Jamie gets his way

By B

Published on Jun 22, 2004



Jamie had been friends with Will for years. They did everything together, hiked and camped, saw movies and double dated. When they were younger Jamie's mom joked that they were `two peas in a pod'- both in looks and temperament. Both had dark almost black hair, straight noses and blue eyes, though Will's eyes had a cast of grey that Jamie's didn't. They were alike in build as well, both tall and lean, broad shouldered and as kids skinny as reeds. They had matured since those days of sleep outs, gone through high school and even survived their first year of University together. They had enrolled in bachelor programs and even shared a number of classes. They were as close as brothers, closer, for they hid nothing from each other. Well Jamie hid one little thing, but what was one secret between friends? They were both home for the summer and had fallen easily back into their old patterns. Gathering their old crew of friends together they would pile into their cars and drive off road up to Kellers pass, a wide stretch of wilderness perfect for drinking late into the night and seducing whatever girls they had convinced to party. Will had a smooth practised charm that won the girls over and he was always one of the first to retire into the covering shade of the huge pine trees. Whenever he returned he always had a small satisfied grin on his face and an additional swagger to his gait. Will never spoke about whatever he did with those girls on the dark cool summer nights, but Jamie knew just the same and the twinge of jealousy he felt every time was kept to himself. Mostly he would just drink down another beer and stare up at the night sky.

It was on one of those nights, the same as any other when something extraordinary happened. The rest of the guys had bailed out early, leaving Will and Jamie to their own devices at Kellers pass. Jamie would have more excited had he not overheard Will invite Cheryl, a buxom redhead and her equally hot friend Karen up to the pass that night. He wondered how he would get himself out of this one, surely Karen had been chosen for him and once again he would be forced to somehow turn the girl down while still being the macho pussy loving guy he was known to be. The thought of Will between that redhead's legs set his teeth on edge and a spurt of anger flow through his veins. Truth be told, Jamie was getting sick and tired of watching Will fuck anything that moved. That night he started drinking earlier than normal and heavier too. He had switched early on from beer to Jack Daniel's and Will was not having an easy time slowing him down. "Dude, we've got all night" he said, slapping Jamie lightly on the back," You don't want to be so gone you can't get it up for Cheryl's little friend do you?" he asked, his hand resting on Jamie's shoulder. The heat from his friends hand burned through his thin t shirt and the organ Will had been discussing began to grow. Jamie's face burned with the embarrassment of it. God if Will knew what he was thinking he'd beat the shit out of me.' He thought. Man get it together.' "Yea," Jamie said putting down his plastic glass of whiskey and cracking open a beer, "Wouldn't want to disappoint Karee" he said, taking a long swill, though the beer tasted bitter in his mouth. "Her names Karen, J" Will said, balancing down on his haunches and grabbing a cold beer from the cooler. Will stared at his friend for along moment, "What's up man" he asked, "I've known you forever and you're kinda fucked tonight eh?" Jamie took a deep breath and looked right into Wills blue grey eyes. "Nothin man, just bored is all. Don't you ever get tired of fucking these girls you don't care shit about?" He asked. If he could just get Will to admit that maybe he wanted something different too than maybe Jamie could open up." But Will just laughed, the same low exciting laugh he had since forever, "Dude you are drunk aren't you. What are you talking about? You think I want to fall in love or some shit?" Jamie could feel the blood rush to his face and he suddenly felt like an idiot, "Forget it man." he said a bit more sharply than he had intended. "No, You brought it up. Is that what you mean? Do I want love?" Will asked stretching out his long legs in front of the fire and staring up into the night his head cocked slightly and his thick black hair falling back across his forehead. All Jamie wanted to do was dig his hands into that hair and pull Will closer to him, all he could imagine is what his lips would taste like, if they would be as warm and soft as they looked or if they would be firm and dry. What his tongue would taste like, if his face was scratchy like his own or smooth like a girls. Jamie's cock stirred again and his pants seemed to tighten around him. "Well?" Wills voice brought him out of his fantasy and he felt a wave of daring sweep over him and he sucked down the dregs of his beer and looked at his friend. "I want to fuck you." He said and the words were out of his mouth before he could take them back and a silence awful and heavy hung in the night. But instead of the horror Jamie thought he would feel at vocalising what he wanted- he felt free. Just incredibly free and his cock swelled hard and fast until his jeans were much too tight for him. "What the fuck are you talking about?" Will asked lightly, he had a half smile on his face but he looked confused, like a man waiting for a punch line he wasn't sure was coming. Jamie stood up and walked the few feet to his friend before bending back down in front of him. He reached out his strong hand and dug his fingers into the nape of Wills neck and leaned forward until they were only a breath away, "I said Will, That I. Want. To. Fuck. You." he spoke slowly, fearlessly, making each word a sentence. He would fantasize no longer. Either his friendship ended tonight or it began in a whole new way. Jamie pulled will closer and slowly, slowly enough for Will to pull away, Jamie lowered his mouth to his best friends. The night had stopped moving, the owls stopped their strange soft hooting and the breeze stopped moving the long forest grass and the animals stilled in flight. Jamie's heart was beating right through his chest and as his lips touched Wills his only though was soft- his lips were soft and warm. Wills arms reached up to pull Jamie's hands off of him but instead of pulling him away he gave into the bizarre impulse and pulled him closer instead, opening up his mouth and allowing Jamie to stroke his tongue with his own. Jamie groaned in absolute satisfaction when Will allowed him entrance to mouth and moved quickly before his friend changed his mind. Without taking his mouth from Will's he began to unbutton the plaid shirt his friend wore. His hands moved with a swift ease he wouldn't have though possible and his fingers were pulling at Wills belt in no time. Will was drugged, he couldn't believe what he was doing, but he also knew he didn't want the intense feeling stop. He didn't know what was going on. It was like he was dreaming- he wasn't a fag so he didn't know why he was letting Jamie kiss him. God he loved fucking girls but at the same time he couldn't remember being more turned on his life. He had always admired Jamie's body, knew his friend was good looking but he had never even considered this had he? He wondered and as he did he felt the evening breeze on his chest and he saw that his shirt was open and that Jamie was kneeling between his legs, with a wicked smile on his face. "Oh man, Will, I can't wait to get my mouth around your cock." He said and as Will looked on in utter amazement, his best friend, the same guy he had grown up with and gone to school and even roomed with leaned over him and touched the tip of his cock with his tongue. Will felt like a brand of fire had gone through him, he groaned loudly into the night, "Oh my God." he breathed as Jamie's mouth enveloped him completely and began to slide up and down his hard shaft in a fierce sucking motion. Jamie was in ecstasy, Will tasted better than he imagined and the drops of precum slicking his mouth were incredible. A raw feeling of power surged through him as Wills balls tightened and with absolute knowledge of what was to come, Jamie drew back from Will the moment before he came.

Will moaned his disappointment and reached his arms out weakly for Jamie, he wanted to cum in his buddy's mouth so badly he almost begged him. But Jamie had no intention of finishing off his friend. He stood to his full height and his lips compressed into a thin line that was part smirk and he stepped closer to Will, forcing his legs to part. What?" Will asked, going nervous, his friend blue eyes were cold in the night though heated satisfaction seemed to come off him in waves. "You'll see." Jamie said and as Wills eyes widened, Jamie slowly unbuckled his belt and drew down his zipper. He was wearing no underwear and his cock was huge and it seemed to explode from the tight denim he wore. It was thick and the tip was shiny and through the fear he had the sudden desire to taste it, to bathe it with is tongue. Jamie felt no such fear, not any longer, he felt in control now. In complete control for the first time since he had looked at his best friend Will and knew he wanted more than just friendship. He felt in control in a way he never had when Will sauntered into the woods, with yet another faceless girl on his arm. "Kiss it" Jamie said his voice soft and forceful. Will's grey blue eyes met his and obediently he dipped his head and laid small soft kisses on his dick. "Now lick it, Will." Jamie said, his eyes gleaming "Lick my cock." Will was entranced and he bent forward again and licked the slick dew off Jamie's cock. His taste was magnificent and he opened his mouth wider to take in the tip of it. He own dick throbbed heavily between his legs and he reached with one hand and began to stroke the length of it. As he stroked himself he began to use the same rhythm on Jamie, but he used his mouth as well as his hands. "Get your fucking hands off your dick Will." Jamie said softly drawing back, pulling his cock from Wills mouth. And like magic Will obeyed Jamie and Jamie smiled. "You like listening to me don't you Will?" he asked, his eyes narrowing, his mouth turning up in approval And Will nodded; all he wanted was Jamie's cock back in his mouth. He would do anything for that. Anything at all. "Are you going to fuck little girls anymore Will?" Jamie asked moving forward a half inch and brushing Wills lips with his 8 inch cock. Will was confused, no more girls? And he wondered if he was indeed going crazy. How could this be happening to him and why was he letting it? He wondered for just a moment, then Jamie's cock slapped him lightly in the face and he knew why. Knew he would do anything for his friend; anything to taste his dick again. "Yes" he said "I'll stop" Jamie grabbed the back of Wills head and bent it back ruthlessly, following the motion with his cock, stretching Wills mouth with it, slamming the back of his throat. He was rough with his friend, a little angry for all the years spent in yearning. He began a rhythm, that was hard and fast, and though Will had never had a man's cock in his throat he took to it naturally and within seconds he was closing his throat around it and tracing his tongue up and down the thick vein that pulsed so deliciously. He closed his lips hard around Jamie's meat and sucked for all he was worth. Just the idea of his friends cum in his mouth almost pushed him over the edge and he groaned loudly around Jamie's cock. With a will of iron, Jamie pulled back almost violently, the force pushing Will onto his back into the cool damp grass. "I'm going to be fucking you from now on Will." He said standing spread legged over his friend. "Got it?" he asked. Smiling when Will responded with just a nod. Grabbing his cock he began to stroke it, smiling as Will's eyes followed his hand almost greedily. "And there will be no one else" he said, stroking faster. "Right." Will gasped, struggling to his knees, reaching for his own rod. And as Will stroked himself, Jamie threw back his head and let loose a hot stream of cum. It hit Wills face and chest and when he saw Wills tongue reach out for what had landed on his mouth, he shot again, his legs buckling from the force of it. He landed in Wills lap and they kissed madly and Jamie felt Will's hot cum splatter up his chest and they stayed that way for a long while, licking and kissing each other. And as the sun began to peak in Kellers pass Will briefly wondered why the girls hadn't shown up and then he thanked his lucky stars that they hadn't.

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