Jamals Journal

By Newton Daley

Published on Jul 23, 2011


This story is the first in a series containing fantasy man on man sex. If you are offended by it or if it is illegal for you to read or possess such material, you should leave.

This story also contains unprotected sex. This is an extremely unwise activity to participate in and you should always use protection.

Please check with me first if you want to re-post this story.

I pushed my cart along the breakfast cereals aisle, scanning the shelves for my favourite, when I bumped into this skinny guy, who looked to be about sixteen and dressed in a supermarket vest, refilling a shelf.

"Sorry, I didn't see you there." I said, pulling back my cart, causing the few glass bottles in it to clink together.

"It's ok. I'm kinda used to it really." He said, then turned to continue his work.

"Yeah? You get smashed by carts alot?"

"Sometimes." he said, with a shrug of his shoulders.

I moved on, kind of getting the hint he didn't want to talk, pushing my cart and went around him and the goods on the floor till I saw my favourite cereal and made to take it down when I heard him mutter something.

"What?" I asked, when I only caught the word kids.

"I thought the commercial said it's just for kids." he said but maybe because I just stared at him he continued, "the cereal."

"Oh. Yeah but it's still my favourite and I'm no rabbit...unless we're talking sex."

He smiled at that and maybe it was the beaten puppy look he had or the perverted fact that I love teenage ass, I wanted to talk to him a little more.

"I'm Jamal." I said, and put out my hand for a shake.

His eyes widened a little, but he recovered quickly and took my hand and said, "Ian."

"How long you been working here, Ian?" I asked.

"About a month."

"Gonna be here for the summer or what?"

"Yeah it's a summer thing."

He obviously was not much of a talker but I wanted to see if this could lead anywhere so I pressed on.

"So what did you mean earlier about getting hit by carts or somethin like that?"

He looked at me for a few seconds then turned back to the shelf and said, "It's just that people don't really notice me much."

"You kidding me? You're a cute guy. Who would'nt notice you?"

I wasn't joking either. He had black hair, green eyes, pouty pink lips and a skinny body that would probably feel really good squirming under me.

He blushed at that and turned slightly away to hide his blush. His long hair fell and hid his eyes, but I tucked it behind his ear and said, "It's true."

He looked at me and opened his mouth to say something when this short guy, with his belly wobbling before him, stormed up the aisle towards us and shouted "What tha hell are you doing Dorian?! I need you to do a clean up on aisle four before you leave. Get a move on!"

The guy had a pin on his shirt that said 'HENRY, FLOOR SUPERVISOR'

"Sorry sir. I was just packing some breakfast cereal, sir." Ian replied.

"And about to show me where to find the bread." I said, trying to make this Henry guy ease up a little cause it was obvious Ian was afraid of him.

"Ye-yeah I was gonna do that." Ian said.

Henry looked at me then back to Ian and said, "Do it fast" while walking away.

"You can breathe man." I said then remembered Henry calling him Dorian. "You use Ian instead of Dorian huh?"

He cheeks coloured a little before he said, "Yeah...and thanks for what you said."

"That's cool. C'mon show me the bread."

I was trying to check out his jeans clad ass, while he lead the way, but his jeans was too baggy so I gave up on that and tried to start conversation again but he hardly said a word so I let him get back to work while I finished my shopping.

After slamming the trunk to my car, I got in, started the car and was about to reverse when out of nowhere (it seemed) a figure appeared behind the car.

I slammed on the brakes and got out of the car and recognized the figure to be Ian, looking awkward.

"Shit, Ian. You crazy?!" I shouted. "You got a death wish kid?"

"S-sorry I just...sorry." he stuttered and looked at his feet.

I blew out a breath and tried to calm down. "Sorry Ian I shouldn't have shouted. I was shocked is all. You off work?"

He nodded then looked up and blushed when he said, "I just wanted to ask you a question."

"Sure, what's on your mind?" I said, leaning back on the car trunk.

"I was wondering...uhmmm...are you from around here?"

"Nah. Got here yesterday on business. Staying until next week at a motel."

"Oh uhhhh...I'll see you around then. Take care."

"Wait that's it?" I said before getting a hold of his left wrist as he turned to leave. "Did you want a ride or somethin?"

He looked at my hand on his wrist before he said, "I just wanted to know if you were new here." Did I hear a hint of disappointment?

"Plus I live a little bit further than the motel anyway." he added.

"That's cool. I got nothin better to do Ian. Get your ass in the car."

I opened the door and was about to get in when I noticed Ian was still standing at the trunk. "Ian? C'mon you're gonna walk all the way home? For me to drive it takes ten minutes. How much longer is it gonna take to walk?"

"Why do you wanna go out of your way to help me? You don't even know me."

Cause I wanna fuck your tight pink asshole is what I wanted to say but instead said, "You wanted someone to notice you Ian. I did. I'm just offering some help."

He looked at me for a while, about 30 seconds, then nodded. "Ok, but no further than the motel. I'll walk home from there."

I responded by getting in and opening the passenger door.

On the drive I tried to convince him to stay for a bit but he wouldn't budge so we talked about other stuff like his age, which was seventeen, what kind of business I did and what he wanted do after school.

When we reached the motel, I took out the groceries and lead the way to the room, hoping he would follow. He did. I opened the door and put the bags on the floor to the right of the bed, then turned to see him standing at the door like a vampire, needing an invitation to cross the threshold.

I walked over to him and pulled him in by his wrist and shut the door with my foot. "Welcome to my humble abode." I kicked off my shoes and let go of his wrist to lift my shirt over my head while commenting, "It's fuckin hot man. How do you stand the heat?"

He stood there looking at me with his mouth slightly open and backed up a step. "Uhh...I should go. My mom is gonna freak when I get home."

I stepped forward and took a chance reaching for his dick and it was hard as a fucking rock.

"You sure you wanna go home now? Stay a while. Let me take care of this for you." I said and continued rubbing his hard dick.

I was a head taller than Ian, looking down into his green eyes while lowering my lips to his. He gave a soft moan and his lips parted a little allowing me to stick my tongue in.

He tasted of bubble gum. As soon as my tongue touched his, he slammed his knee into my balls and shoved me away before wrenching the door open and running off.

"Fuck!" I shouted as I lay on my side on the floor, holding my balls and waiting for the pain to dim.

As soon as the pain was next to nonexistent I got up and shut the door then lay on the bed.

I'm not one to 'beat my own drum' but I think I'm a good looking guy. I'm 25 years old and I have a broad nose, like most black guys, but my hair is shaved low. I'm tall with brown eyes and a chocolate brown complexion.

I'm not muscled, just toned from running most mornings and an occasional visit to the gym. I consider myself a good catch so what the fuck was Ian's problem? Maybe I shouldn't have kissed him?

I lay back in bed and pushed my sweatpants and underwear to my ankles. My hard uncut 8inch cock pointed at the ceiling drooling pre-cum and my hairy low hangers rested on the motel bed.

I rubbed my cock head with my thumb and tasted the slick, salty fluid.

"Mmmm..." I moaned while swipping another drop of pre-cum and sticking it in my mouth.

I was laying there thinking about what I would have done with Ian if he had stayed and how many other people before me probably fucked on this same bed (What? I'm a sex fiend so blow me lol) when I heard a soft knock followed by a harder knock.

I was going to ignore it when I heard a soft voice calling my name. I got up, not bothering to put on anything, opened the door and was surprised to see Ian.

"What do you want Ian?" I asked, not too kindly.

"I'm sorry." he said, looking down at his feet.

"Who you telling me or your feet?"

He looked up then and stared directly in my eyes and said, "You. I'm so sorry I freaked. I shouldn't have done what I did ok?"

"No it's not ok. Go home Ian." I pointed to my dick and said, "I'm kinda busy now so good-bye."

I made to push the door closed when he slipped in and pressed the door closed with his back.

"Get out Ian. I don't play games. If you're staying, you're gonna get my cock up your ass. If you're not, get the fuck out. As simple as that."

He got on his toes and pressed his lips to mine, quickly pushing his tongue at my closed lips. I held the top of his arms and tackled his tongue, using my own, tasting him once more.

He tasted sooo good and I was sooo horny. I wasn't going to give him a chance to back out of this again. I broke the kiss to strip him of his shirt then let it fall to the ground and latched onto one of his pink nipples.

I held onto the back of his thighs and began to lift him. He wrapped his arms around my neck, as we continued to kiss. His legs wound tightly around my waist, his baggy jeans scratching my hard dick as I walked towards the bed.

"What made you change your mind?" I asked, coming up for a breath.

"Cause of what you said. I wanted to get noticed. Just...just be gentle please." he said to my neck.

I lay him on the bed and went to my bags to get out the lube, poppers and was about to take out the condom but changed my mind cause this kid was obviously a virgin and I love fuckin a virgin teen ass bareback.

On returning to the bed I saw him still in his jeans and laying across the bed with his legs hanging over the edge. I took a sniff of the poppers then made him take two sniffs.

The effect was immediate, as I heard him curse for the first time.

"How you feelin Ian?"

"Fuckin awwwwesome. What the fuck is this Jamal? I feel so...so...so..." he said not finding the right words he just added with a sigh "Fuuuuck..."

I got his jeans and underwear off, crumpled on the floor, on top of his shoes.

I took a minute to look at Ian's body, from his half lidded eyes, over his pink nipples to his pale, cut 6 inch cock with a plum shaped head and golf sized balls. A little pre-cum ran down the main vein of the shaft when I gave his cock a little squeeze.

I licked his dick and took only the head in my mouth, tasting a little piss when I licked his cock slit and as my lips travelled further down his 6 inch rod I began to taste a little sweat.

He moaned as more of his teenage cum stick entered my mouth feeding me sticky pre-cum along the way. I began to fondle his not too hairy balls while bobbing my head up and down on his cock.

He held unto my head with both his hands and shoved his dick between my lips and really getting into face fucking me.

I pulled back from his dick when he began to pick up speed, to which he groaned again.

"c'mon fucker get a taste of some black dick." I said, dragging him off the bed and had him kneel.

"Ohhh...man. I've never seen an uncut dick before. It's so huuge."

He grabbed my dick a little too tightly and just jammed it down his throat, gagging a little.

"Don't hold my dick so tight and slowly take my dick in. Suck on the head a little and get your tongue under the foreskin."

He did as I told him but I had to slap him on the back his head a few times because of his teeth. I like teeth, a little bit, but he was going up and down with his teeth scraping my cock like a fuckin blade.

After a few minutes he got the hang of it, wrapping his pink lips around my cock going up and down and licking my cock head every once in a while and even massaging my balls.

"Stop and get on the bed on your back."

He got on the bed looking a little bit scared so I made him take another sniff of the poppers while I got the lube.

"Lift your legs and pull them back to your chest."

As he did this, I got up on the bed, parted his ass cheeks and got my first look at his pink hairless pucker. I'd be lying if I said I didn't want to pump my cock in his teen asshole and forget the lube, but I denied my hormones that request.

I bent forward and tasted his teenage pucker. I could tell he didn't clean very well from the smell. His pucker wasn't covered in shit or anything like that but come on how many of us clean that well to not leave a smell, probably impossible.

Anyway, I drew my tongue across his pucker and pressed my tongue on his tight pink hole, trying to help him to relax.

I lifted my head and said, "Relax baby, you're gonna love me rimming your teenage boy pussy." while saying this I lubed my index finger and rubbed it on his hole and watched his face as he got into the ass play.

"Uhhhhhh....yeah....fuck..." he said, when my finger gained entrance.

I leaned forward nibbling his pink nipples and shoved my index finger in and out slowly. After a few minutes his moan started to get louder so I kissed him sucking down his moan and his tongue.

He rubbed my back and groaned when I pushed in a second finger. The second finger was a little dry so I pulled them both out and applied lube to three of my fingers getting a little impatient to get into his ass.

One by one I got my three fingers in and sawed them in and out, then withdrew them. I squirted some lube on my cock and rubbed some on Ian's pink asshole.

I have this thing where if I'm doing bareback, I make the slit in my cock head 'kiss' the pucker I'm about to skewer. So I touched his hairless pink pucker with my cock head, for a few seconds, then pressed the head in slowly.

"Ahhh....no. No. It won't fit." he said, trying to crawl away from me on his back.

"It will, if you make like you're takin a dump." I said, after holding his hips when the head was firmly lodged in his asshole.

"Please take it out. Please man, take it-" He stopped suddenly when I cut off his protests with my right hand.

I held my palm pressed to his mouth until he calmed down. When I thought he calmed down enough, I pushed more of my cock up his tight hole and oh boy was he tight.

His ass walls caressed my dick on its slow entry, making me hold back but still I managed it. When only about two inches was left to go in I snapped my hips forward and the little bitch bit the palm of my hand.

"What the fuck did you do that for?" I asked after quickly withdrawing my hand.

"Sorry...just a...reflex. Your cock is fucking huge." he said his hands on my chest trying to push me off, but I was having none of that bullshit.

I leaned forward, spreading his legs out and kissed him (keeping my tongue in my own mouth) then withdrew my cock and slammed it into his once virgin hole.

He kept saying 'umph', with my mouth firmly pressed to his, over and over when my cock slammed into his hairless hole.

I put my lips by his left ear and whispered, "Say fuck me."

It took a while but he eventually got out a whimper that sounded like 'fuh me', so I told him to say it again but it was basically the same.

I stopped fucking him and leaned back to look at him and said, "Say it."

He took a few breaths with his eyes closed and tears rolling down his cheeks then said, "Fuck me." sounding winded and wimpy.

I pulled my cock back a little and shoved it back in. "Look at me."

He opened his eyes, showing me his tear drenched eyes, and bit his bottom lip which caused my cock to jerk a little.

"Do you want me to stop?" I asked knowing full well I wasn't going to stop for all the money in the world.

He looked at me and said, "No, but it hurts." then giving a little sob.

This wasn't the time for a pep talk but I loved it when my partner is enjoying themselves too.

"The pain will go away eventually but do you know why nobody sees you? It's cause you don't stand up and be a man. Take chances every once in a while. Talk to people and you may realize you like the same things."

My cock was deflating so I slowly stroked in and out of his abused hole while I continued, "You're a cute, sweet guy. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise and start getting into the sex we're having cause if it's boring and if there's one thing you don't want to be in bed, it's boring."

I stroked his deflated cock and his hole seemed to ripple around my cock. He reached out to me like he wanted a hug so I (a little bit reluctantly) leaned forward and kissed him while his arms wrapped around my neck.

I let go of his legs and hugged his chest to mine feeling his nipples rub my chest as he squirmed under me, rocking his hips and working my dick in and out (a few inches because of the angle) of his hole.

When he used his left foot to press my ass down, I knew he really wanted it.

I got up in a push up position and looked down at him seeing the lust swimming in his green eyes, the flair of his nose taking in the scents of the room, his cheeks flushed and his lips forming (in my opinion) the perfect 'O'.

He was so fucking hot right now.

I slowly slid my cock into his hole, rubbing his prostate causing him to moan really loudly and say, "Fuck me Jamal. Fuuuck me." Now that's what I wanna hear.

I pounded into his hole like a jack hammer. The headboard banged on the wall with each thrust of my dick. Ian's hands pressed on the headboard so his head wouldn't slam into it and meeting me thrust for thrust.

I saw that he was still in pain with the way he would set his mouth and the squint of his eyes but I also saw the determination to be the guy that people would notice. The guy that took chances and was a little less shy.

I held unto headboard, to get a better angle, forcing my black cock into his vice like teenage boy pussy. He stroked his cock a few times and squirted cum all over his chest and chin. "Uhhhhh...fuck Jamaaaal."

His hole seemed to be sucking my cock while he came and that was what brought me over the edge. "Yeah baby, I'm fuckin cummin wit you....I'm fuckin cummin wit you." With each word I stroked my dick in and out of his hole.

He lay on his back with me on top of him, both of us taking deep breaths. "Thank you." he said.

"You're welcome. How do you feel?" I asked, after rolling to lay on my side and look at him.

"Fuckin sore, but so fuckin awesome. Does that make sense?"

"Yeah it does."

We lay on the bed for a while until he sat up quickly and said, "I have to go. Man, my mom is gonna kill me."

"Good luck." I said with a chuckle remembering a time I had to sneak back home after getting my asshole pummelled. Good times.

He opened the door but turned and said with a small smile, "Bye and thanks again. Maybe we can do this again."

"Yeah maybe we can. I'll be here until next week. You can come back around the same time you did tonight and I'll be here to pound that sweet ass for ya."

With that said he blushed and closed the door behind him allowing me to get some sleep.

Thank you for reading and please feel free in sending your constructive comments to newley_876@yahoo.com

Next: Chapter 2

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