Jc Dreams

By Sun Child

Published on Jan 16, 2001


Hey guys... yes I'm back... didn't take so long this time did I.

WARNING: If you are underaged please leave. Okay you all know that I don't know Nsync or their sexuality just like you all know that any songs used will be mentioned at the bottom, you touch one of my poems though and I will be ROYALLY pissed.

Okay, reads I recommend:

Garden of Song - (boy bands) I'm biased because it's my story

Yesterday's Child - (high school) Again it's my story so I'm biased.

Jamie's Romance - (boy bands) can't say anything against this story because I love it so much

My Bodyguard - (high school) this is a great, heart warming story.

Reap the Whirlwind - (college) A spin-off of 'Bleeding Hearts' (which is a great read in itself) which I am loving.

Brandis Redemption - (celebrity) Jon Brandis has been out of sight for so long, but this story makes up for it.

Thanks (again) to Casey for his continuous support and suggestions. Others can give suggestions and so on on the usual address of

-= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com =-

So I'll stop talking now and let you read.

Here we go:

JC Dreams 12 by Sun Child

"Hello Steve." Tony said stonily. At the mention of Steve's name, JC's head jerked up and caught Tony's expression. Tony just nodded slightly. JC moved away from he seat he was sitting on and sat down next to Tony and placed his hand lightly on Tony's arm. Tony calmed visibly at the warmth and sincerity of JC's touch. JC felt Tony soften and leant over.

"What's he doing here? I take it that's the Steve who used to go out with."

"Yeah it is, Juz has just started seeing him."

"Do you want me to say something to Justin?"

"No, I will at a more opportune time." JC turned and looked at Tony.

"You sure. It was hard enough for you to tell me and we're going out."

"No, second time around is always easier." Tony smiled and JC and leant across and kissed him lightly. JC nodded uneasily but didn't say anymore.

A few moments later Fatima walked into the room.

"Britney, what a pleasant surprise. Strange man talking to Justin... another surprise. Okay, closed rehearsal to public, I'm sorry you'll have to leave." Steve turned to face Fatima.

"But I'm not public. I'm here with someone."

"That's lovely fella, but I mean, performers only... you aren't performing on this tour so take a hike." Steve shrugged turned back to Justin, said something then walked over to the door and appeared to be waiting for something. Fatima turned again and looked at him.

"Which part of leave don't you understand?"

"I was waiting for Tony. He's an old friend... we have some catching up to do." At this comment Tony turned on his heel and glared at Steve.

"Catch up on what? How I was a door matt and how you treated me? The 'good old days'. Sorry ain't gonna happen. I've got rehearsals."

"Since when you been a muso or are you the new Bozo the Clown?" Steve threw back. Tony walked over to Steve and lifted him up by the shirt as he had done to Justin earlier in the week and pinned him against the wall.

"Why don't you just crawl back into whatever crack in the wall you crawled out of and die." At that Justin stepped up to Tony and glared at him.

"Touch Steve and eat through a straw for the rest of your life." Looking at Justin, not wanting to start a fight with him, let go of Steve and half threw him away. Steve steadied himself, dusted himself off and stalked off. Meanwhile, Tony turned on heel grabbed his guitar and threw it in it's case and started towards the door. JC moved to intercept him and caught him at the door, the others still all in ear-shot.

"Tone, do you want to talk?" JC spoke in a hushed voice.

"Not at the moment Josh." Tony snapped back.

"Don't let him get to you sweetie."

"JC, just drop it." JC took a few steps back, it was the first time that Tony hadn't called him Josh. To JC it felt like he had been slapped across the face by Tony.

"Tony, he was and is your past, acknowledge it and forget it." Suggested JC.

"JC, get fucked. I'm gone. I'll see you at home later." Tony snapped again as he turned and walked out the door. JC felt himself breaking up, tears forming in his eyes. Not knowing which way to turn. Fatima, who had being watching the entire proceeding looked at the group.

"Never before have I seen a more pathetic excuse for friendship. You maybe Nsync the band but you are far from in sync with each other's feelings. Justin, you never needed to fly at Tony like that. There is obviously a past that is between them whether good or bad is none of my business. Now look at what your temper, yet again, has done. If JC and Tony should break up, not only is it the end of their relationship, it could very well be the end of this band and your friendship. JC, let me remind you, should someone have threatened Tony, you would have jumped to protect him in the same way. If a person from your past, like Steve, were to re-appear you would be fumming too and expect Tony to stay his distance. I know you love Tony and that you were worried about him, but everyone needs time and space. As for the other three of you. You are not without blame either, you should NOT have stood by and watch what happened. You should have either moved Tony away from Steve or held JC back when Tony was leaving. You all need to think about each other and not just yourselves. JC, go after Tony and try to save your relationship. Justin, go with him. God knows that you two are the closest of this band, JC don't push Justin away, you will need his support when facing Tony. Now all of you, when it has calmed a little get all together and learn how to know each other's feelings. Be Nsync the band... but also be Nsync with each other. Rehearsals over." With that Fatima glared at the band and they all started to move. JC and Justin looked at each other, neither wanting to make the first move. Fatima walked over to them.

"Justin, you had problems with Tony straight away. He forgave you, how about you forgive him? Isn't that fair? JC, you have all the love in the world for Tony, how about showing that and returning it? Isn't that a relationship and what it's based on?" Both of them nodded dumbly. Fatima stepped up and hugged them both.

"You are both my children in some weird, twisted way. Don't disappoint me you two." With that, she let them go and watched. Justin and JC both looked at each other then Justin opened his arms a little to JC who stepped in and held him close. Steve walked in, just in time to see JC hug Justin.

"YOU LITTLE WHORE!" Steve yelled at Justin. JC released Justin and turned to face Steve, his face creased with anger.

"Like you can talk. He's not the one who let Tony love him then cheat on him is he?" JC threw at him.

"So I made a mistake, it wasn't my fault Tony fell in love anyways. We had fun together." Steve spat.

"You still cheated on him... that's inexcusable. He never did that to you. Why should you do that to him?" JC flew back at him.

"Why don't you fuckin' mind your own business. My past doesn't involve you."

"No but Tony's does. You hurt him so you hurt me." JC spat.

"Look, I don't care. Justin are you coming with me or not?"

"No, I'm going to see Tony for a while." Justin told him quietly.

"Fine, just call me when and where you want to be picked up." Steve said angrily. With that he turned and stalked off. Justin looked at JC.

"He cheated on Tony? What happened." JC sat and relayed the story of what happened with Tony and Steve. Justin looked a little shocked at the end of it all (if you can't remember the full story of it, go look in the last chapter).

"Well, let's go talk to Tony. See what we can work out huh." Justin said, putting hishand on JC's shoulder. JC looked at him.

"You bet Stin." Justin looked at JC.

"You haven't called me that in years."

"Well, I don't know... I didn't even realise I had said it."

"It's cool. I was actually hurt when you stopped calling me that. I like it when you call me that. Call me that again?" Justin asked. JC nodded.

"Always Stin." With that he hugged then motioned for the door.

"Let's go see Tony." JC smiled and started to walk.

As JC and Justin's taxi pulled into the car lot at Tony's apartment, JC payed then climbed out and looked at Justin.

"Thanks for coming with me Stin."

"No problems JC. You know I am here for you." Justin told him and looked towards the building.

"Let's go see your boyfriend." JC smiled and led the way.

Soon both were standing at the door to Tony's apartment. JC took a deep breath and turned the door knob, finding the door locked, he fished around in his pocket and pulled out his keys, putting the key into the lock and unlocking the door, he opened the door and they both walked in. JC was greeted by the sight of Tony, passed out on the floor. Next to him sat an empty bottle of rum and empty bottle of pills. Flying to his side, JC knelt down beside him and felt his pulse.

"Tony please no." JC breathed. Looking up at Justin who stood there frozen.

"Call 911 and get an ambulance." JC yelled at him. JC yelling at him snapped Justin back to reality. Justin then raced to the phone. JC looked back down at Tony and then rolled him onto his side and tried to clear out his mouth. Rolling him back onto his back, he tilted Tony's head back and tried to give him the breath of life. Then remembering that the pulse was gone, he worked out the right point to give him CPR. Justin came back, still shakey and watched, JC looked up.

"Get here and try EAR. You do remember how to don't you?" Justin nodded dumbly but stayed where he was.

"Stin! Move it will you!" JC yelled at him again. Justin moved forward and knelt down over Tony and got in position to do EAR. The pair kept trying to get Tony back for 10 minutes when the paramedics arrived. They rushed into where the two boys were trying to save Tony and took over.

"How long has he been this way?" One of them asked JC.

"I don't know.. he was like this when we got here." Justin said as he watched JC breaking up, seeing Tony there, prone and not moving. The paramedics did everything they could. Tony coughed a little and started to breathe. The paramedics moved quickly and got him onto a stretcher. Wheeling him out of the apartment JC following close behind. JC went to join Tony in the back of the ambulance when one of the paramedics stopped him.

"Sorry sir, you can't ride in here."

"Please, that's my best friend you have in there."

"Sorry sir, you can't ride."

"Please, let me ride with my boyfriend. He means more than me to anything. He's my soulmate." JC pleaded, almost in tears. The paramedic eyed him then motioned.

"Okay get in." As soon as JC had climbed in the door was closed and the ambulance set off, lights and sirens going. The entire time JC sat next to Tony, holding his hand while the paramedic stayed busy making sure he remained stable. Pulling into the hospital, they were greeted by a team of ER. Rushing Tony to the ER, JC was forced to stay behind. Sitting down, JC felt tears falling. Soon a doctor walked out.

"Mr Chasez, I was wanting to talk to you about Mr Scott. Can you come with me to my office please." JC felt a lump rise in his throat as his body convulsed with fear.

--- Cliff hanger time. Thanks for reading though. Feedback -= heartmindsoulau@yahoo.com =- Keep cool. SC.

Next: Chapter 13

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