Jc and the Actor

By Michael Bryan

Published on Aug 21, 2003


JC and the Actor, Chapter 9, Copyright 2003 ---------- The following story is entirely a work of fiction. It is not meant to imply anything about the sexuality or the personal lives of the members of NSYNC, or any other celebrities mentioned. If you are underage, or if it is illegal to read sexually explicit gay material where you live, don't read this.

Thanks to everyone who has written so far, and thanks for sticking with the story. Chapter 8 kind of wrapped up the first part of the story, so now I present to you part two of the never-ending saga of Nate and JC (in stereo where available). Please keep your comments coming. mzbryan2003@yahoo.com

Chapter 9

It was very late by the time we left the club. JC had introduced me to Joey and Chris, and Cameron had introduced me to Drew Barrymore, who told me she couldn't wait until the play reopened. For the most part though, JC and I stayed huddled together, talking at a small table. JC asked me to stay at his house in LA with him, and I agreed. It was strange how only a few hours ago I didn't know if I would ever see JC again. Now we were discussing all the places in LA that I wanted to go to, and the places he wanted to show me. I felt happy and secure with JC, and I hoped the feeling would continue for a long time.

In the cab, we headed toward my place. As we were both leaving tomorrow I asked JC if he had to go back to the hotel and pack. He gave me a funny look and I quickly realized that he didn't exactly have to do his own packing. "Welcome to the big leagues," he said, grinning at me. I didn't get the impression that the cab driver had any idea who JC was, so I leaned over and kissed him. "I like this," he said.

"Me too." We were kissing quite chastely for a while, but I soon felt a fire start to burn in me and our intensity toward each other started increasing. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and rubbed it against his own.

"Are we almost there?" he asked.

By the time we got to the apartment, things were getting pretty hot and heavy. I dropped the keys a few times, trying to get them into the lock while JC nipped at my neck and throat with his mouth. Once inside, JC started peeling my leather jacket off while I pushed his denim jacket off of his shoulders. We didn't know whether to keep kissing or start undressing. In-between kissing me JC started to talk. "Listen," he said, biting at my lower lip. I know a long lovemaking scene is usually required here, but considering that we're pretty tired and that we only have about four hours before we have to fly to LA, what do you say to the idea of just taking me to bed and fucking me senseless?"

I stopped kissing him for a moment and tilted my head, staring at him wide-eyed. "Josh, you big slut!" I smiled and kissed him again. "If that's what you want, I think I can probably arrange it. Let me just get a quick drink." Josh headed to the bedroom and I went into the kitchen for a drink of water. I had talked myself hoarse at the club and I hadn't had a drink all evening. When I walked over toward the bedroom, I was already half hard, but I quickly had a full-blown erection when I saw JC. He was completely naked, laying on the edge of the bed with his knees tucked under his chest. His arms were stretched out in front of him and his tiny, firm buttocks were spread, exposing his tight hole. The lube and a condom were already on the bed next to him. Apparently, JC really wanted it now.

"I'm not kidding around," he said. I could tell he was trying to keep from laughing. I removed my clothes, all the while staring at his smooth, muscular back. I picked up the condom and rolled it onto my cock. I squirted a glob of lube onto my hand and started sliding it up and down my dick, getting it slick and really hard. I stood behind JC, and started sliding my lubed hand into the cleft of his ass. My index finger found his hole and it slid in slowly, causing JC too sigh. I pushed it in until I could feel the inner muscles of his ass relaxing. I touched his prostate and he groaned.

"Ok, don't tease me with the small stuff," he said, looking behind him. He smiled at me. "I know you've got more than that."

I withdrew my finger and brought my cock up to his hole. I slowly pushed my large head in and then stopped again.

"Fuckin' tease," JC moaned, laying his head on the bed. I laughed for a second and then decided it was time to give him what he wanted. I pushed the rest of my length in until my pubes were rubbing up against his ass.

"Oh," he moaned. "That's more like it." I began slowly pushing in and out of him, almost completely withdrawing from him before entering again. JC's hands tightened against the mattress and I placed my hands on either side of him, supporting my weight. I leaned down and kissed his shoulders. The smooth skin of his back tickled the hairs on my chest. We found a rhythm and kept up with it for a while until he told me to go faster. I picked up the pace and soon the only sounds I could hear were JC's moans, and my balls slapping against his own. Sweat was starting to build on my forehead and tiny drops fell onto JC's back.

"Harder Nate, harder!" I could feel him clenching the walls of his anus, urging me to pound into him. I thought briefly about making a joke about not being the kind of guy that takes orders, but decided against it as I felt the pleasure increasing within me.

I started thrusting fast and deep. JC was clearly really starting to enjoy himself as he was beginning to make his familiar irregular sounds. I wasn't the quietest sex partner, but I found myself being less vocal with JC so that I could hear him indulging in his own excitement. He propped himself up by the arms and started pushing back against me. He was going faster than I was and I had to pause a minute so that I could match his pace. My cock was starting to feel like a stick being used to start a fire. I nestled my head in the crook of his shoulder, and I could see his hard cock, bouncing up and down as we fucked. The head was moist and it was so long that it kept hitting the mattress beneath us.

"Oh yeah, fuck Nate, give it to me, give it to me." I was giving him all I had, but I was worried he was soon going to need someone else to finish the job. He sped up even more, slamming himself against me, making noises I knew the neighbors could hear. Luckily, in New York no one gave a shit about what was going on in someone else's apartment. I was reaching my breaking point when a sound escaped JC's lips that I had never heard before. It was high-pitched, somewhere in-between an injured animal and a banshee's shriek.

"Oh God, I think I'm, I'm, I'm..." He made the sound again and I wondered for a second what the hell was going on. Then he went rigid and I looked down to see cum start spurting out of JC's cock in long, white streams. He kept whimpering as he shot more than I had ever seen him. The sudden events pushed me over the edge and I slammed into him one last time, grunting, shooting my own thick load into the condom. JC was still moaning and shaking as I laid my head against his back, exhausted and euphoric. I reached down and grasped his cock, milking the last few drops out of it. He shivered, slowly stretching out on the bed as I slowly slipped out of him.

"That's never happened before," he said, catching his breath. Up until this point I had never seen someone cum without being touched. I thought it was some sort of urban sex myth.

"Well, I guess there's a first time for everything," I said while I set about cleaning myself up. I had to admit I was a bit impressed with myself. A few minutes later we were cuddled up against each other, his back nestled against my chest.

We were drifting off to sleep when I heard him quietly ask, "You're still my boyfriend right?" I felt bad that he would be, at least for a while, wondering if I was going to change my mind about wanting to be with him. I kissed the back of his head and told him yes, that I was most definitely still his boyfriend.

A few short hours later we were both up and I was scrambling to get my clothes packed. I pulled out one of my larger suitcases and just started throwing random things into, thinking that if I brought enough, surely I would have a good number of different outfits to put together. JC sat up in bed, still naked, watching me run back and forth to the closet.

"You don't have to rush like a madman," he said. "The plane can't exactly leave without me."

"But my flight leaves in like an hour," I said, stuffing my socks into one of the big pockets.

JC looked at me and grinned. "Uh, Nate, I know it's very important for you to keep your independence and all, but do you really want to fly coach by yourself when we've chartered our own jet?" I stopped for a moment, not realizing that I could be flying to California with JC and the "boys."

"Who said I was flying coach?" I asked, amused with myself. JC smiled and got out of bed. He walked toward me and watching his long, plump cock bounce as he moved made me want to cancel both our flights. He gave me a hug.

"I'm glad I'm not the only one who's out of it most of the time." He let go of me and headed toward the bathroom. I slowed down my packing, and tried to pretend that I wasn't completely ecstatic about taking a private plane. Besides, it would also mean that I could spend another five hours or so with JC. I briefly wondered if this would be the longest period of uninterrupted time that I had spent with him.

A couple hours later I found myself 30,000 feet in the air with a boy-band and Cameron Diaz. Cameron had been excited to see me and said how nice it was to have another permanent groupie around. I didn't really appreciate the notion, and wondered when she would be starting her next film. As I expected, Justin would periodically give me a knowing glance and being a narcissist myself, it annoyed me.

At one point, JC went over to talk to Justin and Joey, leaving me with Lance and Chris. We sat in large, white leather chairs that faced each other, with a small cocktail table separating me from them. "So," Chris started. "You're an actor?" I nodded. "Have you been in anything I might have seen?" I couldn't tell if he was interested or being silly, but I told him I mostly worked in the theater. "Oh," he said. We had entered an area that he and Lance didn't seem to have any thoughts about. I tried to think of something to say.

"Oh, um, but when I was still in college, I did play and unruly waiting room patient in an episode of ER." Lance and Chris' faces lightened and they smiled. They thought that was cool and then started discussing how much they used to like that show. I noticed that Lance always stared at me with an almost cunning expression, and for some reason it was making me remember hearing JC yell something into the phone about him.

"So," said Lance. "Being a big New York actor must have gotten you a lot of action huh?" I looked at him strangely. I told him that it wasn't like being a rock star, and he seemed to like that response. I also explained to him that I had just gotten out of a long-term relationship, to which he replied, "And now you completely belong to JC?" He didn't say it with any malice, and he struck me as someone who had simply realized that life could be absurd.

"Well," Chris chimed in. "Just don't be thinking about joining the mile-high club while we're up here. We already had to endure listening to two other members get inducted." He pointed toward Justin and Cameron. I thought that having sex with your four best friends as a captive audience only a few feet away from you was not particularly classy, but I tried to reserve judgment. This wasn't the kind of group I was used to hanging around and didn't know if they all played by similar rules.

JC came back and sat down next to me. He started telling me about this great restaurant we were going to go eat at when we got to LA. Apparently it was near his house and was the kind of place where he wouldn't attract that much attention. The four of us chatted for a while, and then Lance and Chris got up to go talk to the other guys. JC kissed my cheek and then laid his head on my shoulder.

"So, do you want to join the mile high club?" he asked sarcastically.

"No," I replied. He pretended to give me a look of disappointment. "Besides, I had to promise some people that we wouldn't."

He laughed. "Did you like Chris and Lance?"

I told him that I did. I thought Chris was really funny and Lance kind of had a weird energy about him that intrigued me. "There's something slightly devious about him isn't there?" I asked.

JC laughed again. "More like deviant." He turned to see if anyone was around, then leaned in closer to me. "Lance is kind of what I was trying to talk to you about that night I couldn't come over."

Being reminded of JC trying to explain to me, and me pretending not to care was still a sore spot, and I hated thinking of the whole incident. "Josh, I'm sorry I said those things."

He shook his head, conveying that it didn't matter and I was glad to see he wasn't harboring any upset about it. "No, Lance is kind of the, uh, prowler of the group." I had an idea of what he meant by that, but wasn't completely sure. Sensing my confusion he continued, "He's by far the most wild of any of us, which is why I always try to keep an eye on him when we are out."

"You mean he's a big whore?" I said, kind of laughing to myself.

"I don't exactly know why he does it, but it's like anyone, anywhere, it just makes no difference to him."

I was having trouble understanding why JC was so concerned about this. "What does it have to do with you?"

"Well, he's gotten himself into some real problems before, and so far people have been able to get him out of them. But I'm always warning him that someday it's going to go too far." He paused. "I really love Lance and think he's such a great guy in so many ways. I mean, you seriously won't find anyone more fun to hang out with. And he couldn't be more relaxed about my being gay or anything else for that matter. But it's like he becomes a total idiot when it comes to sex. He takes too many risks, so I try to watch out for him and steer him away from certain situations."

"Josh, maybe you shouldn't be telling me this."

"No, its ok, I trust you and just want you to know what I'm doing if all of the sudden I take off to tend to something. That's basically what I was doing that night. He was drunk out of his mind, and I could just tell that he was gonna do something really stupid."

"And you got him not to?"

"That night at least, but I'm not always there you know." I thought it was a little strange that JC felt that this was his job when he was out with Lance, but he struck me as someone who really cared for his friends. I remembered the way his eyes followed Lance out of the art gallery that night.

"You're a good friend Josh."

"Well, no one else here is going to watch out for him." He gestured toward the others. "They think it's funny, but I just see it more like he's headed for a meltdown. I mean, if the media or anybody ever got any real confirmation about the shit he does, it would be really bad for him."

"But Josh, a musician who runs around screwing every chick he sees is hardly uncommon, I mean how would knowledge of that hurt his reputation?"

JC looked at me for a moment, then said quietly, "It's not just chicks."

"Oh!" My eyes widened. "You mean he's gay? Or bi?" I suddenly felt like I knew why Lance looked at me like I was a high-priced menu item.

JC shook his head. "I don't think it's about that. And I personally don't think he's gay anymore than he does. It's more that he just gets off on getting anyone to give him what he wants."

I'd certainly heard enough about so-called "straight" boys who didn't care who blew them, but I hadn't really come to any conclusions about their authenticity. "So you're always worried that someone is going to catch him with a guy?" I asked.

"Basically, I mean it would be one thing if he was gay and had a boyfriend, but I don't want him to be labeled as something he's not. It would kill him."

"Why isn't he worried about that?"

"He is, he always jokes about it all catching up with him at some point, but then he goes clubbing and it's all out the window."

"But Josh, aren't you afraid of causing a scandal yourself? Aren't you worried about being gay in this business?"

"I can't say I am not worried, but I think the worse that could ever come out about me was that I was, in fact, gay. I don't have tons of people that could come out of the woodwork and say scandalous things about me. Lance has to worry about headlines of getting blown in bars, and backrooms and bathrooms." He laughed a bit too himself. "Can you imagine?"

I gave him a quick, annoyed expression. "I guess not, but this kind of stuff must go on with a lot of pop stars no? I've certainly seen it just in the theater."

"Oh, that's different though," JC said. "They're all gay." I pushed my finger into his ribs and told him not to talk shit about the theater. He smiled and gave me a gentle kiss.

"Are we going straight to your house?" I asked.

He winked at me. "We're not going straight anywhere."

We did make our first stop at JC's house, but it was only to drop off our bags. His house was really nice. It very modern, basically a large square, and it hung off a cliff in the Hollywood Hills. I remembered reading that he had paid only a million dollars for it and jokingly asked him why he was so cheap. "Do you know how expensive all these ripped jeans are?" he responded.

He took me down to the garage and we were soon cruising through the winding roads of Hollywood Hills in his convertible Mercedes. JC was, unsurprisingly, not a wild driver, and he took the turns with complete caution. It was around two in the afternoon, California time, when we pulled up to a small restaurant with few cars parked outside of it. "They have the best Cuban food here," he told me.

We sat at a small table by the window and talked about our plans for the week. JC basically had to do everything he did in New York all over again, and I had to meet with Larry Ridgecliff tomorrow morning to discuss my future as a "star." My agent Allen was arriving at some point tomorrow, in order to negotiate my salary in the event I accepted what Larry had to offer. At some point during the late lunch, I started mumbling and noticed that JC kept staring off into space. We both seemed to realize that our fatigue was catching up with us and we were losing the energy to talk. "Can we go?" I asked.

"Yeah, we should, but we can't go to sleep or else it will only take longer to adjust to the time change."

"That's ok, we can just relax, watch TV or something."

"Sounds good." We drove back, not saying much, but not feeling uncomfortable in the silence. We pulled into the garage that was on the bottom level of his house, and went upstairs to the main living area. As we walked past JC's front door on the way to the den, I noticed movement through the glass panes surrounding it.

"Uh, Josh, I think someone's at the door." I was kind of expecting a twelve-year-old girl with a camera, but when JC went to the door and looked out, he quickly opened it and in stepped Lance, suitcase in hand. I suddenly didn't feel like I would be getting any rest.

To be continued

Next: Chapter 10

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