Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Dec 31, 2000


Hey guys, I'm back again... and guess what ... it's a new chapter... ain't you all so lucky.

Warning: if you are not of legal age, please do not continue reading this story or any on this site. While I know that isn't really going to stop you, I'm going to say it. If you are offended by m/m concepts please do not continue, this story will only offend. I claim no knowledge as to the sexuality of Nsync or any other associated characters. All songs used belong to respective artists, if a song is mine and you want to use it, just ask me, don't steal it.

Songs I recommend:

Garden of Songs - (boy bands) I am the author and therefore slightly biased but I have only had positive feedback on the story so I must be doing something right.

Yesterday's Child - (high school) Again, I am the author. I am biased I know but I think this is a pretty funky story.

Model Romance - (boy bands) Zack (a model) falls in love with Justin from Nsync. It is a truly great read.

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) Jamie (non-celeb) falls in love with Justin from Nsync. I love this story sooo much. Please write more Jim!!!

Reap the Whirlwind - (college) A spin-off of 'Bleeding Hearts' it is a really really great read.

Search and Rescue - (boy bands) Another JC story that warms the heart, it's great to finally see it being updated more reguarly. I love it.

Thanks must go to Ian and Casey who give me frequent feedback on my stories, it's all appreciated guys!!! Feedback can be directed to -= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com =-

Also, I must thank Casey who I now welcome to my staff as series advisor. His role will be to advise me as to how he thinks the story is going and give me the odd idea of how the chapter should go. Welcome aboard the JC Dreams ship Casey and get ready for a long ride.

Okay, well I guess I should start the story now huh. Thanks for reading... enjoy. SC.

JC Dreams 11 by Sun Child

Tony and JC road back to Tony's apartment in almost silence, only the faint sounds of the CD playing echoed around the car. The silence was quite comfortable. Neither felt a huge need to speak, just knowing the other was there if they did want to speak made it all worthwhile. When they arrived back at the apartment they walked up to the elevator holding hands, neither speaking. As the doors opened they briefly dropped hands, seeing as no one got out the clutched each other's hands again. They rode to Tony's floor and then walked down to his apartment. As they turned the corner, they saw a body huddled at the door. As they got closer they realised it was a small petite female with blonde hair.

"Britney?" asked JC. The girl looked up and smiled sadly.

"Hi Josh." She said quietly.

"Brit? Are you okay?"

"Not really."

"Is everything okay with you and Curly?" JC asked.

"Not really, he left me." Tony's jaw hit the floor. JC noticed and nudged him in the side. Tony realised and picked it up and turned scarlet red for reacting the way he had.

"Brit, I'd like you to meet Tony, he's my boyfriend." Britney smiled sweetly.

"Hi Tony, it's nice to meet you. I've heard about you from Justin and the guys." Tony nodded and smiled.

"It's nice to meet you too Britney. Sorry about the way I acted, I always thought that you and Justin were just rumours."

"Well that's all they are now." Britney smiled again sadly.

"Why don't we go inside and discuss it?" Suggested Tony pulling the keys from his pockets. Britney stepped away from the door and Tony unlocked it.

As they walked in and sat down on the couch JC looked at Brit.

"Okay Brit, what has he done?"

"I flew in to surprise him. When I appeared he was really pissed off and told me that I shouldn't have. He more or less told me that there was someone else." Both Tony and JC looked at each other.

"Someone else?" JC asked quietly, but angrily.

"Josh, settle down. Did he actually say it?" Tony asked Britney. She shook her head.

"He just said he's moved on from our relationship. I know it's hard seeing as we're both on the road and usually in two different states but I loved him so much." JC's face darkened at the news. He got up and walked off. Tony stood to follow only to have JC turn.

"Tone, I just need time to think." Tony nodded and went and sat down next to Britney as he heard the front door open and then close again. He put his arm around her shoulders.

"Are you coping okay?" Britney burst out laughing. Tony looked confused.

"What have I done?" He asked.

"Well, it's just that I'm sitting here a stranger to you, your boyfriend just bit your head off for no reason then walked out the front door, and here you are comforting me and asking if I'm okay." Tony smiled.

"That's what friends or soon-to-be friends do for each other." He told the young girl.

"Josh is lucky to have you. You have a good heart, I can tell things like that." Britney told Tony, her honesty shinning in her eyes. Tony blushed slightly then got up to put on a CD. Going through his collection he turned briefly to Britney

"Any requests as to what we listen to?" He asked.

"I don't know, can I have a look and decide?" She asked politely. Tony nodded and stepped back letting her up near his collection. After looking for a moment, Brit selected one and slid it into the player. After waiting for a short time, the song started to play and Tony felt his heart break for the poor girl who was so obviously hurt.

She grew up with

The children of the stars in the

Hollywood Hills and the boulevard

Her parents threw big parties

Everyone was there

The hung out with folks like Dennis Hopper, Bob Seeger,

Sonny and Cher

Now, she feels safe in the bar on fairfax

And from the stage I can tell that

She can't let go and she can't relax

And just before

She hands her head to cry

I sing to her a lullaby, I sing

Everything's gonna be all right

Rockabye, rockabye

She still lives with her mom

Outside the city

Down that street about half a mile

And all her friends tell her

She's so pretty

But she'd be a whole lot prettier

If she smiled once in a while

'Cause even her smile looks like a frown

She's seen her share of devils

In this angel town

But, eveything's gonna be all right

Rockabye, rockabye

I told her I ain't so sure

About this place

It's hard to play a gig in this town

And keep a straight face

Seems like everyone here's got a plan

It's kind of like Nashville with a tan

But, eveything's gonna be all right

Rockabye, rockabye

But, eveything's gonna be all right

Rockabye, rockabye

Wrapping his arms around Britney, Tony let her put his head on his shoulder and cry, letting it all out.

'Justin, you have a lot to answer for.' He thought to himself.

Britney soon cried herself to sleep and Tony lay her out on the couch and went and got a blanket and pulled it up over her. Finding himself quite tired as well he went to the bedroom to get some sleep. As he undressed he realised JC hadn't gotten back yet. Pulling on some fresh boxers he walked out onto the balcony with his guitar. Sitting down he decided to play and wait until JC got home. After playing a few cords he settled down and started to play a tune that was seemingly very apt as he was just 'hang'ing around waiting for his boyfriend.

She grabs her magazine

She packs her things and she goes

She leaves pictures hanging on the wall

She burns all her notes and she knows

She's been here too few year to feel this old

He smokes his cigarette

He stays outside 'til it's gone

If anybody ever really had a heart

He wouldn't be alone

He knows she's been here too few years

To be gone

And we always say

It would be good to go away


But if there's nothing there to make things change

If it's the same to you I'll just hang

The trouble understand

Is she got reasons he don't

Funny how he couldn't see it at all

'Til she grabbed her coat

And she goes

She's been here too few years to take it a;; in stride

But still it's much too long

To let hurt go (you let her go)

And we always say

It would be good to go away


But if there's nothing there to make things change

If it's the same to you I'll just hang

The same for you

I'll always hang

Well I always say

It would be good to go away

But if things don't work out like we think

And there's nothing there to ease this ache

But if there's ntohign there to make things change

If it's the same for you I'll just hang

Putting down his guitar, Tony looked out over the lights of the town and quietly reflected on the night, day and week that had just passed. In such a short amount of time he had found a boyfriend who openly admitted to loving him, gotten fired from his teaching position, gotten a recording deal, gotten hired to be a support act for Nsync's tour, recorded his album, met two of the most famous music artists, and was now waiting for his boyfriend to get home. His mind was having trouble getting around it all when he heard the front door being opened. Standing he went inside and to the hall. There in the hall stood JC, he looked like a lost teenager standing there in baggy jeans, his cap pulled down over his eyes, a shirt and a jacket, just standing there. They looked at each other then Tony stepped towards JC and JC towards Tony. Standing basically face to face, they still just watched each other, the silence not uncomfortable but not as comfortable as it had been in the car. Moving with the moment Tony reached out and pulled JC to him, wrapping his arms around JC pulling JC's head down to rest it on his shoulder. Quietly JC started to cry his body shivering in Tony's arms. Tony felt his heart melt and when JC had settled a little, he lifted the head off his shoulder, gently pulled the cap off, looked into JC's eyes and then kissed him. JC's arms crept back around Tony and rested in the small of Tony's back. When they broke apart, JC stepped back and slipped of his shoes then Tony took him by the hand to bedroom. Closing the door, Tony kissed JC again and started to undress him. JC returned the favour, together the fell into bed naked, no sexual contact, just two people in love lying skin to skin and in each other's arms.

The next morning when they awoke, they lay there, again no sexual contact, just two people holding each other. Tony, suddenly remembering Britney broke from JC's grasp who appeared to have remembered her as well. Tony reached down and found some boxers and pulled them on then opened the door and wandered down to where he had left Britney. She was sitting there, awake but not doing anything, just staring off into space. Walking around so he could sit beside her he spoke softly.

"Morning, feeling any better?" Britney looked over at him briefly.

"A little. There's still a lot of hurt but I think I'll cope. Thanks for letting me stay here last night." Tony looked at the girl.

"Don't worry about it. If you ever need a bed, there is one in the spare room that you are welcome to. I mean it... any time, you can have a key and if I'm not here, you can just let yourself in." Britney looked like she could cry.

"Thanks Tony. You're amazing, you've just met me and here you are opening your door to me because I had a break up with one of your friends."

"Well, you're a friend of Josh's so you can't be too bad." Smiled Tony and then leaned over and hugged the girl. After letting her go, Tony leant back and smiled.

"Which reminds me... he's probably gone back to sleep. Care to help me wake him?" A devilish grin flashed across Britney's face.

"I'll get him up. I know the trick... comes of being friends too long." She offered. Tony smiled, guessing JC was in for a fright nodded his consent and Britney flounced off to wake JC.

Tony sat there and glanced out the window, staring in at him was Butterscotch. Walking over he lifted the window and picked the cat up off the ledge.

"What are you up to hey?" He asked the cat scratching it behind the ear. Butterscotch just purred happily in Tony's arms. Sitting down he continued to rub the cats head when he heard a shriek followed by laughter from the bedroom. Looking down he realised that the cat was still in his arms so it had to be something else, then Tony realised he had again forgotten Britney was staying with them. Standing up, cat still in his arms, he wandered down to the bedroom to find JC lying on the bed, a look of mortification on his face and Britney staddling him laughing so hard she almost fell off the bed.

"Tone, she's being mean to me." Whined JC. Setting the cat down he walked over and lifted Britney off JC.

"I should have known what you meant when you said you'd 'get him up'." Tony said trying hard not to laugh.

"You mean you knew about this?" Groused JC in mock anger.

"I thought she was just going to tip water over you or something, I didn't know that she'd try and rape you." Tony offered. Britney grabbed Tony's arm and tried to hold herself up from laughing so hard. Taking her by the hand, Tony led her from the room so JC could at least get some boxers on, his state of dress, or at least lack there of, was evident beneath the thin sheets.

As the pair walked out of the room, Tony heard JC yelp again and looked down, saw the blonde next to him and realised where he had left the cat. Walking back in the bedroom he saw JC holding the cat at arms length and a flaming red claw mark on his chest. Tony walked up and took the cat from JC, both calming almost immedeatly. Tony leant in and kissed JC lightly on the lips then walked out of the room and walked to the balcony. Putting the cat down he then went back inside and slid the door shut. Butterscotch sat and looked in at Tony with big innocent eyes.

"Not until you can be nice to Josh." Tony told the cat.

Walking back into the bedroom Tony saw JC sitting on the bed his head in his hands. Sitting down next to him Tony hugged him.

"What's wrong?" He asked JC.

"I don't know. I'm just tired of that cat. I mean I haven't done anything wrong but I'm the worst person. I can't do anything right. It doesn't attack Justin or Britney. It's nice to them but it seems to have it out for me." JC hung his head. "I guess that sounds childish doesn't it."

"No it doesn't. I don't know what I can do. Butterscotch is used to having me to himself. It's been four years since he last had to share me. I haven't even had one night stands since then. Pretty bad huh." JC just shook his head.

"Four years is a long time Tony. Can you tell me why it was so long?" Tony looked down at the floor then back up at JC.

"Okay you'll have to bear with me. Some of this is painful."

"That's okay. If you don't want to tell me you don't have to." JC offered.

"No it's about time you knew." Tony conceeded. JC raised his eyebrows. Tony just shook his head.

"No it's nothing like that. It's just a long story and can explain part of Butterscotch's behaviour." JC nodded. Tony took a deep breath.

"When I was 19, just starting college to do my teaching degree, I moved into a flat nearby and met Matthew. He was my room mate. It was interesting to say the least. He would always have these girls over, I always assumed they were girlfriends, never fully realising he was gay until one night I came home from being out at the clubs. I came home and found him and his conquest of the night at home on the couch. I walked in and got the shock of my life. He was totally embaressed. The guy, whoever he was tripped all over his own dick with embaressment. Anyways, the guy left and Matthew sat down and talked to me. In the end it came out that he always had the girls over because he thought that if he had guys I would get suspicious and then move out. It was then my turn to tell him that I was gay. This was great according to him. We could get start to see each other. We could then move me into his room and then rent out my room. I declined for a while but he kept at it. He eventually won me over by buying me Butterscotch. Then when I moved into his room we rented out my old room. The guy who he let move in without consulting me was Steve, another gay guy. Anyways, Matthew started to drink and then come home and I would try and calm him, he was an aggressive drunk. He hit me until I passed out, then he kept going. It took Steve to come and stop him. I went back to him because I thought that I loved him, more fool me huh. From then on Matthew just kept on hitting me whenever the mood struck then he would hit the drink then come home and hit me if he couldn't find me he would hit Butterscotch, I would hide her and then he would beat me even more. That's why Butterscotch isn't overtly fond of other men in my life. Not exactly fun. Eventually Steve told Caleb and Sarah after about a year and a half and they got me out of it. They got me out just after my 20th birthday and when I moved out so did Steve. We both moved in with Brendon, a close friend of mine. He's the one who died. Steve did his best to comfort and support me. I did eventually get better, and ended up moving into Steve's room. Then Steve turned around and slept with Brendon one night while I was out. I came home and walked in on them. I don't blame Brendon, he was drunk and it was Steve that made the first move. I was hurt because he was the second boyfriend I had ever had so I figured I had a bad record, my first boyfriend beat me, the second cheated so I gave up on love, I figured it wasn't worth it so I was single for four years." Tony finished. JC sat there, not sure what to make of it all. In the end he leant over and hugged Tony.

"Well I can assure you, I'm not going to ever hit you like that. Ever. I mean it." Tony kissed JC and leant his head down on JC's shoulder.

"That was one of the hardest things I've ever had to do." Tony confessed. JC wrapped his arms around Tony and held him close letting him go and looking at him.

"I love you baby. I'm never going to hurt you." Tony nodded.

"I know. I love you too."

After having his deep and meaningful with JC, stood up and headed out towards the living area. Before he reached the door JC called out.

"Tony... thanks for telling me." Tony smiled and nodded then kept walking. Reaching the couch again, Tony found Britney still there. She was leafing through his CDs. When she realised he was there she stood and turned holding up his 'Everlast' CD.

"Can you play any of these songs?" She asked.

"Most of them. I have the cords book somewhere." Tony told her.

"Well, you'll be going to rehearsals with Josh today won't you?"

"Probably... would you like to come?"

"I would and I wanted to know... could you play 'What It's Like' for me. I want to sing it to Justin."

"Are you sure Brit. You're not just hurting yourself more are you?"

"No, this is my way of venting. Singing, I have a gift... why not use it?"

"Alright, can I suggest you talk to Josh about it though? See what he thinks."

"Okay. I will, if you go shower, I'll talk to him. Then we can head off to the shed." Tony nodded and went to his room to get some clothes.

"Josh, Brit has an idea she wants to talk to you about. It concerns her and Juz. I told her to talk to you about it first." Tony advised. JC nodded and pulled on some boxers and walked over to where Britney was. Walking into the bathroom Tony showered, shaved and dressed then re-emerged feeling much better. Walking into the living area Tony found JC and Brit talking. JC looked up at Tony.

"Her plan is fine with me... in the end it's up to you because you're the one on guitar." Tony nodded and thought for a moment.

"I'll do it, but you will need to make it clear I'm doing this as a friend nothing else." Britney nodded.

"I will don't worry." Tony nodded his assent to the plan and then felt his stomach growl.

"Well, I'm kinda hungry now... what's say we go to the coffee shop near the shed for breakfast... my shout."

"You are not paying. I've been a guest too long." JC told Tony.

"You're being nice to me, my shout." Britney threw in. JC and Britney glared at each other. Tony stepped in between them.

"Okay well how about we sort this once we've eaten." The others nodded reluctantly. As Tony found his 'Everlast' notes book and grabbed his guitar, he could hear the other two squabbling softly over who would pay. Groaning to himself he walked out and then grabbed his wallet and JC's car keys. Walking by them he nodded his head the door and through the apartment keys to JC. Waiting by the elevator he turned and saw JC and Britney walking out arguing over who would pay the bill again. Shaking his head he turned as the doors opened. As the other two caught up they stopped the arguing and smiled sweetly as each other.

"I think that's more scary then you two fighting." Commented Tony who got elbowed from both sides.

Piling all the stuff into the car Tony climbed into the driver's side.

"Who said you're driving?" Asked JC.

"I did, so if either of you starts to argue, I'm stopping and letting you out to walk." Brit and JC looked at each other then at Tony and nodded. Smiling at his victory, he started the car and pulled out of the lot. Arriving a short time later at the coffee shop they all climbed out and walked in and placed their orders then found a booth that was out of the way.

"So do you think you're plan will work Brit?" Tony asked her. She shrugged in reply.

"I don't know. I hope it does. I pray it does."

"Does the song suit your voice?" Asked JC suddenly.

"You tell me." Britney quickly sang part of the song leaving the other two amazed.

"I never knew you had so much vocal range." Tony admitted.

"One of my hidden assets."

"Speaking of assets, two of them are showing." JC commented and Britney looked down. Her breasts were just about popping out of the top of her tiny shirt that looked like it would be better suited for a five year old.

"I know, that's the way I want it." She admitted as the food was delivered. The waitress looked at JC questioningly.

"Yes I am. Please don't say anything, I'll sign anything." JC told her. She smiled and pulled out a piece of paper.

"What's your name?" JC asked.

"Nicki. Wow, I can't believe I served JC and Britney Spears." Tony sat there trying hard not to laugh as the girl giggled on about her brush with fame. Britney then took the paper and signed it as well. Pushing the paper back at the girl she held her finger to her lips. Nicki nodded and put the bill down on the table. It was ignored until the three had finished eating.

"Well, I'm going to pay." Tony said rising to his feet.

"Not likely." Said Britney and JC together. Once more the arguement over who would pay fired up again.

"He's my boyfriend."

"He's my friend."

"I've slept with him."

"I fell asleep crying on his shoulder."

"I've recorded a song with him."

"He's helping me by playing a song."

"I love him."

"You got me there." JC sat back triumphant. Meanwhile, during the fight Tony had stood up walked over and paid. Bringing back the receipt he looked at the other two.

"Ready to go?" Both Britney and JC gave him dirty looks.

"You weren't meant to pay."

"Well I have so get over it and come on." Tony told the pair and walked out. Several moments later they both appeared in the car still not happy with Tony. Sighing Tony pressed play on the CD player, reversed out of the lot and drove to the shed.

As they pulled into the lot the others were all there. When Britney climbed out of the car Chris, Joey and Lance raced over to see her. Only Justin stood back. Tony looked over and saw his friend had a troubled look on his face. Grabbing his guitar and cords book he walked over to Justin and grabbed him by the arm dragging him inside the shed.

"Okay Juz, spill, what's bothering you?"

"Why is Britney here?"

"She wanted to come to rehearsals. Don't let it get to you, just treat it as though nothing has happened, just pretend Natasha is here and not Britney."

"It'll be hard."

"I know it will Juz. Wanna tell me what's going on?" Tony asked quietly.

"Well, I don't know... it's kinda hard."

"That's why I'm here. I'm a friend Juz." Justin looked into Tony's eyes and was about to speak when the others all walked in. Justin instantly clammed up. Making a mental note to get all the details later Tony let the topic drop. Britney walked over.

"Hi Justin." She smiled. Justin tried to smile back but couldn't quite do it. Tony looked at Britney and saw pain on the edges of her pretty face.

"Tony, you ready?" She asked Tony just nodded and got a curious look from the others. Tony just nodded and as he started to tune his guitar Britney walked up to him and spoke softly.

"Can you harmonize for me. I've already arranged for Josh to. Could you as well please?" Tony just nodded and got ready playing a few cords. Soon he was into the intro and waiting for Britney to start, the other four looking on, JC standing by Tony's side. Soon Britney started to sing.

We've all seen the man at the paper store

Begging for some change

He asks the man for a quater to spare

With shame in his eyes

Get a job you fucking slob

Is all her replies

Gotta bet he never had to walk a mile in his shoes

Because then you really wonder what it's like

To sing the blues

Then you wonder what it's like

(What it's like)

Then you wonder what it's like

(What it's like)

Then you wonder what it's like

(What it's like)

Then you wonder what it's like

Mary got pregnant from a kid named Tom

Who said he was in love

Said don't worry about a think baby

'Coz I'm the man you've been dreaming of

But three months later he says he won't date

Or return her call

And she swears God-damn

I find a man 'cause all is fucked

And she asks for the twenty gauge

So pimp daddy won't get through the door

And the call her a killer, and the call her a sinner

And the call her a whore

Gotta bet they never had to walk a mile in her shoes

Because then they might really know what it's like to choose

Then you wonder what it's like

(What it's like)

Then you wonder what it's like

(What it's like)

Then you wonder what it's like

(What it's like)

Then you wonder what it's like

Seen a rich man bed

Seen a good man sin

Seen a tough man cry

Seen a loser win and a sad man grin

Heard an honest man lie

Seen the good side of bad

And the down side of up

And everything in between

I licked the silver spoon

Drank from the golden cup

Drank the finest wine

I stole daddy's simes

Just to cover times before they broke daddy's heart

You know where it ends usually depends where you start

I knew this kid names Max

Who used to give fat stacks out on the corner with whore

He like to hang out lady-like with whores

It pays to keep the peace with the thugs

Until late one night he was picking a fight

Then Max lost his head

He pulled out a big gun and talked some shit

And wound up dead

Now his wife and his kids are recording this

To relieve all his pain

YOu know the coppers out where they live

That's what they say when you play the game

Gotta bet you never had to wake up and hear the news

Because then you might really know what it's like to lose

Then you wonder what it's like

(What it's like)

Then you wonder what it's like

(What it's like)

Then you wonder what it's like

(What it's like)

Then you wonder what it's like

Because then you might really know what it's like to lose

Tony finished playing the song and Britney looked over at Justin who had tears welling in his eyes. Tony looked over at JC who put a hand on Tony's shoulder. Feeling guilty about what he had done, he looked over at Justin where tears were starting to trickle down his cheeks. Realising this, Justin got off his seat and walked away hurriedly. This only served to play the guilt Tony was feeling even more. Handing his guitar to JC, Tony got off his seat and chased after Justin. Finding him was easy, Tony just had to listen for the sobs. Walking into a back room where Justin was he spoke softly.


"What, haven't you done enough? Just leave me alone."

"I'm sorry. I didn't know how much it would affect you. I'm really sorry."

"Yeah well the damage is done now isn't it."

"Justin, can't you just tell me what's going on?"

"And have you run to Britney, you've obviously been planning it."

"No we haven't. She asked me to play it and I agreed."

"Close enough." Justin turned around, tears still streaming down his face. He looked so much like the little boy who had appeared on Mickey Mouse Club all those many years ago.

"Why did you do this to me Tony? Why? I thought you were my friend." Justin pleaded. Tony felt a lump rising in his throat. He stepped towards Justin and held out his hand. Justin carefully took it. Grabbing his hand Tony pulled Justin close and held him, offering a shoulder for Justin to cry on. Justin's tears flowing with a great force. Tony stood there holding him as a father would a small child.

Eventually Justin's tears subsided.

"Thank you." Came Justin's muffled voice from Tony's shoulder. Letting go of Justin a little Tony stepped back.

"Think you can tell me what's going on now?"

"It's so hard Tony. I don't know if you'd like it either."

"What is it Juz? I'll do my best to help, but I've got to know how to help first." Justin swallowed and nodded.

"When Britney and I first started to go out, well it was because of, I don't know, I never really felt anything for her, she is my best friend and I didn't see her in that way. I wanted to but I couldn't."

"So you didn't love her... where's the problem?" Asked Tony confused.

"The problem was, I didn't love her... I loved another friend. I loved Josh." Justin admitted. Tony took a moment and took a breath.

"So you're gay?"

"Yes, no, maybe I don't know. Don't you hate me for loving Josh?" Tony shook his head.

"You can't control emotions Justin. I'm not angry."

"The other problem is, I knew I couldn't see Josh, I didn't love Britney so I started to see someone... a guy. Britney almost caught us too."

"Well, what's his name?" Asked Tony.

"Steve. He's a really nice guy. Said he knew a few people up this way"

"Okay, well do we get to meet him?" Asked Tony.

"Yeah he's coming around soon I think. If it's like nearly 11 he should be here." Tony looked at his watch and nodded.

"It is. Let's go see your man." Smiling Tony and Justin walked out. Meeting up with all the others outside they all started to talk, Tony facing away from the door. Next thing they heard was a familiar voice to Tony.

"Tony... what a pleasant surprise this is." Tony's face visibly paled and then hardened.

"Hello Steve."

--- Well.... trust Justin to pick an asshole to go out with ... maybe, maybe not... reckon he's changed? Wait and find out. Thanks to all readers who have been patient with me and slow postings. I hope you have all had happy holidays and have a safe and happy New Year.

  1. Lullaby - Shawn Mullins 2) Hang - Matchbox Twenty 3) What it's Like - Everlast (I love this song)

Well that's it for now... feedback to -= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com =- Keep safe. SC.

Next: Chapter 12

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