Jake Grimke

By Alan A.

Published on Nov 18, 2011


WOW!!! I didn't know I had an international following! Jake Grimke has finally graduated from Severn High School so I will be asking the folks at Nifty to put Jake's college years in the college subcategory but that won't happen until Jake starts his fall freshman term at the University of Virginia. As always, this contains and embraces accurate representations of life in Baltimore and its suburbs; Maryland's traditional sport of lacrosse and the career path a firefighter might follow in his profession. Â All of the characters in this story are fictional and resemblance to any one person whether dead or alive is purely coincidental. Â If you liked this installment, please send me some feed back; I got a rough idea where this is headed but I am always open to some suggestions. Needless to say, if you are offended by handsome athletic young men growing up gay and the obstacles they will encounter as well their personal triumphs, you should use the BACK button on your browser forthwith.

Jake stood, with half of Jose's seed dripping down the back of his throat and planted a deep kiss on Jose's lips and swirled some of the FIJI-man's own back into the owner's mouth, using his tongue to push it towards his throat. Then their kiss broke for a few seconds before Jose began the kissing all over again but Jake was not ready for more.

In fact, Jake was wiped out and led Jose to the couch and pulled the bed in a bag out of the closet and helped him get situated, just like he had done months before with Will.

"Sweet dreams sexy FIJI-man, don't let Dad scare you when he leaves for work in the morning, okay?" Jake said as he leaned in for a kiss slightly longer than a peck for good night.

"Dad, check," Jose purred as he returned the affection, "good night Jake, sweet dreams up there; behave!"

Jake padded his steps up the stairs to his own room and performed his pre-bed rituals, slipping into his mesh lacrosse shorts after pissing and brushing his teeth. The bells and whistles weren't exactly going off in his head like his dad had promised but then again, nobody was rocking his physical world like Jose could.

Just after 5:00 AM, Captain Grimke quietly walked into Jake's room to say, "Good bye son, I'll see you when I get home tonight and don't forget to cut Mrs. Linsday's grass before you go to New York this weekend."

"I won't Dad, thanks for the barbeque for Evan, everybody loved it," said Jake before adding, "have a safe shift Dad, I love you."

"I love you too Jake," John said.

"And Dad, don't scare Jose, he's sleeping on the couch," Jake added as a reminder.

That Friday was Induction Day, when families drop their sons and daughters off at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis to begin their Navy careers. It was best that Jake and Jose were heading to New York City to help keep Jake's mind off his best friend Evan Harmes who was entering through Gate 3 towards Alumni Hall to begin his induction.

Emma Grimke gave her son a ride to Hopkins to meet Jose and then took both of them to Penn Station near Charles Street for the Metroliner ride into Manhattan. Once in New York, Jose led Jake through the subway system to his brother's penthouse on the Upper East Side before taking him to see the iconic Empire State Building.

"Dad says a bomber flew into this in 1945," Jake said starting a mini-history lesson.

"Oh yeah?" Jose asked, "Why didn't it collapse like the World Trade Center."

"Well Mr. Future Architect, you should know, but I'll tell you what Dad told me," Jake offered.

"Do tell," Jose asked as they made there way around the observation deck.

"Empire State was built much more densely than the Twin Towers. The fire was pretty much confined to like the 80th floor where it impacted. There's so much concrete and steel in this building it makes the World Trade Center look like a house of cards." Jake prattled on, knowing he was running out of information.

"Nicely done, sounds like you want to be an engineer and not a journalist," Jose remarked as they finished their late Friday afternoon tour and headed out on 5th Avenue to meet Jose's brother Alejandro at Bobby Flay's Mesa Grill for an early dinner, stopping to window shop and browse at some of the stores along the way.

Although the oldest of the Valdez siblings, Alejandro was the youngest looking, having a softer look than his rough-hewn younger jock brother. He moved to New York City immediately after graduating high school and majored in art history at NYU and was currently enrolled in a master's program for interior design at the famed Parsons School of Design. Both Valdez men owned that smoldering hot Latin look that could set anybody's heart on fire and even though Alejandro might be perceived as gay, he was the straight man and engaged to a beautiful redheaded gal named Nancy Nash. Long before tonight, Jose had filled in his brother on every fact about Jake Grimke that he knew, Nancy wanted to here it all from the source, grilling Jake as the appetizers arrived on his childhood in Maryland while Alejandro looked on, matching each fact from Jake with what his brother had already told him.

After Jake's grilling, it was Jose's turn to ask his own brother questions and he got lots of answers including that Alejandro was doing some part time work as an interior designer and was already being sought after by some of New York City's movers and shakers. After the bill was settled, Alejandro handed over an envelope to Jose with the tickets for Saturday's show and they strode for the door to say their good byes.

Jake felt accepted immediately, probably having a good word forwarded to Jose's brother by his mom because of the volunteer work he had done earlier at Children's Medical Center. Nancy wouldn't settle for anything less than a hug from Jake and of course Jose and Alejandro gave Jake a big hug too just before all of them stepped out onto warm humid 5th Avenue.

"Storm coming, get home safe guys," Alejandro said feeling the humidity cling to him as he hugged Jose first, "good night bro, love you."..."Love you too big bro," Jose replied.

"Good night Jake, wonderful to finally meet you," Alejandro said before sneaking in a hushed, "don't worry about the sheets!"

Jake hugged back, not sure what to say after that last comment, "Nice to meet you too Alejandro."

After their good byes, Jose and Jake were headed uptown in a cab while his brother and Nancy were headed across town to Nancy's place. Jake's eyes practically popped out of his head when he entered Alejandro's penthouse apartment. Even though it was small, it was stunning with its bare brick walls, use of glass partitions and its own private rooftop deck area. Jake laughed when he saw the tiny kitchen with something slightly bigger than an electric hotplate for a stove and the refrigerator stuffed under the small run of a kitchen counter.

"The best is the rooftop deck overlooking Manhattan," Jose said, grabbing Jake and leading him out to the view from the 17th floor. Behind them, a row of well manicured bushes in giant planters partitioned off Alejandro's private roof area from the common roof area shared by the rest of the building's occupants. In the distance, flashes of lightning and rumbles of thunder gently intensified as the storm got closer.

Jake drank in the scene with his eyes as Jose watched him go to the edge of the wall and look down at the street and south towards the Empire State Building where they had been earlier in the day. A few big ploppy drops of rain fell sending the tenants on the other side of the bushy partition scurrying for cover as Jose stepped inside just long enough to turn off the lights, inside and out before coming up behind Jake and hugging him.

For once, it was Jake's turn to be held and he let himself melt into Jose's arms as Jose began to kiss the back of his neck as the rain held off. Jose used his strong arms and hands to explore Jake Grimke's muscled upper body as Jake laid the back of his head on Jose's shoulder. Jose's right hand slipped under Jake's shirt and traced up the mostly smooth right side of Jake's abs and to the mostly smooth right pec before zeroing in on the nip that was there that he gently flicked with his thumb until Jake felt his knees weaken. All the while Jose continued to kiss any part of Jake in reach while his left hand slid down the outside of Jake's muscled leg before sliding back up the inside of his left thigh and finally grabbing Jake's growing bulge.

Jake surrendered any care that somebody might be behind the bushes and just felt Jose march him backwards one half step at a time until they were both on the giant cushion covered chaise lounge. Jose deftly slid his hand off of Jake and lowered the backrest until it was flat and then Jake superimposed himself on top of Jose and the making out began in ernest just as the rain began to fall a little harder.

Both were consumed with making out as the elements of the storm got closer and the rain intensified, soaking them to their bones. Each man peeled the wet clothes off the other until they were naked on the chaise, grinding their midsections into each other as the water poured off each of their muscled bodies like sweat during a workout.

Jose, just a little older and maybe a little wiser urged caution and they proceeded inside, grabbing a ball of wet clothes and carrying them into the bathroom that was bigger than the kitchen. Each grabbed a towel and blotted the other off until the desire to make out overpowered the desire to be dry. At the next break, Jake turned to the commode and began to piss while Jose went to the bed and turned down the covers. Jake found his shower kit and fished out his toothbrush and tooth paste while Jose took his turn pissing under a curious eye from Jake.

"Know your HIV status?" Jose asked.

"No, not really," Jake replied.

"How many guys you been with? Done anything unsafe?" Jose pressed the line of questioning.

"Just you and Will. I don't think I've done anything unsafe." Jake answered as honestly as he knew how.

"I want to make love with you, no barriers," Jose stated, "if you are cool with that."

"I don't know," Jake replied, remember how much his father and mother implored him to be safe.

"It's cool, no pressure," Jose said, putting his hand on Jake's shoulder before kissing him anew.

"Jose, it's not that I don't want to do that, I just don't think I am ready to yet," Jake added to his previous answer, "does that make sense?"

"I hear where you are coming from, we'll go at your pace, no need for me to rush this or make you feel forced into doing something you aren't ready to do," Jose said with reassurance.

Feeling safer, Jake started kissing Jose's naked body, from head to toe, not missing anything before pulling Jose by his hard dick and leading him onto the bed until he was flat on his stomach with Jake on top, kissing the other side from head to toe. Jake paid attention to the noises of pleasure increasing and decreasing depending on where Jake's lips and tongue were kissing and licking.

Outside, the rain came down hard and the lightning and thunder flashed and crashed with equal intensity as they began their love ritual. Soon they flipped positions with Jake under Jose, his ass arching up in the air as Jose's hands massaged the lacrosse jock's glutes and quads until Jake begged, "make love to me."

"Sure?" Jose asked back.

"Confidence is high," Jake said with a flash of his smile.

Jose gave each of Jake's glutes a good smack that resounded off the bare brick walls of the penthouse as he reached for lube and condoms leaving Jake filled with even more desire.

"Please Jose, make love to me," Jake began as he felt Jose slick up his crack with lube and then tease his hole. While Jose's right hand worked Jake's crack, his left hand reached around and tugged at Jake's junk; in one long slow pull from the base of the cock and balls to the head of his shaft as Jake kept his ass arched up, moaning as Jose's fingers probed one and two at a time into Jake's inner most space.

Jake lifted his head and stared at Jose kneeling between his legs and nodded, "Please bro, fill me, I got to feel you in me tonight."

Jose slapped each glute one more time and then slicked up his shaft before unwrapping a condom down its length and pushing the head against Jake's pink pucker. He inched it in, pausing before inching more in, not wanting Jake to be scared or reject what was happening until his nearly eight inches were safely tucked inside Jake.

With Jose buried in, Jake gently pushed backwards, until the curve of his ass met the flat front of Jake's torso. Jose put his hands on Jake's back and shoulders, reached under and stroked his defined pecs until he began to gently thrust. As the thrusting increased, he gripped Jake's erection and jacked it in sync with the thrusting until Jake's breathing quickened. At the same time, Jose kissed any part of Jake in reach as their sweat-sheened bodies glistened in the flashes of lightning coming in the window, their image visible on the wall-sized mirror opposite the window.

Both men looked over at the humping as Jake's hands reached back to explore any part of Jose within reach as the thrusting increased. To Jake, it was beautiful to watch their image in the mirror as he rocked up and down to Jose's thrusts. Jake craned his head backwards to face Jose and grabbed him by the side of the head and pulled him in for a long passionate kiss as his prostrate gave up the fight to suppress his orgasm and he began exploding without even touching himself.

Jose could feel Jake's insides convulse with orgasm and began to milk the orgasm out of Jose as the kiss intensified with their near simultaneous orgasm. As twisted and contorted as it was, neither man broke the kiss until the sweat from Jose's head made it too difficult for Jake to hold him any longer. They laughed and continued with many more kisses as Jose gently and carefully withdrew from Jake letting themselves collapse intertwined with each other in the wetness of the bed linens as the storm ended outside.

Next: Chapter 29

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