys who needed heart surgery, and the three boys with swollen glands diagnosed with leukemia after the pre-sport's physicals. Richard and Peyton were grateful they found the conditions they did and that the boys were now receiving life-saving treatment.

Jaiden spoke to his Mom that night, and she told him she was proud he, Peyton, and Richard alerted to the boy's conditions and that they were getting the treatment they needed. She told Jaiden that if the guys had not referred the boys to their physicians, the leukemia could have become much more life-threatening and that the boys may well have died because of a condition they didn't know they had. The boys needing heart surgery could have died of heart attacks on the basketball court.

Jaiden told his mother that if Peyton, Richard, and he had not volunteered their services, and a nurse did the cursory exams, the conditions very possibly may have been missed. He said he and Peyton would work to make physician-administered physicals mandatory for children wanting to play sports in Pennsylvania.

"Jaiden, you realize that what you are talking about falls under the guise of Environmental Engineering, don't you?" "Mom, I didn't think about that; that's why you decided to do post-graduate work in that field, isn't it?" "That is precisely why Jaiden. That degree has helped me on numerous occasions to get children and adults out of environments that were literally killing them. Allergies to plants and trees, and chemicals like perfumes or room deodorizers can be very toxic to some people and cause anaphylactic shock. It's the little things that are most easily missed that can be the most troublesome in people. That is why a well-rounded education is necessary for doctors – not getting a medical degree only." "Mom, Peyton plans to get a Master's in Environmental Engineering, and I intend to get a Master's in Mechanical Engineering to do what Dad did in his practice. We will be a team like you and Dad were." "Son, there is no doubt in my mind that you and Peyton will be a better team than your Dad and I were. In some instances, you two are already ahead of where your Dad and I were at your age; Don Brannen, Jim, and I have talked and agreed on that fact. Jaiden, Peyton, Richard, and you are twenty-four years old, and you have already won a Nobel Prize for your work. That is unheard of for someone your age."

"Mom, Abe is trying his hardest to get the phone; let me see if I can get him to say high. Abe, can you tell Grandma high?" To their surprise, Abe said high to his Grandma and then started giggling. Jaiden's Mom got a kick out of that. She asked Jaiden if the other boys could do that, and he said, "Let's find out. Elijah, can you say high to Grandma on the phone?" Elijah walked over and said, "high, Guhma." When Elijah talked on the phone, Nathan had to tell his Grandma high. Since the other brothers said high to their Grandma on the phone, it was only natural that Jason and Mark wanted their turn. Jaiden told his mother he had no idea they could talk the way they did, and he and Peyton were going to have to work on learning just what they could say. He told her they would have to stop saying "damn cat" around the boys when the neighbor's cat jumped the fence, and peed on the 4 x 4 holding up their deck.

When Peyton and Richard got home, Jaiden asked the boys if they could say "high, Dad" to Peyton. When Jaiden asked his boys that, they all rand over to Peyton and said, "high, Da," and hugged his legs. That made Peyton's eyes red and misty because he didn't know his boys could say that. Jaiden told Peyton they would have to be very careful about what they say around the boys from now on, that there is no telling what they have learned and can say at this point.

When Jaiden and Peyton got home from LECOM the next day, they put the boy's coats, hats, and gloves on them and took them outside to play and get some fresh air. No sooner had they gotten outside when the cat jumped the fence, ran over to the deck, and peed on the 4 x 4 support. To Jaiden's and Peyton's horror, Nathan pointed at the cat and said, "damn cat." Peyton explained to Nathan that he needed to say "that cat" without repeating the earlier phrase.

Jaiden took his phone out of his pocket and called his mother's office. "Hey, Becky, this is Jaiden. Is Mom busy? "No, Jaiden, she just finished with the last patient; let me get her on the phone for you." "Hey, son, what's up?" "Mom, you know the conversation we had yesterday about being careful with what we say around the boys?" "Yes, I do. What happened?" "The cat jumped the fence, ran over to the deck, and peed on the support column. Nathan pointed at the cat and said, 'damn cat.' Peyton and I nearly died laughing before Peyton explained that he needed to say 'that cat.' Hopefully, by the end of the week, we'll know more about what we have taught the boys without knowing it.

"Jaiden, that is hilarious. Do you mind if I tell the ladies in the front office?" "No, Mam, tell them that if they call me here at the house and one of the boys picks up the phone before I can get to it, there is no telling what they might hear, and I apologize beforehand." "Jaiden, that is too funny! I will go upfront and tell the ladies, and then I think I'll head home since I have completed my day. Call me this weekend and let me know what else the boys have learned to say." "I will, Mom. Have a good night. Love you." "I love you guys, too, Jaiden."

"What's so funny, Doc?" "Becky, do you remember the cat that keeps peeing on the support post on Jaiden's and Peyton's deck?" "Yes, Mam, what has he done now?" "Not a thing, Becky, but he jumped the fence yesterday, ran over to the deck, and peed on the post. When he did, Nathan pointed at him and said, 'Damn Cat.' All the boys said, "Hi, Guhma" to me on the phone yesterday. Jaiden didn't know they could or would say that, and after they did, he wondered what else they might have picked up from Peyton and him. They're going to test the boys with phrases this weekend to see what else they might say." "Doc, those babies are barely eight months old, and they are already talking?" "That they are, Becky. I cannot wait to hear what else they have picked up from my boys. It's going to be fun to see what Peyton and Jaiden must un-teach my grandbabies. I think the next month is going to be a bumpy verbal rollercoaster for Peyton and Jaiden, and I'd give a million dollars to be a fly on the wall of that house." Becky, Carol, Angie, and Allison laughed about what Nathan said and what Doc said about being a fly on the wall.

Jaiden was on duty the next evening in the ER and doing rounds on the surgical floor. Thankfully, the ER was not busy except for the regulars who will go to the ER for a bad cold instead of seeing a doctor, which would be cheaper for them. While he was at the hospital, Peyton worked with the children to get them to say I love you, daddy. By the time the babies were ready for bed, Peyton had taught them to say the phrase. When Jaiden got home, the babies were in their beds asleep, so Peyton and he took some time to hold each other and relax.

"Peyton, did the boys behave tonight?" "They behaved incredibly well, Jaiden, even though every one of the boys was acting like Jenny's pranking self. They were a hoot. They ate well at supper, and then they wanted to play, so I locked us in the den and let them have at it. They played extremely hard, and when it was time for bed, they were ready. I didn't even take the time to bathe them since they were so tired. Ginny says she wants something to do in the mornings, so I thought she would enjoy bathing her grandsons.

Ginny and Granny came into the house and told their boys good morning. Peyton looked at Ginny and said, "Ginny, the boys were so tired last night, I put them to bed without a bath. If you think they need a bath, please bathe them. They can be bathed in the tub in their bathroom instead of the shower as Jaiden and I bathe them." "Peyton, you and Jaiden actually left me something to do?" "Not purposely, but yes, Mam, we did. The boys couldn't stay awake long enough for us to get them in their beds, so we didn't try to bathe them and keep them awake. I just thought that it might be a good idea to wash the boy's bedsheets." "You boys finally left me something to do. I'll change the sheets on the boy's beds and wash the ones I take off the beds and get them put away."

"The boys are still asleep, so they will need breakfast when they awaken. The south has come out in them; they love grits with butter and soft scrambled eggs, which should be relatively easy to fix for their breakfast. We should be home from college at the usual time. Jaiden has Rounds at the hospital tonight, and I will work in the ER, so Dale, Charley, and Richard will look after the boys this evening. I hope that once we get to Tennessee, we will have set schedules for night and day so one of us will be at home most of the time. I am dreading the 24 hours shifts where you don't get home, and you don't get any sleep, but we'll get through it with Hashem's help." "That is so true, Peyton. You two have a good day at school, and I'll see you when you drop by the house."

School went well with easy classes covering things Peyton, Jaiden, and Richard already knew from working in the hospital. They are banking on their experience to get them through their residency terms a year earlier than usual.

When Jaiden and Peyton got home from LECOM, the boys were playing hard in the den until Charley yelled, "Daddy's home!" All five of his and Peyton's boys ran to Jaiden, wrapped their arms around his legs, and said, "Da, lu you." That stopped Jaiden dead in his tracks as he sat on the floor, hugged his boys, and said, "Daddy loves you, too. Peyton was standing there smiling at his boys, telling Jaiden they love him as he had taught them the day before.

Jaiden and Peyton went to their room to get comfortable before they had to head to the hospital at six. As they were getting their khaki shorts and a tee shirt on, Jaiden walked over to Peyton, and with both hands, grabbed each of Peyton's butt cheeks and gave them a few light squeezes. That turned Peyton on, and Jaiden knew it, so he walked to the bedroom door and locked it. Then he walked back to Peyton and sat him on the front of the bed after he pulled his shorts and briefs to the floor. When Peyton was sitting on the bed, Jaiden knelt on the floor, pushed Peyton's legs apart, and began a session of oral sex that was driving Peyton crazy. Jaiden took it very slowly to give Peyton as much pleasure as possible. He would take Peyton all the way in, and then back off incredibly slowly, and then run his tongue around Jaiden's shaft.

As he would go back up, Jaiden would take the glans head into his mouth and apply light suction to the head as he swirled his tongue around the head and over the meatus. When he did that, Peyton became so sensitive that he almost jumped out of his skin, but Jaiden kept him grounded on the bed. Twenty minutes or so had passed when Jaiden felt Peyton tense and his cock start to harden and spasm. Peyton grunted and released the most immense amount of spunk ever. Jaiden took every drop and swallowed it without spilling anything on the bed or Peyton. He went into the bathroom and rinsed his mouth out with some mouthwash, and took a warm washcloth back to the bed, and gently cleaned Peyton's pubes and sack. That completed, he looked Peyton in the eyes and said, "feel better, love?" Peyton said, "Immensely, and when we get home, I am going to make you feel just as good. Now, let's go play with our sons."

The guys walked into the den, laid on the floor, and let their boys climb all over them as they tickled and laughed with their sons. As always, when the seven played together, it was hard to tell who was the parent and who was the child. They have so much fun playing together. Since Dale and Charley hadn't yet arrived at home, their children joined in the playtime and climbed all over Jaiden and Peyton with their boys. Ginny and Granny got a kick out of the children playing with their Dads and Uncle. Like Charley, Ginny videoed the Dad's playing with the children and texted a copy of the video to Peyton's parents and Jaiden's Mom. The guy's parents texted Ginny back and said they thought the guys were a hoot playing with the children, and thanked Ginny for sending the video text.

It would have been impossible for the parents to see and enjoy such a video just ten years earlier.

When Dale and Charley got home, they took over playing with the children as Jaiden and Peyton headed to the hospital to do their thing. When Jaiden and Peyton got to the hospital, the ER was flooded with accident victims from a wreck on the Interstate. All the wounds needing to be sutured were cleaned and closed. Then the accident victims had x-rays taken to ensure there weren't any internal injuries or broken bones. Two teens in the wreck had broken shin bones from when their legs were trapped by their car engine crashing through the firewall.

Jaiden and Peyton called for Radiology to come to the ER with a video-fluoroscopy machine. When the machine arrived, Jaiden and Peyton donned the protective lead shields, set the bones in each teen's legs, and then put a pink cast on their legs to remind them to be more careful when racing down the interstate.

The teen's parents came to the ER to be with their sons. When the boys complained about the pink casts, their Dads told them it served them right for racing down the interstate and not paying attention. Jaiden handed the Dads a note and said to give the boys a few days in the pink casts to think about how they had been irresponsible, then to get some red clothing dye, mix it according to directions and paint the casts with it. Both Dads looked at Jaiden and smiled. They liked what Jaiden had done to teach the boys a lesson, and smiled at Jaiden after reading his note. When the boys were leaving the ER, Their Dads shook Jaiden's and Peyton's hands and thanked them for helping their sons – and for the pink casts. The four men smiled as they parted company.

Two weeks later, after the swelling in their legs went down enough to x-ray them to ensure the bones were properly knitting together, the boys went to Dr. Brannen's office to see Jaiden. He had the tech take films of the breaks and then looked at them with the boys and their Dads. He told them the legs were healing beautifully and that the casts could come off in two months provided the boys were careful and didn't reinjure their legs. Both boys asked Jaiden if there was any chance they could get the casts changed to a different color. Jaiden looked at each boy and said, "Is there any chance that you will never speed again while you are driving down the interstate or any other road?" Both boys glared at Jaiden. He looked at each boy and said, "Besides, your Dad's know how to change the color on the casts; I told them how." The boys looked at their Dads, who were sporting wide grins on their faces.

The boys said, "Dad?" Both Dads replied, "Nope, not yet. When we see you start acting more responsibly, we'll think about it." Jaiden shook their hands, handed them the papers they needed to check out with the front office, and walked out of the exam room – smiling.

Dr. Brannen saw Jaiden walk out of the exam room smiling, and asked him, "you put pink casts on those boys on purpose, didn't you?" "Yes, sir, I did, and as soon as they start acting responsibly in their Dad's eyes, both Dads know how to change the color on the casts, but the boys are going to have to earn the change." "Damn, Jaiden, you're a hoot. I would never have thought of doing that to make the boys think about their actions." "It kind of helps if you talk to the Dads before you put casts on their son's legs, and it is their suggestion to use pink casts!" Dr. Brannen walked off, laughing, and shaking his head.

The next morning, Jaiden got an early call from his Mom. "Jaiden, did you really do that?" "Do what, Mom?" "Put pink casts on the legs of two teen boys." "Yep, I sure did, and to get the color changed, they are going to have to prove to their Dads that they are, and will continue to act more responsibly down the road." "Jaiden, that is hilarious. Don called and told me about it last night, and said the boys were really upset that you wouldn't change the color of the casts, and that their Dads knew how to change the color and wouldn't." "That's true, Mom, and the Dads are having a blast forcing their sons to become more responsible if they want the pink casts to turn red." "Son, that is genius to think of doing that to get those boys to think and act responsibly, and to get their Dads in on it before the casts were applied, that was brilliant." "Thanks, Mom. I hate to run, but Peyton and I need to get the boys on their potties and get them fed before going to school. It's our quality time with the boys in the morning before Ginny and Granny get here. They don't like it too much, but they let us do it without any disagreement." "That's good, Jaiden. I appreciate the video texts I get, and they make me so proud of you and Peyton. Go take care of the boys, and I will talk to you later."

Jaiden walked to the boy's room and helped Peyton get them pottied and cleaned up. Afterward, they took the boys to the dining room and put them in their highchairs. Peyton started the grits while Jaiden got the eggs ready to scramble. Five minutes later, they were setting the boy's breakfast in front of them. Trying to take food from the boys would be like fighting a pride of lions to steal their kill; it won't happen!

Peyton and Jaiden got to LECOM and took their seats. Andy walked in, and said, "Pink casts on two teenage boys to make them think responsibly, and the teens knowing their Dads can change the cast color when the boys show responsibility; damn, that is mean and brilliant!" Everybody in the class was rolling on the floor, laughing because they knew who Andy was talking about. This time, Peyton and Jaiden were laughing with their classmates.

When class was over, and everybody was leaving the classroom, Andy stopped Jaiden and Peyton and told them the Dads of the teens were friends of his, and told him about the casts. He said the Dads thought it was a great idea to make the boys think about what they had done, and they were thinking about their actions. Andy told the guys that the Dads would change the cast color to red during the weekend.

Jaiden and Peyton smiled and said, "I think we will go get a cup of coffee." Andy replied, "Damn, you two are just like Peggy!" Jaiden said, "We know. Isn't it fun?" Besides, we can take a sip of coffee, smile at Mom, and then go to our room. It drives her nuts." Andy walked off, shaking his head.

Richard worked at the hospital tonight, and Peyton would have to go in only if the ER got busy. Thinking about that, Peyton was making plans for what he would do to Jaiden once the boys were in bed and asleep. He would repay Jaiden for what happened earlier that morning, and take his husband to the moon and back. One thing was for sure, once he completed what he had planned for Jaiden, his husband was going to sleep peacefully through the night.

When they got home, the two talked with Dale and Charley, and they decided to go to Tony's for dinner. The children hadn't had spaghetti in a long time, and the Dads were going to get veal scallopini. They were also going to test the babies on that, and see if they liked the gravy and noodles. Their babies' first teeth had come in, so the Dads were going to finely mince some of the veal and feed it to the babies and hope they liked it.

Small plates of spaghetti were placed in front of the children, who got it all over their faces. What spilled onto the trays of their highchairs, they picked up and ate. When their Dads gave them a taste of the veal, noodles, and gravy, they quickly decided they wanted what their Dads had, and pushed the spaghetti aside. Dale said. "I guess we're having spaghetti tonight, and the children are having veal scallopini." Charley told Dale he thought he was right as Jaiden and Peyton tried to coax their boys into eating their spaghetti. The boys ate the spaghetti, but they didn't let up on wanting more of the veal scallopini.

When the guys and their children got home, they took their children to the potty and put them to bed. Jaiden walked to the kitchen, fixed a couple of ham sandwiches, and made some coffee Dale's way.

He and Peyton sat in the den and enjoyed the sandwiches, since they were hungry after the babies ate their food.

Dale and Charley had gone to their bedroom for some "exercise," so Jaiden and Peyton were alone.

They finished their coffee and watched a television movie. At the same time, Peyton snuggled up to Jaiden and slowly slid his hand into Jaiden's pants, and began playing with his favorite toy.

Jaiden became aroused and very erect, so Peyton slowly unzipped Jaiden's pants and pulled them off. He knelt between his husband's legs and began softly rubbing Jaiden's cock, making it even harder than it had been. Jaiden laid his head back and was enjoying the attention Peyton was giving him. He jumped a bit as he felt Peyton take his entire shaft into his throat and slowly began bobbing his head up and down. Peyton took his time working up to the head of Jaiden's penis, applying extra suction on the glans head, and swirling his tongue around the glans while playing with the meatus. He quickly went down on Peyton, making him moan. A minute later, Peyton felt Jaiden tense, his cock thicken, and prepared himself to catch every drop of nectar Jaiden was about to send him.

When Jaiden let loose of his love nectar, like Jaiden had done that morning, Peyton caught every drop Jaiden pitched to him. When he had swallowed the love nectar, he went to the bathroom downstairs where he had hidden some lube, got the lube, a towel, and a warm washcloth to clean Jaiden. Jaiden stood so Peyton could put the towel on the couch. Peyton then laid Jaiden on his back and mounted his lover.

He lubed himself and Jaiden, and then slowly entered his husband, and made slow, sensual love to Jaiden. When he climaxed, the two laid together on the couch until Peyton naturally slid out. Peyton took the washcloth and cleaned Jaiden and himself, and then cuddled with the love of his life.

When the movie ended, they went to bed and cuddled for the remainder of the night. When they awoke the next morning and went into the kitchen to start breakfast for the children, Charley walked into the kitchen, took one look at the guys, and said, "Uh-huh, you had a great time last night." Jaiden asked, "what do you mean, Charley?" "Jaiden, you both are glowing; what do you think I meant?" Jaiden blushed a bright red as he looked at Peyton and smiled.

They heard the babies stirring around, so they took care of the usual morning routine, and took the babies to the dining room for breakfast - fresh oatmeal with Aunt Jemimah's syrup, buttered toast, orange juice, and milk. The guys got their coffee, and sat down to have breakfast with their children. The babies love oatmeal, liked orange juice, and craved their milk, their favorite drink.

When the guys got to class, Richard was there. He took one look at Jaiden and Peyton and said, "Looks like you two took advantage of me staying with Sally last night." Peyton said, "What do you mean, Richard?" "Peyton, you and Jaiden are glowing, and I won't say anymore." "Good, neither will I."

Next: Chapter 90

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